m i 1ID OLOUD, Hi Bit ASK A, OHIEr e Geo. Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a & V 1 AlKwwMlK if CREAM SEPARATOR Users of Dc Laval Cream Separators have carried away every first prize awarded at conventions of the National Creamery Buttermakers' Association during the last twenty-five years. The record is unbroken. That ought to be proof enough that cream separated by the Dc Laval is superior to any other. The reason is that Dc Laval bowl design, together with low speed, enable the delivery of butter-fat globules unbroken in their natural condition. The NEW Dc Laval is the "blue-ribbon" separator. You can buy a NEW Do Loyal from u on liberal termi. Como In and look It otrr and too bow ll.o Dell Speed-lndicator world. 11 House Dresses Uoust Drtsses andJlpron. TBABE MARK ,4m '"V Yawl ill ;? pra. Bar to Pharesy Open Day and Night DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope n rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. NebrnnkB. PUBLISHED EVERY THUKUDAY entered In tlio I'oHtotl.ce nt lied loud, Nob Ks Hccond Clung Matter A. Ii .McARTHUR, P.dltor mid Ownor Tftlfi ONIV DEMOCRATIC PAI'Ell IN WKIiSTKK COUNTY Farm Improvements Will Aid in Readjustment Farm products have u greater pur chasing power today than ever be fore in the countiy's history. This may explain why rural districts of the country rapidly are getting un der way with building and construc tion woik. It is obvious, since build ing and construction work have such an important bearing at this time on stimulating general business, the farmer may servo both his own and the-national interest by at once mak ing needed improvements on his property. He can further the general welfare, while assuring himself of immediate and permanent benefits, in urging load construction and improve ments in his locality. It is gcncially understood no material reduction may be uxpected in building and construction costs in the near future. To be sure, prices on some materials may be slightly re duced in the readjustment, but the best authorities on the subject assert no pronounced reductions arc prob able. This is explained by money con ditions, the foreign demand, and the marked curtailment of production of building materials during the war. Prof. Fisher of Yale University has issued a statement in which he says the couuntry is on a new price level fiom which there will be no goncial recession. Many farmers have been unable to got materials and labor for bams, silos, houses and other improcements during the war. The farmer who at once avails oi me muor supply and nets his improvement woik under way, in the long run, may prove to be the prudent business man, for there is reason to believe that farmers who delay in the hope of materially reduced construction costs will have been deprived of the use of these im provement and in the cn,d be forced to pay approximately the building prices' now prevailing. In several states, among them Missouri, Oregon and Colorado, so building campaigns arc being carried on by the Agriculture colleges. In Wisconsin there is a milk house cam paign being vigorously prosecuted in the dairy districts, while in Illinois' industrial process to await some fu ture readjustment of wages and prices of staples. So far ns public improve ments arc concerned, they Fhould be resumed at once. It is better tjiat the public should nbsoib the increased cost, if any should hereafter appear, thun that general unemployment and consequent disaster and social dis order should follow. "We believe also that the promoters of private constitution and business enlargement should take heart of courage and should believe in the im mediate lcsumption of business pros perity in the United States. There is no place in the American scheme of things for the pessimist or the doub ter. Our country today leads the world in prosperity. It can lose its leadership only byAjts own faint heartedness. We especially deprecate any concerted holding back of con struction and business lcsumption, for the purpose of forcing a reduction in wages or cost of material. "Both as a means of stimulating the resumption of industry and removing the shadow of unemployment from the working people and also servo the broader and more permanent purpose of supplementing the railroad lines and to develop the inland and fami commerce of the country, the work of constructing good roads should bo promptly carried on by cooperation of the Federal and State Governors and local communities." In the recent Confoience of Gover nors and Mayors in Washington and local communities." In the recent Confeience of Gover nors and Mayors in Washington, it was appaicnt that these executives wcie disposed to go in for extensive road and public improvementts cam paigns in their respective districts. These can be made a success only when they are supported by the 'cit izens. For this reason, the farmer, as well as the city dweller, who under stands how importantly building and construction woik now is affecting gencial business conditions will back 1 up his local officials in every reason I able campaign for road building and public woiks of a ncccssaiy sort. Farm Bureau Notes ANNUAL MEETING WEDSTER COUNTY FARM BUREAU, SAT URDAY, APRIL 12, IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE COURTHOUSE. WHATJS THE, FARM BUREAU? The Farm Bureau is an Institution devoted entirely to farm problems. It ft composed of, and managed by far mers. Membership in the Farm Bu- c: au is open to any farmer who wish- farmers are being urged to'build fce- enroll and' is willing to take art in the Farm Bureau affairs. There are no membership fees. Any institution, to accomplish the best results, must have an organiza tion. The Farm Bureau now has a very complete system. FARM BUREAU DIRECTORS The Webster County Farm Bureau has one director representing each of the seven towns of the county. This director is nominated by the farm ing '.floors; Other campaigns for fa'rrh improvements are on in Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, South Dakota, Kentucky, Ohio and in localities in Texas and Iowa. While "many of these aro being conducted by building inter ests, the Division of Public Works and Construction Development of the U. S. Department of Labor is inter ested in seeing them successfully carried out because the Division real izes such activities on the farms arc, era tributary to their town and elect bound to have a beneficial effect on'cd by the county at largo. The Di general business conditions. rectors select their President, Vice- The farmers of the country should president and Secretary from their hni :in unusual interont in road build- number. If. fanning is to present profitable Each LOCAL LEADERS Farmers' Union Organization, ing at this lime continue on its level, there must bo no business "" communities not Having a 1- arm stagnation in the countiy and the vast lers' Union, but is designated as a road building projects in the various community center, has a Local Lead States are destined to exert a pro- or. This Local Leader is appointed found influence in keeping "business b' thc Farm Bureau Board and com as usual" or "bettor than usual." Road missioncu us u cniei co-opuiuiur by BiMiHiiinai Service Sunday. at the A (rv!1i3 T3 f- nrisoait umroi t building creates a demand for mater ials and absorbs labor, and the labor probdlem is a serious one at present and will continue serious until Amer ica industries have readjusted them selves to peace production on a scale to meet the augmented demand of America .and Europotp , trf ,rf, . The Trans-Mississippi iReatjjust- ment Congress, hcldin Omaha, Nebr., late in February, summarized tho" present situation in the following language: "We do not favor a pause in tho AN (IP-BUILDING FORCE Regardless of climate or environment, Nature exacts her toll of wear and tear on the system and there is frequent need for an effectual aid to restore strength and vitality. Health Economy WW.- Before you place you place your order for your new Heating Plant give the matter careful thought. House heating is no longer a -matter of guess work, or an experi ment. It has become a science. Our space in The Chief for the next few weeks will be devoted to a discussion of the latest notable achievement in the science of house-heating and its relation to tho health of the home. No heating system is good enough unless it is "RIGHT". It is something your family must live with. No other single effort means as much to your household, Our great est struggle is against ill-health. It is expensive. It stands in the way of happiness and prosperity. Fresh air is cheap after you have the system installed. Study the points of FarQuar Sanitary Heating System. The worst gas poision in the house comes from the fire. It is a product of combustion, being one of the oxides of carbon. It is known by various names "Carbon Mon oxide," "Carbonic Oxide," "Carbonic Anhydride, etc. You are unconscious of its undermining influence in your body until the haim is done some weakened parts gives way and you "go to pieces". Cast iron is porous and will not prevent the escape of this penetrating gas. The intense heat keeps the pores al ways open. FarQuar fire boxes are made of metal that does not per mit this gas to escape. The FarQuar fire box is welded at the seams. It is imperforate. It has self-closing doors and drafts for protection against reckless management Step in and let us tell you more about the "superior points" of the FarQuar Sanitary Heating System. B.W.STBVBNS Plumbing- Heating Everything Electrical MOVED! ." !. We are now located on Main .Street in the Kobnfz Building and are I, In . Better Prepared than Ever to handle your Cream and Produce: " You can Store' your car in our Building for 10 cts. .'' We carry a line of Gasoline and Oils. Salt and Posts ordered in Carload lots Those who have not received their dividends for last year's business can now receive them. Farmers' Union Co-operative Ass'n. (INCORPORATED.) JSCOTTS t & R The Revival closes for a short time to allow the church to aid in caring for the patients. If you are not afraid of the flu come to the Sunday service. Don't neglect the sick. The Revival Campaign will continue as soon as health conditions warrant. J. L. BEEBE, Pastor. Eimffli trains a systemic slrenglUencr, freo from alcohol, nourishes and replenishes the neds cf the body naturally. Scott's may pt be used daily, in any $$. climate, with beneht and W strength to the body. Take Scott's Emulsion it buildsup the body. 8cott&Bovrac.JJlootnGeld,N.J,. 18-U the Department of Agriculture. SCHOOL DISTRICT CO OPERATORS In each school district there is a School District Co-operator. He is selected by the Farm Bureau Board and is commissioned by the Governor. Every, part, of .the, county Jsino this way wen represented ana no larmer need go far to get in touch with the Farm Bureau. THE COUNTY AGENT The County Agent is hired by the Board of Directors of the Farm Bu reau. This board also directs his work. The County Agent gives his time looking after the interests of the farmers in the county. His work is to help them in solving their prob lems, bring to them the best experi ences of other farmers and also, tho results of investigations and experi ments carried on by tho Experiment Stations and the Department of Ag riculture. FARM BUREAU SUPPORT The Farm Bureau has the combined jsuport of the Federal Government, tho state and tho county. It is recog nized as an effective means of im proving the agriculture of our coun try. There aro 2.M00 county agents in tho United States representing 80 per cent ot tlie Agricultural counties. THE SUCCESS OF FARM BU REAU WORK IN ANY COUNTY DEPENDS UPON TWP THINGS: FIRST, THE ABILITY AND FAITH FULLNESS OF THE COUNTY AGENT. SECOND, THE SUPPORT GIVEN TO THE WORK BY THE FARMERS OF THE COUNTY, WITHOUT THIS SUPPORT THE jjiti laiiiiHimM iiiiMimwiiiiiiiiiiiiia Hastings Pop and Soda Water Reduced in s I J..fT- -V B g In view of the high cost of materials and products the Hastings Bottling Works have announced a decrease in price, per cas. of tbelr product. This month the Western Bottling Works resumed their manu facture of Pop. They closed last full owing to sugar shortage, preferring to close their plant rather than use substitutes in the manufacture of their product. This week they put their product out to the trade at 75 cents per ens, making it possible for the dealers to ajraln resume the sale of u cent Pop. During the time they were closed Pop retailed nt 8 cents per bottle. Two days following the reopening of the Western Bottling Works, manufacturers of Kohl Pop, the Hastings Bottling Works announced a priec of 70 cents per case. The Hustings Bottling Works did not close during the sngnr crisis but continued to ninnurnuturo their product and placed it on tho ninrket, to retailors in Hastings, nt 1)0 cents per case, prohibiting the standard populnr retnll price of 5 rents per bottlu, HastingSmtho Pop Centre Offers Not Cheaper Pop J BUT Pop at a Cheaper Price g DONT PAY MORE Tl IAN 5c PER BOTTLE FOR POP s tMII!lll!Hro!M MOST CAPABLE COUNTY AGENT August to take tho place of tho nn- WILL FAIL. mini social meeting. This excursion HENRY. R. FAUSCH, will last a week and will start from County Agricultural Agent Omaha, with Goring as tho objectivo point. Tho Nebraska Press Association is .n- . planning a tour of western Nebraska Standard Milk Alnni r,. ni.. , the latter part of July or first of poultry at Cotting's. i t V - Awatit u. . .. I .