T K ,s" u tf nr H wh A'lftfljni JHflW & 'vf? - 4 i u.ttJht am l., -. l , .. , , J i,i ' 'Lu& - i p IniTilt iVimm McsdmneB IU7 ami Earl Harwell went to RusUln for h few day's yiBlt vrth the lator's brothors, Hoy ami Ilgfph Silckuey. Mr.nml Mrs. Geo. .ToiRensnn woro nlciiBiuil callcin at tin Win. Wontlorly liome lust Fililny. Mrs. II Leonard is In Hod Cloud with her daughter. Mrs. .loo Toihiuii. Mrs. (too, .luifjcti&oii iintl daughter Ataxic, and Miss Mamie WatHon bpoiit Huturditv uiciiiui; wltli AIih .Inne Karley. Mr. and Mrs. H. 10, II tmlor were cull iir at IVud Hunter's lust Sunday. Mr. and Mr. It. 1-3. Hunter uponl Wednusiluy liveuiiiK with tlio formoi'a ulsters, Mrs Hut ry Cloud. Ivan lManUcnbiilur urrived home Wednesday evening, having served his time in Uncle Sum's service. Frank llloom has returned from Seotts Ultiff where ho took a car of stock niiil household foods for Tan Hefllii. Mlsh Oouova Mtller spent Thursday night with Mrs Chas. Hutitor' Choir practice was hold Thursday night at Mrs. Kdith Miller's. Mrs. Amy Heflin and children left Sunday ovcultig for Seotts ltluff where her husband has localod, and will ninke that place their future home. Avie Moore called on lieiulco Satin drs Saturday evening. (Catherine aud Azloy Carpenter and Mildred Heflin spent Sunday with the Uutledge twins, Misses Hcssic and JcKhio. (Joy Darker was assisting in tlie butcher shop Monday Mr. and Mrs C. H. Burgess and son John pont Sunday with the former's parents, Mr aud Mrs. ilohu Hurgcss of Red Cloud. Mr.Ch.irlcs Mat tin cuino in Satur day morning from Coud, Nob, , for a visit with telatives and ft loud Mr Koj Matkln, who has been visit, lug his father and mother fur the past two weeks, loturned to his homo in South Dakota Saturday morning. 1 .. 1 1 1 11 m.sr 1 1 t f"ETaamHYt--ii .' liTritTT::Miiiiryim n fi . .1 . 1 1 n 1 . 1 11 1 1 m umij AmWlC Tilt I; &$?& 5I I D You Waal I Know Both bides I Swift & Company's 1919 Year Book, just out, tells you What Swift & Company's profits were in 1918, The truth about the Federal Trade Commission's investigation, Why the prices of butter and eggs are so high, And many other vital fnct6. Whether or not you agree with us after reading this Year Book, you will at least know both sides. You will find it interesting; Americans like to hear about big things done in a big way. You will also discover that we are merely human beings like yourself, doing in the best possible way a necessary service. Legislation is pending in Washington; as a good American citizen you want to know both sides of this question. It concerns you, as well as one of the most important industries in the country. Do not hesitate to send for a copy of this booklet. Yournameand address are all we need. Address Swift & Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U. S. A; "?ruyif qjs'gtflgggq Mr. nd Mrs Guy Harwood re tisls inn At the C. Mcdall home this week. Mssers Oeo. Matkln, Wm. Wonder ly, Ralph Harmon, Goo. Jorgotison, and It E. Hunter, wero among those who went to Hastings Thursda) morn tug. C. II. Durgess is on t lie sick list. Mrs. Ksador called on Mis. Ij 13 Dally T tesdiiy evening Mr and Mrs. Hoy l'almer wero call IngotiMr. and Mis Stove Kennedy Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Hunter wore visiting at the Tied Hunter home in Hiveitoii Sunday. Miss Schnlder was takon sick in school last Monday and had to dismiss school for the remainder of the day, but is hotter at this writing Last Tuesday Mr. It. H. Hunter bought the proporty foimcrly owned by Mr M. Ulankotibakcr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ulaukoubaknr went to Lincoln for a few days visit with the lattcr's sister, who has been In a hospital thorc. Khador Hromiltmudc a business ttip to Ited Cloud Tuesday. Bladen Brieflets Mrs. Win. Stanley of Itoseland, vlsil- ed with her brother's, Jas. Fred, Ar thur and families the past week. (J 00. Itoss was down from Queen City the fore part of the week, work lug on the Frank Spetico rosidunoo In the north part of town. Mr. aud Mrs. Ulono l'helps and babe came In from Chappell last week for a visit with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. I). S. l'helps and family. J A. Denton met them at Kearney and brought thoui to Uladeii. Carl Waechtor arrived home the lat ter part of the week from Camp Funs ton, where ho received his honorable (llseliaige from the service Carl went with the last contingent called befote the in mist ice was signed. Mr and Mis. Frank Speuce and family ei.jnjed a visit liom the lattei's 1 ;iii 1 t JlilllflMllnlllHllffllmnHiHnlmlHliI ' ...iiiiiiniiimt D kiifiiiiuunlniniiiiiWiHliliilinHuU V J I 111 SBlH m. i i ma uraii ua m v . 'i A I ral m I : HB 4r 4 -F JbsiiI1!"J51 H4'.iiij'iilis!9i SiMHIl, 1 1 'HiiH(iiill In II I II Hill II II III I I I I II ; i M vAhwll'JA uVtAui 'YiTsMmm m WW hi If jll ! "!! lilt illil SlIA imlilSlisi 59i:il'Illlll ilil!llllilWIJJF Iliiif "glFrLgJI "' " B g?a lit Cnprltihl UUliy It. J. ltuneluiTglj);cCo. irothur, K. S. Hnttotn and wife, of . . ... hiiRiir, liom wuiiiii'Hiiny i-vhhuiB nntt- iTiduy niorniiiK. T i'U tit m Hi M ill 1 .irr.it fiitn.l hllwttllT ,. "" , , """" ';. " i IriL'inls uii'l relatives In IjiUiioln mill i (lLMii7iitiiumt.lilliMit UieuuL-U. i I.'. i.. ii... ...in., i, ....i.i, ..I .... .!.. A. II. Ak'Miinli'i tiii'tn o n 1 1 of town, I -i tnnviiii! onto a plueo sonic tbrue milt.'-, out of lied Uloud Ills hmtliur, I Kiv.1. .'xpeet, to move onto tlu- uic.U ed fat in in 1 1 i 'pi I ne. Farm Bureau Notes Annua! Muetiiij', .Vubstr County 1'nriii BiiriMii .Saturday, IVbriiary l"i ISM!, in thu Couit Uooni of the Court Iliui'ie: 10;ll'l Meuting of IJonrd of Diu-e toih, IochI leiulor.! and school district ("o-opoiiitois. Address, Co-operation .1. I. (Jilinoie, Valley, Xeb. I :!!( President', addiess, Joo CJiir i ley, Itiavule. r.fid Seeiet.irx'r. report, Call Fauseh 'J'.l'O Annual tepoi t County Agent 2:111) Addles-, Value of Orgniiiu tion, X. V. ti.iln, l.iueoln, Xeiir. :i:.IO-Election of otllcei-M Kvi'iy farni" r -liemld attend tlii tneeting Annual lepmt of tlio Coun ty Agent xsoilt foi the past jeurwill lie uiveu, and hem .Mr CSuin on "The Value (if Oitiiiuiitliili ' Also help eleet ollleeis for llm e inillg year. Ilimiil of Diieeloi- ot the Fui in llilieau -Itoaul of Dlieetoi-' of the I'hiiii Itllieau aio tleeted in the fol. Icmlug manner: Uueh of the -even tiiwiis in the enmity nominates then in in to rcmseiit thcin and the entiie euunty elects him, theiefoie It is very iinpoi taut that every farmer he iep i twitted on Hie Kami Uureaii the coming year. Call Clubs The enrollment in the Calf Clubs is getting nicely stinted and all indications: are thrtt it will be u go. Wo realized when wo stinted this that there would bo u! knoclters to one booster. It is n big thing to tack le but the value from a movement of this kind is also big and it is the btg things that are worth while doing This not only Is a new thing for Web. ster County, but It Is a new thing for the State of Nebraska nl&o. In the eastern states where Calf Clubs huvo been pulled on" like this they hnvo been n great success and we nee no reason vhy it should not be n great sticcass In Nebraeka. So hero Is u cIimich to boost Webster County as well as Nebraska. I talked to the High School students ut Red Cloud and Ulue Illll tills week and I And that a good many would like to enter but their parents object. It is too bad that the ambitions of so many boys and girlH are discouraged by their parents. IlKNnv It. Fau.scii, County Agricultural Agent. Chas. A. Teef j Attorney Jus. S. Qilliat in the. IOIIOW1UK IHUlllivr. uui-s iiuiui iv, ui". rt'inix manner, docs hop6r to, tl lato Charles A, Teel, hrptlof Citr ?Pnco he 'got, caught. Hp signcdii Clerk, O. C. Teel, and a former4ro-JWeVwith',a neighbor payable tofjie , , . .. -I .' d ' " . .jiij .. TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a ioyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new ! Get it straight that what you've hankered for in smokes you'll sure and certain find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. lias the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back 1 Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco Is sold. Toppv red fcogt, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and that clever, practical pound crystal class humidor with sponge moistener top that liecps the tobacco in &uch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N, C, dont of tlii countv. who nas.od awav - i ut his hom, -m Vl.onUvl county, yn I Fcbruaiv lbt. at the lime of his death I being fij, year of age. Mr. Tcel Iefl hore "l m(i niovlng to a farm - .... i i i ii i j..... "u"' .uii.vttuni, wan is v.-eii amuav orably rememberod by all, having ! served as shoritV of Webster counts m, U0'01, ' 'Charley loel, as tho.ojieei of w t'lis.Ter county Knew him, wau one df those men to whom i; fAi'ly his tory of western Ncbi.asLft.!-.vas in debted more than can,,, he easily tealiml. it was the' fnUuslry, pru dent hushanciry, .--oun(J iriwahty and social liolpfulnos" of young' men ol hi.-i character that demonliated to hi.s neighbors, friends and strangers, that life could he Micvcssfully and happily lived on tlio western prairies remote from villages -and railways. At the ago of twenty-four, he had ac cumulated by hard labor in the east, when labor was pooily paid, enough funds to provide himself with a team, wagon, a supply of food, and j-ome farming tools. So piovided forty fix j cars ago lie made the then long journey from. Illinois to what was western XehiasUa, and selected hi Homestead midwa between the Re publican and Ilhie river., on the high divide in the eastern half of this county. ! built himself a Mid house and a sod burn, after the fash ion of the few who had preceded him to that part of the county, and devot ed himself to the cultivation of Ins land with such zeal and '.hrift,' that notwithstanding the grasshopper plague of '71, he felt justified in tak unto himself a wife. He wooed suul won the mo.-t attractive maiden wntfie neighhoihood, and in lS7fi she added the grace of radiant womanhood to the rudeness of the sod dwellings' and gave them the light and warmth of home. "Whete others grumbled and Idled, Charley laughed and toiled. Where others wasted their earnings, and saddled themselves with debt and lost the farms wiich had cost them noth ing Charley saved what he earned. The ghost of debt, and the clay of the usurer never disturbed his peace. Yet there was nothing miserly or sel fish in his thrift. "Tatfe this incident for example. In 1800, when populism run riot in this country, anil Ilolshcvikism took possession of the farmers, because of the total failure of crops, and the hopeless indebtedness of the people, Charley had an abundance of corn saved over from tho previous year. Instead of hauling this corn to mar ket, he invited his neighbors, without discrimination to take what they need ed. Some of them offered thlor notes. In payment. He refused to take them. Their notes, he told them, were no good at the bank. He pre ferred their oral promiso to repay him whon they got able. It is pleas anf. to relate that every one, faithfully jottAcjiecKully repaid him out of the iqxt 'years' crop r .Tt . i- pjnwwi rmiiBiaii bank at Cowlns. Tim nniirlilim. m-n. . - -"- "-""" -- ir.Iy let the note go to judgment Chai '' when he hcnul of it, told the bank to come to his farm, take his best horse and lead it to town in sight of the neighbor. Tlio banker had barely got the hov-c into town vhen the neighbor appeared with the money to pay the judgment and ic deemed the horse. "Mr. Teel was elected, and served one term as shcrill". Hut ollicial life was not to hi.s taste. he devolved the duties of the office upon his young er brother, Oscar, while he lemained on his farm. "When the price of Webster count ctl out of the (question to provide each land began to app eciate, and it seeni of his many children with a Webster countv farm, he sold out here, and went to Frontier county wheio he could initiate them all into his own pioneer experiences, with tho promise of the sure lewards that had attended his own offoits. ''Kx-I'resident Uooscvelt could have found no fault with Charley Teel. He left eight children and twenty-five grandchildren, each one a genuine American, inbued with the instincts of American pioneer aihentuie. "Although Mr. Teel died in a i1 tan county, and theio is sadness in it -calling him to memory, yet there is a pkajure, alf-o, in acknowledging the i obligation we owe to his worth, while ! he was among us." Report of the Condition ok mi. Bank of Inavafo of Innvnlc Uhtirtix No. 795 In the Stale of Nebraska ut the close of business January 215, 1919. inform i:s Loans and DKcouuis SlOU.UT.Ut overdrafts I,ui.lii llonds, Sitcurltlts, Jiul m en t h, I'laims, warrautH, etc :i.ut..l.l Other Assets, Liberty IJonds ... U.OOU.IM U. S. Treasury Certlllealos au.OOi) U0 IliiiiUnn lioiihe, furniture A. Iltturts a.OW.UU Current expenses, taxes and Inter- eht paid 1 ,ii I l.8i Due from national ami statu banks t tUMBI.IIO Currency I,:u7.iu Clold coin 3.VU0 Silver, nickels and centN 1,011.1X1 l.8,K87.:!(l Total i.iAiui.irir.s Capital stock paid In Sin plus fund Uudlvldid iirollts . Individual deiiosltssubjcet to cheek 170,017.11 Dumand eertllkatCHof de posit 100.00 'I luioccrtltlcatesof deposit lil,Jlt.U IK 1,00-J. 10 Depositor's guaranty fund 1,070.1! I Total $ 213,001.(0 SfATBOrNKUUASKA, 1 county ol Veb8ter f 1,(1, II, Mpprnry Cashier of the abovo nam. ed Imuk do uprchy swear Hint thu above tatcment(fricotrectand truo copy ot thu it-port iuad' (u the State Ilanklm; Hoard. (1. It. Ml'CHAUV, Cnsliler. Attest: I'liarlOHlIuutor, Director, (i. It. McCrary, Director. huliKcrlhtd and Bworn to before mo this llth day lf February, 1BIU. C. II. Uurgcsa ,cal.) Notary l'ubllc. $ 10,000.00 (1,000.00 a,Wi8.K.I Notice of Suit Martha K. Wright, John (lllford, Jamen Oil lord, MiiKRloShafcr, Mnry IteiincH, Frank J. Mnlioncy ami tlio Hpotiu's of ench ot them nml the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees' jiernoiml representatives nml Huccussors In In tertstof eucliut them will take notice that (UoiKeA. Wellnnspluliitlll. did on January :il,IUIi, lllo lili petition and cdiutiicme an action In tint district enurt of WelwlcrCoun tj, Nebraska, nalnst them tho object and prayiruf ulildi arc to iiilut In thdsald plain (III nsimalnn any and all adverse clalunol the H.ild naiiu d and dislynatul dcfuulants or any ul ilium tho tltlo to the Lot Twenty-two ill) In lllock Three qi In thu town of Cowles u Webster County. Nebiaska. and that the mortitaco executed thereon by Kdwnrd Qllford nml wife to Martha i:. W'rli?ht, re corded March 2, iwo, In Hook Y of Mort k.ikis nl pane 1&7 bo decreed to have been paid and Niitlsiled nml to bu discharged ol rteord and that tho defendants ho named mid deslgnalid and all persons claiming IhroiiKh or under nny of them be forever barred and enjoined from claiming or as Bcrtliiutmy rli?ht, title or Interest In or to tho said premises or nny part thereof adverse to thuplalutlll. You aru required to answer the petition of theplalntllloii tile In thcolllceof the Clerk of said court, at Ited Cloud, Nebraska, on or heforo Monday, March in, ltM'.i. (IKOIUIK A. W'Kl.l.S, 4w liy I.. II. niaekledgi', Ills Attorney, Drop In. at the Schultz & Schaal STUDIO lor First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. YOUR PATR0fUCE APPRECIATED Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DCNTST Successor to Dr. Cro-n OVHII hTATK BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Gsx.rber Wali Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish picture: framing fVork Guaranteed Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures PICTURES EACH wgag'gf MONTH POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE IS FOR SALC CY ALL NEWSDEALERS A1j thrm to liow you n copy or ion J 20c for I'm litrttlMuc. roitrntJ oarlyiolncrlptlon 6100 to all rait ot tlio United tjtatCN Itt poiscssloni, CaniulA, and Mexico. . POPULAn MECHANICS MAOAZINC gjk O H. Michigan Avenue, Chlcogo, III. I mffi&m&fflmmmmm When the Firemen Appea.r the insured man's first thought is one o( thankfulness that he is to. How abou your thoughts if a fiircman should ap pear at your home) The Dsxy Before the Fire is the day to insuie. As that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im petl you to stop in our office to-day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL R.eliocble Insurance IC-K-IMm ARTICLES AotC-a 400 ifiapessiite i r yA. . xi l ' hiL4i I pjnip.. iiiiiiiTllll WWII lr vwEMi2kV&2Prs0t. , . m ,7tZO ZOiX f'lH i y I Jf k . .1- sa5AV wO ofci wrfvi', w" S" t-jk: -ir.i t-M ieyw) y Wr" JMT S'. 8 SC E&W&' I . T i's" ft .-..I rr:.xim&.im, ii . ., V j vx , . .v. r-v .i iMb,, v,.h(. ' v ' ? rf-A. . W . -TV ' . ' KM ""- TtftXf gfrjf ivmw w""",l"l JIj - e- w v