ft mmtrf&s. . s' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEt j-i I' t i t t l . i Geo Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a 01 CREAM SEPARATOR Tlie concave-botlom, tclf-centcring bowl in the NEW Do Laval Ctcam Separator is the biggest advance in separator construction in 30 years. It lias greater capacity without increasing either the size or the speed, and it is so supported upon the detached spindle that 1 i INJ1 . -i . 1LV4A I I i'!w9E.) : 'tZS&KiS 'IIIIPjJ' Cioi5-ect!on of new howl, iliowispnewmrthodof cliiltib- ulinQ milk between the ditct. Pl't'ariili7.r'fii ii r'r lA-.'i.-: -n -r'-7J ,i y, ' i 'L S wmmmmmmmmmmmm iwmmwiiwiyiwm wiii- mwimi M.nrmmwwiwiMfiMiMPi vV House Dresses yr5-" cH-.? AM tm Vrue'Woruv fcW , Ml Mom Drestcs and Apron. yv pvj . It W flllWto Y i 1 1 i "imniiiii Tiii irrr y I -csCCr VUliullil Ua ri9m& H P:lr)' ' I wL7fi I uf WWBuW E lr' V if s. Wdm Phafes i Stock Sale AT INAVALE Friday, Feb. 14 Commencing Ht 130 HEAD OF STOCK - 130 20 Head of Horses and Mules 1 extra Rood yeorllng Jack; 1 teum horses wtSCOO; 1 tiny tnaro A yrs old, vt 1300; 1 bay mare 10 yrs old, wt 1301); 1 bay mure 8 yrs old, wt 1300; I gray niaro 4 yrs old, wt 1200; 1 team buy marcH, well match ed, wt 1200, in foul to Jack; 1 bay mare wt 1200, In foal to horse; 1 team well-mutcked sorrel mares, 'J and 3 yrs old; 1 black mare wt 1200; 1 brown horse- 4 yrs old, wt 1100, 1 team grey mules 8 aud 0 yrs old, wt 2C0U; 1 mule coming 3 yrs old, wt 1000; 2 yrl mules; 2 spring roaro colts ' 35 Head Of Cattle Consisting of fresh cows, some fresh soon' and spring calves. 71 Head Of HogS 1 registered Duroe male hog; To shoats wt from 50 to 150 pounds. Farm Machinery, Etc. 100 iu of extra good yoiiow com, 50 per cent of this wilt make good seed; 1 U. H. cream separator; 1 Do Lavel cream separator; I new Ohio cultivator; 1 new Deering grain binder; 1 McCormlck grain binder; 1 low-wheel track wagon; 1 wagon with box; 1 3-section harrow; 1 2 row woeder; 1 Western Belle listeer; 1 set extra good single harness; 1 set doablo buggy harness; 1 set work hnrness; 1 bicycle, and other articles. This machinery is all in good running order. MISCELLANE OUS AUTIOLES-25 pair 1 miles and ohildrons shoes; 200 lbs Colorado Pinto beans; 1 cement mixer with 2 h, p. engine at tached, In good shape. TERMS 10 mo, at 10 por cent. No property removed until settled for W. R. Wonderly & Son, AUCTIONEERS GEO. R. McCRARY, Clerk um it will run true and do pcrlcci worK even after long and hard wear. It has fewer discs than the old type bow). All discs arc unnumbered and interchangeable. Discs are cnulkcd only on one side. The milk distributing device is removable. It's easier to wash than ever before. We're Jicro every dny lo ex- nlnin l!, IMFAV On I nvil (n . ff ii i-.-M. you -iu jjuuuuuii iiic ticiauo. xou cnn uu' " """ ul on save it cot vliilo you aro pnying for it. Como In and tall; it over. i i.;..MM-Tgr-!BTrTM?gsBaBrgar3a3a;ia3Ei 12 o'Clojk Sharp ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Roil Cloud, Nobrnsku , cU UIjIMIIKD BVEKY THURSDAY entered In tho I'ostolllcc at lied Cloud, Nob an Second Class Matter' F. L. BROWNE, Edilof nd Mai.(,e CUK ONLY DICMOCHAIIU PAl'KK IN WEHHTKIl COUNTY A Hastings paper reports "geese flying north." The sa lubrious weather of last month must have got on tneir nerves. The big Pillsbury flour mills at Minneapolis, have shut down because of over supply of flour on hand. They claim they have no market for it. As a partial explanation we venture to add "At the price demanded." Speaking of "reform legisla tion," during the ten years last past Nebraska has taken the lead in such matters as child labor legislation, protection of female labor, workmen's com pensation, regulation of public service corporations, temper ance reforms, etc. General Foch is reported as wishing he could have had a few days more in which to deal the Prussian military system a final blow. At the signing of the armistice he had 500,000 of the enemy soldiers trapped in a pocket where escape .seemed impossible. Perhaps this was one reason why Germany capitulated. All we are asked lo dowhen we arc asked to subscribe to the Fifth Liberty Loan is to lend to the United States Gov ernment the money that saved the lives of hundreds of thou sands of American boys that would have died had the war continued another year. That is all. We are not asked to give; we are asked to lend our money, the money that saved American blood. It seems to me that in that though there is a real appeal to the heart. The groundhog had no chance to see his shadow and will there fore remain out of doors the rest of-the season. Justitto start something in the line of argument yoitf attention is call ed, to the fact !that Easier does not arrive until April 20th, ex tremely late, and the end of the lenten period is' popularly! supposed to be the beginning of spring. This presages a late spring season the groundhog affair signifies an early one. The ouestiori is before the house. Are there any remarks to olferV It is related that a dispute once arose relative to the pro ficiency of two noted liars. Some prize money was put up and a contest arranged. The first man started with "There was once a poor Nebraska farm er" "Give him the money" in terrupted number two, "There is no such thing as a poor Ne braska farmer." Which re minds us of the preacher who announced that his subject for the Sunday evening service would be "Liars" and added "We hope there will be a large num ber present at this service." Our Right To Be Proud The Fourth Liberty Loan ended with the largest amount of money ever raised nnywhere, ever subscribed at ,any onetime, ntid with more-persons' 'subscribing than to any oilier lo.an or project in the history of the world, Such mag liflcent achievement could be attributed to nothing else tlinn tho loyalty and willing sacrifice of an ar roused people, determined to back their Government to the limit of their ability, by lending every dollar needed to win the war for u just and right eous cause. The unprecedented record of a 260. mllllon dollar war loan quota oversub scribed by nearly 30 million dollars proves there is apparently no limit to tho Tenth Federal Reserve District war work. And now that the neces sity arises for a Fifth aud last Liberty Loan to finish the job, bring the boys homo and squaie accounts, this record should bo broken just as the Tenth Fedoral Ueservo Distriot has bcon broaking records of production of war necessities evor since hostilities begau. Ourbraye American soldiers "over thoro" boat back tho enemy, smashed military records, and won the right to near their well. earned laurels, So the peoole here at home, who backed them to win a victory so glorious, and are going to bade them with money until the last man is homo, will bo en titled to display their patriotic prido. rs V2- ,r , Nebraska loads nil llin Ktntivq in llin Union in the per cdpitaorodiiotion ot corn, wuoat, uiiuiiu, purir. ueor, out ter and eggrf. Special Beginning Saturday, February 8th, We Are Go ing to Offer Reductions on the Following Goods: B H Lm W. vo 0NALL r . Discount Uvercoats 1 0 Discount on Ail Fur Overcoats Men's and Boyn' Sweaters 10 Discount Men's Leather Vests 10 Discount Men'u and Hoys' Mackinaws 10 Discount Men's Wool Shirts 15 Discount he Victory Liberty Loan The Fifth Llbeity Loan is to be tin Victory Libeity Loan. Tho bondharc to lie offered for sale to the Amciicaii people to providu rcvonui"? needed to complete I he job Therefore, it Is to bo the lust' of tho series of Libert Loiiuh. TJie size of the lonti is to bo deteriiiin ed by the financial needs of the t!ov ernment at the timo it is offered; but it will not bo much smaller', if any, than the Fourth Liberty Loan, which wus for $0,000,000,000. How long the bonds aro to run, the rate of Interest tlicy aro to liear, just what kind of bonds the Government will put out, are , matters' to be deter luincdby the -Secrota'ry of the Uuited Statej5,T'8iiry t Die date for the opening of the campaign foe subscriptions to the Vlcj tqry Liberty Loan cannot at this timf be foretold. It probably will be "111 April,, ,p , ," 4 Pointers About Nebraska 'The largest smelter of line ores in the United States, or in the world for that matter, is at Omaha, Its output in 1018 was in excess or S17,0oO,0OU. The spring wheat average in wit em Xebiaslsa will bo tremendously in creased this beaxm Iiu:ieiio areis of vbgiii prairi" hodhave been turned by tiuetor during tho ast eighteen 'pionth", and most of this acieage will bo sown lo sptlng wheat. Some, ho ovor, will have a Hr&t yeur eiop of llax. Cheyenne, Kimbull and Iiauner coun ties are in the lt'iul in the nialtcr of new acreage brought under cultiva tion during the last two or ihreeyears. For a five year period extending from 1012 to lOlU, statistics compiled by the federal department of agricul ture show that Nebraska ranked sixth among the states in the total produc Hon of thirteen agricultural products, namely: corn, wheat, oats, rice, pota toes, sweet potatoes, tame hay, tobacco and lint cotton. The states ranked in the following order: Texas, Iowa, Illi nois, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska. But that does noUtalUthe story. Nebras ka, the sixtli state in total production, was the first state in per capita pro duction. Kansas with 32 per cent more population exceeded Nebraska in total production by less than U per cent. California has a law under which counties or associations of counties may appropriate a certain amount per capita for advertising purposes, usually amounting to from 2 to s cents per capita. Tho result is that California is tho best advertised state in the Unlsn and growing in population and wealth at un amazing rate. Yet Ne braska enjoys a climate that is health ful and invigorating, and boasts of some of the finest scenery on the con tinent. In tho production of every thing that mankind needs to suslalu life and mako it enjoyable, Nebraska far excells California. California's an nual wheat crop would scarcely pro. vide the seed for one year's sowing in Nobraska. Nebraska's annual corn crop is worth more than (California's annual fruit crops. Every forty days Nebraska luVis lay so many eggs that California's annual output of goln and silver would not purchase them. Cali fornia boasts of great fishing indus tries, yet a thirty days output of Ne braska butter Is worih more than California's annual fisheries output. 'Farming the fertile soil is Nebraska's chief industry; farming the tourist" Is fal'fornla's chief industry. ' i ' iiiMnwiMM.1 , , BrnB Jt mini i oSLie MEN'S -AND- BOYS' CAPS OFF Hamilton-Gather Cmihg Co. i 1 """ " " - iii ii riimii.i ir.w y,, ,nh in inna.MiiOTt- I,, M-r n,rnii fiiMi IMUJ1JJW' Open Day and Nighty mmmmMBmmma aim i maMma -- - anil h unnm i wim j 1 - i mi immm Twrp AT OUR .L",U. "1" tli Powell 4 WVA'AV.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.VV.V.VAV.VA-.NVVSAtt BUILD That N e -w Home $ I You have dreamed of for years. Our house plans arc at your service free. IMone-Gellatly Go. I iflAVVV.V.VV.V.V.V.V.VVAV.V.".VAA-A-.VWVWVVV1l JWVWWVlrWWWWVW . iiui- Mr.; and Mrs. i ' j-jU'i ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 REDCLOUD, NEB. 'wvWVVVftrVVAVlAA HmlltQn-Cthr Clothing 0Om Kwrythlng r r Boy Wmn Chief ads Pay You See The f3th Commandment v. CLOTH ONE SPECIAL - OF BUNCH MEN'S CAPS AT c Eiacn Special Prico on Men's and Hoys' Cloth and Knitted GLOVES And MITTENS CAFE joe ll 3 i & till w NOW i The Nebraska Ilolstoin Breeders Association will hold a combination Bhow and'sulo at Omaha February 10-12. Tho Farmers Educational and Co operative Union will hold Its annual convention in Omaha, February 11 13. Tho Nebraska Union Co-operative-Insurance Co meets in conjunction. The Nebraska Bar Association will hold Its annual convention in Omalfft1 February 18-20 OL . id ..I , Pope r iiiv . Xt J r i i i -4 4 ' t 'i j ' t ;' VJ -w TpUKt'' w ,-jrjrT' "'wsx-tmrnxmssW" l mmfKtlSZ. jfcttorjr.v -rtrti Mr- mmx4'l