RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF 'd lY fv !,5M V- i YOUTH-TIME lThe important time to lay -a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and the body develop mg. A growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health. 'To a Developing child SCOTTS EMULSION comes with particular help. Thousands of the strong men and women of today were in youth-time nourished and tXN strengthened to withstand S&feK the inroads of disease by the h consistent use of Scott's. 4IL , 6cQitaEowu?,iwmfieW,N.f, is-i 'X::-:::::x..:..x..:..x..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. AS TOLD TO US .X':::::.::::..:..:..:..:.x..:. Buy liread ;it 1' well A Pope's Cafe. A. Y. Moi'oy, Innvalc. was in Hod Cloud Wednesday. Mrs. Chris Zeiss and son Kurd on arc liomu from Lincoln. Tlio Thirteenth Commandment Don't full to learn it. Mrs. Myrtle Smith ami family wont to Guide Rock yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Art Nelson, of Lafay ette, Colo., are visiting friends in lied Cloud. Kranlc Watson, of Inavale, is lioino from army camp with honoiable dis charge. The J II. Bailey family attended the Myron Bailey funeral at Guide Kouk Wednesday. Mr. Celia Morrison and Miss Gladys Melntosh visited relatives tit Grand Island this week. N. A. Piatt isiissisting in the Burden grocery during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Dcrel Burden. Mr. and Mis. F. L. Smith went to Cora, Kan., Tuesday to attend the funeral of J. E. Dceks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. StneTser entertain ed their daughter, Mrs. Fred Taylor, . find children. frnm.Uiverton, yesterdav Rev. Har.potvjBodj; daughter1 'Grace are spending (he week at Lone Tree district near Mvyton, fKere Mr. Harper will preach next Sunday, Feb ruury 2nd. Dr. Wnrrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients, nud those needing glasses' fitted at Ur Damerell's Wednesday, Fob. 5th. Hours 2 to 5. 4 2t Friday and Saturday Jan. 31 -Fob. 1 THIS WEEK ,TRAotfH-if Mad K k CHARLES RAY in A Nine O'oclock Town Every small town lias its odd characters and It would teem that at least a dozen such villages had been combed to obtain the extra people who appear in "A Nine O'clock Town," Charles Ray's new Paramount starring vehicle. This is a Thomas H. Inco picture and It is said to be a laugh from beginning to end. The doings in a village emporium and what happens when city methods are introduced, in cluding a corsot model, art said to bo most humorous. Also a Two Heel Comedy She Loved Hein Plenty Admission J7 and lie NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday "For Sale," featuring Ulodys Hu lctte and Clayton Hale in a good old fashioned Melodrama. Also 14th episode of "Hands Up." Wednesday and Thursday, Win, Farnum in "Broken Law," Jt is a typical Farnum subject with a truly capable catt. Love, ro mance and conquest; are the themes of this entertaining picture, rank ing with Fox's best productions. lORPMUM llll iLJliUlUL fVi ppri " i n Buy Broad at Powell A" Pope's Cafe. Knt and drink at Powell k Pope's Cafe. tf James Mcintosh is home from Kan sas City. N. A. Plait was a Superior visitor Saturday, Kd Glvens went up to Hasting" yesterday W. II. Tabor was a Tuesday visitor from Inavale. Mrs. L. K. Cramer wns a Hastings visitor Saturday. The Thirteenth Commandment Have you read it? Good mealsgood service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. The Thirteenth Commandment You can can't afford to miss It. Air. and Mrs, D. II. Larrick are visltinsr relatives at Broken How. Tin C T. Dickenson blacksmith shop Is now located on main .street Mr. and Mrs. Prod Moivio are tnov lug onto the McCall farm near Inavale X. L XoKon wctitlo Omaha Krlllav on n combined business and pleasure tr'p. Mrs. Win. Tabor of Inavale, was In the city Wednesday, enrouto to Hast ings. Mis. Kd. Glvens and children wont for a visit with relatives at Hustings Friday. The stork left a buby boy at the home of Mi- and Mrs. Henry Cltuison Inst week. , Kd Ciianey telurned to his home at Superior, Friday, aftet a visit with relatives here. ir. mid airs. Clark Stevens were visiting their son Boy and wife at Hastings, Saturday. Geo. II. Overing, Highway Commis sioner, was u business visitor at Lin coln the la-t of the week. County Assessor C. A. Hcrrick at tended the meeting of county asses sors held at Lincoln last week. County Agent Henry Fauscli attend cd the Stute Assembly of County Agents held at Lincoln last week. Vour attention is called to the II. A Johnson sale of registered Durham bulls advertised in another Adcolumn Itovival services at the Christian Church have maintained n growing in trest during nearly three weeks past Tlie Baptist Church will be the scene of ti series of revival services next week, commencing Tuesday eve nlng. Otitr.Oauble? who has becivthe guest I 7 of Mr. and Mrs. John Bureess. went 'to Frankllnaturday fo..a visit with ivinuvca kllOlC You Are Losing Money don't sell your cream to the Farmers Union Co-oper-tlye Company and receive the dividends. lOtf . Mr. and Mi.s J W. Bogeurlts who have Leon visiting their daughter Mrs. Oiviilo Ferguson nt Bird City, have returned home and report the arrival of a baby boy at the Ferguson home last week. State Tioa3urer Examiner C. D Bobiiihon is right into the duties of his new position, and likes the job. He is booked for about six weekb at Omaha, whore he will check the water company records. Col. J. II. Kllinger is dated to olli ciato as auctioneer at H12 big sale at Gillette, Wyo. You can't keep 11 good man down. The colonel has been bad ly handicapped by health conditions this season but bids fair to make a good record yet. The W. U. T. U. will meet with Mrs. C. J. Pope, Wednesday P. M. Feb. 5th. Miss Wlllards birthday will be observ ed and the program on "war work of Earl McKimmey, long time typo the Y.-M--ATatfd-; Y.-VrA'.llF"rt4meulne opeFalws-tWdVcr- be continued. Members and friends ured to be present. Committee. What about the man who ordered a ten-cent cigar at one of our city stores and tendored a thousand dollar bill in payment? Despite the fact that the dazed cigar dealer was unable to make change it indicates that there is some prosperity floating around Neb raska yet. Dr. Condra of tlio Conservation aud Welfaro Commission says that the stroamsi of Nebraska aro capable of generating more than a million horse power, Less than 0,000 horsepower Is now being generated by these streams, the largest siuglo project bo- lug that at Boelus. Wanted, local ngent for Red Cloud, for one of the oldest and best Old Line Health and Accident Insurance Com panies in the state. A .tine opportuni ty for a young man returning from tho service, who is not able to do hard woik. Experience unnecessary. Write J. T. Kelley, special agent, Holdrege, Neb. o-2t Farm Loans I am ready to make farm loans in any amount at lowest rates. best terms and option. Absolutely no de lay and no inspection expense. Sole agent for Trevctt, Mattis and Baker, Some private money. J, H. BAILEY. The Thirteenth Commandment Do you know it'.' The Thirteenth Commandment Ono of the good ones. Win. Starke of Mlwaukee, Wis., Is visiting relatives liore. Karl Ciawfordof Inavale, was a Bod Cloud visitor Monday. Mr. ar.d Mrs, Henry Nyberg were Hastings visitors Monday. Mr mid Mrs. Dalo Montgomery nnd son Willian are homo from Sedalia, Col. Will Auhnshnii or North Brunch, Kan,, was n Monday shopper In Bod Cloud. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Boll went to Kansas City Monday on n visit with relatives. Clarence Stewart lolurned Saturday from the stock show held at Denver, Colo., last week. MUs Nola Thomson of Lebanon, Kan., is the guest of Mrs. Norman, Philips and family N Bam, went to David City Satur day morning, intending to retiihiu there for some time. v Tlio L. T. a T Coinpiuij aie putting n phonos for a number of new patrons u Gai Hold township. County Highway Commissioner Ono . Oveiinc is homo, from Lincoln. I! whole he has been attending to official business. Mr. and Mis. K'mor Simons of Cowlc, wore Sunday visitors in lied Cloud, guests at the J.O. Butler and F. Smith homes. Our old friend S. B. K liter is back on the job again, and bis carpenter nnd repair shop around tho corner once more has u natural appearance. Mayor Bobt. Dntueiell attended a meeting of the Furnior'.s Life Insu ranee direetois lit Denver, Colo., last week, returning home Saturday. Mr. IMward Cook and two daughter of Nowata, Okla, is making a brief visit with Ills father, Dr. Henry Cook Ho loturns to Oklahoma tomorrow. Mrs. Dan el Burden has gone to Pleasanton, Kan., for a visit with her parents. Mr. Biiiden will join heron his return trip fiom marketing cuttle The many friends of Mis. J. A. Top ham arc pleased to know of her return from Hastings, in excellent health, having entirely recovered from her ill ness. Warren Sutton, B. E. Yost.-.Tns. Me- Illtfisll nnd Dnrrnl lttirilnn nra nmnn,. the stock'shippers of Mils'' week, each accompaning a shipment to the oast-" era markets. .TllV V. OppllB n tntrmnr ra.llnnll died in Oregon where he has resided" for several veers. The remains wnrn brought cast and interment made at' Cora, Kan., Monday. O. D. Hedge, State Agent or the Law Enforcement nsto '-wet" goods,made Ills family a brief visit. here the lpst of the week. Ileulso reports entire satis, faction concerning his new duties. County Judge A. D. Bnnney officiat ed ut two marriage ceremonies since our last issue. Harold D. Haruer and Miss. Lillio (irant, both of Ijlue Hill, and Khvin Taylor aud Mish Mabel B Stull, of Alton, Kan , were the happy couples. M. M. Miller, father of Mrs. .1. K Butler oOthis city, diod at his hoiua in Dresden, Kan., Monday, after a long illness. Mr. Miller formerly ie sided near Cowles and was at one time county supervisor. Mrs. llutler left Monday night to attend the funeral. "Kid" Butler writes that ho paid n French dentist SB) foe some deutal work which the army doctor did not hnvo timo to finish right away. It would seem that French dentists are post graduates In tho art of pricomak lug. "Kid" says the teoth look nice anyway. User office, has accented n nnsltlnn , the Mlnden Courier, and left here Sun day morning for Bis new field of news paper work. Earl's man f rln ,ioi. him the best of success in his now Home. Mies Maude Williamson is running the Advertiser Intertype. $6.00 In Trade at Hamilton-Cather and $6.00 In Trade at Cowden-Kaley's For High Score At the Bowling Alley Bay llroad at Powell fc Popo's Cafe. TheThlrtcoiith Commandment-Find it in tho Chief. Mis. Fuller of Cowles was u Salur day visitor in Bed (loud. Bow Fuller, of St Joseph, Mo., was an over Sunday visitor at tho John G. Potter home. Fusl Good the Cowles Lumber dealer, was n business visitor In the city Saturday. Mrs. S. M Carl of Long Island Kan. who has been the guest of her brother J. A. McArthur for sometime pnstwlll return homo tomorrow. Fred Stansberry recently from Uncle Sam's service, and who has boon the Kt"-t of his father-in-law Kd Amuck shico receding honorable discharge at Ft Dodge, Iowa, loaves for his home nt Sootts Bluff tomorrow. A Picture With "Pep" Ono thing is certain, it has boon many unions sineo n picture with more "pop and genuine wholesome comedy has been seen In Bed Cloud than "A Nine OVIook Town.'' t be shown at the Orpheum Theatre with Charles Bnv n the star part. Friday ami Sal oi day. Nebraska High Spots I' ist in potash production. l'ii".t in silica production. Fir-t in lead ore redaction. Fust In per c.i pita unto ownership. First in per capita sales of war sav ings stamps. Second in hay production. Titiid in cattle production. Thud in corn production. Fourth In hog pioduction. Fifth in beet sugar production, The per capita wealth lsS-,001. Tlio average annual income from the soil ol eiory family in Nebraska is The Nebraska cow has mudo Omaha the loading butter manufacturing citj in the l'. S. A. Nebraska's egg production is greater than the gold output of any .state. The receipts of Nebraska Fnrmcis during tiie war were t7;i),ouU,U0u above noi iiml. The average income of every farm ing iamily in Nebraska for 11)13 wus S5.38I. Nebraska will not be adversely nf. fected by the reconstruction period because it is an agricultural state. Nebruskn is one of the great corn producing states of the uulon. Tho following table shows the total value of the corn raised in the several states during 1010, 1017 and l'.U8: 1 Iqwa., 51,105,277,000 2 iudhiua. 1,1.14,2110,090 3 Nebraska G00,t08,0o0 4-IBlnoIb 594,452,(100 s Missouri r9.-.,o:n,ooo Nebraska had more soldiers and sailors in the service of the country, in proportion to population, than any other state. Total to September 1, BUS. K),.1uU Nulitaska lias subscribed more n onoy per capita for Libel ty Bonds and War having btaniji", and has given more money per capita to the Bed Cross, Y. M. C. A. and K. oft', than any other state. Nebraska was the tlrst state to go over the top in the War Savings cam paigu. Nebraska was almost 100 per cent on Food Administration pledges, with 333,071 cards signed. National uvcrngc was only .10 per cent. Nebraska whs the first state to orga nize a Faraerb' War Council. Nebraska produces more corn, wheat outs, beef and pork, per capita, than any other state, und increased Its pro duction in all lines to help win the war. Only 5 per cent of tho population of Nebraska was born in Germany. Most bf'tlni'Werc'lntcnsely patriotic, aud gavVihelV'Aoua und money for the suppdrt of the government. Nebraska was second in number of four mlnuto men speakers. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United States for tho District of Nebraska, in bankruptcy. In tho matter of Hugh Albert Gif ford, bankrupt. To the creditors of Hugh Albort G I fiord of Bluo Hill, in the County or Webster aud district aforesaid, u bank rupt. Notice is hereby given tuat on the 27th day of Junuary, A. D., 1019, the aula uugn Aloert Ulltora was duly adjudicated bankrupt; aud that the first meeting of his creditors will be hold at olllce Clerk U S. Couit in Hustings, on the 20th day of February, A. l)., 1919, at teu o'clock In the fore noon, at which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, up point a trustee, examine the bankrupt, und transact such other business as may properly come before 6uid meet ing. G. NOBBERG; Referee In Bankruptcy, Till FOLKS AT HOME EXPECT YOU Exhilarating Bursque; Vaudeville StagiAlniiFIIUtf wlHiffiltf Urii.FimrCloiu, Ow(tn . Equlpiii, Br Rlli nt Settle EnironmiDt LADIES' IIME.MATIHEE EVERY WEEKDAY f Evorybody.aoou Ak Anybody UWATS THE BI06EST AW BEU SHOW Will Of CHICAGO Dependable GROCERIES You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods ' 1 BECMSBTZi SK3BSCTmP23 I will make a Cle.aning-up Public Sale, at farm 5 c miles north and 1 1 1-2 miles west' of fesboh, 2 miles north and t$llWitol Burr Oak, I i. and 2 l-inprtheastoi Salem, on, , ) TueSd, Peb: 4th Beginning at 10 A. N. 71 Mead of Cattle 1.") icd cows I y is old; 1 spotted cow l vis old; 1 r 1 cows fi yrs old; 1 Whitofiico cow fi yrs oll; i Bed co.v h yr old: 1 U'l.iti'fnccd cow III yrs old. All coiVh aio to be frchh In March and ApiH-. 1 Shorthorn bull coming 3 yrH old; .'! InMfi-rs .'lyrs old; II heifer 1! vrsold; 7 red steers 1 yr old; !fi ivd holfers 1 jt old; 10 lit-ifiM- calve: t steer calves; 5 Short hoi n bull calves o FS! 1 sorrel mnro' 11 yrs old, wt 1 Itlo, In foal by Moyer's horse; 1 sor rol maro 11 yrs old, wt lluQ; 1 blank mare coming 1 yrs old, wt 1500, not broke; 1 gelding coming S; 1 team of mules 11 yrs old. No better in the country for their size. FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. i In. Columbus wagon with wide tire, set heavy truck with ! in. tire, Western Belle lister, 1 row tiding cultivator, 3 row Kerlln corn disc, 2 horse harrow, Deerlug swing stacker, '1 hay bucks, Standard mower, Q 5 Dcerlng mower fi ft cut; 2 seated surrey, hand corn shelter, triple geared corn grinder, hand feed chopper, bay baler, S sets hnrness, Home Comfort range, Sharpless cream separator, blacksmith. Ing outfit, washing machine, some household goods aud other articles and tools. 4 good feed bnnks. LUNUU ON GROUNDS TVvrtmc All sums of 810 or under, cash. All snms over 5 """"""tlint amount a credit of 8, 0 or 0 months time at ten per cent interest will bu given purchaser furnishing note with approved hecurity. No property to bo removod until terms of sale are compiled with. C. G. SQUIRE DOYLE BROS., Aucts. J. E. STIDHAM, Clerk HiiiawDnM Revival Campaign Continues AT Christian Church A Full Gospel will be preached. This is not a denom- U inational effort. All anxious urged to cooperate. KKIIDUIB lia'.till.'lrA't'UfeLlSvfcflid jKj Htj & ules to extend the Kingdom are J. L. BEEBE, Pastor. CT yrj'