The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 30, 1919, Image 4

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    grT?' nwt f
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Rod Cloud, Ncbrnoktv.
GeOo Trine
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why we want to sell you a
Entered in the i'c&totJicc nt Httl t'loiul, Neb
as Hecoml Clnsfc Mnttcr'
F. L. BROWNE. Ed.iot .nd MMse
Talk pea,ce, talk prosperity,
talk contentment, talk happi
ness. As you talk so you think:
as you think, so you will be.
The NEW Dc Laval has made a big hit with cow owners
from Maine to Mexico.
The reason is not far to seek. It is the gilt-edge service the
NEW Dc Laval is giving service never before equalled. Every
user of a NEW Dc Laval is an enthusiastic booster. Satisfied
users from coast to coast arc telling their friends of this splendid
new separator.
The NEW Dc Laval has four big
advantages over any other separator :
It skims closer.
It has grcalpr capacity.
It's the simplest cream separator ever
It is equipped with n Bell Speed-Indicator,
which insures proper speed and
thus prevents cream !ossc3.
We'll icll you n NEW De Lnval on uc!i
euiy term that it will pay for itself
out of iU own savings. Wo want to
see you tlio next time you're in town.
n V till fetfrv$f
Twenty-Fourth Annual Sale of Pure Bred
Poland China Bred Sows
To be held at Orchard Home Stock Farm, 9 miles northeast of
Superior, Neb., and 2 miles southeast of Cadams, Neb., on
Thursday, February 6, 1919
60 - Head of Bred Sows - 60
39 Spring Gilts 14 Fall Sows 7 Tried Sows
3 Bull Calves S Head of Mules
Wo aro offorlng the host lot of sows evor put up by this firm. They
are large and growthy, raised iu the usual way with lots of exercise,
and not over fat, ami have all been vaccinated,
1 Shorthorn Bull eligible to registry
2 High Gride Bulls
They aro all Rood calves and from (3 to 13 months old
1 Span Black Molly Mules
Coming 4 yrs, wt 2000 lbs, well matched, broke and sound. They
are as good a team as we ever sold.
1 Bay Molly Mule
Coming 5 yrs old wt 1150, broke and quiet.
1 Span Sucking.Mules
Jaolt and Molly, well matched, and a good pair
Wo still havo some good PARKED PLYMOUTH kOCK COCKERELS
We Invito you to spend the day with us, whether yon wish to buy or not.
Sale In tent at 1 p. m. Free Lunch at Noon. Wrlto for Catalogun
Smith Bros., Superior, Neb.
A. W. Thompson, W. 0. Henderson, Auots. John Yung, Clerk
House Dresses
iloust Dresses and Aprons. V Y llV
trade runnnic v I III 111
aiPAtor. vCCCvV T .UI LI
--k JilPffl mffio
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fprl JPR?
Jfe. Bar hm Phafes
The United States must (not
can, or should, or might, just
simply must) do its sharcin set
tling the world's problems. Else
all this terrible toll of lives and
loves, of food and finance will
have been for naught.
J&The well-fed man is a con
tented man. To feed the hun
gry peoples of foreign countries
is perhaps the most politic
action possible. As an efficient
aid to world peace we believe
food will outclass fighting.
A man who succeeded is on
record as saying, "I believe
some of my unhappicst times
were when I was given a chance
to get ahead." The moral there
of being that one does not
achieve success without both
effort and sacrifice.
Why so much noise about a
mere Hundred Million Dollars
for the benefit of our destitute
brethren across the water? The
amount is a mere nothing as
against the starvation of women
and children, over there. Ne
braska's ice cream bill for last
year was thirty-live hundred
thousand dollars. Cut out the
ice cream once and pass the
bread to the hungry neighbor.
The Omaha Commercial Club
spends from S35.000 to 550.000 a
year for advertising purposes
besides getting a large amount
gratuitously contributed by the
country publishers who realize
that the upbuilding of a great
commercial center makes for
the benefit of the state in its
entirity. Past' this in your hat:
The town that is liberal in the
matter of advertising is the
town that prospers and grows.
Senatorial racket over League
of Nations affairs is little more
than hot air, The polite term
for this agitation of atmosphere
is "discussing." but omission of
the first syllable thereof would
make a more apt appellation.
As a matter of fact no one
knows just what "League of
Nations" means. After that
little matter is arranged in tan
gible form there will be plenty
of time for legitimate discussion.
J. Ogden Armour, who is sup
posed to be a past master in
matters pertaining to meats and
markets declares that a giant
monopoly under government
supervision will solve the dif
ficulties existent between pro
ducer and consumer. And in
the same breath puts a kibosh
on the plan by admitting that
few men with such enormous
power as this combine would
offer could be trusted to use it
Our eastern friends write of
snow, ice, rain, mud, fog, and
sickness. Would that we could
supply .them .with an,, Aladdin,
magic carpet whereby, Hpy.
could be instantly transported
to our southern Nebraska and
breathe the ozone of the plains.
revel in the sunshine of clear
skies, see the little tots roller
skating to school, the older mis
ses going to and fro bareheaded.
We are not in the tropical class,
but for pure unadulterated en
joyable winter weather South
ern Nebraska's 1919 January
will be hard to beat.
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OU can't help cutting- Ioosg joy'us
a remarks every time you fluch your
smokespot vith Prinde Albert it hits
you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of joy'ua
jimmy pipe sunshine and as satistyun an it is
delightful everj hour of the twenty-four 1
It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure
pasture 1 For, P. A. is trig'ger-rcady to give you more
tobacco fun than 3'ou ever had m your srnck'jcareer.
That's because it has the quality.
Quick as you fcno.v Prince Albert you'll write it down
that P. A. did net bite your tongue cr parch your thr:ct.
And, it never will I For, our exclusive patented process
cuts out bite and.parch. Try it for what dls your tonfjuc!
Tuppy red baas, tidy red tirs, itznrlscrr.e ,-wr! ,nd half povd tin
humidors and lhat clever, practical poui.d .v, i... ' i '.-it ,'iur-c'-r -v': rj
sponge moistsner lop that keeps the tobacco i.t sat i.rf cr lonaVfiG.-i.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Vinsro-Salen, N. C
10 Head Registered Polled
Durham Bulls
A X it V . . ' f UK',.
a vfw
k H
ii fctirw ixftimW dUm
ir, P"eb. 1st
AT. (J
These Bulls Are Reds And Roans And
Range In Age From 1 To 2 Years
TERMS Cash or Time.
H. A. Johnson
The writer remembers when
his relatives, then residing in
New York state, waited in sus
pense for news from Southern
battlefields which was a week
in transit. Today we get full
detail of the events which
transpired en the other side of
the world yesterday. In other
words the world is far smaller
than it was fifty or sixty years
ago. In still other words the
far distant nations of those
times are our next door neigh
bors today. Their welfare
means our welfare, their pro
gress our progress, their pros
perity our prosperity, their hap
piness our happiness! Andf yet,
some smart men arp trying to
tell us that we, as a nation,
should stand aloof , should take
no part iiuth'6 maiiifdniince of
their law and order, prosperity
and happiness. The days of
isolation are past history. The
League of Nations is a neces
sity, not an expedient.
When this country went into
war there were fears galore
that industrial problems could
not be handled. But we pulled
through without serious distur
bance. Now, coming out of
war conditions, the country is
assailed by the same atmos
phere of doubt. In view of the
fact that during the brief period
of nineteen months there was
evolved a huge military orga
nization which reached across
the occat and put an end to one
ofthe hardest-fought wars re
corded in history; and in view
of the fact that productive in
dustry was continued not mere
ly "as usual," but far ahead of
"usual," it would seem that re
storing normal conditions should
not be looked upon as such a
tremendously difficult task.
Tlio Superior Express reports a liar
ry-up telephone call from that vlty to
Oakland, Cnllf., roply being obtained
in twenty minutes. Tlio answering
voice whs very clear, ami the toll was
only about eleven dollars.
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 REDgCLOUO, NEB.
Olothlng Co.
vrypiUigy M$a
m of
The division dara in tho North
Piatt River at Whalen, Wyo., where
water is diverted to irrigato nearly
200,000 acres of Nobraska soil, is capa
blo of generating not less than 25,000
horsepower, enough to light and heat
every homo and business house from
the Wyoming line to North Piatt in
the river's valley, nnd turn overy In
dustrial wheel. Unless the people
wako up nnd take steps to retain this
great privilege in their own name, It
will be grabbed off by some corpora,
Chief ads Pay You