, Hfrtwe 1 i T r V RED CLOUD, MEBXABKA, CRIES' a i! i G 1 K M ;' w i iM !, 1 ti I hi D fin W i f ? r Geo. Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a BI LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR Lots of your neighbors are using De Lavals. Have you ever asked any of them how they like their machines ? Their judgment and experience ought to interest you. "Why not make a few inquiries ? You'll find that in every case the De Laval is giving more cream and better cream; that it is easiest to operate ; very seldom gets out of order and never seems to wear out. s5 v., :uw. ,.,:il k,.i, .. a uui ubiuuuia win uuv& uf what we have been telling you about the De Laval. So will any of the 2,125,000 De Laval users. mm TDc it oyer with your neighbor. We will ell you a NEW Oe Ural on eur term. Come In. examine ilia machine anil talk It o?or. OTSXfiK3E3K3ffi033 r ra .jirasia tc& fry "W3 wmvi T Twenty-Fourth Annual Sale of Pure Bred Poland China Bred Sows cjTYTiSHiaKmn To be held at Orchard Home Stock Farm, 9 miles northeast of Superior, Neb., and 2 miles southeast of Cadams, Neb., on Thursday, February 6, 1919 60 - Head of Bred Sows - 60 39 Spring Gilts ,14 Fall Sows,' 7 Tried Sows, 3 Bull Calves 5 Head of Mules ! We are offering the .best lot of sows ever put up by this Arm. They are large and growthy', raised in the usual way with lots of exercise, "' and not over int. and Uhvc all been vaccinated. , h" 1 Shorthorn Bull eligible to registry 2 High Grade Bulls They are nil good calve" nnd from 8 to 13 months old 1 Span Black Molly Mules Coming -I yrs, wt 'JitfH) lbs, nidi mat :hed, broke and sound They are as good it toam us wo uvir sold 1 Bay Molly Mule Coming .1 yrs old wt 11. "0, broku and quiet. 1 Span Sucking Mules lai'lt nnd Mully, wtdl nmli-'it'd, and a good pair We still havo. soma gnod UAIlUEl) l'LYMOl'TIl itOCK COL'KHitELS We Invite you to spend the day with us, whether you wish to buy or not. Sale in tent at 1 p. in. Free Lunch at Noon Write for Catalogun Smith Bros., Superior, Neb. A V. Thompson, W. C. Henderson, Ancts. John Yung, Clerk Open Day and Night1 DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, NobrnekoL cUUI.ilUHUD BVERY THURSDAY fotcrud In the I'ostolllcc at 11 til Cloud, Neb as Second ClasB Mattor F. L. BROWNE. Editc inJ Mnse niK ONLY IJKMOUKATIO PAI'KU IN WKI1HTUH COUNTY Don't be a quitter. Be a pat riot. Buy another War Savings Stamp! Farme r-owned packing houses are suggested as a solu tion of the question before the house Iowa for example. There is a great inducement for the new comer in the fact that personal property within normal limits is exempt. The increase of population and industry is a tenfold offset for the loss of a comparatively small source of revenue. Senator Norris is forging to the front with his bill abrogat ing the seniority rule. The dry bones are rattling in the old standpatter ranks. It is stated that the govern ment has 400.000,000 pounds or wool to put on the market. This with the new crop coming in should make a warm market. Without expressing opinion for or against the Mooncy case we call attention of organized labor to the fact that "the fruits of the policy of force arc bitter." The opponels of government ownership might get a new viewpoint on the situation by studying New Zealand statis tics which show a profit of SH.000.000 on government-owned railroads, for the past year. The London Daily Express slates that Wm. Ilohenzollern is "going insane." Yep. we're wise! Every once in a while wc have a case like that in criminal court over here. Again Nebraska scores! This time as one of the thirty-six states ratifying the constitu tional amendment for national prohibition. The die is cast. A year hence the moot question of interstate commerce as re gards intoxicating liquors will have gone !intOy the discard. Well authenticated rennrts from Russia are to thn uttoc.i that crowds in Pctrogad parade ' tnc streets clamoring for bread: that there arc lartfc nuantities of wheat available but condi tions prevent its distribution: that at the Silesian station Bolshevist troops were using butter to grease their boots. We may take these reports for what they arc worth, but in any event it would seem proper to be somewhat conservative in matter of sympathy. Thrnn. f.hnn.cntiH vnnre nrfn n Chinese emperor issued an edict ll II a mat an vines in ins Kingdom oe uprooted. There is no question about his striking at the roct of the evil yet the world has whirled through three decades of centuries before attaining practical prohibition. Twen tieth century events move swiftly. One need not look across such a vast stretch of time lo note progress. If the grandfathers who were with us but yesteryear could wake from their last long sleep they would look in amaze seajng a move ment which was in their day maintained only under great difficulty in mcro townships, now become statewide, nation wide and promising to be world wide. During the years 1!1!) and 10'Jo more thau -200,000 acre,, in Western Nebras ka uill be put under irrigation by government constructed projects. PUBLIC SALE I will offer at Public Auction at my place 3-4 of a mile west of Inavale, Nebraska Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1919 Commencing at Ono o'clock, sharp 39 - Head of Stock - 39 8 HEAD OF HORSES 1 pair bay mares, wt US0O, one In foal, 7 nnd 8 yrs old; 3 good Molly mules, coming l, 2 and .1 yrs old; 1 brown mare colt, coming 12 yrs old; 1 colt coming 1 yr old; 1 black mare 12 yrs old, wt 930. 8 HEAD OF CATTLE 2 choice milch cows, both fresh; 1 heifer coming 2 yrs old, will be fresh in spring; 2 yearling heifers, 'J yearling steers, 1 calf. 23 HEAD OF HOGS 11 thoroughbred Duron Jersey sows, duo to farrow the last of Mar. 12 shoats, weighing from 10 to-TiO pounds. FARM MACHINERY, FEED, ETC. 1 McCnrmlck mower 0 ft cut. almost new; 1 hay sweep, 1 MeCor. tnick rake 10 ft, 1 Ushovel riding cultivator, 1 lister, 1 walking cultiva tor, 1 !J seotloji harrow, 1 14-10 die, 1 II Inch walking plow, 1 'J-row Badger weeder, 1 '2-iow John Deere weeder, 1 stalk cutter, 2sotsl.'t inch harness, 1 tripplo grinder, 1 1" inch wagon, 1 hay wagon and ruck, 1 Success manure spreader, 1 1 horse cultivator, 1 saddle, 1 hives of bee's, 2 feed bunks, 12 tons alfalfa hay, 100 bu. choice corn, 7 bu seed corn, sonic cane seed, 1 grind stone. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 ll gal water separators, l refrigerator, 1 kitchen, cabinet, I lounge, 1 library table, 1 stand, L 1C0 egg Suro Hatch incubator, good as new; 1 lard press, pa gal ice cream liee.or, .'1 rocking chair", 2 iron beds, 1 guitar, 7 doen hens and other articles. LUNCH OX CiROI'NDS TERMS: 9 months at 10 per cent. GEO. W. MATKIN COL. J. II KLLINUKR. Auct. G. It McCRARV. Clerk President Wilson was chosen to address Russia relative to bringing about a conference for solution of problems confronting that nation. Literally our pres ident has become a leading Director-General in world af fairsone of the world's great est men! And some little senr ators said he ought to stay at home! . Regardless of what may oc cur in regions where manufac turing industries predominate. Nebraska has a year or two of prosperity as nearly guaranteed as is possible. Crop prospects arc good, prices are good, mark ets arc good, There are two things to do. One is to start looking ahead. The other, tb stop looking back. A man who is clean both in side and outside: who neither looks up to the rich nor down to the poor: who can lose with out squirming and win without bragging: who is considerate of women, children, and old peo ple: who is too brave to he: too generous to cheat, and who takes his share of the world and lets other people have theirs, is a gentleman. Ex. The sugar campaign in Nebraska is practically closed, but, one factory re maining in operation and It will close about Feb 1. During the campaign the four Nebraska factories made ap proximately 125,000,000 lbs of sugar and paid ont upwards of 9.1,500,000 for beets and labor. Contracts for the 1911) crop are now being made on the basis, of SlO. per ton for beets at the factory, with the unrestricted delivery after October 5th, and SI per too extra for siloed beets, siloing being optional, yith the grower. The indications' are for a greatly increased, acreage VV.' i i BUILD NOW That New Home You have dreamed of for years. Our house plans are at your service free. MaloM "IS i ' . i WfSttfMfJWWWJWJWWffJJWVJJWf, t rr TT IX f I J I r- Mtlilill:i!!lll!li;il!!!!;a THE WONDERFUL EGG PRODUCER GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFATORY RESULTS Joe Kelley, chairman of the Omaha Market Week committee, announces that March 4-0 have been solectod as the dates for tho annual spring mar. ket week. Omaha wholesalers have gone Into the leading buying centers of the-world and gatherod together hundreds of carloads of merchandise in order to bo ready for tho retail, merchants of tho mid-West who look to Omaha for their supplies. Now that the war is over, aud with tho biggest winter wheat crop in history Rrowlug a spirit of optimism prevails in business circles. TM0 Hamilton - Cothor Clothing Co. Everything Mem er Boy Ween M4 OI4 NabraUa The Chief desires' tovgo "on record as favoring what" is known to newspaper publishers as the zone system. Empha tically in favor of it just as it stands. Next to the second class mail privilege we believe the zone system means more to the country newspapers than any otner postal regulation on the books. We ask our ex changes to take notice of the matter and oppose any change or repeal. It is Being Used Mow By Thousands of Satisfied Customers MR. CHICKEN RAISER. Anywhere in America: I hope you will enjoy reading this note, which I am sending you today through your home paper introducing our "Wonderful Egg Producer." Something you have been wanting for a long time. Now, of course I want you to see our wonderful remedies too, not so much be cause we make them, but because you need them. I will never sell a chicken raiser anything that costs him a cent. I mean by that, just this, if I can't make your chick ens pay you more than enough extra profit to justify you in using our remedies, then I do not want your order. In other words, if you use "The Wonderful Egg Producer' thQ,chick(em5 themselves gre.going.ioi pay usilf they-don't, I don't want a cent of your money. '" The First Step is send and get a bag of LAY MORE EGG TONIC. Next Start feeding LAYMORE, it is the best tip I can give you. It is almost a miracle worker when it comes to piling up Poultry profits. Whatever you do, don't fail to start feeding LAYMORE. A Trial Order will convince you. THE AMERICAN POULTRY POWDER CO; LINCOLN, NEBR. DON'T WAIT SEND TODAY Barring the unforeseen. Wood row Wilson will be president of these United States until March 4th. 1921. In accord with es tablished precedent and with out doubt, by personal desire he will not compete for a third term. Whcrtfore, then, all these attacks, both open and in sidious? One can easily im agine a bolshevik element work ing underhmdedly to upset Peace Conference plans by throwing discredit upon a pow erful advocate. PRICE 15-lb. Bag $2.50-PREPAID (Pill In space below) There is an opportunity for gome member ofrthe legisl&ure at Lincoln to getjylo the $$6t light by lookirjUp pie exemp tion laws of ahjvad joining' state and introducing aiirfor adbp tion thereof in-Nebraska. iTake Every paoknge is guaranteed. The results must be satisfactory to purchaser or wc refund the pur chose price. Now la the time for big poultry profits. GET YOUR SHARE, A'' These goods are to bo shipped Parcel Post, Express Draw line through Words wanted ' Ship to 1 on the Railroad (Railroad Station) ' .1 I I enclose , with the under standing that I am to receive MY MONEY SACK if I am not satisfied with my purchase. My name U T My PostolOce address is ,R. P.. D. No Town. .State. Tho price of eggs is soaring -It will CONTINUE to do so. The demand for eggs and poul try products is becoming terrific. You Cannot Lose A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU Gellatly.Gov vf v ! 1 1 . Vt A. m .i 1