I RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, HIEP T i '" i ORPHEUM THIS Wi'UK Friday and Saturday Nov. 22-23 7 ltt Program MARGUERKTA FISHER in Jilted Janet Comedy Drama SCRKF.N TELFJUiAM JERRY'S REST FRIEND, Comev Admission 17 and lie NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday Nov. 26-26 Official War Review IIANDJ IT NO -. CAR'1'uoN and TRAVEL PRICE OF FOLLEY Admission 17 and Jlc No Pictures Wednesday Mr. H II Nexvhnusc will occupy the Oi'phoum on this (Into with a Special Musical program. See bills for particulars. Thursday, Moy. 20 THANKSaiVINQ A SPECIAL PICTURE OVERTHERE A Splendid Patriotic Picture with a grip ping story. A war tory ard thtme without wars horrors Admission 17 and lie Written by George M- Cohen author of the song "Over Ther" NOTICE . Thanksgiving Evening First Show nt 5 7 o'clock, Second at 8:30 txraujwmacn umm tarva nt tho Sciraltz & Schaai 5 lor First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST Successor to Dr. Cross OVER STATE RANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA When the Firemen. Appear the insured man's fust thought is one of thankfulness tint he is so. ! low abou your thoughts if a fiircmsn should ap pear at your home? The Da.y Before the Fire is the day to insure. As that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to day and have us issue you n policy, O. C. TEEL 5. Drop m imii wiwpiMWiii i ai-nnri MftntfTrn iWTi PTi m iritrrrnriTri Iff' JK? j.' I J 4 ' srtC0Sj I II AS TOLD TO US . . vv , 7m" - j Kat mil drink Ciff. 111 I'OV.1'11 v. Pop i V tr Fre-h Hastings bread iliiily at Piatt's tlioiuiy. tf Henry (illhuiit was u Hastings visl. tor Wednesday. Miss Eydhi Trattt was a Hustings visitor Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. S.ilnleii w.is a Hustings visitor Wednesday. Mondern house to i out. Iitttilte of Mis. Frank PoU'isoii. Ubtf A. 11. Iloirinan made a business trip to ISlue Hill Tuesday. C. F Rvans Is visiting relatives in Ashland mid Aurora. Mrs. N. A. Piatt visited her parents at Powles Wednesday. las Peterson went to Guide Hock on business yesterday. (iood mollis pood service moderate I ri is Powell & PopoVi cafe. Mr. Johu Rurgess visited hor win his f iinily at luavale Friday. M mil Mieivvoodhi'S Iicoii houin on a fc.v i! y-. fail Jtigh from Cu.. , Dod' Earl Saladcu Is home on a short furlough from Camp Manhattan, Kan. John Taltt.is from Lincoln In vlsitinu hi farmer homo Mid friends in Red Cloud. Con McConl and lirother from tho Pawnee corner wore Red Cloud visitors Tuesday. Claude Pierce onmo In from Inavale to visit hbj parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Pleroo. Mrs. R. Sutton undorwont an opertu lion for appendicitis Sunday evening at Hastings. Ashley Warthen arid Daxvey Rut. ledge were Monday visitors from Ina vale. I'.rn N. R. Simpson wast called t Fonda, Io,a Friday by the Illness of hpr sister. Pie social at the school boue, Diet. 'll, Friday evening. Proceeds for bent-fit of Rd Cross. Glen Foe reports arrival at Camp Taylor, ICy. lie jjoes In trnlnluir as n Pield Artillery officer. Forrest Mouutford cimu In from school at ITastinfru to visit his parent-, Mr. and Mr. .Sam Moutitford, over Sunday. County Superlnteudeut Oertrnde I.. Coon, went to Hast 1 airs and (J rati d Is. land Wednesday to' altend lenoherV meetinir. Hev, J L Ouoho who has had usurious tlmo with the "flu'" 13 ab'.o to bn out np.aln to' the grstit plousnro of u liot of rrlcnds. Try A. 1). S. Milk Of Mupnoslu for the baby. It will rolievo collo, Indi gestion and constipation. Sold only by Tot tine, tho Druij;lst. 17-5 Win Auld returned from Omaha Monday morning, where ho had been to visit his uncle, Thos. Auld, who is seriously ill at a hospital In that city. Thanksgiving services will bo hold Thursday, Nov. 28th at 11 a. in. at tho Hrcthreti church, followed by a basket dinner. All nro cordially Invited to attend this service. Dr. Crolghton answered his call to service Tuesday Ho starts profes sional work ut Ft. Riley. Mrs. Crolgh ton accompanied liiin on the trip. Dr. Mitchell has alto gone. Mrs. (). H. Throne went to Hastings Tuesday to spend the day with her daughtor, Mrs. Ray Sutton, who Is con. valeseiug from an operation, at the Mary Limning hospital. There is a noticeablo difference around the courthou-e slneo lust week .Monday. War pressure is decreased and a corresponding ease up In extra work ts apparent and a wolcome relief. Mis Ivalhryti RurV, who linn been seriouhiy hi, mis r covered r.-;tt re sumed her school ilutiei this week, titr tuo' her, who has bean in atten dance during the iili.ess, rotuinud to her home at Walnut, Iowa, Tmaday. You Are ioiiag Money ! If you dou't soR your cream to the Farmers I' aim Co-oper. live Company hiiU tveelve the ' dividends. tO:f " Just to romlnd you drop, in and aabsoilbo for the Chlof. Rverybody Is paying that littlo dollar and a hair. Wo nro cot ting commendations from pooplo who are high up, and will make the pnpor better still if yon fellows pay in. Geo. Warron who has boon nbsont past week attending to out-of town business bus returned todutlos In Red Cloud. We have been seeing some fine pictures at the Orpheum during his abseuuo and there nro a lot more nice ones coming. Farm Loans I am ready to make farm loans in any amount at lowest rates, bent torm3 and option. Absolutely no de lay and no inspection expense. Sole i.gont for Trovott, -Mattia and Raker fciome private money. J. II. BAILEY. Miss Thelma Lnmboiu Is teaching nt Lawreii 'e. Fresh Hastings bread dally at Piatt's Grocery. tf MrjiUidMra Walter Win ten tire vvf lug in Lincoln. Morton Smith returned to Mason City Friday morning. R .1. Ovcrlng was a holiness visitor at Guide Rock Motility. S. I) Long of Cowlcs.was a luwlness visitor In Red Cloud Monday Attorney 1j II. Ulaekledge wen: to Linco'n on professional bnlsiiess Mon day. A. I). S. Milk of Magnesia will lelieve all stomach troubles, Indigestion, gas, heart burn and consllpalluu. Sold by C. L. Cottlng. !7-'Jt Klsowherc in this issue wo publish an interesting letter from Schuyler Hayes, soldier sailor from tho Chief office last spiliiir. District No S went way over the top In the War Wot k drive, having fl'.'lt.OO to its credit. Lew Aubnshon Is the presiding officer. Lieut. "Carl Warren has roturnrd to (,im Pike, rk. lie visited his mother F.r. .lull i Warren, and other rela'ivos here fm ovoral daya last, week In obspi vatiee of thu tim honored holiday tlm Chief will go to press a day earlier next week. Correspondents anil ndvurtNes tdtiase rinko n notd of tin and sret cipy in early. Tb tlmn for malllog Chrlstinne parcels to members of the A Fl1'. and war aid organizations has been exlonded to Nov. 30 Hi. .However, It is iest to send them on lis curly as possb ble. In hastily trnii'criblng from notes the types made the Chlof say, Inst last week, thtt on "April 3nd Congress de clared war on Geimany". Whit was In tended was- " Vpril 2nd WlUun asked Congress to doclaro war on Gernihny"' The official declaration of war was made by Congress April 6th MI7 Oliver Sutton, of Inivale, wa a lied Cloud visitor Mondny. Mr. Sutton has been a resident of Nebraska for over forty yeais and relates interesting reinluose.em.-es of early days of the ti.ee when lit knew Hastings as no larger a plaee than Inavale now in and, ot iiisoustern friends believing him to be out in lei ritory amid iid itnliuus He B?ty forty yenre of oxpeileiiee bas not shftkvn his faith in Nebraska as a, state of great possibilities I'nion Tiiauksglviug services wili be held Thursday evening ut 7:J0ut the M. ID. church. Rev. Johu Ilnmmol will preaeb the sermon, Rev. .1. L Reebe read the scripture lesson, and Rev. V. M. Harper offer tho prayer Glen Wnlkor will have charge of tin , singing. Wo would be pleased to hav . tho people of Red Cloud and vicinity! maitc au cuort to no present asm evidoucuof Lliolr appreciation of tli. great blessings Hint 'our lloavenl Father has bestowed on lis Let u praise God from Whom all lllessing Flow. We teach you (by Actual Practice Bookkeeping, the principles of Ac counting, tho use of the various up-to date oillco appliancos for saving Hm and money; wo give you thorough training In all of the so-called tcehni cal otllce work, so that you can lit into any bank or business olllcc uud imme diately give service that will merit a good salary. Send for free catalogue Address Grand Island Business Col lege, Grand Island, Nebraska the Oldest and Largest Business Training School In Nebraska uud surrounding states. Musical Recital Vi II. Newhouso will presont Mine Odette Le Font unity, lyric soprano, ol the Metropolitan Opera Company sea. son I!)l7-l!)lSand Miss Virginia Powell violinist, in a a recital at the Orphoun. Thcatro on Wednesday evening', N" vember tweutv-seveuth. Jules Mos.net wrote to Odette I. Fonteuny uheu hu beard she had be engaged by the Opera Cainhjuo, Par. "It Ls with gict. eatisfietion tbut . li'iii'it of your i ngageaieiit at tlie Ope Cotnliiue, and I am overjoyed u Uim that you are to be our ds-!ightful '.. terpreter." That give you a slight 1 le i of Mim Le Fontunay who hna e.xceptiouu riifrs. , ilur voice is a full an 1 delight ful soprano, and she brings to her m tisllo xvork a groat omotional luten sty. Asldo from her boau'iful vole the indellnablo attuospheio of Frene! aitmakoa tho singing of OdHtto L Funtonay consbtently doligiitful. In addition to her voc.l ability and h.i charming pcioiiullty, she Is an intei pietor in the highest sense of the tetm. Her program will cjnsist large ly of well-known songs In English, i which is nddod testimony to her ver satility The fact that Mino Lo Fonteuny is to bu assisted by Miss Powell lends added Interest to tho event. Exhilarating Burlssquo; Vaudoville Staes AUaira ritted tth Pr tll Clrti. Funnr Clowes, Osr-tou. ...... J.,ull,,1 ""'""I Ie,"'c tnilrsiUBirt LADIES' DIME MATIKEE EVERY WEEKDAY Cvorybody Goes; AK Anybody UWATS THE BIGCUT AID BEST SHOff WfSf OF CHICWO Miss Powell Is rtn artist who has made many friends among disci itulnnt. hi! music lovers for her sincere uinsi. clanship and unusual ability. J Theie arc Indicatlutis that some t' nig out of the ordinary will be i hejrd at this leeitul, and thos,. W tr'end are hooked for a very id, asunt Mo prise. Amission to the recital will I Will be l.y I uul (fteO c i 1 only which may bo hi n idylng to H. 11. Now house, Cowlcs Holds Celebration Monday morning when it was leaiti e lv oUldal annouiieeinent that the A nistlee had been signed every one in C leswas very jubilant: school was ill missed nnd teachers and scholuis if itched up and down the Streets singing, shouting and blowing horns, in fact tiny thing that would malic a n ii-cwnshtoiighi. forth Rveryoneipilt woiU for the day a:ul celebrated Rolls wi te rung continuous y, little Aithnr G -c'. 1 u i i II ! I' K f- t' I 1, vi , lit ' St I .1 ringing the bell at the Christian eh from 7 o'clock in the morning I Hourly six in the evening. io school and clt'unns met the ' itigst train and indulged in sstui uid waving of tl.tgs as the train d into the st'ition. .Indsre Don i dng on the train. i btoiivht i iml from tl" rer p'ntform of train gave a short address on the !,d War Woiu C ti.ipnign' which launched that h.y Mr Dun 's address was loudly applauded, the evening every body In the ulty came to town where a program been arranged. V. II. Davis and Sprncher flred the anvils several rininds, then the crowd went to the hi s,mth west of town where rubbish hi ' been hauled ami held a big bun fli A long polo was placed In the gi nd from which suspended th In 'e of Kaler Bill Men and bys" i i) guns, rifles and revolx, rs pour.-d lo ' frer load of leal into tin. body, tl I. It wa s.vuug over the Hie where It . is soon consumed to ashes i e Oho Club then -iut Mveiul fco s upprop, iate for the o , s'on 'ud 01 i putriotic 4pvches were t Ive i by r. .(ioh1, 11 O. Ktn"y, Re. Mihs Rev. llaotnan. T'liiee eli'-eis then given for tho Auiericiii box s I 'ranee, tlnee cheers for Qeneial and tin- Miletnnd 'hiee cheers I'lestdent WiImui. Mr. Good agniti . the Stand and give unite a I, ngthy Kl . tQ fo to. td; ss on the heroism of nur bovs in 01 Mce ' !. .'ryoue was nioie than ivi joyed to ililuk that the bloody carnage wh eh hal ben going on for more tb ! four years, was iioxt at an end sn i although we know o Jr Isoys will oo' bo bom- for some lion w know tW aro not. havititf to face tho can. uOUh mo a 'It t : . , . Soil Product Exhibition It Is of int, . n kno iliu thei is to bo held In n ih i in "the Mint eip.t' Auditoriiiin fi 'in Wudn lay, Fctiru ary lth.to M'nrday, Ftd ruary 'ilm. l!)l(), an Rxliilition and n-pos!linn of Soli Products, setting forth the Agii. cultu.iul possitiilities and resources of the Middle We.t. The Omaha Inter-.S,ate Land Show, (official title) is to be g'txou largely for tho purpose of assisting tho Putted States Uoveiiituent, tho various States included in the plan and other laud development organizations, including commercial clubs, to furnish correct Information for the returning soldier boys; to try to ontuni.H conventions and cougicses to promote occupancy of Middle Wesl farming lands Don't let him 'go vithout a ' National rVayer Ring 8ymWora will boonovcrprccentmce- tiuuol)nurprnvursxvriuriviirlio(;(ea. ilizpah In tlio Iilble word tliat wcuaa Coil wetch between Idee and ma while wo are abiant one from tho other, Thlq Is tlio prayer In your henrt lot hliuur r that prayer on his llnitur, r- tfajg. fauilusltvor.'B.'iO lOttfjoias; 50. II If. fiold 0.0O Sec Symblem today at J. C. MITCHELL T'HE JEWELLER 'i" j?? lM$Kr vAjss'-i''Kx2fv 0 I j 'i ipipimii '"""WIMWI'iWWWWWtMWllWIMWIBIMIWlWPJMjtiM il 19 DK IKh. X" ,rSrrSk rf .fflis Cv 9 nv i ! ft I m Wfa ..-1 m hT1 Ti?11 7r tt 41 1 You always get the very best at cmr store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the fcl housewife as BEST of their kind. Everything i7resfo and Pure Chase 8c f ?nkorns Coffeei Itens (- Ler and Cookies Batavia Ju:ns and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods 1 I I M. A. ALBRIGHT j sa m i fcwsiii 1 1 !! mmmmmmmmmm.ormwmmtu ppmgrmm- - , m jwswssMswBWsy wsji '' ' st-" j0 iiiiiwmium mi pi mmmmmm .s.WMt,i,iii.lMWM,l,i,i , , . WWjh. nns w i i hsb JMBaaanMnunMaMaaaMiBHWBiBnanaaaMVMOTMSMHasaBaHeM " 1 BUY A FORTUNATE PURCHASE I Have Two Pieces of Linen Table Damask Oi&e n riece G&X Piece at Mrs. Barbara Phages ? Christian Church I mm '".v.V'r Sunday Sunday School at in A. M. i J I mmmm'mwmmmwegf nmvom auixMmHzaztTa&w - These Three Booki "Go to Southwestern Nebraska" "There's a Farm for You in Colorado" "Tho Big Horn Basin of Wyoming" ncscrlbo sections with low priced lands that grow largo and high-priced crops and should nppeal equally to investor and houiemakor. If you nth seaichlng for a home where wheat and livestock farmers dourlsh, whoro their families enjoy modernized farm life and whoro Hurliitgton lines afford quick service to every market center, visit SOUTH WKST HUN NEBRASKA and. NORTH HASTHHN COLORADO; see theso great, fertile prairies nnd locate your son or youisolf whero you are sure to prosper. Or, If you prefer Irrigated farming, go to tho Hid HORN BASIN Or WYOMING, whero every irrigated acre is sure to reach u high prlco. Take i irrigated hoinostead In the Douver project one of tho best projects ?V government, bus developed 20 years lo pay for water right uo interest no protlt taken. Let mo nsslst you to a full understanding of those exceptional lav -ments. Ask for tho foldors today - IIIHMWWl VERY $ oe a JU $2 a yd Nov. 24 H ft I iyiZBemaL"sr,9mtm'i i :s the yd S. B. Howard, Agricultural Ardent, C.B.&Q. R.R- looi Furnum St. Omaha, Nobr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb, nrasu.nia2ffif30iyfi:rsta! i