RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Hi r k V J I'ontiL'ul AiHei tislnp A - f? , .m Mitt y i ' ffM ' Iff ;i nyesi l gooper TECUMSEM, NEBR. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR SEGRETflaY OF STATE Has ben a re i 'cut of Nebraska for thirty-two years. Iwcnty-eiK it oj which were spjnt i;i conducting a Democratic ncwipiror ut Tccumsch. He hns ben le;u:!y Pcaetary of State for nearly four yeat,, during which time tie business affairs of the office have nio.-o than doubled. It elected will knop the affairs of thu ofllce up to the highest standard of excellence that has been in force for the past four yeaia. (live me youe otc on election clay, November 5. JUDGE WILLIAM B. ROSE TEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE AS JUDGE OF THE SUFREME . COURT CANDIDATE FO;i RE-ELECTION McCook Kki'L'IH.scan: "Judge Rop sas been Fervine as a Judt,e of tic Supreme Court since UJOS and has made H most creditable record on the Rench us well as in every position he lias ever held, administering the affairs of that position without fear or favor." Nehkaska Dj:mockat (August, 1918): "Judge Rose is broad. He does not iump at conclusions. His motto is to five every party in his court a squr..e deal and that is all the American people want. The judfce is in the prime of life, strong, robust, healthy and a constant ftudent." TKcmsnn Ciiieftajm: "It can be laid of J 4d(;e Rose that ho has uniformly discharged the duties of his high ollice with rare ability and has contributed powers of analysis and discrimination to ihe court which have been of inestimable value to the state." FOR SUPREHE JUDQE -. ' 8& T Q. MARTIN Formerly Attorney General. Ten cars dsvotcd to the Icnl business of Ihe state. New helping Supremo Court to clear Its docket. j The Omcha n::&:n:nor s:iy3: "Grant 0. Martin is n per Isrant udvocato of speedy termination of litigation In crder to cut down expense, both to litigants and tho a ate That's tho kind of a Judge the pcoplo want oa ho Dupromo betHh " FAI 10 AT HOME EXPECT YOU rWlM TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT i AnA'SFUMW,-,irr3-1, VI3IT RE," THE S?&& IT ilnratine Burlesouo: Vaudcvillo ""M FIHi J with Prillf Glrli. Funnr Clotu, Cotfiout , tqulpui. Hriniini secoic titironniiii brrv UIH1 rybody Gooi: Ak Anybody LWM ; etCCEST AID 81)1 SHOff WEST OF CHtdOO i , -- km i HE. 'fr ? BvC t Wii , ' -"-ft f : i 1 - ,Rl . j ' e ".""' ..-A I AS TOLD TO 1 US fr:-::-:w-::-:-xx:"X":":":":":":: I'nt and drink at Powell it 1'opo's Cafe, tf Will lit tinner lias leturned to Lin coln. Mrs ,1. (). Hutler was a Cowlus viol, tor Momlny. rich Hastings broad dally at Piatt's Uioeery tf Mrs. Win. Sunbetry is honiu from Kepublicnn City. Mrs M. M Deokwith is a Hastings visitor this week. Onions for sale. Inquiie Chus. ser, Ind. Phono 12 on a. iJOtf Mr and Mis. Glen Fearn visited rela tives at Hustings Saturday. Mondein house to tout Inquire of Mih. Krank Peterson. 1.1-tf Good meuls flood service moderate priees Powell fc Pope's cafe. Miss Xola Thompson of Lebanon, is the iiest of her fiiend, Mabel llotV man Mi. Will Hunt and son Leo, went ti I'lyst ss Saturday tv a visit with rein tle Mrs. Hanson, who ban been visiting le'atives hero returned to Heatriep Monday. Mr ami Mrs. licit Sherman of St loieph, Vo , visited telatlves here over Sunday. Mi-s M. Abel went to Hebron Mini ilny for u visit with her sUtcr, Mis. W. W. WrlRht Mlbs Olive lliebardson who was visit it)K her sister Viola, here, lias re turned to Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. .1. R Tackett mo about to ictnove to Uooneville, Mo. They expect to leave tomorrow. Win Pope, of Denver, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mis. Jay Pope, and other i datives1 in Red Cloud. Will IlolYuitin, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Chuvico Raker, arrived bomo f loin Strut ton, Colo, Sunday. Demi Smith of Topekii, Kim., ciimo in to visv. his brother Mciton, who e pected to Ieti-o for California Tuesday .Mr. Abe Wllllan.u iV;id family win veie the jruest of Mr irvjl Mrs. .Ins, I'urden, rettuiiPil to their jm0 nt St Joseph, Friday. Dr. and Mrs. I). D. M:iiidir-uii, ..J,,, wpi'o the Riiests of tins lady's parents. Mr and Mrs. (Ml, Potter, returned to Lincoln Saturday. Thos. Whitley or Iiiavale, was a pleasant caller at the Chief olllee yes terdny. Mr. Whitley is seriously crip tiled by rheumatism. Andiew Cinrretson lias returned to the (iient Lakes training station, after a three weeks visit with ills mother, Mis Klla Garrctson. Dr. anil Mrs. C. K. Moranvillo aie homo from Hastings The doctor's many fi lends tejoiceover his leeovery from serious illness. Pressure of political busluess com pels temporary deferment of "11 years With tho Kaiser." Regular instal ments will bo resumed at an early (Into. Patriotic Wobster county went over the top on tho Fourth Liberty Loan, Red Cloud contributing a heavy per cent of the over plus Hun ah for Red Cloud I Tho two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCullum passed to tho higher home Sunday morning. Funeral services were held at Bladen Monday. Tho bereaved, parents have the sympa thy of ninny friends. Leo Mi-Arthur says: "Dog-gone it, the way things are going the war will be over before I get out of Red Cloud " Lee has been billed for a start to the war ''rvlcp si'Vi ml times and,, with d' In is. run against a delay order just b'loie the date set for Irtivlng. The Teruiinul markets bavo been more o Wn eonstesU'il of lnte nod per mits to khlp wbejjt can 1b secured mily fiom tho government. PartieK desii- lug to ell wheut to tho rarmeis Union elevator should cull on or phone the nmbogei' of local elevator and iweer. tain if he has Mifliclent or any bin room. II. M, Cook gave an instructive ami Impressive addiess at tho Advent chinch Inst Saturday, his subject bil ling "Love, tho Motive of Christian Spiv Ice." Mr. Cook is in tho draft and oxpected to leavo Hastings Tuesday evening. This was before tho Stato Roiiid of Health issued prohibitory oidersfio it is prosumed ho did not have to go. Capable Men: Prank Miindav, caudtdato for Coun ty Aftorney. A. D. Ranney, cnudidato for County Judge, B. P. Perry, candidate for County Cleik. Albert V. Duoker, onndiditto for County Treasurer, Pi nnk Duffer, imndidato for Sheriff J. W. Hamilton, candidata foi Coun ty Commissioner, nth Dlsinet. C L. Wlekwlio, ciniilidiittt foi Coun ty Commissioner, 3d Distild li. Ueube, cuudidato for Statu Kop lesontatlve. 10th Dlstilct. J. mJ;X..;.. Henry McCune is homo fiom Kearney. Leslie Graves has returned to Grand Island. Roy Sattley is homo from (loodland, Kansas. Frcih Hastings bieaddaily at Plait's Uroeery. tf .Koy Stevens was a Hastings visitor Tuesday. A. II llolTman wasa Illuo Hill visi tor Monday. MissHolle Hamilton hns returned to Guide Rock. Wilbur Hamilton tns a Hustings visitor yestei day Mt. and Mis John Coibott ate home from Table Rock. Miss Dwen has returned to Rrickson while the schools aie cloed. Miss Viola RichanUon went to Hast ings yesterday to visit relatives. The Royal Neighbor Kensington hns been postponed until further notice. Mrs. lluy Zeigler, who was visiting relatives heie returned to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs M. A. Lendlii'iiiid anil son Jay of In.unlc, were Red Cloud visitors Sat ui day. H. C tJlelatly uud wffe uru tin proud patents of a lino baby boy born tile (list ot the vek. Con Mof'oale and Hie Myeis llro, from tho tinwiln territory, wero in Red Cloud Satuidav. Dr. .1. W. Stockman qualified at tho recent examination for appointment in I lie Medical Corp. Use A. I). S. Reef Iron and Wine to tonn up the system and keep disease away. Sold by Cutting. 2t Harry Waller and wife re'.ui'ned to Cowles this morning, after a shnit visit at the J. H. Uailey home. Miss Minnie (Seorgo is home from school duties near Noith Riunch, Kaiisno, diirng the enforced vacitlen. Guy Zloglor of Lincoln, was in Rod Cloud Wednesday. He ts onroute 0 New York to enter government Bf vice as an electrician. T1 Rev. J L Deelio Is lit lma today wlieio ho was called to nllleiiilo at tliP liitienil sprvico of H II. Moore, pioneer to' idem of Harlan county. Arch Shannon arrived fnun Oklaho uia Tncs'lnv anil passml medical ex amination for war servVc Ho !eft his brother quite ill at Clerelnnd, Ok hi. ,'l Cloud Is n quiet place these 'iny-unler the "safety first" tilling of me in-iiiu, tloll,,is oni! js londiidedof the old song; i.;VCI,. ,iuy wlu h Sn. day by and bve ;.!ust drop in and U ,ocjlbll!i W(, want to talk with you "iout'yo,u'-Anb sciiption,to tho Chief ai,j ttlt tu. governtnenr. requires in ti matter ',... If you can't call wiite a check. '. You Are Losing Money ; If you don't sell your creamy to the Pnimci's I'nion Co-opci : live Company and receive thev dividends. lOtf The sweeping order from the State Board Health to discontinue nil pub lie meetings, indoors or out, caused cancellation of Gov Neville's and Con gressman Shallcnberger's dates in Webster county during the wcik. Our friend W. G. Summon writes n vigorous and pointed protest against Ernst Welch being willfully abused he cause ho was notboru in America. We regict inability to find space for tin letter until a latter date. Mr. Mian nou statos conclusively tlint Mr. Weldi is a patriotic Atneri 'nil citizen and en tlrely undeserving of abuse. We publish in another item '1 week under the title "Soldier-' statement of our understanding of ' ' recognition that is due fiom the civ to t'n of thi rnunty'ft fa'' ' officor3. That applies partiqulai' those, who were memboi.s of the J Board and had taken pei hupr a p, cr burden than an other. V.' not over look, howu.ei, and avq the voters will, not ovei look th. that there are others who have londeied valuable and patriotic vices and of these s mention C Judffe who ai chainna tho County Local Adviuory Board porhups devoted as mucli of hia and Fervico to tho country as all other lawyers in the county com1' and A. V. Ducker, candidate treasurer, who in his present po as deputy County Clerk, has seconded and assisted Mr. Pci i a carrying out tho many duties i fell upon the Local Boanl. Wo t 1 that regaidlesH of party every .' should show those men by their ' 'p that their services have been app - tinted. Americon Men: A. D. Rnnroy, cnnilitlatu for County Judge, 11. P. Perry, cnudidato for County Clerk, Albert V Duoker, jandldato fur County Treasurer; Prank Huffor, cundidnte for Sheriff, Krank .Miindav, candidate for e uni ty Attorney, J. W. Hamilton, candidate for C on ly Commissioner, Mil Dlstri. i C. L. Wick wire, candidate for m ty ComiuiSsionei, ltd Dlntlic J. L Heebe. cnnili'lnte for State Hi Vtik 'entutivo, V, b District, Office of County Judge ' the matter of fees and salary, the e.t9 fees paid into the county 'run. ui for the vear 1917 was S3.11 aO, and th v j car the excess fees earned by the olli . to be returned to tho county at th ml of the ypai. will be more than th. illtnwmee of the county coinmls sl -is for clerk hire, and the otllce or com ty judge will W self sustaining foi he (list time in its history, with out fie expenditure of ONl'i CUNT KNIOD lY TAXATION. I' ! my intention to leave thin mal lei ( i-Ierlc biro just where the htatuto I'l i '" it in the soun I disci etion of the d Commissioners, and they will " n.ike any allowance for clerk hire, an -s it is shown to lie necessary to tlf tllcient business niiinngeinent of th- tllce, and in no event would such all .wince bo in excess of the fees en i. d by the ofllce. I ace been a resident of Webster Ci i .'j for 4(5 years, was admitted to pm oo law in HSU. mid continued in tlii" p.-ofession until elected county Ju -. Since Hint time I hnvo tc tri 1 eutiielv troni the praelu'e ot in mil have not engaged in tntsinuss of .i cliaiMctcr whatever outside the u - nf the olllee. and I now ask for m Mllnppteetale tho Vote and sup po -i the electois ef Webster county. ui I'Hgiinl to their iiilil i. ., iiml if I'l.ctnl I pie Igc tu f my f-ntiri' time In the faithful ; iiiiuce nf the diitlis of the conn. .v ' Je A I). Rnm:y. Notice To Bidders N 'tie is hereby given that the Coun ty liinrd of Commissioners will re-cen-sealed bids up to noon Noveni bi'i lull, llils for a County Poor Farm So, Miiteudcnt for Webster County, cii'iinu'iiciug March 1st, lOlsi. I ii further itit'oriimtlou in reg inl to diii,,, salary and other particulars ei'piiio of County Cloth. " I'ness my baud Satil this 23nl day of Dtobor, 191S P. P. I'r.miv, I Seal County Clark. TThe Ounce oE Prevention or.lei ottlio State Hoard of Health I iiMIe nsspriiblies, indoors or out, uohlbitol until Nov -id. Red I I complied promptly although the i .iiitlioritlfH feel that tho coudi- al ar CI. lo. lb is eo pu lieio are nut at all dangerous. It j iter to be afe tban-sorrv. and the i perative action of tin; City IJounl lished elaewhete will meet with approval of all ultl.t-ils who have pub. Ii2 wellfaie ut heart. For Sale Imtnuiii'i Dnroc Jersey boats and silts t)f Match farrow Splendid 'blood lines O vner is in the army and entire legistered beid is to be i sold. For piii-iii'uhii's ad. tress George I J. Spohn, phone .tilillJ, Supeilor, Neb. iV2 Piano Tuner Coming lonr ,.. i . . . . I : uruurs ior inning ami repair. i " "'"i"" nt t 10 Amuck or Sattlnv stores.A L. iirox, Piano Doctor. Industrious Men. B. P. Perry, candldato w -.i i , r.ouiity Clerk, S'.-v Albert V. Ducker, pandlilnte County Tieasurer.l "r Frank Buffer, candidate for Sheriff. Prank Munday, candidate for Coun ty Attorney, A. D. Ciiniiey, candhlatri for County Judge, .1. W. Hamilton, candidate for Coun ty Cinntnissloiier, .")thDlstiict. C. L Wiekwira. can- lb lata f ir Coun ty CiiniulRslone . til Dls'rict, J. L iteebe, candid ito lor S nto Hep-le-eiitnttve, li' b Dls.ilt To fiil your needs is here for you Bui you should CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the Clock' Shortage is sure to come this winter, EARLY BUYING means BETTER SERVICE and Better Satisfaction. Clock Materials are get ting low and it is neces sary to act at once. ' j. C. MITCHELL THE JEWELLER 1 r-i mil i i - -i ami nw in iwirnrii't - j A Clock TO THE I want you to try the Avalon Farms Hog-Tone on my guarantee for 60 days. Ycu can take out enough to treat all of your hogs for that time and if you arc satisfied that it has done tliem a lot of good, expelled the worms and put them in hotter condition pay me $1 per bottle. If you arc not satisfied bring back the empty bottle and 1 will cancel the charge. Will you try it? Chns. L. Cotting, The Druggist. "gaatKLM'Mvjiwj&a Dependable mrr.wj'irrmMffygnTavMnt,vMi,mf'a iTMWiMinnuf.wmrFw.w You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods A ft I Kl-c If -H 1 -t ta&miXEBXsBETssjtEmw'jurj'f Democratic Candidate Por Representative 4(th District Your Support Arpreciated J. L. BEEBE Red Cloud, Nebraska Vote for the Man Qualified to Represent You Mr. Bcebe has lived in the state more than 35 years. Has -studied law. Served as County Judge five years. Taught practical ?nti countrv school. Has had experience as a ind yourinIe?&.?nds a convincing speaker. Elect him is with the common peoftePresented- for his sympathy your rights in the legislature. ,,,J will be able to defend K Mm GX M UIHIBII1 IIMIMI ! 'WOHMin-l'UNRI IH i n mi mini !! i ii i i win 1 1 ii ! ii i mi mi i in urn inrr ' ' ' i BUY A FORTUNATE PURCHASE I Have Two Pieces of All Linen Table Damask One Piece at $1.25 a yd One Piece at $2.00 a yd .t WMMHM n. UMn Po FARMERS 'sM&KiXz&MKWsamzr i i SSmi I i - .S1U ouihiimi nn"UTnriMTrrTrwrriFi'iT",T ares t i iiiim ill i n in ii i niiiMimriiiin A !.! 4l n