BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP tmmmmmKKKammmmmmmmmammKmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmammmmammmmmmmmimmmmammmauimmmmtmmmmmmmjmmmmtmmmmmmiMmmmmm V '$ wiiman wows. I in limine a niiv AllkrVnlnilR fifn rP A7sn-i ,' Change from Weakncas W to Strength by Taking Druggist' Advice. Fern. Ind. " I BuffM-ed (mm n AU. placement with backncho und drncfjing down pains so l badly tbntnt times i 'I could not bo on ' my feet end It did not seem as though JJI could stand it I "tricd difloront (mcdlcinc3. without any ucnent nnu i several doctors told mo nothing but an operation would do mo any good. My drug gist told mo of Lvdla E. Pink- hnm'n Vprrtnhln aWK CM Compound. Itoolc V A XWVl it with tlio result ( V x that nm now well v N l and strong. I get trp in tho morning at four o'clock, do my housework, then go to a factory nnfl work all day, coma homo and get supper and fool good. I don't know how many of my friends I have told whnt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound 1ms donoforme." Mrs. ANNA METEMANO, 86 West 10th St, Peru, Ind. Women who suffer from any Buch nil- AQts ehonld not fall to trv tills famous root aYid herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vecetnblo Compound. His Interpretation. They were discussing the ninny In terpretations of tlio mystic "1. V. 0-20." Each bail bud bis 111 tig except the meek little man. "I thought It was u klnda slogan the profiteers had got up against us poor pnbllc, meaning 'Poor Klsh.' " "Well, but where does the 'fl-20' corao In?" asked the guy with the fur rowed brow. "Why that means If sumpln's worth 0 writs wo gottu pay 20." Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications ns they cannot reach the dlaeeod portion of the car. There Is only ono way to euro Catarrhal Dcafnons, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATAHIUI MEDICINE nets through the Dlood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Catarrhal DeafnesB Is caueod by an lnflamod condition of tho rpucoua ltnlnp or tho Eustachian Tube. usWhrti this tube ts Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness la the result. Unions the Inflammation can bo re duced and this tubo restored to Us nor mal condition, hearing may bo destroyed forovcr. Many casos of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfaces. one iiTiNnnKD dollars for any cas of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S catawui MEDICINE. All DrugBlsts 76c. Circulars freo. F. J. Choney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. All Geraldlne's Fault. Tho children hud quurreled frequent- all dny. In the evening wo tnlked It over nntl the little tot said, "I would hAve stopped quarreling this morning If Gerdldlno would have cauio gently ut me." " Cutlcura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cutl cura Ointment. Follow nt once by a hot shampoo with Cutlcurn Soap, if n man; next morning if n woman. For fr;o samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists nntl by mall. onp 25, Ointment 23 and 50. Adv. Inconsistency. "Did you ever notice," queried the wlmost philosopher, "that n man wilt Rtlck bis hand out to bee If it's ruin ing and then become peeved If bo catches a drop on It?" Important to Mothora Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for lufants una cnuurcn, nnu see uini it Signature ofLife T) fn r 41 ft In Uso for Over 30 l'eurs. Children Cry for Fletcher's CaBtoria The Same Number. ToYniny (writing) Oh, 11111! Ow many h'ells In "Oenzollern?" 15111 Two h'ellH, same as In 'ell. Camoullagc. Happy is the home where Red Cros Ball Ulue is lucd. Ruro to please. All grocers. Adv. Wi'nn n hmnntv tnnn ilnnsn't Innk It i& X Bli JjlAagr' jUm its S wil vJn fii t-rv" ...... i. ..I... ivi,. ....... ..w.. - -w -- mm nfter you get used to hlim Don't Go From Bad to Worsel Aro you always weak, miserable and half-sick? Then it's time you found out what is wronR. Kidney weakness causes much Buttering from backache, lameness, stiffness and rheumatic pains, and If neglected, brings danger of serious troubles dropsy, gravel and Bright'a disease. Don't delay. Uso Doo3 Kidney rills. They have helped thousands and should help you. A Kansas Cose Mro. a. u. urn, t-2 CiarK St., uiay cen ter. Kan., suva: "I was all run down from kidney com. ntnlnt. I tried differ ent remedies, but got no bonellt. I was ox tremely nervous and was nil worn out. Sharp twinges seized mo in my back. My Kidneys acted irregu larly, un.l my limbs swolW. Dlzry spells and hcadachos nilded to my suffering. When I had almost given up hone. I 'iscd'H Kldnav rills nnd they Btrcngthoned my kidneys and continued uso put mo in Good health aenln." Get Donnot Any Store, GOc nDox DOAN'S'VSSi FOSTER.MILBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 41-1918. '(fsb&Wm .ySWJ?!?3,!5Jv, A irt-.;. j jk-v.-TrMi1.iD'- a. :iki . jm i v tm v mfli wa iin .k r i y . w m." "-; '-.jUUf.jW. - i mi'zm i-'7'lH-ai-liB'- . y.nvwiV--OTi.nLitVti'j:A.air'-,i ::-. '.tiut sUf v 'fl mim JifMW Wij? : jp 3al 1 ybs. fTl! 1. Some of tlio Arablun trmips of MudJiiK whit lmo lioeii helping Oi'iicrul Allcnhy '1 nn now rrcoRnlml ns belllperonts by tlio allied governtiipnts. 2. The most Impurtnnt eectlon of Solln, eni al of Itulcnrln, to which the Germans nrc nnld to hnvo nent u largo force. 3. (Jeicrul Krnnchet d'lpore.. tlu I h cotniiiuntler of tho allied forces Hint conquered Itulgnrlu, nntl, at his rlKl.t, Oencnil Jonnno, coiiitnander ' iho Greeks In Serbia. NEWS REVIEW OF THE GREAT WAR Kaiser's Back Wall Has Fallen and His Front Wall Is Crumbling Fast. HINDENBURG LINE SMASHED Bulgaria Surrenders Unconditionally and Turkey Is Wobbling St. Qucn- tn and Damascus Captured Huns Preparing To Get Out of Belgium. By EDWARD W. PICKARD Tlio kaiser put bis back to a wall In tb vnln effort to check the allies on the western front, nnd the wall collapsed. Bulgaria surrendered, pruc Wcally unconditionally; Turkey at once put out pence feelers; Austria Hungary cried for cessntion of the war, and the Ukrainians rose In re volt against the Huns. Mennwl'ille the allies kept up tbelr ceaseless hammering nt the kaiser's front wnll tho Hlndenburg line nnd by smashing through It nt many points proved it was not the Impreg nable system of defense thnt tho Ger mans bad supposed it to be. From the eea to Verdun tlio bnttle blazed day and night, and the ofllclnl reports showed nn almost 'unbroken series of victories for tho allies. Tho Belgian nrmy, assisted by British troops nnd, unexpectedly, by n French nrmy, Jumped Into the fray nt tho beginning of the week, nnd, tnklng Dlxmude nnd tho lmportnnt AVytscbnete ridge, ad vanced swiftly ns far as Iloulers. Thereupon the Huns began making preparations that Indicated complete withdrawal from Belgium. North nnd south of Ln Bnssee cnnnl they were In full flight, with the British close on their heels, nnd ns Hoig's men ap proached Lille the enemy begnn the cvncuntlon of that city, the German commander requisitioning nil menns of trnnsportntlon to remove bis plun der. Investing Roulers, the nllles gain ed control of the railroad to the Ger man submarine bnses at Ostend nnd Zeebniggee nnd it wns reported tho foe was removing his heavy guns from the Belgian const nnd thnt the gov ernor general of Belgium had In structed the provincial governors to send all their nrchlves at once to Brus sels. Armentleres nnd Lens were aban doned by the Huns Tuesday night. ta in tho nttnek on Cnmbrnl the Brit ish, with whom an American contin gent was fighting, met with desperate resistance nnd hero and there suffer ed a local reverse, but they could -not bo long cheeked nnd pushed ahead with dogged determination until tliey had the city at their mercy. The Huns burned vast quantities of stores In their preparations for withdrawn!. )nv Next to the south comes tho St. Quentln sector, nnd there the French under General Debeney won n great victory, capturing the city nfter tre mendous fighting, which wns fiercest In and about tho St. Quentln canal. This plnco was one of the keystones of the nindonburg line nnd Its enpturo as sured the retirement of tho Germans pn n wide front. Immediately north of i St. Quentln tho British were cngnged by enemy reserves of storming troops nnd the fighting wns furious. But the British succeeded InJirenUIng through the German line on the Benuvolr-Wlnn-court front nnd created n snllent thnt greatly helped ln the capture of St. Quentln by tho French. Between the OIso nt Ln Fere nnd the AIbiio tho French pushed on to ward Laon nnd succeeded ln passing beyond the elubomfo system of wnter ways thnt comprised the chief defense of the enemy and ranching open coun try whero the tanks could opcrato to ndvnntnge. North of Helms Foch's troops drove tho Huns back to the Alsne and tho Alsne-Mnrnu cnnnl, clearing tho country north of tho Vesle nnd re leasing n number of towns. They nlsn gained the entire St. Thierry massif, . v .. uw v" - --.- t t---ih wt" v V-" ' . 1 . . I aviKrw-avr-.. In Champagne there was nn marked change during the week, though both the French nnd the Americans con tinued to niovo forward. The Yankees were up ngalust a hard proposition In tho forest of Argonne, whero the dense woods were full of innclilne gun nests nnd the lighting was almost like n bat tle In the dark. This style of warfare, however, seemed to Tsult the Americans nnd ln broken groups they battled their way onward, passing beyond Clerges and nlwnys keeping In contact with the retreating enemy. For miles they were hampered by the scarcity of roads, the mud nnd the Innumerable nnd bravely defended fortified shell craters. They captured during tho week great numbers of guns nnd quantities of mnterinl, Including three big ob servntlon balloons. On the left flank of the Americans Gouraud's French men fought their way northward with the greatest lntrepedlty nnd cut off the Germans opposing them from com munication with their comrades ln the Argonne forest region. If they can keep up this ndvnnce the Huns In the snllent pointing towards Helms will line themselves In nn awkward pocket. Tho Germans In this sector were fall ing back to the so-called Krlcmhlld line, nnd captured documents showed they Intended to try to hold thnt lino through the winter. The fact Is they have no organized lino of defense be tween It and tho French border. Tho Americans In Champagne as well as those In tho St. Quentln sector dis played galluntry nnd dnsb that have not been surpassed. fe The most spectncular exploit of tho week wttB the raid on the Austrian naval base at Durnzzo. American, British nnd Itnllan wnrshlps mode their way through tho mine Holds and completely destroyed tlio base and all the Austrlnn vessels In the harbor ex cept a hospital ship. The only dam ngo to the attacking force was tho slight Injury of u British cruiser by u torpedo. The Bulgarians In signing the armis tice submitted to every demand of tho allies, which Included demobilizing their nrmy and surrendering tho con trol of all their menus of transporta tion, besides breaking entirely with the other central powers. They even said they were willing to attack Turkey, ln conjunction with the allies. Their troops at once begnn withdrawing from Serbia and nil their military supplies were turned over to the forces of the entente. The Internal situation ln Bul garia was somewhnt confused, but tho claims of Berlin thnt King Ferdlnnud would remain faithful to the central alliance seemed unfounded. However, ho evidently feared for his own safety, for ho was reported to have taken refuge In a royal cnstlo near Vienna. Naturally, It will bo some time before the nllles can renp the full benefits of the Bulgarian surrender in the way of cutting across the "corridor to Bag dad" nntl Isolating Turkey. Meanwhile they continued tho tnsk of driving tho Austrlnus and Germans out of Serbia. It was said a large number of Ger man troops wore sent to Sella to try to force Bulgaria to retract her ac tion, but these, If there, inoix likely nre to be used In defending the com munication with Constantinople. When tho French, Serbians, Greeks and Ital ians have advanced far enough to the northward they probably will bo Joined by great numbers of Southern Slavs ant men of other races who hnvo long waited for tlio chance to revolt agnlnst Austria. The way will then be open for an attack on tho dual kingdom from the south. ra Though not yet olllclnlly confirmed, there were various well authenticated reports Inst week that Turkey had Informally sought for Information ns to tho terms on which she could mako peace. Her condition Is desperate, for Geuernl Allenby continued his victori ous progress In Palestine nnd on Tuesday occupied Damascus, tho Turk ish base In .Syria, taking moro than 7,000 prisoners. With the British wns a portion of the nrmy of Arabs of tin. Hedjaz, now 'recognized by tho allied governments as co-belligerents. fti Necessarlly nil this hnd great effect In tho Teutonic nntlons. The excite ment In Berlin approached panic and the newspapers made no attempt to conceal the gravity of tho situation. The first concrete results were the'res- Ignntlon of ( linncellor von Hcrtllnfif, Vice Chnii'dlor von Payer and For eign Minister von Hlntze, nnd tho In vitation of m.( kaiser nnd of Kmpcroi Charles to their people to participate In tho govutnent. Luto In tho week It wns ami. .need that the kaiser had selected Piuue Maximilian of Bnden for tho post of chancellor. He hns been known as lund of the Delbrueck mod erates nnd opposed to tho schemes of tho pun-Germans, and It Is presumed he will nuike great efforts to bring about n negotiated peace. That, how ever, Is Ju-t what the nllled nations nre determined shnll not bo accom plished, and their lenders and tho press nlrcndy arc at work to show tho people that unless the war Is carried on until the Hun Is beaten to Ids knees and forced to accept n dictated pence, nil their sacrifices will hnvo been ln vnln. The time Is ripe for tho silly sen timentalists, secretly urged on by tho friends of Germany, to pprlng tllclr pleas of pity for tho defeated nnd of tho benefits to be gained by ending tho wur nt once by negotiation. But nil this foolish and actually trcnsnnablo talk will have no effect on those who believe ln Justice nnd patriotism. Ha News from Russia nnd especially from Serbln Is sennty und belated these days. The most lmportnnt com ing lately concerns tho nntl-bolshcvlk government set up In Omsk. Minister of Wnr Mlcluielov attempted to mako himself dictator by forcing tho resig nation of the cabinet nnd organizing nn administrative council to succeed It Tho council declared tho duma dis missed, but thnt body refused to dis solve, relensetl tho Imprisoned min isters and put Mlchaelov under arrest. Tho Czecho-SIovnk authorities thero promptly put a strong military forco in tho city and ended the attempted coup. In northern Russia the allies aro making progress southward from Arch ungel along tho Dvlna river, nnd Amer icans are holding tho point fnrthest south, only forty miles from Blelsk, the bolshevik base. A British expedition hns landed ln Spitsbergen nnd seized tho Germnn mining property nnd other plnnts there, and the Immensely rich Iron nnd conl deposits nlrendy aro being de veloped rapidly. ta- The state department nt Washington wns Informed of n big uprising of tho Ukralnlnus ngnlnst the Germans, ln tho course of which the Hnna lost 1,500 men and wero forced to evueunto two cities. This uews, together with tho knowledge that Itoumnnm wns about ready to re-enter the war on tho sldo of the allies, wns considered of great military Importance. A Inrgo part of tho population of Roumnrdn, led by tho queen, has consistently refused to rec ognize i he trenty of Bucharest by which their country was robbed by tho Huns. If they get Into nctlon ngaln, tho plUit of Austria will be Indeed most digressing to Austria. jo, The apparent determination of the Gorman'' to destroy utterly every city in FrniKi1 nnd Belgium that they aro compel I'd to relinquish hns given rlso to n gi-in-rnl demnnd that tho allied govenuiK ats shall warn tho Huns thnt for oui place wantonly destroyed n city or town ln Germany will be laid in ruins by them later on. Thnt Is tho ouly kind of nrgument tho German can understand. Secretary Lansing recog nized this when, In response to tho threat of the Germans to treat ns a murderer every American captured with a shotgun ln his possession, ho told tin in thnt reprisals for snch no tion wo'ild bo thorough nnd effcctlvo. Tho British ulr bombers, by their re prisal rnids 'on German cities, havo ncnrly i"'t n stop to the nlr raids of tho Hun- on undefended pluces. They still tiH'H'k Red Cross hospitals, and for su u hrutnllty tho nllles can mako no reprl-il ln kind. ic on Monday tho master numbers ln tho ne draft were drawn, President Wilson tnklng the first from tho bowl. Tho chisiflentlon of tho men Is pro grossing well, but the sending of thoso solectto" to tho training camps may bo delayed by tho serious spread of tho epldenu'- of Influenza. ItUorons meas ures art' being adopted to check tho disease, with prospects of success. Considering Its nature, the number of denths is not extrnordlnury. PERUNA Mado Mo a Well Man Mr. Loriis Young, 205 Mcrrlmac St, Rochester, N. Y., Yritc3: "i" BufTorfld for thirty years With rlironlo Iiorrrt (ruuMr, (om nch trouble nod, eniorrh;i oC tlio Jiorrok.-. Wo.houfjh: a hotUn of I'imihn and I took It fnltlifully, umV I bnn to ,c:l better.. My wifo .normindod mo to con tlnuo, and I took It for iraran tlmo as dlrootoO. Son X mi n Vrctl man." aoth to Get What TUt Wanted. "I thought you said when we began this case In court," said the lawyer, "that It wasn't the money you were nfter, but the principle of the thing." "I did say th , but what of It?" "Do you still feel that way about It?" "Of course I do," "Well, In that event, since wo bavr Just won n splendid victory, I'll keep tho money the Jury nwartled you, and you tuny have tho verdict." Punk Breakfast Fruit "Do you like pumpkin?" "Not when It Is disguised ns canta loupe." Boston Transcript. A man with a conscience rarely gets lonely. He's always got something to nrguo with. GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES For centuries nil over the world GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil hns nf fordetl relief ln thousands upon thou sands of cases of lamu back, lumbago, Bclntlca, rheumatism, gallstones, grav el nnd nil other affections of tho kid neys, liver, stomach, bladder and nl lled organs. It nets quickly. It does the work. It cleanses your kidneys nnd purllles tho blood. It makes a new man, n new woman, of you. It frequently wnrds off attacks of the dread and fntnl dlsenses of tho kid neys. It often completely cures the distressing diseases of tho organs of the body allied with tho bladder nnd kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, ecd Iment, or "brlckdust" Indicate nn un healthy condition. Do not delay a mlnuto If your bnclc dies or you nro soro across tho loins or have dllliculty when urlnntlng. Go to your druggist at once nnd get u Tho first slen of stomach misery usually comes after over-cntinp;. Tho doctors call it "superacidity . Tho people say "sour stomach". Millions of pcoplo who hnvo lost their ambition, energy, courago, vitality nnd strength who aro weak, pnlo and listless who go through lif o just dragging ono foot after another tired and worn out nearly all tho time nervous, irrl- tauic, BUDject to. Bcvcro headache, insomnia, ana a lomr train of physi cal ills would bo dumbfounded, to learn that it is just an acid-stomach that iscausintr them all their misery. Yet in nearly ntno cases out or ten mat ts just where tho troublo starts. Now n Bour, acid-stomnch, or "aup cracidity", of course, Bimply means too much acid in tho stomach. You can now quickly rid your Btomach of its excess acid. A wonderful modern remedy called EATONIC literally wipes it out. It does tho work cosily. As Age Advances Small Fill, Small Dose, bmall Price Uut Great in P w Lit Its Good Work .aHUlllllllllllV I Hill LIIC aimmmmmmmmv wi 1 1 it m HIVtK BBBBJBr BBjriLI.9, Genutno bears signature Prklwlsasar nrPlo Pnr-ac usually Indicate the abaence of Iron to wOiorie85orraierace5thobloojtr, , .. a condition which will be greatly helped by rafter SirOlUTlllS Tho Fountain of Youth. Knlcker A man is ns old as ho L looks. Docker As old ns ho looks In form. Now York Sun. unl- Natural Weapon. "IIow do they ilglit organization bat tles?" "I Riiess they do It with ma chine guns." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy So Smarting Just Hre Comfort, q) cents at ratgUtt or malt Writs for tree Hrs Hook. WWINK EVE UESIKDX CO..CUICAUU B Suffered thirty years with stomach troublo tint! .hcmorrliuges of tlio hovrch. lilqalit or TaMrt Form COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathnomo dlacaso frmn lunnlntr throtiiTli your tblo and euro nil tlio coltH ruffurlnu with It when you liwtin tho treatment. .No inutUr how young, Hl'OUVS Is itafn to uso on any colt H Is wnmlarful how It provont.i nil dlntrtnpon. no mntt how (1H or horses nt any ago aro "exposed." All Romi ilnictstii and turf Kood.s housed and manufacture sell M'OH.Vs ut CO rents and 1.1 5 a bottle, (5.50 and til. 00 u duioii. Sl'OLLN flllCDlOAIi CO, Goshen. IikL, O. 8. A. Recognized. Private Buller t former press actit, doing sentry dul) Haiti Who goi there? Private Leggrtt (former reporter)- Illstl Joe, could you slip me two on the nlslo for Monday night? Prlvnte Buller Pass, (lend I Buffalo Kxpress. Now What Did He Mean? Willie "Hello, Sammle; Jer pop huftn register?" Summit' Naw; wo got steam heat at our house." For genuine comfort nnd lasting pleas tiro uso lied Cnns Hall Blue on wash day. All good grocers. Adv. Some foolish people play with fir Just to see whether It will burn them. Self-preservation Is n duty. box of Imported GOLD MEDAL nnni lem Oil Capsules. They nro pleasant and eusy to tnke. Kiicli capsule con tains about ono dose of live drops. Tako them Just like you would nny pill. Tnke n small s.vallow of wnter If you want to. They dissolve ln tho stomnch, and tho kidneys soak up tho oil like n spongo does wnter. They thoroughly clennso nnd wash out the bladder and kidneys und throw off tbo Inllnmiuntlon which Is tho cause of tho trouble. They will quickly rellevn those stiffened Joints, that backache, rhcumntlsm, luiiibngo( sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brickdust," etc. They nro nn effective remedy for nil dls enses of tho bladder, kidney, liver,, stomnch nnd nllled organs. Yonr druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you nre not sntlsfled nfter a fow days' use. Accent only tho pure. orlglnnl GOLD MEDAL Hnnrlcm Oil I Capsules. None other genuine AdT. I I rquickly and thoroughly. It makes tho Btomach pure, sweet, cool and comfortable Ithr'piyoutoirctfullitrenirth out of every mouthful of food you eat: nd unlrsi you do get full vtrength from your food you cannot enjoy rubuit, vigorous health. EATONIC Is in tablet form. They ploaaant Uetlnir Jutt liko bit of candr and aro abaolutolv harmlca. Taka EATONIC and flr.d out for yoaraalf how wonderfully different you Will feel. Bam V how auieklv EATONIC banlihea tha PtlgSjJzsi... Immediate effect of Bcld-itom .ach bloat, bearttmm, beJ- ciunir, rood repeauntr, tn- uureauon,etc. Hectoo. now quickly your gen eral health improve! how much you relish your food-how much more easily your food ladlir cited how soundly vou oloon how nervoua. no and irritability dliao near. Andallslmnly beraute. far tnklntr EATONIC. i ju have rlil rour atomaeJi of a lot of exceaa acid thnt has boon hoidlnir back and making your life mlicrable. So got a Ms box of EATONIC from yoai ilnigput today. IIo la authorized to guarantee EATONIC to pleano you and youesntruit htm to mako this guarantre xood. If K ATONIC falls In uny way, tnke it bnclc ho will refund yout money. If your dru ;!at does not keep EATONIC wrlta to uo direct and wa will send SrouablgCOoboxandyoucunacndustheCOcaftet yon roortvo It. Aimrese: II. L. Kramer, l'reit, EatonlollemedyCo. 1018 Wnbaih Ave., Chicago, the Liver Requires occasional slight athnulation. CARTER'S n?rni r t itrrr rtf t c A KLtlU Liiy KUSX JTtLiLiiJ correct CONSTIPATION $4&&4P& Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands SoapSSo., Ointment 28 4 Woi, Talrnm Bo. Bampl oacn mailed f roo bx "Cntlcnra. Port. E. Ho.ton. THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha, NebrtiLs EUROPEAN PUUI Rooms from $1,00 up single, 75 cents up doubla. CAFK PRICES REASONABLE PATENTS Wilt ion IC.t,'oloniuii,Wti! Inutun.UO. Uools free. Ulak eil raitrsneea. IJMWeasJia, I 3 ' I h 'tI aeaKEggEgaa