The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1918, Image 4

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Te Tentative Ideas of the Fashion
Artists Have Crystallized
THE experimental stage in trying out the new Fall and Winter
fashions has passed and only the most successful ones remain.
You find the best efforts of the New York, Cleveland, London
and Paris fashion artists here jn Red Cloud.
We lake a great deal of pride in our showing of women's and
misses' coats -for il is the result of months of searching for the best
in the market: a market, as you know, that has been none too well
supplied and has been getting "thinner3' day by day. .
qualifications for office, without
let or.hindrance. And we claim
further that when we mention
the names of B. F. Perry, Al
bert V. Ducker, Frank HuiTcr,
Judge J. D. Ranney, J. L. Beebe.
or others equally good, and
make statement of the work
they have done or are doing, as
reason for their favorable con
sideration at the hands of the
voters. Wo are not misclassify
ing anyone nor playing any
symphony chords.
With President Wils on's
answer to Germany ringing
throughout the civilized world:
in contemplating the splendid
sequence of his utterances
which, without giving the enemy
oppportunity to claim that
America "insists on continuing
the war." led up to the ultima
tum, the criticism offered so
freely at the start becomes akin
to the importance and efficiency
of a blind man hunting a black
cat in a dark cellar.
mncfflffif limn Lillill," C I'linil'llHi!!!' 'Hill!! ilUDIIKiniBUIIIIili!
The editor is a native of the
Empire state and naturally in
close touch with the history
and precepts of Colonel Roose
velt. For once we can agree
with the doughty colonel when
he says "We should put an ab
solute end to the threat of Ger
man world domination."Vc add
Let the sob of outraged Belgium,
the cry of devastated France,
the sound of the Lusitania
tragedy, be heard in the "peace
conference. Put the question
up to Foch. Tlaig. Pershing and
their gallant soldiery the men
who have seen with their own
eyes. Their answer will not
be far amiss.
You can buy here with confidence that you are receiving
best obtainable.
F. O.
Tut mire & Son,
Red Cloud, Neb.
1 tjkfatutllii l4-ti.
In compounding a political
prescription last week the Chief
inadvertently used NX) produc
ing a gaseous mixture provoca
tive of hilarity, when it was in
tended to have been H0, a
chilling application of cold fluid.
The Chief erred in coupling the
names of Senators Norris and
Hitchcock in the anti-suffrage
vote. Although differing radi
cally with Senator Norris the
Chief has no desire to make po
litical capital out of misrepre
sentation and hereby cheerfully
corrects the error. Senator
Norris voted in the affirmative
on the suffrage amendment.
Give him credit for that.
Special Number at The
Christian Church f
Sunday, Oct, 20th
Preaching at 11 a. m. Endeavor at 7 p. m. "
Mrs. Rosebush Wilkenson, Lecture, 8 p. m. J
Mrs. Wilkenson, one of the teachers in our city schools, ;
was formerly a missionary in Porto Rico. ;!
Rod Cloud, Nebraska
Ontcrcd In the I'ostolllcc nt Kid loud, Nub
aB Second Class Matter
F. L. BROWNE. Editor and Mum
Until time is changed by official announcement from ;5
Washington, evening services will be held at 8 o'clock ,
On with the Liberty Loan.
Its success means the saving of
countless lives. Its success
opens a broad path to peace.
pT-'-,---,-'"mr"l"--L'"-- TT "
Si Lincoln Telephone
( T, nnrltf"H N iTft lOtfTS'?i""&TTi:T U tF
. IT! B H U H LI AT H IX Ur H ,A Dli W H U
wta i vavfcjf. &&? wv?e
rzz -.A
- t":t t
United Stotts VA.-..r'f nt I Uc' Administration
GEO. J. WARREN, Manager
The Telephone
There is no commercial service or home
necessity where so great a value is given
as in the telephone service.
A telephone costs a few cents a day.
The SERVICE it renders could not be
duplicated for many dollars and in some
cases hundreds of dollars. The daily
cost of this valuable service is measured
in a few cents and is easily within the
reach of everyone. '
A telephone installed at once will pro
duce a maximum of results. Visiting
and shopping may be enjoyed without
leaving your own fireside.
Now is the time to put every
ounce of strength into the strug
gle lor world liberty. To lay
down without victory means
simply to saddle another war
upon posterity.
A million people cheered un
they were hoarse when Presi
dent Wilson appeared at the
head of the Liberty parade on
the "Avenue of the Allies" in
New York City last Saturday.
It was a cheer that was heard
around the world and echoed
and re-echoed among the 22
nations arrayed against autoc
racy. And in Berlin it sounded
a death knell to the kaiser's
dream of world dominion. Na
poleon finished a meteoric ca
reer alone on a desolate island,
but his was a glorious finish
in comparison with that which
confronts the kaiser and his
In replying to a personal let
ter written by J. A. Me Arthur.
Governor Keith Neville states
that he will personally see that
the soldier boy "Mac" gets a
ballot so he can cast ;i vote in
the coming election. Governor
Neville further states that he
hopes to visit Red t loud in
person the forepart .f next
Take heed of President Wil
son's word's: "Relaxai.on now,
hesitation now, would mean de
feat when victory set :ns to be
insight: would mean ears of
war instead of peace upon our
own terms." Comment is un
necessary. Duty is plainly ap
parent. Do il! Ami keep on
doing it in order that lives
maybe saved: in order that en
during peace may reign.
The "Com-Ad" in a recent is
sue rolls a little sugar-coated
pill down our stairway. Under
camoflage of raillery over an
error contcssed and corrected
elsewhere on this page our es
teemed contemporary gently
insinuates that the "democratic
mouthpiece" displays tendency
to misrepresent. There is a
trite aphorism regarding glass
houses and pebble-flinging to
which we respectful.y call our
neighbor's attention. We
quote, with a few words of com
ment: "Governor McRelvio"
maybe; "Every industrial or
public service activities that
has been taken over by the
government has become a finan
cial failure shortly therafter"
w e should worry: "The South
ern Democratic machine is run
ning the country" an old story,
date about 1861: "Party that ex
ploits big business in order that
it may continue in power"
while reading listen to the
squeal of the trusts and profi
teers "Tremendous waste of
England s
Duroc Jersey Swine
- ,
Will be held on the farm I mile south and 1 1 -4 mile west J-
of Nora, Neb., and 1 2 miles northeast of Superior, on f
TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 1918
Commencing at One o'clock, Sharp C
1 U
40 - Head of Swine - 40 1
20 Spring Boars. 1 8 Spring Gilts 2 Fall Gilts
lmvo ult been (jiven the double treatment, mid we consider them
immune. In iicsentiiiK this ottering we have selected 'JO bonrs
mid 2 Rilts, the tops of this yeiir'H erop of piR". They huve been
fed and grown for future usefulness mid we believe they will go
out nnd ninkc good for tho buyer. The blood lines, wo are sure,
lire as good as the breed affords.
l'or further Information write for catalogue. Come mid spend tho
day with us and have dinner, whether you wish to buy or not
TERMS Cash or nine months time on approved notes bearing 7 per
cent Interest. PURE LL'NUIl AT NOON.
Sale in tent, no postponement on account of weather.
Allots. Cols. A. W. Thompson, W. C. Henderson. John Yung, Clerk
'"' ""' T'"" ;,,;rm7m!rr,mTr.i;rr!j!1:M3i;r.iaira'Piinii'iirTii
Iniivale, 0 ii. m.
niuden. 10:30 a. in.
nine Hill 11:30 u. in.
Rosemont, 1.00 p. m.
Cowles, .'1:15 p. tu.
(Suiile Hock, .1:13 p. in.
Leave I mi vale 0:30 u. in.
Leave Illation 11:00 u m.
Louve Ulne Hill 1:!10 ivm.
Leave Uosemout 2:4p. in.
Leave Cowies,4:l.' n. in.
'Loavo Guide Rock C:00"p. in.
Red Cloud, 9:0Q.p-tu'.
All open air meetings except RedCloud. Remember the date nud hour
, and arrange' to jbe thore s"i"
A cardial invitation is extended to all who can, to accompany the
party on tho trip
Committee On Arrangements.
resources, England s war ex-
ninci is lml T llst:,' Fnrtlnnil i.Q
Our esteemed contemporary, such a big country, too! And
the Advertiser, accuses the ' m0re akin, which if not "tend
Cluet of being a "democratic nit toward misrepresentation,"
mouthpiece. Whereat we are forms pretty thin ice for walk
much pleased for we started six nfS rmrnoses.
months ago with a declaration
that the Chief should be con
ducted on democratic lines, and
our neighbor's comment is evi
dence of some degree of suc
cess. As to the charge of in-
troducing the sympathy racket
as a factor in county politics,
however, we deny the allega
tion and defy thoialligator. We
claim the right to inake our
choice of candidates for office;
to name them if we so desire:
and to' present their claims and
Mention of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kiss
er's golden wedding anniversary, was
accidentally omitted from our last
week's issue.
Farm Loans
I am ready to make farm loans in
any amount at lowest rates, best
terms nnd option. Absolutely no de
lay and no inspection expense. Solo
agent for Trovctt, JIatlis and Baker.
Somo private money.
uesday, October 22ec!
HON'. A. C. SSHALLENBEROER. will devote Tuesday, Octolur
'22n.l, to Webster Oun'v, and iiecuipanio 1 by local eun lidutes ai.d
otlu-ih will tour tlie comity .uid deliver address on topics of Xationa1
interest as follows.:
The Big Value in a Heater
that you have been looking for. Economical in the
consumption of fuel Handsome in appearance Strong
durable in construction Burns any kind of fuel The
is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show
you all its points of advantage. Come in now.
That will last a Lifetime
T7OR the sake of a few
dollars ttOW why buy
a range that in a few years
will need repairs and in a few
years more will be worn out
Add a few more
dollars and buy a
The SMoiicaDbcicl1 Range
Always Preferable
The Range that'll give per
fect satisfaction in every
way and with a little care
will last a life time. When buying a range, buy the best.
Come and see it and let us tell you all about it.
It is a beautiful range
It is an excellent baker
It is a great fuel saver