:xMwm&wmimmp&p9mmKwm' .M.um.fs&eiMr - sm&. xassyjuM.-n w -. -nS?""' ft I I ft. r k IV r-1 J , MTOUtllW - ll" """ " ' --' -.-- .I.H1 RED CLOUD, NEBHASKA, mm mil mn gcjyyCTMmfrrawajgav ri.-jxaauuanm'temwsm BnarmnmrjMMt" mnnw uw . 'J n'mi. jiu" CHIES" i m . 1 M.1HM Innvale Items tmnri r.nMjitaMiuMJti.amuuxJu jyjauiMtttKBeaamtrrJunMia.mmaMimswmJtrM 12ih ANNUAL "" ' T 3' T"B MT Mens rja '. gotota-1 BLADEN, NEBRASKA AUGUST 19-20 m Ll 0 vn A l JL x--' -R V MONDAY KNTKAXCK I) VY rt lMi.w-chili)i:i:n's hay The BIGGEST and BEST County Fair EVER HELD in Southern Nebraska. ..I i "'' i- - iii Liberal Prizes Offered on Exhibits of Live Stock, Poultry, Farm Products, Homo Cooking, Fancy Work, Flowers, Canned Fruits, Ktc. LIBERAL PURSES ON RACES. FINE TRACK. GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FIRE WORKS EVER ATTEMPTED. PATRIOTIC SCENES WITH ENTIRE CHANGE EACH NIGHT. TirMKTni"TT' -""1 g"1 Prepare Now to Gome Dn'1 M ss This Grand Exhibit and join ' h- crowvls w !u w ill iittciul iikI make tin- t r three il.iys a real lm'ul.iY Meet fiiciukaiul n iLUirs ami !c sure and brin; a!on something to enter in the agricultural or slock xhib it. HVERM3 )I)V WILL HE WELCH MK to the Webster Couutv Fair. r; ,-m-r Tn r.4 ,,:,u :.. r ri-'ti. i -i Speakers Each Day. YOU WILL DE ROYALLY ENTERTAINED. J. A. DENTON, President LEROY C. SPENCE, Secretary Ml. I' A Ini.i". in uli- ! i l-1 1 tj--lllli t lit (I i 1 n I iliiit'ii.t I 'I III Ull'o lk' twill- llrtil II in illW.N lllSt V t'l It 111" lliil tlll', HHi' ill IN. icjf l?c m frighti lii'il at ft i'ii titiil both of tin prls Were thrown nut of I lie rnirlago Foltiiintely they us cup it wl'li n few bruised. The Soidloni' dtls tioin F.ed Cloud visited at the Wlllliiut T-ibul and .luhti Ull'.lldtfO hotnu- lust WPOk. Mis. It. E I hui Icr wits k HasUngt v.sitor Fihlny. MNs Uet nice .Satin lei" wont to Dine llil Ftiilay for u few diys vi-lt with Mts Lint Lojnn Mi William Carpenter called on I iiiitiflinn 'J'tibr lua Thursday even- j Mis IMith Miliar and daughter a- sNUmI Ati Marry Cloud In tsti vinp iiifulj) for Uh threshers hist Fihhi and Suttmhiy. Mr. and Mrs Clm. Hunter were In Kd CI -ul Filday. . Miss Mabel I'arpvntoi nsited d the telephone mNlteliboird Friday i"i sjatuida.v, Mrs (iront ntid children and Or.unl ma Wlckwne litve retnuiel Iiottifc nt Ur a few days l.lt with rehuives Mo-r i.eoige 'ijlI Chrli Jorgetsin threshed tht If wheat Tuosou). Mrs 'I'oua MoC'iysoti rnm Itladen ajifiit Sutirtiy with hi'f fltttef. Mri Miniilo Watsoa. Mis.s Hun. Ice Sittindi"t opt'iit 3ai. day with Mt-s C5l.icljs Clf. M.d MuCall attended the Tlillman how In Uol Cioad Sitarday cTonliife. Mr. C II Uursi "lent Suud.iy with hii wife and so. 'Ihi picnic givou by Iht Siiiulay S 'html In Oivtrict 17 wus well aMontl el iiiid t very body hid n goi'tl tinu . AM brought w(M-UI!cl lmsi;ot, tie 'jut'-iitH of wlrcii iteio sitenl for ewi,une 'I'lie happy assembly ilt parted wNh'nij thie were more pic tiles to alUMiil. Mrs. Jatnos Farley ntil. daughter Htlielda spent Sun liy with Mi. and Mr-. I. Uroa '!' Thti8 i)oui" ws n piens itn tMl'Di1 at (ii i) Jii pOi'-oti's Tue-day afterno m i Mi- and Mis Itfiitiifii vi-itfd at tin Art Myers honi" Sunday evealn;?. I Mis N'ell Hunter was silnppii : in II.i-tilths last Fiidiiy Mr. mid Mis t Ii is. II, inter I'eil Cloud S'ridHV eMiiin'T PRo?Gti) cosutit:jal A'.ltND'.UNl Tin 1' ' vlpi; pi. ro'd ri'.nfi lir.pnt to tin ( i ll iu. n of H- feta' of Xibni'l..., t. In id. niter sit forth In full, Is Biibmltti'd to the chrtors of the Slato of NcbrahUa lo ho voted upon nt tho jjonoral eloutlou to bo hold TuoiUiiy, November 5th, A. U. 191S: A JOINT RHSOLUTION to nmund Report or tho ontlition -.! Webster County Bank lim (.l.0tl. KFUKAiiHA. i Itarn r No lui" im .r..i i'nl In ilit -i!ite of Ntlifaskn. al tlic tin-t ul n.islntm Aui. I, tlllH. HtittifllKM. boausaniUU'rounts fISI.loa.il oibiiliaftssifiitfil and un?ccnml . 88.n;! I.iin-rtj UoinU to.wa.co IViriillurcnml iTJitufos IOO.oo Section one (1) of Artlt'Ie seven d) fun wit esprnsei utut tasM pain ".) or the Constitution of the Stale of I Hue Irnm natiuiial iui state Nebraska. I batih su..aj.sJ Uti it Ite?olved liv lh LoKislaturo of UietkMiiHllteimotcU'linnge iI.M tho State of Nidnahku: wt"ttZ m , . . Uulil colli SlaOO heetlon 1. That . ectlon One of Ar- r lllt,,.r IlU(, ms .. W8lI0 ticlu Seven of the ( otmltutlon of tho .,,,. Jwlll U(Uul mmM State of Nebiasl'a he mid the snmo , Total StS0,'-'U.M l.l.MIII.niKS Capital sturk palil in 5,00a.00 1 , .,.b.h,-,, ni"i jpmji hereby is amended by striking cut tho tollowlnj; wortls: "Second I'ereojn of forelKn birth who shall have dei hired their Inten tion to become citi7ons oninforniahly to the laws of the fulled States on the subject of naturalization, at least thirty dma prior to an election.'- And Inserting iu the place of tho wot ds so stricken, the followinj; words: "Second Ponon of foreign birth who shall have become clliniia of tho United States by t.atiiralmittou or otherwise confnruul !y lo the lawn of tin) United Siat-'i at leaid thitty djys prior to an election. Sec. 2. That nt the general c'.pc Hon nlnetcpu hniuii.-J and olputpon (191S) there shall ho submit led to the electors of tho state for their approval cr rejection tho f- resretn,; proposed amendment to the ooritl'Ulon re'at lug to tho rl'?ht of nifliarco. At such olettlon, on the ha'h t til each doctor votitiB for or nualnst said proposed amendment, shall he written or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to tho constltitloti rolathiK to tho right of suffraHO." and "Asalnst said proposed omoatlment to tho con stitutlon relating to tho richt ol surfrage." Sec. !1. If ruck amendment shall ho approved by a majorl'y of all olectors voting at sueti ele.-tlon. said amendment shall r.v. Ituto Section Ono (1) Aiflrle Seven 7 of tho Con Btltution of tho SiKo of Nebraska. Approcd, April 9. litis. KEITH MSVILUE, Attest: Uovcrnor. CHARLES W. VOOh Secretary of Stata. FOR UNITED "STATES SENATE Mirplti (unit UtuliMiUd prollts 1 lath lituiil deposits sttltlcct to cheek Uciiuiuil certllleatcs ol tie- puilts ... - Time eurtlll en tos of ilepoiilt 'I'otnt liepuslls .. Deptwtiiirs' ijnaraniy fund io,oeo.uii 7J7.01 Dl.02l.ll 1W.00 ISH.'A.M 113.130.ffi l.-ao.'il S ISO.Sil.si Tiital Sf U'i;nl' MtlltlANKA, i ountj ol Webdler. I l.. It. I'l.iiMtNi'K. cmliltr of tin- ainiM unmeet linnfc. lo hereby ani-ui Uial tlu ntxiM inteiiK ut l "i orreel ntiit trut oipi ui tin rii innilt, in tin -Mute l.aiil.ltii; lioni.l. . it. I-1.' is AM i-. .rri-ir t'nililtr. f. I. I'm' llr. (tor . It. I'i mi ni I-, turtclor Suiis. ii'.'i ii niul nwoiii t.) iKiuie iiiu ur i Till (l!i ol uKf. I Hit hi. i..i lleriiaul McNo y Notary t'libllu. i E&a We solicit a share of your patronage during ipiS PLATT& FREES Hon. John A. McIIhonny, President L S. Civil Service Commission, in a letter to the well known Grand Is land Business College of Grand Island, Nebiaska, Kiys,: "The Commission again ieucsts that you assist in bringing to the attention of the public tho Government's urgent nml for olenogiuphers and typewrite) s, both were Northwest Pawnee Mr. and Mrs. John Drown and fam ily, and Jas. Wondeily returned from Atwood last Wednesday from a four days visit with their relatives Will Wondeily and family. Frank Hyan stacked his wheat last Thursday and Friday .las. Wondeily was engineer of the stacking. Fiank men and women. Literally thousands sa's u I)aXs l0 WUl m onliu- to get are icmiied at salaries lantrinir from tho W0l"k (lono 1,JKnt' f! 1, 000 tol.-J00 per year. Poison , who ! Mr- aml Ml,f" C1:iil' Sliniilor, fioi.i, bnf. not ti,f. inmn'i-mi tinii.in.r ,-n Kansas City, visited Mr. and Mrs. it II Ir? ' A m - a msm xmmm& t-is5ie M .3Ii.ftsrWSSiS1 t? Csi Levy Ordinance An iiiiI.ii'iikh ri ittlittf f. i the kvylnu of cu in ms nt tin i Ity i I Util C'oiiil. Ntbrns ka. lor tin 'nt 1 1 lit M inn ip'ri 1 1 ur. lie It ol a Hit! lo lln M'tjot mid Uty e uiiii ii ol Ihr i l-v ol lUil i I i i I. NelWMk'l. "iitlon 1 liu ii 1 litril.v I. ili.ton all tin t iinbk projieny nt Hit U! of Hut Cloml, SVbrtwk.1. Hie lollioi.iirf i.ies on cull 'nu Dulinrot !n. ai"ivl x.iluatluiiol Ii itli lii-ul and rersoml rnpertv In ild il'v 'or ll.c pitrpimtk I'iTi li..itur nun l.iiinl. Pjroniei.il Pi.i.d - I" mills I'.irlntut ...i . I Ui-irlcl.ijil.inoinls .0 mllN Fir tntcrtt on Wnter li.iinli .. 1. mills fur I uit-rt st on Sinr It.ittilu 5. inllM I'ol M ilnlciialne Mvi'tlle I.lnlit nrUs V mllH I'ur Maintenance atir W mka . i mills foi Maliiitiini.ee Siovir SMr in I. mill I'.ir Mnliitin.iiief l'nblli l.pir.'iiy :l. mills Km- MaliiU'it.iiHt'Mri 1 1 mid .IU a. mllH rurl'alnij In irsectlnnr,iidliittrist C. mill Total K'vj inllM Si i Hon 'J this Ordinance shall be In force, and I'lticl upon Us pai'me. uppiowtl and pulillcallon. Passed auk. 11, l!!S. Approvtd AUK.fi. I'JlS. Attest hour. Dammium.i O. e. TkkIi. Mayor (Seal) City Cltrk. i flsssszEraCTaESKEnsn CZE3ST2H23ISXniSSXSS?a02ESEn sgzrir?2C2itirwsi5R ffyvaBjKfeJ1 tr J M mm RojxtI of Vi'omcn's Red Crows Auxiliary i '': ...'(,-;. iii puii of the Ked n ro iiU'.d to und.Mgo instruction -f once. ,,anK "'an Iasl WC0K- J".v nvnvcti foi 'In- io pict is that the .' ninnd Ubt "s ''ail1 tnekitiB was at its u.timiu indoftnltelv." Tl.o tirniid "MRi.'n. i mm; rxpinineu tnui in I lUi nn CoUpko is co ,r-rat- V. :-.tn. It.. I Civ Auiliary Use S3 On Wsqs ri-l& KILL oil tho worms and get yourho.73 feci'In.itl-'itrnd lliey .Alnlln.i alx.ru. f.l I 1 O . l . ill .1 HffW dlicnsf. Tlicy'ltlu ntantamlJlAUL. YOU MOKU MONUi'. I'icatorcrca mint sows. We wnnt you tn treat n'.l your huffs wtlli HOO-TONi; PMJi:forCOUav. ' omo fn-n-n will trlvo "'l mW lent IIOU. TONi:(thoF(rVutniKiiii'tnndHo Comlltloncr) to treat your entire hunt L icr GO days. Hits rct.ulti fan losatmiy P'Vou, it will cost you nuthloj;. C. L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST im the j ear tnding Ju! 31, 1018: Sluj pod during the year a follows '-.19 sweaters 182 pr. socks 7 hejmets 41 mufflers :il sponger J.1 washcloths I ufuhnn l'.ll muslin bandngo8 772:1 conipiesHOB i-TrJ wipes or sponges 1 1 crinoline & muslin rolij 1S2S jiads '271 gauze rolls Financial llcporl: Donations Sale of supplies Monthly subsuriptions Mi the United Stn. in- ( o.'imission in eveiy v '!!'(" sfhool i. in Pesi.o L- .n 'i iar and i ii J ntt. M i.rtl to thc-e t. I .n tin above subject w ' I-', IIU .s. ib'o. tV.vi w nt,' ', tit i. .i-l n. Hail'. i.i -hi.'.t School ledum' ion foi mr.. than n tin l nf n Lcadahmnd Bio hchoolnil.te.-- cep.ti.. It wa- tho lirtit v -tern' P'"'S a liking for eoTW school to prove that position could a8 be guaiantet'd and secured tin grad uates. 82-1 nl&A &?'. l-T v U - l.' . nr Jl fe i. tj . t n A. . muM. ' ' ATi" Pti 'i r? !iTTi f 'J r. A!'. ,;. X -' FORMCrt GOtCHJOn Smith Cti.uitv thee wore no exemp Civil i" iiom me woik or ngnt oi i."- pos- lnc Kovinmnt. Tho "i.-i'.ii- n' iftv- onc ,'CC'''C1' that in ouln- to kiinl j-jv. peace in tho family they would wmki i . una nnd you would have been delighted, hn-'could .vow nave been them, Indies and fOUfJ I. KO KEN EAD to inalifv for Citil s.-ivleo. oil, busily engaged in doinK the. i bit. . r. , r. .. I Mis A -oi'il Crtffov. nf f ohf.ocin 'VI1S I ', o ii r.ei iitiMiiess lo-mons - ' m;i r.,i fi,i. eataloKn-. The'vls,tinK wl, Mrs- M- A- Ltiihtjii-d .o. I. .. i..n.t,... .r, !..,.;. lat week. The Mihses CotTcy and Notice ol Administration. In the County Court of Webster county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of David A, blewcllyn. diceaied. To all persons Intcrcstid In said estate. Notice Is hereby kIvui that Mary !:. blew el l n has this day lilt d a petition In the county court, pravliitt that adnilnlstrailon ol said estate may be granted to Miiry i:. Llewellyn asadinlnlstiatrK and that said petition will bi-in ard In fori tjii-i.nirt mi tin nth dav of August, tills, at the hour ..! iu ..""ilxtk. a. in at ll.. co inif eoorl toi.in In tin ilty of U.dilniid In said io inl. wlitn all ..isons iiituisii i in wild iimttir hum nppiar and s'ui i ii whj tin prnti- nf pitltliuitr s,io .1,1 not lie iminled. And that notice of the Miiifuf sild p. tltloii nu Mb' loailiK thire o( I. elNt'i l p.iiillnliliiii it i-r-1 of this t.i.'tr In Uic I'.idi Urn t i I'i. f a I. .ui ikiy m AKpiiper print id mid ol miifiineireamiion nt shi I Mm:t In to'ti ninsiiullse Wnl prim io n.ud .lay ol lu-iirlnn P.Ued '.il. i i-.Ii ta ui tn'. Ids SFM A. D UlN.NKV, it i i oiinty Judge. Edgar tin s. Nolic". To (JriidltQr.s In the mutty i otirt d Wcttster i m.nty, Nebrmka In the matter ol Hie estate ol Miml II. ...i..i.. i .....i $. llfiuili l.-l-i'tmi-l. .UU.iU, t'liHlltiinnil said estate will into notice. GG.ni! that the time Itnilio.i for pni ntini..ii ami $10G3.U'J. tiling of claims minium ild enttiu I. s, ein. MeinhiMship fees r.lO.f.O b1,,r'-i",11' 1,,'s;1 d for in.- paynuni ... a, hU is 1 It... i ...lit. . 11.1. I..IK t liril I 11111 kt. M I I I.. . ..ii. - t O. n. . I I ... I. V I l. Nearly evoiyonr in this nciKiihoi- hood took in the Ued Clood Clumr-tu-qitn for al least one day. AH veie vei highly pleased with it this ynu. .las. Gouldio's helping man has staited hauling wood fur fall and win ter fuel. Mrs. Susan O'Hnre, of Hasting., is visiting i datives Iumo and will icmnin with h i- granddaughter, Mrs. F. Mycis Fntertainmenta Assessment of mombofs lieceivcd from chapter . . o07.-. 1 V. II. Miner Manai:t r Ur -. s .-ird irl M.'i.f. i ti ruuir In l luirut1 Total Total ospon e C. H. Miner Serum Co. piiuut ri it- tnti Hog Cholera Scrum Kt:il tloiitlr Hi hr.isVa Qiln; or Phone, at Our fciii:nsf i U. S. Volc.rln.tr LImiisp. Nc.4u Ihilanco $ Ool.l") Treasurer'a llcporl of Women's IU I Cioss Ausihovy for fitly On hand July 1 . Monthly subscription.! . Membership fees Donations; Entertainment DnplUt Ladles Other donations Ilii iinhi i 21 tli. l'llK. tli'il I will si I ill I In i mil (ii I... i r,,.M,i i.io.i.h nn ,,.i ii. ... .1,,,. I snnk'M llnnnoi' !itt"iitliHl to chorine- 11 ,lftltk l JWllltfl-.i''ll-.J-t - III till 1 I --.... .....,--. ..-. -. , , 37.50,1 xn-iHt Piif, mi x'uniiii'. lutirnud ui. .wall at the John Drown nonu while the .. U'lO.OO lnlum duly tiled which are a llii or second famjiv Wiuo visiting at Atwood. She I lb n ilium said esiati nndon the '.Mr I day of , , ,, ., , ..s . TTTZ NnM.iii.ir.uiKtoeNa.ui.ie.iu.a..MHM end lroed hersilf an aitist tit cutting ,S I lob.: i adlnst all claims uiv I olijt cilons ui uieial vccdrf. -'. ii r.o crisliiorHdiii tiled. . , , . . ... .-'i i". .;iu.,i iiiisiuihda of July pus. J Mrs. Peail Casprtr wnl t) H ' "-tall l 1SNI'.V I1r.,l . ,,!l 1, li.iVn,,,! ,..lir, .nig i oiii.i- JiuUo '"".' -" "" "l- .'.... called to tho colors a .short time sincr. I. S. Get-rber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING I Work Guaranteed) Eleclric.il Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your llousi; And Furnish You the Fixtures DrWH.McBride DC NT I ST Suivessui to Ui f ft. (iVLIt Sl'ATl-l BANK RtO C'VJD NFBASK Natlcti lo Creditors. In tin i o mi . iiurt of Wt Iwier County. Nt-brnkkn In the iniUir ol tin- estali of John W, fit nn i I ii nasi. I. i tullturn of wild estate will take notlcu Unit tin lime llinlttd for presentation and illlim-of claims mjalust said estatt Is Noveni Lei mh. HUH, and for tho pavmuiit ol dubts Is litienihir 1st. Pus. that I will sit at the count v court renin In Hal. I enmity on the lull day f ui;iisst. PUS. to examine, hear and allow all claims duly till d w hliii are a Hint or si coiid Hi n up"ii wild i stiiti . and on the llth ilny of Sum miii r. I 'is. to Mimliie, lit ar, iiiu.w and idlust allt .aliiis and oiijectlousol ki in rait reditoii-dub Hh'l. Ii'lted tills 'itli day f luiy. A. D , I'US. ,-,ial A. ll. HSM'. I iH -, i oiintv Indue Tho Hamilton - Gather Olothlng Co. - Everything a Man or Boy Wears Rod Cloud Ncbraoha .".r..7i . iu?o . ; it 50 . !7..r).l . 1 1 15 . 1.00 27.1.70 rp Bk ?i Total Fxponsos: Kxpresa ? 2.DS 'I'unmro ft Son 03.-12 Mrs. 1 'hares 8 M. A. Albright 2.80 II. K. Tlmrp(machlnoropalr) 8.00 I-Xponso of mombersltiiidrivo 7.ft5 To chaiilor for supplies .... 221.32 Total $309.2.r. Dnlaiice on hand ?0G 1.15 ut tho Schultz & Schaal & n xCSTj ntrhttrh for (Jus Pnl recently rotund f-om California, is planning to do ooio painting for his renters, Pert Oass and Koj M .Nt'i-s, an soon as the iuh of Mimmer Nvork is over. F.n oi ett Myers and wife and tlufan O'lliue Nvoro visiting their tolatfos Patrick Goulder and family last Run- tlov nwmw'i wiiiiiii i iiiiiiTTirir-ir Tnrrr.'.swmfflwi ttetmnjui.mM4 Axx&vist Bulletin of Summer Tours uo. RY I t N'l'MN' .WTloNWL lSl !. I'Alhv i. proving its popularity as :klv an I ee inoiillea'- an atlMctive tourist loctl tv t'-nui-i I i res n's ale ipi el' ly leutiieil. TIIF. CODV liAl'BWAY Ol'l'lN'HI): Y-llo vt me Park tourists will be pleased to know Unit the Cody scenic autini uilo r.jml t.i Yullo.vi.Uiio Purk lr. in operation. Auto-, tu e i.iiicetlon with Urn 'Permanent Camp Way," leavu Cody evei y ui oiling at eight u'oloulc for Iho Canyon. I.' C. WMIltams and .lay Leadal.ran.ruLAOIlIK NATIONAL PAUK. seenloally fnmous, tho eliui t.v of Hooky Mown- First class porlraiture ciilargin copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. 1CUH PATRa.iCG APPRCMkTED iiutoed to Ued Cloud ono day last wpoli on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs J. Ttyan and Mrs. l' IlNan went to Hod Cloud one day last .week with a huge quantity of butter and rggf. Their car was loaded to its utino. t capacity. I Mis. .1. fiouldle and family, Mm. A. j Williams and family, and Knrnnst Smith Nveie dinner gtte.-ts of Mfo. M. 'A. Leadabiand Inst Sunday. lulu L'l'.ni leiir will lie oneii IhroiiL'linnt tho Suniiiior. l'ho ii-.ii ii ie- irts an I Hane'ins in tho Dig Horn Mountains 'ho Black IIP a and ni.iiii: t'ie Cody Hotnl through the Abiaioiui Mount tins are all open a d willtu. ' ii i most hospital welcome Cho. i... . . m' t 'Hid let Us i.Ss'st .Noil. Mm MMMUMtMMMMMMM L. V. Wale!cy, Cjncral Passenger Agent pin I l' in II nil St Mill h.l. NeM N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. vaasaoBBScmsesssesiws i;TrT'"'T'"Sir-ga'' ! -tijts-Te-. jer-smm- "caiEiliii,iT.'i.tfiC v. "MiiwBaiiiw!- aoe-rea! s. 'swnf-MHWMawinnMMwMwwM, k,wiini.i.i mwwmm Miowtow mmmumm iyyfMjaiiftiimi.i.T)ps'Aiiww-gJT(-Mi(yiJKtj f I " i is