The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1918, Image 2

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Ptftf. (-'
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k r-P
The lamps that paint your
home with LIGHT.
Just ns the outside cf vourhouFc- is made spark
iingly clean and attract tv 1 y tuo application of well
selected paints, no the inside can be made even more
inviting by "paintinj;" it vih tho dear, bright light of
Mazda Lamps
Resolve, therefore, to replace every current-eating
carbon lamp with an Edison Mazda and by so doing
"paint" your home with three times as much light
or "paint" three times as many rooms for the same
current cost.
And if your homo Is not wired for electricity, don't keep on
wishing for it havo it. Vyiring is so easy nnd inexpensive that
you will wonder that you didn't have it done before. Just
'phono or send a card und our representative will call, at your
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
a-v . i are. . ii
U 91 U W ft I
d r rices
i A
rohts an
Profits may be considered
from two angles:
1st Their effect on prices;
2nd As a return to investors.
When profits are small as
compared with sales, they have
little effect on prices.
Swift & Company's profits
are only a fraction of a cent
per pound on all products sold,
and if eliminated entirely
would have practically no
effect on prices.
Swift & Company paid 10
per cent dividends to over 20,000
stockholders out of its 1917
profits. It also had to build
extensions and improvements
out of profits; to finance large
stocks of goods made necessary
by unprecedented requirements
of the United States and Allied
Governments; and to provide
protection against the day of
declining markets.
Is it fair to call this
profiteering ?
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
JffigliSggjjTjf.. . 'I
ZMmLr&Zr t - ti-r-gggaBgtgsggggga!
9?anHp y' UJJJAilitMiJ (( ! T
Paint Up F jjgJ f
Roil Cloud. Nobrnsktv
Political Announcements
ntofid In the I'oMoflltb at Kid loud, Neb
as Second I lius Matter"
Ql'IGIXY l EtlOWNE. Kdiieti rd Putlithtn
wr.nsii HCorNTV
Plaint of the War Louis When we
havo licked tho.-o Americans they aint
The Hun to his master "You told
me those Amci leans could not fight.
Gott, Look at me now!"
Primary election one week from
next Tuesday. Arc you ieady? Read
our political notice column and pick
your men.
The shock tioops of the kaiser arc
veiy much shocked at the manner in
which the American boys arc butting
into them.
A society news item from Prance
states that the kaiser's breakfast in
Paris has been indefinitely postponed
on account of Bill's getting an over
dose of his own medicine.
Hindenburg has the Allied Annies
on the run, but the direction in which
they aic headed docs not suit him. A
mighty particular old tcrgiversator,
is Hindenburg.
Twelve days hence, Mr. Voter, you
will cast your ballot at the primary
election. Spend those twelve days in
selecting a list of candidates who
stand squarely on a "Win the War"
plank. This is the supreme issue, and
whether your ticket be labeled Demo
crat or Republican, Piohibition, or
Non-paitisan, sec that your candidates
are men who first, last and all the
time will work to "Win the War."
There is no let up on the Allied
Fronts. Let it he plainly seen and un
derstood that there is no let up here
at home. Save sugar, save wheat,
save clothing, save "meat. The vision
of oncoming peace must not obscure
the fact that the war beast though
wounded is still loose. Autocracy
must be sma.-.hod beyond any possi
bility of ic-covory. Then the Allier
will be in portion to dictate term
thrtf will a-"Vi it the futuic safety of
democi acy.
Coming rapidly to the front by rea
son of late developments is the ques
tion whether tho waiving Germans
shall or can bo treated as human be
ings and be permitted io mingle com
meicially and socially in the fnm'ly
of nations after the collapse of tluii
nuudeious assault on tho ciil;zl
world. Pledges aio alicady being pub
lished and circulated in the Univd
States whereby the signer agrees foi
a period of twenty-five years not to
puichae or ue anything "made in
A fie if Sj.00 m III l)i i'linri;itl fur nil partlm
iinii'itiut'liiK tlulr canilld.icy (or oilu i In thin
(.Milium, wliitlur rcptiMlcnn or dtiuocrnt
mid u 111 la' run until tin; I'rliimn Miction
in imuit.
For County Assessor
I lieieby iiutmiitico miself as it can
didate for the olllee of County Assessor
of Webster county subject to tho ap
proval of the Republican voteis lit the
prmnry election to be held in August
A F. Uaiiiuki.i,.
For State Senator
In uccordnnco with the wishes of
ninny friends I hereby nnnounco myself
hs a candidate for the olllee of State
Senator, 20th District, subject to the
approvul of the Democi atic voters at
the August primaries.
Candidate for County Judge
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of County Judge, at
the military election to beheld Aug.
aoth, 1913, subject to the will of the
electors of Webster County.
A I). Ranni..
For County Treasurer.
1 hereby announce myself ns it
candidate for tho olllee of County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to the wishes of Detnotratic voters at
the August primaries.
For County Treasurer.
1 hereby announce, myself us a
candidate for tho olllee of County
Treasurer of Webster County, subject
to the approval of the Republican
voters at the primary election in
Fiiank Starr.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the otlloe of County Treas
urer of Webster County subject t the
wishes of the Democratic voters at the
August primal ies.
O. A. Arnold.
DO you know that you are skimming away
dollars if you are using the gravity methods?
Come and see the Viking Cream Separator at
Farmers Union
Co-operative Co.
Red Cloud, Neb.
and we will show you how the
Viking skims to the merest trace
and makes every cow you own
worth $20 more in butter fat.
We will show you that the Viking
is the most scientifically con
structed machine, made of the
finest materials, in the largest
separator factory in the world.
We will show you that the Viking
is the easiest running, has greater
capacity, and is by far the easiest
separator to clean.
Yet the price is lower.
See it today we
show it to you!
will be glad to
B. fSPr
rj v
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myelf as a can-
di late for tho olllee of County Treas-1
uier of Webster County sublet to the !
Aisiies or Hie ueutoci title voteis at tiic
A u .rust primal ks
(.. it. li Ki:sii:, i;i uii-ii
Charles W. Bryan
For County Clerk
'n'teby HtmniUHv myself as () t u ,p
fur tin- ot'lee of (.i.uii'j Cle-1: of
' sur Ctnintv sill'l et tJ t'n Mslus
',. I)i mrx-iuti.' o'ei? at t!i Au
.1 i'
iM-f pi .i'S
For County Clerk
I hereby announce tin self a u ';tU'h
lite tor the oillen .if C"iiuty (J el k -t i
Vebster Count;.' sii1JHVt I" the islu-S
f the Republican V'feis at the Au
isust pi.Miuries II. A K"Ts
For County Assessor
I hereby nnnounce myself as a oan
lidate for the olllee of County Assessor
of Webster county subject to the ap
provul of the Republican voters at the
primary election to be held in August.
C. A. HcmtiCK.
i n - -
n jW- r
I If Vtint-
1 1 -KrfdL , Jw&
I tf?&&&$&iM(Ci'' , ii'Tm' t:H tin liilMtli'liMirivciitlnmiii)i)iule.
I i$ffe &m ,k hu-nictl ",r K.ovir"",r vr: u,r
B rSflwy A?A vlW!i5;:vwHlsrS Matt uovirnmcnt Is not lii'lplnu l'rtsl-
'I KS''4 AL?MX&WxW'? ilint Wilson privcnti.rniltcirlni!.
' 9 l?FtjlrOw i'e has a MH ellli- leuls'atlv t jiroKram to
I Eft5Jt'?3lir protce'tm farinir, iliowanc-iarijur ami
1 imMSmiMmm
Candidate for Gover-
Profits erins:
I'M1." ! I t 1 llli I li'
ill nt l-i n III " iiiii'nu Mi " n
Mi 1)l Utit Xtlir.ts.c.1 iuil nrt lnal
to tin enn. lit wmilil iir.,iuptl am) al
tititily 'unl"hnny illilovn'ity that inlicht
hi louiul. Heuoulil lalthlullv rair out
tlieiainest appeal ol PrCihtt-nt IImhi.
mult i il.ituol lulySii. t" all nernors t
The Live Wire-The Chief
Kepicscntative Scott Fori is, Chaii
man of the Democi atic National Con
Kiessional Campaign Committee,
Mieakimr at tho Iowa Demociatie
State Convention, said:
"There is but one issue befoio tin
Nation this day.- That is to lift alof
the banner of democracy and main
tain the ficcdom of mankind and to
stamp out once and for all Gorman
militarism and German autociacy
Theio may be other ways to achici
this, but I know of only this one. That
is to stand by the vogulaily c. n
.stituted ofl'ict'is of tre Goeinntiii .
stand by them to the cndl
" 'Stand h thi President' ou'.i
and will be the sluhbo!'h of thi- ca '
paipn. Sfand by tho Tii, i-tand b; '
country, nand bv tin- P e-;dent, f."
tlieae, mi'intr wai tmi ,,a . snon .
"fining the Ci.l W-ir P p.Jlm1
Lincoln and hi .ii iiin'ti a! ui!w ,
said, 'Stand by the PiCMdont", s'iind by
t lie Hag, and stand by tho count r.'
The Nation obeyed tho bummon". Dut
ing the Spanish-American War, Pie,.
ident McKinley, Theodoie Iloosevelt,
and every jiolitical advisor, said,
'Stand by the President,' and
the country obeyed the summons.
"Today, in a war that is more far
reaching than all the rest, when the
Nation in which wo live is tremblng
fiom timet to foundation stone, theie
is but one appeal tliat .should he made
and heeded by every citizen of the
land, of whatever political pnity, of
whatever cieed 'Stand by tho flag,
stand by the rnnnTy, tnnd by the
Piesidont.' "
A day and evening piogiam, woitli
an auto lido of one bundled mile-,
will be found at the Pig Thayer Comi
ty Fair a.t Deader, August 27,'JWfc)
and 00. Fast laces over a splendid
track. Plenty of clean amusements.
Klectric lighted giounds.
The diiectors of tho Thayer Coun
ty fair want nil school ciuldren as
Uheir guests Children's Day, Aug. 2tf.
We have a few tickets at this office,
good day and evening and at tftV
grand stand on this date. Any jAipil
of school age may have one by calling
for it.
For Sheriff
I hereby nnnounce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the olllee of
Sheriff of Webster County, subject to
the approval of the Democratic voters
at the August primaries.
Fiswk Hii rrn.
thi runsiiinir Irnni tho war parasltis.
II iliotiil he will appoint no piollttcr
lie would iutlinor to promote unity aniuiu; thi pioplu and to coordinate their
cllorts to Increase food produi Hon and to bupport all war ncth Itlis.
lie helioses the Kovcrnor .should act aB Icadir In promoltut: Die mineral willari ol
the i c pli of the state.
Ills riconl as m.iyorol Lincoln in destroying monopoly control and rcdurlnu the
o.t of llvini; Is a KUiirnutcethat lie will cany out his (ampaiMu plfdms.
If You Favor His Program
Help Nominate Him in the
Democratic Primaries, August, 20, 1918
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the olllee of Mieriir of Web
ter County subject to the wishes of
the Democratic voter-, at the Auirust
priiwuies GRANT t'HItl.STY.
For County Superintendent
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for nomination as County Su-1
I pcrintembnt on the non-paitisan titk
Ict at the piiir.ary election August ?.0. i
I will aiipitclato your suppoit I
For County Superintendent
I 1 hereby unnoiiiuv m self as h can-
j dldatc fur tun otlke of CilM,v Super.
inteudeiit at the pifinfiiy election to
be held August 'Juth, ll'H, sutject to
the will of the voteis of Webster
county. J i Ki I inciii.
For State Representative
46th District
I hereby nunoiince myself as a candi
date for re-election to the office of
State Representative, lnh District,
Nebraska, subject to the wishes of the
Republican voters lit the August pri
maries. M F U1CKAHD
For State Representative
46th District
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for election to the olllee of
State Representative, 10th District,
NebrtisUii, subject to the wishes of the
Democratic voters at the August pri
maries. .1. h. hkkiu:
For State Representative
Tho list of candidates shows but lit
tle representation in the eastern part
of Hie uminty which would appreciate
Having filed Jpr the olllee of State
Representative for Webster County
(l)istrlet lC) I beg the Democrat
Voters to carefully consider, Firbt the
ability Second the location and final
ly voto for the welfare of our county
nnd state aivl we will cheerfully abide
by your decision.
1)4,1. A. Pace, Guide Rock, Nebr.
Licensed Embalmcv in
Kansas and Nebraska
Horse Hearse'
Auto Hearse
CompIeteiLine of Up-to-date
Furniture, Rugs, Etc.
If it's in the Chief it's Good
- 'iwrwwvwfc'
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