The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 11, 1918, Image 7

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    - ' RED
'' ' "" llllllMlli "i mm iii ii n in i i tit i i mi mm iiiwwi , ,ji
This Is the American hospital shin
I without protection to test the behavior
1 Castle the plan has been held up and
'Most Glorious Independence Day
In History of the United
States Celebrated.
President Wilton Declares There Can
Be No Compromlso With the Foe
Secretary Baker's Heartening
Statement Confusing
' State of Affairs In
With more than a million Americans
In Franco fighting for the freedom of
the world; with moro than another
million Americans in training for the
iamo great contest; with tho subma
rine menace finally overcome, tho
"bridge across tho Atlantic" completed
and Its mulntenanco assured by the
'tremendous amount of shipbuilding ac
complished and underway; with quan
tity and quality production of airplanes
'and artillery announced; with huge
'crops In prospect, and finally with tho
nation solidly behind tho government
la Us plans for tho prosecution of tho
war to a victorious finish, tho people
of the United States very properly
made tho celebration of the Fourth of
July the greatest celebration In tho
history of tho country. No tusk so
'groat and glorious ever before con
fronted them, no moro lofty Idealism
ever inspired them to perform tho
task, never was their confidence In
their power so absolute.
With reason, too, was the national
holiday celebrated by tho allies of
'America, and especially gratifying was
ithe fact that tho day was made a na
tional holiday by many of tho Latin;
'American republics for that indicates
that the unreasonable Jealousy and
fear of the United States some of them
have entertained is passing away.
Though last Thursday was not so
noisy as the old-time Fourths, there
jni one most glorious noise that, fig
uratively speaking, must have been
distinctly heard la Berlin and Vienna.
That was the "grand splash" when
out one hundred vessels were
launched at the various shipyards of
the country. Between sunrise and
unset approximately half a million
'tons of dead weight shipping was add
ed to the fleets that ore defeating the
submarine pirates, carrying our armies
'to France and transporting tho food
and munitions for them and our al
lies. This greatest ship launching in
all history was the most significant
feature of the day's celebrations.
In tho fiscal year Just ended 1,022
ijow ships were numbered by the bu
reau of navigation, their gross ton
nage being 1,480,703. This was a rec
ord output and one-half of it was com
pleted in the last four months. In the
new fiscal year this record will be
eclipsed, for many new shipyards aro
just gottlng started. Tho loyalty and
idevotlon of the shipyard workers wcro
'Justly recognized by' tho government
officials from the presldont down, ana
by-tho people, and tho prntae for their
efforts is shared by tho railroad work
, 'era, without whoso devoted co-operation
tho nchlovoments of tho vessel
bulldora would not havo been possible.
Beautifully dovetailing In with all
this was tho announcement-by Sena
tor Swanson, cnairman oi mo navai
affairs comraltteo, that with tho co-op
eration of the American destroyers the
allied naval forces havo destroyed 03
per cent of tho submarines sent out by
Germany, nnd that they aro now de
stroying tho U-boats faster than they
can bo replaced.
Secrelary of War Baker's detailed
tatoment to- the houso committee on
military affairs was mado Just In time
to gtvo added zot to the celebration
of tho Fourth. Ho said tho American
JlRrmy now consisted of 100,400 officers
Comfort which me war ciennt-tment
of tho Germans. Slnco the sinking of
may bo abandoned.
and 2,010,000 enlisted men and that
on July 1 prnctlcully a million of them
were In France; that the death rate
for disease among all troops in tho
United States was only 3.10 per thou
sand; that the number of combat
planes delivered to June 8 was 280,
tho production for the week ending on
tnat doy being 80; that 5,315 training
planes had been delivered to Juno 8,
more than 2,000 Liberty engine, and
37,600 machlno guns for use on nlr
planes. Between the declaration of
war and June 1 more than 1,300,000
rifles were produced nnd delivered and
enough nre now being received -to
equip a division every three days. Mr.
Baker told muny other encouraging
facts, and enlarged on the wonderful
work of tho American engineers who
enlarged port facilities nnd built rail
roads In Franco for tho landing and
movement of American troons.
KV, ' N
LjinBcentrni powers would know
t ttawaverlng determination of tho
-people of the allied unions, they have
but to read President Wilson's Inde
pendence day address at the tomb of
Washington, In which itwns voiced
most eloquently. "There" can be but
one Issue," declnrcd tho president.
"The settlement must bo final. Thero
can bo no compromise. No hnlfwuy
decision -would be tolerable. No half
way decision Is concelvnble." Ho thus
put our great objects In a single sen
tence: "What wo seek Is tho reign of
law, based upon the consent of the gov-
crned nnd sustained by the orgnulzed
opinion of mankind." In less formal
language, tho Huns must bo whipped
to n frazzle, for until they are their
rulers will not accopt such u peace as
tho allies will grant, nnd the people of
Gcrmnny nnd Austria, with too few ex
ceptions, nre like sheep.
In tho absence of nny great military
operations on the French and Italian
fronts last week nttcntlon was largely
directed toward Russia. What shall
bo done to old that dlstraatcd country
Is a problem still unsolved, and It Is
made more difficult by tho lack of fe
llnble Information as to what Is going
on there. Tho reports of the downfall
of the bolshevlkl and tho re-estnbllsh-ment
of tho monarchy with Grand
Duko Nicholas as czar, which came
through tho always unreliable German
sources of news, wcro given little
credit, but it appears to be tho truth
that Grand Duke Michael Is co-operating
with tho Czecho-Slovak forces In
Siberia and that they are establishing
their rule In that country. The Ukrain
ian telegraph bureau at Kiev says Mi
chael has been proclaimed czar and Is
marching toward Moscow.
Washington received official reports
confirming the news that the Czecho
slovaks had whipped the bolshovlkl
Ifi a bloody battle At Vladivostok nnd
taken over the administration of that
port. It may be they will form tho
nucleus for the gathering of tho elo
mentH thnt havo revolted against the
bolshevlkl and before long bo recog
nized by the allies as a stnblo govern
ment and given aid. It Is now admit
ted In Germany that tho German and
Austro-Hungnrlan war prisoners In
Russia aro fighting on tho sldo of the
Up In tho province of Archangel,
which extends ncross northerly Russia
In Europe, thero is new trouble brew
ing. At Kola nnd along the railroad
southward from that port are great
stores of war supplies now guarded by
American nnd allied murines and blue
jackets, and moving toward that region
Is n largo force of Germans nnd Finns.
Submarines nlrendy are reported to be
In the White sea. It may bo tho nllles
will find it necessary to senu troops up
there. Delegates from the Murmnn
and White sea coasts nlready "have
asked them for protection.
Tho Swedish press snys tho kaiser
has ordered tho Finnish diet to Intro
duce monarchlal rule without delay,
threatening that if It does not comply
Germnny will set up n military (lie
tutorship, Hnvlng discovered extcnslvo move
ments of troops nnd mnterlals behind
tho German lines In tho Chateau Thier
ry region, Indicating a coming attack,
tho Americans stationed there took tho
inltintlvo and, In tho most Important
operation they had thus far under
taken by themselves, they captured tho
Intcndod tn send nr-rous - Arnmtto
the Cnnndlan hospital ship Lhmilover
village of Vnux nnd the Bols tic In
Roche, advancing tholr lines on n front
of several kilometers nnd occuplng
strong strategic positions. Previous
to the attack the American artillery
utterly demolished Vnux, nnd the as
rault which followed was equally ef
ficient and complete. Tho enemy lost
henvlly In killed and wounded and sev
eral hundred prisoners nnd consider
able material wcro taken. All next
day the new Amerlcnn positions were
subjected to heuvy bombardment and
then the Huns made n fierce counter
attack, but did not regain n foot of tho
ground they had lost. The American
machlno guns nnd nrtlllery mowed
down the enemy In heaps, nnd our
losses were comparatively slight. A
complete American army corps of 220,
000 men under command of Gen. Hunt
er Liggett now holds tho Chutcnu
Thierry sector.
,The French started off the week with
an important advance between Sols
sons nnd Chateau Thlorry?"cnpturlng
n commanding rklgo nnd other points
that the Germans had organized as tho
Jumping off place for their next nttnek.
The British moved their lino forward
northwest of Albert, .but after several
counter-attacks they' were compelled
to withdraw to their former positions.
On Independence day tho Austral
Inns, assisted by some Americans, took!
the town of Ilnmel and neighboring
woods, nnd the French cut through tho
enemy lines nenr Autreches.
Observers nt tho front believed th
Germans were nbout ready to launch
another great blow, perhaps the great
est of all, desplto their terrific losses
since the beginning of tho offenslvo
on March 21, estimated nt 800,000. Tho
opposing forces thero aro now nearly
or quite equalized by thoso losses and
the arrival of more Americans, nnd tho
allied commanders nnd troops have
not the least doubt of tho solidity of
their lines of defense.
The Italians continued their bril
liant work last week, nnd the Austrl
ans suffered accordingly. The lnttcr
were gathering their forces for new
attacks In the mountain region, but
General Diaz struck there first, nnd in
a fierce hnttle won the formidable
heights of Monte del Bosso, Monto dl
Val Bella nnd tho Col dl Chclo. These
mountains on the northern edge of tho
Aslngo plateau and Just west of the
Brenta river, aro of great strategic im
portance. Their capture put the' Ital
ians in the strongest posslblo position
to meet the expected offensive, iq
which German troops wero expected
to tako part. The Italians nlso kept
up a continuous series of attacks on
the enemy nlong the Plnve, and on
Wednesday they forced their way for
ward across tho partly flooded ground
near the mouth of the river. i
A characteristic piece of German
brutality was tho torpedoing of the
Canadian hospital ship Llandovery
Castle off tho Irish const. About 200
lives were lost, Including medical!
corps men and nursing sisters. The
commnnder of tho subranrlno ques
tioned officers of the steamship con
cerning Amerlcnn Hying officers whom
ho mistakenly supposed to ho on board.
Berlin sought to cvndo responsibility
for this new outrago by asserting that
tho ship was sunk by n British mine.
It mny bo that tho sinking of tho
Llandovery Castlo will cause our war
department to abandon Its plnn to
send the hospital ship Comfort across
without convoy or nny nttempt to
avoid tho enemy. It Is difficult to sco
how Sccretnry Bnkor enn find nny ex
cuse for trusting to tho decency nnd
humanity of the. Huns, for they have
repeatedly proved thnt they nro whol
ly lacking In those qualities.
Holland has again aroused tho Unit
ed States and Great Britain, this tlmo
by making an ngreement. to sell 00,000
tons of potatoes to Germany In ex
change for tho right to purchase 50,000
tons of German coal. In Washington
and London It was moro than Intimat
ed that unless nollnnd canceled this
ngreement tho brendstuffs promised
tho Dutch from America will not be
Tho sultan of Turkoy died on July 0,
but this Is unimportant for ho was but
mo tool oi mo xoung tunc party.
T'HE responsibility attached to tho preparing of a remedy for infants anil children
is undoubtedly greater than that imposed upon the manufacturer of remedies
for adults whoso system is sufficiently strong to counteract, for a timo at least, any
injurious drug. It is well to observe that Oastoria is prepared today, as Ifc has been
for tho past 40 years, under tho personal supervision of Mr. Chas. H. Fletcher.
What havo makers of imitations and substitutes at stako? What aro their
responsibilities ? To whom aro they answerable? They spring up today, scatter
their nefarious wares broadcast, and disappear tomorrow.
Could each mother sco tho painstaking caro with which tho prescription for
Fletcher's Castoria is prepared : could they read tho innumerable testimonials from
grateful mothers, they would nover listen to tho subtle pleadings and falso arguments
of thoso who would offer an imitation ' of, or substituto for the tried and truo
Fletcher's Castoria. -'
5N Vn rWrtnf IfiTluid "Draohn
U ri- T .aMHtfifllHP
neither Oplum.Morphlnenor
Mineral. Not PJAhcotiv,
and Fcwrlshness oni
facsimile Sljnatoreo
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Piano at the Front.
Lieut. Reginald 11 Jones, formerly
organist nt tho Commercial Street
Baptist Church, Newport (Mont.),
writing from Franco, says:
"Tho padro enmo along on Sunday
evening, and our battalion had an
open-air sorvlco whllo tho shells wero
whistling over nnd tho German planes
hovering. Wo balved nn old piano
from n ruined cottngo. It had seven
notes missing and thrco holes from
shells in it, but wo mended tho wires
with tolephono ulro nnd string. I
played It for tho sorvlco, tho fitter
having 'tuned' it. In spite of the great
discords wo had fine, hearty singing."
Applicaats for Insurance Often
An examining physician for one of the
prominent life insuranco companies, in an
Interview of the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so com
mon to the American people, and the largo
majority of those whose applications aro
declincil do not even suspect that tljey
have the disease. ,
I IX . A
''m 7zSsisZfj
' ' - '' tiii 2eV Jflsm sav sw 1 r ssj aW aaaaw aaaVv
. . . ..n. n nan nnNT. m Sm SaaaaS flaw BW aBk sea saaaW am Bl eav Bl BBBBr BBKo
Sf i aliiU""" lu", , : 1 SM gagkoW B bbB bbV ibB saV bk
S ' f AVcgelAblcIYcparauonbrAs-l M M A JH I WM W K W&
8 , sitnilatinlhcFoodbyRula-J Mf m W III mW W &
3 f llntfthcStcnachsandBcAreUJ JJ mm wA L I V flat s
m,...a .... ej,oriB irom ruBB , 8trfDgth-ls KWintwd to remoTO tUra. homely
who nre constantly in direct touch with Bpots; i "" """"
the public, there is one preparation that I Simply gt an ounc of Otblnc double
has been very successful in overcoming trengtb from your drusul.t, and apply a littlu
theso conditions The mild nnd licalinc ' " nljht ,B1 morning and you nhoiild noon tfg
lr?fli,n. r,t Tr frtitlJ K,n. Pw it l1"" '" ih wor,t ' bare begun to dls
influence of Dr. Kilmer h bwnnp-Uoot is ppMr( wtllIe thp gn, haTe TJnUhPt, rn.
loon realized. It fetnmh the highest for ' tlrely. It Is acldom thkt morn tban on ouncn
its remarkable record of success. i la necdwl to completely clear tbo akin and gain
Wn lind that Ku-nmn.ttnnt is strict v
an herbal compound and we would ad
vise our readers who feel in need of mcl a
.remed) to give it a trial. It is on pals
at an urug stores in noiucs oi mo sues,
medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer A. Co., Pinghaniton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be Euro and
mention this, paper. Adv.
"Nero fiddled whllo Romo burned."
"Yes ' replied tho Count von
Schreckllch. "Hut ho was a vcry
nmatour Incendiary. Ho mado no spe
cial nrrangoments for demolishing
cathedrals and hospitals."
Red Cross Ball Bluo glvos to every
housowifo unequolcd service. A largo
G cent packngo gives moro real, gen
uine merit than any other bluo. Ited
Cross Hall Dtuo makes clothes whiter
than snow, You will bo dellghtod.
At all good grocorjB. Adv.
This Season's Objective.
"Whore aro you going this sum.
"pon't know for sure," 'replied the
young man. "Franco, I hope."
Extracts from Letters by Grateful
Parents to Chas. H. Fletcher.
G. J. English, of Springfield, Mass., Bays J "It was your Castoria that
eaved my child."
Mrs. Mnry McGinnls, of St. Louis, Mo., unyo : "Wo havo given our
baby your Castoria ever Binco Bho was born, and wo rcccommend it to all
mothers." .
i. ' ?; C"1?3' of Marlon, Ky., saya : "You havo tho best medicine In
tho world, as I havo given your Castoria to my babies from first to lost." (
Br3,.A1!bc?t uCs1:y, of Lawrcnceburgr, Ind., oaya: "As I havo had
your Castoria in uso for nearly three years, I am pleased to say It is just
na represented. My children nro both well and happy thnnka toCastona."
R. P. Stockton, of Now Orleans, La., eayo: "Wo began giving your
Castoria to our baby when ho waa eight days old nnd bavo kept it up ever
Binco, never having had to give any other medicino." i
Mrs. iJoiph Ilornbuckle, of Colorado
rnenced giving your Castoria to our baby when Bho was four weeks old.1
?AVL la n.ow v?n rnontha and weighs 191 pounds. Evcryono remarket1
What a healthy looking baby.' Wo givo Castoria credit for it." I
Of Course Soldier Could Not Be
Blamed, but It Was an Unfor
tunate Error.
Tho anonymous author of "Nursing
Adventures," tells an amusing Mory
of a Mildler brother of hers, who came
to crave her hospitality for ii'hrlcf pe
riod nt a clearing hospital "somewhere
In France."
Ho was caked all over with mud, so
uh u preliminary he was sent to wash
lu (he kitchen. I left him (sho writes)
getting off Inyers of mud into u bucket
of warm water. Later he Joined us.
"Have you emptied your bucket?" I
asked, as I had not heard the heavy
door open.
"Oh, yes," he replied; I emptied It
down the kitchen sink."
A horrid thought came to me.
"There Is no Blnk!" I exclaimed,
"only the well of drinking wnter In tho
Sure enough It was there the dirty
water had gone, and some one even
murmured that the coffee that night
hnd n flavor not Its own.
Now U Ue TUm to Git Rid of These Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need of feeling
aauameri of your freckles, aa Otliloe double
. Wauiiru clear complexion,
Be euro lo auk for the double strength Othlnc.
aa tbla la aold under guaranteo of money back
If it falla to remoro freckled. Adr.
Goose Was a Fighter.
Fighting u gooso a man had an ex
citing experience nt Grand Lake, New
foundland, tho other day. Thu man
was goose hunting, nnd It being after
nightfall ho hud a searchlight rigged
upon his boat, when ho came upon two
geeso In the distance perched upon n
piece of Ice. Ho fired and struck one
of tho birds. Up hastened to secure it,
when tho other attracted by the light
Hew right on hoard the boat, and for a
considerable tlmo both huntsman and
bird fought with each other upon thu
durk waters of Grand lake.
Automatic Water Pan for Furnace.
An oxtra Inrgo wator pan, illus
trated in Poplar Mechanics Mngazlno,
is now holng Installed in furnaces of n
certain mnko, which is equipped to fill
automatically whon almost empty.
Tho pan holds soven gallons, and ono
end makes a'contact with tho flro pot,
so that evaporation is very rapid,
Water is suppllod through n plpo, tho
flow being governed by a float-controlled
Cry For
Springs, Colo., Bays : "Wo com
Dissolved in water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkharn Med. Co.- for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
ore throat and sore eyes. Economical.
Hat citraotdinary clcuiing' and germicidal rower.
ISampIotTM. 30c all dnigzub. or pottpaij or
XJgyJ- Ua Tasfcm.r oUrt Comwny, Dotlon. Mm. JI
A tolltt preparation of merit
Help to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty toGray or Faded llalr.
too, ana t LOO at Urartuta,
He'd Forgotten Something.
It was in the earlier days of recruit
ing, whon a particularly smartly at
tired man presented himself before
tho sergeant at a recruiting oHlco.
Ho adopted an air of great superi
ority, displaying nt tho same time, in
an ostentatious manner, a watch-chain
with big seals, a glittering tle-pln.
studs, cuff links, as well as several
"Ah, sorgennt," ho said, In n per
emptory manner, "pleaso look sharp
with my details; I have ah rather
an.important engagement."
Tho sorgeant looked him up and
down steadily as though soarchlng for
something he could not find. Sudden
ly ho sprang to his feet.
"I havo It," ho exclaimed. "Heav
ens, man, you've forgotten yor brnce
lot!" Most people who keep diaries for
any length of tlmo keop them for sale.
Soothe Itching Scalps.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff nnd Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcurn Soap nnd hot wnter. For frco
samples address, "Cutlcura, Dcpt. X,
Boston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Sonp 25, Ointment 25 nnd CO. Adv.
His Record.
Guest How much did you ovor get
out of your car?
Owner Well, I think soven times
in ono mllo, Is my record.
A Question.
Tho Worker What aro you doingT
Tho Shirker Helping to win tho
Tho Worker For which sldo?
-When Your Eyes Need Cart
Try Murine Eye Remedy
So Smarting Jmt ICyo Comfort. 0 oenu at
rvgglals or tualL. Write for Kree flro Hook.
jvcry w oiuaii wants 1
; i
i ul
Bty vi3rg S'iiikiHiagJgBMB 3