,, '" ' s s f S I uv n trtcrrtSfe. "5CfSraHSS gggggsBBEav.,. .B-,,m.,uwiiAmxmsarxs2-- . jpr'mgBggsg iiiniifWir" iti'gBMgw?,fgaiaaywiWv. A IScKhpaner riiat (Hus run News FI?t Wur.ks Each Year For Sl.iio VOLUaiJC 17 KKI)'CLOlM, N'BBRAfc V. ,Jt'M-: i:i. l!ls. ,n3.iifi-'retAi a7inKnitit.MnBiMBitn MPUiimiiMmfm " mwMm i n,jiiint.tmjj Free of ci- large, This Bank will Pay, LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto Interest Paid on Time Deposits -s- DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska -$- Webster County Bank A Hero Dies bn I A June Bridt V'AVAVV.V.VVV.V.V.V.VVVAVV.VVVVV.VtfVV For a zood Well made .iEJSrf .V-- vu&mZFVV'rS MotiS&Dre SiKtfte mfimffltimt ihi' r-' -" 'ffWs,'!f rifl tI' ' eSy True For sale by Irs. Barbara Phages I ' Oi. 1 Ulofv" floated geutly nt mast in lied Cloud latt week. Citizens spoke in eubdne.l oio0'f wlml UilsnlgnffU'd. The iiiiiiitlu nf Dentil had cast u shadow u sorrow over the uiitiro com-, miinlty Sotnewheie iu Franco 11 soldier dead. Somewhere in Webster county u home bo: oft. About llvo o'clock last Tluirsduy evening Mr. and Mrs (!. P. Cather, of Catlierlon pieoinct, teoolved tuesage from tlio War Department couveylng the sail tidit)p of thy dentil of their son, G. P. Culher, .lr So fur as known, ho Is the first Web stor couuty soldier "killed ill action," and tlio sympathy of the entile com tnunity goes out to the bereaved wife and parents Lieutenant Cather was born aud reared near Itladeu. He was a nephew of Willa Sibert Cather, the author. His paronts are prominent pioneer farmers and large land owners living south of Bladen and his wife is the daughter of a wealthy retired farmer living in Bladen. He served one on li9tDieiit iu the navy. Afterward re. turned to Bladeu, married and engag ed in wheat growiug ou a large scale. When CompanyK of the Fifth Nebras ka natioual guard regiment wis form ed at Blue Hill, Cather because quart ermaster sergeant. He served on the fMexlcan border in 101G, .. rAfter war began with Germany, Cipher attended an o Ulcers' training Cainp at St Paul, Minn., and went to -France as a lieutenant in "the Insari'try. ile was considered an expert soldier When serving in the Nebraska nation al guard, and attended two sharp shooting contests, one iu New Jersey and one iu Florida. He went to France in the summer of HUT and there with other officers received special .training In letters written some little time since he spoke of having taken part in several battles. Lieutenant Cither is survived by his parents, his widow, two brothers. Frank and u-car, and a sister, -Mrs. O It. Lindgrcu. Lnst Sunday morning a memorial service was field iu the opera house ut Bladeu, Rev. Hell in charge " Over two thousand people were piosent. The servico flag was lowered, the star for Lieutenant Gather lemoved and re placed by a gold one. Masons, Home Guards and other patriotic organizations were inattem'I anco. Lieutenant (Jrosvenor P. Cather fought the good light made the great sacrifice for (iod, for home, for his country. He lived for the right, fought for the right, and died as ho had lived. Honor to him Mi ifi k? , HI I man tliu fa Ihi . trtii'' Tli hi-. gron lilac mail t,at iig!i noon, at t.i lioiiii' j piietitH M.os Irene Pi gg and, - rge liitmey were united in i' lJev. ,1 L Bet lo perforuninr lUiony which was witness.' 1 ii t niunVii't' of relatives of the con- j ' parties. i i hie woie a ban Koine go .mi of .ilK-ta and geoigettu crepe, tlie appearing In conventional Mis- Maiie Pcgtf was bride- hi 1 Mr. Itov Fit, best man Uftitifnl dec rations iu patriotic coloi' id. uned parlor aud dining room in 10 I There is NUM3JEE HI &WMWK3B9S82aiS3&& a Difference in Lenses and i large we.idlug bell under which wele united, gave a the artKt.e enseal- the I npv couple finishing touch to ble. Jos, phlne Keigle rendered the wed ding much while the bridal couple took '.heir places for the ceremony, after which a bounteous wedding din- ner was served to the assembled guests The bride is the daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Henjamln Pegg, n graduate of Red Cloud High School, a successful teacher and a young lady of charm and grace. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. K Ramey, respected farmers of Webster county, and a young man worthy of the bride he has won. On Mouday a reception in honor of the newly married couple was held at the home of the groom's parents, aud numberless frlaudsof both these young pffople wish them a long continuance dust us thole Is between a piece i f puie gold and that uonlninltig tillny. The lenses used h mo aie the finest flint can be had. These come iu the rough and are mouud'uulil thev exactly meet tlu'iequittMucnts nf jour paiflcular eye trouble. One cannot be too careful about the eji's The matter of a dolhu or so should not enter Into the calculation. ThK stole refuses to ask IVr jour patronage by ptico alone tlie cure Is the tldiur desired by me or well as youi.solf. liven so, yon will find the charge unusually low, taking into consideration the higlniunllty. v7 ivill he to the interest of your eyes to have them examined here E. H. NEWHQUSE r h Jeweler and Optometrist C(Bt$fc Watch liupactor WWrtftflJVUVWWVVVk,,JV-V.,WVVVV.V-"A"AVVVlVfti, Christian Church Program FOR JUNE, 1918 June 2 Sammie's Day June 9 Children's Day June 16 Flag Day Service June 23 Women's Day June 30 Woodrovv Wilson's Day of the started. life-voyage so auspiciously Christian Church Notes SUNDAY, JUNE 10th I'ROMMM 11 a m. Flag Day service. Adding stars to the Servioe Flag. Report of war committee will be given. Study the history of the Flag. 2 p. m. Union Service under leader ship of Dr. Hanson at the Orpheum. An important meeting for the city. If''ll'I I" The Christian charph'rejolces In the growing ot Church Union, and will be glad when the fellowship, of Christ overcomes sectarianism. Baptist Church Notes Prayer mooting Wednesday at 8:30 . M. Chautauqua Information The community that supports a Chautauqua is u community that is on the map a community with mottle that forges ahead Attorney II. S. Foe has received two very interesting letters the length of which preclude; full publication. First mid nnke special note of this -President WiKon wrote an auto .r.iph letter to the president of Hie In tii national Lccum and Chautauqua Association flunking the organiati- u f ." the good wuk it is doing and is 1 1 daily commending (he ( hautaiiqiia a having, b, lenson of tlio war gained . i new opportunity foi service hoping tl.ut the people will not fall in tlio sup p nt of a patriotic institution that nifty I).' -aid to be an integral part of the n it ion's defense " Strong words, these, In in a strong man. Take heed of them. second, The Chautauqua dates for Red Cloud have been sot for July 21 to i'1. inclusive. "This year gives us a gimious opportunity and wo must in iko the most of it. President Wil son. vlco-proslilent Marshall, .Sucre taiy ftlcAdoo, National Rod Cross Chairman Henry P. Divison, Secretary linker all commend the Chautauqua." The program iu detail will be given later. It Is unusually strong this year and iucludes Miss Marie van Gastel a Uelgian Red Cross nurse, Dr. Robert 0. Matthews oflicial Red Cross speaker, otlicial current War Pictures issued by the government, Over Seas Male Quar tette, big Military Band, Ladies Quar tette, Ole Theobald! Norwegian vio linist, Oxford Operatic Co., Charles Brandon Booth, Strickland Olllalln, the Children's Chautauqua, and other numbers. All In all, a rare treat. Bring the f'jlldren Kvcrybody Welcome A Reward for Phoso Who Go To Cut in u Chief Ads Pay You Friday evening an ice cream social will be given on tlio church lawn from 7 to 10 o'clock, for the purposo of rais ing money to securo a bell for tho church. A special Invitation is ex tonded to all to attend. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Child- will bo held aftir ren's day exercisos Sunday School. No prenohlng Sunday evening on ac couut of a lecture at .the Orpheum by Dr. Hanson of Kansas City, Mo. First Month's Business The Farmer's Union Co-operative Co. of Red Cloud, point with pride to the record of their first mouth's busi ness. They bought two hundred aud seventy ten-gallon cans of cream and ono hundred and seventy cases of eggs, Prospects arc favorable for a still higher run in their second month's business. Mr. J. F. Kdwanls, manager. Inf ''ins us that the company makes a 8pe ul point of fair weights and tests, thereby protecting its patrons iu ovary way, even to correction of error, should any occur. '.lie also adds that the pat i'onaiof is highly satisfactory and ap preciated. x x " ' ;, Eat aud drink at Powell & Pope's Cafo. - tf e cuter to the class of shoppers that is accustom ed to securing sntuiaction and who know when they secure it. "TPhal is why our customers are so ready to rcc- commend us os a place to trade. I r YOU APPRECIATE SATISFACTORY SERVICE COME TO US. wtmmm msmm m q L-MSG rj!t.i?m ii BT5EE B!SH EH33 Open Day and Night DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor l;