LOUD, NKB.KA 8KA, CHIEF ," y ifir 1 4' t i k;;:m; t AS TOLD TO US .x:..:..x..x..x..::..:..:.:x.X'' L. K. Urnvcs was in tlic city over Sunday, Miss Carrlo Campbell went to Guide Kock Friday. Miss t'loriinee Johnson, teacher, is i home from Seneca. Eyes tested, glosses tilted. J. C. ' Mitchell, the Jeweler. Uhnrley Strongof Unluerton, wns In I the city Tuesday on l)ulue.-. i J. 11. Dalley returned home from Seldeu, Kansas, Satin day night. J Miss Mary llasslnger Is home from Hasting, where she hos been teaching. Saturday was another big day at the ' Fanners' Co-operative, Union head-' quarters. i Harness repaii ing and hiilf-soleing, ' In basement under 1'ge's store. 1. L. Hansi:.. '.'Oif Mesdumes II. Ludlow nnd X. Phil lips, expect to visit Stratton, Colo., soon. Mrs. Ethel Wilinot nud sister, Anr.o Kauney, left here Tuesduy for Lincoln, the former's home. Professor J. Drake and wife went to Grand Island Saturday, where they will wake their future home. Kathryne Ilurke, teacher here dur ing the terms past, returned to her home at Vulnut. Iowa, Monday. Vere Zeiss has joined the govern ment railroad service nnd expects to leave Saturday for Washington, D. C. Mrs. John Gather entertained the Methodist choir Friday evening. Lunch was served and all report uu enjoyable evening. Carl McArtbur was at IUverton several days the latter part of last week assisting Ed (.turner in some electric wiring. Dave Koley aud wife returned home the latter part of the week from east cm poiuts, where they have been for the past two mouths. Cecil Uarrett came up from Superior Saturday uight to spend Sunday with his parents. He has accepted a posi tion in the bank at that place. MKs Etta Coou left Saturday morn Ing for Lincoln where she will take a course of study, preparatory to enter ing governmental service. F. W. Cowden of the Cowden-Kaley Clothing Company, is absent conduct ing pcuMl .sales for the house in liird City and McDonald. Kan., thl week. Tw6 young men of Eboi, Kan t have just returned from Wyoming unit report that the homestead IhihI still open for entry is not worth having Esbou Times. Mrs M. Carl, sister of J. A Me Arthur, is here from Long Island, Khu., for seveial days visit. Mis. Carl's daughter. Mis. trances Hidenor of Emporia. Kansas, is also a guest at the McArtbur home. SALESMAN WANTED: Lubricat ing oil, grease, specialties, paint, part or whole time. Commission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. IUvkk Sinn Kekininu Company. Cleveland, Ohio. It There will be an ice cream social at the residence of F. M. U.irlow, three miles south of Ked Cloud In Line Pre cinct, tomorrow, (Friday- evening. Proceeds are for benefit of the Hod Cross, anil everybody is invited to at tend. The brakemau, Mr. A. .M ISabbitt, who was iujared at the tailroad yards here lust week bv striking his head against a side-tracked car, while till ing a side ladder on train U Is report, oil as recovering from the etlVcts of the severe briusliig. ' tttfffflXvib$h w jl) AVvft fi k. uijtsHIIS 1 b We cater to the class of shoppers that is accustom ed to securing satisfaction and who know when they secure it. That is why our customers are 'so ready to rec commend us as a place to trade. IF YOU APPRECIATE SATISFACTORY SERVICE COME TO US. Effiiii(BiE33Xs599 Miss lllanclie Pope spent Saturday in Hustings. C. II. Hart of Oxford, spout Sunday iu lied Cloud. Modom room for rent, with board. Dell phone 39. Attorney llernord McNcny went to Lincoln Monday. Miss Mabel Pope was a Hastings visitor Saturday. Curtis Hasselbacher returned Satur day from Shelton, Neb. Mrs. II. J. Kickerson, teuehtr, left for Orleans, Neb., Saturday. ISood meals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Mrs. Nellie Castor, is the guest of her mother, Mr-. Samuel West. Warner Nelson went to Omaha Sat urday, where ho will seek employment. Miss Mario Hollister has gone to Washington; I). C, wlieie she has a government position. Total collections for the second Hed Cros drive in ISed Cloud city aud township wete84,:iSt 2.1. T. II. Dwyer, who visited his sister here last week has returned to his home in Walla Walla, Wash. Frank Suiter, nephew of Win and Joe Delaney, aud n soldier at Camp Funston, was a visitor in tho city last week. Insured or C. U. D. parcels mailed to soldiers aud not specifically ad dressed to cou-pany and regiment or other military unit will not be for warded. Mr. and Mis. L. E. Herburger of Omaha, were visiting iu the city this week at the home of his father, Joe Herburger and wife. They returned to Omaha Wednesday morning. Memorial Day services held in the Orpheum theatre last Sunday were largely attended and of unusual in terest, llev. Harper's address being highly spokon of by all who heard him Fancy SinAwnnrmn-s Si per case of 21 full size quarts, express prepaid ond guaronteed to arrive in good condition. Will commence about May 20th. Wk'KMam llKiir.Y Farm, Salem, Ne braska. 20 2t Mrs. W. A. Sherwood left Friday for Newport News, Va to visit her son Phil, who is in training there. On ar rival sho was painfully disappointed. The young man had alieady sailed foi Franco. . Walter Mean, a former resident of Hed Cloud, but now of Harvard, was renewing old acquaintances here tho latter part ot last week. Mr. Means especially noted the activity and growth of our city. Mi-s Jennie Wiuton lias received word of tho death of tier brother. Cephtis Wiuton at Columbus Wis. The widow and three daughters at home, and a .on in Oklahoma, mourn the loss of a good husband and father. A. G. Hauserman and family drove down limn Alma the first of the week to visit at the F. Ket.inan home. They returned home Sunday night, leaving their car in this city on account of bad roads, caused by tho recent big rain". Lee McArtbur has applied to Uncle Shiu for a chance to become an nctlve assistant in the (.'rent struggle now go lug on. Something in tho railroad line. Lee has had experience In this work and will be a valuable man in such n jub. Ait ice cream supper, given for the putpo-eof talcing the initial step in forming a Ked Cross Auxiliary to the Webster County Chapter, and to which the public in general is cordially invit ed, will bo held at tlte Len Wilinot home live and one half utiles south west of tbi.s city en Saturday June 1st Plan to attend. ehshh EB33 wfmMm Mr. ond Mrs. W. V. Benl arc mov ing to Alliance. See the Arlngtou Stock Co. You'll see good plays. Mrs."At T. Walker Is visiting rtln tlves in Denver. Miss Helen Lemon is visiting friends in Faragut, Iowa. Mrs. Frank Mi.er of Otis, Colo., is visiting relatives here. John llutledge of Inavale, whs n Red Cloud visitor Tuesday. Miss Viola Sorenson of Seresco, Is visiting relatives here. l!ev. Ueebo preached a Decoration Day address at Chester today. Farmers' I'nion meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thursday night at S:3(. tf Miss Vernon Story has gone to Lin coin where sho will attend summer school. tlood second hand car for sale. Price reasonable if taken at once. L. L. Yosr. tf Chautauqua is dated for Ked Cloud the llrst week of August. Full detail will appear later. Marriage license has been issued to Leonard M. Kickard and Uolda Ruth Hodges, both of Guide Kock. Mrs. F. M. Drulinerhas departed on a visiting tour which Includes Platts mouth, Oakland aud Sioux City. The Arington Stock Company every night this week iu their big tent near the mill. Complete change of program at every performance. , Yost llros. have brightened up the interior of their market by a coat of paint and have installed a modern san itary counter aud a meat cutting nta- cniue. E S. Fit, vice-president of the Fanners Union Co-operativo Co., went to Nebraska City and Omaha, first of tho week on business relative to tho com pany's elevator. Mrs, M. E. Hotchkiss nnd children, Howard aud Anna, of Loveland, Colo rado, are guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hewitt and will re main here during tho summer vacation Melford Smelser, employed in rail road work here, suffered the fracture of a bone in his left leg Monday, in some unfortunate way he stepped so that the moving lever of the handcar sttuck him. Miss Vera Wait, niece of 8. C. Ellis, who has been making her home in this city for some time, was, on Tuesday of this week, operated upon for enlarged glands in her side. At this writing she is doing nicely. Don't forget to register at the Conn ty Clerk'.s ollice Wednesday, .Juno ,1th. All men who have attained the ago of ','1 since Juno fittl last year are requit ed to register. It is imperative and failure to observe tho order incurs severe penalty. The olllee in Ked Cloud will bo open from 7 a. in. to ' p. m , Wednesday, June iilh. The live men selected for. military duty, under Call No. 3S1, left last night via Oxford, for Camp Dodge, Iowa Their names are as follows: Eugene P. Derr, Red Cloud; lleury (. Arends, Blue Hill; Walter Portenler, Ralph J. Fink ond Louis V. Creps of (tuide Rock. The local board has received no other new calls or instructions up todttte. Rev. V. M. Harper, who went to Cainevillo, Mo., last mouth to look af. tor property interests iu his home town and was detained there by illness of members of his family, returned to Rlverton recently where ho has been staying with his daughters Mesdames tJeo. and W. Cordle. coming here Sun day to fill his pulpit in the Baptist church. Miss Grace Harper, who re mained at Caiuville during Iter sisters convalesence, arrived homo today and with her father will resume house keeping iu Red Cloud Young ladies who wish to prepare themselves for positions in banks and other business olllccs or for the Civil Service examinations will be Interest ed iu the circulars now being sent out by the well known Grand Island Busi ness College, of (irand Island, Nebras ka. It Is one of the largest commer cial schools iu tho west and positively guarantees positions to Its graduates. As a patriotic duty on account of the shortage of otllce help, tho school has decided to extend a splendid offer to n limited number who will enter at this time. Buy Coal Now Ai Unit- L Palmer, executive secre tary of the fuel adminlht ration for Ne braska, writes to fuel administrator J. N. Clarke or Hastings, lit which he recommends the largest publicity to the necessity of coal consumers laying iu their winter's supply of coal this summer and for each uustomer to pur chase the winter's full quota of coal supply before tho end of the summer period ifpossiblo. it scorns from the efforts the government is exertlnu in this direction that there Is homo urgunt reason for this, and in some quarters it is thought there Is a desire to have this as fully accomplished as possible to enable the United Slates later on to increasingly furnish Franw. and Italy largo supplies of coal to help those countries bettor prosecute the 'war. ' " Fanners Purchase Elevator Mr. Fltz, of tho Farmers Co-operative I nlon, Informs us that contract was closed yesterday for puichaso of the Duir elevator. An Excellent Play 0- 111' tn till! flli.f. Mill) II tlill-ll.iK r,f thu- font outfit did not arrive In time th' Vriugton Stock Company engage I the i rpheutn theatre for their initial per nuance Monday evening. T'' house was taxed to tho limit of its ating capacity by a large and well pleased audience. Tuesday the delayed out lit came and for ' dance of week the Arington Coin-pan-, play under their own commodious wa'c proof canvass. F i opening night the bill was "For the Man She Loved," a play teplete wit1 'ragedy, pathos and comedy. It wen- needless to comment upon Indi-vid-ni work in the presentation. All i""' excellently done, Is sulllcicnt. But e cannot refrain from mention of Mi. Frederick Boone's masterful reti Irion of a frotful old man, "Col Woi-.hitgton," also tho snappy vaude ville work of Hyland, Grant ami Ily Ian ' Many nioro pretentious com pan hs must take their hat off to these. 'Uncle Home" the bill for Tuesday drew a largo audlence-ncarly every seat In the big tent being occupied. An.l this against "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at t e Orpheum. The feature play will tn presented tomorrow (Friday) evii ing and engagement closes with a rol. .-Uing good one Saturday night. 'Rah! 'Rah! 'Rah! Red Cloud, Neb., May SI, 1018 Mr i J. Pope, Secretary ol the School Board: Biauseof the groat war in which our i-utiutry is now involved and be cause of the need of conservation of money as well as of food stuffs, we tho seniors, class of 101!), of tho R. C. H. s proposed to tho Senior class the foll.wuig, which was accepted by them: 1-' that an Informal party bo sub stituted for the regular annual bou quet given to the Seniors by the .Inn ors. !!n 1 That the money which would ord itarily bo spent on a banquet bo imtstud in a Liberty Bond. 'iM-That tho bond shall be put in tin- 'cooping of the secretary of tho S.-li""l Board until the mid of the war lili That at the end of the war, tl e sceut.iry bo liistiucted to sell the boul and to put chase a brono bust of tieiui.il Pershing Mb That tho bust .shall be present ed t.- the R. C. U.S. S. i' It That a broii.o tablet tcclUng th s arrangement be attached to the bust. The Mibl tablet, to contain tho name of the Senior Class ot l'.U ,wnl the Jin. iors, class of HMD. 7th That the interest of the Liberty liond shall be turned over to the Ked ( ross during the period of the war. R.( iii.l Cowur.N, Sec. of MM!) Class. Tjici.ma McBiiini:, Treas. ISM!) Class. Red Cross Shipment Lester 1 sweaters 12 wash cloths s' pair socks 12 suits pnjauias luavalo I sweaters SS suits of pHJumaa '10 towels is handkerchiefs - pair wristlets 1 pair socks 1 knit afghau Chapter, 1st ward IS bod Jackets J io towels Chapter, ','ud ward " bed shirts " bed jackets SO towels s swea to is IS pair socks Junior Red Cross lo.l towels in operating leggings s wash cloths 1 bath towels Carfleld S sweaters S bed shirts H suits pajamas 7 pair socks State Lino .!'. hand towels St wash cloths 7 bod shirts Rutin Is bed shirts I sweaters l pair socles Blue Hill 7 sweaters ' pair wristlets l pair socks Cowles l pair socks 1 pair wristlets S helmets Womens Auxiliary Red Cloud . ' operating leggings i bed shirts .1 sweaters 2 . lied jackots CO suits pajamas 2 towels S pair socks - pnJr'wrlbllcls 5 M 4 " The Boys 'Over Here' OorjtUht Hurt Bchn2orri Marx Our mission is to see that you get such clothes. That is why we have Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes here. They save for you; they're guaranteed to satisfy you in wear, style and fit. Hamilton-Gather Cloth'g Go. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clolhes Lincoln Telephone i c! and iPiPGranEi In jSvfej, Wa. M. GEO. .. WARREN. Manager We. Owe You Good Telephone Setvice You deserve telephone service that is quick, accurate and country-wide in its extensions. By giving you such service at reason able rates we feel that we should ex pect your business and your hearty co-operation. To give the best service this company is constantly improving its equipment and standardizing operating methods. Your assistance and co-operation en ables us to give you intercommunica tion of national scope and of the highest obtainable efficiency. GROCERIES A Complete Line of Staple Groceries always on hand. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season. Use the Phone MILLINERY For up-to-date Millinery call and see us. Pattern hats, frames of every description. Cash for Your Produce ' J. E. Butler Bell Phone 45 Advs in the Chief Bring Results If our boys "over there'' are going lo win, the boys "over here" in the business army must make it possible. They musT: pro duce more and save more. When you buy clothes the way to save the most in money, materials and labor is to buy good ones; the kind that last longer. Vf .faa vw I I Ind. Phone 200