I p h- v.1 i I i i vv. i i 5 1 ta V. V I Ita. lo Historical aochjj - - -" ,xv-?-vvo - , -- - Ca " " .' - -jiS--.3.rr "-7: - J& -ttah- .. w fc cja That Gives The News riity-to bucks Each Year For 51.50 A toHspanp.r VOLUME 4 7 II 131) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY, !, lill-S NUMBER 1 1 aciac iikirani ,v This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto i Interest Paid on Time Deposits s- DEPOSITS in lliis bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the Slate of- Nebraska for -5- w ebster County Bank Red Cross Report Iiopoit of K.-il ( ross Auxiliary month ending April :io, VS Treasurer's Report Ha'atice on hand Apr. I S.7.". 1)1 Monthly subscriptions 111 r0 Other Donations 10 Mt Membership fees - T.0 Week's Events in Brief XHEntaMximmMmmMmNKmEBi Total K:;penscs Hospital supplies Surgical dressing-, Freight and o.vpres V.irn :iy:i r.i I'.n at '.1 SS 72 10 Total " $292 :t U ilatK'n on hand 5ln7 iI-5 The folio wltiff surgical drcsii.KH shipped tlnrin the month. no setiltotilH liadnge. i'H pnper baelsed pnilH. l.0 lurjo cotton pads Ordinance No. 56 m m s u i gHKEBSS: ZZT&tiTifl L I SI iLi.V.Xi. Jbs I "S czz b- 2arBffTJ ir C Ja Ji vtt tl fttpnm, Ufiiiil FmT3 B eieDJaone CttYtS5 etegrapii C Sp HE Loca Office of the ' Lincoln i elephone and Yclegraph Company is now complete with the very latest and most approved type of telephone from the Central Of fice to the su! criber's telephone, L.ivthin;i ui to dte. Lincoln and Omaha 1 o i.othjng hetter. In fact nothing better can l.c bought. No exjerie or trouble has been vpiit. J to make the Red Cloud Exchange the tqual cf any exchanr in the slate. Vott arc invited' to call ami inspect the ueu office The entire upper floor new Kaley building GEO. J. WARREN, Local Manager SOIKFvS rz&nmitt 'jsxsemrmimss!m3mj33& ra3&s335SB We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi8 PLATT & FRBBS Ch ristiae Church FOR MAY, 1918 gram !; &&& Ok? i'j w May 5th Father's Day May 12th Mother's Day May 19th Newspaper Day May 26 Sammies Day Special Service for Children Each Sunday Invite Your Friends. Come Special Music tfVLTAV.V.V.".VAV.V.'V,UVV.VAV.V.VAV."JVAVVW.Vft An ordinance providinir foi the o- 1 1 :'I!i'hnr,ont of ppmce i;tc.. to cub- tomei-,and con union of oltciiie euv mH I'onni-ctcri with the Klcctiic I.i;ht and Tower sybtem of the Cily of lied Cloud, Nebra-k.'i at d repeul- mir Scrtlon G of ordinaneo No. !58 of ilbo lteiieil and Compiled Otdinancos iff the Citv of Kod Cloud, Nobmbka i.dopted Jan.. 12. 1014. Up it 01 drilled by the Mavor and ! f'ity Council of the City of Ited Cloud, ( N'ebmska. Section 1. I'ho followinK 13 es tablished as the lotail tariff of intes based on Hip monthly consumption to be charged consumers of electric ctir teiit for lights and power purpoHos iz. Commercial Hales Prom I to 'ft U w hr H rmil ppr k " lira " i 10 "50 Ic w hrs 11 ' " k lir " &l l V k w hr 10 " " It w hr ' 7 to l ?5 k w hr a " k w Urn " rMio VW It w lim H " " K w hr " iitjovi'VtJk w litH 7 ' " " k whrs IJeslileneo Rates Kruiii I in ji k w hn II fvm jut k w hro i ia j0 k w hr l " " kwlim r t'liwikwlirii II " " k w lira nl..c took w tiri 10 " " k w lirs Pi vidd, however, the CiLy of It. .1 Clot.d n "j' en .r irto ontiacts to ur n' h i'ift t.irti nt to consun-er.' for ho' '. ihiK ai power purpo "p uon Mil t' '"11 an 1 cone', tioni a-, may b' lU "i upon. SecL''i ". That --.ction fl of o - ijinunco No. 3'1 of the r vised oitlin-' Rnces pf the Citv of Ked Cloud. adojM-1 ed Jan. '2, 1914 W and Uv fumo ' ' herebv reptalecl. I Socllon 3. Tliat thi ordinance shrill tulro oireet ODn be m force Ifor-t and aftr-r It abolition, nppi-o"hl e.M pub'ieation nccvtilir to taw. Adopt, d April 29, li)18. Afptovod Apiil 20, 1S. . (Seal) KoU, DamercQ. Mayor Attest- O. C. Til, City Clerk. . Ordinance No. 57 An orilinance providing for tho es tibllshment of WHtor lintes to Consn infcia coiuit'uied with tho water sytttem of the City of lied Cloud, Nobruslm and repealing heetion 19 of Oidinaneu Ko..'l!) of the levlscd Ordinance of the city of Ited Cloud, Nobtaska adopted Jan. Vi llll t. Itu it ordained by the Mayor mid City Council or the City of Ited Cloud, Nebraska Section I. For all Consumeis of yvater using motors tho following rates shall apply, each bill being ooinputud upon tho basis of a fl.xed charge do pending upon the capacity of tho motor and a per thousand charge depending upon tho actual amount of water used. Size of I'erquaiter 1W thousand Meter caimcitv ohaiL'c cul dun cm W cent-. 121. ," cunts 21.25 cunts ',': 5 utMitt. til cunts 30 Ji coi.ts 1 ." CUIIU l.'t co nis in Ordln. alien No. nil of tho Ilovlsed and Com piled Oidliiancos of tho City of Ited Cloud, adopted Jan. is, p.u i bound the sumo Is hereby repealed. huutlon .'!. That this oidlnance shall take effect ittid bo in force from and after Its adoption, approval and pule llcatlon according to law Adopted April '.). 10 IS. Approved April SO, 1018 Attest O. C. Teel Uobt. Dameroll, (SIJAL) City Clerk. Mayor. Japan i.adv to assist llussin V. s supremo Court upbohN select ive dmf' l,i. Thiid 1 iberly liiian cversubscl ibed a billion l(. liars or mole Sept .. to i set for Nebraska State Fair l)atf Mary IVhford denies reH)it that .she is i ft ihig from "movie". Mis. 1 otter Palmer dies. M. KhuI, pioneer citizen of Hasllnns answer- call of death j Nebra-k.i wheal teported looking' line. ! The 1' pe denies report that he will . uiuko itutve for peace, at present Kngli-'i and French land courage of AUiei ie ii i Tim men in Uhtino County pay sn.lKiii n Huns for abusing n young man bi uis. of life Auierlcuuism , 1S,0.i i:imiHnlimAustri(Uis join tbo Italian ai my. Germ , us es nblish military mle in Ukraine ' Hal ii u explodes at Ft. Omaha ki.b lug an I induing several n.on. Two buy eoufestt to wrecking Coast Liuilli'l train near Caelton, S. D fioiuitfir riltpheoek charges the nir cr.ift l.wird with making misleading statcm it. Surifimy flaher !iU congress to grant unlimited power for creation of an ai my of whatever Bias may bo i.ej-esMiry. Adoral fuel HdmluUtrator of the I htato warns conl ooiumniors to order J supply early, us conditions will not m ! piove lator. I A huge number of Omaha men are I alleged to have bee i buncoed pn (k- J I iliomu land lonl " A. tf. Clarke, Icninig eitleo ainl , ba uke$, died at finstingH, Km.Iii.v. J. Piohtdent prciel 1 1 us Mm.. Mth ns be-' J ginning of ltfl " Weik A big I t diiw i to be inn I.-. i ! ! There is a Difference in Lenses Just as there ts between a piece ( f puto gold and that containing alloy. The lenses used by me are the ilnest that can be bad. These come in the rough and aie giuuutl until thev eMictly meet the reipilienients of jour pm ticiilar ee trouble. One cannot be too careful about Iheijes Tin matter of a dolliu or mi should not enter into the calculation. This stoic refuses to ask fur jour pationagu by piico alone the cuio Is tlio thing des'red by me or well as youiself. Kven so, you will llnd the charge unusually low, taking Into ooiisldi ration tin higbiualliy will be to the interest of your eyes to luxre I hem examined here E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist rSTC. B. E. Q. Watch 'Inspector lffl5fflE23E33aSEEaT.En3ZaBOT PROTECT YOURSELF I AND HELP UNCLB SAM Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle : Lump on the road. Store now at Government j: prices and be sure of good coal next winter :J :. ""JlJIalone-Gellatly Go. I ?.u,a ' ' ' Tn'r" C" -l "TALK WITH US A30UT LUMBER" m tj d S'u it ai Slillin iti dltfs u ov. (PI l! I 111 gdW il)J tilt ii.- iu consul to .ii t lain Ii Uj(iiiiLih't u vy.v.vv.vV.v.vAViV.VAV.v,v.'.v.v.v.v.v'.v1 w W ' Xmni m iwn ipii' iw ii win wis mi i.i...iifiii wi mmfmmimmi,mns'mimmmmmmmmmi'mtmtmtammum Chief Ads Pay Yo? 'i,and,' in 5 l .r0 1 Inch :j t, Ui in 0 Oil li In II CO S III lfl 00 li'ji" SI OH 1 iu Hi ?: I in On en) Suction ,'. Tlnit Secttoi 2flBHsBBL1B9tvBVw,i3tvBBiaMi4iAUM j We've 'warn '.1 Every Kmd of a Coat You?I!j Dring Need For S They Are Smart, Youthful Styles for the Younger Set Those with more conservative lines for the older women. Good-looking tailored effects for travel ing. Sturdy utility Coats for the out-of-doors girl. Dressier Coats for afternoon wear. All made of thoroughly good, dependa ble materials, designed with exquisite taste and finished with care down to the last bottom. AND THEY ARE PRICED FOR JUST AS MUCH OR JUST AS LITTLE AS YOU CARE TO PAY Sf. g TURNURE & f y!L m r 'PI 'l SONl 1