The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1918, Image 5

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bbbljv iX'IByr
Oim OmnuMRf J! l '
-. A. T. Walker wii In Bint Bill Tom-
Joe Cerr, 6r epeat Tuesday In
Harry Robinson u down from Bit
den, Sunday.
- Modern room for rent, with board.
'Bell phone 38.
Plojd McMurdy was up from Guide
Rock, Taeadsy.
Delaney Bros, shipped stock to Kan
sas City TucsdBy.
Miss Edith McKeighan spent Wed
nesday in Hasting1!.
Hon. V. T. Auld of Omaha 'pent the
weekend in this city.
Dr. AMior was down from Rlverton.
the last of the week.
ISves tested, glasses filled. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Djtu'i Vnn.'hiu of Cmp Funaton,
1 il "
S unity
jr.,na r
J. Mi
t 1: ,' ,
'J .-.' c j- "
dov. n from Co" V Tue:vl.,y.
L. C. IJI00111 went to St. Joe, Tuns
day with 11 ear load of hogs.
Mrs. Fred ISrubaker of Cowles, was
shopping in tho city Tuesday.
Miss Slater accompanied tho debat
ing team to Edgar, Wednesday.
Elmer Harris and Miss Florence
Schollield spent Monday in Hastings.
Mrs. Fred Wiitwcr and daughter,
Nannie, spent the weekend in Guide
Will Hoffman, who is attending col
lege in Hastings .spent Sunday with
home folks.
Mr. and Mrs J A. Bradford attend
ed the funeral of a relative in Hast
ings, Sunday. ,' ' i."
Donald Funk went down to Superior,
Saturday morning, to spend the day
with his father.
MIsb Opal Egglestou came down
from Hastings Tuesday evening to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Rantz returned
to tliis city the llrst of the week from
Otis, Colorado.
Perry and Homer Lovejoy of Camp
Fuuston, spent Sunday with their par
ents near Inavnlo;
Fird Walker returned homu tho last
of the week from Alliance, where ho
has been working ,
Mrs. Kinina Coombs and daughter,
Miss Alice, returned home Monday
evening from Hastings
Kenneth Wilson, Eugene Ryiui,
Harold Druliner and Fird Wallceraulo
ed to Esbon, Kansas, Tuesday evening
I It. A wis in ltm .ill. Hull-
Cecil limner spent Monday in Hast
ings. Misi Hazel Spires spent Friday in
Jas. Hubatka was down from Ola
den, Monday.
Engineer Albert Troyer was in Mo-
Cook, Sunday,
Orlond lliiycs of Falls City, was i
thl. city, Sunday.
Bye tibephardsou of Rlverton, Ira
In tba city Monday. ,'jt ;
Roy Applebee was over froaa Bprr
Oak, Kamai, ttaadey. ,; (
v. T. Grave of Pntaan, Oklahowa, fc
was In the. city Sunday. ,j
Anc1l Crablll accompanied ca
f rrA'4rr.Ht ttm flnnila
Judir-Harry B. Usages of HMtlftgaj
wae lb the city Batirday. ) t
' Mr. and Mre. Traey Knution antpedj
down from Bladen, Sunday.
upouina h6pUal at that p
1 - 1 '
Mr. and Mrs. Chae.'Mountford eaaa
down f jom MeUook, Sunday. i
Good meals good service moderate
nlna DmmbaII Mr tAIUa 1A V
MIm Viola 8plrea was a paaaenVer
to 8oparior Wednesday morning, f
Farmera' Union meeting at Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night at 8:30. tf
Good second hand car for sale. Price
reasonable if taken at once.-L. L.
Con. McCoalc from southwestern
Webster, was a pleasant caller at this
ollice Wednesday.
Private Roy Gnrretson of Cump Funs
ton, spent Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. Ella Gariotsou.
Miss Pauline Kanuey of Hasting,
spent the weekend here with her par
ents, Judge and Mrs. A. I). Riiiiuey.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet Sutuuby
sit 2:00 p. in. to 111 vko plans nnd prej a-
rations fur the 1 b
i viuiccof M' rui'i in!
(Jeo Kn.'ey of Oinaliii, was in the
city Weilni'slay evening.
Chas. tli'cenhiiulgh was up from
Guide Hock, this morning.
Gun Holmgrain returned to his home
it: Grand Island, this morning.
Ed McAllister returned homo from
a business trip to Almu, this morning.
E. W. Coplen of Colorado Springs,
Colo., was In the city the first of the
Week.1 "" '" . . v': .''
..!.. ttf.i.
M5ff,JJrHlfil,.y "lr,9,7WT ?"r
Kiorancjwiuue iporning 10 Heaver.
ixnonuio, wiiwo nj wmi npwa, nw
weeks before gotngnon to San Trend
. iwuiHvJM KMjifiilA . '
Geo. itarrla'wftfkVtiowR. to' Snp'erlori'.
lMacntnv $ JlrWaVilni'"1!
mavoniODiie notpa iruui iniipiMra. aw
tiae aeettred theegehey foV title po'pn.
tar ear'.
. V. - :... J .l." . :Ui'r
. mra una- oiarr waa. laaeo, 10. qar
IUKV. lumunr, nuqte, oui ,wm hiwm
In ho'epiCalli toMceJve,iiie4Jcal. traa: ). U
afni::i.:.rVpru;?V v
.Jphn.Hayea.of JlcCook.aa in
olty this weak. Ha came down to .be
present at the departure of the second
draft'eobtingent, of which his brother,
Riley, was a member.
The Junior class of the Guide Rook
High School, presents a four-act com
edy drama, "Tho ltlopsomlng of Mary
Ann" at the Orphcum tonight. Ad
mission 2,".o and H.'ic, plus war tax.
Miss Mao Gavin, sister of Mrs. M. K,
Quigley, who lias been the nurso In
charge for Mr. Quigley, returned to
her home in Mitchell, S. I). Tuesday
evening. Hor assistance in the ease is
highly iipiuvci.iU'.l by the family.
Mrs. Cliiiilcs K 1 , mot!, or of Win.
Kent, was oppr.-.l. upon Su'imlny
night fir
'ady 1 . i"
uauio d'j.Mi f 1 0:11 McC'jilc, Sundaj
11101 uiug.
Mae Howard, former wull-kuuwn
resident of this section, is heie from
St, Francis, Kan., visiting relativis
and friends.
J. C. Mitchell, who was called to
Djnver by the illness of his brother,
Dr. Robt. Mitchell, returned home
Wednesday morning.
Frank Peterson, Bernard Hurdeii
and Horace Frisbic left Tuesday morn
ing for Omaha, to drive a consignment
of Ford cars to this city.
Mrs. Geo. Van Cump and little
daughtor arrived In thls'-'.tjty Tuesday
evening from Lincoln, to visit her par
ents, Mr., and Mrs. Robt. Damerell.
Corbett & Mountford, who have
been conducting a skating rink in lc
Cook, for the past two mouths, are
moving the same to Yuma, Colorado.
Ilon.C. R. Hesse was appointed by
the City Council as alderman in the
First Ward to fill vacancy on the coun
cil mado by the death of R. W. Kooutz.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Frost, who reside
on the (iiirney farm north of town,
are rejoicing over tho arrival of 1111
eleven pound boy at their home Friday
Glen Walker, who accompanied his
wife to a ho-pittil in Omaha, where she
underwent an jcipenition, returned to
this city Tuesday. Ho reports Mrs.
Walker as doing Hue.
Ed Piatt went up to Hastings tin;
latter part of last, week, where ho took
his daughter, who underwent an oper
ation for ear trouble. The lit.tlo miss
is reported as getting along nicely.
1 he present that gives pleasure, not merely for a
few days, but for long months and years, is the
ideal gift.
1esigns full of the beauty of art are found in glisten
ing profusion here.
Vhoosing is no longer a task, but a pleasure. -
, t ,v
j ' n. Tl' 11 iy be
...i : i 1 j 1, Int. it curd an I li pt out
one wools. They cannot be renewed
Theutimbeis for the current month
cannot be taken fioin the Library.
Second Lieutenant Guy Scott of
Cowles was in the city Friday evening.
Ho, along with Hugh Italrd took a
short course at the Officers' Training
School at Ft. Riler, nnd both were
promoted to tho ofllces of Second Lieu
tenant. They are now enjoying a
fifteen day furlough.
Owing to the fact that the ever In
cre&lng patronage which has been be
stowed upon Messrs. 'Powell &. Pope.
who are conducting a restaurant in
this city, having caused their pocke,t
booics to bulge, they come to the front
by purchasing one of the finest foun
tains obtainable and will now serve
the public with the best iu the line of
ice cream nnd soft drinks.
The Editor Leaves for
"Somewhere in U. S."
luiW - .l2j3TrmitlBrl L Lmm I . !H 1
'RnMrV..M BVKkVelurhed I,,, 1MJSBBTO -J! V -aa
;home wedheiWav'eTeninit ffota.Hait- 1 IwVWlwaBBigag KwCl 9u'.ti liklgba1 i i ijBiBi1
in4aJii'vVn-?a the' farmer' '.waVoVerated ' ' - MMlT.Hfl WW iWVV . , . T
lace. ! ( l'i-livVuiMinu I luBnmwiW.llLS -ar HBBIrJ.nL . ,v'
.j, -i - 1 !& T aVAlililHlllW 1 frVHHHMVMIiil MH UHm 'i
. 1 1 .i r, M.mmMm-fc. .nH'H
' AfWrMBBBaC ' 1 "lgt!flBBgltTiBfBBBBBlry
iiiiB.arjlMiMMjBBBaPgijype'fcPja ) rfyi '"- w
W mo mmfiLcmmimMmm
Gond&ibr& afehmtQnm
ANY makers who never used substitutes for
leather before are doing so today. But not
withstanding this, there are others who,
like Seb, still build their shoes of all-leather.
All-leather shoes uphold America's aims of
true economy and unimpaired service. This is
the reason we offer Selz Shoes to the public and
this is the reason you should wear them. We could
ir.n!-:e more profit on leather substitutes but could
nt nuho !.ic-,.n"' friend-' fcr ilii
stron .M' v ji
,C C.")ili
This is headquarters for Selz Shoes. Right
now we are showing new models in attractive
leathers. Come here and be fitted.
Monday morning the regiment went
to Carpenter Hill where they spent the
morning in the trenches. In the after
noon everyono donned their gns musks
and went thru the gns house where
they got their Urste.xperleiice with gas
jWe then removed our masks and Iniii
a little e.porlitncc with tear gas.
On Tuesday the regiment spent the
day shooting at tho rango north of Ft
itiley. On Wednesday It rained nti'!'
wo had iinloor instruction -and in the
afternoon if having jiiiU raining wi
took a two 111110" hike." '' '
Thursday the regiment spent the
day at division school nt Smokcy Hill
.Flats. ,We also had our first chance at
hooting rllfe grenades1." Tim 'editor
also had .the' pleasure .of "sliootlng the
Lewis automatic rillo which fires
forty-seven shots a minute. i
Friday wns a legal, holidayand the
Major of our battalion ga'vo 'a lecture
on the Third Liberty Loan Ponds. 0u
Friday myself along' with about one
hundred aud Hfty more from different
organizations were transferred and w.e
will, leave for someplace iu the United
States the first of the week and we
sure are all glad to leave here.
A. P McArthur.
Tuesday morniug, April 30 We left
Fuuston yesterday afternoon and am
in St Louis now. Am with a good
bunch of men and.enjoying the trip.
Library Notes
Report of librarian of Auld Public
Library for April, 10187
Circulation. Adult books drawn, 818;
Juvenile, 8ti l j Total 1712.
Largest number of books drawn iu
one day, loll.
Dally average reading room attend,
aiice, 20.
Iiorroncrs em oiled during mouth.
1-0 '
Tutil number borrowers otuolloil,
I'bckIIBBBBmXx Baa.
ir k BBs9Bak
Answer the
Call of Your
r 1 .,4
of the '
' I !!
The lyiamWhtf Made .the Uncle
Josh Records Cor .Your '
Plibhoyraph ;
C ."
'And Who is Known to HisManyH
rnenas as uncie.josn,-
There will be a man at the Orpheum
Theatre Thursday, May 9th, In ' whom
everyone will be interested; a maa who
probably told stories to more English
speaking people than any other man
in the world; one who probably holds
the record of being known by his nick
name by thousands who wou'.d never
have any idea as to his personality if
told his real name. The visitor is to
be "Uncle Jo6h" of the phonograph
records; the old farmer who tells so
many "Rube" stories, and has so much
fun of it while telling theni. Just by
way of having something which he can
sign on a hotel register, "Uncle Josh is
Cal Stewart. He scofls nt Calvin, or
Caloric, or Calico, or any other high
fiilutln' names; he la simply "Cal,"
nlilio to everyone elso besides himself
lie lemaliib simply "Uncle Josh."
While "Fuele Josh" is a whole show
iu himself vet to round nut tho even
in entertainment ho btiins with him
iijpHy Jla'slnl, the violinist; Mnrgu
li.nit'H, tho Uk&l.tUt nriUt and Jainiii
,iiiir, ''The City T. !l-i." Ueoidcs
1 " .ndlvldiiiil "-Un -" tlu 4iitlie v nt-
' Mr 'I cHbt
IfcfiTi "'JWR '
.Hh mm,
'Loan -J!
j mmmKommM
KttXMmmammamMmaBKmtamnammy n ini i n .i .in .. m " i
- s'-Jt, t" ' owi . . IQI
" . -
.-' -
VI '
3--M-,. A; Complete Line oPStapIe' Groceries
-- -aiways-. on nana. rresn vegetaoies
s ..:.. and Friiifsih Season. Use the Phone
For up-to-date Millinery call and see
us. Pattern hats, frames of every
Cash for Your Produce
J. E. Butler
Bell Phone 45
Ind. Phone 200
Farm Loans
in ii
1.., i
11 ,
?(. tint IO AT HOME
1 III, 1 To TELL. "EM Al.
"BIJAftH-I ,""n
t I
1 .
rxprcr y