The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1918, Image 8

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wMwfwfan imu,i4jfft9rtntvv,hVt.
tyrffAV irm i i 1
iTho Requirements Boiled Down
for Busy Folks.
Returns must be filed on or before
April 1, 301S.
Tttx duo inity be pnld now or on or
before Juno 10, 101S.
If you nro tingle and your not In
come for 1017 wns $1,000 or tnoro you
must flic n return.
If you were mnrrled nnd living with
wife or buslinnd) nnd lutd n net In
come of $2,000 or more for 1017 you
must file n return. '
Husband's nnd wife's Income must
bo considered Jointly, plus Income of
minor children.
income of n minor or Incompetent,
derived from n eeparnto estate, must
bo reported by bis lcjjnl representa
tive, Severe penalties nro provided for
those who neglect or evndu the law.
For Xnlsc or ftaudulcnt return there
Is n reunify not exceeding $'J,000 line
or year's Imprisonment, or both, plus
'100 per cent, of tax.
Tor failure to innko return on or
iliororo April 1, 101S, fine Is front $20
to 51,000, plus r0 per cent, of tax due.
Returns must be filed with tho Col
lector of Internal Uevcnuo of district
In which you the.
An agent may file return for n per
Hon who Is III, absent from the country
or otherwise Incapueltnted.
I'ttclt return must be signed and
mvprn or affirmed by person execut
Inr It.
Single persons nro allowed $1,000
exemption In computing normnl tax.
A married person living with wife,
(or hiihlinnd) is allowed $2,000 exemp
tion, plus $200 for each dependent
child tinder IS.
A head of family,. though single, Is
allowed' $2,000 exemption If actually
supporting one or more relatives.
Ilcturns must show tho entire
amount of earnings, gains and profits
received during the year.
Officials nnd enXoyeos nro not tnxn
blc on tho salaries or Wages received
from a state, county, city or town In
tho United States.
Interest on state and municipal'
bonds Issued within the U. S. Is ex
empt from federal Income tax and
fchonld be omitted.
1 Interest on United States govern
ment bonds Is also exempt, except on
Individual holdings or Liberty Tours In
-tr.fss of fTiKK) frw-mhtc:
Dividends nro not subject to normal
tnr, but mtiRt be reported and Included
In not Income,
Gifts and legacies nro not Incnmo
nnd bliflultb not be Included on tho re
turn nf the beneficiary.
Life Insurance received ns n bene
ficiary or ns premiums paid back at
maturity or surrender of policy Is not
lixohie. '
Payments received for real or per
bonnl property sold Js not Income, but
tho broflr realized thereon N Income
Jnr Hie, year of sale.
Amounts' received In ptnmont of
rMes or mortgages is-not Ituome, but
the Interest on surh, notes, or mo'rt
pages Is taxable Income.
From tho entire gross Income cer
aji u'towitncei are made In arriving
nt tho net Income. " "
Nc'echxaty expenses actually paid In
the conduct of business, trade, or pro
fession rimy he claimed,
r A anher can claim payments for
flfibfif, teed, fertlllrer, stock feed re
pairs on Irulhlltigs, except his dwelling;
repairs of fence and farm machinery,
Materials and email tools for lunuedt-
Tto ntso.
Tho amount of rent paid for a farm
mny also be claimed ns a tenant farm
er's expense.
Payments for Uvo stock nro nllowa
bio If bought for resale. But If bought
for breeding purposes cattle nro an In
vestment, not an expense, nnd cannot
tie allowed.
A storekeeper enn claim amounts
.paid for advertising, clerk hire, tele
phone, water, light nnd fuel, also dray
ago and freight bills, nnd cost of op
erating nnd repairing wagons nnd
A physician can claim cost of his
professional supplies,, rent, office help,
'telephone, expense of team or automo
Idle, used In making professional enlls
.und oxpenscs attending medical con
ventions. A dentlbt can claim slmllnr Items,
'except team or auto expense, which
nro not necessary In his profession,
ljxpcnses tbnt nro personal or con
nected In any Way With tho support.or
vfi being of a person or family tire,
vot allowable.
The costs of machines, Instruments,
vehicles or implements that uro moro
or less permanent In character aro not
ullOwnblo ns on expense. They aro In
vestments. Interest pnld on n mortgngo or other
personal Indebtedness Is allowable on
u personal return.
All taxes pnld within tho year can
bo taken out on a federal return, ex
cept fedctal Income taxes, Inheritance
taxes and ntspssmenta for local Im
provements. Losses tustnlncd In business or
through lire, storm or shipwreck or by
theft, except when compensated by In
6urnnco or otherwise.
Wear and tear of rented buildings or
.machinery used In .business may bo
You enn nlso .claim tbp amount paid
to the Ited Crnts nnd to other charita
ble, religion or educational orgnnlza
' tlon to fho oU of 15 per ceut of
yout net Income.
llveiettFiniicu was In Hastings Fil
d y.
C. V. Dickenson was Jti Blue Hill
Mrs, Q. A. KmiUott Ulled Lincoln
friends this Week.
Mr, h. A. Sopor visited Uarvnrd
relative this week.
Mr. Oley lvercon wns in Hustings
thto luH of the week.
Andrew Cbrlstenson was down from
Kelson the first of the wcelc.
Mrs. W, A. Cunningham spend Wed
nesday with Hlue 11111 relatives.
S. D. Diiticnn Htid faintly nnd Hddio
wore hi Ditto Hill Motidny evening,
Ilev. Iluirlngton made it business
trip to Oeiieva the middle of the week.
Mrs. Win, Splektmll and daughter I
visited relatives nt Piilisnilo this week.
iMrs, Hnnnnh Woi ley spent Wed ties
day evening with Campbell relatives,
Jones Wllllums was a visitor at tho
homo of Dolphy Clark in Hastings
Wednesday. '
.Mis. O. V. Curtsof Lawrence, vlslt
el her daughter, Mrs. ,T. K Davis,
Thursday nnd Ftldny.
Howard and Italph Maputo of llluo
Mill, spent the week end with their
grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lamplionr visited
Mr Lampheiir's mother at Scott
Illuir and their son, Casslus nt Dayard
this week.
Will Carponter nnd fninily nntoed to
Red Cloud Suudny.
Mrs. Stove Kennedy) uutoed to Red
Cloud Tuesdny.
O. A. Waldo spont Sunday with Will
N'orrls and family,
Jim Sllvoy and wife autued to Ited
Cloud Saturday night.
John Itutlodge, wife nnd daughter
nutocd to Red Cloud Tuesdiiy.
Mr. lMeteeof Red Cloud, speutTites
day with liisson Claude Pieicu.
C A. Waldo Jp"tit the lltst of tho
week in.HaUingsns a juryman.
Mis M. C. Hummel is vlsitluc? ut
W. Nun is' nnd I). Norris' this week.
Geo. Morrow and wife of Riverton,
visited at R. K. Hunter's Sunday.
Will Tophnm and family nml Mrs.
S. H. Iloldrcdge uutoed to Red Cloud
Miy-Wlniynt .nnd , fntullr, of. .(IntiU,
Joe Reed nnd son left Tuesday morn
ing with their car of goods for their
new homo at Lowyllcett. Mrs Reed
and daughter will go httor.
Mrs Sadlo A. Holdiedge teturned
Saturday night front Gteat llcttd,
stis, where she has been with hnr sister
Mrs. (1 Latto for 8-vernl weeks. Mrs.
C. fc3 Joyco went to Hellvllle, KhiisJih.
t tiiLct tier mother. , ,
Hillman in New York
F, P HHIniiiii and Hairy Sobns tire
in Nuv Voik securing plays ifod en
gaging people for the two iHllmnu
Stock companies which will plnj bete
next season. Mr. Hlllntsn wtitcsns
Hint bo has bcpti fortunate in HiU'iiring
some of tho very Illicit Hrondwny sue-e'esu-s,
and tlililt;Uo'wlli brlttgwo urfm
patties to out- oity litis seaotVtliat.rtlll
outclass nil piovfous efforts. This
mnkos the fifteenth conspcutivo year
for the Hillman companies.
Farm Loans
Lowest rates, tiest tetms and option
nnd in any amount. No inspection ex
pense, ttpd' absolutely no 'delny. Six
plnns to from. Sole ngettt for
Truvett. Mattls & Uakor.
J. II. Bailey
Sheriff's Sale
Notice Is hereby given, thntf under and by
virtue ot tin order ot sulo IksuccI (rout tlio
olllcoot IMlth I-. McKdKlinn, Clerk ot the
District Court ottlieTentlj Judlclnl IJIstrlct,
within nml tor Webster County, Nebraska,
upon n decree In nu notion pending, therein,
w herein, U. At. 1 lyiutslH plain tin; nnd ngnlnst
J. r. IMwnrdu, defendnttt, I slmll odor tor
anlo nt public vendue, according to tho terms
ot said decree, to tho highest bidder for cash
la lmtid, nt the south door ol the court house,
at Ited Cloud, In said Webster County, Ne
braska, (Hint being the building whoreln the
last term of said court watt holdcn) on the
ilrd day of April, A. P., 1818, at oun o'clock,
1'. M., ot said day, tho following described
property, to-wtt: The South Kast (iuarter
(S. K. t-l) otHccilon fourteen) (H) Township
Tho ('.!) North, Itangc Ten (10) West ot tho
fltli 1. M., W.elnter County, Nebraska.
Given under my hnud thin I8tl day ot
March, A. D llllS.
TitANic lluri'isii, Sheriff
ritnn M.vtntKii, I'lalntlirs Attorney. 11-5 "
Rock, spettt Sttttdny nt Clyde Wlulc
wire's. . A lorge crowd nttondod tho services
at the. M. K. ultuich Sunday morning
nnd evening.
Mis, ClHrenco Reod and children are
visiting in Red Cloud this wevfc with
Rob Mitchell nnd family.
Notice of Final Report
In tho County Court ot Webster county
In the matter ot tho estate 'ot 1'rancU K.
1'ayoe, dceeased.
All persons Interested In said estate, nre
hereby uoUllcd tlmt the AdtuliilNtnttor,
C. M. Wilson, lias tiled herein u tlnnl
account and report of his administra
tion, nnd a petition for the it mil settle
-tX. of mieh luccjunt nnd reportrainl
for u decree o( distribution of the residue o(
snld cHtato, nnd for the assignment' of the
real estate belonging thereto, nnd n discharge
trout his trust, nil ot which mid mdtterH
hnobccti hot for hearing before wilt! court
on the '.tnli dny of . March, t'.UR, nt tho hour of
10 o'clock, A. SI ,when all persons In tin sled
may nppear nnd contest the same.
Dated this tilth day of .March, 1'JIS.
SKA I. A. I). HVNVl-V,
County Jud.-e.
Mt A JLiB Jlinw yy
Is My Life Study with 18 Years Experience
The radical and non-surgical method with
which I successfully treat and guarantee ,
to cure all forms of Piles, Fistula and
Fissure without the knife. No detention
from business. Remember that I do not
treat all diseases that the human body
is heir to, neither do I treat incurable
Our patients will tell you they nro not confined to bed; walk
about nnd attend to their daily duties. Read what they Htty:
The Radical and non-Surgical Itihtltulo,
St Joseph, Missouri, x
Dear Uootor:
I deem it a pleasure to endorse yonr method of treatment nnd
to Btnto UihI I had for more than three yonrt. iuteruul and external
Rolling nnd bleeding piles', for days at, a time was not able to do my
chores. At this time am well and free from all Kectnl trouble, of
which I wns eiired In lesi than three woeks. Hoping you tho best
of success. Yours tospectfully,
Lcuox, Iown. It. p. SPOOUEMORB.
Protruding and Blooding Piles Causo of Rheumatism
XeUou Uiillrtb, fuvmer, aged fil years, ti sufferer of piles, says:
I take this method to nnnounco to the allllctod who nro sulTer
ors of Rectal trouble, as myself onco was, and I could hardly get
about with jhouinntlsm, which I now realize was due to protruding
nnd bleeding piles, that seemed to wreck my very life. After re
ceiving your proferred mild method treatment I traveled to nnd
from your oftlce tho same day without nny ill-convonlonco from your
treatment, nnd would not bx In my former condition for any amount
of money. I can truly say tlmt I am now well and sound, was cured
in loss than threo woolcs. You may use, this testimonial if it will bo
of any assistance in curing other.
Your Friend,
Wrlto for testimonials, mul wo will send yon the nnmo of
ouved patients near you iu your vicinity.
v AhU for examination always free. ,
Remember, all aures taken on a positive GUARANTEE Nt)
E. Franklin Higdon, M. D.
Physician in Charge r
1182 North Eighth St. Joseph, Ao.
E. S. Gaurber
Wall PaperyPaints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
, Better KodakPinishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Lino of Supplies
upLLS nrcvEjupPEn-'joc
Stevens Bros.
0.11. Miner Dr. 8. S.rtcardorf, M. D. C.
'Manager Veterinary In Chargo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
U. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Goncrul assurance Is authorized that nil Rooltr Mountain National Parks,
I'.iellle (Joaht and WeRtetn Mountain resorts, nil! bo opon for visitors, as usual,
the nuiniuer of 1018
A general Rcln-mo rf summer Tourist Excursion Fnro9 will soon be cs.
tubllshcd. This news of much importance throughout, the West, will permit
thousands to miilto detlnile plans for a summer bojotirn in-
PLAN EARLY, givi- ns your nutnes for descrlptivo literature, 'tourist
fares uud iuformatlou
S. B. Howard, Immigratifjn Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
1001 Fiirnutn St. Omaha. Nobr.
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Successor to Dr. Cross
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
tSIPOmcE Oveii Ai.ttuiaiiT's Store
mporimt mmu
i X,
Meetings Will be
inarch 22. n-a- j
y w-
d u-
Wold Friday Afternoon,
mmmmy v tryMMmg .fc
scriptions for War Savings Stamps.
All Schools and Business Houses in tSso
County Have ESen AsltGd to Close at
- 2 P.
PJ1. That Day
'Governor Gsozscs Proclamation
'- Meetinffs of aU tax payers and vajo earners in this county will jo held is
each school lmusciii tho county at 2 p. m. on Friday, March 22, 1018. Thcs
rieetings have been called by War Savings Director Ward M. Burgess,
appointed under tho authority of the Secretary of the United States Treasury,
and pursuant to tho proclamation of the Governor of the State of Nebraska.
' Tho school moderator in rural districts will' nresid at each school houso
meeting-, and thcsohcol director will l;eci;a rccwd ci' tho' procc?n-v.i. Tho
director will report the names of all persons prpficnt and tqe amtint' War
livings stamps suDsericeci lor by lac m. Ho will abo' report tho nin-) of
any absent persons and t"..c names of those persons'
subscribe and tho reasons for so doing.
who rc'iue or nc-J
Stamps (which aro United Statas Go'crnicni Er.rd- Va
came as Liberty Bonds), can be paid for during a.y nrT-th ia l1c vr-, li13
but it is intended that subscriptions will b. nisucd f6r t;cm on Iarsj 1J.
The price of each War Caving Ctrrn upends upen Uia,r.v.ith tlurir.5
which it is boxyjht. During Harch'cac l Stamp vrf.ll cost ?:.l In April each
Stamp will cost $'1.15, and so on, oro ccr.t more each monti jS.8.
Cn January 1st, 1923, tho Coverxut-t of tho United Sta'rs wia reel win ' 11
War Savings Stampr. at C-00,':o ntttcr du.l-.g v.v.ioh rvirili in jT'3
they were bought. They cct less d;Hrg thr early doiit.a b J'J.'O fran ',-r-ng-
the later months because the p:r:n who buv3 eavliov La loaned
money to tho Government for a longer tine than'if ho should buy latir.
. By way of illustration, ncte the following table:
DURING MATX'H, A1TJL A1TD MAY, 1913. ,- - "-'
Crst In Ccsl i.i CcM In An! Pro Wortt
aroh t?nl Uay on !. I,2
1 Stamp $ 4.14 $ 4.15 4.16 , $ 5.00
20 Stamps 82.30 B3.00 83.20 100 CO
60 Stamps ?? 2C7 00 2C7.C0 20D.C0 ZCO.OO
100 Stamps 41-' 03 415.C0 4'.:0 E00OO
200 Stamps 0:0.00 830.00 822.00 1.C03.C0
The law provides that no person can held in lur, own r.amo War Sa-.inga
Stamps exceeding $1,C00 maturity value. War Savings Stamps, however, mav,
bo purchased in the namo cf ct'ucr n:mbars ci' the'family, including minor
Tho money invested in War Savings Stamps i3 not a gift, cr a donation,
but is a loan to the Government. It will all bo paid back with 4 compound
interest. If, because of some serious financial reverses, "or calamity, it sluuld
oe necessary to get your money b-f ire 1, 1923, ycu may do so by
giving ten days' notice to any Hcncy Order p-rtmastcr, in which ca'-.o ycu
can get what you paid for the Rtiians, with interact to date of pavaiont. Tho
Stamps arc tax free; when ro&utorid at. tnc pts.?.co they aro insured against
loss; they are backed by all tho pvopc in tho. United,; they cannot
lau Deiow par in value; tncy aro tiic r-.ost convemont and best paying in
vestment ever offered by cur Govemr-.-rt.
The Government of tho Unitrd P'"s r u every school district anJ
county to subscribo its quota r v: savings Stamps.
It is to be hoped that tho subscriptions taken at the meetings '
county will show that tho pcolo hero arc loyal Amoriein citizens
our Government, in this timo of need, does not call in vain.
Special Notice For Webster County
The nllotmcnt of War Savings Stamps for this country is $245,800.
The amount required from each School District will bo announced by
the School Director at the meeting at the School House, March 22.
This allotment is figured on a basis of $20 each for every man, -woman
and child in the family in tho District, A person financially able must
subscribe moro than this amount, as some persons may not bo able to
take their full allotment. Wherever possible, the head of a family
should subscribe Aco of his property value above indebtedness. As ex- -.
, ample: A man worth $12,500 should purchase $500 of War Savings
Stamps, which, if purchuscd in March, would cost him $414. In other
words, this man loans to tho government $414 nnd gets full credit for
$500 January 1, 1923. (Signed) C. H. MINIR, Red Cloud,
War Savings Chairman for Webster County, appointed by State Dir
ector Ward M. Burgess, under authority of tho Secretary of the United
States Treasury.
: r