RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF y I P&, Y i Five Bottles Peruna Restored Me To Complete Health I Have Been In The Best Of Spirits Since, And Feel That I Owe My Health To Peruna MAKE PET OF CAPTURED MULE Allied Soldtera in France Play With Animal That Once,. Was In the Service of the Kaiser. At the lmttle of Loos, bombers cap tured n shivering German mule, which they dubbed Knlscr Dill, snys Hoys' JJfc, the Doy Scouts' Magazine. Dut ho now Kulscr Dili was very Intel ligent, nnd friendly toward his captors, eo tho men thought that, to ho fair to tho mule, they had better drop the Knlscr and cnll him Just plnln Dllly. Dllly earned his rations by towing about tho brigade bomb-cart. When off duty the men used to play with him. Ho would answer to his name, and corno trotting over when his mas ter called. Dllly Is still with the bri gade, nnd tho men say that he tows those bombs up to tho dump for use against tho Qcrmnns with the greatest relish. It Is odd to see a big, rough, hard ended soldier In n trench as ho fondles a little trench kitten, his features soft ening. "Poor Httlo beggar," he thinks, "so helpless nnd weak. And it's warm nnd living." Can anything erase from tho char acter of man those traits which make life worth while pity, love, nnd mercy? Ease and luxury may; but trouble, hardship and danger never. His Armless Joke. That all misfortune Is only rclntlvo Is Indicated by the philosophy of the armless man who, for many years, has been carrying "copy" from a down , town news agency to tho uptown news papers at night An editor on his wny to bis midnight luncheon had washed his hands when ho discovered that tho towel was missing. As the armless "copy" carrier passed he heard the ed itor say something more forceful than Iegant. "You ought to bo llko me, and then you wouldn't need any towel," said the armless one, laughing contentedly. New York Times. Retribution. "What are you working on, there?" "A hymn of hate," replied tho poet sternly. "Dear met Don't you know tho American government discourages any thing of that kind?" "Oh, yes. Dut this Is none of the government's business. It Is addressed to a neighbor of mine who has played 'Over There' on his phonograph every night for the past seven weeks." Birmingham Age-Herald. Talks Too Much. "Sir, you do mo a great wrong to call me an addlepate. You have no scientific instrument for gauging my brain power." "I don't need a scientific Instrument for that purpose, sir. You have an Instrument yourself that gives you away." "'What is that?" "Your tongue." Dlrmlngham Age- u,erald. During the past few years there has been a falling oft in tho yield of tho banana. A spring gun has been Invented for casting fishing lines further than can bo done by hand. i Win the War by Preparing the Land Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops Work In Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada CO-ePEKATITB FAKBnKQ IN MAN POWER NECESSARY TO WW THE BUTIUS FOR LIBERTY The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail able to be tent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest Upon the efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply. Eiw Available Tillable Aire MhsI Ce-trlhutej Eviry Available Fanair aai Farm Hand Mutt Atilit Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power fa short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed ing operation. ' Canada's Whiat PriduiHta Last Ytar was 226,000,000 lutbilai the Draaad From Canada Aline fir If II It 400,000,000 Instills To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United States developed first of course but it also wants to help Canada. When ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied, we want to direct him there. Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can best serve the combined interests. Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages to competent help, '50.00 a month and up, board and lodging. Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wages, good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return. For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had apply to: N. S. EMPLOYMENT SEIYKE. IEPARTMENT IF LAI0I Mr. C. N. Petersen, dealer In fine boots, ahoea and cigars, 132 S. Main St, Council duffs, la writes: 1 cannot tell you how much good Pe runa has done me. Constant confine mant In my atop began to tall on my health and I fait that I was grad ually breaking down. I tried several remedies prescribed by my physician, but obtained no permanent relief until I took Peruna. I felt better Im mediately and five bottles restored mo to complete health. I have been In tho best of spirits since, and feel that I owo my health to It." Our booklet, telling you how to keep well, free to all. Tho Peruna Co Columbus, Ohio. Those who object to liquid medi cines can now prooure Peruna Tablets. OLD MAN FORGETS CHIVALRY Good Old Brother Wnck Most Ungal- lantly Puts Women In the Same Class as the Mule. "No, sail!" replied Drollier Wnck tc tho expostulation of good old Parson Dngsler. "It's plumb onposslhlc tc modulate n mule wldout cussln' him It knln't be did. Long's I cusses dl varmint reg'lar nnd saturates him wld n club 'caslonally lie rtess lops his ear? for'nrds nnd trtidges right along' wld do plow. Dut do minute I draps dc club and dresses lilin lu confectionery language he turns his head and sneers at me. Dar ain't no gratitude In him., Ho thinks he's got mo bluffed. "A mule, sah, nm right smahtly like n 'ooninii. Honey round her and buy her fine clothes nnd n moulllc o' gold teef, nnd sh'Il walk nil over yo-uh-hollerin. for mo'. Dut slap hor flat when she needs It nnd talk to her loud nnd con'so and she's as soople as nil angel. Keep n mule nnd n 'ooman thankful for what yo' don't do to 'em, nnd yo' get 'em gwlne, every time." Knnsns City Star. Reassuring Sign. The Ctrl' told us this herself, so we guess It must be true. ''My dear," said her mother, serious ly, "I have no doubt thnt this young man who is so interested in you of Into Is nn excellent fellow. lie seems police nnd clever and nice In every way. Dut I should like to know whether he comes of'a good family." "Yes, mother," answered tho daugh ter, "I hnve every reason to believe that his fnmlly Is very fine." "Hum I Do they object to his Inter est In you?" "I'm afraid they do, mother. They seem to bo doing everything to make him stop coming to see me." "Ah I I'm much relieved, dear, and I seo no reason why you shouldn't 'en courage him." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Circumstantial Evidence. Tommy was making a visit to his grandparents, who owned a largo dairy. Ho had been forbidden to touch the tempting-looking pans of rich cream. One day his grandmother caught him coming up from the cellar with a very suspicious white rim over his upper Up. "Tommy," she said, "I nm afraid, from your looks, that you have been disturbing my pans of cream." "Oh, no, I haven't," Tommy hastened to explain. "I Just ran my tongue gently over tho top." Country Gentle man. Lost Opportunity. "What's tho matter, Hcnpeck, yon look as If you had not slept last, night?" "Ob, I slept soundly, but I awoke too soon. I had a splendid dream, and I had my fist drawn bnck to biff Marie on the nose and than I awoke. I shall never get another such oppor tunity." It Is a pessimistic cuss indeed who docs not expect that tho future will bo as kind as the past New Hampshire was tho first state to establish a railroad commission. NEWS OF NEBRASKA Items of Interest Gathered from Many Points Tho Nebraska Base Hospital unit has boon ordered to report to Fort Dcs Moines, Iowa. General Pershing's report of 14 Iowa soldlcra dead and 22 wounded In Franco Is bringing many Iowa ncn to Oiuulm to enlist for Imnicdlato service. A number of Gago county furtucrs began spring plowing early lust week nnd several nre already drilling spring wheat. Military training has become eo popular at the Hastings high school thnt a third company, mudc up of bophnmorc and freshmen students, bus been organized. ' George tidson, owner of Ihe plant of the Fllley Spotlight, recently destroy ed by lire, fcnys lie holluvos tho lire was caused by an accident, and thnt It was not the work of a pro-German firebug. It Is announced Unit Charley Chap lin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary IMclc ford, Dorothy Itroolcs and Marguerite Clark are moving picture stars who will tour Nebraska lu the coining liberty, loan campaign. Governor Neville niinoutice'l that nil existing vacancies In the Nebraska i legislature will remain vacant during the special session and none will bo Idled by appointment because the law prevents Iilm to do so. Seventy-nine cases of llfty volumes each of "The Finished Mystery," nl i leged seditious publication, weie liLlzcd In the headquarters of the As sociated lllble Students at Oniiiho by federal authorities. ltlght Itev. 'Charles .T. O'ltellly, bishop of tne Catholic diocese of east ern Oregon, has been appointed by Archbishop Honzauo at Washington, bishop of the Lincoln diocese, to suc ceed the ltlght Itev. J. It. Tlhen. who goes to the Denver diocese. Tho Farmers' Union Co-Operative company of Kimball and 10. 13. Adams of Grand Island were prohibited from selling Hour and their source of sup ply cut off for violating food regula tions, the former for sixty days and tho Intter until April 22. It costs on an average of $,r0 per pupil to educate tho children of Grant county, while In McPherson county It costs but $1.10, according to n tnble prepared by Secretary O. A. Bcrncckcr of the State Hoard of As sessment. Word has reached tho state railway commission at Lincoln thnt 1,000 freight cars hnve been ordered dis tributed In Nebraska and Kansus and this Is expected to save some corn lying on the ground In this state Congestion In the cast Is still serious, It Is said. According to a statement issued By Governor Neville for the nlno months ending January 31, fines collected In Nebraska for violation of the prohibi tion law total $54,050,70, whllo tho total expense of administering tho act totaled only $10,702.24. Tho gov ernor's report shows there has been a total of 2,027 prosecutions institut ed, with convictions In 1,815 cases. Work on tho new "Potash High way," which Is to extend from Grand Island to Alliance, Is expected to start soon and be in shape for travel by Juno if tho Interest taken In the project at the recent meeting of good road boosters at Thcdford is any crl terlon. Organizations hnve been per fected In every county through which the highway is to puss, nnd some of the most prominent boosters in the state arc behind the undertaking. Nebraska Is required to furnish 458 men as its quota of a total of 05,000 men called to tho colors during the five-day period beginning March 20. Governor Ncvlllo has notified local exemption boards of the number of men each is culted upon to furnish on this special call. The Nebraska men ore to be sent to Camp Funston. No credits nro allowed by tho war de partment for men previously sent. Tho call affects every county In the state. Douglas county, including Omnhn, will furnish tho most men, 80, while other counties will furnish from ono up to twenty-nine. Hamilton county, heretofore exempted' frm the draft, must send live men. Considerable mystery surrounds a shooting nffulr In Colfax corunty. Fol lowing a party nt the home of John Vnvn, in tho central part of tho coun ty, tho house was fired on from am bush, ono man being severely hurt, Later, tho home of Louis Aschcr was bombarded, but luckily no ono was injured. At a Junior Red Cross novelty fall held nt the Wayno'hlgh school over $000 was secured for tho Ited Cross nnd $120 for playground equipment for tho schools. Conservation of resources by pre vention of llrcs Is urged in nn nppcnl to tho people of Nebraska by W, S. Itldgell, Btnto ilro commissioner. Ne braska flro losses in 1017, ho says, reached nearly $3,000,000, nnd there wns an avorago of flvo fires n dny. Of these fires 17 por cent were duo to carelessness. A good roads fair Is to bo held In Alllanco April 2 to 0, tho proceeds to bo used toward tho betterment of all roads, including tho Potash highway, which will extend from Grand Island to Alliance. Nebruskn City Is finishing two of the most completely equipped gradf school buildings In the state. Plans nro going forward smoothlj nt Schuyler for tho Installation of nn electric hentlng plant In tho city. The Statu Council of Defense has lifted tho embargo on the shipping ol seed corn from Nebraska. Tho sum of $100,000 Is to bo spent on tho O. L, D. highway this yonr, ac cording to olllclals of the association. Timber on 800 ncres near Crofton, mostly black walnut, has been bought to make gun stocks for the govern ment. County commissioners of Sheridan county appropriated $5,000 to assist In laying out u routo for tho now Pot ash Highway. Another attempt is to be made to locate oil near Table Hock. After sev eral months of Jinrd work tho first ef fect was abandoned as a failure. Valley county Is to havo uu ngrlcub lural agent, the county board of siw pervlsors having appropriated funds for employing such an official. Keith (iraul of Lincoln, former stu dent of the Nebraska university, was Wounded lu action lu France, his name nppcurliig lu a casualty list Is sued March 1 1. In the opinion of railroad and grain men the recent snow and rain which fell over n large part of Nebraska, Is worth thnunuds of dollars to farmers of the state. Seven hundred bushels of wheal and 5,000 luiliol.4 of corn were losl when lire destroyed the Wilson eleva tor nt Murry. The loss was about $10,000. Miss Catherine Mella, assistant postmaster at Gretna, has the dls tinctlnn of having sold thus far a to till of more than $10,000 worth ol war savings stumps. Marshal Hall Kberstelii, chief of tho federal bureau of Investigation nt Omaha, announced that herenfter all public speeches In Omaha must be made In Kngllsh. The directors of the Hen trice Com mercial club passed a resolution re questing tlie board of education tc eliminate the teaching of German In the high school. - ' Walter Slebert, cashier of a Scotts bluff hank, was placed under arrest by' federal authorities on a presi dential warrant, on n charge of mak ing seditious utterances. State Food Administrator Wattles sent nn appeal to 300 Nebruskn grow ers to ralso more sweet corn, tomatoes nnd peas. The government must have them to meet the requirements of the nrmy nnd navy, he says. Two carloads of hogs, one donated by citizens of Fullerton, tho other by people of Bancroft, wero auctioned off at the South Omaha market, netting $5,782.23, -all of which was turned over to tho Ited Cross. Resolutions opposing the employing of women to work on tho farms in Nebraska wero passed nt a meeting of tho executive ' board of tho wonv nn's committee of tho stato council of defense at Lincoln. Washington reports show that dur ing tho month of December, 1017, more men enlisted in tho army in Omaha than In New York, or San Francisco. Only two cities, Chicago and Indianapolis, outrank Omaha dur ing that month. John R. Mockett and his colleague, Edwin, Jeary, both of Lincoln, who pushed through tho Mockett law in tho 1013 legislature providing for com pulsory teaching of German in tho public schools, have both repudiated tho law. , Governor Neville and state officials plan to carry through tho special leg islative session without expense to the state. Tho. plan Is to have all those participating in tho extra session to donato their time, several already hav ing volunteered. The 1017 session cost tho stato $150,000. Stnto Labor Commissioner Norman advises farmers who nro in nqod of help to communicate with tho state lnbor department nt Lincoln or tho co operative public employment ofllco nt Omaha, both of which will do every thing posslblo to furnish help where needed. Four school districts In Hamilton county, comprising twenty-ono sec tions with nn assessed valuation of nenrly $300,000, voted by nn over whelming majority to consolidate. Plans nro already under wny to erect a new building to servo as a school house nnd community center to cost about $33,000. Attorney General Reed was direct ed by the stato banking board to suo tho stockholders of the old First Stats Savings bank of Superior and tho Farmers' Stato bank of Decatur for the purpose of compelling them to re imburse tho stnto guaranty fund for tho money taken out to pay deposit ors of tho two Institutions when they fnfled. Nenrly 150 speakers havo already been listed for tho third liberty loan campaign in Nebraska, which is to begin April 0, According to u report of A. E. An derson, field agent for the bureau of crop estimates, car shortage, Jato ma turity and Increased ucrcuge duo to abandoning winter wheat has loft 130,700,000 bushels of corn still in tho hands of Nebraska farmers, com pared with 73,11!,000 a year ago, A Jury in Dawson county gavo n $14,000 Judgment in tho caso ol Grnco Hanna against Thomas Etanna, Tho plaintiff aued hor father-in-law for damages In the sum of $50,000 for nllenlatlng tho affections of net husband. 1 BIG WORK III THE win The War Lord Salutes the Field Marshall. Such Is the striking title to a well timed enrtoon In nn ngrlculturnl pa per, showing the War Lord In salute to tho furmer. The meaning of It is thnt without tho assistance thnt the fnrmcr renders In tho matter of pro viding food for tho nrmy the fighting ability of thnt body would bo propor tionally decreased. Whllo tho army is fighting, tho farmer Is busy. The promptness with which ho sprang into tho breach wns a patriotism equal to that of tho man who enlisted nnd tho farmer's record In this particular wns worthy of tho high record that has become his. All over tho. United States tho appeal Is being met by more production. Fields are enlarged. Inten sive agriculture has taken the place of slipshod methods, more cattlo aro being fattened, more hogs grown, veal and lamb havo become scarce com modities. This Is nil In keeping with the food-controller's demands, nnd with the heartiness thnt Is now preva lent, It would Bcein as If the require ments of the boys nt tho front nnd tho allies In Europe would bo fully met. Not only are tho tilled ncres of tho United States being brought Into requisition, but the wild posture lands nre doing tribute with their cattlo and sheep. Working lu conjunction with tho United States, Western Canada Is also doing Us share and a pretty largo share It Is, too. By an arrangement with the United Stutes Government it will now be posslblo through its em ployment bureau to secure for tho Western Canada fields such help ns can be spared. It Is thought In this way Cannda will "have Us help to Bccd Us million of ncres of wheat land fairly well met. Tho Inrgo number of young men of tho farms who have enlisted und gone to tho front has left mnny of tho Western Canada farms weak In the tnnttcr of mnn power. This means that Canada can tuko all that tho United States can spare. Tho wages will bo good and the housing comfortable. Iu addition to this tho free home stead lands of Western Canada offer tho greatest Inducement to tho man with limited menus who 1b willing to undergo some of tho hardships natu rally uccompnnylng this enterprise. Thero Is also tho largo area of uncul tivated lands that aro waiting the man with sufficient means to purchase and equip. And this is not expen sive. Tho lands are cheap and the terms very reasonable. Equipped with tractor or horse power tho cultivation cost Is slight when the return is con sidered. Yields of wheat varying from 20 to 40 bushels per acre may bo ro lled upon, nnd with a set price of over $2.00 per bushel, It Is an easy matter to arrive at tho cost. Production, in cluding Interest on land, has been esti mated at figures not exceeding ten dollars an acre. With a twenty bushel yield, at a two dollar price ;forty dol lars. Ten from forty and you have the profits many farmers made In Western Canada the past year. Tho Dominion and Provincial Gov ernments dre working conjointly in an Increased production propaganda. Among tho Important steps that have been taken to bring this about Is the recent order by which it is made pos slblo to take Into Canada'tractors that cost fourteen hundred dollars and lew In tho country of production. This will give those residing in the United States, owning lands In Canada, the opportunity to place them under cul tivation at much less cost than In the past Another inducement Is the privi lege of taking sheep and cattlo In free of duty. Automobiles form a necessary part- of the outfit of a good many farmers that would like to move to Canada. These are now accorded freo duty. Provision Is also made that those requiring seed and unable to ob tain it In nny other way, may get it from tho Government. So from this it will bo seen thnt it Is not only tho fcrtllo lands of Western Canada that Invito the settler, but the ease and cheapness with which a farmer may establish himself. Advertisement. From Way Back. Country Uncle Gosh I What Is that thero thing? City Niece A folding bed, uncle. Country Uncle Then Til camp out on tho floor. I could novcr sleep ntnndln up. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe tho la flammatlon of a sore throat and lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, Insuring a good night's rest, freo from coughing and with easy expectoration in tho morning. Made and sold in America for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your general health and throwing off tho disease. Especially useful In lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, otc. For sale In all civil Ized countries. Adv. All It Was Good For. Judge Why did you hurl this bot tle at tho umpire? Fan It was empty,-Boston Glob. Don't get careless and drop too many hints. When Your Eyes Nwd Cart Try Murine Eye Remedy KdIimsI nic muuot oo., osuoaso A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Mitt Kefl Tell How Lrdlm E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Newark, N. J.-" For about thrst years I suffered from nervous break down ana got so weak I could hardly stand, and had head aches every day. I tried everything I could think of and was under a phy sician's care for two years. A girl friend had used Lydia E. nnxnanva vege table Compound and she told mo about lit From tho first dayl tookltlbegan to xcci ootter and now I am well and 'able to do most anv kind of work. I have been rocom mcndlntr the Com. pouna ever sinco ana give you my per mission to publish this letter." Miss Flo Kelly, 470 So. 14th St, Newark, N. J. The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydla E. PJnkham'a Vegotabla Compound, was so successful in Miss Kelly's coso was because it went to the root of her trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition and as a result her nervousness disappeared. Alwaya Particular. lie hud been tho nuttiest of nuta before ho trod tho paths of crlmo ; and ho wns to bo hanged on tho following dny. "Have you nny request to make?" inquired tho governor of tho prison, according to time-honored tradition. "Well, if you could let mo tlo the nooso myself," suggested tho con demned one. "Never did care for those rcady-mado ties don't want to start now." FRECKLES New Is ike Tiae to Cat IM af TktM U!y Seats There' no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed or your frcokles, aa the pre scription othlne double strength li guar anteed to remova these homelr spot. Simply get an ounco of othlne doubt strength from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning- and you should aoon ioe that even tho worst freckle hay begun to disappear, while the lighter onea have vanished entirely. It If seldom that more than one ounce ! needed to completely elear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength oth lne, aa this I sold under guarantee of money Mok If It falls to remove freckles. -Adv. Their First Mention. Bobby, for once, expressed great in terest In tho sermon. "Fancy flying machines being mentioned in the Bible I" he said. . "But aro they?" "Why, didn't the vlcur say Esau sold his heirship to his brother Jacob?" Stray Stories. n left, Clear Skins. Night and morning bathe the face with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. If there aro pimples first smear them"i, with Cutlcura Ointment For free sam ples address, "Cutlcura, DepfX, Boa ton." Sold by druggists and by mall. Soap 26, Ointment 25 and 60. Adv. , More Data Wanted. He (after the proposal) I'm getting 12,000 a year. Now, dearest, what la tho least you think yon can live on yearly? She Well, how much credit can you get? Boston Transcript. How's This? We offer 1100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALX1 CATARRH MEDICINE. T HALX8 CATARRH MEDICINU la taJt an Internally and acta through the Blooa on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggist (or over forty yean. Price Tec. Testimonials free. IT. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. During the war the trade of Canada has Increased nearly three-fold. In New Zealand the men outnumber tho women by many thousands. Nerves All Unstrung? Nervousness and nerve pains often come from weak kidneys. Many a per son who worries oVer trifles aua ia troubled with neuralgia, rhcuraatlo ?alns and backache would find rpilef hrough a good kidney remedy. If yoa have nervous attacks, with headache, backaches, dizzy spells and sharp, shooting- pains, try Doan'e Kidney Pills. They have brought quick benefit in thousands of such cases. ANobnukaCaM Mm. Io W. Brown, Ravenna, Neb., says: "I was In a critical condi tion with kidney complaint and rheumatlo painat up, one day and down1 the next, unfit tor woric or anyininr. I had such terrible pains through the fmail ox my back could hardly en dure them. Myi kidneys didn't act1 ria-ht and I knew aoniethlnar must be' done. Finally, I used Doan'e Kidney rills and they cured me so completely that I have been free from kidney trouble ever since." GetDeassat Aay Stare, Mcalest DOAN'Sffijy roenrnuuuKN co, BurvAxo. k. r. T0P YOUR C0U6MHQ ate need tele Mm ceewhwsitt. Step the rrltetlsau and resaeve tUkllng asd fcosrse- ,areueriBf tae inaawed toreet ws ll ill JMtk 1 1 l.fl ivrl mm ft I' A. .sv rr jbv & j r -s . - SPM rVSV TtUtm eWiivvTP Yl PISO'S :i i 'ni W . M Jrt Tfcl vl S . 4 m l m x m '?Ajn& ,:' itiL. & r;$& ". VW i ' M&$A i&mfikriii Jtogtfaa; & m ssr-f'ii''-''-"'''"''''- ' 'Vu jl-'iK'TtWi-: s'frf-c.t' , v .'.ftSaajjyt1