M I f "K I ft f AROTHER INAISAVINiSl ... AS TOLD TO US te44r Ed Amnck was in Hastings Tuesday. Ed WlRgins was a passenger to St Joe San day. A. D. Troyer visited in McCook the first of the week. Ken Reed accompanied a car of stock to St Joe Sunday. R. T Itlloy spout Sunday with his fumlly in McCook. Walt Sanderson of McCook, was in tho city Saturday. Atty. L IT. lllacklcdge was in Alma the first of the week. Mrs. J. 12. Butler was in Kansas City J,bp first of tho week. , Rcnicmbor that Trino sells "Queen" Incubators and Brooders. Good meals good service modcrat prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Experienced man wants wotk on farm. C.'H. Scott, Red Cloud. Mrs. Chas. Amnck attended the funeral of Mrs. Wilson Sunday. Engineer C. E. Sullivan of McCook, WPS in tho city tho first of tho week Miss Anna Donley of Nathrop, Colo rado, is visiting at tho home of (leo Coon. Con. Rasser went to St Joe Sunday, where- ho disposed of a car load of stock. Wanted to rent typewriter. Pur chaso if satisfactory. Inquire at this office. Mr. and Mrs. Neubaucr of McCook, .Vt r (nrl ml f It fnlriMttoo nml fvianMc lint it last week. Mr. and Mrs A. K Mitchell of Me Cook, attended the funeral of Mrs. C Wilson Sunday. Mrs. M. Shumachcr of Orleans, spent Saturday and Sunday with her daugh tcr, Mrs. Harvey Ilickcrsou. Frank Cowdcn left for St Joe and Kansas City Sunday, wbcru ho' will, at tend to business mutters for the cloth. tag firm of Cowden-Kaley. r ii- l - Ed Hansen, the jovial plumber who' makes his headquarters In theStoyeiU plumbing and heating establishment, is again able to be about after 'f eWda'ys1 session with the Grippe Farm Loans Private money at lowest interest No delay, mocey here. All papers kept here and payable at home bank I also make regular company loans on best terras to be had. Call for me at Stato Bank. C. F. Cathor. tf Farmers Attention The first week in March has been designated as National Repair Week by the Implement Manufacturers and sanctioned by Uncle Sam. AH farmers are requested to inspedl their implements and order repairs and implements during this week, thereby saving telephone and tele graph bills later. , The manufacturers claim there will be a shortage of implements this year as the government has allowed them only sixty per cent of their supply of steel. We urge anyone needing a P. & 0. wide tread lister or a Beatrice culti vator to order during this week, as there will undoubtedly be a shortage in these two articles. We will make a special price during this week to encourage early orders. POPE BROS A (X -imei ui l Vliltllg iritjt.ils I Red Cloud. Ed Hnrr of Ouiilo Rook, was in the city Wednesday. Henry Uouchlon of McCook, was In I he clVV Monday. Mrs. J. (1 1'ottor has bpon on the slqlc list this wt-ek. Eves testfd, glrtssos fitted. J. C. Mitchell, tho Jeweler y Curt Wiiron returned to Bruh, Colo rado, Mondaj morning. Chas. EmicU was seen on tho streets ot Red Cloud Wednesday. FOR SALE Residence property on easy terms, Inquire of 7-3 Mrs, W B. Cramer 32 cats of stock left Red Cloud, Sun day for the Kansas City and St Joo markets. Mrs. Chasf Sennits, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, is improvihg L. Peterson of MoCook, was in the city Sunday to ntteud tho funeral of Mrs. Wilson. Chas Lioverchcck, residing in tho eastern part of "the state, is exchang ing greetings with old fi lends here. Dr. MltchoM, who has been confined to his homo the past ton days, is re ported slightly Improved at this writ ing. Saturday, Fobruary lCtli was Womcns Council of Defense Day. The ladies were successful in securing 3132 95 Buy Land atSfrattou, Colorado See Rose'Brothcraof Bluo Hill, Nobrn.ka or go to Jos. A. Collins, Stratum, Colo rado. 3 12t Rose Biioh. Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will meet patients and thoso needing glasses fitted ut Dr. Damorell's, Wednesday, Maroh Gth Hours 1 to (!. E. W. Stovous completed arrange ments with Lawrence McChII for the installing of u complete heating and plumbing nystom, In tho latters resi dence at Iuavale. Alf Nolan left for Halglcr, Nebrns ka, Tuesday night. Ho states that qui to n large number of choice cattle are offered for sale thero and If they are aB good as represented lie will pur chase them Fob Sam; ItiO acres of pasture land. 1 1.2 miles west and 2 miles north of Inavale, Nebraska. Fenced, tank and windmill. Terms, 830 00 an aero At least one half down, balance with good security. Mns Wm. Inoxs. Little .Tuuioi Cassll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassll, underwent an operation for hernia, nt the Dr. Kerr home, Wednesday af tcrnoon Dr. Brewster of Beaver City, assisted by fDr.. Kerr,' vporformed the operation. The boy Is recovering nicely Alma Journal!.,,; ".v y, n The number, of births recorded In 'Wabster Conlty lust year were 2G2, of J which, i Boys ,... v 139 'Girls 113 Native fathers 223 Native mothers !X1G Foreign fathers 20 Foreign mothers 1G Twins, 3 pairs, 4 boys, 8 girls Triplets...... ..... 0 Rod Cloud Nebraska Lloyd B.iilMM hpi-nt Sunday with i atlvt'8 in Inavale. Tho priignitn at the Orphcum, Fil di, Feliritiry 3Jnd, will be a Mutual in fi ae s Tid will do h f.peblal pio tfrMiu. Show starts at 7:30, admission 0 -i ml l7o. Many pttrlnltc gentlemen responded to the call of the ladle on Tag Day, Siitur.lnv, February 10. Mrs I. J. Holm"s gained flrt placo in tho sale of tug having sold tags to the amount of S.V'.IO The Four minute Men topic for the wi'nk at the Orphcum, will be "Dangers 10 Deinoeiney," and will be discussed ty Attorney E. O. Caldwell, Thursday evening; Attorney II. S. Foe, Frida evening and Mayor Dainuroll on Sat urday evening. J W. Auld, County Chairman of the finHiiae commit Loan, whs hi. jilast I attend n motjti receive Inform nion concerning the Thltd Loan, nniinuuecmantR of which will appear in thocolumsof this paper at a later date. A. T. Walker and Chas. Kaley arm ed in tho city this morning, bringing with them tho new Dodge cars aband oned nt an Illinois town several weeks ago. This Is the second attempt made to drive them fiom the factory, in De troit, Michigan, to this city, tho first attempt being unsuccessful due to a heavy falKof snow in the east, which compelled the paity to store them in an Illinois garage until such times as trallc could be r sumed on the IUiuob highways. i m "- Christian Church N6tcs Mrs S Dickson has beau on the sick list, but is some Improved. Merle Cominsky pi eaohed a line ser mon Sunday afternoon for the Mis sion people. Geary Zeis will take a trip to Mexi co soon for his health. Guy Tennaut of Greonwood, Neb., I visiting his mother and friends in Red Cloud for n few weeks. The Union meeting last Sunday evening was well attended. Boost, for tho service next Sunday night at tie BaptiHt church. Lot no one try to spite his neighbor by disobeying God. He will bo tho looser. Mon who love God don't forsake him because of tho blundSrs of those that profess to be his children. To intentionally misundorstnud and misinterpret, tho conduct of your neighbor indicates .a -jealous and sel fish heart. , No party hits a ight to,;sect:iriauizc tin? word Christian. "All saved peoplo have a right to wear ,t he, name. All saved peoplo constitute the church of Christ, and the word Chrls'tln should apply to all saved men and woaleu Tho body of Christ everywhere. The difference between being n Christian only and being the only Christian, is so great that no one should confuse them. For any body of men to claim to bo tho only Christians is nothing but pi ido, for Christians nro found in all religious bodies. But to bo Chris tians only in namo, faith and practice is a thing to bo desired and thousands of honest lioarts nicpiayingnrid labor ing to biing about such a heavenly statu in the church. Christian charac ter Is the only scrip'.ural testof fellow ship and whuiouver you meet n persou with Christian diameter recognize them as Children of God, though you may not sanction all of their religious Ideas. Christian character will admit a soul into heaven and should be tho badge of Brotherhood on earth. p Congregational Church Notes Union services were hold nt tho Con gregational church, Sunday evening. Rev. Mary II. Mitchell dcllvcrod the sermon. Rev. Drullnor, Becbc and Harper assisted in the services. Rev. J. S. Dick of Crete, Nob , pastor at largo for Congregationul churches, will Oil the pulpit Sunday morning, Fob. 2lth. x The public is cordially invited. Baptist Church Notes Sunday Scfiool at 10 a. m.; preach, lug nt li a. m.; prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. Tho Union services will bo held at this chuich Sunday evening. Theso services promise to bo very inspiring. Many expressed thomselves as having enjoyed u great spiritual uplift at the old peopleN meeting last Sunday even In Piano at a Bargain We have a used piano in good con dition that oiiq of our customers wtih unable to finish paying for, that we will"blaco free of charge In the home of any satisfactory oustomor in tho vicinity of Red Cloud, who will pay tho balance in cash, or easy payments, Gaston M who Co , Hastings, Neb. 8 9 Uosated. - Dear LiikuTho old ruahloned din nor pall with the tin cup fastened on top of It fa uned dally by a man who works nt Now Kiiosville, O.-O. W. II. Dear Luke. Thy nmul route currier nt Someisot, Ky usea tho old fashion ed dinner pull with the tin cup fasten ed on top. A. D. C. tee.of the Third Llboi'y WW VP.'eMMf igtjf. stato ofllpiale an STAMP OIT THE WAi WITH WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Send Pctitionjto Senator The following petition,, bearing tlic scgnaturcs of fifty-one of our citizens was sent to Senator nitchockv The Tho petition was presented to fifty two men, one refusing to sign. Lack of time prevented securing many more signatures. Red Cloud, Ncbr., Fob. 12th, 1918. Senator Hitchcock ''J .Jhtofetbn, D."C. ' " ' ' Wo nave the rcatdsVfoftirttiWm'oat'' implicit confitlenccMn President WiN son and Secretary Baker in their con duct of tho war and believe if left un hampered they will quickly and suc cessfully bring this war to an end. Just criticism with proof of its justice is m uc I'ncuurugcu, out cnucimii without proof of its justice is to be strongly condemned, and you have lamentably failed to prove that your criticism was just. Wo beliovo. that Wilson and Baker have infinitely gi cater souiecs of information as to what is being done in war prepara tion than you or any other of your associate ctitics, and their ability and patriotism aic above question. You find it easy to criticise but can you do better? Wc condemn you for tho fight you arc making on tho President and War Department on tho manifest grounds that you me giving aid and comfort to tho enemy, discomaging our sold iers at the fiont and delaying war preparations. You will remember that very likely you would havo been de feated for senator had it not been for the fact that it was believed that if elected you would stand by and sup port our president in this great crises, which you havo failed to do. We, thercfoic ask you to get behind and support Mr. Wilson in tho fight that is being made upon him, or re sign, come homo and give us an op portunity to select another senator and as it is to be hoped with better results, i Wc can say confidently that your action is condemned by at least 90 per cent of your former supporters in this vicinity. Commissioners Proceedings IU'd Cloud, Feb. 15, I9i8 The County Board of Couufy Com missioners met at one P. M. All mem bers present except Mc.Call. Motion, jnudo by Hubatka and sec on(ed by,KuigiC that. salary ot Supur,- iutdmlent,vof poor fatm for Webster CpuutV,,be fixed nt 8050 for the year commencing March 1, 1918 and ending Maroh 1, fdl9. Carried. ' Motion made by Udbatha uud sec-'1 onded by Kntgue that all bridge bids filed and opened Fob12, 1913, be re jected. Ayes, Hubatka. Noes, Thomas. Carried. The following claims were allowed: imiDGK FUND Guide Rock Ildwd. Co 8 05 58 Geo. N. Turin 18 75 J. N. Hamilton 20 00 OEM'.nAI. KUM) J. McOruekon , 8 GOO C. W. Ilakcr 2 00 Chas. Hrubakor 12 40 W. Throoltmai ten . . : 92 14 A. K. Wllbon ll 65 Ellis Shoe Stoio 8 75 C. T. Dii'Uonson 4 JO W H.Thomas, 4 41 C. S. nomine 7 80 1 A. Wullbrandt So 07 llonid .idjourncd until March 5, 1018 B. P. ri.unv, Co. Clfrk ' No More Auctions On account of goods selling for less than wholesale cost I havo decided to hold no more auctions, but will con tinue to close out my stock at private sale until tho 15th of March, at which date I expect to go west. And all goods not sold then will bo packed for shipment. I will still continue to make a good liberal discount on all goods now on hand. Buy while buying is good and save big money. Joe Fogel. Rat Corn Is not no experiment it is a thoroughly tried ' and proven DESTROYER of RATS and MUCE. When dead they leave no odors as they are mummified. Sold and guaranteed by CSiaSa L. Cotting The Druggist To Win We Must All Be Loyal r Wheat and Meat ARE NEEDED! For every pound of wheat flour you must use an equal amount of substitute flour ,Oat.tneal; 4 lbs 30c Rice, pei lb - 12&c Corn Starch, pkg 10c Corn Meal 1 2 lbs 60c Corn Meal 6 lbs - 35c Bran, 3 lbs - 20c Pancake Flour, 4 lb 30c Buckwheat, 5 lbs 50c The Best Goods aire M. A. ALBRIGHT Store Opens at 8:00 a. m. mid closes at 6.no. m. wmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - Character Quality J ; Our display,, -theLmoft complete we 4iave ever, offered tosthe trader " You will find the very latest designs, vthe best material possible to obtain. We extend you an invitation to call and inspect this exhibition enjoy the excellent workmanship and the advanced ideas m artistic furniture and home furnishings. ROY SATTLEY Lincoln Telephone y' and Telegraph Co. A Plain Talk to Our Subscribers You probably expect the best tele phone service and the best business treatment. Fair criticism of our service and business methods is sincerely invited. We try to accord you the same equitable and considerate treatment as is rendered to customers in all well managed private business. To the end that we may give you the very best service known to telephone practice, we have altered our equip ment and improved our operating methods to accord to the most advanc I ed methods in use the War Substitutes for White Flour Always the Cheapest qrJ?uynjtn any whdre. ' ! ;r.iw v..$ r&tMtMm) I v ft' 1 U j . i i ' M M j 'tiAJja J m.r.iH ulUu i, kAStJ a &, .... if A . &