The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 20, 1917, Image 5

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Frcczc-Praot? Oct It at Cooks
Mrs.GustufSehultz is on the slcl
Clnis. OUlmin spent Tuesday In
0 A. Scliullz wns n Hustings vlMtor
Tuesday. ,
L. D. Ollbort was down (torn Inavnlc
llort Leonard was down from Iuavale
Carl Ituild and Earl Hall went up to
Hnstlngs, Monday.
Frank Starr left Saturday for Grand
Island on business.
Mrs. Howard Delslcy of Inuvalc was
In the city Saturday.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. O.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Mrs. Nate Piatt spont Monday with
her parouts In Cowles.
Win Uohrcr went to Ayr Monday
lo do sorno cement work.
Mrs. Matkins of Iuavale was shop
ping in tho city Saturday.
Jacob Qulrlu of Campbell was in the
city tho first of'tlio week.
Mrs.. E. A. Urelghton was n passeti-
ger to Hastings, Saturday.
Good meals-good service modcrat
prices-Powell & Pope's cafe.
Harry Waller of Cowles was in the
city Wcdne&day on business.
Paul Shirley of Ft. Worth, Texas,
was in the cUy Friday ou business
Will Hoffman and Dewey Saiaden
attended a dance at Blue Uill, Friday
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Boles went up to
Hastings, Monday, where ho will take
Lew Bohrcr joined the army as an
engineer, Saturday and is now on duty
nt Ft. Logan. ,
Bernard Fruit and Alva Sherman
are doing some plastering work In Bla
den this week.
Clarence Mitchell was in the city
Wednesday morning euroute to Frank
lin from. Cowles.
Pull Sherwood returned home from
Omaha, Friday evening, whete he en
listed In the army.
Almo Clutter leturned home from'
Campbell, Saturday, where ho hud
been shucking corn.
Mrs. Luclna Whlto returned home
from Guide Rock, Saturday, where she
had boon visiting relatives.
Mr. ami Mts. Frank Sehwerdtsfeger
of Ayr spont the last of the week with
her mother, Mrs. Lamborn.
.7. W. Wratten of Bladen was In the
city Monday on business. The gentle
man mndo this olllce a plensant call.
Mr. and Mis. Curtis Geur returned
Monday morning from Franklin where
they spent a few days with relatives).
Mrs. Will Hunt roturnod home Mon
day morning from Rivorton where she
was visiting with Mr and Mrs W. II
II nut.
Miss Mary Christian of Campbell,
spent tho last of tho week In the oitj
with her parents, Mr and Mr.-. J. L
Mr. Car Owner, you wou't have to
worry about your radiator freezing II
you use Johnston's Frcczo Proof. Foi
sale at Cook's Drug Store,
Mrs. Jns. Morriam and children re
turned to their homes ut Harrison,
Wednesday after a short visit with her
mother, Mrs. Ella Garretson.
During the past two months about
,'ilOO horsos and mules Iiavo been sold
to tho U. S, Government at Superior
Frank Starr furnished about fioO ol
Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Gcer l?ft Monday
for Hastings where they will male?
their future homo. He will still-re'
tain his position with the Bell Tele,
phone Co. ,
Mrs. O. A. Schult. and daughter
Helen, returned homo from Omaha,
Tuesday evening after a extended visit
with Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Beauchcsno
aud family.
Mr and Mrs. C M. Dlckerson, who
hare been visiting nt the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs S. B. Kl.or, for
the past weeks, left Monday
for their home at Lincoln..
"WANTED-A good, steady, goutle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon In Webster County. No exper
ience needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical
Company, Winona, Minnesota, Estab.
llshed 1850. IS C
F, J. Muuday announces the follow
ing Four Minute Men for this week:
Attorney F. E Mnurer, Thursday even
ing, subject, "German Perfidy". At
torney B. W. Stewart, Friday evening,
subject, "Gorman Treachery". E. J.
Overlng, Saturday evening, subject,
"American lied Cross".
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudevrilo
tlii Alf m rilltdillhrrittrClrlt.FiiDrnrCliir.i.GrsiMi
tqulpito, Bdlllinl Sctale fmlronrrenl
n Everybody Goes; Ask Anybody
No deliveries Xmas.-Gerry Zeiss.
Roxlo Weaves is homo from n wes.
tern tiip.
Rev. Fitzgerald went down to Sun
erlor, Tuesday.
Phillip Trout wns a Hastings visit
or Wednesday.
Robert Beilier was a passenger
Lincoln, Friday.
Almo Clutter was a passenger
Hastings. Tuesday.
Mrs Ed Harbor Mieut Friday
Hastings on business.
Ellas Goblo went, up to Hastings,
Tuesday, on business.
Roy Turner is ngnln ablo to be around
after a mouth's illness.
Miss Hattlo Christian returned home
from St Joe, Thursday.
Roy Rutlcdge of Iuavale was In the
city Friday visiting relatives.
Morton Smith and Fred Robinson
spont Saturday in Guide Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ulckerson went
down to Guide Rock, Wednesday.
Miss Edith and Velma Bee.luy were
shopping In Hastings, Saturday.
Rev. Bates returned home from
Bloomington, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Mao Cramer wont up to Uttst
lugs, Tuesday, to do some shopping.
Georgo Kitdior was n passenger to
Aurora this morning to visit relatives
Floyd. Mo.Murdy of Guide Rook was
visiting friends in tho city Wodnesriy.
Ernest Wiggins loft Tuesday morn
ing for Plensuntvillu, Iowa.tovisitrela
tlves. Mrs. E A. Creighton spont Friday
in Blue Hill with her sister, Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Flunk Starr aud Miss Gladys
Renfro were shopping la Hastings,
Will Gilham returned homo Tues
day morning from Iowa, where lie had
been working.
Frank Starr and Frank Elllnger re
turned home from Grand Island, Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. J. A. Bradford and children
spent the last of the week in Hastings
with hej parents.
County Superintendent Gertrudo L.
Coon went down to Guide Rock, Tues
day, to visit schools.
Douglas Fairbanks at tho Orphoum
Thursday, December L'oth. Admission
six and eleven conts.
Judge Dungan was In tile city Tues
lay , morning while eurouto from
Bloomington to Hustings.
Milliard Fentress, telegraph oper
ator at EJLon, urrived In the city this
morning to visit relatives.
Miss Thelma Lamborn went up to
Ayr, Saturday, for a visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Frank Schwerdtsfeger.
Earl Dickerson of Camp Fnnston is
spending his furlough with Dr. and
Mrs. Rolit. DiuniToll aud friends
Mrs. Pllth of Suronvillu returned to
her home Friday after a short vish
with her sister, Mrs. Buy Oatman.
Mike Strobl returned homo from
Lincoln the last of tho week where he
was attending to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilham arrived
Wednesday evening from Lancdon,
Iowa, for n short visit with relatives.
Waxiiw Horses and mules to
pasture in stalks at $2.50 per month.
Curtis Dally, Iuavale, Nob.
Mr -and Mrs Jako Allen, of Rlvcrton,
are visiting with their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs Wan. Overleese, north of this
Adam Rust of Hastings arrived in
tho city Wedue-day evening for a visit
with Mr. aud Mrs. Phillip Traut and
Miss Minnie Traut, who lsattendlug
school in Chicago, is snondlng her va
cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Phillip Traut.
Zero weather has no terror for the
autoist, if he uses Johnston's Freeze
Proof. Sold under guarantee by Cook's
Drug Store.
Miss Ellzaboth Overman of Nashville,
Tennessee, where sho is attending
school is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Airs. E. U. Overman.
Miss Aliaon Cowdon of St. Joe arriv
ed In tho city the last of tho week for
a short visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Cowden.
Tho Misses Hazel Burden, Mary and
Dorothy Tcnnant and Will Schenks,
Will Jornborg and Edward Pulsipher
autoed to Lebanon, Sunday evening.
Come to tho Orphonm Friday, Dec
ember 21 and see tho last number of
of Llttlo Mary MoAlistor, One athletic
reel and two reel comedy. Admission
six and eleven cents.
Lowest rates, boat terms aud option
and in any amount. No Inspection ex
pense, aud absolutely no delay. Six
plans to choose from. Sole agent for
Trcvett, Mattidifc Bakor.
J. II. Bailey.
On Tuesday morning, Chas. Coloman
who was riding on, tho trailer back of
C. II. Miner's automobile, was badly
injured when ho fell or was thrown to
the ground. Ho was budly bruised
aud cut about the head nnd did not re
gain conclousuess until evening. Phy.
hloians were Immediately munmoned
ulid they report him resting eaby at
this writing
Only four more shopping days until
Dr. Jones was down from Hastings,
The W. C. T U. will meet with Mrs.
Cox, Dec. ','0.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bun Nagley autoed to
Ha-tlngs, Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs S It. Florimco were
Hastings victors, Tuesday.
Earl MoKlinmoy and E E. Lewis
autoed to Campbell, Thursday.
Dr. Cook and Dr. Jones of Hastings,
autoed to Uivcrlnn Wednesday.
StloUney Coombs of Wyoming is
visiting his mothor, Mrs. Coombs.
Rev. Druliuer wont to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning to visit his son, Tracy
Henry Hultz, Lloyd Suhultzand Entl
Ciaiy were up from Guide Rook, Wed
nesday. Mrs. R. II Leggett aud daughter,
Mrs. Butlor, are In Guido Rock visit
log relatives.
Mrs. J. G Mason of Washington, I)'.
C, is in the city visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. II. C. Gollutly.
Chas. Coleman, who was injured In u
fall from the 0. II. Miner autotruck is
slightly improred at this writing.
W. II. Tliqmas and daughtor, Miss
Kathryn, returned homo from McPher--on,
Kansas, tho first of tho week.
Frank Bean left the first of tho week
for Iudlanola aud other towns along
tho line to attend soiuo Hereford sales.
Earl Diokcrson, formerly of this city
but now of Camp Fnnston, was" homo
on a short furlough tho first of tho
week, and was, married in Hastings
Monday, to Miss Gertrudo Burroughs
of Pauline.
1 The
Malleable Range
The Biggest Range Value on tlie
I Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer A
Messrs Corhott nnd Mountford, who
aro conflunttng the skating rink In this
city, on Tuesday added a Hum, new
"VViirlltzcr Military Maud" organ to
this piipular placo of amusement.
Ir 0 K. Cross has sold his dental
ollloo to Dr. W. 11. Mollildo, or lloaver
City, who will move his family hero at
oiico During hi-many ji-aiHof piac
Hoe In tlio city Dr. Cross has won for
himself mid faintly a host of frltmds
wlio will regret to see t hem leavo the
city. Dr. Cross Intends to dovoio his
time mi I energy to improving his
homestead in Wyoming.
The Kaiser's Prayer
Dear Gott: I'm In vun awful fix,
I vl-li you'd help me mult,
I sure hall got vnu awful chop
To put dot foe to rout.
I nefer lliot (dny lookt so mild)
Dat doy could fiht so veil '
But, Gott, ven dey got started
Doy glf poor Wllliolm liollt
Vy couldn't dev bo peaceable,
Is more dan I can see
I let dem rule vuucu In a vile
(My heart is right, you see.)
But no, dey's not contented
Dey vant a president.
And vant dis poor old Kaiser Bill
To go vero poor Nick vent.
Dey slnl my lecdln submarines,
Dey shoot right at my men.
Aud ven my .-hips and men iss gouo,
Vat vill poor Bill do, den?
Ho'h got a man, has I'ncle Sam
An' Edison's his name,
An' up an' down, mound do earth
He hass all kinds ulV fmnu.
An' so ho got. his lied to vnrk,
To make stnlV frum his dreams,
An' now he's llg'rln somedlngs oudt
To sink my submarines
Oh, Gotl! mlt ItyiiK's and Pershing's
I've surely got mine fill,
But If dot Edison gets oudt
It'll bo 'good-byo' mil!
Bernlco Matthews, HastlngB
Gift for
Some people think the way to save money is to keep
every cent they get and when they buy anything to buy
the very cheapest articles they can find. Sometimes
more money is saved by spending a little more and getting the best.
A cheap range is dear at any price because you don't get your
money's worth out of fuel and then you soon have repair bills.
The SOUTH BEND is built to last, economizes on fuel, saves you
repair bills. In a few years this saving will amount to what you
paid for the range also consider the satisfactory work it has done.
Ask the housewife who owns one
j & We Wish all Our Friends and Customers
I A Merry Christmas
I A Happy and Prosperous
si New
h and Thank You for
U During the
Cowden-Kaley 1
Clothing Co.
Red Clouds' Foremost Clothing Store 8?
ts-s-.-&z ZZrrzr.-.-?-!
Attend Home Guard Meeting
Christmas 1
I ear g
Liberal Patronage
Past Year
at Court House Friday Night
Ac?. - --
. "
r '
'Market Today
. K