The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1917, Image 7

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S-T f
Upon His Retirement Lleut.-Qovernor
Edgar Howard Will Assume
Executlvo Charge of
the State.
Govornor Kolth Novlllo has nc
coptcd tho colonelcy of tho Sovonth
Nebraska national guard regiment now
noarly organlzod nnd will resign tho
oillco ot tho govornor of Nebraska
whenever the regiment Is mustored
into tho government sorvlco. This
may bo within a short tlmo or It may
not bo until toward tho closo of tho
year or somo tlmo noxt spring.
Tho appointment to tho ofllco of
colonel of tho Soventh regiment was
conferred upon Governor Novlllo by
Licutonnnt Governor Edgar Howard,
acting govornor, whllo tho former was
at Washington, and tho appointment
was announced Tuesday.
When tho Sixth regiment, Nebras
ka national guard, was in formation,
It was rumored that Governor Novlllo
might bo its colonel, but at the last
moment tho govornor appointed T. L.
Hall, Jr. Tho Sixth regiment has boon
split up and merged with other troops.
Lieutenant Governor Howard, in a
statement, says ho is acting on the
principlo of majority rulo, that the
oillcers of tho roglinont ant Governor
Novlllo for their colonel.
Neville's Statement.
"Responding to wishes, expressed
by letter, of n majority of tho total
number of oillcers of tho Seventh
regiment that I accept tho colonelcy,
Governor Howard, during my absence
from tho 'stato, issued mo a commis
sion as such.
"I bollevo that tho government
should, in this emergency, realizo 100
Who Has Accepted a Colonelcy In the
New N. N. G. Regiment.
per cent on tho expenditures of past
years for tho training of men at mili
tary colleges and similar institutions
maintained wholly or in part by tho
- government, as well as at the.varlous
servico schools, and since the written
requests of a majority of tho oillcers
is equivalent to an election, I havo no
hesitation in accopting tho honor.
"I havo been assured by tho depart
ment oinulala at Washington that
they will gladly rci:ognlzo an addi
tional regiment of Infantry or flold
artillery qualifying us prescribed by
"This does not mean that the Sov
enth will bo Immediately called Into
fedoral service
"It may bo some tlmo boforo tho
naitonal guard units, now being or
ganized in many states, are federal
ized. "With a slncoro appreciation ot tho
trust Imposod and tho honor conferred
upon mo by the peoplo of my stato,
1 boliovo that I should not bo worthy
of that trust md honor should I con
tlnuo .to urge Ncbraskans into tho
servico" of their country without
manifesting my willingness to accom
pany them.
"Wo nro fighting not only that
democracy may live, but that wo may
continuo to exist ad a freo and inde
pendent nation.
"Our country is facing tho moat
sorious crisis In its history.
"It Is tho duty of every man,
physically fit, of military nge, to
placo his sorvlces at tho disposal of
tho government.
"In this spirit, and after mature
deliberation, I havo reached my con
clusion, and act accordingly.
When tho tlmo comes for Governor
Nevlllo to resign, if that tlmo does
como ,ho will ftlo his resignation with
Sccrotary of Stato Pool as provided
by statute. Tho constitution author
izes the loglslaturo to pass laws
governing such resignations. Tho law
Bays such a resignation shall bo made
&to tho legislature, If in session; if not,
to tho socretary of stato. Tho samo
statute carries with It a provision that
might not bo uphold by tho courts.
It is n provision that such resigna
tions shall not take effect until ac
cepted by tho board or officer to
whom tho samo is mado.
Tho army headquarters officers haro
decided to uccept tho now Soventh
Nebraska roservo regiment In titno,
and Govornor Novlllo's resignation as
chief oxocutlvo of this stato will bo
como cffectlvo immediately tho Sev
enth la mustered In.
Lieutenant Govornor Edgar Howard
will thon becomo governor, Immediate
ly, and will tako up tho duties of stato.
Acting Govornor Howard issued a
short statemont also, Baying that ho
has appointed Governor Novlllo
colonel of tho Sovonth at tho unani
mous request of all officers of that
regiment, without knowing whether or
not Governor Ncvlllo would accept.
Following is tho statomont Issued
by Lieutenant Governor Howard:
"Yes, it is truo that Govornor
Novlllo is now tho colonol of tho
Sovonth rogiment, Nebraska National
guard. I issued a commission to htm
last Saturday. Tho commission wa
issued following present." a to mo
of tho written desire oi practically
all tho oillcers of tho new .regiment.
At no tlmo bus Governor Novlllo over
spoken to mo on the Bubjcct of a com
mission. 1 acted in harmony with
my well known advocacy ot an
allegianco to tho plain principlo of
majority rule. Tho officers of tho
"new regiment wanted Governor Ne
ville as their colonel. I granted their
"I did not know that ho would ac
cept tho commission, but now I am
glad to know that ho Is not annoyed
by my Action, and that ho.fcels highly
honored by the call of tho mon of tho
regiment to lead it wherever duty or
honor may direct tho way.
"Of courso, tho acceptance of tho
commission by our governor will bo
a call to mo to occupy tho high oillco
ho now occupies. I shell obey tho
call, although nono who havo been
near me can doubt that I shall do so
reluctantly. It Is a position of groat
dignity and abundant opportunity, but
also a post of immense responsibility.
I havo never felt myself quite quali
fied to do full Justice to that exalted
position, but firm in tho faith of thoso
political and governmental principles
which I havo so long advocated, and
confident that tho people of Nobraska
will bo kind to cover with the whlto
mnnlo of charity my evory fault or
folblo so long as I shall not swerve
from'tho pathways of roctltudo, I shall
approach the high responsibilities of
tho position always in humility nnd
always unafraid.
"It is not for mo to know tho dato
of the retirement of Governor Novlllo.
Ho will nnnounco tho dato at his
"My ono host hope 1b that I may
bo able to so act under tho Impend
ing responsibility ns to leave a record
which may oven in small mcasuro
approach.tho general oxcellenco of tho
record achieved by tho splendid young
Nobrnskan who has borno guberna
torial honors with raro grace and
instant probity."
Wltnin tho memory of tho oldest in
habitant no governor of Nebraska,
except Dietrich, ever resigned hl3
ofllco. Govornor Dietrich did so to
accept tho election of United Stntcs
senator tondorcd him by tho legisla
ture at a tlmo before senators woro
elected by direct voto of tho people.
There Is an unpublished legend that
Govornor Crounso resigned because
he was not elected United States sen
ator, but that his resignation was
withdrawn beforo It was filed.
170,000 Red Cross Members in State
Lincoln. Based on ilguros recolved
from nil chapters and branch chapters
thoro is now a total membership in
tho Amorican Red Cross in Nebraska
of 170,000, giving Nebraska tho largest
por capita membership of any Vtato
In tho union. Nobraska was ono of
tho Inst states to organlzo, and this
membership has boon socured In
about throe months. When Frank W
Judson was appointed diroctor, tho
membership was 2,812.
Poking Announcement Is mado In
government circles that tho Chlnoso
cablnot, provided tho entonto powers
approved, was willing to sond '300,000
soldiers to Franco, in compliance with
tho Fronch request. An appeal has
boon mado to tho United States to aid
China, as tho entonto 'allied powers
wero helped, financially, to equip her
Poking. Tho city of Tien Tsln Is
threatened with destruction by bood.
Tho Chlnoso city and portions of all
tho forolgn concessions aro under wa
ter which is rapidly rising nnd whjch
covers tho great plain to tho south
cast ot Poking. It Is ostimntod that
1,000,000 Chlnoso aro homeloss.
Now York. A round-up of Germans
In Now York who havo violated tho
terms of pormlts granted thorn to en
ter zonos barrod to enemy aliens or
who have gono into thoso districts
without permits, has b"gun.
Items of Varied Interest Gathered
from Reliable Soughs
at the State
Govornor Keith Novlllo has given
out a list ot captains nnd lloutonants
who will command tho sovornl com
panies ot tho now Sovonth regiment.
Not all ot tho company commandors
havo boon chosen yot, but tho placoB
will shortly bo filled.
In nearly all cases captalnB and
lieutenants wero first elected by tho
members of their companies nnd aft
erward commissions woro issuod by
tho governor.
Threo companies nro credited to
Lincoln nnd threo to Omnha. Tho
Omaha list of oillcers includos tho
name ot William II. Metcalfo as sec
ond lieutenant. Ho is not rolnted to
It. L. Motcalfc, whose sons havo com
mlsslops In difforont branches of tho
servico. Ilo was elected by tho mon
of tho company and commissioned by
tho governor.
Following is tho rostor ot commis
sioned oillcers:
Headquarter! Company, Lincoln
Captnjn l.uu Motwilfo.
Supply Company, Grand liland
Second Lieutenant Utnll Wolbaeli.
Company A, Seward.
Cnptnlti H. K. IlUHHOll. . ,.
Kliat Lieutenant Ulim V. Haryny.
Hr-coml Lieutenant Frcdoilch W. C.
Company D, Creta
Second Lleutomint Olmrlca Theodoro
Cuiitnln Max Abbott.
Company C, Nebraska City
Captain Hail M. Cllne.
First Lieutenant Morton Stclnhart.
Second Lieutenant Viscount A.
Francis. A ,
Company D, Beatrice
captain miiiik v. uwun.
First Lieutenant 1'nul L. Cooloy.
Second Lieutenant F. O. Messmoro.
Company E. Omaha
Captain Fied W. lllKKltiMon.
First Lieutenant Harold L. Hell.
Second Lieutenant Kdward KIpfeL
Company F, Omaha
Captain Alfred C. McGlono.
Second Lieutenant William II. Met
calfe. Company Q, Omaha
Captnln Charles K. Metz.
Second Lieutenant II. L. Moasman.
Company H, Lincoln
Captain Herbert C. Uooch.
First Lieutenant James Ilrown.
Company I, Mlnden
Captain Hert winters.
Second Lleutonant Homnoy C. Clear
man. Company K, Loup City.
Captain II. li. Willis.
First Lieutenant Uoscoo A. Watson.
Company L, Scottsbluff
Captain II. Leslie Smith.
Socond Lieutenant H. J. Sorjor.
Company M," Trenton
Captain C. 1J. Grace.
Second Lieutenant L. It. Grace.
Machine Gun Company, Kearney
Captain Dr. Harry N. Jones.
Socond Lieutenant Frank W. Brown.
Sanitary Detachment, Lincoln
First Lloutenant Dr. Oliver H.
Football to Aid Red Cross
Tho offer ot Chancollor Avory and
tho stato univorslty athletic dopart
mont to turn football profits over to
tho Rod Cross this year hafc boon
taken up in earnest by tho Red Cross
workors hero. Chairman W. E.
Hardy has been working during tho.
past week lining up tho organization
which will mako cortain a good ad
dition to tho city's Red Cross allot
ment. In tho past tow years tho athletic
department has been running up a
surplus of about $10,000 each year.
That profit has boon caton up in car
ing for tho oxponsos of other sports,
paying somo largo salaries and -making
somo oxponslvo Improvements.
Thla year the overhead has boon cut
to tho limit and Chancollor Avory has
decroed that sports which cannot bo
made self sustaining will bo aband
oned or cared for in somo other wny.
As an Instanco of the economy now
In effect it can bo stated that two sal
aries paid last year will not eat into
tho surplus this season. Thoso two
salaries amounted to ?1,300 por year.
Other oxponses aro bolng cut as far
ns possible. That means that with
tho usual crowds at Nobraska flold tho
surplus should bo larger than ovor.
If this wor'o an ordinary year it is
certain tho program about to start
would attract thousands moro than
ovor followed a Nobraska football
, Health conditions at Camp Cody,
whoro 0,000 Nobraska boys aro en
camped, aro said to bo in an oxcol
lent shapo, and very few cases
of sickness nro bolng roportod.
Nobraska now has ovor 142,000
automomllos, according to tho month
ly report of Secretary of Stato Pool.
During September tho secrotary ot
stato's ofllco issuod 4,150 llconsos. Tho
latost figures show thoro is a car
for ovory eight men, women and chil
dren In tho stato. Secrotary Pool
says tho numbor of cars for tho year
will amount to woll ovor 150,000, leav
ing Nebraska far ahead of any other
stato in tho union in per capita
ownership ot automobiles, tho num
bor last year bolng 100,500 whon tho
stato stood second in tho list.
Will Trade School Lands
Land Commissioner Q. L. Shumway
has gono to Halsoy, Nob., to offoct on
oxchango of school lands for lands in
government roservatlons nlrondy ar
ranged through Stato Representative
F. A. Itolsnor nnd tho suporvlsor of tho
forest roservo in tho stato. Every
sixth and thirty-sixth section ot thoso
roservatlons bolong to tho stattr under
an early land grant, and tho chango
wjll consolidate thoso of tho stato
along tho edgo of tho reservation
whoro they will be acosslblo.
Citizens are Asked to Observe a
Meatless and a Whcatless Day
No wheat foods on Tuesdays nnd no
meat on Fridays la tho program laid
down for Nebraska peoplo to follow
during tho war In n proclamation is
BUod Satunmy afternoon by Acting
Govornor Howard.
Tho proclamation camo in rcsponso
to a request from National Food Direc
tor Herbert Hoover ns America's part
in the conservation ot food supplies.
It reads:
"in his wisdom tho prosldont of tho
United States has on divers occasions
directed tho attention of tho Amorican
peoplo to tho Instant need of ovory
possible effort for tho conservation ot
tho food supply of tho nation during
thesu days ot war, to tho end that our
Bplondid mon nt arms now or soon to
bo In servico in foreign fluids shall
nothing lack In food nocossnry to their
highest clllcloncy.
"Added to tho ploa of our president
comes tho request of Hon. Hornort
Hoover, national fond administrator,
that tho governors of tho sovornl
states ahull establish and proclaim
certain days to bo designated as
'whcatless' nnd 'meatless' days. Sup
porting the pica of our president nnd
tho request of Hon. Gordon Wattles,
fodcral food administrator for No
brnsltn, for tho issuancu of suOh a
proclamation to all tho people of this
"In obedience to tho wish of our
president nnd tp tho icquest ot tho
chief federal food administrator and
his lcpicsiiiitnllvo in Nebraska, I do
hereby proclaim that each Friday dur
ing the term of tho present war shall
bo designated nnd observed ns 'meat
loss' day, during tho hours of which
the peoplo shall refrain from tho eat
ing ot any meats, ami that for llko
period each Tuosday bo doslgnalod
and obbcrved ns 'whcatless' days, dur
ing tho hours of which tho peoplo
slmll rofraln from tho eating ot uny
manner of food containing wheat or
any product thereof.
"And nil In obodlonco to tho admo
nition of ono who proclaimed that' tho
only perfect and nccoptablo sorvlco is
tho servico of sacrifice.
"Acting Govornor."
State Realty Values Increase
Without n gonoral revaluation of
Nebraska roal estate, tho total assess
ment of tho stato on lands and tho im
provomonts thereon shows an in
crease of ?3,500,000 over 191G. Town
lots nnd their improvements aro as
sosscd at $2,500,000 hlghor than laBt
Tho actual valuation, live times tho
assessed, shows Nobraska realty has
jumped skyward during tho last
twelve months.
At tho Bnmo tlmo, a greater aero
ago of farm land subject to taxation,
duo to final patentH issued on homo
steads heretoforo exempt as govern
ment holdings, account for a largo
portion of tho Increase in farm lands.
Tho acroago is about 1,000,000 abovo
tho 191G figures.
Thoro aro also 9,000 moro lots in
cities nnd towns assessed thnn in 1910,
and a vast amount of now building.
Announcement has been mado by
tho commanding ofllcor of tho No
brnska and South Dakota , dUtrlrt
that tho limit has boon taken off en
llstinents In the linked States navy.
Iforotoforo tho quota has booi six
teen upnsoiitlce scamon a week. Now
tho number allowed to enlist In ono
wcolc Is unlimited.
How long tho arrangemont will last
Is uncertain and recruiting officers nd
vlso thoso who wish to tako advau
tago not to wait. All who havo boon
on tho waiting list In this district hnvo
boon notified by tho rocrulting odlcer
to onlist ryt onco. This has boon mot
with prompt responso.
Spocial arrangements havo boon
mado by tho recruiting offices to tako
caro ot nil young mon who havo regi
stered for tho draft and havo not
been called.
Additional instructions for tho ap
prehension of slackers In Nebraska,
undor tho rorent order of tho war de
partment offorlng $G0 roward, havo
reached the oillco of Govornor Novlllo.
Names of mon who havo not re
sponded to tho draft aro to bo fur
nishod by local exemption boards, tho
government bulletin stntos. Anyono
who locates a slacker has a right to
tako him in cbargo and turn him ovor
to tho nearest recruiting olllcor, who
v.-ill mako a record of tho casoand is
suo an ordor for tho roward.
Even though a man may bo ar
rested and afterward bo found not
guilty ot desertion through lgnoranco
or for any othor reason, the roward
will bo paid, tho bulletin to tho gov
ornor statos.
No Tourist Sleepers to Vlcksburg
For tho carrying of C83 Nebraska
votorans of tho civil war to tho re
union at Vlcksburg no tourist sleop
ors aro avallablo, according to word
recolved by J. II. Prosson, secrotary
of tho Vlcksburg commission which Is
arranging for tho trip. Tho railroads
havo Informed Mr. Prosson that tho
government has taken ovor all tourist
sloepors, and that nono can bo had by
October 14, tho day tho movement
ot veterans toward tho south is ex
pected to commonco.
Tho epidemic ot Infantilo paralysis
in Nebraska is rapidly dying out, ac
cording to Stato Health Commissioner
Tonney. Complaints reaching tho
stato health dopartmont aro constant
ly growing fewer and reports of now
casos loss and loss frequont. Omaha
had tho only now caso roportod last
weok and tho wook beforo. Slnco tho
first ot September about fifty casos
havo been reported-r-practlcally all of
them during tho first two weoks. The
dlsoaso Is worso in Septombor and
gonorally dies out with tho approach
ot wintor.
Catarrh of
Mrs. Mary Fenncll, 11. F. D., To-j
monn, Missouri, writes:
"I wish to Bay n few words In the
pralso of Peruna. I havo used it
with good resultB for crumps In tho
Btomuch. Also found It tho very
thing for catarrh of the head. My
sister wns cured of catarrh of stom
ach by tho uso of Pcrunn."
Mrs. H. T. Chomcr, CO Enst -12nd
St., Chicago, 111., Bays: "Manalln
best laxative on tho market for liver
nnd bowels, very good for Indigestion
nnd henrt burn."
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can 6ecuro Peruna Tablets.
Canada's Liberal Offer of
Wheat Land to Settlers
is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son
wno is anxious to esiauiisn ior
himself a happy home and
prosperity. Canada's hearty
Invitation this year is more attractive
than ever. Wheat Is much higher but
her fertile farm land just ns cheap, and
in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat
chewan and Alberta r
100 Act nomHteidi Are Aerailly Fm to Settlers
tnd Other Ltna Sold it from $13 to $20 per Acre
The treat demand for Canadian Wheat will
keep tip the price. Where a farmer can Ret
nrnr Si for whrnt nnd rain 20 to 45 bushels to
the ncre he U bound to make) monir that's
what you can expect In Wtitem Canada. Won
derful yields also nf Oats, Darley and 'Flax.
Mlied Farming in Western Canada Is fully as
profitable an industry as Brain raiting.
Th excellent grasses, fall ot natrlttnn.are the only
rood rrqmrca i'iinr
More Likely to Possess Dashing and
Intrepid Qualities That Make
Ideal Aviators.
Wnr nvlntlon, with Its exceptional
dnngera nnd Its demundH for supremo
courage, Is peculiarly n servico for
volunteers. Hut It has been demon
strated, snys St. Nicholas Magazine,
that tho younger tho wnr pilot the
moro likely is ho to possess thoso
dashing nnd intrepid qualities that
mako tho Ideal air fighter. Conse
quently, tho government Is opening
wldo tho door of tho nvlntlon servico
for volunteers under twenty-one, tho
conscription age. Tho nrmy Is already
giving oillcers' commissions to young
men nineteen years of ago, whllo the
navy has reduced Its limit to eighteen
years. Only commissioned officers nre
permitted to opernto American military
nlrplancs, so nil our fliers will get
Boys considerably younger thnn
eighteen can bo thinking now of be
coming wnr pilots, with reasonable
expectations ot seeing actual service.
As long us tho wnr goes en, tho air
craft program will keep growing, slnco
only tho declaration of pence will Jus
tify a lessening of our effort.
First, let us sco tho qualifications
of thoso suited to war nvlntlon. The
nthlctlc typo of boy Is preferred. To
have bctm a member of a team Is
usually n good indication of pluck and
persistence. A sound physique, nnd
good vision and hearing, aro absolute
ly necessary. Tho Ideal airman has a
cool head ; ho is ablo to act quickly In
'emergencies. It Is Important, too, that
tho war pilot bo an accurate observer
and equally Important that ho possess
tho ability to form correct Judgments.
Fair Showing.
"Dow Is your boy getting along in
tho nrmy?"
"First rate," replied Mr. Dopples,
considering his limitations."
"Henry hntes to get up. In tho morn
ing, dislikes all forma of physical ex
ercise, and never wns known to obey
nn order whllo he stnyed around home,
yet I understand ho hasn't been In the
guurdhouso but twice slnco ho en
listed." Taking Long Chance.
Captain Boden, of Punnmn, recently
bought salvage rights to a boat sunk
22 years ngo.
People eat
because they
like it and
they knovf it's
good for them
(liiixl school churches, uirkuUconTrnlinl,cliniat
ricnilsnt. Thoro Is an unusual dumand fur farm
labor to roplnco the. many young men who barn
volnntrrml for the war. Write, for lltoratiirn and
fnrllriilnn ns to reduced railway rates to BupUof
uioiliiraUon, Ottawa, Can., or to
Room 4, Deo DIdQ., Omaha. Nob.
Made Well
By Peruna.
My Sister
Also Cured
iur neni ur uairj i)urHsr
Government Agent
Hock or Bursitis
will reduce them and leave no blemishes.
Stops lameness promptly. Does not blis
tcr or remove the hair, and hone can tx
worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free.
ABSORDINB, JR., for tnmklni, tat aatlsrstlt
liniment for Boll. BrulKi. Sores. SwellUfS, VsrtcoMVclat.
AlUyi Pain and Innsmautloa. Prk It and U a bottle at
dranlits or dsllrtrcd. Will tsll you mote If yoa wrist.
W. F.Y0UNQ. P.O. F., IIOTwhlt., Springfield. I
Every Woman Want
Dissolved la water for douches steps
pelvic caUrrh, ulceration aad taflajB
OMtiost. Recommended by Lydisi E
Pinkhem Med. Co. for tea yearn
A heeling wooder for Basal catarrh,
sore throat and sore eyes. Economical.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 41-1917.
' Faith Was Weak.
During nn extended drought In tho
laud that Inspires tho rag-timo , sons
writers tho "Itev'end" Georgo Washing
ton called a gathering of his colored
brethren to suppllcqto tho Lord for
rain. Beforo ho opened his sermon
tho "Rev'end" surveyed his congrega
tion critically, nnd with Increasing sat
isfaction. At Inst ho lamented:
"Do Inck ob faith of yo' niggers Is
scandnlous and sinful, and makes my
henrt soro and weary, and afeared for
your souls 1 Hcnh wo hab gathered
to beg do Lord to stop do drought dat
Is burning up our fields, and to bless
Us with rain in abundance. And not
one no, snhl not ono ob' yo dhv
graceful sinners had faith enough to
bring an umbrella to go homo with I"
Want Good Marksmen.
At tho tlmo of tho Spanish-American
war nn expert rifle shot wns re
fused enlistment ns n sharpshooter
on tho ground that good marksman
ship is of ho udvnntngo on tho flold of
battle. Thcro aro still somo military
authorities who believe this to bo tho .
case. They point out that when tho
dlstnnco Is not accurately known, tho
good rifleman will bo sure to miss,
whllo a volley from poor marksmen
will cover n Inrge area and scoro Borne
hits. Nevertheless, tho policy Is now
to encourngo marksmanship b everj
posslblo menus.
Concreto Is Preferable.
Steel Is going up, nnd concrete, as a
result Is coming Into wider use. Rail
way bridges, for example, which used
always to bo of steel, nro now often of
concrete. A beautiful concreto rail
way bridge is being built across tho
James river of Richmond, Va., and It
Is much prettier than a steel bridge.
For llko reasons, concreto Is replac
ing wood In mining structural works,
whero It has tho great advantage of
being waterproof.
What Ho Cared for.
Willie Pa, I'll bo sorry whon yoa
get well.
Pa Why, my son?
Willie Because I won't get any
more empty medlclno bottles to bcII.
ij ' ' -'
funuu! Murine Is for Tired Eyes. I
S MOVIIS Red Eyes Sore Eyes 3
nf rushes llastores. Marina Is a Vatorlts 3
m .-":T
Treatment for Hjes that feel dry and smart. 3
OUejourHjes as much of your lotlnii care 5
m jour'l'eotb and wlin tbesama rrsularltjr. a
Bold at lnv and Optical Stores or or MalL ,
I Ask Murine lis Rssssdy Co, Cilcin lor rVn Ims
.r..." MyW
. ' !! to 'A' " he..'!?