The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1917, Image 4

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It Pays to Trade with Us
You will UnvarSably Find Our Prices Much Lower than
Elsewhere on the Class of Merchandise We Specialize on
Get the Habit of Coming to Us First with Your Wants-It will PAY YOU
Chewing Gum
3 pkgs for 10c
Child's Hose
10c pair
If you are not one of our
regular pQn Jv customers
it will valHiy pay you
to get acquainted with the ex
cellent line of Candies we carry
They are alway fresh because
we sell so much. You always
get more for your money than
Canton Flannel
Gloves 10c pair
Complete line "Whitleather"
for Men, Women, Children
The bes line of hosiery made
for the money, pair J3c
Ladies Auto Caps
Real Bargain
25c each
3 inch, bone 1 5 on a card
MensHose Supporters
10c pair
Colgates Tooth
Paste 10c tube
Tooth Brushes
Linen Fabric Finish 5p
PPktof25 '
Fibre Chair
Bottoms 10c .
Black or tan
Calling Cards, very fine
grade, per pkg of 50 - - 5c
Shell Paper
Face Cloths - - - 5c
5-10-25c Store
E. M. Ege
On The Corner
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
entered In the rostofflcn nt Hcd Cloud, Neb
M Hccond Clou Matter'
If the commission men of South
Omaha grant the request of Food
Administrator Wattles to suspend
their increase in charges until the war
is over, it will mean a saving of near
ly $500,000 annually to the live stock
shippers to the Omaha market. Fa
vorable action is anticipated on this
Down in Oklahoma a sentence of
six years in the federal prison and a
fine of $1000 was given to each of the
eight men convicted of conspiracy
to resist the draft law. An extended
visjt to Leavenworth would be about
what is coming to a few in this vicinity.
Wc continue to hold patriotic meet
ings; our prominent citizens deliver
eloquent addresses; our ladies devote
their time to the Red Cross work; our
boys have departed for the training
camps; our whole-hearted true Amer
icans use their surplus cash for the
purchase of Liberty Bonds in order to
raise money with which to defeat the
Kaiser and at the same time our
school directors continue to spend the
tax-payer's money to hire instructors
to teach our children the language of
the twentieth century pirates and bar
barians and consider it the proper
thing to have "gcrman" classed
among the studies. This thing will
continue until such times as word is
received here that some of our boys
who have gone to the front have been
ushered into eternity by a "gcrman"
shell, then the real meaning of war
will come home to us.
Buy YOUR Liberty Gold Bond Today
Safest Investment in the World
Our SONS and BROTHERS are in tlio trencher
fighting for DEMOCRACY and LIBERTY ".
Thoy kive given up all to fight lor you
They niustvbe fed thoy must have ammunition
they must have clothes.
You cannot go to the front you must furnish the
A Liiarly (old lond Will Help Do It
These Liberty Bonds are the safest investment ever
ottered. They pay 4 per cent are tax-free and as good
M Jfttd, A bolid means a saving for the future and that
mticn money loaned to your government.
Come Acro$sIf You Don't, the Kilter Will
Any Bank Will Take) Your Application Now
Oct. 7 to Nov. 4.
The Nebraska aim: Half a million
in attendance and six thousand now
The county aim: Attendance twice
county enrollment and new members
cquul to three times number of
The school aim: Attendance equal
to twice the enrollment and at least
three new members.
Schools in Webster county report
ing for Oct. 7.
Blue Hill M. E., attendance at Sun
day school C3, church service 35.
Glue Hill Christian, attendance at
Sunday school 70, church servico 39.
Cowles Union, attendance at bun
day school 69, no service.
Mission, Red Cloud, attendance at
Sunday school 61, church service 65.
Mt. Pleasant, attendance at Sunday
school 37, church servico 40.
Inavalc Christian, attendance .at
Sunday school 20, church service 77.
Total new members 10.
No report received from twenty
three schools.
Elizabeth McCoy, Secy.
At the Orpheum, October 18th
Thanhouser Special, in 5 acts, "War
and the Woman." Proceeds to Wo
men's Red Cross Auxiliary. The ad
mission will be 25c and 15c. Come.
lB Oh
fv I A HB
PJPJBjpaeS9'f.l ft!"? ii i i i mil prrTRriTmrcMMMMMfc'
BBh bbb
I Radford Plan and, J I
I Information Books I
I Piatt & Frees I
' ' BVBb BYa
Secretary McAdoo Announces Terms
Of the Second Liberty Loan
Subscriptions will be taken forthrec
billion or more dollars of United
States of America 4 convertible gold
bonds, due on November 15th, 1942,
and subject to redemption at option
of United States at par and accrued
interest on and after November 15th,
The bonds will bear interest from
November 15th, 1917, and interest will
be payable May 15th and November
15th of each year.
In case more than three billions of
subscriptions arc received, the Gov
ernment reserves the right to allot
bonds in excess thereof, to the extend
of, but not over one-half of subscript
tions received in excess of thrccbillion
The bonds will be offered as before,
in denominations of $50.00 and mul
tiples thereof.
The bonds will be exempt, both as
to principal and interest, from all tax
ation except (A estate or inheritance
tax, (B) surtaxes and excess profits
and war profit taxes now or hereafter
imposed. The interest on an amount
of bonds and certificates authorizedby
said act, the principal of which does
not exceed in the aggregate $5,000,
owned by any individual, partnership,
association or corporation, shall be ex
empt from the taxes provided for in
clause (B) above.
These bonds may be exchanged for
other bonds which may bo issued later
on, but not later than the termination
of the present war, provided such la
ter issues should draw a higher rate
of interest. The subscription books
will close with the close of business
October 27th, 1917.
Applications must be accompanied
by payment of 2 of the amount ap
plied for; subscpucnt installments will
.be duo as follows November 15, 1017,'
18; December 14,4917, 40; Jan
uary 15, 1918, 40 . On the latter
date accrued interest on the deferred
installments will also be payable.
The bonds will be printed with only
four coupons attached. This is done
in order that the actual bonds may be
ready for delivery by the time the
final payment becomes due, thus
avoiding the trouble and delay inci
dent to the issuance of interim re
ceipts. On and after November 15th, 1919,
holders of the bonds will have the op
portunity to exchange them for new
bonds which will have attached, cou
pons for the balance of tiro period for
which tho bonds will run.
Swine Breeders Bequest Uncle
To Fix Kates
An established and fixed ratio be
tween tho price of hogs and tho price
of corn is tho request of hog raisers.
They nsk the Government to fix tho
ratio and to let tho price of hogs fluc
tuate on this ratio.
Gifford Plnchot of Mr. Hoover's
cabinet, and Food Administrator Wat
tles appeared beforo tho National
Swino Growers' Ass'n Friday night
and presented the subject in all its de
tails to the swino growers of tho na
tion. A deficit of 35 per cent from
last year's production of hogs makes
action necessary that will stimulate
production and absorb this big deficit.
" Jflade flight, Lettered
flight And Erected flight
Makers of ArtlstlcMonuments
Red Cloud,
Have just received a large assortment
of ROCKING CHAIRS in all sizes
E have some exceptional good
values in Leather Upholstered
Rockers with Automobile Cushions in
Quartered Oak also some good patterns
in Wood Seat Chairs in Quartered Oak
a good assortment of Childrens Rockers
Licensed Embalmer
Furniture Dealer
Buy Land
Located in the Most Prosperous, Most Productive
Most Beautiful and Most Intensively Cultivated
Section of Northern Colorado
The Chicago Title & Trust Co., as Trustee for the sale of the
50,000 acres of irrigated land, under the Farmers Reservoir and
Irrigation Co. system, has authorized us to offer this land in any
size tracts to suit the purchaser, with assurance of plenty of water
for irrigation, on terms of ONE-TENTH DOWN, with ten annual
payment, without any payments required for the first four years
except Two-Fifths of the crop and taxes.
Any balance left unpaid after applying Two-Fifths of the crop
will bo extended over to the tenth and last payment, so purchaser
cannot possibly become delinquent before the end of the fifth year.
This 50,000 acres of land is second to none in the State of
Colorado. It lays north of Denver, and east and 'west of Brighton,
Fort Lipton and Plattcvillc. 40,000 are under irrigation canals
that ure completed, but only from C.000 to 8,000 acres are under
This leaves 32,000 acres ready for the plow today. Farmers
who want more land or renters who want a place of their own.
with good land and plenty of water for irrigation, close to market.
ai0?!8 ' cJHrche3 and a11 modern conveniences, where they can grow
1 1 '" T ' V" ."uril-y ougur ueeis, potatoes, all kinds of
Garden Truck and Fruit, where the dairy business pays, at from $85
to $110 per acre, including both land and water, can take advantage of
.o toi uui iiuw wjiiiu mo price oi ianu is low and the.paymenta
,nre the farmer can practically pay for the lanOrora tho
crops before the second payment id duo?-- ' ,.
umu- i ui unite, gei some literature on th is tract, study it
?w.ri2 m anansements to join us on one of our trips to seo
this land. The expense is small, for after we get to Denver, the
Company will take us free of charge in automobiles to see this and.
which is only about from one to two hours drive from Denver, and 8
case it suits you, and you buy, the Company will refund SurR? 8
fare. Reports of this year s crop of wheat wbnt from 25 to 40 bushels
to the acre. Come and make a trip with us and see if this is so.
By permission we refer you to H. E. Grice of th TT v r..:,.
Drug Co., of Red Cloud, whohas been' if 'touch with thisHpro?os1on
for a number of years, in fact, since beforo tho water was on the
InV1, t ,wn8,6CVC,a 8?, acre tracts of this land and it is not for
sale. Ho has just recently returned from a trip over this land in
specting his holdings, and collecting rent.' Have a talk with hhn
about the crops and general conditions of this land, then make aE
rangements with us to go and sec for yourself.
Hutchison &
Red Cloud, Nebraska
A Surprise Party.
A largo number of poople of
Pawneeo and western portion of Lo
gan arrived ono night last week at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Myers for the purpose of showing a
tribute of respect and appreciation.
About sundown the automobiles and
buggies began to arrive until those
present numbered close to 100. Tho
ladies brought baskets well filled with
many delicacies. After partaking of
these good things all were entertained
with music of the highest grade, both
vocal and instrumental, the piece's
from tho phonograph, violin and piano
were very fine and reflected much
credit on tho musicians. Tho vocal
muy'c rendered by tho young ladies
". .u all that could be desired and re
cci.'ed much applause. Patriotic
fcpecches weic then mado by Messrs.
lerney Brown and Lcroy Myers, being
interesting as well us being useful ta
tho audience-C. M. C. .t ,
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