BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ti m is 11 ! ji lv k Help Red Cross Work By Trading at Our Store SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 HTHE LADIES of the Red Cross Auxiliary will have charge of Our Store on this day and will receive a large commission on the total sales for the day. You will save money by buying here and at the same time help a worthy cause. See our excellent line of box stationery at - 25c C. M. C. crochet thread, all sizes and colors - 10c Our line of school supplies is complete. Buy your history paper by the and help Red Cross Cut star tumblers, each 10c A big new line of metal frame pictures just ree'd 10-25-50 Our line of box chocolates is unsurpassed. Nicklc-silver tablcwcar. This vcar is the same all the way through and will not wear off knife and fork per set $1.80 table spoon per set - 90 tea spoon - 60 Gold band dishes. We have a complete line of this popu lar pattern. Dinner plates Cup and sauser -Soup dishes Oatmeal Berry dishes Pie plates. Salads Platers Flower pots all sizes - 15c 15c 10c 10c 5c 10c 25c 10c and gardenerc 5-10-15-25c 5-10-25c Store E. M. Ege On The Corner RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE STORE There s no side-stepping the Inevitable Facts Old Jack Frost will soon lie with ttsl Arc you prepared to meet him? . I! v Safety First Be Prepared South Bend Ranges and' Illinoy 'Heaters Insure Health, Happiness and Comfort TRINE SELLS 'EM SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Death Calls Pioneer Ruth It. Murtlu, aged 8G years, 10 months anil 25 days passed away at the home of her son in Auburn onScptem ber 30. The deceased enmo to this -state iu 1870, locating in Webster county in 1873. She was one of our most highly respected citizens, a devoted christian, beloved by lricctls nnd relatives alike. Her husband Joel T. Martin prececded her to the great beyond in 1892. Six sons and a number of other relatives aro left to mourn her demise. Funeral services were conducted from the Christiun church, in this city, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Inter niont was made in tho Martin ceme tery, Garfield township. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In tho PoMnlllcc nt Hut Cloud, Neb iw Htcond Clans Matter1 15. McAUTIIUR M K. QUIOM3Y l'fni.ismcii Manaii:r CUB ONliY PKMOntATlU I'Al'KU IN WKHHTKIt COUNTY Red Cloud's fondest dream will soot? be realized as three cars loaded with casing and derrick for tho Big Chief Oil and Gas Company's local project have arrived in this city and as soon as tho builder arrives here work will bo bgun orvithc erection of the derrick. Shortly wc will have mil lionaires galore, speeding in super sixes o'er the tinnquility of silent hills and fertile valleys our people satisfied that they have done their' share in determining just what lies beneath Webster county's fertile soil Governor Neville has shown him self to bo not only a good stntcsmun but also u real patriot as it lias been announced that, on Saturday, lie was placed in command of tho Seventh Ne braska reserve infantry. His resigna tion as chief executive of the state will take effect immediately after the Seventh has been mustered into ser vice. The chair will be filled by Lieu tenant Governor Edgar Howard. - According to tho monthly report is sued by Secretary of State Pool, Ne braska now has 142,000 automobiles. The number in the state last year was 100,600. During the month of Sep tember tho secretary's office issued 4 150 licenses. A hundred motorcycle licenses were issued. The more potatoes you cat the less bread you need at the same meal. Potatoes do not contain the same, amount of food value as the same weight of bread, as the former con tains much water, but it may be stated that a medium sized potato will supply as much starch a most im portant food as two medium slices of bread. In a mixed diet, five paits of potato are equal to one part of cereal which means that those who like potatoes can, by their use, safely cut (town on their use of bread, wheat mushes, or macaroni and yet supply their bodies with that needed food starch. Wherever potatoes are lo cally plentiful, as they promise to be this year, housewives are urged to use them as a substitute for wheat. 0 JTsssWthtJ fc- jJsssssssH eBBStm" J H hnrrmPl rvrm:Xmmmmmm HiirfNrezSKti Ev'i'.' -Y .wuJ!H 9H LdBnllsssssssB f WMWwmMWWmkjSMrt Ji '-?' mlWi-T 4isSspSiSSllJ I Radford Plan and I I Information Books I "" ' H I COME IN AND GET YOURS I I Piatt & Frees I WW itfisiiBBlfflBiSiBiiBiiilir iH HilsHniJsH II HI ? iH kaiissfl H mm ssssH IfV kaiisfl "' "I f""5 V Mrs. Goorgo H. Hollister went to Lincoln Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Docrenrinf loft the first of the week for a visit with their daughter at Oberlln, Kansas. Merchants lunch at Ludlow's Cafe, 13 to 2, for any and alt who wish to partake. Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson of Guide Rock spent the weekend in this city with her mother and sister. If tlll tlArt.V U'lin tnff nnnln.. talnitiR skirt, fountain pen, etc , nt uuuiuw a uiuc may iiavo same by call 1 1 ig and paying for this notice. (Hff IF YOU WANT A I Feeding Dairy Cows. "Feeding Dairy Cows," Extension Bulletin. No. 48. has just been issued by the Extension service of tho Col lege of Agriculture. It will be sent tree upon request to tne uuiictm Clerk, University rarm, Lincoln. School to Open. Final preparations for the opening of the School of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska October 12 arc ncaring completion. Students are already beginning to arrive at the University Farm to engage board and loom. Class schedules and assign ments of rooms and tcacheifs have been mapped out. The school accepts free tuition cer tificates (given by school boards in rural districts) in payment .of fees. Complete information regarding en trance requirements may be obtained upon application to the Principal, School of Agriculture, University Farm, Lincoln. The Devil Resigns in Favor of Kaiser. An exchange says the following is the best yet: "The devil set by a lake of fire on a nilc of sulnhcr ketrs. his I head was bowed upon uiis breast, his ms tail between his legs, a look of shame was on his face, the sparks dripped from his eyes he had sent up his resignation to the throne up in the skies. 'I'm down and out.' the devil said ho said it with a sob 'there are others that outclass me and I want to quit tho job. Hell isn't in it with the land that lies along the lunne; I'm a nus-ucen and a piker and therefore I resign: one ammunition maker with his bloody shot and shell, knows more about damnation than all the imps of hell. Give my job to ivaiser winiam, tne author or the war: no understands it bettor a million times by far. I hate to leave the old home, the spot I love so well, duc i loci mat i am not up-to-daic in tne art or running noil. ' " m Potato Storage. Rni'ni-n lnceno ftnm Ar nf Imvn done much in the past to discourage potato JNebrasHtui tulmse losses may bo largely avoided if the following precautions arc taken: 1. Carefully grade the crop and do not store diseased or bruised po tatoes. 2. Treat these graded potatoes with formalin. This must be dono within 24 hours uftcr digging to be most effective. 3. Maintain a temperature of 35 degrees to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably nearer 35 degrees. 1. Arrange for thoro ventilntion of the pit or cellar. It is important that no potato be more than three feet from free air. Storing in deep piles leads to ovei heating und may seriously damugo the tubers for seed purposes. Further information may be ob tained from tho department of plant pathology und physiology at Lincoln. Speculation in Food Stuffs Will be Stopped. Omaha, Neb.,' Oct. 3. "Speculation in food .stuffs and necessities of lifo must stTp- That is tho ultimatum issued by Food Administrator Wattles upon his return from Washington, where lie has been in conference with Food Administrator Hoover. "Wo do not iironoso that snecula- tora are going to profit from this war. Tho interests of the people must be conserved. Tho speculation of past years is gono forovor. Tho accom plishment in tho matter of wheat is an evidence of what can be done, and wo uroposo to savo tho American peo ple The profits of their labor." Among tho things Mr. Wattles" is charged with is to see that abuses in tho matter or. marketing food stuffs aro stopped; the redistribution of live stock on farms; adjustment of PfWlVIEflT OR A P1TO Ulade flight, bettered flight And Erected flight SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makers of ArtlstlclMonumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska 1 ROCKING CHAIRS Have just received a large assortment of ROCKING CHAIRS in all sizes X W! X t 5! V 'E have some exceptional good values in Leather Upholstered .Rockers with Automobile Cushions in Quartered Oak also some good patterns in Wood Seat Chairs in Quartered Oak a good assortment of Childrens Rockers ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer J::KK.:H::H":..H. Buy Land Located in the Most Prosperous, Most Productive Most Beautiful and Most Intensively Cultivated Section of Northern Colorado The Chicago Title & Trust Co., as Trustee for the sale of the 50,000 acres of irrigated land, under the Farmers' Reservoir and Irrigation Co. system, has authorized us to offer this land in' any size tracts to suit the purchaser, with assurance of plenty of water for irrigation, on terms of ONE-TENTH DOWN, with ten annual payment, without any payments required for the first four years except Two-Fifths of the crop and taxes. , Any balance left unpaid after applying Two-Fifths of tho crop will bo extended over to the tenth and last payment, so purchaser cannot possibly become delinquent before the end of the fifth year. This 50,000 acres of land is second to none in tho State of Colorado. It lays noith of Denver, and east and west of Brighton, 1-ort Lipton and Platteville. 40,000 arc under irrigation canals that are completed, but only from (7,000 to 8.000 acres are under cultivation. This leaves 32,000 acres ready- for the plow today. Farmers who want mote land or renters who want a place of their own, with good land and plenty of water for irrigation, close to market SaiJ.?Is' cUrchcs an all modem conveniences, where thev can irrow riwinT,at' ?ts'.fBarLcy' Sugar Beets,. Potatoes, all kinds of iiiR n,ck an5l "i'' where the dairy business pays, at from S85 to $ 110 per acre, including both land and water, can take advantage of this liberal oflcr now while the price of land is low and the payments' rvtfj? 55P-d? thc famier Practically pay.foMhfe land frdm-the 'idropsTiefore the second payment is due. ' ' ' Come to our office, get some literature on this' tract, study it over, and make arrangements to join us on one of our trips to see this land. 'Ihe expense is small, for after we get to Denver, the Company will take us free of charge in automobiles to seo this land, which is only about from one to two hours drive from Denver, and in case it suits you, and you buy, the Company will refund your.R. li. fare. Reports of this year's crop of wheat went from 25 to 40 bushels to tho ncic. Come and make a trip with us and seo if this is so. By permission i we refer you to H. E. Grice, of tho II. E. Grico Drug Co., of Red Cloud, who has been in touch with this proposition for a number of years, in fact, since before tho water was on tho land. He owns several 80 aero tracts of this land and it is not for sale. Ho has just recently returned from a trip over this land, in specting his holdings, and collecting rent. HavTu talk with him about the crops and general conditions of this land, then make ar rangements with us to go and see for yourself. & Saladen Red Cloud, Nebraska charges for handling live stock; tho securing of signatures to pledge cards and other things of national impor tance. He is a busy man these days and his efforts are all along tho lino of con serving and saving for Nebrnskans. Fred Ktiehn bus purohiiRed tho poo hull nnd bowling alloy formerly eon. ducted by Powell Bros, and has tn on poscsslon. Without u doubt tho now propriotdr will make a success of the bimluess venture as ho lias n host of fr'onds in this vicinity. I :::' f V K i. 3fcfcSj-v- t.x. itsu; i. "- .ft"- .t. j .. , ??r iTfmwHWt)WJIWWWmwililHpilMlHiHnn.iP IVTTT.'flM Omm Mirj tMflWHHMi