The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1917, Image 5

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    I ED, CLOUD, NIB1A8KA, Omn.F
Carrol Ailcs was In Suporior Sunday.
Glen Walker was in Superior Satur
day. Chris Zeiss spoilt Thursday in Mc
Roy Ilnssingcr spent Monday in
Mrs. Jacob Petersen spent Tuesday
in llastlnys.
George Monntford went to Blue Illll
Tuesday morning.
Earl Dicltcrson of Arapahoe is visit
ing friends In tho city.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C
Mitelttll, tho Jeweler.
Rev. Ucobo returned uomo from
Alma Saturday morning.
Wanted A good second hand corn
binder. Inquire at this ofllce.
t! J.A McArthur aud sou, Ted, and
wife spent Monday in Hastings.
Mrs. Mary Polnlcky spent Wodnes
day with her sou, Paul at Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Sherman went to
Bladen,. Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Bert Urico returned home the last of
the wecl from a business trip to Den
ver. Messrs. and Mesdames C. I). Whita
ker and llert Frey nutoed to Hustings
Wright Thornbcrg, a former resident
of this city, was in the city between
trains Monday.
Miss incA Gettings came up from
Superior, Sunday oveuing, to visit her
Bister, Mrs. Paul Pope.
Foil Sale Cucumbers for pickling.
Get your order in early. Phone IS on
2" or see Nelson Hayes.
Chas. Iiarrett and son, Cecil, aud E.
R. Slawson and Ernest Newhousc were
in York the lust of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunt and family
of Riverton spent Sunday at the home
of their son, and brother, Will.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson of Guide
Rock spent Sunday in this city with
her mother, Mrs. Fred Wittwer.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Fcarn returned to
Hastings Monday, being called horo to
attend the funeral of his uncle, Elan.
On Wednesday, Archie Plel, of Blue
Hill, and Miss-Ellle Toap, of Bladen,
were mlted in marriage by Judge
9 f&l
.Fountain Fen
is the only pen with
the "Crescent-Filler"
the original Self-Filling
device for foun
tain pens.
C. L. Cotting
The Druggist
2. tain pens. v -x
1 ISA Himl
'-Vat -VMHB!-i
Chub Blrkner spent Monday in Hast
ings. Miss Anna Gilliam ftoatit Monday in
Mrs. C. M. Phillips spent Monday in
Robert Hoxsey was n passenger to
Hastings, Monday.
Miss Pearl Hlnklus of Riverton was
in the city Monday.
Jack Waller was down from Cowles
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Myrtlo McConkey went to Lin
coln Monday morning.
For tho best line of fancy stationery
call at Cook's drug store.
H. L. Hiiskius returned home from
Denver, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. John Turner and Mildred Rlfo
spout Wednesday iu Hustings.
Miss Zoliua Wonderly came down
from Inavulo Frlday'moriiing
Mr and Mrs. Grant Grecti spent Sun
day with rolnlives at Superior.
Mrs. A. D. Rannoy returned homo
Tuesday evening from Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dull of Guide
Iloclc spent Sunday iu, this city.
Andy Hart and Prof. Fred Miller
wero over from Lebanon Sunday,
R. D. Moritz of Seward arrived iu
tho city Tuesday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Bello Kengle and daughter, Miss
Grace, spent Tuesday in Hastings.
Miss Mabel Pope returned home
from Omaha, Wednesday oveuing.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell returned
home Friday evening from Omaha.
Patrick Galligau of Dallas, Texas, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. PatKollolt.
Paul Polulcky, who is working nt
Hastings spent Sunday with his mother
Jack Stelllns came down from Hast
ings, Tuesday evening, to visit his par
ents. Mrs. J. W. Corbett went to Table
Rock, Sunday, morning to visit rela
tives. Miss Lorainc Hansen will return to
Uyer, Friday, to resume her school
Mrs. J. A. Bradford and children re
turned home from Hastings, Monday
I am now ready to move houses,
barns and other buildings. John
Mrs. Alice Hosmer and grand.daugh
tor, Alice Whitakcr, spent Monday in
Dave Lewellyn returned Monday
from Akron, Colorado, where ho visit
ed his mother.
Miss Carrol Scott of Imperial spent
the weekend in this city with Miss
Edythe Herrick.
Miss Vera Blackburn returned to
her home ut Wilcox, Monday, after
visiting in the city.
S. P. Fox returned Monday from
York where he visited his sons, Vale
and Charley and wives.
A. B. MoArthur spent the weekend
with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kidenour, at Emporia, Kansas.
George HollisteV and Win. McKim
moy were in Blue Hill, Tuesday, look
ing after the railroad's rolling stock.
M. M. Fearn of Thomas, Oklahoma,
was called here to attend the funeral
of his brother which was hold Sunday.
Every student using a Conklin or
Shcuil'cr fountain pen is satisfied with
it. Sold only by Cotting tho druggist.
We are distributing
Radford Plan and
Information Books
Piatt & Frees
Red Cloud, Nebraska
vr'vSi 11121 n-t7$$fl
Aff IUU.1
Some lit
fads you want
to know about ,
right now !
Your dollar today buys
less bread, less meat,
less clothes than ever
before, but your elec
tric dollar buysMORE.
And you can make it
buy still more by using
Mazda Lamps
For MAZDA Lamps give
three times as much light
as carbon lamps without
increasing the amount of
current used.
Complete line carried in slock
at all times at right prices
For wiring and anythings
in the electrical line, see
Plumbing Heating Electrical Wotk
Mr. and Mrs. Aud row Saladen spent
Wednesday In Hastings.
Rev. BatPs will hold services at the
Episcopal church the coming two Sun.
School tablets same thickness as last
year. Buy at Cotting's aud save
money. 30-7
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPurtland are
tho parents. of a baby boy born Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Goodln of Omaha
arc visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs.
WJH Walters.
Mrs. Barbara Pharos returned home
Weduesday evening from Chicago
Omaha and Contral City.
Lesley Anderson returned to Hardy
the first of the week after visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hansen.
Just n week before the State Fair
opens, every indication is that it will
be the biggest and best fair ever held.
Certain it is that he who misses it will
lose such entertainment ns he never
had at a fair, and in profit, the best
the state can afford which is saying
"It is a pleasure to be able to say
something of the charm and appeal of
Miss Burton's reading. Briefly, she is
an artist of unusual ability. She is
able to express with an arresting vivid
ness tho distinctive traits of each char
acter whose part sho is reading at tho
moment". Do not fail to hear her at
the Orphcum Theatro, Thursday even
ing, Sept. Gth. Special music by four
piece orchestra. Adm. 15 and 2oc,
' ,p h. ii.' it )l 1 .us, J
. I OTil 1
Clv4inr? SK iD I
m m
Itw II" II I
Miss Elsio Hamilton arrived Sunday
evening fronijlcadwobd. South Dako
ta. She Is employed by Mrs. Win.
Hunt. x
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradshaw return
to their home at Bloominirton Suiidnv
evening uftcV a visit with relatives
Mrs. W. N. Uichardsou aud daughter,
Mlbb Marguerite, left Wednesday for
Uouldcr w hero they will spend a few
1 have some private iiiouev to loan
oifelty property, also can (mulsh you
low rates 011 farm loans. B. W.
Rev. Drullner returned homo Mon
day from Now Carlyle, Indiana, whore
ho accompanied tho remains of his
father lor burial.
J. H. llalloy returned home Sunday
oveuing from Excelsior Springs, Mis
souri, where he had taken his wlfo for
medical treatment.
Carl Hedge and sister, Miss Laura,
rotuuiedjiomo Saturday from Chey
enne where they had' been visiting
their brother, Aaron.
Mrs. H. M. Tompkins returned to
her homo at Kearney Monday morning
after a visit at tho homo of her daugh-tor,-Mrs
CM Phillips.
James Ethcrton, Walter Sanderson
and Henry Cluvvson left Sunday for
Sheridan, Wyoming where thoy will
work In tho machluo shops,
Mrs. Alice Uosmor returned home
tho last of tho week from ati extended
visit with relatives uear St. .loc, .Mis
souri, and at Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. .las. Burden returned homo
from St. Joe Tuesday morning whoro
sho purchased a fall and winter stock
of millinery goods for hor store.
Midshipman Allan Blnckledgc of tho
U. S. Naval Academy at Anuapolis.
-.f.. ....1 1 i . ..... ... ..
.uuijiuuu, 1a viauiug uis parents, Al
tomey and Mrs. L. H. Ilhrtjklodgc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patrick, who had
boon visiting her father, Dr. Henry
Cook, left Monday for Nebraska City
to visit relatives before returning to
their homo at Omaha.
Ou Monday morning while burning
put the exhaust on tho oil engine at
the power house, Harry Uulfer had tho
mlsfortuno to have a enn of kerosene
explode which burned his hands con
siderably. Mr. aud Mrs. Alf McCall und sou,
Robert, returned homo this morning
from Vancouver, Washington, where
they had been visiting their son, .cnas,
Who is stationed nt the army barracks
ut that citv.
Dramatic-Beading of Booth Tarklug
ton's'."Seveuteeu" a story of youth aud
Summer-time by a recognized artist ut
the Orpheum Thursday evening, Sept.
0th. Special music by the orchestra,
Adm. IS and 25 cents.
At the Orpheum Theatre, Saturday,
Sept. 1st., Koscoe "Fatty" Arbucklcs
In "The Rough House," one Bray Cur
toon, one Travelogue aud one PIcto
graph. Matiuec 2:30 adm. 5 and 10c.
Night 8 adm. 10 and L'10.
Lj un jiuesiiay 1110 nppeuate uoaru at
Lincoln turned down the following
Uhrce young men from this county who
askod exemptions on account of agri
cultural reasons: Antonu Pavelika
Lincoln Mudd uud Charles Albert
Mrs. Ida Squires and Miss Georgia
Scott of Cowles will give a two-piano
program assisted by Mrs. Gellatly, so
prano, at tho Orpheum Theatre, Mon
day evening September tenth. The
proceeds will b9 used for the purchase
of Red Cross supplies for the Women's
Red Cross Auxiliary of tho Webster
County Chapter.
The benefit given by the Women's
Red Cross Auxiliary on Monday even
ing was well Attended and each one of
fie little tots taking part and also the
Voting people carried out the parts as
signed to them in a very fine manner.
Seventy-seven dollars were takeu in,
whloh'wlll be used by tho Auxiliary to
purchase supplies. v
Norton and Curtis Stoward, sons of
Charles Stoward, who resides south
west of this city on the Woodbum
Stock Farm, have been busy this sum
mer getting seven head of Shorthorn
cattle and nine Poland China hogs in
shape which they will exhibit at the
State Fair next week. This stock is
all young stulf and we hope that the
boys may bring homo several ribbons
Many exchanges comlug to our desk
announce the various fact that tho
various neighboring cities aro forming
companies of Homo Dofcnso Quards.
As yet nothing lids been done aloug
this line in this city, What ai'o we
going to do about it? Are wo to con
tinue to go our way as in times of
peace or are we going to unite and
form n company here? It is about
time that we should wake up and let
our neighbors unow tnat we .are not
The Seward County Tribune of the
33rd the patrons of that
office that the following Issue will be
un()er tho direction of Mr. Arthur V.
8halTer. For a number of years Mr.
Shaffer conducted a newspaper at
Alma, and bis many friends iu this
vicinity will bo pleased to learn
tbaf ho is agatafttotive in the nows
paper field. Mr. SbaJTer is a thorough
newspaper man and we predict a bright
future for tbu.Tribuno under his able
management.'' The owner of the paper
bas answered the call of bis country,
having by appointment entered the
nffliMnl l.lnlllr. olXi. al fl CnaHlnr'
VU.WIH Vf.-... Mf. ... Ml. NWMf).
We have received our
New Fall
We are pleased to announce to
the public that we will have
The Resler Line of
Fall Coats, Suits,
Dresses and Skirts
is season
Remember the line will be at oiir
store two days every three tveeks '
A full line of Ladies House Dresses and
Aprons, also Childrens Dresses
Call and See Them
M. A. Albright
Red Cloud, Nebraska '
HJHKp H9Hh k i b55? j mm Lrt.
Porch Furniture
While the evenings are hot why not
spend your evenings on your porch?
We have tWe Porch Swings, Setees and Porch
Chairs to make you comfortable. We also have
a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots
and Sanitary Couches. J Come in and let us show
them to you. J THE PRICES ARE RIGHT.
Licensed Embalmer
Mrs. Anna Huston of Guide Rock
was brought before tho Insanity
poard Monday and was found to be
physlclally ntid mentally unfit to care
prcr fajujjy, but owing to an epl
domic of "small pox at the state hospi
tal at Ingleslde, she will not be takeu to
that place until ajater date.
Come in
Try one on
Sec hoza you
Like them
Most Attractive
Shapes and Colors
- ', -
Furniture Dealer
All persons who havo subscribed to
the liig Chief Oil & Gas Co. and who
have not yet paid their subscriptions
are requested to call at onoe at the of
flee of the treasurer, 8. R. Florance, nt
the Webster County Bank, Red Cloud,
Nebraska and pay same.
Bra CniRr Oirf & Gas Co.
iUk J