The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1917, Image 8

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. s.u.i.'.j.As)ft. ta r.
. Lnrii
V,ifWirtitrtK.jtfKW.J,W -. . 1
..- i
if. "
" .
f -
1 .
Get Land-Buy It Now
' You Wait, You arc Sure to Pay a Higher Prico
luKrtltuskn, Colorado, and Wyoming, there tire thousands of acres of
ndrio lnnrfH that should bo cultivated
If you want to
Buyl will post you on correct prices.
Rent I will help you to get bust terms.
Homcstond-V toll you where best free OK) acre bolcctlons ate located
Ask About Denver, Wyoming, tho Now Govornmont Town SAt.Kiir Tow.v Loth In August; this town will be tho trtiillnir center
for !10,(.00 acres of Govcriinioiit-irrtgfitod IHg Horn JSnslii lands First Unit of
12,000 to be drawn for early In September; lands freo; pay for Government
water ri)it on such easy terms as to muWo thoo binds the finest prize Uncle
Ham has for you. IT yim will o with mo Into tho IJIr Hoin lUslii and f-oo
tho weatth In that locality from oil, reclamation and Irrigation, you will lose
no time trying to get hold of one. of now farms.
They aro frco; likewise my personal service for the Ihirllngtoti Ilo.ul.
S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
loot Fnrnutn St. Omaha. Nebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
xjmsiMmaaww&mtmmw rrnrwmi
iiMTl fTTTnTTTiin
lomHlET OR I PHPft
Pade Right, Lettered
Right And Er eeted Right
Makers of ArtistlclMonumcnts
Red Cloud,
m m M
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Mrs. Oloy Ivemuu us In Campbell
Mrs. .las, Dyer spent Sattirduy In
John Hull was down from Lawtence
over Sunday.
Gladys Ferry visited friends in Blue
II it I Siitutday.
Tracy tvtiutson ut.toed to Lebanon,
luui'ivt, Sunday.
I). S Phelps and son, Glen, atitoed
to Erlcson Friday.
l'reil Alexander transacted business
in Hastings Saturday.
Taylor Heady nud daughter of 111 vet
ton, weru In town Wednesday.
S. M. Hall nud fimlly of Hastings
were visitors at the V. S Hall home
Mi-Mind Mr Hoy I'iel spoilt the
ucuUund with friends and relatives
near Illadeu.
Mr. and Mis. J. II. Hobbltt of Omaha
ate visiting at the home of U I). Sam.
se) and family.
Mr and Mrs. Uobert Hay of Grand
Island are visiting Mr. Kay's mother,
Mi. A. M. Kay, this week.
Kosoland Chautauqua Koosters wore
In town Friday and gave u musical
demonstration on main street.
Miss Lilly l'erry of Llneolu la visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr
ami Mrs. Kobert l'erry, this week.
Oley Iveison, Prank Fish, Vet Will
dershiem, Kobert Uoyel and Sel Ander
sou weiu tlshlug on the l'latto Friday.
Clms. Doycr and family left Satur
day evening for McCook where they
will visit lelatlves the next few weeks.
Mrs. V. M. Bottom and children are
spending the week tit the home of Mrs.
Bottom's parents, Mr. uud Mrs. Hughes
at Edgar.
Mrs. O. L. Marymee who has beeu
visiting her daughter, Mrs. fc O. Hole,
at Hastlugs the past week, leturned
home Saturday.
Ferd Fisher returned Sunday even
ing from a two weeks visit at Beatrice.
Mis. Fisher remained nt the home of
liei mother, Mrs. McLaughlin, and Will
not return until later in the mouth.
nature olnbe the middle of last week,
atopped loading for this week's mar
kct in large degree, hence the reduced
supply, here and elsewhere. Nntlvo
Articles of Incorporation
Wo, tho ilndersUncd, Incorporator, do
licroby In pursuance of tho Statutes of No-
I hmRkn. til nllrll mri mnrln nint tirnvlrlrwl.
steers sold strong to 25 higher, muner- associate ourselves together as n body politic
ojs lots nt 313.25 to 813.S0, thp top paid andcorporatoln thomanncrnndforthopur.
for long yearlings, highest price over ll'oscilierrlnnftcr mentioned,
nnl.l t.,r t.i. l.n,.r I, U' ArUclo i-Tho saM corporation shall bo
....... w '""J J JWV.i M1..JVIM
ji Honesty Will Not
Dodge The Trath
YOU hear the
sermons Sunday at
' the United Church
you may change your
mind about yourself
11 a. m. Subject
"A Sinning Religion"
3 p. m. Subject
"Why Don't God Kill the Devil?"
U. E. Hunter and family uutoed to
Klverton Sunday.
Fied Hunter of Klverton was in town
one day last week.
Mis. A. E. Wolcott of Hebron re
turned home Thursday.
Mrs. E Smith is making a short visit
in Ked Cloud this week.
Mesdames Stella uud Mike Kennedy
atitoed to Ked Cloud Tuesday.
C. A. Waldo and family took dinner
with Morris ana wife Sunday
Kev. Murless returned Tliuisday
ulgltt fiom a visit with Ids parents.
K. E. Hunter moved into the place
recently vacated by Ell Stioug last
Claude Conley and wife autocd to
Hastings tmturduy with Mrs. Kenkel
lor eye treatment.
Quite a number from heie attended
the funeral set vice uf Mrs John Pitch
ier nt Pleasant Prairie Sunday.
About twelve girls chaperoned by
.Mis. Eli Strong aro camping on the
creek near Ulanleubnkors.
Mrs. Hi Dunn toik her son, Gene, to
Hastings lor treat men i Monday. Ho
got somt'lluiig'iti his eye wltllo playing
and it lb feared he will lase the sight
Koy Fulton and wife, Frank Blank
enbaker and wife and Alva Stoneruud
wife nl-o Mis. Mac Fulton attended
tho funeral of Mrs. Fulton's hrother,
Joo Scott at Kivettou S-ttuiduy.
sold ." to '.'ft higher, receipts light,
Kansas steers worth S3.7fi to 813 85,
Oklohoinas to 810.75, Old Mexico
steers grozpd in Oklahoma or JCiuishs
S0..'O to $9.'J5 Butcher cattle got tho
full advance, some sales more than a
quiit ter higher. Heceipts Included 0
cars of California sleets, at Sd.33 to
8:) 2., welglits 875 to lOol) lbs
Stockors nud Feeders
Prices touched bottom last week and
mound 28,000 cattle were scut to the
country, 10000 mote than during pre
vious week, and twlco ns tunny as same
week hist year. Stock steers at SO to
S7 o0, feeders S7.-. to S9.7." were cur
rent quotations lust week, but thes'e
were icvlsed upward 35 to 50 cents per
cut. today on the strength of reported
rains around, and supplies.
Dry weather sent in a large- amount
of Hash last week, and the spread In
prices widoned greatly. Host hos
sold 10 to 15 higher today, but there is
a little improvement in common hogs
It is iigured that the rains wlil stop
ttie run of common hogs. Choice
heavy weights are scarce, and the right
kind would have gone above $lG.!lu to
day, medium weights soiling up to
$10 80, light hogs nt $11.75 to S15.75.
Every Western market is ruuniug be
hind this time a year ago iu receipts,
and tho large number of immntute
hogs sent forward lately hurts pros
pects for future supplies some, though
many of the pigs will bo immunized nt
tho plants around the stock ynrds, and
resold ns stock hogs
Treasurer's Statement
Mayor and City Council, City Red
Cloud, Neb:
I submit herewith statement cover
ing receipts and disbursements of "my
olllce for the period from July 3 to
Au7, 1917.
Occupation Fund
Amount on baud Jul 3 1917.. S 872 91
Receipts S 120 00
093 91
Disbursements 878 23
120 71
Water Fund
Amount on hand July 3 ,
.. 234 04
Receipts 1043 28
- -
yentrsLl College or Osteopathy
720 Trooit Avonue, Knnona City, Mo.
-15th Year Opens'Sept. 10 Full Four Year Course
Tuition samo as throo year hurctolore. Certitlcate issued ou com
pletion of third your if desired, with tho privilege of ilnHiing
fourth year lit any time without additional cost. Students can
make clinic practice equal lultioii. Wilto for particulars.
127S 22
Disbursements 400 00
llalance S 87S 22
Water Levy Fund
Amount on hand July 3 $ 010.05
Receipts 100 00
101G 05
Disbursements 1003 IS
17 13
General Fund
Itnlnuce on hnnd July 3 1312 00
Disbursements 1303 00
9 00
1 Electric Ucht Fund
Amount on hand Julv 3 S10GS (15
Heceipts S01 50
1S70 15
1)53 05
maesTT'. TmragaemFmff-i 7?")iv-i.,,.-:,..,:v.,ti.,. xu...r i. i, V V v
Nebraska the Home of the Big Typo Hog
In tho swine barns and around tho judging arena at tho Nebraska iStato
'Fair ovory fall, ono will find tho crovdu largo nt nil times, as tho Nebraska
'hogila'auch a factor Intho farmer's matorlnl prosperity that ho is always
anjattractlvo show object. ,s
burffik tho wock otISeptembor 3-7 the hog clnssos will slmro in tho
lhonorrand awards to boinado by competentand fair judges In recognf
tloa of thoir contribution towards Nebraska's wcunhi and prosperity."
tmmmtmmm miWItHJ'HI1 i' ":ii" .'... '..' ' ' " -'
Chun May Ctiatllii was born it; .-story
county lown, February 1, 1ST" and died
iHt ihi-ting-, Xeln.i-.Ua, August 2, 1917,
I naed 40 jeuif-, II months and 2 days.
She e line to Nebraska, at tho age of
1 12 years and was united in marriage
j to John Ptchler, March U, 1S05 To
' this union were born 9 children, 2 of
i , whom proceeded her to the grave, leav
ing 4 sons and 3 daughters,
Mrn. Pichler has lived all her mar
ried life on their farm north of Inavalo.
She united with the Methodist church
at district 11 and lias always taken an
active part in church and Sunday
school worlc.
Mrs. Pichler was a loving mother
and n kind nolghbor. She leaves, be
sides tier immediHtu family, her father,
mother, H brothers, 1 sister and many
friends, to mourn her loss.
The funeral service was held Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock, at district
II school houso and Interment was
made In Pleasant Prairie cemetery.
Kansas City Market
Hantas City Stock Yards, Aug. 0.
Cattle receipts dropped to 1G0OO bead
today, matket strong to 25 higher on
killing cattle, top price 813,80, 25 to 50
higher on stockers and foedors Hlog
receipts were 9000, inarkot 10 to 15
higher, top 810.30. Sheep nud lambs
today 3000, market strong, nothing
ohoice, native lambs 31 1.
Killing Cattle
Tho severe break in prices last week,
and rains of a mora or less general
Balance 8 917
Electric Light Levy Fund
Amount on hand June 5 212 92
No receipt or disbursements. .
llalance 812 92
Sewer Fund
Receipts S 12 CO
llalance , 12 00
Firemcifo Fund
Amount on hand July 3 $ lSl GO
Receipts ! 5 00
llalance 180 GO
Sewer Bond Fund
Amount on baud July 3 133 10
No receipts or dlsbuisements
Balance 13 10
Occupation Fund 8 120 71
Water Fund ... 878 22
Water Levy overdraft 47 13
General 9 09
Electric Light Fuud 917 10
Electric Light Levy Fund 212 02
Sewer ,. 42 Co
Firemen's Fund 189 00
Sewer 133.10
named and known aittrcrfon.navalc Unlit
and Power Company.
Article 2- That Its prtnclplo place ot, busi
ness slinll bo the City of Itcil Cloud, Webster
County, Nebraska.
Artlclol niitiiro ol the busi
ness which may bo transacted br Bald corpor
ation shall bo as (oIIowh:
To acquire land and construct, maintain
and oprrato an electric trnusinlstlou lino or
HncsoNcr tho public highway In said county
or counties, to purchase electric current, and
to sell said electric current to any person or
corporation alon the line of said transmis
sion llucs;t to Issue stork, bonds, or a niort
isntso or other legal evidences ol ludolitedniM,
ami to do such other thluys as nro necessary
In tho transaction of tho business above do.
Article 1 The amount of authorized capital
stock of said corporation shall bo Ten 'thous
and Dollars, (SI0.WO.U0). The amount of
bondsNald Company may Issuo shall not ex
ceud Ten Thousand Dollars, (SIO.OUO.00).
Article & The existence of said corporation
sfiall commence when said articles of Incor
poration aro II led with the Secretary of Htate
and County Clerk of said County, nud aro
published according to law, and shall con.
Untie for forty (10) years unless sooner termi
nated by duo proci ss of law.
Article 0 Tho greatest amount of liability
to which wild corporation may at any one
time hcKtihcct shall not ucced twothlrds of
the capital stock of said Company.
Article 7 The capital stock of said Com
pany shall in dl Idtd Into mo hares of Twen
ty 1'lvo Dollars isJVlWi each.
Articles Tho altalrs of said corporation
shall bocouducted by the Hoard of tlvedlrcct
ors, who shall hold such positions for a period
of ono year from the completion of tho said
organisation of said Incorporation, and
annually thereafter said Hoard of directors
shall bo elected by the stockholders from
among their number as shall be approved by
the by-laws of said corporation, hereafter to
lie adopted by said Hoard of Directors. The
Hoard of directors shall choose a 1'resldcut,
Vlce-1'tcsldcnt, Secretary and Treasurer, and
said Secretary and Treasurer may bo thq
s.imc person. Hald directors shall perform
allot the duties required In establishing and
conducting tho business ailairs of said Com
pany and as provided by the by-laws of the
corporation. Said otllcers shall each hold
his olllclal position for a period of one year
unless removed by said Hoard of Directors or
ArtlcloU Tho place of meeting of thn said
Hoard of Directors shall bo at Ked Cloud,
Webster County, Nebraska, unless otherwise
ordered by tho Hoard of Directors holding
said olllccs from year to year. The said U
rectors shall as soon as convenient after the
formation of said Incorporation elect said
oillccrsata meeting to bo held In Ked Cloud.
Nebraska, and provide for tho opening of
stock suhicrlptlou books and for the trans,
action of the business ailalrs of said .corpor
ation, provide the necessary seal and ricord
book, which shall ha In the form to bo deter
mined by the said directors. Vacancies In
tho Hoard of directors during the llrst year
it tho corporate existence shall bo tilled by
the then holding directors, and thereafter
vacancies shall be llllcd by tho said stock
holders In the manner provided by law and
the by-law s of this corporation.
Artlclo 10 These articles of Incorporation
may bo amended nt any time. Hvery
amendment thereto shall llrst be approcd
by a majority of tho holding Hoard of Direct
ors, nud upon being appioved It shall be en
tered at largo upon tho records of the Hoard,
u'bo accurately kept by the Secretaiy.
Kacli of such amendments shall be madon
part of thcartlclcsot Incorporation and shall
bo acknowledged as the record, and public
and recorded In the same maimer as thise
J. K. Mo nil is
C. A.
v. I.. W'H'KWIIU:
(1. I). AIINI'I-
I'. P. lSA"jTWOOI.
Mate of Nebraska lKJ
ounty of Webster M
On this 'JTih day of July, 1U17, personally
ip pea red beforo mo J. K. Morris, C. A. Waldo
mil C. L. Wlckwlre to mo well known to bo
tho Identical perilous whoso names were af
lxed to the foregoing articles of Incorpor
itlon, nnd they severally acknowledged the
execution of iho same to bo their olmitary
net and deed for the purposes In said articles
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
mliicrlbcd my name and alllxcd my olllclnl
seal tho day and vear Hist above w rltteu.
C. II. IUmiokss
(seal) Notary Public.
Stale of Nebraska ,.. He It Komembcrod,
I'ranUIn County t M That on this J7th day
of July A. D , 11117 beforo tho undersigned
N. R. Munow a Notary Public, In and for
said county, personally came U. D. Ar.
imp. P. P. Kasiwood to me known to be
the Identical pcrons whose nanus aro af
fixed to and who executed the foregoing
instrument as grantors mid acknowledg
ed the same to bo their voluntary act and
deed for the purposes therein set forth.
Witness my hand and Notarial the
day and year last above written.
X. R. Moil now
lcal) Notary Public.
My commission expires tho 17th day of July
When, the
Firemen. Appear
the intutcd man' fuit thought it one o(
tluinl.tulncjs that he it to. How aliou
your thoughts it a fniern&n should op
pear at your home?
The Dai.y
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
he to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellow that prudence would im
pell you to (top in out office to-day and
have ui issue you a policy,
R.elio.bIe Insurance
The Red' Cloud Chief
"Quality" Printers : Publwheis
Does Its
V Duty
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
Xot lloic I'ifdl)
Jhlt lion- UOUl
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Co.
Smtttuon to Pnl Stortr
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Had Cloud Nebraska
C. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C.
Manager Veterinary In Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Kog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our E.Micnsr-
U. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
JlfiD 01
U Flomneo, City Treasurer.
An Entire Change In "The
" R5idvvay" at Nebraska
State Fair
Plenty of good clean ndes, such ns
"Tho Whip," Ferris Wbool, Cnrry-Ua-All,
Mojdfpy Speedway, HonojMiioon
Trail nncr ninny others.
Tho Cnrl HnBenbeck Menngorlo
will no located on Tho Midway,
whoro you will have tho advantago
of seelnc all the animals In captiv
ity for a very rensonablo ndmlBslon.
This monngorlo will bo open contin
uously nnd glvoa yu tboopporfnn.
Ity to spend ns much timo 1th tho
nnlmuls as you maydoslro. Po not
overlook thin educational part of the
fcStato "al Soptember 3-7.
Sheriff's Sale
Uy Virtue of a writ of execution directed to
mo from tho clerk of tho District court ol
Webster County, Nebraska, on a Judgment
obtained before lion. 11. 8. Duugnu In the
district courts I Webster Couhty, Nebraska,
on the IMth day of October 101(1 In favor of
I'o.irl Aruoldas plnlulll!,' and against Arthur
Arnold ns defendant, for tho Hum of thirty
six hundred dollars and $10.00 per month sup
port for jibilntlirs Infant child on which
there Is now duo six hundred and twenty
dollarn and accruing cots, I have levied upon
the followluK real estate tnkcu as thotpro
perty of milil delendnnt, to satisfy the
amount dueon bald Judmncnt to wit:
The uiullv Uled one ninth lutcrpbt In all the
follow Intercut estate:
NorthwcNt ipiartcr of section four. oH,
three nud four In section foui, U' ono, two
iiiuIkIn luhcctlo'u fioven, allot n(oi.:iKl real
Cbtate belni;lii tnwnshlpouc, Ninth, RniiKe
rM'oIvc, Webster county, Nebraska.
And will oiler the r:iiio for hale to Hie hlgl
est bidder, for cash In hand, on the -J.'ud day
of August A. 1)., 1917, nt the south door nt tl&
court houso, being tho front door tin ivof,
(that belli tho building w herein tin last
term of court was held), at tho hour of i
o'clock p. m of said day, when and whero
ilueattcndauco will bo given by the uiulor
signed. Dated July 111, 1917.
aiierlil'of said county.
col. J. h. ellinger::
Is no w ready to place your sale dates"
Ask any onq as to my n.ttallllratlons
or whom 1 liavocrled enlcs. ludepcn
dent phono 8 on 10. 'Write wire or ca
Red Cloud, Nedr.
Dr. R. V.. Nicholson
EzTOtfice Ovi:u Amiiuout's Store
Dv. vo.s. S. Cvoss
E. S. Gerber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work'Auorantocd) j
Electrical Gaods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures 3