The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1917, Image 4

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    W&EgpM.MWltf H -jv
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Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered In tho Postofllco nt Ilcd Cloud, Neb
m Second Claw Hatter
"It Is plain enough how wo wero
forced Into tho wnr. Tho extraordin
ary insults and aggressions of tho Im
perial German Government left us no
nolf-respeoMng choice but to tnlo up
arms in dofense of our rlghtB as n free
people and of our honor us a soverlgn
government. The military masters of
Germany denied us the right to bo
neutral. They tilled our unsuspecting
communities with vicious spies and
conspirators nnd Bought to corrupt the
opinion of our people In their own be
half. "Muoh'BB wo had desired peaco, It
was denied us, and not of our own
choice. This ilng under which we
serve would have been dishonored had
wo withheld our hand." Woodrow
Wilson, President of the United States-
The Seed Wheat Situation
Nebraska's 1017 wheat crop will
probably bo nbout 10 per cent normal.
UreadstulTs will bo extremely 6cnrco
because of this shortngo and tho in
creased demand abroad. Tho world
will need every bushel of wheat that
can be grown. In parts of Nebraska
whero seed wheat will bo available,
threshing Is already under way, and
much of tho wheat is being marketed.
If this wheat can bo secured for seed
there will probably bo enough for the
Htato's own use. To do this, immediate
action is necessary.
How to get seed
Farmers needing seed wheat had
best arrange for their seed ut once.
Seed wheat eon bo most cheaply and
certainly toourcd in carload lots. Ar
rangements may be made cooperatively
or thru local grain denlors. drain deal
ers will handle seed wheat nt actual
cost. If any difllculty arlsos in secur
ing heed wheat, write, Tho Stnto'.Coiin
ell of Defense, Lincoln, Nebraska.
City Council Held
Meeting Tuesday Night
Mayor Datncrcll called the Council
together in regular session Tuesday
evening with nil members present.
The minutes of the meeting of July
3rd rend nnd approved and the report
of S. R. Florance was presented nnd
ordered placed on file.
The application of L. S. Pharcs of
Omaha, for the position made vacnnt
by the resignation of Guy Zeigler as
superintendent or the Water and
Light Department at $140 per month
presented ns was also the application
of Lester II. Hayward of Fairbury,
Nebraska for the same position at $125
per month. On motion the applications
were referred to the Advisory Com
mittee, whom we understand will
meet today and if a satisfactory agree
ment can be made with L. S. Pharcs,
who, by the way, is a son of Mrs.
Barbara Pharcs, ho will be given tho
Levy ordinance nnd Appropriation
ordinnnce passed after which the counci
donated $50 to the Red Cloud Concert
Band. The following claims were
Guy Zeigler .'....$ 1S2 Oil
W A Patten 0 00
Harry Iluffcr 75 00
Carl McArlhur Gl 00
S R Florance 239 .18
O C Tool 133 45
Mayor Coal Co 235 04
C F McKeighan CO 21
PH Boner 65 03
C G Barnes 105 00
Frank Clnuson 53 25
C R Lewis 22 00
Geo II Ovcring 8 00
Alice S Hosmer 300 00
Piatt & Frees 338 50
Webster County Argus U 23
Curtis Geer 7 40
F II Gcarn 13 05
Elkhorn Construction Co C522 07
Grant & Fulton 138 00
Abel Construction Co 3835 02
Grant and Fulton 000 00
C T Dickenson 2(5 00
Mutunl Oil Co 32 20
McGrawCo 4 (52
Mid West ElcctficCo 142 37
II Shannon Co.., 12 50
Standard Oil Co 70 82
American Electric Co.
3 86
23 20
2 05
4 20
EW Stevens..
Grico Drug co.
C L Cotting .
Pope Bros 29 17
Wm Pegg 7 05
WmTMountford 4 80
Platt & Frees 40 27
R C Vol Fire Dept 50 00
Jas Peterson ' il 05
Crance Co 75 35
RcdCIoudBand 50 00
Paw Knows Evorythlng.
Willie Paw, in one of my books It
says, "Unhappy lies tho head that
wears a crown." Why is tho head that
wears a crown unhappy?
Paw I oupposo It la becauso tho
crown Rex bis peaco of mind, my sou.
Bits of Byplay
By Luke McLukc
Copyright, 1015, tho Cincinnati
There, wna a collector who worked linrd
all day
On n. bunch of dendbeats who wcro very
bad pay.
When asked how ho felt ho replied with
thlfi iun:
"My work Is nil dun, but I can't pet It
Pnw Knows Everything.
Willie raw, what is meant by tho
"early Christians?"
Pnw-Wcll, they arc not tho lads
who get up nt 5 a. m. nnd opcrnto
rusty lawn mowers, my son.
Oh, Tht' Different!
"Hey, waiter!" yelled tho fat man.
"Whaddy yn mean by this? I found a
Bafcty pin in this plate of chicken
"Oh, that's only nntural, elr," ex
plained tho waiter. "That soup was
made out of dressed chicken."
Officer, Call Copl
A fellow who lived on nn Island
Wna asked If ho'tf purchase some hlsland.
"But why should I buy?"
Wn tho fellow's reply.
"Tho island I llvo on Is midland I"
"There Isn't nny such thing ns per
petual motion," nssorted tho old fogy.
"Oh, yes, there is," replied tho grouch.
"You never heurd my bnrber talk, did
Terso Truths.
Our Own Popular Songs.
Tho flowers won blooming gnlly on a girl
choked back a Bob
And Mont Into 11 paint storo and applied
thcro for a Job.
Sho hod been out of work for weeks, and
slio was feeling fnlnt,
And so tho bosa gavo her a Job at filling
cans with paint.
Tho pnlnt wiib red, nnd this poor girl
know that her fnco was white,
So now nnd then she'd tnko some paint
and mnko her checks look bright.
Sho worked all dny nnd tolled real hard,
for sho did need that place,
But when sho'd fill a can, with paint, sho'd
put Homo on her face.
That night, when work wns dofio tho
boss checked up the cans (.ho'd filled,
And found bIx gallons of red paint was
either lost or spilled.
Ho hunted for tho mtuslng paint, as nny
man would do,
Until ho saw tho glrl'n bright cheeks and
then ho got n clew.
Ho got eomo turpentine and then tho
girl's checks ho did rub,
And when tho paint wan softened It ran
down Into n, t.ib.
And Roon tho whole six gallons that was
missing wns right thcro.
"You're fired for stealing this hero palntl"
tho boss then did declare.
Tho poor girl's fnco was palo again, ana
sho did heave, a sigh,
And, as sho faced that cruel boss, sho did
mnko this reply:
"I am nn honest working girl, and your
words bring dlsgrncol
I borrowed them six gallons to put color
In my face.
And I would never steal no paint from
nny stingy geeks
Who'd flro n girl who tried to put some
roses In her c,heeksl"
Denr Luke Do you know that Jack
Rabbit and Steve Jnssac live at Kit
tanning, Pa.? Lynn C. Doyle.
Our Daily Spocial.
Tho good fellow's pocketbook Is sel
dom ns thick as his tongue.
Luko McLukeSays:
Millionaires are not the only people
who have tainted money. Every now
and then you get hold of n dollar bill
thnt a poor man bus been carrying
around in his sock.
If there was ns much kissing nt
homo ns thcro Is nt tho depot there
wouldn't bo 00 many divorces.
Thcro is n silver lining to every
cloud. Tho hot weather thut makes
tho girls expose tho elbows also makes
them don tho sce-mores.
If wo could see ourselves ns others
sec us we would hotfoot It to an ocu
list nnd have our eyes examined.
This would bo a lino world if people
wero ns polite all tho time as they are
when they are trying to sell you some
thing. If you want to get nnywhero you
win nave 10 use some eluow Krense
nnd crank up. Opportunity Isn't going
to como nloug nnd equip you with u
self Bturter.
When n man hoa a twin sister ho Is
cfton forty yetrs old when she W only
A woman inny admit that bho can't
sing, but she will get mad if you even
hint that sho hasn't n sense of humor
After they have been married nbout
twenty years and mother weighs about
250 pounds and has n shnpo like a box
car and moves around llko a long
shoreman sho often reminds father
that thero was n tlmo when ho held
her on his knees nnd called hor hU
baby doll. And then father goes down
Into tho cellar and kicks tho lining out
of tho furnace.
Tho dignity of labor sounds good nt
a mass meeting, but It hasn't tho Bnmc
appeal when you sco tho chauffeur ol
a garbago wagon holding down his Job
Every woman Imagines that sho Is
tho only woman who has to get nlong
without things that sho needs, bill
there nro mighty fow women who arc
not disappointed nt least onco nn hour.
When spring Is blending to summer
thcro nro days when n man goes down
town in tho morning covered with
prickly heat ond conies homo nt mld
night covered with gooso pimples.
The Government needs farmers as
well ns fighters. Two million threo
hundred thousand acres of Oregon &
California Railroad Co. Grant Lands.
Title rcvo9tcd In United Stntes. To be
opened for homesteads and Mile. Con'
talnlng some of best lnnd left In United
States. Laigo copyrighted mop show
ing land by sections and description of
soil, cllmntc, rainfall, elevations, tern
peratnre etc. Postpaid one dollar
Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 010
Portlnnd Oregon.
There N nn ever growing need In the
hospitals of .Kurope for all kinds of
bandages and dressing, and as theie Is
a great shortHge of new material It is
Imperative that every house keeper
should save all worn sheets nnd pil
low cases also her worn tablo cloths
nnd napkins. If these are sent to Mrs,
W. A. Sherwood by parcel post or
otherwise they will bo prepared for
uso by the Ladles War Relief Society
of this city and forwarded free of
charge with other supplies to the Red
Cross Hospital Supply Service.
Mrs. C. J. Platt, Secretary.
Governor Neville nnd the state coun
cil of defense are preparing plans for
the organization of home guards thru
out the state. It will not be possible
for the governor to obtain equipment
nnd arms for the home guards, but it
is desired to have these forces organ
ized after a systematic manner which
will include enrollment nnd reports to
tho governor. Tho home guards will
be distinct from the reserve militia
regiment which Is being organized and
which will bo armed and equipped.
Whatever arms tho homo guard carry
will be furnished by the men and not
by the state or government Tuesday's
State Journal.
Womens Auxiliary Formed
A number of Red Cloud citizens mot
at tho Court House on Monday evening
for the purpose of organizing a
Woineus' Auxiliary of the Red Cross.
The following olllcers were elected:
Mrs. D. II. Kaley, chairman; Mrs. J.
II. Halloy, vice chiilimnn; Mrs. W. II.
Thomas, treasurer; and Miss Pearl
Pope, secretary.
About 875 was raised with which to
purohase supplies. At this meeting 55
ladles reported as willing to work to
mnko articles for tho army nnd Red
Cross hospitals.
A committee was appointed to Hud
suitable rnutns in the business district
of the city for registration, visitors
and In which to do their sewing. They
are to reporj; at tho next meeting
which will bo held noxt Monday even
Father Fitzgerald, Rev. Drulinernnd
Rev. tieebc were present and delivered
very eloquent addresses.
This is a worthy organization each
and every person should donate what
they can towards it and at all times be
a booster for the cause.
Practical Patriotism, That' the
National By Word Today
President Wilson said:
"I call upon the young men and
old allko and upon the ablo bodied
boys of the land to accept and act
upon this duty to turn In hosts to
tho farms and mnko certain that no
pains and no labor is lacking in this
great matter."
SInco this memorable address of
our President, state nnd civic gov
ernments civic organizations nnd
good citizens havo preached Practical
Patriotism in all of its angles.
Wo bellevo thero is no better
teacher of farming methods forthoso
who answer our President's call no
bottor teacher of food conservation
after production than Is found In
our great Stato Fair. It has been
aptly called "A Food Training Camp"
and you are practical and patriotlo
when you attend this year and take
your desBon home whether you bo
producer or consumer. Watch for
demonstrations nt tho Nebraska
Stato Fair, September 3-7;
tVSore Than a Fair
Dismiss from your mind right now
tho Idea that the Nebraska Stato
Fair this year Is liko any that havo
Bono before.
Yes thero will bo a blgger-than-over
program more oxtensivo ox
hlhlts moro Interesting, amusing,
and exciting things to see.
You Could Spend Hundreds
of Dollars
traveling from factory to factory,
talking now with ono efllclency ex
pert, arguing again with another
And not gain ono whit as much
real practical comparative Informa
tion about tho latest modorn labor
savers, and twentieth century equip
ment and comfort savers, that an
lnexpensivo trip to tho coming Ne
braska Stato Fair, September 3-7, will
net you.
A Stato Fair is tho most wonder
ful market place in all tho wldo
sweep of torrltory from which it
drnws its attendance
Concentrated on a few acres
gathered together under a few roofs
you will find hundreds of now
Ideas worked out and demonstrated
In a practical way
Some of them worth hundreds of
dollars to you.
tMlliil 111 ITTIM ilMWIl
Commissioners Proceedings
The following is the remainder of the
Commissioners prodecdings which for
lack of space wns not given publicity
last week:
The auditing committees appointed
to check up the reports of tho county
ofllceis reported same to be correct.
ShoiilT's Report '
Fees for county work 8 05 23
Mileage on county work 15 CO
All othor fees due the county.. 293 00
Mileage for all other work 108 10
Total 541 03
Cpunty treasurer's rccolpt for tho
mount duo tho county ns shown by
fee book, 8203.00 attached.
County Judge'd Report
Fees for January 8 107 15
Fees for February 1C0 75
Fees for March 104 00
Fees for April 180 C3
FeeaforMay 151 G5
Fees for June 215 20
TotBl 1115 30
County Clerk's Report
Fees collected for January 8123 20
Foes colleoted for February... 183 75
Fees collected for March 350 80
Fees colleoted for April 130 10
Fees collected for May. 114 05
Fees collected for June..! 110 30
Total 1033 20
Paid A. V. Ducker. Deputy. ... 500 00
Paid oillce expenses so s0
Total 550 80
The excess fees amounting to
$176.40 turned over to the county
treasurer as per receipt attached:
County Superintendent's Report
On hand in institute fund... $320 12
Examidation & Recording fees.. 200 00
Total 520 12
Pd. lecturers 11 2G
Pd. for institute supplies 10 65
Examinat'n Normal Tr'g points. 18 13
Total 40 04
Balance on hand 471 08
District Clerk's Report
Fees collected for January $181 40
Fees collected for February 42 10
Fees collected for March 133 15
Fees collected for April 177 50
Fees collected For Muy 100 55
Fees collected for June . 140 00
Total S85 GO
Jury fees paid to county treasurer,
An Instrument For
National Defense
With the passage of the Food Pro
duction bill, Congress otllclnlly recog
nizes n new instrument of national de
fensethe county agent.
Under tho provisions of this aot,Sll5
000 has been set aside for county agent
work in Nebraska. This will bo sutll
cteut to put a county agent in every
couuty organizing and to provide a food
emergency Bgent for each district
where regular couuty ng'jnts aro not
employed. County ngents and food
emergency agents will be put to work
organizing and mobilizing agricultural
Nebraska for maximum production.
Tho county agent is thus regarded
by the nation's- highest counselors as
the best instrument of increasing pro
duction ns n defensive measure The
Agricultural Extension Service of the
University of Nebraska has mapped
out plnns for tho extension of county
agent work in conformity with the
new law and Is ready to proceed with
thu program nssoon as tho bill is sign
ed by the president and tho emergency
fund arc released. Agents will be
placed in counties ns they aro rondy to
receive them.
In the District Court of Webster County.
Nebraska. ' ' '
I). M. IlymlH, '
.1. P. IMwanls,
.1 P. Kilwnnls, (loiciulnnt will take uotlco
thnt nn tho lltli. day ol July 1U17, I). M.
IIjihIk, plnliitlll' herein illttl his petition In
tho District Court ol Webster County, Nu"
Iir:iUn, nnulnst Mild riufcnilnnt, tho object
and prayer ol which Ih to obtain Judgment
nualnst said defendant In the mini of gtfKMO
with Interest thereon nt tho rate o( 7 percent
tiom tho'.ud. day ol Mrvy JU17. Said action
btliiK brought upon a certain Judgment In
the Htiui ofS280.(iO rendered ngnliiNt wild J. P.
PdwnrdBln lavor ol I), M. llyiuls In an action
then pending boforo I lay Anderson, Justice
o! tho i'caco In and for Yullowstono County,
Montana, wherein wild I). M. IlymlH wuh
ptalutlll'and J. P. Pdwards ot al wero defend.
ants, upon which Jiulgiucut 17.50 linn been
Blnco collected by execution leaving a bnl
ancoHtlll duo from defendant to plnlntlll'
theieou In thesnltl sum of Jit'J.tO and Inter
est. That In connection with Raid petition In tho
District Court of Wobstcr Couuty, Xobraska,
was altio tiled as a part ot tho name proceed
ing an iillldavlt fur tho purpose- of tsccurclng
nn order of attachment against said defend
ant 011 tho ground that defondant Is a non
resident of tho stato of Nebraska and has 110
personal property In Webster County, No
braska subject to oxecutlou or attachment
but bus real etato In said county subject to
execution and attachment.
You aro required to answer said petition
and order of attachment proceeding 011 or
before Hoptombcril, 11)17.
I). M, Hynds, I'lalntlir.
By Fred Maurcr,
Ills Attorney,
-: ?sss
- j - tj -
T n- -
1 r iS5
Don't Ruin Your Eyes
Using Inferior Lights
Kerosene, gas and other make-shift lights are no cheaper than
eledtricity once installed and that cosT; is moderate, if you
havje Stevens furnish the fixtures, and install them. Then the
safety and convenience are important factors to be considered.
We also have a complete line of home electric appliances
chafing dishes, toasters, curlers, power washers, irons, fans.
For wiring and all things electrical see
Electrical Work
lotiwvi Uiir TlllTlll0,
9 Itfai nu f 1 'l A lulling
mUBSOBi Will Please You
No Jobs too small, none too large
to receive our careful attention
"Not how cheap but how good."
Talk with
JIalone-Gellatly Go.
Job Printing of Quality at thtsjChief Office'
v .
ci SffiKooi?
ACRlCULTi ipp . wnDTiri 11 -n idp
Us about
' r
1 v