The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1917, Image 7

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'o the aecr
't take chances
this year J Use
RP.n RimnrRq
Expert; teaching "cold pack" canning tin GOOD
LUCK rubber beau) they won't "blow. out"
during ttenliuuon not harden, shrink Of crack ahe
the jet u eealed. Send 2c tump for oew book on
creernrint or 10c in tmp (or I doi. nnji if your
dealer cannot tupply you. A ddrf Dipt. 54
Cambridge. Maaa.
Watson K. Coleman,
Patent L&WTer.WaahlnffUin.
II. f!. AdTlPflind hnnkB fpiia
Rtereaaoneble.Illgheatrererncee. Ueetiorrlcee.
InmpftteMrl I0' " Tpnng mm file yonrt
lUlUCSlcau before enllkllnir aa irmt arm.
Icecounu. Wyoming Land Company, Douglaa.Wjo
Many Men Leading Double Lives or
Hiding Prison Records Unearthed
In New York Canvass.
Scores of men who nrc lending
double lives have been tripped up ly
the police check census, tnken some
time ago, of nil the dwelling places In
the city, snys the New York World.
These men nre appealing to Director
Goodrich to know whether they will he
allowed to register twice, once under,
their "proper" names and again un
der the assumed names they employ
at their Irregular establishments.
Many enses have developed of tho
"man without n country." Former
convicts now living respectable lives
have called and said they "lost their
citizenship" nnd did not dare to nfllrm
that they were citizens, but their chief
trouble was regarding the citizenship
of their children, and whether they
would havo to reveal their former
lives to their families. They were told
to state they were citizen's, as they had
only lost certain of the rights of citi
zens. A man was asked If he was married
nnd replied: "I don't know; tho Jury
is still out." Deserted wives havo writ
ten in by the score asking for help In
Gliding their husbands.
All the Same to Him.
"Going down to hear that virtuoso at
the opera house tonight?" asked the
suburbanite of a neighbor.
"What's that?" replied tho old man.
"Why, a celebrnted violinist Is to
play tonight."
"Nnw, I'm not going. My boy plays
one of them."
"Yes, but this man Is celebrnted."
"Oh, well, what's the difference?
Fiddlln' Is flddlln', ain't It?"
"I hear, Mr. Catts, that you said 1
wns n wnllllower at the ball."
"My dear Miss I'assy, I renmrked
thnt you were among the conspicu
ous mural ornaments of the occa
sion." "Oh, Mr. Catts, now that's some
thing different, but you flatter me."
Time for the Lecture.
"You're not going so early?"
"Yes, Indeed. I have had n fine
tlmo at your party but if I am to get
any sleep at nil tonight I've got to go
now to give my wife a chance to tell
mo nil the breaks I have made while
A physician says the use of starchy
foods cnuses baldness. The glossy
pates, too?
Wok Wheat
skillfully blended
and processed
a most delicious
food in flavor
as well as a
great body, brain
and nerve builder.
9 Vyoii mat tmMJ
Kl Don
(By E. O. 8ELLKUS, ActJnR Director of
the Sunday School Course In tho Moody
Bible lnstltuto ot CIiIcuko.)
(CopyrlRht, 1917, Western Nfwspnrfr Union.)
LK8SON TEXT-Isnluh C6:l-ll.
GOLDEN TEXT-Scek. yo tho Lord
whilo ho mny bo found, call yo upon him
while ho Is near. Isa. 65:0.
Tho Illblo Is throughout n forward
looking book. No matter how dark
the light, it looks forward to the dawn
of n new nnd better day. Whenever
written, tho prophet looks forward to
ward tho end of the Ilabyloulan exile.
Isnlnh died about 112 years before that
event. That scene is laid In Hnby
loniu. Isaiah prophesied in Jerusalem.
I. The Invitation, (vv. 1-8) In or
der to understand the fullness and
blessedness of this Invitation, we
should reud in its connection chapters
C3 and G4. In chapter C'l wo have n
prophecy nnd vision of the Messiah,
making his atonement for sins,
"wounded for our transgressions."
Agnln we hnve In this connection n
picture of the Messiah as our leader
nnd Savior. In chapter C5 we have
tho invitation and Joyous welcome to
the beautiful city which be Is estab
lishing for us.
(1) Who Is Invited? The word "Ho"
Is perhnps an abbreviation of tho
word "Hold," used to excite attention.
This invitation is extended to every
one: (n) tho "thirsty," to those who
nre needy; (b) the poor nnd the rich;
those "without money," and the supply
is abundnnt, even as the water. Every
one Is invited without limitation or
distinction. The greatness of a man's
spirit is measured by tho numbers of
his desires nnd thirsts, by their qual
ities nnd by his cnpnclties or the in
tensity of his thirst. Those Invited
were to have "wine," a luxury, nnd
"milk," n stnple necessity, without
money nnd without price. The cur
rency of the kingdom of nenven Is
grnce (v. 1).
(2) Who Will Come? (v. 3). Only
those who nre listening nnd who nre
attentive. Many fall of eternal life
because they do not pay attention to
the claims of religion. "Come unto
me," (Matt. 11:28). Wo go to God
for salvation nnd help, and wo find
life. Life Is more than mere exist
ence. It Is the natural, harmonious,
joyous activity of every part of our
being. The result of coming is, "your
soul shall live," and tho surety of it
is, "an everlasting covenant." Liter
ally, an agreement with promises
which can never be broken, namely,
"tho sure mercies of David." (See H
Sam. 12:20; I Cor. 17:7-27; Ps. 89:1-4;
also Luko 20:41, 41). Wo nre bought
but wo did not pay tho price. The
mercies of Dnvid are the antitype of
our Savior; tho mercy of grace. True
satisfaction is in its right order, (See
vv. 2, 3). Christ is a faithful witness,
the exalted one, (v. 5) to this cove
nant. (3) When to Come (v. G). While
he may be found, nnd while ho is
near, implying n time when he may
not be found nnd n time when ho will
not be near. All of God's promises arc
(4) Tho Way to Come (v. 7). For
sake open sin, turn from unrighteous
thought, turn to tho Lord nnd receive
his "multiplied pnrdon." Man is every
where depleted in tho Scriptures as
wandering away from tho true God
and tfiero Is no salvation If we Insist
on continuing in sin.
II. The Transformation (vv. 8-13).
God's promises havo back of them all
the power of the unlverso and arc as
certain as tho process of the seasons.
In working out his transformation in
tho character of man, wo are to think
his thoughts after him. Wo sco nnd
know only very little of this spirit,
but God sees, knows nnd controls the
universe, which is at his command.
(I Cor. 10:13; riill. 4:10). Wo ore to
enter Into his ways, and his ways nro
as tho heavens, higher than thoso of
tho earth. Having entered into his
ways wo nro to bring his fruits (seo
John 15). If tho Dlvlno seed (v. 11)
Is implanted within us, then wo may ex
pect to seo tho fruits of tho kingdom
of God, which nro born of tho spirit,
(Gal. 5:22-20). This transformation
involves service, for wo are to have a
mission, "go out to all tho earth," be-'
lug led by tho Messiah nnd thus re
ceive "Joy nnd peace." As sure ns
"the rnln cometh down nnd the snow
from heaven and returneth uot but
wntcroth tho earth," so Is tho seed of
tho Word in tho hands of tho sower, to
become bread to tho eater. As wo go
forth wo havo his promise (v. 11) that,
"It shall not return void but shall ac
complish that which I please, and it
shall prosper in tho thing whereto I
sent it."
As u result tho "thorns" (evil)
shall bo displaced by "flg trees"
(good). God's word bears fruit In im
planted lives. (John 0 :33 ; James 1 :18 ;
I Peter 1:23). God calls this word,
which Is spoken of by tho prophet, "My
word." What tho prophet says, God
says. What an Inspired man says, God
Inspires him to say. Ood'a promise
will bo consummated In redeeming so
ciety, ns well ns redeeming crention
(vv. 12,13; Ch. 35:10; 40:0,10; 51:11;
Jer. 31:12-14; Isn. 35:1,2). Tho Inn
gunge about tho mountains and hills
breaking forth into singing, is In
terpreted In Psalms 05:11,13,
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around tho
State Hou6c
Western Ncwepapei ITnlnn News Service.
Complete figures for tho apportion
mont for each county in the stato havo
boon given out ut tho governor's olllco.
Tho entire state must provldo 5,185
men as its quota to tho now national
Lincoln must furnish 221 men, Out
side of Lincoln, Lancaster county must
provldo 115. Omaha must furnish 1,181
and Douglas county, outside of Omaha,
must supply 128.
Following nro tho figures for each
county in tho stut?:
Lincoln 221 , Howard R4
Omaha l,lhl . Ji-nVinon .... 126
Attains 121 1 JoluiMOti 1"
Antulupo HO ' Kearney Mi
Arthur 12i Keith 25
Manner 1'J i Kpya I'ulia... 37
Maine IS Klmt.ul! 33
Uouno D2 Knox 178
llox Ilutte... 30 UiiH-nster ... 1&7
liod till i Lincoln 115
llrown 44 i Lokiiii 18
llulTulo 14tjl.oiip 20
Hurt 7fi Mcl'herMin .. l
llutler HIT MiuHhuii ...'.. SO
Curs H2 Merrick f.K
Cedar 104 1 Mm rill !:
Chase 3S I Nance CI
Cherry 2 I Nemaha 22
Cheyenno .... 71 I Nuckolls .... 7fi
any 113 Otoe 52
Colfax 27 Pawnee 24
CumlllB 141)1 IVrUlliH 18
Custer 04 I I'hilps OS!
Dakota 47 ! I'lerco 100
DawcH 4f I Matte 121
Dhwhoii SI Polk 104
Deuel 28 lied Willow.. 80
Dixoit 7U Itltiinidsuu .. 47
DodRe 175 Hock 34
Douglas 12S Saline 107
Dundy 43 s.itpy 71
Klllrnure 100 SnundetM .... 17G
Krnnklln .... 50 Seotth lllulT.. 150
Frontier 8(1 Seward 132
Furnas OS Sheridan .... 77
Gae 40' Sheiiiiari .... 69
Harden 5 1 Hloux 4
Garfield 21 , Stanton . ... 80
oper 48 I Thayer Di
Circuit IB ' ThOlllMH 13
Greeley 30 I Thurston .... 11
Hall 1G1 Valley 44
Hamilton ... 0 WuxliliiKtun . 82
Harlan r,3 Wayne 88
Hayes 37 Webster r,3
Hitchcock ... 61 Wheeler 22
Holt 143 York 129
Hooker 14
Lobbyists Fall to Report
Two dozen men and four women
who enrolled as lobbyists during tho
last session of tho Nobraska legisla
ture havo failed to make tho roports
roqulred of them within sixty days
following adjournment nnd have thore
by subjected themselves to prosecu
tion under the state anti-lobby law.
Secretary of Stato Pool has certified
tho names of all theso persons to tho
attorney general's ofllce, accompanied
with the information that they havo
not obeyed tho law. Tho legal depart
ment of tho state government now has
under consideration tho matter of pro
ceeding against thorn.
Tho non-reporting lobbyists ure lia
ble, in case of conviction, to extreme
penalities of ono year's imprisonment
in Jail or tho penitentiary, or a flno of
11,000, or both. Tho punishment may
bo anything less than that, in tho dis
cretion of tho trial court, down to one
day in Jail or $1 and fine, with costs.
No Draft In Hamilton County
Announcement is made by Governor
Nevlllo that Hamilton county enjoys
tho uniquo distinction of having al
ready furnished moro men for military
service, including recruits for tho reg
ular army, navy nnd guard, than it was
roquired to furnish under tho selective
draft law. Thorn will li nn lr.iftin,.
1 In Hamilton as a result. It is tho ono
county in tho stato whero voluntary
enlistments nnd applications for ro
sot;vo ofllcers' commissions exceed In
number tho quota allotted It by tho
war department.
Cannot Act at Present.
Tho Nebraska stato council of de
fense enn not at tho present tlmo
tnko stops to suppress demonstra
tions In Nebraska by alleged mem
bers of tho Industrial .Workers of
tho World. Tho naval resorvo re
cruiting olllcer at North Platte, Neb ,
had appealed to naval recruiting ofll
cers here for "roller from an I. W.
W. menaco," and the uppcal was
placed beforo tho council of de
fense. It was said tho town was
bolng overrun by Industrial Workers
of tho World.
Returns From Wanhlngton
Governor Keith Nevlllo has returned
from Washington and upon his ar
rival olllcially nnnouncod that ho had
appointed Gonoral Georgo H. Harries
of Omaha to bo brlgadlor general and
Adjutant General Phil L. Hall, Jr., to
bo colonel of tho Sixth Nebraska regi
ment. John P. Madgott ot Hastings Is
to bo adjutant of tho Sixth reglmont.
Tho governor wns propnring ot that
time a full list of nppolntmonts in tho
threo Nobraska regiments which will
possibly form n brigade In the govern
ment service.
All of tho threo members of tho Ne
braska supremo court commission
havo boon reappointed by tho court
for terms of two years boglnning Sep
tember 15, under tho act of the last
legislature extending tho Ilfo of the
commission by that period. Tho com
missioners are W. C. Parrlott, P. O.
McGIrr, and Grant O. Martin They
wero originally appointed by Gover
nor Morohead two yoars ago, and the
supremo court at that tlmo moroly
ratified tho selections. Under tho new
law tho appointments wore placed
solely in tho hand of the court.
Mind of Woman Devises Two Ways In
Which Ralnstlck May Be Pressed
Into Service.
Two novel uses for nn umbrella nre
told of In n recent Issue of Popular Me
chanics Magazine The mind of wom
an deUsed them both.
Picnickers desiring to go In bathing
nro often handicapped by flu lack of
convenient places to change clothes. An
umbrella and some paper muslin pro
vides a light portable tent that Is prac
tical and Inexpensive for such uses.
Cut the dark paper muslin Into us
many nine-foot lengths as there are
sections of the umbrella. Sew these
strips together. At each seam tie a
string about a yard long and a stout
cord 15 feet long to the handle to hold
up the tent. For use open the um
brella, Invert If and to each rib tie one
end of the cord to the handle of the
umbrella and suspend it from a tree
or other support, weighting or tying
down the other end.
A clothes dryer that can be easily
carried will appeal to travelers and
persons Ihlng In small quarters. An
umbrella, four yards of strong wrap
ping twine and several small brass
rings are required. Knot the rings
Into the twine at Intervals, measuring
the distance between the rib polnts-of
the umbrella, and hook the twine to
the points by the rings, providing con
siderable drying space for small arti
cles. Hook the umbrella handle over
a suitable support or tie It carefully
to the supporting pipe of n light llx
lure In the middle of the room, ready
Tor the articles to bo dried.
The Effect.
"What has been the effect of prohi
bition in Crimson Gulch?"
"lleneflelal, I should say," replied
Broncho Ilob.
"Has Intoxlcntlon ceased?"
"No. Put It requires so much ex
perience an' determination that It's
rapidly fluKhln' up the old topers nn'
not stnrtln' any new ones."
ivr I
.Z V
Thrivhv Promoting Dhl
r. ai aac Ann hmiwuu
neither Oplum.Morphtac i nor
A f.MnfnlRrmcdvfor
GonsUpau-on and Diarrhoea
resulting rhcrcfrom2ancy'
IhJs Cental G0MMM&
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Man's Best Friends.
A recent lfesuo of the Cnnmllnn For
estry Journal, published by the Cnim
tllnn Forestry usfcoclntion, contains tin
interesting article on , the dnnuiKC
wrought by Insects anil the increasing
and successful warfare carried on
ngnlnst Injects by birds, certain anl
mnls and reptiles.
"It lias been estimated," says the
Journal, "by those who give this ques
tion study and thought lending Into
nctunl statistics thnt, were there no
friends allied by nnturc, In (he great
struggle between man and his enemy
Insects, that in three years there would
be no life left on the earth. Vegeta
tion would disappear first, and nnlinnl
Ufe would accompany and follow It.
That Was Different.
"I wnnt," said tho grim-faced com
mnndcr, "n dozen men who will give
their lives to their country." Tho en
tiro regiment stepped forward. The
commander selected twelve.
"Now," said he, "you nro to hold this
position until you nre wiped out."
"But wo shall bo killed 1" quavered
"Did you not volunteer to give your
llfo to your country?" asked the com
mander sternly.
"Oh, 'HfoT I thought you said,
'wife 1' "
Sartorial Distinction.
"You can't Judgo n man by
"Not only," replied Miss Cayenne;
"but tho uniform helps some In distin
guishing n soldier from a slncker."
When Vour Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Mo Smarting Juil Mrs Comfort. M cent si
Drnfiliu or mall. Writ for l"rea Hie llook.
Ssj tVtr.nntenrsi5PluidBfaolroi
rcer '
ill !jjM (tVK Jt
It's Poor Economy to
Juncture a Dad bacK
IN these days of rising prices, we need every ounce of strength
nnd the ability to do n full day's work every dny. The man
or woman with weak kidneys is hnlf crippled. Sore, aching
kidneys; lame, stiff back, h end ache, dizzy spells, n dull,
tired feeling nnd urinary disorders are daily sources of distress.
You can't afford to neglect kidney weakness and make it easy
for gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease to take you. Get a box
of Donn's Kidney Pills today. They have helped thousands.
They should help you.
Personal Reports of Real Cases
C. T. Kvnns, Seventh Ht. and
Dlcventh Ave., Nebraska City,
Noli., ays: "I was In mlBcry
with kidney complaint nnd had to
rIvo up and ko to bed Tor flvo
montliH. My limbs and body wero
terribly swollen nnd my health
wns a wreck. Nothing did mo
any Rood until I bcKan utdng
Doan's Kidney rills. I soon no
ticed a chnnKo for tho better and
Kradually tho swelling wont down
nnd my kidneys liecnmo normal.
I am Klad to say my kidneys havo
been In Rood shnpo sin to and I
haven't Buffeted from any sign
of kidney complaint,"
Sold At All Stores. Foster-Milbum
tm. M IHA m. .aH lLaW. .afl aB 1 aB B
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium.
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The
Uother's Friend.
UBears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Where Lite Is Cheap.
"You found out that there Is a tre
mendous lot of people living In Kan
sas City, didn't you?" asked old Hlley
"There Is n heap more of Yin living
thnn It looks possible there could be,
when you see the thousands of motor
cars that go rlp.snoi'llng up and down
Grand avenue," grimly replied Hurt
Blurt, who hnd just returned from the
Big Burg. "And with sewers blowing
up under Ym, footpads slugging Yin,
pcoplo falling out of seventh-story
windows on Yin, elevators dropping
Ym Into cellars, and all this nnd that,
b'jlmmlny, I wonder everybody that
lives In Kay See six months ain't dead
long before the end of thnt time!"
Knnsns City Star.
"Skidding Jane."
A certain distinguished nnd noble
member of the cabinet applied for tho
use of n government motorcar the
other day to use on "business of na
tional Importance," ns tho phrase goes.
Ho was sent n car driven by a very
smart and attractive looking chauf
fcuse, says tho London Chronicle.
About four or ilvo hours later his lord
ship appeared In a towering rage and
asked what they mean by sending him
ti woman who drove in a most reckless
manner, endangering his life from the
moment he got Into his car.
"Oh, ihey must hnve sent you 'Skid
ding Jane!'" snld tho ofllccr In chnrge,
Useless Lonrjlnc.
"Thnt singer Is Just murdering
time." "I wish I was a Judge; I'd
mnko him do It."
Long Bench, Cal., la to havo a tuna
fish cnuuery.
Mrs. Q. W. Thrasher, HOI Applo
ton Ave, Parsons, Kan., says:
"My ankles swollod bndly and I
hnd puffy sacs under my eyes. Tho
pains In my back woro so bad I
could hardly got out of bed and I
felt stiff and noro. I was trou
bled with shortness of breath nnd
I often hnd fainting spoils como
on when I nenrly fell. As soon as
I began using Doan's ICtdnoy rills
I felt better nnd continued use
cured mo. I keep Doan's on hand
all tho time. I thank Doan's for
what they havo dono for me."
Co, Buffalo, N. Y., Mfg. Chemists
Cry For
Signature of
Mathematician Wanted.
"I understand some big lots of pota
toes have spoiled," remarked Mrs.
"Yep," replied Farmer Corntossel.
"I'm waltln' fur our boy Josh to como
home so's wo can talk It over with
"Whnt'll Josh know about It?"
"He has been studyln' tho higher
mathematics. I want him to figure out
how mnny peelln's folks'!) lmvo to
save In the kitchen to make up fur tho
waste of n carload of potatoes."
have you
"Oh. ma !
Why must
said your
God knows what I wnnt.
I go over tho snme old
ground night after nlght?"-jrLlfe.
U no moro nccetsary
UunSrnallpox. May
experience hidemonitiite '
the almost miraculous effU
caey, and hnnlesneu, of Antityphoid VaccInxUoa.
BoYcclntedNOVV by your ptiytlclin, you and
your family, it li more vital than bouss Insurance.
Aik your rhyilcltn, drucelit, or lend for !Ut
you bad Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccina,
itiulu from lue, and dxneer from Typhoid Carrier!.
Produilng.Vaeclnei and Serumt under U, 8. LlottiM
The Cuttir laboratory, Oerkafry. Cat., Ckltai. lit.
Kill All Flies! T"Mf"
riacd ftnywbr,DUy Ply KllUrtttrmeU andkllliall
Us. No at. clean, oroanuatu. conTenUnt. uilehun.
FMULll't ajDmM
yUf OT.riwIllaoi..
'lajar. turUi.-, Go.
u.a.i..u,. "a.Si
fi onri will Bot Mil
Daisy Fly Killer
SM by 4aUra, r H.I
bi unu, ai.MiJ. il.W.
A toilet preparation of merit
n.lp. to eradicate dandruff.
ForRaatoring Color and
Beauty toGray or Fad ad Hair.
tap, and I l.oi at Ururut.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 30-1017.