& i V Btito Historical Society 9 m ? A Newspaper That elves The News Flftytwe Weeks Each Year For 11.50. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 24, 11)17. NUMBER 22 !" .JUUH .o -v ' TTT1 & A Checking Account is Good Business no matter which way you take it. The cancelled check is your receipt. No need of keeping receipted bills. And it is good reference for the business man, because it shows that he possesses method, caution and thrift. For the woman it offers a simple way of keeping track of all expense in the household. Webster County Bank ? Red Ci.oud Nebraska f I ra The Call for Good Lumber at Low Prices has been Answered by Us If you are looking for Lumber or Building Material of the Highest Quality come here for your supplies. Regardless of the purpose for which you need lumber, whether for an entire building, or just an odd little repair job, we can furnish you Good, Clean, Knotless Lumber at prices that you will recognize as low under the present market conditions. Jlalone-Gellatly Go "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER1 WRM2M ' fli IP WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COHL ORDERS PLATT & FREES By. Cvas. S. Cvoss DENTI9T OVER STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED WOffice Ovkii ALnmauT's Stobe '17 Class Will Now Assume More Serious Duties of Life Many friends anil relatives thronged tlio Orphoum on Friday evening to at tond tbe Couimcucement exercises ot the 1017 class of the Red Cloud High School. Thirty-six graduates were presonted with diplomas by L. H. Rluckledge, prcsideut of the board of education. This was the second largest class over graduated lu the history of the Rod Cloud High School. It was both a solemn and happy period for these boys ami girls; solemn because of the fact that they were about to bid farewell to their class mutes witli whom they had associated for many yeuis, and to go forth into tho world to wage the battlo of life, for thomsolves, each intent upon the vocation that he or sho had selected, little knowing the many tiials uud re sponsibllltleb they were about to con fiont; happy because of the fuct Unit the duyb of discipline and study were over, thut the goal they hud been striv ing to roach for so many years was ut hand, and that they were now free to go their way no longer us boys and girls but us young men and young ladles. It is our wish that they may con tinue to wear the self same smile that was visible ou their faces on that joy ous evening, and that in the ycais thut ara to follow tUoy muy Uy oIoku to and conquer the problems of life iu tlio same cheery way as they have spent the years lu which they labored to re ceive un education, Following Is the program; Invocation Rev. J. L. Iieebo Salutatory Tracy Druliner Chorus Class of 1017 Oration Cecil Barrett "A Captain of Reform" Piano Solo Mablo Lumly "Les Huguenots" Class Prophecy Dialogue Oration Irouo Tegg "Tho Policies of the Present Admin istration." Music Double Quartet Valedictory Address Keuuoth Johnson "Tho Courtship of Success or Fits and Misfits." Honedlctlon Father Fitzgerald Tho three-act comedy drama, "The Thread of Destiny," the Senior Class Play, given at the Orpheum Tueutor on last Thursday evening was received by a largo and appreciative audience. The scene was that of Virginia and tho time that of tho civil war, when our nation was divided against Itself. It portrayed in a vivid mannor tho love of a northern soldier for a southern lass. Tho Fairfax twins added no little merriment to tho more serious parts of the play. The characters represent ing tho southern darkies also led one to see life as it Is lived by tho oolored people below tho Mason and Dixon line. The success of the play was not alone duo to tho excellent talent posesscd by thoso taking part in it, but also to tho untiring effort that was devotod to it by Miss Marguerite Richardson, as director, m Memorial Day Proclamation Anothor year has como and gone and once more wo find it oar duty and privilege to ask every loyal citizen to observo the day sot apart by our gov ernmont to commemorate tho memory of the heroes who offered and gave their lives for tho preservation of our Nation. Therefore, I, Robert Damoroll, Mayor of tho city of Red Oloud, Nebraska, do proclaim May 30th 1017, as tho day to be consecrated to tho memory of de parted comrades and that business be suspended from 1:30 to 4 p. m., of said day. ROBERT DAMERELL, Mayor. Last night two of our young men seoured some liquor whloh they emblb. ed In too freely and they were Wrken in tow by Marshal Boner. This morn ing they appearod before his honor, Police Judgo Jas. Burden who ddCidod that thoy should deposit 914 each in the city coffer. To be Raised Saturday "Your Flag and My Flag" will soou float over our city from its lofty posi tion on tho new sixty-five foot steel Hag staff which was erected on tho in tersection of Fifth avenue and Web ster street on Tuesday afternoon. Tho committee in chargo assisted by many of our patriotic citizens, assembled at tl 's place and within a few hours tho task was accomplished. Just two weeks time had elapsed from tho time tho committee was appointed to solicit the funds until the stalf was erected, and the timely and cillcient manner in which that body of citizens porfonned their duty Is a fitting examplo of what can be accomplished when they work in unison. A program has been arranged for tho l.ilslng of tho new ting and tho dedica tion of this emblem of love, honor and fieetlom, which will bo given Saturday afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock. Attorneys J S. Uilham and II. S Foe will l)o tho orators of tho day. Messrs. Cutting, Walker,, Bush and Thomas will render appropriate vocal solos. Tho Red Cloud Concevt Baud will furnish the musio for tho occasion. Every citizen of tho city and com iiiunlty eoud nrrtxngc to be present for if wo linro been unable to rio ntiy patriotic act in tho past now is our opportunity to show our loyalty to our flag, our country ami our president, for in order to win In this grout strug gle against our barbarlous foes, each and evory one of us must bo williuK to do our share. Young Men Must Register The selective draft provision of the war army bill, enacted by congress and signed by the President, ou May 10 is now in ciroct and tho day set for registration, Juno r, has been made a legal holiday by n proclamation Issued by Governor Novlllo. Section 5 states that all males be tween tho ages of 21 and 30, both In clusive, shall be subject to registration. It shall be necessary for persons ot the designated ages, except otlicers and enlisted men of tho regular army, tho navy, national guard and tho naval militia, while in the service of the United States, to present themselves for registration. Any person refusing or falling to prosont himself for regis tration shall bo guilty of a mlsdemenor and shall, upon conviction in tho dis trict court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, bo punished by Imprisonment for not more than one year, and shall thereupon bo duly registered. Provided further that in caso of temporary absence from legal place of residence, registration may be mado by mall under regulations pre scribed. Those, who through sickness, are unable to prcsont thcmsolvos for regis tration ou thut day, shall apply on or before tho day of registration to tho county clerk of tho county whoroln they may bo for instructions as to how they may be registered by an agent. It is further stated that tho time and place of such registration shall be be tween 7 a. m. and 0 p. ra on the Gth day of June, 1917, at tho registration placo ia tho procinct wherein they havo their permanent homos. Recruiting Officer Coming Postmaster II. C. Lotsou received a tolegram tlio last of the week from V. W. Waddell, Lieut. U. S. N., stating that Mr. Anderson, U. S. N. will bo iu Red Cloud, Friday and Saturday, May !25 and SO, to enlist men for our navy to answer all questions that you may wish to ask. lie rcquosts that arrange ments bo mado for a public meeting, and that he is cxpoctlng Red Cloud to do her sharo for the cause. Ho also urges Mr. Lctsoa to soouro tlio assist ance of public speakers and miuisters. As tills Is a matter of importance do not put it aBldo, or let tho bunion rest upon tlio shoulders of a few. Every ono should take an interest in tho matter and do all within their power to carry out the request of Lieut, waddell, As Red Cloud has always'malntalncd her position among tho first iu cities of her size, in matters pertaining to tho welfare and advancement ot tho town and community, let us keen up our good record and remain in front ranks in this, tho most important mat ter over brought before us. 4.JL ym. tv.A 3:--m -"-air .MiwX.Ta?'ty n Mr JTyO .-T fiYUt "5-a.'va- - A ZXT ,A"ftfZ ftwSsBn& jtov!s " sm&mss&mrz tx mEJttt-n Mm wBini 1Q? rr ihal Weddin Preseni from Us IT IS NOT ONLY WHAT YOU BUY FOR A WEDDING PRESENT, BUT 'WHERE' YOU BUY IT, THVT MAKES IT THE MORE APPRECIATED. OUR REPUTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY IS SUCH THAT WHEN A WEDDING PRESENT COMES FROM US', THE RECIPIENT IS FLEASED TO RECEIVE IT; OUR NAME ASSURES A HIGH QUALITY. ANOTHER REASON FOR COMING TO US FOR YOUR WEDDING GIFTS IS THAT YOU HAVE A LARGE, SUPBERB JUNE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. Wt MAKb 'QUALM7' KIUMTJ THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. h. n Jewelmr and Optometrist tare. B. & Q. Watch Inspector rm SE I ladies Coats aad ladies Suits Greatly Reduced PrlGes- v Lots of nice garments left and the price will appeal to you Wooltex and Fashioncraft, the best garments made. R. P. Weesner & Co. cwmw IftOCuAS KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ' ROLLS DEVELOPED- NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. E. S. Gaa-ber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) . Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures ,,."!