The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1917, Image 5

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Appropriate Gifts
for Graduates
MITCHELL'S is the bct
place at which to buy
graduation gifts because the
articles we deal in are beauti
ful, endearing, practical and
much wanted.
We deal only in good quality
and show the very latest
slyles. Our prices are as
low as good quality can be
bought for, often lower than
asked for inferior quality
You WiU enioybuying gradu
..0r - - ft
,fl .,,,,,.vi,.,
t i M i
"j'Jlm Petereon was in Guide Rock
j"Roy Sattley Undertaker-Auto Hearse
Harry Roats was In Kansas City the
first of the week.
yVill Delaney was In Kansas City the
first of the week.
E. J. Overlng Jr. was in McCook the
Jlrst of the week.
Earl McCoy was down from Cowles.
Monday evening.
Ed Crnry was up from Guido Rock,
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ned Sutton and daughter, spent
Thursday in Cowles.
Eye3 tested, glasses fitted. J. C
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Fete Shepard of McCook spent Sun
day with friends hero.
Rev. Schaal was in Nnponce, Sunday
wherje he held services.
Cbas. Moede spent the weekend with
his parents at Uluo Hill.
Rev. Hates returned homo from St
Wrs.vf. m LUllqvjellB game dd'wn
from Hastings, Monday". - r
Lew Breakey of Lebanon was in the
city the last of the week.
A. V. Oucker returned home from
Norfolk, Friday evening.
Henry Johnson returned homo from
Lincoln, Monday morning.
Will Hunt returned home Monday
from Cheyenne, Wyoming.
A. T. Wallfcr returned home from
Omaha the last of the week.
Mr. End Mrs. Glaude Pierce were
down from Inavale, Tuesday.
The Red Cloud band will give a con
Cert tonight if the weather permits.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwcrdtsfoger
of Ayr spent Sunday with her mother.
See Bernard Fruit for painting mid
paper hanging. Independent phono,
Miss Hazel Saladen went toMuPher-
eon, Kansas, Friday morning, to visit
Claude Frost of Edison spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mo
Klmmey. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vnvricknof Clue
Hill spent Sunday here with relutives
and friends.
Mrs. Maudo Reufro and son, Gall,
left Friday for Cody where they will
visit relativos.
When looking for a reasonable priced
graduating gift see our lino of La Val
uers. Mitchell's Jewelry Store.
Private Money to Loan
On land at lowest rate. No commis'
sion. T'apors payable at home bank.
C. F. Catheh, Red Cloud.
Meet Your Friends at
Always the Best oT Everything In
Ice Cream Sedas, Sundaes
Fancy Drinks, Etc.
Special Saturday!
1 pound box delicious choc- QQ
coated Maraschino cherries 0f C
Sunday wll bo Mothers' Dy.
Prof. II. E. Ba)rd was in Kearney,
W. O. Hamilton spent Wednesday in
Everett Hawkins was in Cowles,
Mrs. George Van Camp went to Lin
coln, Monday.
d Kellogg was in Kansas City the
first of the week.
James Hubatka was down from
Dladt-n, Tuesday.
Will Doyle spent the last of the week
with relatives hero.
Mrs. Irons of Inavalo was shopping
In the clty'luesday.
Guorgo Henderson of Itloomlngton
spent Sunday in the city.
J. L. Beebc will speak to the Illadcn
graduates Suuday night.
II V. Stlverson spent the weekend
with his parents at Friend.
J. L. Christian returned home from
St. Joe the last of the week.
Clay Weaver returned homo Wednes
day from Rosette, Wyomlug.
F. W. Cowden was in Byron, Mouday
looking after business affairs.
Mrs. Lawrence Pierce returned home
from. Lincoln, Friday evening.
Miss Bertha West left Tuesday for
her home at Hopkins, Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton spent
Sunday with relatives at Guide Rook.
Mrs. M. E. McAlpine of Havelook
spent Sunday with Mrs. I. 0. Walker.
The Misses Fannie Miksch and Lo
raine Hansen spent Tuesday in Blue
Ed Moranvllle of Guide Rock spent
the last of the week with relatives
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill
was attending district court hero this
J, II. Bailey was in Kansas City, Sun
day, where he heard General Joffre, of
France, speak.
M. A. Albright wa9 In Superior, Sun
day, where he attended the funeral of
Mr. L'onberger.
Mrs. S. B. Kizer and daughter, Mrs.
O. M. Noble, went to Lincoln, Monday,
to visit relatives.
Mrs. Morrison and daughter, Helen,
of Superior, spent Suuday with Grant
Green and family.
Miss Hannah White returned to her
home at Bostwick, Friday, after spend
ing a few days here.
Paul Polnicky who had been attend
ing college at Lincoln arrived home
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Buzzard and
Ernest Karstlng spent Sunday with
relatives at. Blue Hill. -
B. y. WUsoti tventio Fairmont, Mon-
1nn 'imIiam'a lift liaB 'nniAntArl nwrcXl rt
with the Lincoln Telephone Co.
Attorney J. S. Gllham and 0. D.
He:lgn went to Omaha, Monday, to at
tend the A.O. U. W. grand lodge.
Leonard Reiher returned home the
last of the week from Central City
where he spent a few days with friends.
Mesdamcs M. A. Albright and C. H.
Potter went to Lincoln, Monday, to
attend the Grand Chapter of Eastern
Chris Starke loft Sunday for New
York state whero he will purchase
somo thoroughbred cattle for his dairy
Miss Flossie McKlmmey who is
teaching school at Edison spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mr.. Wui. McKlmmey.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs'
.T. II. Hanson next Wcduesday after
noon Topic, "Christian Citizenship".
Leader, Mrs. Julia Warren.
Mr. and Mr G. W. Woolscy return
ed to their home at Superior, Monday,
after spending a fow days with their
daughter, Mrs. R. L. Avery.
The state council of dofenso met in
Lincoln, Tuesday, and handed Henry
Richmond tlio plum of secretaryship
with a bulary of 82O0O per year attach
ed. The following shipped stock to Kan
sas City, Sundny: Harry Roats, Hvo
cars of cattle; Weesucr & Koontz, two
cars of hogs and Delaney Bros , two
cars of hogs.
Tlio War Relief Club will hold u
inarkot at Weesncr's store, Saturday
tlio 12th. There will bo a choice dis
play of eatables and a liberal patron
age is deslrod.
Orpheum Theater Program
For the Week Commencing
Thursday, May lOth
THURSDAY: Paramount feature
Victor Mooro in "Chimmlo Fadden out
FRIDAY: Fox foaturo, "Tho Un
faithful Wife".
SATURDAY: Charlie Chaplin in tho
Rink", alsos tho Starbucks in 3 reels.
Matinee 2:30 Night 8:00
MONDAY: Bluebird Photo I'lajs
present "The Prince of Silence".
TUESDAY: Paramount feature,
Paulino Frederick in "Bella Donna".
WEDNESDAY: The 10th opisodo of
the great serial "Tho Lass of tho Lum-berldnds".
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
CIGARS that are Good
The Brand Your Dottor Smokes
Most complete line of
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
Miss Ethel Doyle who had been at.
tending college at Hastings returned
borne Saturday. i
Fred Phares, who had been working;
in Omaha, is visiting bis mother, Mrs.'1
Barbara Phares.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Sohultz. Inde
pendent phone 20B.
Miss Estclla Shuto returned home
Friday from Wollfleet where she had
been teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of Bledcn
were in the city Monday attending the
funeral of Tartus Sherman.
Miss Pauline Ranney of Hastings
spent the weekend with her parent0,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D Ranney.
Zeiss Bros, have purchased E. W,
Copleu's delivery line and will take
possession of the same Juno 1st.
Miss Edith lleezley returned home
Thursday evening from Valentine
where she lnul been teaching school.
Miss Sadio Trampo left Saturday for
Kearney where she will take up her
position as day operator with a tele
phone company.
Mrs. O. R. Ferguson, who had been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Bogenrief, returned to herhome at
Oberlin, Kansas, Wednesday.
It would be hard to And a more
pleasing gift than a nice Waidemar
Chain for a graduating prcsont See
tho nice assortment at? Mitchell's.
Wc are in the market for 100 to 125
pounds Sh'oats at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serum
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Camp will leave
this week for Burlington, Colorado,
whore they spend the summer. He
his decided to leave this city but uas
rrot decided on a location.
Tho Rev. J. E. Budlong, reotor of St.
Mark's church, Hastings, will preach
for Mr. Bates next Sunday morning.
Ho is regarded as a strong preacher by
the men of Hastings. Come and hear
State Troasurcr, Goo. Hall, of Lin
coln, was visiting friends in tho city
last week It Is rumored that he will
bo congressional timber if Congress
man Shallcnberger should run for ('.
S. Souator.
Eugene Ryan who had been attend
ing college at Lincoln arrived home
the last of the week to visit his moth
er. Eugene has passed tho govern
niont civil service examination and
will soon leave for Washington, 'D. C.
whero ho has a position.
li. W. Stownrt, osagent for the Home
Insurance Company and The Insurance
Company of North America has paid
tho following losses during tho month
cSOO.OO to John Sutton on Ills house In
north west part of the city and S82.V00
to Hausorman & Rctzman, for tholr
loss in tho Tepee Theatre.
Notice to Parents or Guardians
All porsons wishing free high school
tuition for their children for tho com
ing yoar should make written applica
tion to the county superintendent on
or before tho first day of Juno. Ap
plication must bo made each year". Ap
plication cards may be secured from
any of tho town superintendents or
from the county superintendent.
Omentum: L, Coon.
Wanted Pasture
For 70 head of young mules. Conrad
Hamilton - Cathar
Clothing Co,
Sum nun to Paul Storey
Everything a Man
or Moy Waara
T NtbrsBka
iLI mk
Red Cloud Young Ladies
Will Teach in City Schools
Red Cloud, May 7, 1017.
Board met in regular session at tho
Commerclol Club rooms. Members
present Hluckledge, Coon, Weesnor,
Cross, Herrlck and Tope.
The following bills were read and al
lowed: Row, Peterson A Co t 4 35
St. Paul Book X. Stationery Co. 4 20
School Muslo 70
Clios. ScrlbncrSons 44 10
Little, Brown & Co 10 1)8
Thos. Char'es Co i 47
W M Wcloh Mfg Co 28 20
Webb Pub Co 17 6T
Hail & McCreary 30 IP
A X Palmer Co 10 Ho
North Western School Sup Co.. C 35
Raymond Wlltuot 180
Joe Jackson 12 00
Til Harwopd 25
Morharr. Bros ;j Jr
.1 O Caldwell . 2 05
rurnureifc Son 20 87
Variety Storo 20
MA Albright 0 02
Malone & Gcllatly Co 05 40
Elkhorn Construction Co 17C 00
S R Florence 20 34
Miss Christian ; .... 1 00
ton motion 'the Board resolved to sell
the.aifalfaon Agricultural Farm to the
lowest bidder.
Motion made and carried that Joe
Barta bo re-elected as janitor of the
Washington school at a salary of 105
per month. Salary to be paid for a
full year Instead of the school year ot
nine months. -"
Motion made by Cross and seconded
by Weesner that the Bacoalanreate
service be held in theOrpbcum Instead
of the M. E. charch.
At the request of Miss Hauck and
Miss Peterson the Board extended tlio
time of signing contracts to the end of
the school year.
After listening to report by tho Sup
erintendent the Board proceeded to
the election of teachers to 1111 vacan"
cics. Miss Fay Tecl wasolected teach
er in tho high school nt a salary of
507 50 per month; Miss Hollistor,
teacher of Domestic Science, ot salary
of 670 per month. The election of the
balance of teachers was put oil' until
the next meeting.
On motion Board adjourned sine die
Upon adjournment of old board the
organization of tho new board resulted
as follows:
L. II. Blackledge, President.
C. J. Pope, Secretary.
By an oversight no Vice President
was elected.
, Credentials and oaths Ot ollico of W.
s. Beezley and Win. Wetsuer, members
oicct, receiveu and pincca on me.
No further business Board adjourn
4d to meet at call of President Black'
rC." J. Pope, Secy.
i Wednesday aflernoon at 2 o;ciock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Vm, Hend
erson in Ft. Morgan, Cojo',,' occurred
the wedding of their, daughter, Miss
Gene to Mr.'Jamcs Galusha. Rev. Pat
terson of the Presbyterian ch'urch.ofll
Elated in the-presence .o?'. the immo
diate relatives of the contracting part
The bride wore a traveling suit of
grey, with blue trimming with hat,
shoes and gloves to match. The groom
wore the conventional blaok..
Following the ceremony a five course
luncheon was served by Miss Elizabeth
The young couple will make their
home ut Morrill, Neb., where Mr.
Ualusha recently purchased a clothing
The brldo is the dauglilorof Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Henderson and is well and
favorably known to McCook people,
having lived hero for a number of
years. She is a charnitngyoung woman
of pleasing personality and Is ndmired
by all who know her.
Tho groom Is tho youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Galusha of this city,
and is known to McCook people as a
young man of sterling worth, energetic
and capable qualltios. For tho past
several years lioJias been employed in
the clothing establishment of his fath
er of tills city.
The Gazette joins their many friends
in extending congratulations and best
wishes for a happy, prosperous future.
The out of town relatives present
wore Mrs. A. Galusha mid Miss Patlle,
mother uud sister of the groom, Mrs.
Adair Galusha, slstor-in-law and Miv
Jim Henderson, brothor of tho bride,
all of Mot look. McCook Gazctto.
The Chief along with James' many
friends hero wish he and his bride
much joy and happiness,
Giving Away a Ford
Tho Journal publications, The Ne
braska State Journal, Lincoln Daily
News and Nebraska Ruralist (semi
monthly rural magazine) are giving
away another Ford, a touring car this
time, to the agent turning in tho most
subscription business between May 1
and June .10. Anyone is eligible to be
como an agent and a commission is
naid on all subscriptions turned In. As
V -,... . . .. .
an nauitionai inccuiivo a prize or ecu
cash is offered tho agent turning In
the most business in the contest before
May 31.
wi wwm
The High Cost
of Living
We hear a lot aboui it these
Yet when you can buy
A hand tailored suit
Of excellent fabric
That looks right when you
choose it
And still looks right after you ve
worn it for a year or more
And gave only $ 1 8 for it
Don't you think that keeping
the cosTof living down, is largely
a matter of right buying
'; Clothes
for instance?
Clothing Co.
When in need of real servicable and
attractive embroideries come in and
let me show them to you
Have good line in all widths and grades in the narrow
from Sc a yard to the full skirt lengths at $2.25 yard
Below arc a few of the prices, but to appreciate them
you must see them
12 inch cambrick t 15c-25c-50c
24 inch Swiss or organdy.. 50c lo 51.25
28 inch Swiss or organdy..75c to 51.50
Full skirt length from.. .51.25 to 52.25
A new line of crochet thread in all numbers
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns
Try an Ad in the Chief if
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
ISrOFFicE Ovek ALBJiiain's Store
n -j,
you want to buy sell or trade.