The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1917, Image 5

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Ed Amnck was in Hustings Monday.
Harvey Sutton spent Saturday in
Pred Puller was down from Covlesf
Mrs. C. S. Jones went to Lincoln,
Mrs. Ernest Starke spent Saturday
in Hh8tlDR8.
John Hansen was in St. Joe the first
of the week.
Miss Nina Simmons spent the week
end in Hastings.
Will Robertson shipped a car of hogs
to St. Joe, Sunday.
Mrs. Clara Myers returned home
from Inavale, Monday.
Wm. Wecsner returned homo from
Lincoln the last of tho .week.
, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Silvey wero down
from Inavale, Friday evening.
Morton Smith returned home from
Colorado the first of the week.
'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery
spent Saturday in Guide Rock.
Wcesner & Koontz shipped one car
of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday.
G.iH. Overing returned home from
Guide Rock tbo last of the week.
Frank Watson of Bellalre, Kansas,
was in the city Saturday evening.
George Ferry spent the weekend
with relatives at Republican City.
Mrs. F. J. Baitunek returned home
the last of the week from Tamora.
Mrs. B. E. McNeny and daughter,
Ilelen, spent Saturday in Hastings.
J. L. Christian returned home from
Tarkio, Missouri, the last of the week-
E. R. Slawson and son spent the
weekend at York, with his son, Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McFarland spent
the weekend with friends at Kester-
We'rt Stevens has joined the ranks
of motorists and is now driving a Ford
Guy Zeigler returned from Omaha.
Thursday, where he had been transact
ing business.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lludsey returned
home the last of the week from Escen
dio, California.
Mrs. Fred Taylor of Riverton spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Smelser.
Oscar Sartley is driving a new' Buick
roadster which ho purchflfiecTof Frahm
& Corner of Blue Hill.
Mr. and'Mrs. Jasper Smith returned
to Shenandoah, Iowa, Saturday after
visiting relatives here.
Miss Bertha Doyle returned to Hardy
Saturday, after visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doyle.
Miss Dessie Taylor spent the wtek
end in Lincoln with friends and also
attended a sorority party. ,
Russel Jones wa9 in Hastings, Mon
day, and while there enlisted in the
local company of that city.
Miss Margaret McCutcuoon of Cen
trnl City spent Monday evening with
Mr. ami Mrs, II. C. Letsou.
Clarence Baker went to Norton,
Tuesdny, where lie will play with Prof
HeU's band for an ciiKHgoineut.
Miss Eva Poster returned home Tues
day morning from Hill City, Kiuisub,
where -she had been visiting friends.
Kenneth Wilson, the etllcicut book
keeper at the Webster County Bank, is
xrtiw driving u new Dodge automobile.
Misses Celesta and Lucile Scrivnor
spent the weekend with their mother,
Mrs. Kmniu Serlvner at Blue Hill.
They weio accompanied by their
cousin, (iLticvlevo Stevens.
For Enlistment in
U. S. National Guard
Co. K. 5th
Orders have been received to re
cruit Co K, of the nth Nebraska to
war strength. It is hoped that the
youug meu of tills, region will re
spond to this opportunity to join
this unit of Nebrasku's troupa.
Your Country
Rccruting Officer will be at
Red Cloud
Apr. 20-21
Roy Hassingcr spent Monday in Hast
ings. Lester Yost spent Monday in Blue
Con Barr was down from McCook,
George Smith went to Hastings,
P. W. Cowden went to Bloomiugton
this morning.
Roy Sattley Undertaker-Auto Hqarse
in connection.
Henry Newhousc was in Guide Rock,
Friday evening,
Ed Amack is now driving a new
Studcbaker roadster.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Will Blba was in Oxford the last of
the week on business.
Will Hoffman returned home from
McCook last Thursday.
Attorney C T. Austin was down
from Blue Hill, Monday.'
A Fox feature at the Orphoum, Fri
day night. Adm. S and 10c.
F. Ward and H. L. Chandler of Esbon
were In the city Wednesday.
A new tile roof has been placed on
the C. B, & Q. depot in this city.
Frank Bartunek was looking after
business matters at Seward, Monday.rj
Grant Christy and Chas. Walter re
turned home from Plymouth, Tuesday
Harry and Will Diedrick went to
Cowles, Wednesday to do some plaster
ing. See Bernard Fruit for painting and
paper hanging. Independent phone,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Morgan of Alma
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Retz
man. Mrs. Herb Ludlow and daughter re
turned home the last of the week from
Miss Lucy Ludlow of Franklin is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Curt Geer and
Mrs. J. B. Justice of Esbon wos the
guest or Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Weosucr,
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. ScnuKz. Inde
pendent phone 203.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conover depart
ed Saturday evening for their homo at
Great Falls, Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Buzzard moved
into the residence , formerly occupied
bChus. Wopdsn'ITjjesaajk , t.v ,
On Saturday, Earl Figgins and Miss
Lela Fuller, both-of Esbon, were united
in marriage by Judge Ranney.
W. G. Hamilton spent Suuday with
relatives at Guide Rock. His wife and
Children accompanied him home.
We" have plenty of good Maitland
Lump coal at 89.00 per tou. Washed
Maitland Nut SS.50. Piatt & Frees.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zint and children
of McCook were in tho city Thursday
atteuditijthe fuueral of Mrs.'Conover
Miss Grace Shercr, who is teaching
school at Roscmont, spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs. Clara Shorei"
An equity term of District Court will
convene in this city on May 7th.
There are forty eight civil cases on the
Mrs Roy Oatman who recently un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
at Omaha, returned homo Tuesday
Miss Marybolle Hasslngor who is
teaching school Hastings spent
the weekend with her mother unci
brother, Roy.
Harry Eldredgc of Kensington, Kan
sas, was in tho city Saturday evening
visiting his parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
Chas. Eldredgc.
We are in hie markot for 100 to 12.".
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do
livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum
Mr. and Mrs. W II. Arnold, who re
side near Cowles, purchased a now
Kimball piano of Ed Amack and Grant.
Turner delivered It to their homo Wed
nesday. F. W. Cowdon returned homo Tues
day from Chioago and other eastern
cities where lie purchased fall and
winter goods for tho Cowdon-Kaley
Clothing Co.
Frank Elllnger, Claro Wolfo, Clark
Crow, Will Hoirman and Clydo Wolfo
wont to Kansas City tho last of tho
week and drove back now Ford cars
for the Peterson garage.
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Conover depart
Friday evoning for their home, at
Great Falls, Montana, having been cal
led hero by tho sioknegs mid death of
his mother, Mrs. Conover.
Through tho true spirit of patriot
ism and porsonal generosity of Father
Fitzgerald tho city is now possessor of
a line ilag which tlys from tho mast of
tho water fountain In tho fourth ave
nue and Webster streot squuro.
Exhilarating Burlesqut; Vaudeville
ttin lit lit Flllii tltk Prill? Glrli. FuMjClmi, torfHH
Equlpilt. Itillliit f title CiiliuaMil
Everybody AkAyfelir
uvm m iiwitT m hit m imr tr mkm
Powell Bros.
Srnoke House
CIGARS that are Good
The Brand Your Dodor Smokes
Most complete line o!
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
John Hasselbackcr spent Monday in
W. G. Hamilton spent Monday in
FORSALE Span of mares, wt. 1100
in foal. Dr. Deardorf.
Miss Greta Turnure spent the week
end with friends at Lincoln.
Miss Lena Rathjen spent Monday
with her sister at Guide Rock.
Mrs. Lucena White went to Guide
Ruck, Monday, to visit relatives.
Clarence Davis and W. II. Rcnnett of
Franklin wero in the city Thursday.
C. F. Gather went to Omaha, Mon
day, to look aftersome'busincss affairs,
Mesdames Frank Gllinger and Frank
Mcintosh spent Wednesday in Hast
ings. Mesdames W. L. Koon and Sam
Mountford spent Wednesday in Hast
ings. Jim Peterson was in Guide Rock,
Monday, looking after bis business in
terests. Jim Robinson went to Guide Rook,
Monday, to visit his son Art Robinson
and wifo. $
Mrs. F. li, Harry returnedto Spring.
Sold, Missouri, Wednesday, after visit
ing relatives hero.
E. S. Garber went to Lincoln, Wed
nesday, to attend a meeting of the
Grand Commaudery..
Roy Stewart of Lincoln spont the
weekend with his brother, Attorney B
W. Stownrt and family.
A band concert will be given by our
baud each Saturday afternoon ut 3:30
if the weather permits.
Mrs, Warren Longton and daughter
returned to Hastings, Monday, after
visiting friends in this city.
Wallace Saladen and Will Skunks
wont to Blue Hill, Wednesday, after
some horses for Frank Sturr.
Captain Hogato and Joke Goll, of
Co. K. 5th N.N G , of Hluo Hill, wore
in the city Wednesday evening.
Do not fail to see Mary Pick ford in
"Tim Poor Little Rich Gill" ut tlw
Orphcum, Saturday, April '1 st, both
tuutluee and night.
Rev. C. II. Smith, fortrer pastor of
the lirothren chinch of this city, wil.
pruuoh at that church on Sunday oven
lug at s o'clock. A cordial welcome i
extunded to all.
The approaching war and the high
cost of living have boon very success
fill In interesting the miijoiUy of the
citizens of our city In the f'Dnek to Na
ture" movement wliluli is now uwoep
ing over tho o.untry. Heretofore
many of our citizens liuvo been content
to sit on their front porch and watch
tho noighbor toil In the back yard with
shovel, hoe and rake, but since spuds
arc quoted at 2 00 per and onions at
two bits a whlf many of these lovers
of a cozy arm ehnir liavo followed the
good advlco of the thrifty neighbor
and arc now soon with their arms bar
ed nnd their head bowed in toil. tThc
industrious people will not only bo re
warded with vegetables of Mioir own
culture huCmany have expressed them
selves regarding how the exercise has
added to the joys of living.
Saturday, April 21st
Will be the Blft Day at the Orphcum
The nianagoaent huvo secured Mary
Pickford in her third production "The
Poor Little Rich Girl" In six uots.
This play should charm overyono
that sees it regardless of oge, and
teach a moral that is well worth learn
ing, with the inlmitablo Mary Pick
ford in tho Btollcr role and staged by a
master. This subject will strike u
chord of favor among tho young and
old aliko for its power to ontortaln,
oducate and surprise. Special Orches
tra Music.
Matinee 2:110, adm. l0-'20o.
Night 8, adm. 10 and '2."ie.
No Ev. Lutheran services Sunday
the 22nd but the 29th. A. Schaal,
"!" "ri' 'irir 1ej
Good Fighters and
Good Dressers
You will find none better than American men when it comes to
fighting; and none better when it comes to dressing American
men are the beft dressed men in the world.
Kuppenheimer Clothes
have played a big part in advancing the dress standards of the nation; and you will easily under
. sland why when you have seen the new Spring clothes.
These clothes are true blue through and through no sham or deception has or ever will be
tolerated quality dictates the selection of every woolen, guides every operation from the cutting
' to the last button.
If you want one of these good suits to serve you, come in and pick from a wide assortment of
,1, tasteful styles models for men and young men colors and patterns that are guaranteed.
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Our New Spring designs in Dining Room and other
.Furniture have arrived. It is an exposition worth seeing.
The NEWEST DESIGNS in the furniture makers'
art are now here for your inspection Come in.
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
SdMtuoii to Ptul Surer
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Bad Cloud Nebraakm
Tit llvutt ci! Ku jxulnllbM
ilM O -
3 n c
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
E. S. Gorber
i . ,r
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.