The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1917, Image 3

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As An Aid
To Your
It helps Nature cor
rect any stomach,
liver or bowel trouble
A man's ldcn of a good resolution la
ono that will stretch.
' '' ' ' -""-"t"""'t
How to loosen a tender corn
or callus so It lifts out
without pain.
Let folks step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a slzo smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send electric
sparks of pnln through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority.
Ho say's that a few drops of a drug
called frcczone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, Instantly re
lieves soreness, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out
This drug dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn or callus without
even irritating tho surrounding skin.
A small bottle of frcczone obtained
at any drug store will cost very little
but will positively remove every hard
or soft corn or callus from one's feet.
If your druggist hasn't stocked this
new drug yet, tell him to get a small
bottle of frcczone for you from his
wholesale drug house. adv.
Some women fnd that n new hat Is
a good cure for a headache.
Sufferers from Kidney fitments
Should Remember This
About nine years ago the doctor had
given me up saying I had kidney trouble,
enlargement of the liver and stomach trou
ble; that there was no medicine for me
that he knew of that would help mo and
hearing of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot I
bought ono fifty-cent bottle which did me
so much good I bought six one-dollar bot
tles. After taking this amount of Swamp
Root I was completely cured and have not
consulted a physician since and am doing
my own work every day. When I feel
any of the old symptoms coming on I go
back to my old friend Swamp-Root which
immediately gives me relief.
Very truly yours,
m3 .t .t wrcinKNTHAiVETi.
Grand Island, Neb.
Personally appeared before me this 8th
day of October, 1015, Mrs. J. .1. "Weidcn
thaler, who subscribed to the above state
ment and made oath tltat the same is true
in substance and in fact.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuablo infor
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
toMS. Adv.
A red sunrise, with clouds lowering
Inter In the morning, Indicates rain.
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Got a 10-ccnt box.
Aro you keoplng your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, puro and fresh
with Cascarets, or merely forcing a
passageway ovory fow days with
Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or
Purgatlvo Wators?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
Cascarets thoroughly clcauso and rog
ulato tho stomach, removo tho sour
and fomenting food and foul gases,
tnko tho excess bllo from tho liver
and carry out of tho system all tho
constipated wasto matter and poisons
In tho bowels.
A Caocarct to-night will mnko you
feel great by morning. They work
whllo you sleep never gripo, sicken
or causo any lnconvenienco, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men and women tnko a
Cascarot now and then nnd never
hnvo Headache, Biliousness, Coatod
Tonguo, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
Three crops n ycur may be grown
In the Canal Zone.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Smarting Jmt Kya Comfort. to centi at
Drrfilrta or mall. Writ for Free Ufa Hook.
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around the
State House
Western Newnpaper Union New Service.
After a prolonged discussion the
house decided to Join with tire sen
ato In asking for government owner
ship of railroads nnd in approving
the movement to have the govern
ment take over all other public j
utilities, llcal's S. F. C7 relates that
the failure of the railroads to fur-
nlsh a sufficient number of cars
to move last year's crops and other
products Is but another evidence that
privately owned system cannot ho
defended upon to give adequate
service when tho people need It
most. Congress Is "earnestly me
morialized" to take Immediate steps
leading to government ownership, nil
the roads to bo operated under strict
civil service rules "for the con
venience and accommodation of the
public rather than for tho conveni
ence and aggrandizement of private
Wants Government to Make Good
Land Commissioner G. L. Shumway
:s taking an Inventory of lands due
the state of Nebraska for government
right of way grants and by reaton
of re-surveyp.
Several thousnnd acres are duo tho
Jtato from shortage found by resur
veys running through a period of near
ly thlrty-flvo years. This is tho first
time tho matter has been checked up.
Tho department of tho Interior at
"Washington has reserved from wntry
four farms In Grant county ponding
the checking of claims by the United
States department. Indemnity has
been requested by tho Btnto.
Tho land commissioner Is interested
In getting tho government to cede land
from forest reserve for this purpose,
since few choice selections remain
outside theso acres. Any land ac
quired by tho Btato will be transferred
to school land.
Land Commissioner Kendall made
tho last selection on November 21,
1883. Since then tho Alt resurvey re
ducing many C40acro sections to HOO
acres, and other surveys have nevor
been checked up nnd no request has
been made for Indemnity, nnd no se
lection of lieu lands has over been
xnado. No action has ever been taken
as,, to InndB occupied by the Union
Pacific right of way prior to surveys.
To Employ Convicts at See Fit
The houso staged a warm debato
over the question of what to do with
tho convicts at tho state penitentiary.
Tho matter came before it In S. F.
300, Oberllcs' bill primarily Intended
to provldo for tho employment of tho
state's prisoners on tho roadB of tho
various counties, as amended tho
board of control was given power to
do with them as they pleased.
Tho grnve point of difference was
whether to prohibit tho men from be
ing placed also on work that brought
them Into competition with skilled me
chanics. Tho farmers generally In
sisted that this restriction ho elimi
nated on tho ground that no matter
what they nro put at they come into
t'ompetltlon with somebody's labor
nnd tilts mechanic should not bo picked
out for special exemption from compe
tition. They also Insisted that tho
health of tho men demanded they bo
employed at something.
Thanks Governor Neville for Support
President Wilson, In spite of tho
jtrcss of preparation for active war
faro, has not overlooked tho profferH
of support which Governor Novlllo
made to him and which was unani
mously npproved in resolutions
passed by both houses of tho Ne
braska legislature.
In a letter to Governor Novlllo
tho president says:
"Accept my wnrmest thanks for
your telegram of April 4. I am
very grateful to you and to the
membors of tho Nebraska legisla
ture for this reassuring pledge of
loyal support.
"Cordially and slncorely yours,
Change District Judges.
Governor Novlllo signed the Judicial
reapportionment bill giving ono addi
tional district judgo to the Fourth and
Tenth districts nnd shifting several
small counties in northwest Nebraska.
Simultaneously with this announce
ment tho governor stated that ho had
annolntcd W. M. Morning, of Lincoln.
nB Lancaster county's fourth Judge.
Mr. Morning was a presidential elector i
at tho November election Mo has
practiced law hero-many years. '
"Obey tho law; keop your mouth
eliut," is tho atlvico of the United !
States attornoy general.
Tho United States district attor
ney's olllco has recoived tho follow
ing mossago from tho department: ,
"No German alien enemy in this i
country who hns not hitherto bcnji I
Implicated in plots against tho In
I terestB ot tho United States, need '
havo any fear of action by tho de
partment of Justlco no long ns ho
observes tho following warning:
"Obey thu law; keop your mouth
shut." . .
lAr&ctf Mtvctxroni factor') it) America.
Wfttann K. Oolmn,
l'atni lnTrr.Wublniloo.
11.0. Adflcoand books Tree.. ,
fUlci reasonable, lllghettrafurences. DfUertlcn
Nebraska Directory
1, Med Ion.' i 2. HarKlrali .1, )!( rtrlrmlt
4, laboratory! S, X-ltay DopnrtiueuU.
Training achool for nnrsos In connection.
Open to all reputable) phjslrlnns.
For further Information addrr.
A. A. SMITH, M. D., Surrfaon
Mary I.untilnst Memorial Hospital
Fire, tornndo and ball innurnnce, farm and
town property, automobile anil threshing! mu
chlnerjr. Policyholder and agents participate
In the profit of thin company. AReutu wanted
In open territory. Ulkrtar. latwuratW Jaa. 4. MM
Love may go where It Is sent, but
sometimes It Isn't sent where It goes.
Send 10c to Dr. fierce, Tnvalidn' Hotel,
Buffalo, for large trial package of Anurie
for kidney cures backache. Adv.
Scotland devotes -l.OOO.OlO acres to
oats growing.
Important to Mothers
Examino carefully evory bottle oi
CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and sec that It
n tttA
Signature of UlL&fff&lZfa
In TTie for Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Face In Pictures Seems Always to Be
Gazing at You If Person Photo,
graphed Was Looking at Camera.
You probably have noticed thnt somo
fnecs in pictures seem to follow you,
nl8o that In other pictures there are
faces which are not looking at you ; but
no mntter where you walk, even
though It bo In the direction In which
they seem to be looking, you will never
find the face looking at you. Indeed,
faces In pictures nre either looking at
us from wherever we look nt them, or
else they never look at us from wher
ever we look nt them. The same Is
true of photographs.
The rule Is very simple. If the per
son who was being painted or photo
graphed was looking nt the painter or
the enmern, tli n wherever you stand
he will seem to bo looking nt you. If
he was looking on one side, then
where you stand ho will seem to bo
looking on that side of you. This
works very qtieerly If you have n group
of people who are looking at tho
camera when they were photographed.
If you look at the photograph from
one side they all seem to turn to fol
low you nnd then to turn imek If you
look nt It from the other side. Hut
if they were not looking nt the camera
you can never get them to lool nt you.
An cggholder of Italian design fits
on the edge of tho breakfast plate.
Scientific facts prove
the drug, caffeine, in
coffee ia harmful to
many, while the pure
is not only free from
drugs, but is economical,
delicious and nourishing.
Made of wheat and a
bit of wholesome mo
lasses, Postum is highly
recommended by phy
sicians for those with
whom coffee disagrees.
Postum is especially
suitable for children.
"Thero's a Reason"
Sold by Grocer.
Both Houtco are Still A,art on Pro.
hlbltlon Measure
"Should tho legislature adjourn
without having passed an act ciilcu
luted to render effective the prohlbl
lory amendment adopted by the peo
ple at the lact election, I shall Im
mediately call the legislature Into
special session for the purpose ot
enact lug such legislation," declared
Governor Keith Neville In a special
message submitted to both houses
of the legislature Saturday tuoriiiiih.
Gowrnor Neville rcferrod to the
dry hill and said that he undor-dood
tho rtiiifcieiire eouunittec of the two
houses Is about to disagree although
all points save one, tho nenr-boor
iiiiiendiueut, have lieoti settled satis
factorily, lie said that It had been
suggested that the governor should
submit a new bill In enso no agree
ment Is reached on the first, but that
in his opinion the introduction of n
now hill would lie Inexpedient and
unnecessary. After announcing that
he would not submit a new bifl he
told of his determination to call the
special session If the bill is not
passed and then suggested Hint the
conference committee be Instructed
to continue Its labors.
Richmond Capitol Bill
The Ulphmond bill for a new whip
to a proposed capltol on the present
cite was recommended for pnssago
by tho state senate Friday afternoon
after a spirited debate. An attempt
to convert tho hill Into one to ron
struct a supreme court and library
building on tho historical society
lot east of the state house grounds
was defeated. An amendment refer
ring the question of building a capl
tol or a wing was also defealvd.
Supporters of the hill attached an
amendment to mnke the hill specific
ally provldo that tho wing Is to bo
a part of a complete now capltol
and that plans for a complete build
Ing shall bo obtained by the capl
tol commission. For this reason
tho bill will be Rent back to tho
house, after it passes the senate, for
the concurrence of the houso in tho
senate amendment.
New State Banks Chartered
Tho Htatc banking board granted
charters to six now stnto banks in
one dny last week, making it total
of 801 state banks now In existence in
Nebraska. Since February 21, when
tho Bupremo court of Nebraska ro
fused to sustain tho state board In
Its attempt to limit the number ot
bnnks the hoard has granted permis
sion to thirty-eight new state bnnks to
go into business. This Is more than
ono now bnnk a day, excluding Sun
days nnd holidays. As two newly
chartered banks at Sutherland merged
Into one Institution, nnd iib ono now
bnnk nt Thurston did not start In
business but bought out n bank al
ready In business, the number of stato
banks authorized to do business since
tho Biipreme court gave its opinion
Is oxactly one dnlly for thoiMist thirty
eight working days.
Killed the Trumble Bill.
On the plea that tho repeal of the
Mockett law at tho presont time would
be a slap In the faco of loyal German
Americans, the sennto killed tho Trum
bio bill, II. It. 2D1, by n vote of 21 to 9.
The bill was to repeal tho law making
compulsory on petition tho teaching of
Gormnn and other modern Inngunges
in schools.
Those in favor of the ropcnl argued
that it should not bo made nn Issue
specifically against Germans slnco tho
bill wns drafted long before the hrenk
with Germany. They asked It to bo
considered purely on Ub merits.
Senator Heal moved tho advance
ment of tho bill to third rending. As n
substitute Lahners, of Thnyor, moved
for indefinite postponement.
State Council of Defense
Creation of n Btato council of do
fonBo to comprlso representatives of
commercial. manufacturing. labor
military and civic Interests has been
recommended to tho legislature by
Governor Neville, who suggested thnt
tho national guard reorganization bill,
TI. Tt. 423, now In conference ho
nmondod to Include this subject. The
governor said that Secretary of War
Uaker has requested all the Btatea
to provldo for councils of defeiiBO
to coopornt" with federal authorities
during the wnr. Similar legislation,
ho stated Is being submitted In nil
Btnto where law making assemblies
are In BPBslon.
Shipped 2,000,000 Bushels of Grain
Nebraska producors shipped 1!,000,
000 bushels of grain during tho
month of March, a largo part of
which wus wheat, according to
figures in tho hands of tho Nebraska
railway commission. This does not
includo re-consignments. With April
and the war with Germany coming
on, tho Bhtpmonts fell to almost no
grain movement, duo, it Is said to
a shortngo of tho wheat supply and
the holdings of It for higher prices
in tho faco of tho prosent crisis.
Capital National Bank Again.
Fivo of the six members of the Joint
sennto nnd houso commtttco appointed
to Investigate the possibilities of col
lecting $194,502.02, tho sum the stato
lost In tho failure of tho Capital Na
tlnnnl bnnk In Lincoln In 1893, aro in
favor of pressing tho mattor further
with tho vlow of collecting tho loss
from tho directors of tho bank. Thoso
fivo nro asking tho legislature to up
proprlato fG.OOO, of which 51,000 thoy
ask to bo Bot nsldo for furthor Investi
gation of tho possibilities ot making
tbe collection.
"the shoe that holds its shape"
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 aS.h
Save Money by Wcnrlntf W. I Douglas
(hoc. For male by overOOOO shoo dealers.
The Best Known Shoes In tho World.
W. L. Douglw name and the retail price it tumped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected agamu high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They coit no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They axe always worth the
price paid for them.
' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mass..
by the highest paid, skilled shoemaker, tinder the direction and
supervision of experienced men, all working with .an honest
determination to make the best shoes for the
can ouy,
Aak your ahon denier for W, T T)oit;1na aline. If lie ean
not supply you with tlie liliiit yon wnnt, talto nn other
tnnkn. Wrlln for Intorrntlnc liooktot explaining liow to
pet slioeaof tlin lilctirmt atniiilnnl of iiunllly for tho price,
y return until, iiostHgn froo.
LOOK FOR W. L. Dougfcii
name and the retail price
stamped on the bottom.
He Explains.
"Ymi were mumbling In your sleep
about Augusta. Now, who Is this
"A city, my dear. I may have to go
there on n busbies trip."
Nonr I. Ilir Tlnif to (irt llld of Tlir.e
I'glT bpots.
There', no IniiKer the .llshtr.t niril of
frdlnic usliamril of Jour trecklra. n. the
prescription othlnr double atrrna-th I.
cunrnntcrd to remove thi.e homely .pot.
Klnipl)' net an miner of olhlne double
Irrnulli from sour driigdlit. and apply n
little of It night and morning and you
ahnuld .oon rr that even the worst frrrkte.
hkve brcun to dl.apprar, while the lighter
onr. have vanl.hid entirely. It la .cldom
that more than one ounce I. nruled to com
pletely elrnr the akin and gain n beautiful
clear complexion.
He ture to oak for the double strength
othlne, ns thl. I. .old under guarante of
money back If It fall, to remove trickle
Dangerous Ignorance.
"Wluit people don't know won't hurt
"Is thnt ko? Wluit nbout the itinn
who dh'n't know the gun wns lontled?"
'Tape's Diapepsin" cures sick,
sour stomachs in five minutes
Time Iti
"Really docs" put bad Btomnchfl In
order "really does" overcome indiges
tion, dyspopsla, gnB, heartburn nnd
BournesR In five minutes thnt Just
that makes Papc'B Diapepsin tho lar
gest selling stomach regulator In tho
world. If what you eat fermcntB into
stubborn lumps, you bolch gan nnd
oructato sour, undigested food and
acid; head Is dizzy nnd nches; breath
foul; tonguo coated; your insldcs filled
with bllo and Indigestible wasto, ro
momber tho moment "Papo's Diapep
sin" comes In contact with tho Btomach
all such distress vanishes. It's truly
astonishing almost marvelous, and
tho Joy Is its hnrmlcssncBB.
A largo fifty-cent caso of Papo's Dia
pepsin will gtvo you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction.
U'b worth Its weight In gold to men
and women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It bolongo In your,
homo should nlwayB bo kept handy
In caso of sick, nour, upset stomach
during tho dny or nt night. It's tho
quickest, surest and most harmless
stomach doctor In tho world. Adv.
Burjvlllc Athletics.
Itiittle I ley, you grasshopper. If you
enter In the Jumping event nobody
else will.
United States In 1010 built 1,000
now lurge boats, mostly wooden.
Died of Premature Old Age !
TJow many times we hear of com
paratively young persons passing nwny
when they fchould hnvo lived to bo 70
or 80 years of age. This fatal work Is
usually nttrlbuted to the kidneys, as,
when tho kidneys degenerate, It causes
nuto-lntoxlcatlon. The more Injuri
ous the poisons pnsslng thru the kid
neys tho quicker will thoso noble or
gans be degenerated, and the sooner
they decay.
It Is thus tho wisest policy, to pre
vent premature old ago and promote
long life, to lighten the work of the
kidneys. This enn be done by drink
ing plenty ot pure water all day long,
nnd occasionally taking Anurie, double
Btrength, before meals. This enn be
obtained nt almost any drug store. You
will find Anurie more potent than llthla
for It dissolves uric ucld ns water does
Carter's Little Liver Pills
For Constipation
The Great
JriBBr Iiver
l 1 D1C
Colorless or rale r aces
condition which will be greatly
Kb jo
I Jtot' kSSSM
1 asVlaHasf
price that money
Boy' Shoes
r JfBrWARE or RJ
mtf M m Best In the World
IMs&rvCol&4 $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00
I'rcnlilmit U XV. I Douelua Hlmn Co.,
lSAMparUSt. Ilrnokton. Mn.
Going Abroad.
"Are the (iriibeolns still trying to
break tutu society?"
"No. They have decided to wait un
til the wnr Is over nnd conquer Ku
lope llrst."
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur
iant and Remove Dandruff Real
Surprise for You. i
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundant and appears as soft, liis-
I trouB and beautiful as a young girl's
after a "Dandcrlno hair cleanse." Just
try this moisten a cloth with a little
Dandcrlno and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ono small
Btrnnd at n time. This will cleanse
tho hair of dust, dirt and oxcesslvo oil
and In just a fow moments you have
d6ublcd tho beauty of your hair.,
DcBidos beautifying tho hair at ones,
Dandcrlno dissolves overy partlclo of
dandruff; clcanBcs, purifies and Invig
orates tho scalp, forovcr stopping Itch
ing and falling hair.
nut what will please you most will
bo after a fow wcoks' uso when you
will actually sco now hair flno and
downy at first yes but really now
hair growing all over tho scalp. If
you euro for pretty, soft hair and lots
of It, surely get a 25 cent bottlo ot
Knowlton's Dandcrlno from any store
and Just try It. Adv.
Itiwu clubwomen nre urging con
servation of the state's natural scenic
When stnrtlng, u locomotive puffa
live times to one revolution of the
I driving wheel.
Irtth. rtlUMei
wrttem stock
men, becauio
protect where ottier
wS WritebwbookletintltMtfrnonlill.
viccmit tbii.
If 10-doiopkiBliClil Pint, 11.00
ou-coio p& Biraiii nut, 94.UU
l)H any Injector, lut Cutter" l simplest anil itronfttt.
The snpettof I'r ot Cuttei products la due to otrr 11
years olaptcUlUIni In VACCINES AND faauui
ONLY. IMJljr ON CUTTER'S. II uaoUilnaUe,
III IMHH UaintMT, ItlalliT. CL If CiltHt. fll. J)
Money Imek without quratton
If HUNT'H CUIli: fnlU In the
tn-atment of ITCH. KC'.KMA,
Itching Hkln (llHCnuea. Price
Mi nt ilniRRlstH, or direct from
A.B.RIcrurdt Uedlclna Co.,Shcrmin,T(i.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 10--1917.
Omahn, Neb. "After some very
heavy lifting I suffered with bearing
down pnlns. I became very weak nnd
wns In distress all tho time. I could
not eat nor sleep, when I began taking
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It
built me up In health mul strength nnd
I was once more able to do all my own
work. I do recommend 'Favorite Pro
scription' to women who suffer. They
will find relief In Its use." MItS. M. S.
JENSKN, Hl.'l N. 28th Ave.
One nice tiling nbout Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription it contains no
alcohol or narcotic nor any harmful
Ingredient. Ingredients printed oa
Any medicine denier can supply It
in either liquid or tablet form. Tho
cost Is modest, tho restorntlve benefits
truly remarkable. Write Dr. Pierce.
Invalids' Hotel, Kuffulo, N. Y for freo
book on woman's diseases. You can
also have medical advice without cost.
Puts You
Over Night
Small Pill
Small Oo.e
SuiaU Price
usually indicate tho absence of Iron In
,ho biood, r"-. ! p;ila
helped by Carter SirOIirillB
IhtvYSram. fl
JK ' l