The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1917, Image 2

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What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Adver
1 ffS
From the Crop of Wheat on 53
Acres in Western Canada.
This story of paying for your land
out or one year's crop Is fully authen
ticated by n great iniiiiy farmers In
Western Canada.
And now, all that tlio fanner innltea
Ib vvet ami you Hml lilm going inoro
extensively Into stock raising, for all
authorities agree that In a short time
thero will he n demand for live Mock,
such as even will tax the vast, re
sources of Western Canada. They
will go Into stock raising because of
the adaptability of the country to pro
vide food and fodder without feeding
grain If necessary. They will go Into
Mock and Improve their places. They
will Install steam and heating plants
In fact, many are now doing It. They
will have automobiles, In fact In many
' districts there Is not a farmer but has
ono. They will lieautiiy tneir nomes construction.
and erect fine barns until the whole tl response to an appeal to their
country will be as attractive as many patriotism h Secretary Uniilcls, the
of the counties in the best states In ' mnj,,r shipbuilders lme agreed to ne
the Union. Hut we started out to tell ,.,.j, u per rent net profit on the bat
yon of the farmer who paid for Kit) I n,. cruisers, whose cost will represent
acres of land from the crop of wheat i about or the total sum In
off of fill acres. The Hidden district volved In the contracts. A llfth bat
on the Hue of the Grand Trunk 1'aclllc
does not appear to the ordinary ob
server to he any better than many
other districts along that Hue, and
probably Isn't. It was In this district
that John I.arcome, a settler, pur
chased In 1!Mf 100 acres of raw prai
rie laud. He broke and seeded ftt
acres. His crop turned out well, and
he sold the greater portion of It for
$2,070. His laud cost him $l(..r.( per
ere, or ?U,(M(. So that the crop from
the K acres paid for the land and left
a balance of over ?!MH), which with
pnrt of the crop left over would Just
pay for the cost of operation. This
Is not really an unusual case, hundreds
of other farmers In Alberta and Sas
katchewan having been able to do the
Sales of land nre being reported
from many districts In Manitoba, Sas
katchewan and Alberta at good prices.
And values are yet low, but with the
How of any value that will take placo
after the war, no doubt they will bo
considerably Increased. The home
Meads in the Park sections which are
to be had actually free are having
tho attention of a good class of set
tlers, who want to go Into mixed farm
ing. Advertisement.
Found Out.
"Would you like to hear a secret In
volving Mrs. Next door In a dreadful
scandal ?"
"Yes, oh yes; tell It to me."
"I don't know any such secret. You
cortalnly have a mean disposition."
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-cent box.
Aro you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, puro and fresh
with CascarctB, or merely forcing a
passagoway every few days with
Salts, Cathartic Fills, Castor Oil or
Purgatlvo Waters?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
Cascarots thoroughly clcanso and rcg
alato tho stomach, removo tho sour
and fermenting food and foul gasos,
tako tho excess btlo from tho liver
and carry out of tho system all tho
constipated wasto matter and poisons
to tho bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will mako you
fool great by morning. They work
whllo you sleep nover gripe, sicken
or cau so any Inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men and women tako a
Cascaret now and then and nover
havo Headacho, IllllousncHs, Coated
Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
An Exchange of Courteslea.
"Six cents u loaf for bread? How's
"You'll pay ton before the winter's
over," snapped the baker.
"Maybe so, but I won't pay It here."
And Mr. Dumdum walked out.
Mr. Robert W. Ferguson, Illnghnm.
Mass,, writes: I suffered from kid
ney disorder for years. Had Incessant
backache and trouble. Nearly died
from it nt one tlmo
while In Vancouver,
but overcame It by
n persistent use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Finally I was com
pletely cured. I oc
casionally use tho
remedy now In or
der to keep the kid
neys regulated. I
Imvo tho highest praise for Dodd's. Ho
euro to get "DODD'S," the mime with
tho threo D's for deranged, disordered,
diseased kidneys, Just as Mr. Fergu
son did. No similar named urtlclr tvlll
do. Adv.
Conceit Is to character what paint Is
to beauty; it Is not only needless, but
Impairs what It 18 nupposcd to Improve.
Craft Will Cost the Government Over
$100,000,000 Firms to Keep 70 Per
Cent of Working Forces on Navy
Washington, March 17. Contracts
for what Is bellowd to In- the largest
single order for lighting craft cor
glson by any nation wen- placed bj
the navy dcpurtmi'Ut.
I'llvati' builders umli rlool; lo turn
out four great buttle cruisers timl six
M'Ollt cruiser, costing lieill'l $11-,-
1 IMM),(KM) for hulls Mini maelilnery alone,
, and pledged ihciiiseles to keep "(I per
cent oi their working forces mi navy
tie cruiser will be built at the Child
delphia iiny .Mini.
The builders are besieged with of
fers of merchant work, and are get
ting as high as Til) per cent prollt on
these Jobs, with more work in sight
than they can do. They have placed
their facilities at the disposal of the
government, making It unnecessary for
the president to consider employing
authority to commandeer plants.
lloth classes of cruisers ordered are
new types to naval architecture, and
are designed for a speed of .Ti knots
un hour.
The scouts were awarded on bids
Htilimlttted, prices ranging from .".",
tl.'iO.lMM) to $.',!)! Mt.OOO, and stipulated
time of delivery from .'10 to II- months.
Construction will be hastened to the
limit, however, the government footing
the bill for additional cost.
The battle cruisers, the fixed limit
of cost of which is $UWHKMHM)
shin, exclus e of speeding up ex
pensc, were placed as follows:
Newport News Shipbuilding and
Drydocks company, two ships; Fore
Itlver Shipbuilding corporation, one
ship; New York Shipbuilding company,
one ship.
Four of the scout cruisers will be
built on the Paclilc coast, two by the
Seattle Construction company and two
by the Union Iron works at San Fran
cisco. The other two will be built
by William Cramp & Sons, Philadel
phia. Of the authorized building program
there remain to be contracted for three
dreadnoughts, !13 submarines, the 15
destroyers, and several auxiliary ves
sels. Illds will be opened early In
April on these craft, and at the same
time orders will be placed for more
than KM) coast patrol boats.
The characteristics of the scout
cruisers follow: Displacement, 7.100
tons; speed, .'15 knots; length, fifil)
feet; beam, 55 feet; armament. S U
lnch guns, four torpedo tubes, and two
three-Inch anti-aircraft guns; comple
ment, :t:to.
The battle cruisers will have the
following main characteristics; Dis
placement, .'ll.soo tons; speed, 115
knots; length, S50 feet; beam, JU feet;
armament, ten M-lnch guns, eight tor
pedo tubes, IS live-Inch guns, four
three-Inch anti-aircraft guns, and oth
er giwis of lesser caliber.
Sagamore, Munitions Laden, Is
pedoed Two Americans
on Board.
Huston, March 17. Agents of the
Wnrren line announced that they bad
received Indirect word that the Itrit
Ish steamer Sagamore, which sailed
from Itoston February 'Jl for Liver
pool, had been sunk by u submarine.
The Sagamore was In command of
dipt. I'. Cummliigs and had a crew of
50. It was said that two Americans
were aboard. It carried a general
cargo Including munitions for the
British government and was armed
astern with a -1.7-lnch gun. Vessel and
cargo were valued at $1,500,000.
Sailors of Raider Kronprinz Wilhclm
Wounded by U. S. Marines at Phila.
delphia, Says Report.
Philadelphia, March 17. Two sailors
of the Interned German raider Kron
prlbz Wilhclm at the Philadelphia navy
yard were shot and wounded by United
States marines, according to a report,
during a light oa the deck of the vessel
Thursday night. The story was denied
at the navy yard hospital and the com
mandant's oillce would not discuss It.
Serves 30-Second Sentence.
Freeport, III., March 17. After hear
ing testimony In the case of George
Rcltzell, Indicted for violation of the
Mann act, Judge I.andls sentenced him
to sit for 110 seconds In u chair and
then the Judge freed him.
U-Qoat Films Algonquin.
Plymouth, Eng., March 17. Plctmes
of the Algonquin, showing the American
flag Hying at Its stem and painted on
both sides, were taken by the German
submarine commander before the Stars
nnd Stripes were hauled down.
s ' 111
Steamer In Service of American Bel
gian Relief Commission Is Torpc
' doed Without Warning.
Washington, March 11. Formal no
tice that American ships traversing
1 the German submarine .one aro to
I carry "armed guard for the protection
i of the vessel and the lives of the per
I sons board" was sent by the state
j department to embassies and legations
i of all foreign governments In Wash
ington. I Following Is tbij text of the coiiimu-
! iititntti.n ..L. ...... I.. ....I.llr lit 111,. uttltlt
iiiiMiiiiii iir muni iui,iii. ..j nit; o,,.m
department :
"In view of the announcement of
the Imperial German government on
January III. 1017. that all ships, those
of neutral Included, met within certain
'.ones of the high seas, would be sunk
without any precaution being tnken
for the safety of the persons on board,
and without the exercise of visit and
search, the government of the United
States has determined to place upon
all American merchant vessels sailing
through the barred areas an armed
guard for the protection of the vessels
and the lives of the persons on board."
London, March 14. The sinking of
the Norwegian steamship Storstad, In
the service of the American commis
sion for relief In Helglum, occurred In
latitude 51.120, longitude 11.50 (In tho
Atlantic off the southern end of Ire
land). The submarine fired about fif
teen shots nt u range of three to four
miles. The Storstad stopped and
hoisted he Helgian relief signal. The
submarine submerged, but half an hour
later the Storstad, which had not re
sumed her voyage, was torpedoed
without warning as she lay stationary
with all the crew on board.
Governor Whitman Slons Bill Making
Drills for Youths Between 15 and
19 Years of Age Compulsory.
Albany. N. Y March 17. Governor
Whitman signed the military training
bill which extends the law enacted last
year so as to compel all boys between
sixteen and nineteen years of age to
receive military Instruction. Last
year's law applied only to school
lioys, but the bill signed Includes work
ing boys as well.
Every Man in Aetna Factory Building
Is Dead Fire Extin
guished. Olean. N. Y March 10. Six men
were killed In an explosion which de
stroyed the solvent factory at the
Howard plant of the Aetna Explosive
company at Emporium, Kan. Simul
taneously withe the explosion lire was
discovered In the cotton storage build
ing, half a mile away.
Executive of the State of Washington
Driven From His Office by
Olympla, Wash.. March 15. An un
identified armed man chased Gov. Ern
est Lister out of his oillce on Tuesday.
The stranger held possession of the of
fice for some time after the sheriff and
police guard had been summoned, La
ter the Intruder surrendered and the
governor returned to his oillce.
Four Russ Transports Sunk.
Ilcrllu, March 17. "According to
telegrams from Vienna the commander
of the Illaek sea fleet announces that
four Russian military transports on
the way from Sebastopol to Armenia
were sunk by mines or torpedoes.
Southern States to Ship Eggs.
Mobile, Ala., March 17. It was an
nounced that eggs In carload lots
would be sent to northern markets
from the extreme southern states. This
announcement was made by tho Gulf
Coast Produce exchange.
Reserves Armed With Rifles Rushed to
Fight Plotters Martial Law
Is Declared.
New York, March 15. Three hun
dred and seventy policemen, armed
witli lilies, were hurried to Fort Ham-
llidii. mi Hie Hrooklvn shore of the Nur- I
rows, on Tuesday night and estab
lished martial law.
It had been reported to the police
department by the military authori
ties that 500 German reservists would
attempt to destroy the fort at mid
Three police launches, each armed,
were hurried to the anchorage off the
water side of the fortifications.
Iy midnight, the hour set for the
attack by the German reservists, ac
cording to the military informants of
the police, Fort Hamilton was guarded
from both the land and sea In such a
manner as to make an attack uttterly
Colonel Itafferty, commnnder nt
Fort Hamilton, had three companies,
more than ytX) men, ready. There was
considerable stir luslde the fort at mid
night. The gigantic searchlights were made
ready for Instant service to guurd
against a surprise attack.
The object of tho attempted de
struction of the fort, the police do-
partition was told, was to destroy tho
base from which all mine laying op
erations in New York harbor would bo
conducted In the event of wnr.
Judge Orders Pittsburgher Removed to
Asylum In Pennsylvania Extra
dition Is Barred.
Philadelphia, March 15. Harry K.
Thaw was adjudged a lunatic on
Tuesday by the common pleas court,
of this city, and under the law cannot ,
be taken to New York on requisition
to stand trial on charges of assaulting
Frederick Gump, Jr., a high school
student of Kansas City, Mo. Thaw
will be kept In St. Mary's hospital hero
ponding his removal to a Pennsylvania
The court's action was based on the
report presented by n lunacy commis
sion, which on Monday took the testi
mony of Thaw and his mother.
Judge Martin appointed J. D. En
nlstou Lyon, a Pittsburgh banker, and
Dr. Walter Itlille, the Thaw family
physician in Pittsburgh, as a commit
tee to take charge of Thaw's estate.
They will enter $000,000 security.
Thaw's present Income, according to
his counsel, Is between $75,000 and
SSO.OOO on two trust funds left by his
father, William Thaw.
President Wilson Selects Members of
Commission Prof. Frank W.
Taussig Heads Body.
Washington, March 10. President
Wilson has elected the following
men as members of the tariff commis
sion :
Prof. Frank W. Taussig of Harvard
Former Representative David J.
Lewis of Cumberland, Mil.
Former Representative William
Kent of Kentlleld. Oil.
Daniel C. Roper of McCall, S. C.
E. P. Costlgan of Denver, Colo.
W. S. Culbotson of Emporia, Kan.
Chile Lodges a Protest.
Santiago, Chile, March 10. Tho
Chilean minister to Great llrltaln has
been Instructed to lodge it vigorous
protest with the British foreign oillce
over violation of Chilean neutrality by
Rrltlsh warships.
French General to Wed Nurse.
London, March 10. Gen. l'uul Mau
rice Kinmanuel Sarrall's engagement to
Mile, do Joaniils, a member of tho
French nursing staff with General Sar
rall's army, was announced ofllclally nt
SulonlUI. Sarrall la sixty-one years old.
Discuss Measures for Transporting
Supplies In Case of War
Western Newspaper futon News Service
New York. A progressive strike of
tho 400.COO members of the four broth
erhoods for Saturday on eastern roads,
has been ordered. The walkout In
cludes all tho railroads In the country
Chiefs of the workmen's organizations
set tho Htiiko machinery In motion
within a few minutes after an ultima
tum delivered to the conference com
mittee of railroad managers had been
rejected. A compromise proposal of
fered by tho managers was declined
without debate.
Only successful Intervention by Pres
ident Wilson, It appears, can avert a
Btrike. The brotherhood leaders gave
no Indication that even an appeal from
the nation's chief executive can change,
their purpose to obtain a basic eight
hour day and prorata time for over
tlmo thru tho use of the "protoctlvo
feature" of their organization. They
refused flatly to submit their case to
i the debt-hour conimlslon. headed by
j MaJ. Gen. George V. Goethals, or to
await the decision of the supremo
! court on tho constitutionality of tho
l Adnmson law.
I The railroad managers say they ex
pect enough of their loyal men to
I maintain a skeleton service on most
roads. The managers some time ago
caused u census of their employes to
be taken to determine how many
I would refuse to go on strike. This
I resulted. It was said. In varying per
, centagCH ranging from a very few on
some roads to from GO to GO per cent
on oiners.
Income Taxes for 1917.
Washington. Preliminary reports
to the treasury department lndlcato
the government will collect $1100,000,
000 In Income taxes during the current
year, or about two and one-half times
as much as during tho past twclvo
months. Internal revenue receipts
nro expected to exceed $700,000,000,
an increase of nearly $200,000,000.
The time for filing income returns
expired March 1. Most of tho In
crease Is due to the higher rato of tax
ation. Collections actually made up to
tho present aggregate about $125,000,
000, or $7,000,000 more than was col
lected this time last year.
Tho government's tax of munitions
will net $40,000,000, it is thought,
while for the few months of the fiscal
year during tho former emergency tax
law was in effect, tho returns will ap
proximate $115,000,000 on miscellaneous
items affected by this tax.
Measures Discussed for Transporting
Supplies in Event of War.
Washington. Speeding up measures
to enablo tho United States in event
of war with Germany to procure with
out delay a great fleet of vessels for
transportation of supplies to tho nl
lies, wero discussed here by wooden
shipbuilders of tho Atlantic and gulf
coasts, who met at the call of tho ship
ping board. Yards that produco steel
tnnnnpn nlrnnilv urn wnvltlniv it limit.
iear ftturo (hQ onrd wJU
ca1 ,n paclflc coaHt ,, nnd thcn
tho makers of power machinery will
bo consulted.
Theodore Hrent of the shipping
noard told tho builders tho board de
sired to prepare for any emergency
tho country may fnco and that the in
formation asked concerning labor and
standarizatlon was vital as a measuro
of preparedness. The board, bo de
clared, had no deslru to go Into ship
building to competo with private yards
of placing orders, but felt it neces
sary to prepare tho way for rapid
building If tho occasion arises.
P.Isbee, Ariz. Scores of German re
Borvlsts havo crossed Into tho Mexican
state of Sonora, from points in
Arizona, within tho last week, an
agent of tho department of justice
anounced. Many of thorn, no said,
wero known to have had military ex
perience. Tho agent said they ap
peared to bo scattering to all parts of
Organized Labor Will Aid.
Washington. Organized labor In
America, through Its representative In
conference horo has offered its serv
ices to tho country in overy field of
activity, If, despito nil endeavors and
hopes, tho United States should bo
drawn in war.
Tho action was takon by unanimous
troto of moro than 150 delegates from
national and International trade,
unions affiliated with tho American
Federation of Labor and llvo unaffil
iated organizations, Including tho
groat railroad brotherhoods.
Approved Colombia Treaty.
"Washington. Tho scnato forolgn
relations committee has approved In
modified form tho treaty with Co
lombia by which tho United States
will pay that republic JL'G.000,000 for
tho partition of Panama. It will bo
pressed to a voto In tho present spo-c!-.l
scnato session.
Tho senato was in session six min
utes Tuesday and adjourned until
Wednesday when It was thought tho
foreign rolatlons committee, might bo
ready to recommend action on tho
Colombia treaty.
Patordon, N. J. "I thank yon for
tho Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they
navo mauo mo well
and healthy. Somo
timo ago I felt bo
run down, had pains
in my back and side,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, hod
such bad dreams,
did not feel.liko eat
ing and had short
breath. I read your
advertisement in
tho newspapers and
decided to try a bottlo of Lydia E.Pink
ham'o Vegetable Compound. It worked
from tho first bottle, so I took a second
and a third, also a bottlo of Lydia E.
Pinkham 'a Blood Purifier, and now I am
juBt as well ao any other woman. I ad
vise every woman, singlo or married,
who ia troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegctablo Compound and Blood Purifier
and I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles aa they did me."
Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sande, 86 NoJ
York St, Paterson, N. J.
Writothe Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you
need special advice.
Technically speaking, a hair's
breadth Is seventeen ten-thousandths
of un Inch.
While You Sleep With Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment Trial Free.
On retiring, gently smear the face
with Cutlcura Ointment, wash off In
flvo minutes with Cutlcurn Soap and
hot water, and continue bathing a few
minutes with the Soap. Tho iulluence
of this treatment on the pores extends
through the night.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, DepL L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
And money is also the root of many
n family tree.
Rest Those Worn Nerves
Don't give up. When you feel all
unstrung; when family cares seem too
hard to bear, ond backache, dizzy head
aches, queer pains and irregular action
of the kidneys and bladder may mystify
you, remember that such troubles often
come from weak kidneys and it may be
that you only need Doan's Kidney Pills
to make vou well. When the kidneys
are weak there's danger of dropsy, I
i i r l. jf r j T
gravel ana ungni a uncase, won i uc
lay. Start using Doan's now.
5CKat all Stores
Foster-Mllburn Co.Prop.Buffnlo,"N.Y.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
owDt Iced.
fresh. cclUbtoi
vntrm stock
men. DecauM in BY
proflCt WhirtUr
ff WrftcfofbooVIetandtMtlmoaUli.
10-dniiDli.BllCkll( PIUS. S1.00
HMm nki. BlicklM PfllS. 14.00
Vi, inr ltl tctor, but Cutter" simplest tnd ttron&wt.
The lupeilorlty ol Cuttu product ! duo to orer 13
jeirtoliipKUHiln In VACC1NB3 AND MMJMS
order direct. .. ... m
1U mm WWiaiT.nmnT. w. t ww m.
Monry buck without Ufstlon
If HUNT'S CUKE falltt In the
treatment of ITCH, KCZBMA,
Itching akin ilUenHes. Price
Mo ntdniKRlxtii or direct from
A.B.RIchrdi Medicine Co., Jheraa,Ii.
. parkr'6 '
hair balsam
A toilet preparation of merit.
Helps to eradicate ilandruir.
ForRcetoring Color and
Beaut jr toGrar or Faded Hair.
too, and (I oo at Druirelita,
Wiitinn K. Cnleiman,
l'aunt l-awrer.WuthlUBUin,
1). O. Advlca and books fr.L
Ilatet reasonable, ntghetlrelerencei Uestaorrlces.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1917.
Mg '(
Btr Iiucd
Mim mu:.1-,
vHvm Hniii""
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