The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1917, Image 6

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President Mcnocal Notifies Secretary
Lanslno at Washington That Gov.
crnor Munoz Holds Port as a Consti
tutionalist. Washington, Mm rh PJ. Ollleliil ills
patches to tin tit my department on
Friday established Hint Ciiliim govern
nitwit forces hint' revalued control of
ifiiiitlngo, the stionglMild of the lebcl
uprising. President Mciincul litis noti
fied thin government 1 1 in t Governor
Mlinnz, In command Iheie. represei.ti
him mill tin1 recognized Cuban govern
incut. Consul (iillllth, at .Siintigo, In
mi undated dispatch received lit the
Htate department, salil Aiiierieaii tun
rltu'H hud heen landeil there to protect
Americans mill their propeity. lie nl-n
stated that lighting was in pnigicss be
tween l tie revolutionary troops and Ihu
government troops at I'liluia Soiiaiia.
Tho repossession of Kiintliign mid
the capture of the rehel lender, Conic.,
und his stuff arc regarded here as
marking the collapse of the rebellion.
Dispatches do not say whether there
wiih a light, but say the rehels, "realiz
ing they were traitors about to he cap
tured," threw away their arms and lied
to thu outskirts.
It appears from the dispatches,
which arc Incomplete, that the Mutinz
forces took the city by n coup within
it and before the Mcnocal troops ,
marching on SanthiL'o had an I veil. i
Muiio. previously had declared him
Rrtf loyal to President Mcnocal and the
government and at his request Ameri
can forces numbering -KM) were lauded
to protect foreign Interests.
Hnnnna, March 11!. Curios Miguel
cspedos, n prominent lawyer of I la
una, who was reported to have been
killed In battle at Pinedas when Co
mcz, the rebel lender, was captured, ar
rived In Havana a prisoner. lie was
wounded In the head. He has been
placed in the Dragoncs prison.
Washington, March l'J. American
arliics and bluejackets occupying
Santiago nppcnr, from latest navy de
partment dispatches, to he facing the
possibility of an attack by the rehel
bunds waging guerrilla wnrfare In the
city's suburbs.
Carls Reports Advance of 1,350 Yards
Loss Is Admitted by Berlin
War Office.
Pnrls, March 11!. Cernian positions
an u front of l,!l.r0 yards, varying in
depth from 510 to 71!0 yards, were car
ried by the attack In thu Champagne
mode by the French, the war olllce re
ports. A German counter-offensive was re
pulsed after violent lighting. Two Ger
man attacks In Avoeourt wood, on the
Verdun front, were repulsed.
Ilerlln, March 11!.- "In the Chain
pngne the French, after drum lire, at
Wicked the -Hisltlons south of ltlpout
raptured by us on February 15. They
Huccceded In entering Isolated trenches
mi height 1 S.r and at Mnlsous de Chum
pngne. From the latter place they
were repulsed. A counter-attack re
covered for us the trench sections on
the dominating height lS.'i. A farm sit
uated lower down was held by the en
Havre, France, Receives Report That
Germany Considers Announcing
Terms to Foes.
Havre, France, March 0. The Ger
man government, according to Infor
mation received here through conllden
Unl agents, Is considering the publica
tion of Gcrmuu.v's terms of peace.
Under these terms Itclglum would
Ikj declared Independent, subject only
to permanent German garrisons at
Antwerp. I.lege and Namur and to
the control by Germany of ports and
Belgium, under the terms, would
have no national army, but would he
policed by a gendarmerie.
Husband and Father Escapes by
Jumping After Accidentally Set-
ting His Home In Flames.
Innslng, Mich.. March S. Mrs.
Hmerln Van Flips, thirty, and her two
children, Iritis, aged six ears, ami
Kverett, aged three months, were
burned to death on Sunday when their
homo caught lire. Wilbur Van Fpps,
husband and father, was badly burned.
Van Fpps, In starting a lire, poured
ll Into a stove. The next Instant the
kouso was In (lames.
Report Stefansson Is Safe.
Dawson. Y. T.. March 11!. A not th
ivest police expedition arrived here
with news that Vllhjalinur Stefansson,
11ih Arctic explorer, discoverer of new
land In the Arctic. Is wintering at
Prince of Wales strait.
Delay In Thaw's Hearing.
Philadelphia, March 11!. Governor
Tirumbaugh announced that there will
ho no hearing on tlio application for
llio extradition of Harry Iv. Thaw to
iNcvv York until the lunacy proceeding
pending shall have been concluded.
Commander of Cuban Government
Forces Notifies President of Vic
tory In Santa Clara.
Havana, March 5.- Cen. Jose Miguel
Gomez, fotneuter of the present revolu
tion In Cuba, has been captured, to
gether with his entire stuff. With Its
leader and his chief lieutenants prison
ers the backbone of thu revolution Is
rega tiled as broken.
Olltclal Information of the capture
was conveyed in a dispatch on Wed
nesday to President Mcnocal from
Santa Claia. The original report ema
nated from Ceneral Collazo and read:
"I have .lose Miguel Gomez and all
his stalT prisoners." Presumably ,the
capture was the outcome of the battle
reported Tuesday at Quicncuos.
Speedy execution of Gome, was
predicted as the news of the capture
spread In Havana.
The announcement of the capture of
Come, was received with cheering and
the waving of hats by President
Mcnocal and the army olllcers gathered
at the palace. All olllcers, soldiers and
prominent civilians who Inter came to
the palace also cheered the news.
The government troops surrounded
the rebels, he said, mid attacked them.
Come, and his entire staff were cap
tured in the running battle which fol
Germany Releases U. S. Sailors Taken
by Raider Prize Ship Crew Sent
to Switzerland.
Itc.'llu. March 11!.- Fifty-nine Amer
icans taken from essels sunk by the
Certuau raider in the South Atlantic
and brought to Swlncinuetide on .Inn
uary 1 on board the captures steamer
Yiii row dale were released from quar
antine Thuisday and lett at 4 p. in. for
the Swiss trontlcr. The route over
which the. departed win the one
chosen for their return b the United
States gn eminent.
News of their impending release
was cnne,cd to the men In the de
tention limp at P.nindenburg Wednes
day Most of them were seamen
and weie unaware that the (ieorgle
anil Mount Temple, upon whlih steamer-,
they had shipped, were armed
! ui n hautiiieii, auiL weie considered by
German as fair,
British Vessel Cntrying African Na
tive Laborers' Contingent Sunk
Two Hundred Saved.
Loudon. March 1'J. The Ilrltlsh
transport Mendl, of I.'JIIO tons gross,
enrr lug South Afilcan native laborers,
was sunk after a collision on February
i!l and ti'-Ti persons lost their lives.
The escort's searchlight could not
penetrnte the fog. hut the survivors
weie rescued by passing vessels.
Twelve European olllcers and UU na
tives were Mixed. Ten Furopenns and
Olfi natlxes were lost."
Lay Defeat to Churchill.
Loudon, MiikIi 10. The Dardanelles
expedition was undertaken on the Ini
tiative ot Col. Winston Churchill, ac
cording to a majority icport of the
commission appointed to inquire into
the respoiislbilit of the expedition.
American Stonmer Is Safe.
New Yotk, March 10. -The American
steamship Mongolia, which left hero
February '20, the Hist American xessel
to leave with mall since the German
war zone declaration, arrived safely nt
London on March 5.
Declares All Armed Ships Are Pirates
Held Responsible for Losses
They Suffer.
London, March 8. The American
ambassador at Vienna has been hand
ed the reply of the Austrian govern
ment to thu American note Inquiring
as to the position of the Austrian gov
ernment In regard to unrestricted sub
marine warfare, according to a Vienna
dispatch received on Tuesday.
The icply declares that neutrals are
responsible for losses they suiter by
entering territory where xvarllke op
erations are taking place.
The reply of Austria states that
promises made in prexlous notes con
cerning the warning to neutral vessels
do not apply to armed merchant ships,
which may bo considered as pirates
and sunk accordingly.
The reply says "that whatever atti
tude tlu Washington cabinet may take
as to Individual questions raised here,"
the Austro-iluugarlau government Is
"essentially In accord with the Ameri
can government In regard to the pro
tection of neutrals against endanger
ing their lives." The memorandum
then maintains that "neutral .subjects
hiixe to bear themselves all losses they
suffer by entering territory where war
like operations are taking place."
After u lengthy discussion of the
Itiltlsh blockade, which it declines Is
Illegal, the memorandum continues:
"The principle that neutrals should en
Joy In wartime the advantages of thu
trccdoin of the seas refers only to neu
tral xessels and not to neutral person?
aboard enemy vessels,"
U. S. Supreme Court Takes Ship
From Germans Virginia Judge
Washington, March S. Itiltlsh
claimants of the German prio ship
Appaiii ut Newport News, 'a., won
their suit In the Supreme court to re
gain possession of the vessel andcaigo.
In sustaining the Itritlsh libel at
tinhuicnt suit against the Appam and
Its cargo the court held on Tuesday
that the IliitNIi owners are entitled to
lestitiitlou because the Appam violat
ed American neutrality. Treaties of
17!)'.) and 1VJS between the Fulted
Slates and Germany, the court held,
do not entitle Geriuan prizes, uunc
cnuipiiulcd by the captor warship, to
luilelliilte American asylum, .luilsdic
tlou of Aiueilcau courts over the Ap
pam was upheld.
Findings of Federal Judge Waddlll
of Virginia that the Appam violated
American neutrality, afler being
brought Into Hampton roads a year
ago by Capt. Hans Iterg and a German
prize crew, were sustained and up.
proved b the co'irt.
U. S. Envoy to Japan Dies.
Washington. March 10. George V.
Guthile of Pittsburgh. American am
bassador at Tokyo, died here on Thurs
day. Stone Retains Foreign Post.
Washington, March 11!. William J.
Stone will be renominated chairman of
the senate foreign relations committee,
Senator Lewis, administration whip,
said, while the Democratic steering
committee was In executive session.
Salvador Wins Fight.
San Salvador, Itcpuhlle of Salvador,
March 11!. The Central American
court of Justice, upholding for the sec
ond time the claim of Salvador, says
the naval base which tholnIted States
It) to establish would be n menace.
Also Calls Extra Session of Sixty
Fifth Congress for
April 16.
Government Will Not Tell Names of
Vessels That Are Given Guns and
Gunners Press Asked to
Maintain Secrecy.
Washington March 12. President
IVIIson has decided to arm American
merchant ships, under his constitu
tional authorll, and also has called a
special session of congress for April 10.
American merchant ships sailing for
the subinailne .one have heen armed
by the government and they are icady
to Rail.
To Conceal Names of Ships.
The names of the aimed ships will
not be made public by the government
and are not expected to be published In
the newspapers.
The president signed the proclama
tion for the extra session on Friday
while lying In bed with a cold. Orders
for carrying out the president's de
cision to arm ships were Immediately
sent to the navy department.
The president decided to arm ships
after receiving formal opinions from
Attorney General Gregory and Secre
tary Lansing that he had such author
ity. In spite of old statutes which some
believed forbade It.
Mr. Wilson has the backing of tho
entire cabinet In taking the step. Guns
for arming merchantmen have been as
sembled at navy yards along the At
lantic coast and everything Is ready
to carry out the policy announced by
the president.
Ask Secrecy for Ships.
The nnvy department Issued nn np
peal to the American newspapers to
refrain from publishing any Informa
tion whatever of the nature or arma
ment of ships and already has appealed
to the cable companies to suppress all
Information of ships crossing the At
lantic In either direction.
With the government launched on
the policy of nrmlng American mer
chantmen to defy the risks of thu Ger
man wai' zone, thu newspapers and
nil other news-dispensing agencies of
thu United" States were requested to
plncu themselves under a self-imposed
Secretary of the Navy Daniels,
calling the Washington representa
tives of the newspapers of the coun
try together, asked that all definite
Information as to the arming of
ships, or the movement of armed ships
bo suppressed.
Thinks Country Backs Him.
Because of tho passage by thu house
of the armed neutrality bill and tho
signing of the manifesto approving
such a step by a majority of the sennto
during Its last session, the president
feels he has congress and the country
behind him. As soon as congress con
venes additional legislation on the
question will he asked.
Under a hill passed near the end of
the last session the amount of money
at the disposal of the government wnr
risk bureau for Insuring American
ships was increased to $ir,(MM),000. Un
der the present rule of the bureau tho
government does not Insure ships car
rying arms or ammunition.
Tumulty Makes Statement.
The following statement was issued:
"Secretary Tumulty stated in con
nection with the president's call for an
extra session of congress that the pres
ident Is convinced that he has the
power to arm American merchant ships
and Is free to exorcise it at once. Hut
so much necessary legislation Is press
ing for consideration that he Is con
vinced that It Is for the best Interests
of the country to have an early session
of the SIxty-ilftli congress, whose sup
port he will need In all matters col
lateral to the defense of our merchant
After the White House announce
ment the navy department announced
"we are prepared as to gunners as well
ns guns."
May Ask Approval of Step.
It was stated that as soon as the new
congress convenes the president will
lay before a joint session his views and
desires as to legislation. If he wants
legislative sanction for his step In arm
ing American ships, congressional lead
ers declared that It would be promptly
The adoption of a cloture rule in tho
senate has cleared the way for action
In both houses to bold up the presi
dent's hands In dealing with Gerninny.
Immediately following the Issuance
of the call for an extra session there
was a succession of events tending to
make It extremely possible that there
will be bi-partisan organization In tho
next house with Champ Clark con
tinued as speaker,
White Book to Tell Plotting.
It became known that the adminis
tration Is preparing a White book set
ting forth all of the evidence of Ger
man plotting against the United
States, chlelly In I he Latin-American
countiles, and of the activities of Ger
man agents In Inciting acts of violence
on American soil. These documents
are to be published In thu event that
relations with Germany take a moiu
serious turn.
Will Press Amendment to Change
Inaugural Day President
Calls Extra Session
April 16.
Western Nruxp.tpfi t'nlcm Newt Service
New York. -The United Stutes se
cret service net, teaching into all see ,
tlons of the countr, is slowly gath
ering in parts of un alleged Get man
machine that was put together In
Wllhelmstiasse to vlolatu American '
neutrality or work against its Inter- '
est in case of war. I
Arrests in New York, Chicago, Phil
adulphla and Los Angeles showed the
extent of the fedural operations '
The district attorney's olike luu an
nounced that revelations of a German i
ugent established that the kaiser 1iu.j I
been levying a wnr tax on his sub- '
jocts in this country. Accredited rep- j
resentatives of German. It is said,
havo systematically assessed Germans
In Amerleii and havo collected mil- I
lions of dollars. The spending of this I
money will be one of the objects nf
the grund Jury probe already begun. i
Otllcials do not bulleve the money vvus
sent to I5er"n. I
Indications that a huge German
fund was in existence during recent i
elections, to Insuie the election of
federal and state officials who would
be favorable to Gurman enterprises,
are being probed.
Calls Extra Session April 16
Washington, Pi esldent Wilson has j
ordered thut a policy of armed neu- i
tr.ility be put into ettect Immediately
by the arming of American merchant
vessels and called an extra session
of congress to meet Monday, April 16, i
in order to have itb suppoit and coun- I
sol "In all matters collateral to tho
defense of our merchant marine."
On tho mature advice of the govern
ment's highest legul autrorltles, the
president decldod that failure of his
armed neutrality bill nt the last ses
sion left him with sufficient authority
under existing statutes to issue naval
guns to merchantmen.
He is expected, however, to ask that
all doubt on the point be removed by
passage of a specific authorization as
soon as congress meets.
It was learned definitely that some
American merchant ships sailing for
tire submarine zone will be nrmed by
tho government at once. Preliminary
arrangements have been completed
and It is expected that vessels will bo
ready to sail in the near future.
Preia an Amendment to Change In
augural Day.
Washington. Congresb at its next
session will bo asked to pass a consti
tutional amendment changing the in
augural day from March 4 to the last
Thursday In April.
Announcement to that affect was
made following u meeting of the Wash
ington members of the national
committee on the change of inaugura
tion day. President Wilson, who is
suffering from a severo cold on account
of exposure last week will be urged to
help in securing the passage of tho
proposed amendment,
"The dangerous weather of this time
of tho year, emphasized the necessity
for a change," bald a member of tho
committee. "President Harrison died
from exposure on Inauguration day,
and other prominent men have died
or became seriously ill from exposure."
To Invite President to Attend '
Lincoln, N'eb. Chancellor Avery of
tho state university and II. M. Hush
noil havo gone to Washington to ask
President Wilson to come to Lincoln
for tho semi-centennial celebration.
Tho commltteo which sent these cml
saties was afraid tho president might
not accept tho Invitation In view of
wnr troubles bo some alternatives
were provided. If tho president can
not accept an effort may bo made to
securo the presence of one of tho ex
presidents. Hoosovelt or Tuft While
In Washington invitations will bo ex
tended to the vice- president am' I
members of tho cabinet. I
Award 6 Appam to British
Washington. British claimants of
tho Gorman prize ship Appam at New
port News, Vn havo won tholr suit
in the supreme court to regain pos
session of the vessel and cargo.
In sustaining tho Ilrltlsh libel at
tachment suit against tho Appam and
cargo, the United States supremo
court hold that tho Ilrltlsh owners aro
entitled to roatltutlon hecauso tho Ap
pam violated American neutrality,
contained in articles In tho treaties
of 1799 and 182S between the United
States and Germany.
Omahn, Nob. Hogs aro making
rapid strides on tholr way to tho $15
mork. They sold last week for $14.C5
In both St. Louis and Chicago they
reached $1G. "Tho Omaha prlco Is
really tho highest In tho world today,"
Bald K. Hucklnghani, general manager
of tho yards "Although Chicago
bought hogs at $13, tho prlro hero
was really higlror hecauso thero Is
rnoro than .i 45-ccnt spread between
tho two markets with tho prices bo
high." Tho bulk ot the sales on tho
Omaha mail'ct wvro from 14. UO to
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Pulton. N. Y. "Whv will women
my out their money for treatment and
receive no benefit.
when so many have
proved that Lydia
E. Pinkhnm'eVcge
table Compound
will mako them
well? For over a
year I suffered eo
from female weak
ness I could hardly
stand and was
afraid to go on tho
street alone. Doc
tors said medicines
were useless and only un operation
would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has proved it
otherwise. I am now perfectly well
and can do any kind of work." Mrs.
Nellie Phews, care of R. A. Rider,
R.P.D. No. G, Fulton, N. Y.
Wo wish every woman who suffers
from femnlo troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see tho let
ters written by women made well by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have bad symptoms and do not
understand the cause, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They art
uiuiai, iiiirsu, unnecessary, I nB
Purely vegetable. Act ,
Kenny on the liver,
eliminate mie, ana
membrane of thej
bowel. Cure.
Sick Head-
che tad lodiftitloD, million! know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Our Thriftless Nation.
Self-denial Is a fundamental virtue,
especially for all who have their own
way to make In the world ; happiness
for the great majority of people de
pends on the wholesome restraint of
desires rather than on their gratifica
tion, because, when unchecked, those
desires are forever stretching out be
yond present rench. It seems strango
that, especially In our country, pcoplo
shrink from saying, "I can't afford it,"
when economy means safety and con
tentment, whereas false pride brings
danger and Fear of be
ing thought poor or stingy has brought
misery, and often crime, Into mnny a
household. The average wages, sal
aries and Incomes are higher In this
country than In any other, yet our
savings hanks do not make a credit
able showing. Fourteen countries
grently outrank oars in the proportion
of savings accounts to population. In
thrift, as Indicated by the savings
hanks, we stand at the bottom of tho
list of the principal nations. Judge
Harmon In Youth's Companion.
The oldest fan In existence Is In tho
museum near Cairo. It dates from
the seventeenth century 15. C.
That Knife-Like Pain
Have you a lame back, aching day
and night? Do you feel sharp pains
nfter stooping? Are the kidneys
sore? Is their action irregular? Do
you have headaches, backaches,
rheumatic pains, feel tired, nerv
ous, all worn-out? Use Doan's Kid
ney Pills tho medicine recom
mended by so many people In this
locality. Read tho experlenco that
follows :
A Nebraska Case
.Samuel nixler, Him
St., Gordon, Neb..
bii'b: "l-'our years'
Feivico In tho army
left mo with chronic
Kidney complaint I
had to get up often
at night to pass tho
It 1 (1 n o y hecretlons
unit my wholo body
nchpd, especially my
bark Mv heart pal
pitated und I hud
falntlia; b n o I I
Donn's Kidney PUN
havo brought mo
grout relief from all
thepe nllrnonts and I
can't bo too Brutonii."
Gat Dean'a at Any Store, Wo a Boa
aiaiaiaPaj rti
BTi rvrr n
mnzjm htti f
wvw ivtrc
iS. JX
r iji
I Boschee's
German Syrup
Wo all toko cold omo time and every
body should have Itoschcc's Herman
Syrup handy at all times (or tho treat
ment of throat and tunc troubles,
bronchial coughs, etc. It has been on
the marliot SI jenrs. No better rec
ommendation Is possible. It Ecntly
soothes Intlammatinn, cases a cough,
Insures a cood night's sleep, with free
expectoration in tho mornlnc. Drug
gists' and dealers' everywhere, 25c
and 75c bottles. Don't taku substitutes.
I Boschee's I
German Syrup