RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i V :l: AS TOLD TO US :l: &:::: Tan day is coining Satur.liiy is St. Patrick's Pay. Mis. Karl Hall .spoilt Fililny in Hast hlB.. Mis. C. K. Cross .spout Friday in Hustings Sain Fuller of Cowlos was in the city Saturday. Pete Lowis of Ulvorton wag in the city Monday. Alf McCall went to Kansas City, Sun day morning. Hoy Sattley, imricrtnkcr-nuto hearse in connection. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kalcy wont to Hasting, Monday. Miss May Wondorly was down from Inavale, ThurMlay. Mr. and Mrs. Max Miner spoilt Wed nesday in Hastings. C P. Day of Alum was in the city the last of the week Frank and Hurley Starr autoed to Grand Island, Sunday. Chi is Nelson returned homo Sunday from llird City, Kansas. W. K. Soap of llladen was in the city the last of the week. Henry Waterman was down from Cowlcs the last of the week. Hats won't Kiiaw harness oilod in Nentslonc. (Jet it at Fogol'H. John Weesner, who resides noar Esbon, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J II. ltailey spent Monday with relatives at Cowles. Will Dolaney returned, homo from Kansas City tho last of the week. Meredith Hutler of; Hluo Hill spent Sunday in the city with his parents. K. W. Lawsou of Gillette, Wyoming was in the city the last of tho week. Kid acres of tfood tfrazititf pasture land wanted with water. .1 11. P.ailey. Chas. Woods of Grand Island spent the weekend in tho city with his family-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherwood return ed home from Lincoln, Monday oven intf. Lew Walters, Thorvle .lonsen nu 1J licit Miller were in Itlue 1 1 111, Satur day. The F.lkhoin Construction Co, re suuied wni It on the scwor system this week. Miss Nellie Francis came down from Cowles Monday eveuini,', to vNlt friends. Miss Florence Johnston came down from Kiverton, Friday, to visit her mother. Uev. lJeohe went to Itlue Hill, Mon day, to attend the Sunday School con vention. J. M. Schlcsiger and Matt Schooler of Yiitiin were in the city the last ot the week. Mrs. K. M. Kfje went to Kock Kapids Iowa. Friday, to vlslther niothet' who is quite sick Miss lihinchc Jones of Hastings spent tlie weekend with .Mr and Mr-. Chas. Herriek. Attorney Steinor of Ila-tiuj:- was attending district court in the oily the hist of the week. Otis Frazier accompanied his mother 1 1 York. Friday lnorniui:, where sin will visit relatives. Ted Harris went to Hasting-, Mon day, where he was culled to set on the Federal court jury. .Miss (irace Sherer, who is teaching .school at Kosemniit, .-pent the weoic end with her mother , - Dr. and Mrs. C K Cross left Sunday via automobile for Kansas whole he will look alter his farm Attorney W. F. Patter-on of Pupil lion, was attending district court in the city the last of the week. Electric Fixture If you arc going to have yourslore, office, or home wired for eleclric lights let me furnish you an eslimale on the work also on your fixtures. 1 can give you the very latesl designs, at prices that will appeal to you. Stevens Plumbing, Heating in-l Plortrinnl Anlr J Neatslene, 1 1 00 gallon at Fool s Fird Walker -pent Sunday in llivcr ton. Dan (iat her spent Tuesday in Hast-injr-. Fiesh Van I'.rccht Chocolates at Cot tint's. Geoijje OvetiiiK spent Monday in Il'i.stliiKs. Alvln Kathjen spent Tue.sdiiy in Guide ltock Kd IJurr of Ouido Hock was in tho city Saturday. Roy Sattley Undertakor-Auto Hearse in connection. Joe Peiry was in Republican City, Saturday iii'ht. C. N. Lovcrcheck of Franklin was in tho city Tuesday. Don't fail to see those Miua Taylor aprons at Albright's. Kyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C, Mitchell, tho Jeweler. Miss Florence Weathers of Inavale was in the city Tuesday. Miss Mabel Railey spent Tuesday with her sister at Cowles. (ilen Walker was in Detroit, Michi gan, the first of the week. Mrs. Kinnia Scrivncr wont to lioso moot, Tuesday morning. C. F. Kuminsky of Walnut Creek was in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis (Jeer spent Sun day with relatives at Franklin. Alf McCall returned home from Kansas City, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hailcy returned home Saturday morning from Denver. Clovo Loy returned homo from Win chester, Virginia, tho last of the week. Fred Kiiehnand Itert Anderson went to Ayr. Monday, to visit Will Kuehii. Mrs. Hattic Moede of Omaha sp.jut tho weekend with Mr. and Mrs. cIihs Herriek. R. L. Shepherd of MeCook was at tending district court in the city the last of t he week-. If you want to sell or trade your real estate call on C. A.Sctiults5. Inde pendent phone 'JOS'. If you are looking for some good cut tle and hogs read tho two sale ads which appear in this issuo Mr. ami Mr-. ('. J. Piatt returned home from Lincoln. Monday evening, where they 'pc-nt a few dajs. Kloset Klean guaranteed to remove stain from closets. No fuincs odor or dirt. Sold by 15. W. Stevens. Cecil and Allen ('iiininings of No braska City at rived in the city Mon day to visit relatives and friends. K. C. Henry returned Friday from Wakelteld and Norfolk to resume work with tho Flkhorn Construction Co. We have plenty of good Maitland litimp coal at S'.'OO per ton. Washed Maitland Nut S r.O. Piatt & Frees. V. A Iliha. of Crete, who is the con suiting engineer of the sewer system, returned te this city Tuesday evening. P. F. Crawford, A W Cox and W. K Thornc of Hladcii ettended district court in the city the last of tho week. J. A. Michael and R. II. Hiidiburgh of Yuma, Colorado, were transacting business, in the city the last of the week. Mr-. C. 1-5. Hill returned to Ha-ting-tin' last ot the week after spending a fnv days with her mother, Mis. Has--inger. Mr- Clius. Harris and Roy Turner returned home Friday front l.looining ton where they had been visiting their rubor. All kinds of insertions and bandings are good this season. We wish to close out our line at cost. M. A. Al bright. Miss Mabel Hailcy went to Omaha this morning to visit for sometime witli her brothers, Will and Grant lUiley. Fred Foarn, Jim Gilbert, Raymond Koont., Cherrel Koontz, I Sort Hatfield and Mr. Simpson were in Hastings, Friday Roy Robinson, who had been bruk ng on the Hastings freight lias been transferred to passenger trains No. 1 and II. The lir-t of tho week .las. Mclnto-h liiiincin'i'd excavating for the base in. nt and foiiiiilatiou tor the now Ilili -i h ml building. Mrs Win. Ilohrer returned home siiiiilny evening from Nelson whore she had been vi-iting her daughter. Mrs. Walter Roby. We are in t'ue market for 100 to 12;. pounds Shouts at market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. H. Miner Sernm Co. The W. C. T. I., will meet with Miss MaryChrlstiiin next Wednesday after noon at 'J:li0. An interesting report of the national W. C. T. 1. convention will be given by Mrs. Julia Warren. Messrs. and Mesdames P. A. Wull i.ran it. Will Frey and Mt-dames Will K'lon, Sam Mniiiiltori, N. It. Hush, Murk Mcl'onkey. Win. Fugles. J W. Mcl'iuckiii, I) P. Tennunt, Weil Steven-, Misses Mary Chtistian, (iiace Davis, and Edna Henderson, went to li u Hill, Monday, to attend tho County .Sunday School convention. 4 4 Powell Bros. Smoke House CIGARS that ore Good The Brand Your Doctor Smokes Most complete line of Cigars and Tobaccos in Red Cloud N. M. Hayes spent Thursday in Hast ings. C. II. Miner spent Tuesday in Hast ings. St Patrick and Faster cards.-Variety Store. Father Fitzgerald spent Sunday in Superior. Dr. Asher was down from Riverton tho last of the week. Red Cloud will have a Tag Day dur ing Fniversity Week. Mrs. C. II. Smith is quite sick at her home in the -ccond ward. Try it and see how inuch your money will buy at the Variety Store. Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Wilson returned to Lincoln, Wednesday morning. Mrs. Flunk llnlVer and (laughter. Miss Pearl, went to Omaha, Wednes day. Attorney II. S. I'oe was in MeCook, Monday, attending to some legal busi ness. (i F Keeiian, state scale inspector, of Kearney, was in the city tho last of the week. Rev. Druliner went to l'.ltie Hill, 1'ue-day. to attend the Sunday School o invention. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. (iellatly attended the Sunday School Convention at I Hue. Hill, Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. W. (!. Hamilton and children spent Sunday with relatives at (iitidc Kock. Rv. Lutheran services Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 10:'l0 A SjIiuuI, Pa-tor. Attorney P. K. Uoslaugh of Hustings was attending district court in the city lust week. .Mrs. Ceo Smelscr wont to Riverton, Sunduv evening, to visit her daughter. Mrs Fred Taylor. Mrs. I.aiiiborn went to Ajr the last of the week to visit her daughter who is on the sick list. Mrs. (Jeorge Van Camp came down from MeCook, Monday, to visit ui the Dr. Dumcrcll homo. Chester Deilart of Table Rock, is visiting witli his uncle and aunt, Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Corbett. Harold (iilbert and Harold Copley -pent Sunday evening witli some of the fair sex at Lebanon. Miss Hazel Ovcrleese, who is tea -h lug school near Riverton, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. N. M. Hayes loft Thursday morning for Whcatllold, Indiana, where she will visit her iLother who is quite stele. Mrs. George Delph accompanied her daughter, Miss Mildred, as far as Hast ings, Tuesday, tho latterbeing ciitoutc to Kearney. Trade with the merchants whoso ads appear in Tho Chief. They carry a reliable line of which is the best in the city. Mrs. 11. L. Heiky left Tuesday for Pine P.lufl's, Wyoming, where she will ,j tin her husband and muko their ftt tllie home on u fuiui. The Modern Woodmen will sho. you what their suiiutaiiiiin is doing at Colorado Springs in a two reel motion picture at the Orpheiim, Tuesday, March 'Join, in connection with the regular five reel Paramount program making snven big acts. Admission for tills show only .r and 10c. Tho Hamilton - Cathor Clothing Co. Succ tiioti to Pul Storey Everything a Man or Boy Wears Rod Cloud Nebraska WPfyl ''s JOT F I tier spent Uednesdux in -Miperlnr. I J.iek Waller was down from I owle -, e Itie-iluy. ' Fn- I Carnahain went to llu-tlng-W I'lJiie-dav morning. Mi-s l!e-sie lleldtiuiu of Rlicrto'i spent Sunday with Ml-s Jo-ephinc Sherer. ol-s Clara llaeth of Dodge City Kun-us, spent Tuesday evening at the Curt (leer homo being enioute to Franklin. Mis. Ue.ssio Hint of MeCook arrived In the city this mottling, being called bore by the serious illness of her moth er, Mis Conover. Aaron Conover, of Salt Lake Cit, arrived in the city Wednesday night, being called here by the serious illness of his mother, Mis. Peter Conover. A'ex Ruckles returned home Sutur du from Omaha wheic he had been ii-iimg his w'te who lecently tiudei wettt an operation in a hospital at that eity oining to the tirpheuin, that great-e-t of all Furopeait Novelty Acts; l.aretto The Fiog mini, sensational Mvnory and electrical etVccts, the act tliey arc all talking about. In con juii.tion with our usual program of pi.tuies The date. Saturday. March ITiIi Matinee .1 Ho. ailin. 10 an i lfie Night s, mini, in iitid SOi'. United Church Notes Mr. Paul ami Miss Melissa Miadholt united witli the Christian church Sun day morning. Fifty adults attended prayer meeting and llihlo class last Wednesday even ing. A delegation of eleven people attend ed the lllue Hill convention this week. The Senior Christian Hmlcavor had a very line social at the church Tues day evening. Mrs. Harris spoke- at the South Side Mi-;in Sunday afternoon. Fulder Duckworth teacher of the South .-i ie liible class i- very sick. The Indies of the Ihiihtiun church will serve a St. Patrick's Day Diiinei Saturday at II a. in. at the I. o. O. F. hull. Subject. Sunday iiioruitig "Doe-the tin-pel Abrogate Moral Law". Siindii. evening. ''Can Man Inherit Sin?" The I'nited Church Orchestra isuild Inir interest to the Sunday School Don't fail these voting people Sunday morning at In o'clock. Solicit Funds For Band At a meeting of the bo.uil of direct ors of the Chamber of Commerce, held at the Commercial Club rooms on Tuesday eveliing of this week several points of interest peitalniiig to the welfare of the city were brought up for discus-ion. The fact that tho present contract of Hand Muster LoRoy will expire within a short time was dulv considered. Several applications for the place had been submit ted, among them being that of former bandmaster, J. K. Rot A committee was appointed to solicit funds to be used for the purpose of maintaining this musical orguniut inn, and to se 'lire the opinions of the citi zens regarding the retaining of Prof. LoRoy. Tho paving proposition and install ing of guide posts were also among the uiiiiy important matteis dis'iissed , t'n-o gentlemen TffM MHI AUCTION! Closing Out Sale Everything Gees Now Is the time to Cut the Glgh Cost of Living Beginning WK m Saturday Mar. 17 I mII offer in v eiitlte stock for sale to the highest bidder J his is your "pportunit inj.i,t the many every lay useful aitu-ics m oiir price. Sat, Mar. 17,3:30and7p.m. bvery Evening 7 o clock 25 DISCOUNT EVERY DAY Model Variety Store KeJ Cloud Nebraska Thft CHI KS AT HOME EXPHCT YOU me ruLwo -0 tell em all ahout "OMAHA'S FUH &. n .?? VISIT CENTRE THE jJSGWef it Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville itigi Altar Flllid with rriltr Girts, runnr Clotm, Oorgioui Equtpige, Brilliant Scinlc Enironmint LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goes; AiK Anybody l WITS THE riCOEST ADO BEST SHOW MESI Of CHICAGT BnnMnmHniwnHMMniHHaniHiaiiHnnnnnHaMiHBHMinMi IrMAIL ORDER""m II Cream Separators ' Vlicn you buy a crenni scpnralor you wnnt the best machine you can get for tho money, don't you? Well, then, just listen to this proposition : Before you order a "mail order" separator write to tho concern and tell them that you want to try their machine out against a Do Laval, with the priv ilege of sending their machine back if you decide that the Do Laval is better wortli what we ask you for it than their machine is worth what they ask. That's absolutely fair, isn't it? We'll bo glad to furnish you a Do Laval for such a trial any time you like and let you be tho judge. We are glad to make this offer because wo know that the Do Laval will give you better service and cost you less in the long run than any other machine you can buy, no matter m we KiK Ball iii TRINE Delicious Food ior The housewife that is careful and economical buys a I our si ore She knows that when she buys fiom us she is get intj fresh, pure food and thai the prices arc right Wo have tin: reputation of dealing only in reli.ible goods brands that are sure to give entire satisfaction -try lliein When you want Groceries of Quality at right prices phone us ALBRIGHT .vaxvi-rtfi.xriErtijVai-4aiabsis VAWmsAL& Early Springtime Thoughts Our new line of Curtain Goods has arrived. In spite of the high cost of everything we are showing a larger and heller line than ever of tluse goods, at the same old prices, 10c, ISc and 25c per yard. YOU Should See our new line of piece goodsr calicos, percales, shirtings, ginghams, voiles nainsooks, longcloth, muslins, etc. Both our prices and goods will please you. Ladies gauze union suits 25c each Ladies gauze vests 10c each Boys mesh union suits 2Sc each The 5c-10c -25c Store E. M. EGE MM VAVAVAVV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.W Auto Hearse ED. A MACK UNDERTAKING i LADY ASSISTANT) ALL THE PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB. wnau me price. If you already have a mail order; separator, or any other for that mat ter, which isn't giving satisfaction, nave an exenango oner tnat we believe will interest you. Before you buy a Cream Separator see and try a DE LAVAL Your Hard ware Dealer Yery Meal mszssssamtmssjAvjuisaistsmgMttimm On the Corner Horse Hearse vwi