a ft MS fflg&L $ & i ' u V ' ,i I ' p r VOLUME 4 5 :x::..:::x. Money Talks that passes through your hands it would be a fine thing for you, but if every one else followed the same plan where would you get yours? The place for money is in a reliable bank like ours, but subject to your check. Hoard ing money takes it out of circulation and it is constantly liable to be losl. Money on deposit talks and the things it says to you are "security, comfort, satisfaction." We invite you to open an account with us. I Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA X CAPITA!., anii KURPLUH U 1 .OOO 'X'X"XX"X"X"X"X"XxXm:o"XX'"X SSIriwfis JjHr s-feiisJ'j Mfcfe Building w& Materials Whether you are repair this is the I! Quality Building Material It will pay you to keep your stock in clean, well built barns and sheds. We have everything from waterproofing for the roof to cement for the flooring. Cement troughs are the thing. Estimates furnished. MALONB-QBLLATLY CO. "TALK WIT! I US aKESfi&Bssza&B Don't Forget that if you want a Bargain in a Player Piano, Piano, Violin or any Musical Instrument or Art Pottery, Pictures, Etc., we are closing out our entire stock at absolute COST prices. We Shall Positively Close Out March 31 and the goods are moving, so COME EARLY. All GUARANTEED Standard Grade Pianos. LeRoy Music Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska ft WIS WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF VOUR C O A L. ORD ERS PLATTcTfREES atnto HlslorlcM Soeiity xi To be sure Money Talks, es pecialy if is a&ively employ ed. Money that is idle is asleep If you could hold all the money .$. y .. X J y X , y . .. X . y j V ? V X X $ We are Headquarters for going to build or place to come for II ABOUT LUMBER" :srizau&ii I JMk , f i mg iiiw; iiint i w "rn i ji i lull, I,,, , h1 y .rx?Jl ?" A Newspaper That filves The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAliCII 15, 1SI17. Commissioners Proceedings Match III. 1017. Hoard of County Commissioners mel pursuant to adjournment with all members present On motion hy Hubatka ami seconded hy lvniifkjstlio balance of 20ot remain- ink' i the special court house fund and 52000 from the poor farm fund was or- dored to be tr.msfored to tlie general fund. Motion cart ied. Motion made by Hubatku and second- 8(1 by Shidler that the Iudeptioue Tele- phone Co., and the Hell Telephone Co., be instructed to install their phones in the court house bv underground cables. The county to pay the Independent Telephone Co , 1 50 and the Hell Tele phone Co S'2 HO per month for each phono installed. Motion carried. On motion by Shidler and seconded by Uubatka the County Treasurer wab instructed to pay the telephone, elec tric light and water bills each month for all of the county olueos. Motion carried Motion was made by Shidler and seconded by Thomas that the clcrh bo instructed to dtaw a warrant in I favor of tlie Slate Auditor for ?."()() to ' apply on the state claim against Web. stor county for &.I.I IT li on the Old In sane account Motion earried. II J. .Maittcr appeared belore the Hoard '.villi a petition 1 cqdot inn the JJoatd to allow the use of the court room for publie gathering. .Motion made by Thomas anil seconded by ICnitftfe that this matter be dffered until the uc.t meeting of the Hoard On roll Thomas, Kuie and McCull, Noted yes. Shidler and UubatUa no. Motion was carried. County Assessor llummcl appeared before the Hoard and requested per mission to ippoinL Frank Amack in j Lloyd Aiiiiii ( s place as assessor in Ciar- lleld precinct, F.'rnii-sion was plant ed Motion made by Kniirtfo ami second ed by Shidler that doe Saunders be appointed Uoad Overseer in District 0 , Klin deck precinct in the place ot Thus HiiiT. .Motion carried. The report ot I'.Ci. Pitney load over si'ei of Dist. No. II was approved by ISmid. A petition was rend from the citizens of C'ntlierton precinct askintc that W. It Uiooks be appointed Deputy Assess or for the year PUT. Petition granted. 'A petition was also piesented from the uters of (jlunwood precinct ask inu the Hoard to appoint Ileuiy Muinpehorst as assesior in Glonwood pteeinet to till vacancy of M It. LcwK. Petition granted. Ofllclal Hondof J. C. dear as Con stable for the city of lied Cloud and appointed by , I as Uiirdeu Justice ol the Peace was approved. The claims of Asi O'Doiinell ami .1 oil 11 Hoesener for S17." each for Injur ies received in automobile accident on Oct. I h, I'.MU, on highway between sections '.'() and '.".i to.Miship I lange In weie presented to the Hoard and alter discussion a motion was inside by Mii.l ler and seconded by Thomas that these claims be allowed in settlement in lull of all claims for daiuagcs wlneli now has acciueilor which may heieaftei aei-rue by reason of any injury receiv ed by said O'Donnell and Hoeeuer as per agreement on file and in full settle ment of the $."iin 0 suit brought bv .v'l) Minell and &10.00J suit brought b Kocsener against Webster County. On motion the following claims were allowed and the eleik was in structed to draw win 1 .nits on t lie lien 1 nil 1 mid in payment ol same: John Hoesener, damage 111 nccil'tSlT.". (in Asa () Doiuit II, " ' ' lT.'i mi .Mate A ditor, pt pay insane accl. ron o'l ,1 i'j osi. meat inr couiuy 1111111 in on l! i!&r.slr juimsirr: i .s' Hobt P lloxsey. medical service Woo r it .. 1.1. ....,. 1. .......! 1..,.. ...1.. ii 'Hi w niiiiiitniiii, juii'.n irn tin, , , t't,w t I ,.l. ,,..ii j..ii.,,.. ........... l)i. ii'l ( I) Uobinsou, county expenses. '!!!! (ill J K Cliauoy, liainiug maps .'I IK) Kiitin i. iuciveignnu iocs, exphO .is vi I'M A mack, Coroner's fees (! 'Jo VIII. of Hlue Hill, sup. tor poor 1'J 00 fa W Stevens, plumbing 7 HO L S Caldwell, papering no jail.. 8 (51 V II Thoiuaa, com service Ho Ho .1 M Knigge, " H III) Floyd McCatl " " 01 HO Jus Hubatka ' " 7.'1 M) (Jrant Snldler " " 11100 Anna H Spanogle, Feb salary... 11 UO liuurd adjourned to April 10th. 5- -rfecyn.Aigr "" " - ''- - tT "rvrEllr Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. District Court Proceedings Auiboy Mill LlevatorCo. vs II. C. llarrh. Dropped from docket. Wisucarver vs. ICoontz. continued for term (lark Implement Co. vs. William fa. Wallace Judgment for Wallace Occidental Uldg. X- Loan Assn. vs Walter L. llhea, continued. Occidental Hide;. ky Loan Assn. vs. Sarah Harden et ill. Sale continued. M. H. Corner vs. V. W. Cass. Deeds ordered. Donald fa Cloud vs, et al., continued. Occidental Kldg. t 1 1 attic Orchard Loan Assn. vs Statketal. Settled. Dora Widoinan v.s V. T. Moutitfotd, continued. Win. .1. Overman vs. Homer Fox et al. Settled. Martin Hurrah v.s. J. V. Kit wards .ludKtueut for plaintiff for $70. Occidental ulilg. .V Loan Assn. vs. 1'ieil linker ot al., continued. Frank P Sadiluk vs. Anna Pavilkn et al. Guardian Ad Litem appointed. Moorman Mfg. Co vs. C. 12. Herg lield Continued by agreement Win. II. Mooie vs. Henry L'lleureuex continued. Hugo Neubauer, Adinr, vs. C, II. A Settled. Hoyil C. Uobersoli vs. ('. H. X (J Continued for teitn. Jacob Sehiink vs. Henry Vonder feeht. .Iiidgnient for defendant. State Hank of Hladeu vs. Anna Strieker. Verdict for defendant Outchiilt Advertising Co. vs. Walter Marshall Settled. Henry T. McAntlre vs. Nellie Me A ut ire. Divorce for plaintiff lOintna Heiise vs. William House. Continued. ClilV.nd J. Pope vs. It. It. Kuinmei' Decree of loieclosiire. Asa O'Donnel vs. Webster County. Settled. John Koesner vs. Webster Connly Settled. The J K. Watkins Ueiuedy Co,;s limit A Ciuiiplieil, continued. John Pieliler vs. Itoy Copley. Judg iiieut for plaintiff lor 5IO. ('iauUII lliii'i'lii, vs Samuel Pep paid I )istnised. I'.et tha Hraiicr vs Uert Hrauer. His missed Hessie M f'uly vs. Mary M. Mary line. Demtiiier overruled. Louis Sauer Vs. C. H. A' J ued. fa. W. Williams vs. II. C, Coutin Wri'ht Continued Murvel Fentress vs Hlondell Feu- tress 1'nder advisement. C .1. Poie vs. Helen Haines et al. Decree ol foreeloxiire cl'!'-. Stockniaiis Cattle Co vs J. L. Clu.s liau et al Continued. Ill the mailer of Francis Hroolcs, do ceased. Settled. Stoi. Hlewing Co Vs. Michael Floss ner. .Iiidgineiit lor plaiiitill' ? I lou, Frank Stair vs. C. H. A; (j. Contin ued, fallen Jackson vs. Convulse. Decree Schultz. ,,.,iHi,.n., title A l" U'.iltcer v- (J A .JuilgmeiiL for pi it in 1 1 II' Slit 10 H0II111 I! K ug Iiulli King el al. Uefeiee to lilnko sale. Mantle LimpC 1. vs. V. S. Hall, t-et-tied. Juilgineiit lor plaiiitilV i'l. In the matter of the application of Uebecca Thump-on to sell real estate; granted Montgomery vs. Moutgoinci y. Hef eree discharged. Citizen's Convention Tlwk mtwMiic; fif lNil fllmul nrn lwriiiv - " Monday eeiiing. Maich l!)th, at 8 .,...i....i. r... .1 .,,.,. ,.t ..1.. ..1.... 1.. illilllUH, IOI 111.3 Jltlltnsu ll flimJIUK 111 . .. . . .. ... nomiiiatiou candidates for city.olllcHis as follow s; Ono Mayor. One Cleik. One Treasurer. Ono faiiginecr, One Police Judge. One Councilman 1st ward. Ono Councilman 2nd ward. Two Members of School Hoard. A. D. KANNEY, Chairman. aTlBTffn. ..... -.tvrpr s- -r.- frgj? ' THE MOST CHERISHED TREASURES A MAN CAN GIVE HIS WIFE, SWEETHEART OR MOTHER ARE DIAMONDS. THE LUSTROUS GLIT TER OF THESE PRECIOUS STONES, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, DELIGHT THE BEHOLDER AND THE WEARER. DIAMONDS ARE THE BESr INVESTMET FOR YOURSELF; THEY CAN BE QUICKLY TURNED BACK INTO MONEY. WHEN A MAN WEARS DIAMONDS HE WEARS THE SIGN OF SUC CESS. IT PAYS. OUR DIAMONDS ARE OF THE FIRST WATER-PURE, 'FLAWLESS, AND OUR PRICES AS LOW AS THE BEST CAN BE SOLD FOR. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist E3TC U. & Q. Watch Inspector Bl' 'HSBpaatl! ftl Jfijn 8100 Sport Coats and Suits are very practical for spring wear It is not at all necessary that you golf, tennis, or even motor all that's necessary to wear sport togs is willingness to appear as smartly turned out as your neighbor without the least objection, on your part, to suggestions of slender youthful lines to ensemble. Sport suits and coats are as comfortable and good wearing as they are smart, loo moft of ours bear ihc famous Wooltex label of The H. Black Company. The sport coat is making itsclj quite at home in the women's wardrobes going to stay a long time. Come in and see the one you would like to wear, R. P. Weesner & Co. The Store that Sells Wooltex Coats and Suits RED CLOUD 5 MINER BLDG. NEBRASKA ygiggVrT, , ..C. .. , tiS I, i Si.... v NUMBER 11 Wear Diamonds OH n e lH U mio -" rr ltfr k'n Ml' f t .