The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1917, Image 3

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.:..::.:.:-:::.::.::::::::-::"::":: j
Neatsleno. f 1.00 gallon at Kegel's. ' .
Dr. Lollar spent Saturday In Siiper
Dewey Saladen was In lnavalo, Tne?
Iluv. Itutes wont to Nelson, Tuesday
Fred Robertson spent Monday in
Mrs. E. S Garber spent. Tuesday in
Kd Crary was up from Guide Roek,
John Iturkley was homo from Orleans
over Sunday.
A good driving tenm.for snlu or trade
Pat Kellett.
Hoy Sattlev, uudertalcer-auto lieai se
in connection.
Next Thursday is George Washing
ton's birthday.
Louis Parsons went to Omaha, Tues.
day morning.
Hi. Points of Walnut Creek was in
the city Friday.
Will Robertson returned home from
Lincoln, Tuesday.
Carl Hedge of Walnut Creek was in
tho city Saturday.
George Aniaek returned home from
St. Joe, Tuesday morning.
Walter Sanderson spent Sunday with
relatives south of Inavnle.
Dr. C. E. Cross spent Sunday in
Holdregc with his brother.
A. H. MoArthur was in Hloomington
Saturday night on business.
Oliver Wright of Kivorton spent Sun
day in tho city with his tolks
Mrs. K. L. Avery went to Superior,
Tuesday morning to visit hor parents.
Miss Nellie Francis came down from
Cowles, Monday evening, to visit
Mr. and Mr8. Harry Topham nro tho
parents of a baby boy which arrived
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Sctiultz. Indc
pendent phono 208.
Jim Barkloy camo down from Min
den, Sunday morning, to visit his
mother who is quite siek.
Kloset Klean guaranteed to remove
stain from closets. No fumes, odor or
dirt. Sold by K. W. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Silvey of lnavalo
bpent Sunday in the city with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wonderly.
E. V. Copleu returned homo Friday
morning from southern Colorado and
is very muuli improved in health.
We have plenty of good Maitlaud
Lump coal at 89.00 per ton. Washed
Maitlaud Nut SS.r.O. Piatt & Frees.
Chas. Rrubakor has traded his resi
dence in the first ward, which is occu
pied by Mrs. Aubushon, to Harry
lilen Foe, who has been on the siek
list at Lincoln for several weeks, is
liome to spend a few weeks with his
Sunt. P. M. Whitehead attended a
meeting of the Southwest Nebraska
School Muster's association nt Oxford,
Mr. and Mrs. Dnrrol Iiurdeii who
had been visiting relatives at l'leosint
on. Kaiwis, returned home the
of the week.
Win. I.eeteh, one of tho old sett'ers
of this county, passed away Sunday at
the homo of his son. Will, who residis
near Knseinont.
.Miss Marie llollister who is teaching
domcst'.o science in the public schools
at Kenesaw spent the weekend in the
city with hor parents
Alba l'opo who is holding down a
position in Hillings, Montana, arrived
in the city Sunday to visit his parents,
Mr and Mrs. Jay Pope.
English Ev. Lutheran services Sun
day tho lsth at 10:15 a. m. No cate
cheticil instructions. Sunday School
at 10:10 a. m. Rev. A. Schaal, Pastor.
Mrs, Albert Schult. who resides near
Cowles, was adjudged ir.sano by the in.
sanity board Mondav and was taken to
the Iugleside hospital by SheriiV Hnf
fer. I-ml Arnold oi inavaie was in tne
city Tuesday enroute Home tromGrand
Island with n consigninentof three An
gus bulls which he purchased at that
M. A. Albright, W. D. Edson, V. G.
Hamilton, Ed Garber, II. S. Foe, Roy
Oatman nnd Dr. Nicholson attended
the Masonic lodge nt Riverton, Mon
day evening.
On Inst Thursday morning Sheriff
Huffer nrrested Earl Plott, who was
wanted at Nelson charged with miss
appropriating money. Sheriff Gates
came to Red Cloud that afternoon and
took the prisoner back with him.
The rOLKa to tell 'em all about
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Sim Altm Fluid with rnttr Cfrli, Funnj Corgiem
Equlmti, Brilliant Sonic tiiltonminl
Everybody Cobs; Ak Anybody
Conic to lleil Cloiul nnil do your trad
lir. I
V 1. Walliti was in Hastings, Tuc-dav.
(Ion Wnlki'f siiiMit Saturihtv ill Hall
E. T. Foe was down from Cow lev
Civile i'lttiey was down from Inuvalci
Tuesday. i
W. G. Hamilton spent Wednesday In
lluide Roek
Chas. A mack spnt Wednesday in
Guide Rock.
C. M. Pearson of Esbon was in the
city Tuesday.
Win. Reeves was up from Guide
Rock, Friday. ,
Roy Sattlcy I'mlcrtakur-Auto Hearse I
In connection.
Rye Shepherdson of Kivorton was in
the city We lnesday.
Frank Heau went to Grand Island
Wednesday morning
Eyes tested, glasses lilted. J. C
Mitchell, tliu Jeweler.
A I). Wonderly returned home from
Lincoln, Tuesday evening.
Vern Henderson went to Alliance,
Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Rats won't gnaw harness oiled in
Noatslene. Get it at Fogol's.
Dr. Asher was down from lliverton,
Sunday on professional business
Frank Starr and Wallace Saladen
went to Grand Island, Saturday.
U E. Eshelinan shipped a car of
hogs to Kansas City, Wednesday.
S. B. Kizer went to Lincoln, Wednes
day, to visit his son and daughter.
Mrs. U. E. Cross and children spent
Sunday in Franklin with relatives.
Lew LJreakoy of Lebanon was in the
city Wednesday enroute to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwordtsfegor
and Will Kcuhn wero in Ayr, Sunday.
John Griffeth and son, George, were
in Burr Oak, Kansas, tho last of tho
Will Weesner weut to Lincoln, Wed
nesday to renew acquaintances at the
capitol. ,
Jacob Whipkey and Mrs. Frank
Elllnger and son weut to Beatrice,
G. W. Lindsey shipped threo ears of
cnttle and one car of hogs to Kansas
City, Wednesday.
Mosdames O. C. Teel and Jas. Bur
den returned homo from Kansas City,
Saturday evening.
Vincent Johnston of Hillings, Mon
tana, arrived in the city Tuesday even
ing to visit his mother.
Mrs. Alf Saladen and daughter, Miss
Hazel, and Mrs. Rissie Cox visited the
school at Amboy, Tuesday.
R. P. Weesner was in Kansas City
the first of the week buying new goods
for tho 11. V. Weesner & Co. store.
Mr. nnd Mrs J. W. Corbett spent
Wednesday afternoon with their
daughter, Mrs. Uhus. Starr, at Leban
on. Mrs. Barbara Pharos loft Sunday
morning for Omaha and Chicago to
buy spring and summer goods for her
Geo. M. Wells and Miss Helen Mo
Taggart, both of Cowles, were granted
a marriage license by Judge Rauiiey
last Saturday.
The third division of the Methodist
Ladies Aid society was entertained at
tho homo of Mrs. Frank Starr, Tues
day afternoon.
Liiwionco J. Cockroft and Mi-s
Ellen Cookcroft, both of Esbon, Kan
sas, wero united in marriage by .Iiidj.0
I Kinney last Friday.
Mrs. J. E. Butler left Tuesday mom-
I ing for Kansas City to buy a stock of
I millinery for her store which sho will
soon open in this city.
We are in too market for 100 to 12.1
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum
Everett Stroup, Harold Copleu, Roy
Sutton, Vernon Zeiss, Charles Richard
son. Ashley Warthen and Will II oil'
man attended the dance at Hladen,
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dolph returned
from Kearney Tuesday evening.
George has rented the O. D. Hedge
farm north of this city and will faun
the sume this year,
The following shipped stock to Kan
sas City, Sunday; Delaney Rros., one
car of hogs; Weosnor it Koontz, ono
car of hogs; Harry Koats, two cars of
hogs; I. W. Crowoll, one car of hogs.
Wo luivo n pnrty with 8M0O, who
wants to buy a fnnn within ten miles
of Red Cloud, must be worth tho
money, what have you to offer?
Hutchison & Saladen,
Somo porson or persons who do not
have the qualifications of being a man
have been poisoning somo of our citi
zens dogs the past few weeks. If tho
guilty party is caught they should be
1 made to pay a heavy lino as n good
nog is worth more to chllUren than
this person is to the community.
I can make you a farm loan at low
est interest and best terms to bo had
In tho state. Please write mo, or cull
for me at State Rank Red Cloud C F
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
CIGARS that ore Good
Tlic Brand Your Dortor Smokes
Most complete line ol
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
.1. J. Garber went to Superior, Mon
day. Ij. Rear was up from Guide Rock,
Roy Ilassinger spent Monday in
Paul Storoy spent Wednesday in
Guide Rock.
Clovo Loy left Tuesday for Winches
ter, Virginia.
A. N. Pelph was in Kansas City tho
llrst of tho week.
Father Fitzgerald went to Superior,
Saturday morning.
Alfred Clark spent Sunday with his
parents at Smith Center.
J. II. Bailey was in St. Joe on busi
ness tho first of the week.
Mrs. Chas. Stellln nnd daughter
spent Monday in Hastings.
Clark Crow wont to Guide Rock,
Monday, to visit his mother.
A. (!. Hausermau was in Alma the
first of the week on business.
F. W. Cowdon was in Kansas City
the first of the week on business.
Miss Vernon Storey went to Omaha,
Monday, to visit her brotlior, Will.
Mr. and Mrs. FrAiik Schwcrdtsfeger
went to Omaha, Monday morning.
Cliurley Kennedy nnd .1. R. Gnge
were down from Franklin, Sunday.
Will Hoffman and Arthur Gilbert
were iu Blue Hill, Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Hud Mrs. diet Sheeley spent
Sunday with his mother at Guide Rock.
Miss Edna Gilbert returned home
Sunday morning from a visit at Yuma
and Uonkclman.
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Trout of Me
Cook spent Sunday with his brother,
Phil Trout and family.
Read the public sale adds of R. F.
Points, Miner fc Steward and Ed. Fey
which appear in this issue.
Wednesday, Mr Guy M. Thompson,
of Guide Rock, and Missifessie Fickle,
of Cowles, were united in marriage by
Rev. F. M. Druliner.
Mrs. Will Hunt left Saturday morn
ing for tho eastern markets to pur
chase u spring and summer stock of
millinery for her store.
The following shipped stock to St
Joe, Sunday: George Amack, t car of
lion's, Ed. Wigcins If cms ol hogs and 1
car of cattle; O. E. Ramey, 1 car of
"Ilecause I hove You," the home tal
ent play given for tho benellt of the
R. N. of A., at the Orphouni on last
Friday night, was welcomed by a largo
audience. Much credit is due to tho-c
who took part iu the production as
well as to the manoirers of the troupe.
Tho specialties between nets, featuring
Mr. M. A. Mercer, cornet solo and
Messrs Curtis Friday and (Ren Walker,
vocal solos, made a decided hit with
the audience. Iu all, it was one of the
host entertainments given iu our city.
On Wednesday evening, hist, Sheriff
Huller and Deputy Honor were called
to Ulnden to look into the matter of a
complaint filed by Win. Rurdon, of
that place, charging Frank Kumkie
and Arthur Glebe with making an as
sault upon tho eoniplaintant, and
wounding him. The trouble Is said to
have originated in Glebe's home, tho
participants having over indulged in
liquor. Shoriff Huffer took the defend
ants into custody, bringing them be
fore Judge Kannoy who decreed that
their littlo "spree" would cost Kumpke
325 and costs and Globe 810 nnd costs.
Hamilton - CathT
Clothing Co,
Sukukhi to Ptul Storey
everything a Man
or Boy Wears
Rod Cloud Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith loft Satur
day for Sutherland wheio they will
make their future hou e.
IlurryjStroup'wrnt to Guide Rock,
Wdnisilay, to complete the ereetii n
of a new house for G. R. Stanley
The Red Cloud W. C T. ('. holds a
Fiaiicis E. Willnnl ciimiucmniutiic scr-
ice citch year and scuds at least hn
debars to the Fianeis E Willurd Mem I Fund. This fund is us. d for the'
I'l'ipetuatiou and extension of I he tern-1
pi i. nice cause in the I'nited States and
lis possessions. Tins service will be
hi'lil at the home of .Miss Cot I ing. I
Wednesday afternoon at '.' n. I'ob. 'J I
A good program is hcing piepared and
e will be glad to give a cordial wel
come to all Intel ested.
Seed Testing
Many states now have pure seed laws
l signed to protect the purchased of
simmIs against adulteration, impurities
and low vitality. Seeds should be pur
chased subject to test as to purity.
Vitality niiiv readily be determined nt
liome by the use of any simple gernii
nator. Dangerous weed seeds are of
ten introduced thru the use of impure
Coming Mary Pickford in
The Pride of The Clan
line very cold morning iu November
when tho Atlantic ocean was showing
a great deal of its temper, Mary Pick
ford was taking all sorts of chances by
being left alone on a half sinking craft
oil' the coast of Marblehead where she
was loscued as part of tho story in her
new picture, "Tho Prido of tho Clan"
at tho Orplicuin Theatre next Saturday,
February 17th.
Miss Pick ford had been running up
and down the sea-washed dock, getting
real water all over her nnd frantically
crying for holp as sho felt tho frail
craft sinking beneath her. As tho
water got up to her knees and the
cameras kept on clicking she coura
geously omulatod the example of the
boy who stood on the burning dccl-(
until Maurice Tournoiir, tho director,
arrived in a motor boat and lifted her
to safety. With her teoth chattering
from the morning bath and still fool
ing a little creepy after the sensation,
sho took her director to a corner of the
cabin and whispered:
If wo are going to have any more
pictures liko this, I'm going to learn
how to swim".
Special Orchestra music. Matinee at
2::S0 ad in 10 and '20c, Night at 8, adm
10 and 25c. Seats now on sale at
Cook's drug store. Resorvo your seats
early without extra charge
The Biggest Sale Yet
Last Saturday n deal was consumat
od whereby G. M. Howard, of Red
Cloud, Nebr., becaino owner of tho fine
120.". acre ranch about 8 miles north of
St Francis, owned by Josiah Crosby
Mr. Howard paid the handsome sum of
:ill,r00 and in return got one of the
finest farms in Northwest Kansas.
This is tho place whore Mr. Crosby
has spent fabulous sums, demonstrat
ing the wonderful power of irrigation.
In l!R:t he installed an S in centrifugal
pump, wiih a capacity of sO'J gallons
per minute, and built a large reservoir,
where considerable experimenting was
done. Tne plant, was so successful
that It soon became famous. Then
arc 800 or tiOo acres of fine bottom laud
which is rich alfalfa soil. It is ail
fenced and cross fenced and is well
worth tho large sum paid for it. Mr.
Howard was Intel ested in Cheyenne
County thru Or. Robt. Uamorcll, ol
Red Cloud, who owns a fine ranch near
the above laud, and who considers ills
Cheyenno County ranch the best pay
ing investment in all of his largo hold
ings, and it is no light compliment to
luivo a man of such wide experience
and splendid business acumen using
ills influence to bring men of wealth
and up-to-date ideas to our county.
Mr. Howard and family will take
possession March 1st,, and will receive
ii hearty welcome from our people.
St. Francis (Kansas) Herald.
Potatoes as Food
General use of potatoes iu the fam
ily diet is based on sound economic and
dietic reasons, according to Rulletiu
No. JOS recently issued by the United
States Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C.
From the point of view of dietetics,
potatoes furnish stnreli in ono readily
digestlblo form, contain mineral sub
stances of importance to tho body, and
tend to make tissues and fluids of the
bodv alkaline, thus counteracting the
tendency of meats, eggs, fish and like
foods to create acid conditions. Since
tho body does its work best when its
condition is either neutral or slightly
alkaline, potatoes perform an impor
tant function in tho body besides fur
nishing energy-producing material.
Greater care should bo exercised iu
peeling potatoes, -not only because
paring too deep is wasteful hut because
jsnluublu mineral salts found in the
potato are present in tho material near
the skin.
: j:
: Time Now to Buy Your Shoes ij
:- from Present Day Prices at Our Store :
Mens Work
and Dress
1 LESS than the PRICES
Killing Today in Most Stores
JT These piiccs arc based
which are $ I lo $3
: Supply Your Shoe Needs Now :
I Our Spring Hats and Caps are in f
ji :' Cowden-Kaley
I IIiVoTtI i hWcltf " I
Stop Losing Chicks With Cheap Incubators. v
Luck with clucks starts with the incubator. If it is ;i good one,
properly heated, properly ventilated, nnd properly regulated, your
chicks will start off with vitality they won't come out of the shell half
dead and totally unfit to start on their way through life.
QUEEN INCUBATORS arc built with double Redwood walls lined
with corrugated strawboard for insulation; puro cold rolled copper
heating system with all joints and scams locked, hammered and
soldered; self-supporting trays; two walled, asbestos lined, metal jacket;
John llowrn
nf Cdlormlo I'oullry Fanciers' An
nuclntlnii, wrote: "i.ant hhiihoii tlin
writer limlulleil u 'UlHItN iin mi
experiment, unci found Unit II
linlrlicil IB per cenl heller tlinu
lvMNtern tniulit m-etiliiPH ami II per
rent Imtter tlinu nny mnclilno
liullt In the Went. All or llio nut
rhliici were run under cxiu'tly tho
Milne condition, '
Our personal guar
miti'o nnd reconuiin
datlon goes with ovory
QUKKN machino wo
Bell, and wo keep a
Htock on our floor for
your personal iuspec
lion and can supply
j on with nnythiiy in
the QUEEN line.
Geo. W. Trine
Red Cloud's Leadng Hardware Dealer
It's Not Too
on Your Spring Fence Building
We have a complete line of White and Red Cedar
Posts, also the long leaf Yellow Pine Creosote
Posts .with a 25jyearjguarantee. Think of it a
post that is insured to last at least a quarter of a century.
C. II. Miner J)r. H. H. IK antorl, M. P. ('.
MiiiKtKLT Veterinary In Churo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
li. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Dr. A. E. Boles
Physical Diagnosis Labaratory
'Osteopathy tho Science of Healing
by Adjustment." Given to tho
World hy A. T. Still, A. I). 1871.
Hour I'iiomis RKI) CLOIJD.NKBU
Going to have a sale?
on October purchases
less than today's prices
Clothing Co. I
Km SI", ii ilf iTP) 3
safety lamp hanger; and
many other points that
make them vastly superior
machines. The QUEEN
will last many extra years,
and give the best of satis
faction always.
Do bigger hatches
of stronger, heal
thier chicks mean
anything to YOU
Ask Us For The Free
QUEEN Catalog
Early to Plan j
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kir c's
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
E. S. Garber
Let us print your bills.
;. vu