RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 s N ;1 .4 ! BETS" FOR LiRJOIlS For sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Got a 10-ccnt box now. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able you are from constipation, Indies tlon, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get tho desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets tonight; put an end to tho headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backacho and all other distress; cloanso your insido organs of all tho bllo, gases and constipated matter which 1b producing tho misery. A 10-ccnt box means health, happi ncss and a clear head for months. No moro days of gloom and distress If you will tako a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Cnscarets Don't forgot tho children their llttlo In sides need a cleansing, too. Adv. Very True. Teacher If I were to shoot at u tree with live birds on it and kill three how many would lie left? Hetty Three. Teacher No; two would be left. Hetty No, there wouldn't. The three shot would be left and the other two would have llled awny. Don't Neglect Kidneys Swamp -Root, Dr. Kilmer's Prescrip tion, Overcomes Kidney Trouble It is now conceded by physicians that the kidneys uliould have more attention as they control the other organs to n. re markable degree and do a tremendous amount of work in removing the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. The kidneys should receive some as sistance when needed. We take less ex ercise, drink less water and often eat more rich, heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lame back, annoying bladder troubles, smarting or burning, brick dust or f-cdiment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, maybe weak or lrtegttlar heart action, warns jou that your kid neys require help immediately to avoid more serious trouble. An ideal lieibal compound that has had most remarkable i-uccehs as a kidney and bladder remedy is Or. Kilmer's Swamp Root. Tlieie is nothing cKe like it. It is Dr. Kilmer's prcfcnption used in pri vate practice and it is huie to benefit you. Get a bottle from your diuggist. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation Mmd ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Itinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and inmition this paper. Adv. A New Trade. Sheets 1 don't see you on the mes senger gang now, Skinny. Where are you work In'? Skinny Oh, I've got u good Job with n dog fancier. When n lndy comes In and buys n dog 1 teach her how tub whistle. AT E If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs." A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from piny to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish ; stomach sour. Look nt the tongue, mother 1 If coat ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't ent heartily, full of eold or has soro thront or any other children's ailment, give n tenspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, bocuufv it Is perfectly harmless, and In n few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you hnve a well, playful child again. A thor ough "Inside cleansing" Is ofttlmes nil that Is necessary. It should bo the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit llg syrups. Ask nt the store for a fiO-cont bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly jirlnted on the bottle. Adv. A Fair Fight. "Does your wife love her neigh bors?" "No, but they conduct their warfare on n high and honorable plane." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known nctress gives tho follow ing roclpo for Krny hair: To half pint of water add 1 oz. Hay Hum, n small box of Bnrbo Compound, nnd U oz. of glycerine. Any druggist cun put tills up or you can mix It at homo nt very llttlo cost. Full directions for mailing and use como In each Iox of Bnrbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray lialr, and mnke It pott and glossy. It will not color the scalp, la not sticky or jrrcasy, and doea not rub off. Adv. Charity Is what commonly stays at homo when the millionaire's cheque goeB out. ill! H ' GU U. S. CRISIS AVERTED i ANTIALIEN LAND BILL WITH. DRAWN FROM OREGON LEG. ISLATURE BY SPONSOR. OBJECTED TO BY JAPAN State of Feeling at Tokyo So Serious Statesmen Friendly to U. S. Fear Situation May Get Beyond Control Idaho to Kill Bill. Salem, Ore., Feb. 5. -Oregon's nut I nllen laud bill was withdrawn from tin legislature here by Senator George It. Wilbur (I)eiu,), who Introduced It. be cause, us he said, he did not wish to handicap President Wilson with pos sible Japanese complications during the present Interiiatioiiiil crisis. Washington, Feb. 5. Japan's repre sentations to the I'nlted States against the antlalieu laud bills pending In the Idaho and Oregon legislatures, although iiiinlt' Informally through her ombasM here, are considered no less serious at ' this critical Juncture of Iiiti'i-nailntuil ' ulVnlrs than were her protests ugniiist the California laws four years ago. Absolutely nothing had been permit ted by the administration to become public until the protest wus disclosed by appeals to the Oregon and Idaho delegations In congress to use their In fluence nt home to prevent passage ol the bills nt this time. The state of feeling In Japan, prob ably much disturbed by the recent crisis In the government, has been rep resented to the state department as being so serious that the Japanese , statesmen who wish to preserve friend- ly relations with the United States fear ' the passage of legislation In this coun try directed agiilnst their country may i force the situation at home beyond their control. Holse, Idaho, Feb. f. Antlullcn lead- I ers In the Idaho senate decided the antlalieu land ownership bill, passed by the house, would bo killed by In definite postponement In order not to embarrass the United States govern ment during the present International crisis. A telegram was read in the senate from United States Senator Horuh In which he asked that no legislation of this kind be enacted nt this time. Japan objected to the proposed bill, which Is similar to California's antl alieu land ownership law, and the state department asked the Idaho dele gation In congress to use their Inllu ence to prevent Its passage. The Idaho Dally Statesman said, quoting a telegram from Senator Horah, printed with his authoriza tion: "Secretary Lansing and Mr. I'olk paid a second call at Senator ISnrnh's residence and represented 'that Tokyo fears the enactment of such legislation nt this time may .so Incense the Jap anese people as to force the govern ment, in self-preservation, to signify a willingness to register by force of arms Its protest against the Idaho bill.'" SEAS SAFE FOR U. S. SHIPS Bcrnstorff Gets Instructions Saying Germany Will Protect the American Flag. Washington, Feb. 5. Germnny Is prepared to go to nny length to pro tect American ships, American pas sengers and American malls In the new submarine blockade of tho coasts of the entente powers. Supplemental instructions to Ambas sador von Hernstorff, It was an nounced at the German embassy on Friday accompanied the German dec laration of renewed submarine war fare, and authorized the ambassador to clear the way for the safe passage of the American liners. The ambassador declared that ho would make every possible effort to facilitate the sailing and safe trans Atlantic passage of any and nil Amer ican ships. "Germany desires to safeguard In every possible way the lives nnd prop erty of American citizens on the high seas," ho declared. i. S. RELIEF SHIP IS SUNK ?uphrates, First Sea Terror Victim, Carried Aid to Belgians Some of Crew May Be Lost London, Feb. f. Ofllclal Informa tion received concerning the sinking of the steamer Euphrates shows that tho probable first victim of the new submarine policy of the central pow ers was a Helglun relief ship. Tho l'hiphrutos had carried a cargo of re lief supplies from the United States and was returning to America In bal last when It was torpedoed. Several members of tho crew have been res cued and havo reached an outlying port. Mrs. Byrne In Hospital. New York, Feb; fi. Mrs. Fthel Uyrno is In n hospital recovering from the effects of the hunger strike she un dertook as u protest against a Jail sen tence for disseminating Information about birth-control. Xio Ban on Passports. Washington, Feb. C Formal an nouncement that the state department Is not refusing to Issue passports bo cause of the new German war zone de creo was made in an odlclal statement. Passports havo not been revoked. BL0CKADE Z0NESJ!giARED BY KAISER w ,,v.K,...tft SSvWV) Sx .N i. ;v - ur: o' Vf;-ISLES, t'lSLES ' sot A N tvSj?? . KWANvV . W I . .V " M . 0$ N 3S$.VJ: 'kV-Vfcswi 4 usod io p p) 'f 20 y 3I0 Fa KnS-VN n -.V N. I O ft TinitNtuwj "r - ) . A 7 v J iiahTlMKU ... -mJ J G w IbriAunwN 7 . rT DIRIIN 1 'AV ..?--;'"!:" v Mnis ix i WCC U J ,lNNA l l v JOAMrFCT,flW,AU5TRIA-H JNGARYNl J AFRICA . N v. r-v-i: Aq Io I Io "2 0 jjkl The lot bidden area for neutral vess,s under (iertnan.v's winning Is bounded by a line running Irom rncth'all. the center of the Netherlands coast iioi-iliwanl, blockading all Denmark mid the entiauce to the Maltle, to the out'dilo point of Norway, thence dm- west, skirting the southern part of the I'nroe Islands; then west and then south In a grand square !MM) or -100 miles to sea oil' the Itiltisb Me-,, to the lam tlon of Spain nod Portugal, ap parently lemitig thi1 latter country open and alTonliug a 'JO-nille safet .one along the uoitinin Spanish coast to Frame I'nicilcall.v the whole Mediter ranean Is declared dangerous escept u uaiiovv strip almost paralleling the African coast to a point directly south of Creece. from which a 'Jt) mile path to titeek territorial waters Is declared open. BRITISH FOIL A PLOT CONSPIRACY AGAINST LLOYD GEORGE AND HENDERSON. Three Women and Chemist Charged With Planning to Poison Pre- mier and Aid. Derby, Knglund. Feb. 'J. Four per sons were urrulgned quietly In the po lice court at the tSulld ball on Wednes day, charged with plotting the murder of Premier Lloyd (Jeorge nnd Arthur Henderson, the premier's right-hand man In the wnr council. The accused persons Indignantly denied the charges, declaring they had been trumped up as punishment for their conscientious objections to compulsory military serv ice. Proceedings at the Guild hall, over which the mayor presided, were mere ly of u formal nature. No details of 'the chin ges or evidence were divulged, although gossip has been busy with ru mors of various details since the news of the arrest was received. Tho accused persons, who are well known here, tiro Mrs. Alice Wheeldon. her two daughters, Miss Ann Wheel don and Mrs. Alfred George Muson, and the hitter's husband. Two of the women are schoolteachers. NO AMERICAN LAND OWNERS Great Enthusiasm Marks Signing of New Constitution by Assembly at Qucrctnro, Mex. Queretaro, Me.v., Feb. II. The dele gates to jilio constitutional assembly, which concluded Its labors Tuesday night, assembled at eleven o'clock yes terday and signed tho constitution on which they had been working for two months. The ceremony was attended by great enthusiasm. All the members of the cabinet were present except Luis Cubrera, minister of finance, and Ygnaclo Honlllas, minister of fomento and communications. The new constitution contains some advanced legislation. Among Its pro visions nre: Abolition of the ofllce of vice presi dent, prohibition of the re-election of a president, stringent and radical la bor laws, and compulsory military In struction. Many of the articles are based on the theory of keeping, Mexico for the Mexicans. Under the new constitution, foreign ers must renounce allegiance to the countries whence they come to acquire title to real estate, In so far as foreign citizenship concerns such property. The provisions regarding separation of tho church nnd stnto virtually mean the taking!) over by the government of the entire property In Mexico of the ltotnan Cntholle church. Indiana Joins the Drys. Indlunupolls, Ind Feb. 3. The In diana House in ii-ii t-ni-iiiiuiiv wrii-u the state-wide prohibition bill which previously had passed the senate, by a vote of 38 to 11. Under Its provt slons Indiana will go dry April 2, 11)18. .,...... r... t !willtlltll llflll tkr.ti'limul V III. I llll I'l IIWI UHUiimn ...... imvi.iiui-1,1 ,,,- (Heated that he wotdd sign the meas ure. Teutons In White Dent Ruos Line. Petrogrnd, Feb. .". German troops dressed In white overalls broke through the Russian llrst-llue trench positions at Solotvlnn, southwest of Hrzezuny, says the olllelal statement. The Russians repulsed the uttack. 13 Below Zero at Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 5. Chicago shivered nnd gasped In the dutches of the cold est weather In five years. All records slnco January 8, 11)12, were smashed when the weather bureau kiosk on tlio street level registered 13 below zero. .MniiMW jtt. ?svviui.rak - - - r-j N.1- V V . " - m .s. v .s W M I v l 1 " f Rumania j TIP TO WALL STREET BROKER TESTIFIES THAT HE WAS WARNED OF NOTE. Was Given Six Hours Notice Baruch Clears $470,1 CO Dur- Inn December. New York, Feb. 1. K. F. llutton of 10. F. Mutton & Co., New York broil ers, swore nt the peace note leak In quiry on Tuesday that six hours be fore the publication of the note they were warned of Its coming by e. A. Connelly & Co.. their Washington cor respondent. It. W. Uniting, brotlier-ln-taw of President Wilson. Is u member of the firm of F. A. Connelly fc Co. Mr. Connelly left Washington for New York. Ho was Instructed to bring with him n copy of his telegram and take the witness stand. Uernard llnruch, Wnll street specu lator and heavy short seller In the stormy days preceding the Issuance of President Wilson's recent peace note, testllled that his profits on tho mar ket between December 10 and Decem ber IM were $-170, MS. Kvery cent of this profit, he de clared, was due to his foresight In Interpreting speeches by Chancellor von nethmnnn-Ilollwog nnd David Lloyd-George as meaning peace was coming. ACTION ON PEACE DELAYED Cummin's Motion for Discussion of Question Tabled by the Senate Senator Sees America In War. Washington, Feb. 1. The debntc on President Wilson's world peace pro posal was brought to an abrupt end In the senate on Tuesday when Senator Cuininlnsfi motion to call up his resolu tion for Its exclusive debate was ta bled by n vote of 38 to 30. Opening the debate In the senate on Wilson's world peace proposals, Sena tor Cummins asserted that to do what the president suggests would Involvo the United States either In almost con stant world war or constant rebellion against the authority of the world sov ereignty the president proposes. "I affirm as my belief," said Senntor Cummins, "that If this country shall do what the president proposes either we shall lie Involved In almost continuous war waged all over the world or we shall he engaged In utmost constant re bellion against the nuthnrlty which he proposes to set up over us." MORE GUARDS SENT HOME Militiamen From Indiana and Iowa Among Forces Released From Service on the Border. Sun Antonio, Tex., Feb. 3. It was announced on Thursday at General Fuuston's headquarters that the fol lowing stnto troops are scheduled to start home from border stations bo-, lore night: Indiana brigade headquar ters nnd Second Infantry, at Llano Grande; Iowa brigade headquarters and Third Infantry, nt Brownsville, and First North Curollim Infantry, at i:i Paso. Mrs. Byrne to Be Freed. Now York, Feb. !1. Counsel for Mrs. Kthel Byrne announced she would ac cept Governor Whitman's pardon, which will release her from prison on condition that she refrain from further disseminating birth control informa tion. Great Fleet of Submarines. Amsterdam, Feb. !!. Germany has sent to sea tho mightiest licet of sub marines over known to enforce the new blockade which she has proclaimed In the waters of tho allied countries. the prohibition bill) DRASTIC BUT NOT BONE DRY, MEASURE APPROVED. I SCHOOL EXHIBITS AT FAIR Items of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around tho Stnto Houso W'pitrin NeuHinnor t'n m Npwm Srrvle Following the confeience between Oovernor Neville and tho prohibition committees from both houses lust week It becamo known that the two committees hml decided to lespect j tho wishes of tho governor and that it drastic but not bone dry hill would be framed It also becamo known that his request for n special commis sion to enforce the new law would be granted Since then Interest has been centered on how much liquor tho law will allow a man to liupoit for his own use and how much authority the special commission will be given. The preliminary draft provides that a man EUGENE O. MAYFIELD (New member of the St.ito Donrd of Contiol ) KuKi'iie O MuytlcM of Oiniilux, who wus appointed by Uowrnor Neville as repub lican member of tho board to succeed JutlRO Hownrd Kennedy, also of Omaha, for the slx-yenr term, lieislnnliiR July 1. After the continuation, JuUko Kennedy reslRtied, effective March 1, to enKtuje In law biiHlncss In Onmliu Oovernor Nev ille tlmii appointed Mr Mayllcld to nil tlm vacancy. Mr MiiXlnld Ih .Sunday editor of tho Woild-Heraldj lias been In tho news paper business for forty years; was con nected with the Western Ncwup.iper Union for seveial years In tho capacity of ma linger at Kansas City, St. Louis and Cleveland. man Import per month ono quurt of whlBky and twelve qunrts of beer, and no moro. Thnt Is about tho same amount as Is allowed In KunsuB. Un less that provision Is altered In tho linal draft, which Is not regarded as probablo, thoso amounts will stand until the bill goes beforo tho leglsla. turo for adoption or rojectlon. School Exhibits at State Fair. Tho State Fair premium list for tho Educational Department, Class L has Just been completed In tho ofllco of Stnto Superintendent W. II. Clom mons nnd accepted by Secretary B. It. Daniolson of tho Stnto Hoard of Agriculture and tho board of di rectors of which Representative OUIs Is president. Advunco shoots will bo sent soon to county superintend ents who will distribute thorn to tho teachers In their rospcctlvo coun ties. Tho premium list Is practical and gives every boy nnd girl In Ne braska an equal opportunity for in dividual tastes and efforts. For Physical Examinations Under tho terms or a bill introduced In tho lowor houso by Lambert of Saunders, all brldogrooms-to-bo will be compelled to undergo physical ex aminations beforo they recelvo tholr marriage licenses. The measure pro vides that "all malo persons making application for llconso to marry shall at any tlmo within fifteen days prior to such application bo examined as to tho existence or non-existence in such person of uny venerenl disease, and it shall be unlawful for tho county clork of any county to Issue n licenso to any person who fallB to present and file with such county clerk a certificate Betting forth thnt such person is free from venereal dlseaso as noarly as I can bo determined." Would Move the Capital. Representative Stuhr of Hall has In troduced a bill designed to move tho stnto capital from Lincoln to Grand Island or some other point nenrer the geographical center of tho state. While no exact location is flxod, It Is pro vhled that tho board of control shall fix the slto at somo point within ono hundred miles of the center, thus elim inating Lincoln from consideration. This fs tho first attempt since 1011 to tako tho rmiltol building away from Lincoln. Land Commissioner Shumway Is not sum that tho state owii3 tho fair grounds, for which $18,000 was paid to tho Nebraska Exposition Co,, a private corporation of Lincoln citizens, back In 1901. Tho question was suggested at a committoo meeting of tho house when tho proposed $100,000 appropria tion for hog 'arns wbb discussed. Mr. Shumway, looking up tho nbstract, finds articles of incorporation con tained thorein which give tho corpora tlon powor "to purchase, hold and Im prove." IIo does not find them en tltod to BOll Every woman in charge of a Household realizes that it is n lafijo part of her duty to keep that household well. In this task she must know tho slmplo homo remedies to bo op plied ut tho first symptom of illness. Coughs and colds nro two of tho foes hho must constantly combat, and digestive disturbances need immedinto nttcntion. Thous ands of American housekeepers hnvo found tho most help to como from-over-rfady-to-tako kERUNA Because Pcrunn has estab Itahcd Iturlf us tho rrllnMo family medicine of Amotion, la tlio 4'i yenm It has I wen bo fore tlio pulillr, tlio forrhnudrd houickecper keep It rendy fur Insttint inlnlMrutlmilntlio period of lcpreilon thnt precedes ncold.or whcnMnnmdi troulilcninnnlfeM themselves. Doth of these dhorden nre catned by Inflnminatlon of tho delicate membranes tract. I'ernnn clours nwny the waste, nlds the membranes In recovering frnm In flammatory conditions nnd tones up tho sys lira, Its effectiveness Isthe renvm thnt no many depend upon It. nnd Its 1 long record oi merit main- ns It ns the dependable name ionic. Tnh't or liquid form oot 11 800(1. Our free booklet may elti you. At your dxutf- Cists or write us. AJ 2VJ THE rERUNA CO. Ctlmlai, 0. I ta nT . Muct Be Profane. Yeast I see it Massachusetts man has a parrot which has a vocabulary of seventy-live words. Crltiisoiibcuk I didn't know there wgre that many swear words In exist ence. Yonhers Statesman. CARE FOR YOUR SKIN And Keep It Clear by Dally Uta of Cutlcum Trial Free. A hot bath with Cuticurn Soap fol lowed by a gentle anointing with Cuti curn Ointment clears the skin or scalp In most cases of cezemns, rashes nnd Itching of children nnd adults. Make Cuticurn your every-day toilet prepara tions nnd prevent such troubles. Free sample each by mall with Dook. Address postcard, Cutlcuru, DcpL L, Huston, 'Sold everywhere. Adv. MUSIC ROLLS QUICKLY MADE Useful Machine Designed Especially for the Use of Retail Dealers Recently Put on the Market. Designed especially for the use of retail dealers, a compact machine thnt perforates music rolls for use In play er pianos Is being Introduced. The up paratus Is described In tho Popular Mechanics Magazine. It Is capable of making from one to 10 records ut it tlmo from sheet music, and will also turn out coiiies of uny standard roll. Its operation is said to be so slmplo that satisfactory work can bu done by persons who nro not musicians. Tho particular advantage of tho machine seems to be that It enables a small dealer to 111 1 his customers' orders promptly without having to carry a large, expensive stock. It ulso obvl ntes tho Inconveniences that confront patrons when speclul orders have to be mailed to a factory before their wants can be supplied. Since 10 sheets can be perforated simultaneously, n dealer In making a roll to order has an opportunity to udd 15 records to his stock with no expense other tluta tho bare cost of the paper nnd spools. Crack Shot. "He's a cruck shot." "Never knew lie handled firearms l" "Doesn't, lie can send n full shovel of coal through the furnace door with out covering tho lloor." Uuffulo Ex press. An aggressive man soon acquires a reputation ns n knocker. A Pleasant Healthful Habit A daily ration of Grape-Nats and cream in a splendid food for those who want vigor and energy. Grape Nuts is a concentrated health-food made from choice whole wheat, and malted barley. It retains the vital min eral elements of the grain so essential to thorough nourishment of body and brain, but lacking in many other cereal foods. Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-NuU. (i There's a Reason" JSFo change in price, quality or sizt of pacKpj-