RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t M I I k V i 1 V f THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Mnrysville, Pa. "For twelve years I Buffered with ternhlo cramps. I wouiu nave 10 Biay in bed Beveral days every month. I tried nil kinds of remedies and was treated by doctors, but my trouble con tinued until one day I read about Lydia E. I'inuham'B Vege table Compound and what it had done for others. I tried it nnd now I am never troubled with cramps and feci like a different womnn. I cannot praiso Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com nound too hichlv and I nm recommend ing it to my friends who suffer as I did. ' ' Mrs. George II. Naylok, Box 72, Marysville, Pa. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, ncadache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only women open and read such letters. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature &&? Radiating Love. If you eojiie Into a room on a win ter's day, you do not nqed to see the stove or the radiator to know there Is heat there. Kvery nerve In your body tells you that, before you have a chance to use your eyes. And there are some people you cannot approach without feeling the radiating warmth of sympathy ami kindness. Fill the henrt so full of love that It can be felt by all who come near you. "rape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes Time it! You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach Is too valuable; you mustn't Injuro it Papo's Diapepsin is noted for Its speed In giving relief; Its harmless ncss; it's oertaln unfailing action In regulating Bick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach troublo has made It famous tho world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your homo keep It handy get a largo flfty-cent case from any dealer and then If anyone should eat something which doesn't agreo with them; If what they cat lays llko lead, ferments and sours nnd forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness nnd nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Us prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcoming tho worst Btomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it. Adv. Of Course Not! The Kev. Shyblrd I had such a cu rious dream last night. I dreamt I was In the Garden of Eden. Miss Kensington Oh, how odd! And did Eve appear as she Is general ly represented? The Rev. Shyhlrd I I er I didn't look. London Sketch. Sudden Cold. Look out it's dang( erous. ' lvmlli 11 rvysy .E?0 ET B s. p .mnADTFRS JEmmr Iiver .MY77JV IH ITTIIi tr figq- &&U?& W DVSPEPSIA AND OEM CASCARAjQUININE The old family remedy -In tablet t orm-6af e, sure, cosy to lake. No opiates no unpleasant after-effects. Cures colds in 24 hours-Grip In 3 days. Money bock If it foils. Get the genulno box, with Ited 'lop und Mr. Hill's picture on It 25 cents. At Any Drug Storo Aches In Btomach, Hack. Side or Stiuuldem Lifer Trouble!. titntoacb Misery. Djtpepnla, Colic. Uaa, Htllouineu.lleaduclie.UonMlpallun, IMIes, Catarrh, Norroneneas, lilims, Jaundice, Appendicitis. These are common Uallstonesrniptoms-OANUHUUHUII. Bend for borne treatment. onl '' rnrr Unt, fuuutk, (111 TiviUh u indltltU. E,C albtoM C., D. W-t, 11 . UtuUra ,, EXCELLENT RETURNS Fl United States Settlers Becoming Rich on Western Canada Lands. Tho law nuiiiliiT of I'lilti'il States wt tiers coming to J hi WU'in prov Inei'S of I'linmhi im easily diiliud by thi' niM of Mr. I.nry. Into of Wisconsin anil luti'r of AIIktiii. Mr. I.itey mint to Cnniiilit from Wis consin In the summer of 1!U I with .S1.500 available- casli In his poelon. Ik rented a liulf-scctlon of partly Im proved laud In Albertit and commenced summer fallowing, lie liroke !HH) ncres with oats, 10 with barley, anil '-'till with wheat. Also lie had two cows and -0 head of young live stock. He was for tunate In buying feed at a bargain and managed to rent the adjoining quarter section as pasture. A few weeks ago he decided to real ize his profits and they amounted to SO.OOO absolutely clear from the crop and the stock. W. J. Wlnsleail, of llrooks, Alberta, says : "I lauded In lirooks, March lth. 1!)1G. with one car of household effects, and nine head of good horses, and less than .$.()() In cash. I have put Sl.r.00 worth of Improvements on my farm. I have .'11 head of cattle, V head of horses, debts all paid, a new automo bile, and a good, stiff bank account. At present prices, I can cash In for ?10,000. I am well satisfied, and ex pect to double this next year. I have threshed altogether 7,000 bushels of No. 1 Northern wheat from two hundred acres, which went from lit to r0 bushels per acre. Seven thousand bushels of wheat, all No. 1 Northern, two thousand bushels j of oats, 070 bushels of flux, 700 bush els of barley all at market prices well, figure this out for yourself at the' market price. I sold .1,100 bushels of wheat at $1.71. am holding the re mainder for $2.00. Also all the oats, barley und ilax for higher prices." Intelligent farming pays always ac cording to Alex. Wattle, n prosperous farmer. Some figures to prove his con tention that he has "made good." In 1014 Mr. Wattle threshed -10 bush els to the acre from u KO-ncrc crop. This sold for Sl.OOy. per bushel, which, after deducting seed, labor, twine, threshing and freight, left a clear profit of $."0 per acre, or n total of $1,300. From last year's crop of n l acres, just sold, he received after freight had been deducted, $1.870.01. Advertisement. Not Far Wrong. "Vots mi nutycrat, Chlminle?" "It's u guy wot owns an automo bile." YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You say to the drug store man, "Give me n small bottle of freezonc." This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in stnntly, and soon tho entire corn or ciUlus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezonc dries In a moment, nnd simply shrivels up the corn or callus without Irritating the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. adv. The Requisite. "What we need In these ages Is to kindle the fires of romance." "How about using love matches?" 64- YEARS YOUNG! Mr. S. writes: P. Ilenton, Kerrvllle, Texas, "For several years prior to 1000 I suffered from kidney nnd rheu matic troubles. Was bent over and lorceu to use a cane. For these disorders I am glad to say I used Dodil's Kidney Pills, which proved to bo the proper remedy. I am 01 years young, feel 11 n o u n d once again stand ns an arrow. Dodd's Kid straight as ney Pills deserve great credit." Get a fiOe box nt your dealer's to-day. A generous free trial box will bit mailed If you send the coupon. IMIHimH N HtMIMHItUIMlltHIIIIHIIHUII(tllltlt l'MnultMiniMWIHIIIIIM-lltf IMU1 DoiliVii Mcillclno Co., niiffalo, X. V. Henrt mo a big Kreo trial box of Uortil'a Kidney Pills. Namo , Street City Btato. About the only wuy u man can fool a woman Is to make her believe she's fooling htm when she's not. OM THE CANADIAN n yuiw VARIED AND flANV Ch.inQfo SiiCCted In New Election Laws of State. (Mntmes In tli" prim u y and general eiiitioti laws of the state are likely to be many and tried In this session, at least they will be if IiIIIb now in go through in their present shape. The most radical change Is in the primary law. As suggested by Hon tesentatlve Conley of Jeffeison county the state conumttons will bo given tho power of nominating all electlvo stato officers below tho governorship Even the railway coiuiiiIehIoii candi dates will be so chosen. Delegates to tho btato gathering will bo chosen at county nominating elec tions, the same primaries at which county oltteers are to ho nominated by the various parties. Thin, accord lug to Mr. C'onley, will give the peoplo a chance to speak their minds through cnroftill chosen delegates. National Guard Budget (leneral Hall believes that upward of $lt-'f.000 will be necessary to nm ' the state national guard during tho coming two years That Is an Increaiu , of 560,000, made necessary because ef ( a number of changes in the guard, ; not the least of which is its increase, to a peace footing, or several notcheJ higher than It was Julie liO, when It was called Into federal service Two j ears ai;o the guard obtained SliS.OOO. after the house had made an offort, in the face of tho war I nnd constantly darkening i loads on tho United States foreign relations horizon, to reduce the amount to about half that size. The senate an veil the day, and a house conference com mittee later recommended the in crease, and it was adopted. State Nurccs Attack the Dill Members of the State Nurses' asso ciation are up in arms over tho Intro duction of lloueo Itoll No. Ii30, by Representative Dr. Keneker of Rich ardson, cutting dovn the standard of qualilieatlnns neccijs.iry for registry by a nurse in Nebraska. Tho presont law provides that a graduate nurse mist have had at least ono year's hlgu school education; three years of active training In a hospital, and must have, taken a state board examination. Ken ckcr'a proposed law, which has ill leady had a reading, provides only for six months' training in a hospital and two and one-half years' practical ex perience before taking a state exami nation for registered nurses. To Put Catfish In Game Class. Nebraska's standard llsh tho cat will bo promoted to the game class with tho trout and the bnss, and will havo the mnntle of tho law thrown about it for its protection, if Game Warden Kostor has his way. The catfish Is now In the catagory with the carp, smiawflsh and buffalo, In tho catching of which tho law does not interfere. Warden Kostcr says the cat Is one of the best eating fishes and should not bo ono caught and sold for general purposes. Ills proposed change In tho lnw has been Introduced in tho senato by Adams of Dawes and in the houso by Anderson of Hoyd. New Course at University A new course, "Psychology und Effi ciency," lias been added to tho curric ulum of tho University of Nebraska. This courso is designed to aid studonts who are to take up law, the ministry, medicine, Journalism, snclnl sorvlco and other professions. The psychol ogy of buying and selling and methods of estimating the efficiency of Indi vidual workmen nlso will be consid ered In tho Instruction. Blue Sky Exemption Representative Ollis has a bill to exempt farmers' cooperative associa tions from the blue sky law. Under this law, they are compelled to pay tho railway commission a $15 fee nnd moot tho requirements of tho law, among which is a proviso that share.! of stock shall bo for $100 ench. These associations desire to issue stock In denominations of $10, $25 nnd $50. Seek New Committee. Lenders in tho drugleas healing pro fessions havo asked the legislature to appoint a new standing commltteo to consider their claims. They declare that laymen, nnd not medical doctors, should consider tlvolr claims, and be Hove that such a committee as they suggest would be the beginning of a campaign for medical freedom. BiiBlnoss In tho office of Secrotitry of State Pool during January brought receipts of $5,220.01 as against $3, 015.11 for tho same month last year or a not Increaso of $2,205.80, Of this sum $4,020 was received for filing articles of Incorporation, fore casting a year of business nccolor atlon. The automobile department has Issued 88.3D3 automobile num bers for 1017, of which 12,550 ywero for now numbers. Tho 75,850 wore renowals on 1910 cars, In tho motor cycle department 1,472 numbers wore Issued. To Amend Compensation Law. Workmen's compensation law en forcement la removed from Labor Commissioner Gcorgo Norman nnd plncod in the hnnds of a "compensa tion commissioner" to bo appointed by tho governor, In S F. 220, Introduced In tho nennto by Senator Deal, of Cus ter. Tho law radically nmends tho pres ent compensation law, making tho commissioner tho arbiter of HCttlo mont disputes subject only to appeal to the district court within Are dayi. taWiCNAL SlIMYSCIifll Lesson (tty V. O sni.U'US. Aning Plrector of the I'miility School I'eurs In I e Moody H I ', lii.tll'!n of Clii n!n i If' pj itkhi. IJIJ.Wiil in s pnpor ftilott I LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 11 JESUS AND THE WOMAN OF SA MARIA. U:SSON TKXT-John 4 5-H, 24, 20. I ODl.OHN Ti:.'T ClirlHt .lisiis cnnift In- to the woild I" Mivo alm.ciH -I Tim. 1:111. ' Thi Is a lesson of one of the way 1 tiiin miiiiuti'iiw nf .li-siis. it occurred Incidentally while lie was oiylils way J i to his great preaciiing anil leaciuug ci perleiice ut (ialllee. It was a by-product of his very busy life, yet it is one of ' the most famous Interviews and one of the best examples of how to do per- , MUial work thai Is found In the scrip tures. The larger part or the tirst year of Christ's ministry was spent In .In ilea, .lestis did not baptize, but his dNclples did, doubtless for the same reason, though in a less degree, than why Paul refused to baptize converts (I Cor. l:i:i-lti). All but one of the disciples of Jesus were tlallleans and .lesus spent about u year and nine months of his ministry In that place. I. Jesus Rested (vv. -10). To reach Cialllee from .liidea Jesus "must needs go through Samaria," not that there were not other ways Unit he might have traveled, but rather that it was worth while to go out of his way in order to bring the water of life to this needful woman. Jacob's well was ut a parting of the roadway near to the city of Sychar. Few places in the land save Jerusalem had so much Hlble his tory connected with them (On. l-:0; Joshua 8::i:; Acts 7:10; I Kings, 12:1, etc.). The well was originally nhotit 100 feet deep nnd 7,,i feet In diameter, but It has been filled up with accumu lations of rubbish so it is now only about 75 feet deep. Christ was wearied lit his work, but not of it, and "sat thus" (by) tliu well; literally, on the ' low wall built around it. The sixth hour wns probably about midday There is comfort In consideration of tho fact that as a inuu Jesus was will ing to meet this woman of bad charac ter. II. Jesus Holds Conversation (vv. 7- 14). Notlco tho gentle way In which Jesus speaks, nnd that ho began on tho ground of their common need. Ho nsks this needed favor that he might confer n greater one, Ignoring the pre judice which existed against the Sa mnrltans. Water wns the thing upper most in tho woman's mind. She did not grant his simple request, nnd her reply Indicated that racial differences were n very renl barrier. They hinder our work even yet. The surprise, perhaps plensure, thut u Jew should ask a favor of her seems to have greatly Impressed the womnn, nnd aroused her curiosity. In verso 10 Jesus tells tho woman that thero nro two things she npist needs know: (1) the wondrous gift of God, that is tho Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13; Acts 2 :23-38) ; (2) the wonderful man who had asked of her "Give me to drink." Und she known these things she would have nsked him for the llv- i luff wnter. All that was needful was simply to ask. The Holy Spirit Is tho living witter (John 0:03). The womnn does not seem to hnvo comprehended what Jesus was trying to tench, yet ho wns patient, and won her ns a convert. Ho told her thnt everyone who enmo to that well would thirst again (v. 13). Tho world's fountains do not satisfy, fountains of wealth, fame, pleasure or carnal gratification, or even learning. Ho then tells her of the living water (v. 14)) of which the drinker should never thirst, that It would satisfy who soever drinks, nnd wns to bo everlast ing (John 7:37-30). The one who re ceives tho Holy Spirit within has a perennial, eternal spring of life, Joy nnd satisfaction springing up within him. Ileforo tho womnn received tho wnter of which ho wns speaking thero hod to come a conviction of sin (vv. 10-10) ; hence his remark, "Go call thy husband." This was n sharp thrust Into her life and heart. She tried to parry the thrust with u technical ques tion, yet ho comes back with u great revelntlon of the nnturo of God nnd tho worship which God accepts, revealing his Messlnhshlp (vv. 15-20). As Is Indi cated, sho does not seem to have com prehended tho nnturo of t,ho request i which Jesus had made (v. 15) ; there fore he began this searching of her llfo In order to preparo her to receive tho wnter of llfo which ho wanted to be stow. This knowiedgo of her secret llfo by n perfect stranger who hnd never even seen her beforo wns an evl- , denco to tho womnn of spiritual en dowment: "Sir I perceive that thou art n prophet." She then entered upon a theological argument (v. 20) which Jesus unswercd very simply, saying that the worship of tho Fnther Is not to bo restricted by Umo or place (v. 21). At this point the disciples return und tho woman goes into tho vllloge. Jesus, lifting up his eyes to the citi zens who were coming out nt her Invi tation, exclaims, "Lift up your eyes nnd look on the fields, for they uru whlto already to harvest," thereby em phasizing still further tho "personal evangelism" thought which Is upper- , most in this lesson. Sho thirsted (v. 14), she received 1 (w. 25, 20), she beenmo a spring (w. 28-20) which supplied others (v. HO). Tho wnter of llfo fully satisfies, and It la a spring (v. 10) ; It continually MtlBflCfl. JpOYmr.Udh "Tho kidnr-VH nlav a most important part in cnupmg prrmnttirc old ago and death the more injurious tho poisons pawing thru the kidneys the sooner comes decay" so pays n distinguished physinan, who further advif-es all peoplo who are past thirty lo preserve the vitality of the kidneys and free the blond from poisonous elements, such as uric acid drink plenty of water sweat some daily and take Amine before mcah. This Anuric is put up in tablet, form, and can be obtained at almost, any drug store. Tor that backache, lumbago, thcuiimtism, "tuMy" joints, swollen feet or hands, due to uric acid in the blood, Anuric (prickly dissolves the tirio arid ns hot water docs Migar. Discovered by Dr. Pierre of PulTnlo, N. Y. Prevent premature old age by simply sipping a cup of hot water every morning before breakfast, taking a little Anuric before meals and live lo be a hundred. Not on Record, lie- re wheal dikes health,? Me I never liriinl one i omplnm being sh , Record THICK, GLOSSY HI FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Halrl Make Soft, Fluffy nnd Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. It Try as joii will, after an application of Danderliie. you cannot Hud a single trace of dandruff or falling hair alul your scalp will not Itch, but what will please ou most, will be after a few i weeks' use. when you see new hair, J line nnd downy at llrst yes but real- ly new hair growing all over the , scalp. A Utile Diindeiine Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ- i ence how dull, faded, brittle and ' scraggy. Jusl moisten u cloth with Itaiiderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small slrand at a time. The effect Is Im mediate ami umii'.lug -your hair will be light, Huffy and waxy, anil have an appearance of abundance; an Incom parable luster, softness mid luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 'J." cent bottle of Knowlton's Dandeiine from any store and prove ' that your hair Is ns pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment Hint's nil. Adv. Doing His Share. "Are you doing anything for the preservation of our antiquities?" 'You bet I am. 1 soil cosmetics." To keen clean nnd healthy take Dr. Pieice't 1'le.ihiiut lVllctn. They rcgulnte her, bowelH nnd btoinaeh. Adv. Probably Not. Will the Miiokc Inspector please ex plain why so much of the soft coal soot settles on the white-haired dog? The Quinine That Does Not Cause Nervousness or Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. but remember there is Only One "Bromo Quinine" . That Is the Original Laxative Bromo Quinine This Signature ?k0j QS JofrrcTrZy Raise High Priced Wheat on Fertile Canadian Soil iSI?l Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat it higher but Canadian land juit n cheap, so the opportunity is more at tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the world by tilling some of her fertile soil land similar to that which during many years has averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat around $2 a bushel and land so easy to get. Wonderful gll grain growing. Tliu Rui-flen In Hull' right kind of a gardfo, And you tan'l H Hart with Iowa grown wcdi are the but in the woild and are the kiad lor you lo plant, and Field's ia the placa to act them. Write For Garden and Seed Book and Seed Sense, Free Our SetdaBook IcUa you the real truth about the teedt and giyca you common koh inttructiom about latdrnuig. And Serd Scum it the daadiett little gtrden parer you erei taw. We tend jl free lo our cuttomeri Get thrte booki, and rain a. hdo o.iyt.n mnA fiMt iti "l-liffli (ntt nl Uvina. ' u will ind ttim ttra. HENRY FIELD SEED CO . Tim Rnn.r.cTioNs op a married WOMAN nro not pleasant If sho Is delicate, run-down, nr over worked. Sho fcola "played out." Tier smllo and her good spirits havo taken lllL'ht. If. worrlrm her husband as well as herself. V ThH to tho Umo vsw v- I'lii'i up "cr i K Btrcngth and K Vi. euro thosrj H5'woaknes.iesi I'- . or immciiM which are 'v"-,tho sent of hnr trouble. Dr. Piorco's Favorite Prescrip tion n tfiilatesnnd promotes all the. proper fnnclloiis of womanhood, enriches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, melan choly anil ncruuisnoss, brings refresh ing si 'cp, and rcMo-..! health and Kirength. It. cures tho o disorders and derangements lucldnnt to womanhood. A well-known agent which can bn procured at all drua stores Is "Pleasnnt Pellets," inside up of tip May-apple, thn dried Juice of the leaves of aloes and tho root of Jalap. First put out by Dr. Plerco nearly llfly ye in ago. - Adv. "I)t' (inr em) i I tver 11. IWuJJtf Wi! Iiirii- Uhtfe Jul jouk'I il'" "Miiuh Kly." mil the tiner ol the gooi. with dijnil)'. "lirn )ou rtcich special good urmon I nctcr an ymi "litre ou got it. Sctmi to me dit't a triv'al nutttf jniy." II anybody asks how you got nervous J Indigestion, constipation or dyspepsia you couldn't tell, but If you want to get rid of all such painful disorder Green's August Flower will net promptly In the relief of nil stomach nnd bowel troubles, nndyour freedom from pain and discomfort will make you feci that life Is again worth living. 25c and 75c at drug gists and dealers. 51 years of success. TO KILL 7 uuun.udUD.e; V-lJ' AI.WAVR II5IK STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE U. S. Government Buys It SOLD EVERYWHERE 23c and $1.00 TYPHOID I no rr.oro necery thin Smallpox, Aimy experience hai demonftritnl' thn almost miraculoul effi cacy, and lisrmteMnetl, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Ue vaccinated NOW by ynur physician, you and your family. It li more fltal tlian home Insurance. Aik your physician, dnieBtst or lend for Hare. you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, i eaulla from uie, and dancer from Typhoid Ctrilert. Produelng Vacrlnra and Serumi undr U. S. Uotnia Thi Cuttir Laboratory, Dirxelty, Cal Chicago, IIL PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A to I lot rrepfcratfon of tufrtt. li pip m enwicatn o una run. ForRatarlnvColar and Bauty toGrny or Faded Hair J wo. ana vi w ai I'ruciriiia. PATENTS Wntaon R. Col i man, l'atsni I.nwjnr.War.hlnitlon, I). C AdTlcn and book (rea. Itaten reiitoiinblo. Illgboatrotnrencoa. Uostaenlcea. ROUGHonRATS'VTrV'iSc: W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 6--1917. In Head on Every Box Umetl thm World Orw la In Onm Dmy. 0 Jam fiaSrE vjMmFm iSPBtlB - VI : SkA. tfe -3tye vri38lr) yo lw7wri Canada extends to you a hearty invita tion to settle on her FREE Homestead lands of 160 acres each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba. yields also Of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming in Western Canada is as profitable an industry as The Government this year h risking farmers to put in creased acreage Into nraln. Military service is net com pulsory In Canada but there is a great demand for fann labor to replace the many younK men who have volun. tecrcd fo r service. The climate is healthful and agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to W. V. BENNETT Room 4, Dee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Canadian Government Agent tho LiVlntr Uut nol unlcu tou liava tha ra'ue a good gtrtlca .without good leedi lo BOX 103. SHENANDOAH. IOWA A5! VaUtTjr m-LH Mm ?3M r