RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF HOUSE, MONUMENT TO HISJLD LOVE Prepared for Bride It Stood j Vacant for More Than Forty Years. '1 HOW' JO MAKE BUTTER OF GOOD QUALITY v For Goodness Sake ' use E Baking Powder Purity First It will never disappoint you try it if you like good things to cat. REVEALED BY ACCIDENT Mv! These Ounces for 25 tgfJ KG doughuuis 5D(mJ (Morr than pound nnd are youu uu svr m luortvTT 3$rSl fox mS-SL ., v. '.pf i" m iKNKrl iflii mOwF? Lf rtnUJPl .o-x r jvv i a. ';'',' sJ'W ,A m mm UX ACv$ &'.BflBvalsisV 'i' -: iI' ' v Ir-aEBj4wv v aw aBsV'lS'BvaisM '4.! ':'."' x"L. v Vx'"-- i jVLassaMiBBRB? sbssBa araaraE'3lBK f v. iBfci, V. BraBraBraBsraBsraa aaaraaBraBraaraBa PRINTING BUTTER BEFORE PREPARING FOR MARKET (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) With the working complete, the op erator remove the printer from the bucket of cold wnter, grasps It with 'both hands and presses It repeatedly on the mass of butter until It Is packed full. The butter at the bottom of the mold Is then cut off smooth with the paddle and the print Is pushed out on a sheet of parchment butter-wrapping (i paper and neatly wrapped. The square mold Is used because square prints can be wrapped easily and neat ly and because such print has become bbbbWv. . M LssssssssV' " i-'- r Jar ?? si' ''' f " : ,- f:i&X:N''! " Jf'K '?" -'! i Comparing Squire Print in Carton With Round Print Wrapped In Parchment Paper. standard on the market. Good square molds can be purchased from local hardware stores or dealers in dairy supplies for from $1.25 to $5. Only regular parchment paper made for the purpose should bo used for wrapping butter. It can be obtained from llrms handling dairy supplies. The ordinary waxed paper commonly used for wrap ping lunches should not In; used for wrapping butter, as it tears easily and sticks to the butter. The placing of the wrapped print of butter In pasteboard boxes or car tons protects the butter from finger prints, dust, and dtrt. Parafllued Car tons are preferable because they do not absorb water and becume they form u stronger and tighter package. The trade-mark or butter-maker's name on the carton serves as an ad vertisement. Cartons bearing any de hired deslgu or printing can he ob tained at small cost from firms han dling dairy supplies. The appearance of the package of butter determines Its selling price to a considerable extent, and every effort should be made to have it as neat, at tractive, and convenient to handle as possible. The square print neatly wrapped shows at u glance its advan tages over the semlround print which Is exposed to files, dust, and other con taminating things. Even If the semi round print Is wrapped In parchment paper It Is Impossible for it to make an attractive appearance. Compare such a print with u pound of butter wrapped and placed in u carton. If you were a purchaser, which would you prefer? Washing the Churn. In washing the churn, it should first be rinsed with lukewarm or cold wa ter and then scrubbed with a fiber bruBh, cleansing powder, and hot wa ter, then scalded, nd set In a clean, sunny place to drain and dry. In washing the churning utensils a fiber brush is much more effective than the ordinary dlshrag. The brushes can bo obtained at small cost from hardware stores or from dealers in dairy sup plies. Rome washing powder, such as sal soda, is much better for cleansing churns than soaps or soap powders. WAASNAM ALFALFA SEED SUPPLY Turkestan Variety Imported to Help Out Domestic Stock. Not Well Adapted for General Use in United 8tates and Particularly Un desirable for Eastern Humid Sections. ' From the United States Department of Agriculture.) During the fiscal years ended June 80, 1013, 1014 and 1015, approximately six million, five million, and seven mil lion pounds, respectively, of alfalfa seed were imported, while during the fiscal year ended Juno 80, 1010, less than three and one-fourth million pounds were Imported. For several years Russian Turkestan has been the only country having a large surplus of seed available for In ternational trade, but the supply of seed from this source has been prac tically shut off since the beginning of the European war, until the past win ter, when shipments were begun by the way of the trans-Siberian railway, Vladivostok, and the Taclfic ocean. .Of the Beed Imported Into the United States since July 1, 1015, more thap half has been from Russian Turkestan, and no doubt moro of this seed will be brought In as transportation can be arranged. The abort domestic supply of last year, together with the decreased Im ports, have resulted in a marked In crease In the price of seed over that of a year ago. Tho lack of alfalfa seed in this country this year must be made up by Importation, and this will i necessarily be lurgely Turkestan seed. It Is known that Turkestan seed Is not well adapted for general use in the United States and that It Is particu larly undesirable for use In the eastern humid sections. On the basis of Its irclatlve crop-producing capacity, the f trice of Turkestan seed should be low Vr than that of domestic seed, and pur chasers should know when they are buying Turkestan seed. Conditions may often be such that only Turkestan seed can be obtained at the time and place where seed is wanted, but In ev ery instance tho purchaser should know whether he is getting Turkestan seed or not. Turkestan seed can be distinguished from other alfalfa seed by the pres ence of certain characteristic weed seeds. These seeds arc usually not numerous, but no Importation of com mercial Turkesran seed has been ex amined by th need laboratory of the department In which they were not present. On account of these charac teristic weed seeds not being plentiful, It Is always necessary, In determining the origin of the seed, to examluo a bulk of seed, and not depend on the examination of a small trade sample. Anyone wishing to have alfalfa seed examined, to determine Its posslblo Turkestan origin, should send not les.i than one-half pound of seed to the seed laboratory, bureau of plant In dustry, departmocit of agriculture, Washington, D. O. A discussion of th relative value of commercial Turkcston alfalfa seed will be found in department Bulletin No. 188, "Commercial Turkestan Alfalfa Seed." GOOD TREATMENT FOR COLIC Drench Calf at Intervals of Two Hours With Mixture of Turpentine and Linseed Oil. Colic In calves Is the result of feed ing materials not adapted to the un developed stomach of tho young ani mal, or tho feeding of the regular ra tion at unusual hours or In unusual amounts. Tho calf usually uulTcrs vio lent uhdomlnA pains, Indicated by an unusual activity of tho animal, fre quent and continuous kicking, and, finally, complcto prostration. Unless relieved within a short time, death usu ally follows. A standard treatment Is to drench the calf at Intervals of two houm with n mixture containing a teaspoonful of turpentine and a tablespoonful of raw Unseed oil. Relief will usually follow shortly after the first treatment, al though In certain cases It may bo nec essary to glvo moro than ono dose. Indiana Station. Death of Two Men in Old Mansion Reveals Faithlessness of Woman Who Fled With Owner's Brother on Wedding Day. London. An accident recently brought to light a house of mystery in tlu heart of fashionable London. Two workmen, making structural repairs on a residence near the homo of .1. Plcrpont Morgan's London home, fell with riven rafters and were dashed to death. At the coroner's impiest the con tractor dcchircd'the whole house was dangerous with dry-rot. "Since 1871," he wild, "not n nail has been driven within Its walls, and no one has entered the living rooms except the caretaker." "Summon the owner," commanded the coroner. "He is dead, sir," was the reply. "The house recently changed hands at an executor's sale." "Then call the caretaker." She came at onco a little, genteel, elderly woman who had lived a great part of her life in the shadows of the house of mystery. Bride Changed Her Mind. "The owner was W. C. Nation, a rich man, lord of the manor of Rock beare," testified the little, old woman. 'Tlve-nnd-forty years ago, when I was but a girl, Mr. Nation bought the property, contemplating marriage. "Mosaic workers came from Italy and nrt decorators from Paris to pre pare the home for his chosen bride. My mother wns engaged as house keeper, with orders to choose her maids. The butler came and hired his men. Everything was ready, even to bridal bouquets In thd chambers hut there was no wedding. On her mar riage morning the bride eloped with her fiance's hrothcr. London knew her no more. "What Mr. Nation thought, no one ever learned. Mother received orders to dlsndss the servants nnd live on ns caretaker. Nothing wns to bo ajtered. The table set for the wedding break fast remained undisturbed. No chair Nothing Was to Be Altered. or ornament ever was removed from the reception rooms, even the beds were never stripped. For 20 yenrs mother and I waited for the arrival of our employer. Then we knew he could not bear to enter the house again. Guarded "Proud Man's Secret." "One day, 15 years ago, an elderly, delicate lady In widow's weeds, snt In the park opposite for hours, staring sadly at our shaded windows. Mother thought sho looked like tho bride's portrait In tho lnrgo drawing room. But sho went away, and we never saw her again. "After mother died I lived on alone, guarding a proud man's secret. I had only to keep silent. If the world was ever curious. It soon forgot. Seldom, If ever, did anyone ask a question about the emptiness of tho old house. Many's tho tlmo mother said to me, 'Dear, dear, this Is a thoughtless world and selfish. How little the best of peoplo troublo themselves about their next neighbors!'" LOSES TOES TO BE CADET Kansas Youth 8ubmlts to Amputation to Enable Him to Enter West Point Atchison, Kan. Two toes amputat ed that he might pass entrance exami lnatlon to West Point, Harold Do Fori est of Wetmore has been discharged from a hospital here. He had what is known as "hammer toes" that Is, two toes were drawn back and wouldn't straighten out. Those two toes wouldn't pass the examination, and ho was promised admittance In case the toes were amputated. MEAN TRICK HARD TO BEAT According to Fat Plumber, He Wit nessed Action That Would Seem to Be the Limit. "1 have spotted another 'meanest man.' " It was the fat plumber who upoke. "Who Is It tills tliiieV" the thin car penter asked. , "Unison." "What's Unison been doing?" "lie took me to dinner lth Idm In a swell hotel the other owning." "Do you call that mean?" "No, but listen." "I am listening." "When we had llnMied he took a small piece of tinfoil that hud cov ered a Utile stpiaru of cheese " "Uh hull" "Placed It on a sller dollar to get a perfect Impression" "Yes" "And then left tho liiipiesslon on Ills plate so the waiter would think he was getting a tine, tip." Youngs town Telegram. THE PROFESSOR'S STATEMENT. Awful Wobbles. Lewis, n minister' son, listened gravely one evenlijg while ihe minis ter expressed liN lews regarding tight skirls' to bis wife. The next Sunday iiioinlng Lewis tried, by waiug bis luiiid and point ing, to attract his- lather's attention toward two Indies entering the chuich. Ills efforts- "eeined to be In tain, and at last he called: "Look quick, father, there's two aw ful wobbles In Ihe aisle." It's dilllcult for a woman i under stand why It always rains simitly af ter she bus hud her ft nut windows cleaned. You gotla got down lo hlzncss, It won't come down lo you. Ity giving tilt a square deal you give satisfaction all around. Skikner-s THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI J6 R&e Rtcipe Booh free SKINNER MFG.C0.. OMAHA. USA IMGUT HACM0NI fACTOW IM AMUICA Hsv Prof. Aug. F. W. Schmltz, Thomas, Okla., writes: "I waB troubled with Backache for abont twenty-five years. When told I had Hrlght's Disease in its last stages, I tried Dodd's Kid ney Pills. After using two boxes I was somewhat re lieved and I stop ped the treatment. In tho spring of the next year I had another at- Prof. Schmltz. tack. I wont for Dodd's Kidney Pills and they relieved me again. I usod three boxes. That is now three years ago and my Back ache has not returned in its severity, and by using another two boxes a lit tle later on, the pain left altogether and I have had no troublo since. You may use my statement. ,1 recommend Dodd'a Kidney Pills when and wher ever I can." Dodd'a Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at your dealer or Dodd's Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. T. -Adv. Simple Question to Answer. The editor of tho correspondence columns had n very busy day a very busy day, Indeed. So busy, In fact, that he had to enlist the services of the 'sub" to read out the correspond ence. "What Is the next query?" he usked, when he had gone half way through tho pile of letters. "Oh," replied the "sub," "a ""reader wants to know how to prevent the balrs in his mustache from falling out. What shall I put down, sir?" "Well," answered the editor, with u sigh, "Just put down: 'The best wny to prevent hairs from falling out is to brush them lightly apurt, and keep them from quarreling.'" VHMtsrm u LEADER" AND REPEATER" Shot Shells For the hifih flyers, or the low flyere, "Leader" and "Repeater'' chcll3 have the reach, spread and penetra tion. Their great sale i3 due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and loads. 1?J2 SURE TO ASIC FOR THE W BRAND PUT BUSINESS LESSON FIRST RED, ROUGH, PIMPLY SKIN Quickly Cleared by Cuticura 8oap and Ointment. Trial Free. You may rely on theso fragrant, super-creamy emollients to caro for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Noth ing better to clear the skin of pimples, blotches, redness and roughness, tho scalp of dandruff and Itching and the hands of chapping and sorcncBB. Froo sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Baby's Eyes. Tho value of $25,000 Is placed by a California court on the eyesight of a child, destroyed through the careless ness of an attendant at tho child's birth. "A pair of baby's eyes aro priceless," said tho court. And so they are they cannot be pur chased at any figure. The mere mone tary recompense to the parent Is noth ing. For what mero money will atone to the mother In her grief that her child must be doomed to a life of night? Tho eyes are priceless; they thrive on care; they suffer from Indifference, carelessness, overwork, overstrain) And when they go they never return. Youngster Had Excellent Defense When Hauled Before the Parental Tribunal for Fighting. ".My son" "Yes, pop" "Do you remember what your Sunday school teacher told you about lighting?" "Yes, sir." "Then why did you strike that Hem mandhaw boy with your list?" "He struck mo first." "But what about your Sunday school lesson?" "I thought about your lesson first." "Whnt lesson?" "Your business lesson." "I urn afraid I do not know what you meun." "You told me always to do every thing In n strictly business wny." "Yes" "Well, when be delivered n wallop on my nose I Just had to give him a receipt." Youngstown Telegrnm. , Only a Goat Could Do It. First Goat How did you get rich' Second Ooat Saving hat checks bj eating my hut. Same Principle. Willis What system do these mili tary airplanes work on? (illlls One person runs the machine and the other Is Just an observer, but both of them light. Willis I see; Just like being mur-ried. Bettor a drawback than a setback. Pretty Often, Too. During a Bible lesson a teacher was trying to explain tho parablo of the tares. "Can anyone toll me any person who Is like the evil one who sowed the tares?" A hand Instantly shot up from the foot of the class. "Well, David, what person do you say?" "Please, ma'am, my mother." "Why?" asked tho teacher In aston ishment. "Because," answered ho, eying his patched troubors, "sho sews tears." Getting Old Too Fast? Late in life tho body shows signs of wear and often tbo kidneys weaken firfit. The back is lame, bent and achy, and the kldaey action distressing. This makes people feel older than they art. Don't wait for dropsy, gravel, harden ing of the arteries or Bright's disease. Use a mild kidney stimulant. Try Doan's Kidney Pill. Thousands of el derly folks recommend them. A Nebraska Cam The world makes way for the man who knows whero ho Is going. Mrs. Itlchanl Nngle, 110 Platte Ave., Fre mont, Nob., says: "My Kidneys were disorder ed for years and I suf fered from soreness across the small of my back. I was very nervous and dark hpecks often Hashed before my eyes. Ev ery little noise Irri tated me. Finally, I u'd Doan's Kidney Pills nnd was tiena ntcd in every way." isssp Gt Dotn's at Any Stora, 50c a Bos DOAN'S "SffiLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. Can You Beat It? Mrs. Exe My girl has left me. Shu said I had so much company thcro was too ravch work to do. Mrs. Wye That's singular. Mlno has left me, too. Sho said I had jjo llttlo company It showed I had no so cial position. Boston Evening Trau-script Every falluro teaches a man some thing, If ho will learn. Dickens. Canada's Liberal Offer of Wheat Land to Settlers is open to youto every farmer or farmer's son who is anxious to establish tor himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty Invitation this year is more attractive than ever. Wheat is much higher but her fertile farm land just as cheap, and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta 1 60 Am tomutult Art Actatlly Tm to Scttltrt sal Otto Uai SH at (ns f IS to $20 str Aert The great demand for Canadian Wheat will keep up the price. Where a farmer can get near 12 for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to the .acre he It bound to mtkm money that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Won derful yields also of OaU, Barley and Flax. MUtd Farmlna in Western Canada Is fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. Ttafi excellent grattec, fall of nutrition, are tho only W' tJL-r"Y75tr'sM Ooodtcbouls.churcbn, markets conTinlenLolimsto excellent. Military serrlco Is not compnlMirT In Canada bat there Is an nnutnal demand for farm food required eltnor for beef or dairy uurpor labor to replace the ruanr young man who eyo volunteered for the war. Write for llterutaro and J articular aa to reduced railway rates lo bupuof tunilgraUon, Ottawa, Can., or U W. V. BENNETT Roam 4, Dee Blag., Onaha. Neb. Canadian Government Agent Paew rt tl J KSItawW.Twiimti FXa