The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1916, Image 5

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Come to Red Cloud nnd do your trad
ing. Fred Kddy was in Iimvalo, Sunday.
Frank Perry was iu Blue Hill, Mon
day. M. B. Corner wus in Cowles, Mon
Q. J. Warren spent Tuesday In
N. O. McBee wiib down from Blue
Illll, Sunday.
C. I Cather went to Lincoln, Tues
day morning.
Roy Sattlcy, undertaker-auto licarse
Prank Mcintosh was a passenger to
Omaha, Monday.
O. O. Uickard was up from Guide
Rock, Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Jouos spent Mon
day in Hastings.
The County Commissioners were iu
session this week.
Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Storey spent Sat
urday iu Hastings
Ooorgo Delph returned to Kearney,
Saturday morning.
Miss Edith MoKeighan spoilt Wed.
uesday in Hastings.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Sattloy were in
Hastings, Wednesday.
George Corner was down from Blue
Hill, Saturday afternoon.
II. J. Amack of Wheeler, Kansas,
was iu the city, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Sid Ploranco autocd to
Superior, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. S. B. Kizer is visiting her
daughter at Womer, Kansas.
Attorney Bernard McNeney was in
Bloomingtdn, Monday evening.
Attorney A. M. Walters was down
from Blue Hill, Monday evening.
Mrs. C. A. Sattley went to Liucoin,
Wednesday, to spend Thanksgiving.
C. N. Loverchcck went to Belvidero,
Wednesday, to spend Thanksgiving.
Only tweuty-flvo more days until
Christmas. Do your shopping early.
Guy Wolfe returned to his home nt
Wheele'r, Kansas, Thursday morning,
Will Sanderson is iu the city visit
hls brothers, Walter and Roy Sander
son. Attorney L. II, Blackledge returned
home from Omaha the last of the
Ralph Sheppard of McOook, was
the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Chas Dick
".enson, Monday.
Rev. J. L. Bcebo was in Peru, Sun
day, where he conducted services for
the Normal students ,
On Monday, Judge Runney issued a
marriage license to Hugh Mcl'artland
and Miss MHry Soucek.
County Attorney P. J Munday was
in Oxford attending to some legal
business the lust of the week.
Do you want to endjyour Thanksgiv
ing day in the right way und the right
place? Sure. The Orphoum is where
I mean.
The Social Ci'rclo of the United
church will hold their regular market
Bnd a Xinas bazar at Sattley's store.
Deo. 10th.
Orla E. Shade, of Lobanon, and Miss
Marie Ward of Ellis, Kansas, were
united in marriage by Judge Hanney
on the 22nd.
Raymond Koontz, Roy Turner,
Wallace Suladen, Joe Perry and Art
Gilbert attended the dance at Cowles,
Saturday evening.
Messrs. Sam Collins, W. T Coon-,
G. Sommerhalder and and Miss Nettie
Vonderfecht of Burr Oak, Kansas,
woro in the cltv, Sunduy.
Will Roats was up to Scotts Bluffs
last week. He has secured a farm
near that place nnd expects to move
onto tho same next week.
Have you heard Evangelist Evans at
the Christian church? Prom all re
ports we have heard, ho is expounding
the gospel iu a truthful way and- talks
to his audience iu a forceful manner.
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar
Sal-Vet is so'.d ntCottlng's.
Chas. Punk spent Saturday iu Pair
mo nt.
Father Fitzgerald spent Saturday in
Edgar Mcintosh spent Friday iu
Mrs. Ernest Wolscli spent Friday in
Ed Burr was up from Guido Rock,
Roy Sattloy, undertaker-auto hearse
in connection.
J. II. Ltixtoti of Topcka was in the
city Saturday,
Oliver Wright was down from Rlv-
erton, Sunduy.
Everett Bean was down from Ina
vale, Saturday.
George Holt was down from Cowles,
Friday ovening.
Lew Broakey, of Lebanon, was iu
the city, Saturday.
James Gilbert spent Sunday with
friends at Suporlor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whitakor spent
Sunday In Hastings.
Chas. Bennett, of Cowles, was iu the
city Saturday afternoon.
Will Hoffman atteuded tho foot ball
game at McCook, Friday.
Ralolgh Lawrcnco and Clark Crow
spent Sunday in Guldo Rock.
G. L Canflcld, of Kansas City, was
iu the city the last of the week.
Chas. Amack, of Oxford, was iu the
city Saturday, visiting relatives.
Mesdames Bert Grico and Bernard
McNeny spont Friday in Hastings.
The Misses Mable and Alice Bailey
spent tho weekond at Cowles with
relatives. .
Mrs. Lula Orangebergcr, of Edison,
visited her mother, Mrs. Sutton, on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wittwcr, of Ft.
Morgan, Colorado, are visiting rela
tives here.
Mesdames Ernest and Conrad Starke
and Miss Mildred Warren went to
Omaha, Saturday.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Schultz. " Indo
peudent phono 203.
Attorney Bernard McNeny was at
tending district court at Bloomington
the last of the week.
Mrs. A. Schultz and sen, Louis,
spent tho last of tho week with rela
tives at Guide Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Frank
lin, spent the weekend with hor fath
er, C. N. Lovercheck. .
Don't forgot the foot ball game this
afternoon and the home talent play
tonight at the Orpheum.
Lt. L. Dchart returned to Humbolt,
Friday, after spending n week, with
his sister, Mrs. J. W Corbott.
Alvin Rathjen, who is attending
college at Omaha, is home to spoud
Thanksgiving with his parents.
Earl McKimmey spent Sundayat
Edison with his sister, Miss Flossie,
who is teaching school at that plucc.
Frank Etherton, who was called
here by the illness of his father, re
turned to Grand Island, Friday morn
ing. Elton Pope returned home tho last
of ,tbe week from Wisconsin where
he has been working the fast few
Mr. t and Mrs. Oliver Powell left
Thursday for Omaha and from there
they will go to Nelolgh to visit his
Mrs. Mollie Hall returned to her
homo at Madison, Missouri, Sunday,
after visiting with Mrs Fred Wittwor
und daughter.
Etnil Polnfcky, who is attending tho
State University at Lincoln, arrived
homo Saturday to (.pond Thaukbglv.
ing with his sisters
Mrs. Fred Miniger returned to her
home at Hastings, Friday, after spoud
ing a few days with her parents, Mr.
aud Mrs. A. B. Pierce.
Mis. R. E. Camp and mother,
Mis. Coombs, went to Hastings, Fri
day. Tho later will visit at Grand
Island beforo returning homo.
This week, Jas. McGulre had tho
front of tho building, occupiod by
James Gilbert, paintc1, which im
proves it nppearnnco very much.
Mrs. (Jims, Sleffins and children
went to Grand Island, Wednesday, to
spend Thanksgiving with her daught
er, Mrs. Chns Schollak and family.
Sheriff 0. D. Hedge has purchased
tho Mooro property in the ease part of
the city and will move into the same
as soon as his term of oiilce o.xpires.
Wo are in the market for 100 to 125
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. H. Minor Serum
Miss Leila Woods, who is caching
school at Lodgepole, arrived homo
Saturday to spend Thanksgiving with
hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Farm Leans
I have tho cheapest rates and best
option in the state, with several plans
to choose from. Sole agent for Tro
vott, Mattis & Baker. J. II. BAimy.
City Council Holds
An Adjourned Session
On Saturday morning nt 10 o'clock
Mayor Damurcll cnllnd the Council
together in regular adjourned sccdion
at the Council Chambers with member
Koontz, Hamilton, Stevens aid Saladen
The Council then proceeded to open
bid9 for the sale of the $20,000 00 sower
bonds the following submitting bids:
Burns Brinkona & Co.; dimming
Pruddeti&Co.; C. 11. Coffee; Halaey
Stuart & Co ; H. C. Spoor & Sons Co.;
Lincoln Trust Co. by J. W. Aukl;
United StuteB Tru6t Co. by Webster
County Bank; Fidelity Trust Co; Glo.
M. Bechtel & Co.
It was then moved by Hamilton,
seconded by Stevens that the bids be
layed over until tho bids are opened for
contract on sowcragc.
The matter of opening bids for the
construction 'of sewerage under the
$20,000.00 bond issue was then taken up
and the following bids found submitted:
H. J. PeterHon, Omaha, $23,G00; J
9. Rinehart, Hastings, $20,982; Com
stock & Hansen, Cedar Rapids, Iowh,
$23,622 05; M. A. Camery, Harlan,
Iowa, $22,300; A. A. Dobson, Lincoln,
$21,700; Geo. L. Vlasnek, Lincoln
$22,400; Elkhorn Construction Co.,
Fremont, $20.884;7G; W. S. Scott,
Lincoln, $21,506.10; Inter Mountain
Bridge & Construction Co., Tacumseh,
$22,250; AlfroConiglii, Omaha, $21,610.
Council then awarded the contract to
the Elkhorn Conttruction Co. for the
sum of $20,884.76 they being tho lowest
bidders and the Engineer's estimate
being $22,400.
Council then decided that bIiicc the
bid of J. W. Auld for the Lincoln Trust
Co., for the'$20,000 bond issue for par
and accrued plus $50 carried with it
the stipulation, that the bonds should
be delivered in 5000 lots not later than
October 1, 1917, was the beet bid su'
mltted consequently the motion that
the same be sold to Mr. Auld was car
(Krom Smith County)
Miss Melba Spurrier spent Satur
day aud Sunday with hor parents.
Dell Brown and wlfo woro Sunday
visitors at the E. E. Spurrier homo.
Frank Brown and wife visited Sun
day with his sister, Mrs. Frank Dolka
and family.
Burnnic Shannon says ho has rai.-ed
l,00o bushels of corn this year on the
T. S. Spurritr place.
Ray Slouikcr aud wife and Earnest
Brown and wife spent Sunday at4 .the
home of.Uarvoy Blair's. it
M. E; Payne topic six wagoh loads of
hogs to Rod Cloud one day last week,
getting a good price for same
. Dulcie Payne, who is working in
Red Cloud, is home for ufew days visit
with 'her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Austin Spurrier nod wife and Evert
Meyers und wife of Burr Oak were
Suuday visitors at tho Leo Brown
P. M. Brown was badly injurfedf In
an automobile accident last Saturday.
However, he is getting alongvvery
nicely at this writing.
Epigrams from Evans
"A silk petticoat often covers a calico
"If you arc not a goer, you're n
"Some folk do not believe in reviv
nls neither does the Devil".
"The only differenco between a rut
and n grave is that a grave is a little
"Churchanity suits tho Devil; Christ
ianity pleased God".
"Over 3,320 towns are now in Union
revival campaigns. . God's work must
goon. If not because of people, than
In splto of them". -
"Some folk aro burdened (?) with
spirituality: What they carry weighs
17 pounds less than a toothpick".
"Too many of you folk seem to have
an asbestos soul and a fire-proof heart".
"It used to be"Many aro called and
few chosen; but hero it soems to bo
'Many are cold and a few frozon".
"There is more religion in a smile
than thoro isiu a snore, tho church is
no place for that kind of 'sheet music'. 'i
"Who will you meetllrst, God or the
Undertaker?" " .
"Pnnl stirred up a Revival or Riot
everywhere ho weut".
"I'm going to take tho hldo off of
Sin and nail it to the De-ril's barn
"Tho weakest hell-hound coward 1b
that thing' that's afraid to hear God's
We wish to thanic our customers for
their patronage and friendliness In the
past. Wo expect to make Red Cloud
our homo and trust that the samo
feelings may exist in the future. All
accounts aro due nnd can, bo paid at
ofllco in rear of Peoples Bank or to
Harry Letson. We will appreciate a
prompt settlement. All trado checks
on our store will be redeemed at any
of the local grocers.
MrNEn Brtos, Co,
jL jTM&iffjjJMfJPv EnJffwBn rtMrTKKmBmMMiEi iXZ I l
Tt UeuM it Kujr,nblmt
New Arrivals are Our Young Mens Pinch Back
Suits and Overcoats $18.50 to $22.50
Beautiful tailoring and Ellegant Patterns
Also Conservative Styles for Men, made by
Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft $10 to $25
A Beautiful Line of Dress Shirts and Ties for Good Dressers
All this merchandise is backed by our
reputation for fair dealing and good service
Come to Us for Your Turkey Day Dressing
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Company
On Sunday, the following shipped
stock to Kaunas City: Weosner &
Koontz, 1 car of hogs; Dolaney Bros.,
2 cars of hoirs, and Frank Starr, 1 car
of horses.
Stanley M. Hall, of Bladen, has been
appointed Bank Examiner by the
Stato Bank Board. His many friends
hero are pleased to learn of his ap
pointment. Jas. Petorson is moving his auto
mobiles aud supplies into his now
garage ou East Fourth Avenue; Mr.
Peterson now has one of tho best
uarages iu the southern putt of the
Do not fail to get tickets for "Tho
Country Doctor". A four-act comedy
drama that cannot help but please
you. Orpheum theater, Nov. IlOth.
Tickets on sulo at Cook's Drug Storo,
25c and !l."e.
Sui vices nt the Episcopal idiuiuh
Thanksgiving morning at 10. Second
Sunday in December, lustond of the
first Sunday, us i" shall be in Bloom
ington, December i! and II.
.T. M. Bates, Pastor
An equity term of district court will
bo held in this city, commencing De
cember 7th. Ther! are forty-seven
cases on the docket. The first dny of
court will be given to tho hearing of
potltions for the nuturallvwtlori of
The committee, who made the awards
for the Jchildrcns' department (if the
Farmers Institute made tluue errors in
tho list of premium winners whlcli wo
published last week und the following
are the ojies who uro entitled to the
premiums: Happy Hadull, best lioin
stitching and french hemming; Spec
ial on sofa pillows to Ceollo Fox In
stead of I on u Funk; Iluth Boner, 2nd,
on best machine made garmout, in
stead of Josophiue.Bartu.
Exhilarating Burlwqut; Vaudtvilli
ttu Aim Flllid lth rnltr Olrli, Fun? Clout, 9Hll
Eqalpitt, Billllinl tenle f ulrenmiil
Everybody Goeai AK Anybody
Farm Loans
I can make you a form loan at low
est Intorcst and best terms to bo had
in the state. Pleaso write me, or call
for me at Stato Bank Red Cloud, C. P.
HWl irrrJIhrdPHJsiEH- 3
Are You
Dressed for
Won't You Accept Our
Store Service for Your
, Tanksgiving
Koontz Field
Come and see the boys get their hair curled
2 bits - a dime the admission
The Wonderful Serial
in 15 episodes fearuring Grace
Darmond, Ralph Kellard and Leon
Barry will start at the Orpheum,
Saturday, December 9th.
Read the story each Friday in the Com
mercial Advertiser and then COME
lRRRn RRBE9rV. EmlLRRhHlflRRRRRlH "" Sy" f Br
N eeds?
Red Cloud (
3:00 P. M.
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured man's first thought it one of
thankfulness that he is to. How about
your thoughts if a fiireman should ap
pear at your home?
The Dacy
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day in?
be to-morrow for all you can know
do, it fellows that prudence would
pell you to stop in our office to-day . .,
have us issue you a policy
R.elitA.ble Insurance
r V