RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I W.AtA sVM m rca i t i fl ?! V ELECTION RESULTS OFFICIAL RETURNS TABULATED FOR READY REFERENCE. L legislation will bo sololy with that party thin winter. Following ia tho odlclal vote: Wilson 158,827 Huglics 1 17,771 Wllaon's ninjorlty 11,771 Novilln for governor received the sccotid highest total at tho election. Tho poll shows: Novlllu llil.IGl Sutton 13U.810 President Wilson Received Largest Vote Ever Given Presidential Candidato in Nebraska. Secretary of Stato Pool proved to bo the beat voto gotter on tho demo tratlo stato ticket, according to tho aomplcto olllclal returns now com oletod and tabulated In tho olllco of tho stato superintendent of all of tho ulnety-threo counties In tho state. According to these returns every thing went domocratlc, tho legislature being so Btrongly of a domocratlc turn af mind that tho responsibility for Neville's majority (1,031 Hitchcock ran third, tho vote on United States senator being: Hitchcock 14:1,08,2 Konnedy 131,3f.n Hitchcock's majority 11,7215 Tho vote received by President Wil son Is 20,000 larger than was ever cast for any prcsldentVil candidato In tho history of the sUite. Roosevelt, when ho carried It by 87,000 In 11)01, received but 138,558 votes. Mr. Wil son received In lDKf nearly 50.000 moro votes than ho did In 1912, while tho voto for Hughes was 10,000 less than were cast for Tuft nnd Rooso u'lt combined four years ago. Tho official roto of tho stato com pleto shows that tho silent voter piled up a majority of 11.050 for Prosldont Wilson in Nebraska, yet there wero men of apparently good Judgment who beforo tho election thought Hughes might carry tho state. Food Commissioner G. R Haritian'n amendment was defeated by u major ity of 11,778. Tho vote for this amendment was 1)1,210 and tho voto against 105.903. That Nebraska will get at least ono more congressman in tho 1920 reap portionment, based on tho census of that year, was Indicated by the voto, the largest cast In the state. Tho to tal vote, 302,CS:, -13,000 greater than In 1912, on the usual ratio of live to ono Indicates u total population of more thnn 1,500,000. This would en title Nebraslvi to seven congressmen. Tho voto cast on the prohibition amendment was much loss than that registered for tho live candidates for president. This accounts for tho fact that tho majority given tho amend ment was much less than tho major ity given Wilson. The majority for tho amendment was 29,112. MBNAT10NAL SIMS, Lesson tlly 13. O. SKMitiltfl, Acting Director of tho Sunday School Course In tho Moody lllbll! lllStllUtO Of CltlL'UKH.) (CopyrlRht, 1010, Western Newspaper Union,) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 3 I,. tff.T.-r-; 1&A ;Nct r,nnlftntsl571uitlDfflnhnv &Tr &-, 4 4w rS VIA-' Jos JESUS CHRIST THE FIRST THE LAST. AND Abstract of Vote Cast at Election, Nov 7, 1916 I'llKHIDENT. t; H. HKNATOll fiOVKHNOn. COUNTlBfl. ... Arthur ... AdMim . . Antalope . Uanner .. Dlaln ... noons ... Hox Ilutto Uoyd Drown . Uuffalp .. Kurt nutksr ... O.H.4 Oodar . . . Chase . . Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax ... Cumins Custer Dakota ..... Dawes Dawson . . . . Deuel Dixon Dode DoukIbb Dundy Fillmore ... Franklin ... Frontier ... Furnas .... CIhko Garden .... (larflcld ... Gosper a rant Greeley .... Hall Hamilton . Harlan Hayes Hitchcock . Holt Hooker . . . . Howard .... Jefferson . . Johnson ... Kearney ... Keith Kejra Paha Kimball ... Knox Lancaster . Lincoln . . I.ognn Loup Madison . . . McPhoraon Merrick .. Morrill .... Nance . . . . Nemaha . Nuckolls Otoe l'awneo ... Perkins ... Phelps .... Pierce Plntto Polk lied Willow HIchardBon UocK Sail. i ..... Barpy Saunders . Hcottsbluft Sewnrd . Kherldan . . Khornmn . . Bloux Rtanton . . . Thayer . . . Thomas . . . Thurston . Valley .... Washington Wnyne . . . Webster . . Wheeler York 4 o a I 4114 S.206 3.I90 351 483 3.(05 1.040 1,841 1.548 5.SC2 S.1C2 3.700 6,077 3.734 1.030 3,185 1.629 3.B7. 2.71 3.2(1 .355 1,834 1.991 3,788 58 2.83U 5, 600 42.934 1.048 3.6S2 2.61C 2.085 3.U02 7.285 1,019 861 1.140 432 2.061 6.545 3,4!4 2.345 681 1.245 4.118 380 2.631 4.063 2.648 2,363 1,086 846 716 4,680 17.642 4,005 629 472 6,091 348 2.783 1.625 27 3,369 3.40 4.789 2 625 692 2.C38 2.460 4.CTS 2,846 2.641 6,074 947 4.412 2.439 6,270 3.050 3,872 1.1 2.132 1.129 1.773 3,610 492 2.284 2.409 3,138 2.404 2.963 634 4.537 1 r 2.585 M3 i" 111 . ?56 i.41 8m 3.7r.7 l.08 1.J7S 2,5i 1.712 Sri l.?20 l.lTl 92J 3.0i: . 70S l.Ori 1.9g2 1.507 2.74 1?" ''SO 3.5iO 6J.3 86 $60 20s l.Oufi 1.908 1.29o 7si l.?8 1.3?8 1.J91 638 4m 2.351 10.720 2.194 306 2.491 r!5 i.oil 871 1.2.11 l.9S 1.978 2.130 1.368 353 1.753 90S 1.661 1.67 1.492 2.676 676 1.670 75 2,388 1.810 1,748 1.000 1.107 615 86 1.693 273 1,126 1,330 1,380 1.073 1,502 289 2,(14 106 2,033 1,101 79 120 1.119 603 669 431 1,889 868 1.909 1,865 1.531 263 961 606 1.314 1,520 1,876 1.672 796 624 1,120 153 861 2.173 26.3 197 1,466 918 573 694 2.576 263 208 442 128 713 3.4H3 1,1(6 673 190 321 1.43 107 1.108 1.513! 1.076 745 344 198 144 1,632 5,618 1.183 114 121 1.9S1 70 893 328 739 1.146 1.119 2,211 9 165 629 1.227 2.467 859 688 1,881 246 2.173 1,119 2,116 577 1.633 494 791 167 871 1.677 94 632 817 1.354 198 til 166 1,417 286 2.667 1.881 16C 240 2.00S 914 852 901 2.877 1.425 2.332 2.695 1,716 661 1.73 834 1.975 1.628 1.424 3.C09 1,032 1.088 1.989 34U 1.350 2.644 24.796 670 1.911 1,345 1.138 1.C07 3.385 693 426 K17 241 1.289 1,483 1,816 1.267 182 733 3,213 218 1.696 1.841 1.117 1.316 644 401 388 2.329 1.093 2.192 283 219 3.368 184 1.349 888 1,165 1,(58 1.732 2.344 1.171 397 1,426 1.030 3.412 1.600 1.418 2.650 449 3.646 1,320 1.671 1,(87 1,797 1.158 1,208 737 9B 1.681 161 1.255 1,388 1,656 1,006 1.461 270 2,106 '5 n r 7 3 113 2.C41 1.495 112 184 1,225 691 809 628 2,216 1.608 1.120 1,927 1.717 309 1.091 663 1.737 83. 1.651 2.047 CI2 701 1,444 Ul 1,208 2.446 14,606 34 1,501 1.081 736 1,163 3.383 3C6 302 434 167 (27 2,555 1,444 834 219 436 1,663 109 (98 1,813 1,373 760 389 316 313 1.910 7.042 1.3C9 172 164 2.428 106 1.178 470 930 1,438 1.411 1.121 1,128 210 971 1,228 1,11! 1.0(0 977 2.039 376 1,469 1(6 1.957 1.144 1,115 ' (04 706 344 7S( 1,773 144 717 140 1.197 1,108 1,191 1(3 3.011 9 98 32 17 13 36 28 4 42 136 23 36 135 21 40 124 41 69 47 51 2 2J 49 60 16 29 1C0 .79 43! 43 38 67 43 83 24 67 20 ( 43 159 31 96 39 26 77 3 64 177 14 46 40 40 20 63 314 313 25 36 47 16 49 67 17 46 70 63 33 41 71 16 41 4( 144 (4 46 33 33 (9 1(9 24 74 79 33 17 1 18 II 7( 19 (1 61 4 2 (3 44 1 8 37 19 14 18 64 21 23 66 23 24 34 26 35 6 7 86 1 40 4 20 07 309 1 34 31 27 26 76 16 9 11 e 15 (0 60 26 9 IV 37 5 18 37 14 17 12 14 14 23 222 43 8 9 39 9 49 12 16 36 27 39 38 5 14 28 50 24 70 ( 31 1( 61 39 16 2( 19 13 12 21 7 13 16 16 29 41 2 (1 242 2 lr,i 1.519 100 21.1 1,569 791 S.IC 730 2.555 1.2PS 2.136 2.33 1,967 427 1,621 841 1.772 1,670 l.SH 2.829 1,001 896 1.C52 282 1.277 2.598 21.378 425 1.778 1.355 917 1.293 3.4S3 600 336 598 21 1.170 2,441 1,577 1.064 302 C05 2.078 184 1.607 1,683 1.180 1.101 497 334 270 1,248 (.719 1.748 232 1(9 1.369 139 1.21. 749 894 1,696 1,643 2.369 1,079 314 871 1.179 2.(86 1.294 1.199 2.605 352 2.661 1.326 2,302 1,140 1,936 976 1,066 (30 (86 1.704 104 1.217 1.0(8 1.617 1,109 1.244 223 1.178 ?! 146 2.274 1.866 172 206 1.644 6SG 841 61.4 2 4 5U 1,661 1,345 2,283 1,518 462 1.217 64 4 1.930 9GI 1.149 2.M2 (.28 919 1.710 229 1.20 2,358 17,663 482 1,687 1,066 919 1.414 3.259 373 346 436 1 635 2,400 1,1, 1 1,036 294 541 1.635 141 890 1,924 1.287 1,031 413 361 337 1.978 9.043 1,749 207 193 2.337 139 1 319 697 1,188 1,498 1.690 1.885 1,3(3 2(0 1,403 1,030 1.(61 1.284 1.123 2.2281 456 1.621 931 2.121 1.413 1.615 718 8J 421 642 1.(05 186 162 1.133 1.264 1,137 1.366 221 2.220 -A 35 10 127 59 20 11 64 32 44 152 111 27 64 134 40 68 4 2 71 241 20 .13 62 19 25 155 1.747 41 30 23 48 52 99 35 74 23 11 63 114 46 92 41 30 71 (5 168 18 46 43 44 31 64 338 221 26 31 41 16 (1 68 21 (4 73 62 34 45 8 11 46 44 141 (1 39 38 43 81 178 30 (7 91 31 11 4 12 25 61 79 21 (2 (0 (9 9 91 62 7 II 58 43i 2 104 v) t 32 2.1 50 67 52 25 19 171 16 If 44 2r 45 109 238 22 41 44 42 73 135 23 20 2C 23 7C 68 50 8 18 80 10 46 101 20 42 20 30 27 63 238 73 14 1 49 17 57 63 30 42 67 77 41 18 671 2( 45 72 47 89 2 44 22 66 76 35 (3 46 31 .. 23 " (8 14 25 17 14 34 65' 11 ( 1 2 :sr. 2.544 1.33 126 20 I.SHfi 7? 8021 695 2.708 l.K.t 2.202 2.32: 1.849 424 1.607 512 1.726 1,624 1.774 2.117 972 824 1.761 2WU I.15H 2 614 12.1 '4 412 1.7'l 1 .100 90 1.234 1.398 636 335 613 133 1.204 2.(17 1.647 1,043 326 696 1,993 197 1.677 1.736 1.223 1.148 567 311 217 3.246 7.076 1.170 2(0 177 2.353 144 1.214 698 890 1.699 1.633 3,430 1,103 321 943 1,168 1.731 1,276 1.179 2.441 314 2,5(0 1.311 2,444 1.1(3 1,(73 96( 1.085! (It 197 1.771 207 1.1(1 1,109 1.657 1,063 1,233 223' 1.909 0 - 145 2.304 2,054 175 233 1.737 732 862 7.11 2.56i 1.32 2.390 1.694 615 1,351 C02 3.062 90S 1,229 3.1 670 1.00 1.790 Z41 1,390 2.44 17.784 519 1.734 1.143 996 1,593 3.441 366 403 643 165 717 2.480 1.765 1.092 285 668 1.848 141 864 1.889 1.302 1,042 402 403 3 1.931 y,257 M.484 209 222 2.431 160 1.380 677 1.237 1,449! 1,(36 2.137 1,373 290 1,476 1.116 1.6K 1,402 1.164 2,368 624 1.626 9(3 2,299 1,498 1.741 817 (10 487 6(3 1.6(9 104 911 1.161 1,373 1,191 1,439 133 1,149 -5 17 86 31 17 I 43 33 65 36 126 44 97 32 41 134 42 62 15 71 209 28 63 67 19 3'. 160 1,649 65 33 2S 61 40 109 34 68 11 6 46 126 33 89 42 22 79 4 60 IBS 16 37 39 46 15 61 314 190 21 33 44 15 38 67 38 40 (7 67 34 40! 69 21 19 41 136 63 41 31 31 14 170 24 71 (8 11 14 17 IT (9 (0 11 60 46 (1 C6 66 6 8 64 34 IK 21 94 31 41 (5 76 16 62 47 48 10 39 119 11 44 66 13 74 88 115 28 44 63 43 63 101 26 14 27 6 33 98 47 64 13 18 72 11 (1 (0 ( 38 14 30 1( 73 177 II ( 10 ( 13 16 40 11 66 41 69 31 is 41 61 21 (I It 44 10 It 17 (0 17 II 46 .; 11 it 10 40 11 II Spfo' Ii I t, t $ TotalV.V.'.V.V..' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. la0leil14e.'57l117.lMll.lTin.TTI7.141I.IH 143.081131.35t7.438.4.411143.46113(.ll08,ll 4,111 , T STATE OFFICES. I o I.1KUTENANT OOVEltNOB. TCdtrar Howard, dem ,I'So 11. P. Bhuiway. rep ,'iS? 13. It BrumbuuRh, soc. i'i.L Charles E. Smith, pro :.: 7,B" HKCKKTAltY OF STATE. C. W. Pool, dem JlX'Sii Addison Wait, rep .?; 33. M. Hefner, oo J.OJJ Albert Lamm, pro .13 -,Pr AUD1TOK. VT. II. Bmlth. dem ;!H2S Oeorg-e W. Marsh, rep ,HS? D. J. Baldwin, soo ,2,;iJ John B. noberte. pro 7.301 Oeorjr & H. ! tiMS! W. ft. Reynolds, rep 1-i,!JJ -W. H. Wells, soo . Cnarlt Htoll, pro... ."... .2o HUl, tV. 1L Clemmons. dem JJHS! . O. Thomas, rep ll'ii Mary II. Axtell. boo 10.637 "W. Kuiene Knox, pro ,z ' " ATTOIINEY GKNEHAL. Willis B. Heed, dem JiS'Sfg Ttobert W. Devoe. rep "S'JJ; OeorE J. WrlKht, pro 8,105 LAN1 COMMISSIONER. O. It. Bhumway, dem JJJ'ISJ JTred Peckmunn, rop 1JI'5f Fred O. Chase, soc 10.-? J, . Jenkins, pro ; 6.80 RAILWAY COMMISSIONEU. otor B. Wilson, dem lil'lil Harry T. Olarke. rep 132'!II Ceorce V. nissell. pro 6,6(1 UNIVERSITY HEOr.NTS. V. L. Hall, dem 145,680 31. D. Landls. dem 131,101 ore Seymour, rep 119,467 iimml C. Uassett. rep 114.11! Henry J. Aberly, soo 9.341 Bllsha. J. Taylor, Boa 9.131 Jj. O. Olllert. pro 7,469 Annette Neablt. pro 7,000 lis If CONGRESS. County. FIRST I1ISTRICT. Magulre. ltoavla. (D.) (H.) Casa 2,3f5 1,306 Johnson (71 1,461 Lancaster 6,9t4 1,181 Nmaha 1,371 1,633 Otoe 1,181 1,1(1 Pawnee 997 1,491 Richardson 3,071 3.710 Abel. (B.) 126 17 368 41 .9 It 13 (93 Totals 14.894 21,021 SECOND DIHTUICT. County. Lobeck Baker Porter (D.) (R.) (B.) Douglas 21 710 15.419 1.781 Barpy 1,350 (01 31 Washington 1,107 1,161 95 Totals 2.121 26.(17 17,671 TlimU lllHTIULT. County Stephens Warner Woodctok IU.I Antelope 1,791 Boone 1,(90 nun xl, 38 County. Adams Chase ...... Clay Dundy FrankUn . . , Frontier ... Furnas .... Oosper Hall Harlan ..... Hayes Hitchcock . . Kearney ... Nuckolls ... Perkins .... Phelps Red Willow. Webster ... Totals 'IKTH DISTRICT ohallen herger (R) unauen berger (D) .... tt7 , ... 6C8 .... 1,(63 .... 526 1.376 .... 1.CC1 .... 1,541 .... (46 .... 1,317 .... 1.326 .... 335 (66 .... 1,3(3 .... 1,717 .... 344 .... 1.381 .... 1,374 .... 1.490 Bar ton (R) 1,996 341 1.7C4 4il 1,(71 111 1.211 411 Mil 717 III 101 111 1,311 117 161 1,001 1,1(( Bar- Barton 23.686 Cedar Colfax .. Cumlnr . Dakota . Dixon . . Dodge . 1CI.S.X ... Madison Merrick . Nonce . , Pierce . , Platte , . Stanton . Thurston Wayne . ........ 1.611 1.IK 1,361 131 1.215 2.813 1.173 1.225 1.319 1,104 1,131 5T.171 111 1,111 1,011 R.) (B.) 1.671 41 1,260 38 1.640 29 1.911 32 1.61 65 1,4(1 IX 151 35 1,310 SI 2.252 131 2.040 60 2.367 1,206 43 964 21 1,141 21 1,992 41 146 22 199 34 1,1(1 24 Totals 11.055 26,641 County villi JUSTICE. Andrew Morrlssey 110,356 Jacob Fawcett 115,666 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. 'A. J. Cornish 111,031 J. R. Deun..... 113,161 e. H. Sedgwick 112,769 J. B. Barnes 109,723 L. S. Hastings s 100,101 i. C Martin 105,144 Til e e 4I.VD0 4I,U11 HI FOURTH DISTRICT. Stark Bloan Ittner m.) cil.l (H.) Butler 1.740 1,(41 35 Fillmore 1,103 3,3(3 34 Gage 2,564 3,107 81 Hamilton 1,621 1,677 M4 Jefferson t 1,611 1.942 16C Polk 1,316 1,331 61 Saline 1,110 3.417 29 Saunders 2.176 2.666 78 Hewanl 1.4G7 2,11j( 28 Thayer 1.371 1.993 76 York 1.896 1.937 71 Totals ll.78.JM,0S4 1(0 SIXTH DISTRICT, McDer- Kin- mott kald County. (DJ (R) Arthur 123 372 Banner 64 154 Dlaln 151 110 Box Butte 590 1(0 Boyd 68.5 1,061 Brown 614 (II Buffalo 2.C71 3,969 Cherry 980 1,161 Cheyenne 541 761 Custer 1,193 3,116 Dawes 651 1,267 Dawson 1,260 2,069 Deuel 191 321 Garden 342 659 Garfield 113 618 Orant 140 263 Greeley 1.C17 884 Holt 1.603 2.334 Hooker lit 203 Howard 1.4C4 1.C01 Keith 326 602 Key Paha 261 477 Kimball ....... 180 441 Lincoln ....... 1.385 3,044 I,ogan 162 309 Loup 143 263 McPnerson .... 17 213 Morrill 604 171 Rock 1(5 670 Bcottsbluff .... 944 1,741 Hheildan 660 1.C61 Sherman 110 116 Bloux 465 611 Thomas 117 117 Valley 1,021 1,181 Wheeler 191 161 Kilt. ett (Si 1(1 17 7T 44 '. 41 14 lit If u II I 41 61 111 14 11,213 1,(11 Can- rlght (" . II II 11 41 41 111 lit 41 141 ii 11 (1 17 41 17 4 71 44 17 11 111 II II II l 114 II II It II 70 41 Total 11.317 33.661 1.171 Stab bins P "i 2 14 4 4 II II 11 41 I 111 S 4 4 1 I 11 1 11 I 3 I II t 1 1 14 T 7 I 7 I 414 "Tell It Not Gath." "Tell It not in Gath" moans "bon't lot your enemies hear It." Oath was famous aB tho birthplace of tho giant Goliath. Tho 'quotation Is from tho Second Book of Samuol, first chapter, twontloth vorao: "Toll it not In Gath, publish it not In tho streets of Asko. Ion. les tho daughters of tho Phllls- Itiiroa rojolco, lost tho daughtors of tho tmclrcumclaed triumph." Most Precious Thing, f wt?$t 1 tho dostinv of all trades, whether of tho brows or of tho mind. God nover allowed any man to do nothing. How mlsorablo Is tho condi tion of thoso men which spend tho tlmo as it it woro given them, and not lent; as If hours wero waste crea tures and such as should nover bo ac counted for; as It God would tako this J for a good bill of reckoning. Dlshp Hall. The Clever Woman. When you feel gonulnoly ill at ease with a clover woman, it Js generally becauso hor eelvorness Is artificial. Some women, however, aro even clov eror than this, for they can conceal their artificiality bo woll thot you ac tually laugh with them over eomeono elso who Is just as artificial as thoy are. Retribution Is Sure. Tho3q folks who llko to gossip are suro also to bo mado the subject ol gossip. When a follow lies about oth ers he Is suro to havo tho truth told about himself I.KSHON TUXT-Itcv. 1. UOl.DKN THXT Konr not: I urn tlio first and tliu liiHt, nnd tin- HvIiik one; ami I was itorui. mul hoholcl, 1 am allvo for overwore Hov. 1:17, 18. The lesson coiihiiIUih hnvu ik'imrt ml, Hoi'inliiKly, n loni: way from any thing llko chronological order. I'aiil lintl nothing to do with the writing of the Revolution, yot tills lemon Illus trates the pre-einliienco whleh .lesus Christ hml In the iiitml nnd labors of the great apostle (Col. 1:18). I. Introduction, (vv. Ml.) Wo would suggest that all Hilile student and teachers, If possible, read the Introduc tion to the Hook of Revolution in Sco- Hold's Reference Rlble. Tlio nook proper is "The Revelation of Jesus llhrM." John, the beloved disciple, yvho wrote tho Gospel and Kplstles, was tho one who saw tho visions re corded therein. Many or the things are historical, others aro prophetically set forth. Tho latter are "shortly to come to pass." (See also 11 relcr!l:8.) lohn tolls not only what God said but what he himself hiiw. The Into Doctor Hrooks of St. Louis omitted this book rroni his study for many years until lie saw the comments recorded in verse 3. Tlio time of tlio writing of this book has variously been stated as from A. I). CO to A. I). 0(5; the writer was certainly John the Ueloved. The place uf writing was the Island of I'atmos In the Aegean sea, not far.froin Kphe sus. The real author, however, Is L Jesus Christ, the Son of God. II. Salutation (vv. 4-8). "Tlio serv ant of Jesus who records his message was John, and the message was to bo to "tho seven churches which nro In Asia;" that is, the western portion of Asia Minor, of which Kphesus on the Aegean Ren was the principal city. These churches are definitely named in verse 11. There is good reason to think that these churches represented the seven successive epochs of church history. If so, no age is exclusively Epheslun, or Phllndelphlun, or Laodi cean. Tho grace, favor, loving kind ncss, Is a free gift from Christ, who Is here giving a threefold title, name ly: First begotten from the dead, wit ness and prince. III. Vision (vv. 0-18). What John buw on the Islo of I'atmos he was to write upon a parchment roll and send It to the seven churches, each of which needed a message. Under tho figuro of seven candlesticks are enu merated seven churches. Into tho midst of these churches, actually present In them, Is one llko unto tho Son of Mart. (Seo nlso Matthew 18:20.) Llko a hu man being, Jesus was, but now clothed with the garment of his eternal glory, girded about with tho glrdlo worn by priests nnd kings, a symbol of hla power nnd strength (Isaiah 11:5; Eph. B:14). Ills head and his hnnds, his feet and his eyes are all referred to, each having its symbolical significance. In his right hand nro the seven sturs (v. 10), the angels of the churches, pastors or leaders, possibly guardian angels (v." 20). They are held In hla right hand, signifying that they aro protected, upheld and controlled by his wisdom and power. (Seo Jeremiah 22 : 24). From his mouth goes a sharp, two-edged sword; the spirit of tho Word of -God Bharpcr than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4 :12). And his countenance was as tho sun shining in its strength, tlio glory such as was manifested In tho transfiguration, such aB Taul saw near Damascus, is hero re ferred to. IV. The Command. John had en Joyed a tender intimacy with tlio Lord during his enrthly life and yet ho was stricken down with tho overpowering majesty and glory which had bedn re vealed. Now he realized, as perhaps nover before, tho significance of tho ever-living Christ, nnd ho Is hereby specifically commanded to record this vision as ho had seen it and tho mes sages which tho Lord had for tho churches. The word mystery (v. 20) has rcferenco to something which hna hitherto been hidden to men and which Is now about to bo revealed. Tlio revolution was to these churches, and It Is to us also. Jesus is not a mere vision but ha is n living reality, unveiled for tho time from the unseen. Jesus is a living fnct which wo are to communicate to men. Tho soven stars (v. 20) aro messuges In his own right hand. Tlio churches aro tho lamp stauds, Christ himself is tho light, the sun (v. 10). Tho messages John Is commanded to deliver havo u four-fold application (1) to tho churches actually addressed, but which havo long since passed uway; (2) to all 'churches In all times, ad monishing them to discover their truo spiritual state ; (S) to Individuals, "ho that hath an car," that they shall clulr tho promises mado "to him that over cometh" and (4) thoy nro prophetic of tho different phases of splrltuul his tory, following tho days of John, tho writer, (a) Beginning ; (b) persecution ; (c) worldliness; (d) priestly form iiHBin; (e) reformation; (f) testi mony to tho word and tho name, , WrTi Ss.F f&ZM (i w kfti p M y II -' ' ' ' '"" ' I ' nJ" "i i nniinr.-'n'tillll 015NT. f AvrAnintitfrennraticmforA3,i s.'mitntimHhcIood byKctfutA; - ij i! HniMhcStomachsnndl!cmvJor-: y .-..- -. . IlSSESSinai cc if J & 8M ?? t. ..,m, Pmmntln Digestion Cheerfulness imdltestcwtitej neither,MorpnwBii, Mineral. Not WAno'v S&wtf fl008 1 fMk,IUSJti TanMtoF"' NhbriiTtnftirtr AhclpfutRcmedyftr Constipnllon andDlarrhoci rcsulUniiuiercfrc facsimile Sitlmjtorcor. taut liiBCnrrAvn00 new TUtuy GASTORIA For Infanto nnd Children. Mothers Know Ttiat Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of M 88a s Ut i 11 illM-l n "1 Bxrtt Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMS eiMTSIM MMMMV. M VOMK ITV. COLT DISTEMPER You can prcvont this loathsome rilscaso from running" through your utubln nnd euro all tho coltii mirroring with It wlirri you boRin the treatment. No matter how young-. SiMMIN'H Ih safo to use on any colt. It In wonderful how It prevents all dlstompers, no mattor how coltn or horses nt any ano aro "exposed." All Rood druggists and tar iroods houses nnd manufneturors sell Sl'OHN'S nt 60 cents and Jl u bottlo; $6 nnd $10 a doaon. SI'OIIN MKDKIAI. CO Chvnitata nnd DncterloIuElats, Uosben, lad., V. S. A. Whut Is all tills talk about the "gen tleman farmer?" Isn't every farmer a gentleman? Next to u clear conscience, for solid comfort, comes an old shoo. If It wasn't for his wifo a man wouW never know nnything worth knowlnf about tho neighbors. Llfo Is to great. a growtli from llttlo thing Bodily Housekeeping A NEBRASKA WOMAN (BY V. M. TIERCE, M. D.) Tho subject of drinking wnter with meals has been misunderstood. In recent years Investigation by means of X-rays, the observations of scientists such as Cannon, Grutzner, Paylov, Fowler, Hawk, prove that on abundanco of wnter taken uunng ai Maywood, Ncbr. "Last fall I wm al most broken down In health. I coali hardly stand to do my housework. I would get so tired that I could hardly toko another step, and my night's rest did not refresh mo very mnch. Afrlcod loaned mo the 'Common Sense Medical gcstlon is necessary In good bodily Adviser' and after reading part oflt X housekeeping. If your kidneys nro sick, or yoa naf fer with lumbago or rheumatism at times, pain in tho back or back of tho neck, tako a llttlo Anurlc beforo meals. decided to try Dr. Plcrco's Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Dis covery. I took six bottles of tho for mer and flvo of tho latter and I felt llko my self again. I havo much faith This can bo found at any good drug in the 'Fnvorlto Prescription for worn store. Thereforo my ndvlco to young nn's trouble, ns It has done me a world or old Is, always drink plenty of puro of good." MRS. L. VANDHttHTOIDBN. wnter. And for long life, occasionally Maywood, Ncbr. tnko tablets of Anurlc threo or four .-., -., times n day. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T a ..,. oa mM. nr nninWv timn 10 cents for trial package of Favorlki Uthla. Many find it dissolves, uric acid Proscription Tablets or Golden Medical as water does sugar. Discovery Tablets. -Adv. A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his In actions. J. B. Mill. Prosperity is of calamity.' often tho forerunner A woman may bo as old as sho looks, but sho is seldom as young as six acts. Ilo conquers twice who eonquera himself in victory. Syros. Eliot Astonishing Power of Iron to Give Strength to Broken Down Nervous People Physician 8aya Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate Folk 200 Per Cent In Two . Weeks' Time In Many Instance. NEW YORK, N. Y. In a recent dis course Dr. E. Sauer, Specialist, of this city, said: "If you were to make an actual blood test on all people who aro 111 you would probably bo greatly as tonished at tho exceedingly largo num ber who lack Iron and who aro 111 for no other reason than tlio lack of iron. Tho moment iron Is supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptoms dis appear. Without iron tho blood at once loses the power to change food Into liv ing tissue, and thereforo nothing you eat does you any good; you don't get tho strength out of it Your food mere ly passes through your system llko corn through a mill with tho rollers so wido apart that tho mill can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and ncrvo starvation, pcoplo become gen erally weakened, .nervous nnd all run down, and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. Ono Is too thin ; another Is burdened with unhenlthy fat; somo aro so weak they can hardly walk; somo think thoy have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; somo can't sleep at night; others aro sleepy and tired all day; somo fussy and irritable ;somo skinny and bloodless, but all lack physi cal power and endurance. In such cases It Is worse than foolishness to tako stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for tho moment, maybo at tho expenso of your lifo later on. No matter what anyone tells you, if you nro not strong and well you owe It to yourself to ma'ke tho following test: Seo how long you ran work or bow far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of er dlnary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Thea test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained.. 1 havo seen dozens of nervous, run-dowa people who were ailing all the tbaa double and even triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteea days' time simply by taking iron In the proper form, and this, after they had in somo cases been doctoring fer months without obtaining any benefit. You can talk as you please about all tho wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts there Is nothing like good old Iron to put color In your cheeks and good, sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It Is also a great ncrvo and stomach strengthener and tho best blood builder in tho world. Tho only trouble was that tlio old forms of inorganic iron, like tincture of Iron, iron acetate, etc., often ruined people's teeth, upset their stomachs nnd wero not assimilated, and for theso reasons they frequently did moro harm than good. But with the discovery of tlio nowcr forms of organic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example, la pleasant to take, does not Injure tho teeth and Is almost Immediately beneficial. NOTB-Tho manufacturers of Nuxated Iron liavo such unbounded confidence In Its potency that thoy authorize the an nouncement that they will forfeit I100.0I to any Charitable Institution If they can not tako any man or woman under sixty who lacks Iron and Increase their strength 200 per cent or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case in which Nuxated Iron does not at least double your strength In tan days' time. It Is dispensed by most drug gists. If your druggist or general store Is without a supply, ask Uism to cat tt for you. Adv. w ' i.t! Vt . fzwm