The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 02, 1916, Image 8

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". " "FT!
I 'ak( this opj)ortimily of expressing my confidence in the
Democratic Ticket of Webster County, and bringing to you a
brief sketch of the life and character of the men and women we
desire you to support at the coining election, on November 7th.
Frank J.JMunday ' Gertrude L. Coon
,,e trunk .1 TMunTiVj'. the ptesctit . Miss (ieittud.. Con, tin- ptesent
Cfmintv Attorney, n imtlvo of Illinois, ' County Hiipi-ilnteiidciit, Is llio daught
&as I cimi a resident of Nebraska since er of .lohn Coon and Is too well tun!
jj, ! favorably l.iiown to (lie people of tliu
He b a graduate of hc Uiiivi-tsiiy tiiiinly to med nit elaborate Intro
aA .NebrasKa.
lias taught school, served as County She was biitn ami tulscd oil rscbriis
smicr ulcii.letit of Furnas Coiiuiy, knsoll anil litis tin- spirit of tins West
ml iitii. IniMii ns ('i)mitv Attolllt'V (if
Webster Count j, nail now seeks leu-Section
for a second term. Mr. Mini
iy Is willing to judged by his ice
OmI. He baa won ovory complaint which
a has Instituted and tiled lit behalf
f the enmity.
JIh ht.s uoiiiluctvil the atTiiiiH of his
oXjlo in an economic iindolllelent man
are, has never pah! out a dollar for
te;,'tvl nid mnl has kept Ills promises to
kok after the affairs of the county
without legal assistance.
Hie-tulumlld record provus his legal
qtwliacatlotiB to servo as County At
torney, nnd it will ho to tho interests
f the tax payors to re-elect Mr. Mun
day County Attorney.
A. V. Ducker
5r Bert Ducket- is the Democratic
isundidate for County Tienstirur. lie
was born in Illinois mid In 18sl! moved
Jot ho state of Nebraska, whole he
frxs since resided.
Mr. DncUur Is well qualified for t lie value to the community, and tho tax
and understands tin needs of Wnb
ster county schools. Shu stands well
anions llie educators of tho state anil
hor record as Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction, is above luproauh.
Miss Coon is it coiiHclettolous young
lady, loved by tho teaoheistuid patrons
of tho county, and if re-elected will
give the smuo careful attention to tho
educational affairs of tho county that
slio has In tho past and will maintain
tho educational honor of Webster
Edith L.McKeighan
Miss Edith McKoIkIiuii, present
Clerk of tho District Court, is tho
daughter of Ex-Congressman W. A.
MoKolghuti. Sho was born In Illinois
and moved to Nebraska in 1883.
As n public olllclul, she has won tho
cotilldetice of the pooplo, its shown by
the splendid vote she secured in the
recent primary. She manifests rare
ability and judgment in handling the
ullairs of tho olllce and her presence
In tho court loom has Kr'1'- moral
fiSice. litis special training in business
college, has also had -0 years of ex.
pericuco in the ineicantile experience
aiiiI Is an cncrt neeiitintaut.
No better q'iiilitl-d man ciiu lie found '
3n Webs tot County.
lie Is n man with a family and n
jfood clean ciliicu.
If elti til, he will servo as County
Irensuror without asking for any
!eru hiic hatcor.
d to him your hearty suppoit
B. F. Perry
;.l II 1' Perry, n native of Illinois
ami n icMileiit of Nebraska hiltee ls7i
3t ti Democratic caiididtito for County
Villi! lie is the .son-in-law of .Sena
tor Wrestler.
lie r a family consisting of a wife
and U-v I cant If ul elilldien.
tie is a clean, eap.iblu business iiihii
aud honored for his unquestioned
Hiw i
He had more than '!) years ex
perience in the mercantile business
and . aequaiiited with tho mo-t i-lll-ieiit
methods of serving tlio nubile.
No better man can bo found than
air IVny.
He is an active, keen, competent
ann and if elected, you can rest ns
JMired taut you will be proud of him
aw a l 1 1.' otlielal.
payers will inako no mistake by re
turning Miss McKoighau tis Clerk of
the Dlsttict Court
Frank Huffer
.Mr. t'ranU llull'er. u well known
citizen of Webster Comity, is tho can
didate on tho Democriillc ticket for
He lias been a resident ot the state
since I8HII, and is tho proud father of
ten elnhlien.
lie is mi honest e.ltieu tend believes
in paying one hundred cents on the
dollar ami Is well qualllled for the
olllce of rslic-i ill" lie has been and is
now a successful farmer and b.lieves
ho can serve the people as successfully
as their Sheriff.
He is a titiiu among men and will
add dignity to the olllco, il elected.
Hcd Cloud, Nobrnsko.
11(1. Ndi
nltttit In tt'i 1'ont' lute rt 1. 1 it
tiM Hecoiul c inn Mfiin r
n Mc I.TIIl'U
,1. iiM V ti'Mir:.Tlr
Whilst i. i:t nfN'.
ft tir.isiii-u
I'M' I li IN
I'lesident Wi-iilmw Wilson
Vice Ptesideiit. ...Thoimis K. Maislnill
17. a. hen Ui.p (i. M, Ilit'-llCiie'i
(iovcrnor K.-lt li Neville
l.ii'titeiiaiit (iiii-orimr. . . IM.'iu llowm-d
Seetetar ol Stale ( li is W Pool
Auditor Public Accounts W. li S'mltli
Ticiisuii I' Ceo, II. Hall
Sttpt. Public Instiuellnn
W. II. Cletnuiotis
Attorney (ietteial Willis Iteed
Com Public Lands and liiiildliik's
(J. L. Slittui way
Itailwav Cominlssiotier. .Victor Wilson
Kegents of University. .P L. Hull,
M. I), hantlis
Congicsstnun Fifth District.. ..
A. C. Khallenlierge
County Clerk II. Pony
County Attorney V .1 Mitnday
Coiuity Treasuror A. V. Dttoker
Nlioriir Frnnk HulTer
Superintendent (Jertrudo Coon
Clerk of District Court
Edith U. MoKolglmn
Assessor Henry (illhain
( John ICuigge, Dlst. 1
Commissioners i Win, tlotfttian, Dlst i
(A. H. Cr.ibill, Dist. 4
State Sonator C B. Samuelbo i
Nonpartisan Ticket
iiti.i,.i i,ia i Ij- " Uhicklodge
District .Judge.... j H g DnIIBtin b
County Jtttlgo A. I) Uauney
How tiro you going to vote on the
Pure Food Amendment? Do you pro
pose to give Clarenco B Hartnan. the
present Inspector, n Life Job? Under
this amendment ho will be enti'.lcd to
a term of olllce of six years Ho will
have the power to administer till laws
now lulmiiiistereil by the Pood, Drug,
Dairy mnl Oil Commission, and the
powers possessed, now, tho governor
as the I'omtulssiouer shall cease to
exist. Play safe and mark the sqnate
number ;i03.
What Ollie James of Kcntiiel y.
s.iys iibout Senator Hitchcock. "His
heart, as his seiviee in the Senate
proves, hus been on the people's side
lie is one ot the Sen ite's giout Demo
ei'-tts tiutl will be ti tower of stietigth
to our party In the future contests in
Hie Senate. Vote for Senator Hitch-enclc.
Geo. Lindsey
Henry Gilham
ill Henry milium is a native ol
V.'wconsiii, and hm tosMed in Xebrns-
ince ls.7 He spent two yetus in
'l lrs,Uy of Wisconsin, mid whs
s-ociatoil1 with Hoimtor LaFollotte
J'uiDtf bis '-hool days.
"Wi served two years as
uiw.Ut mid piciilent of tlio school
UmA and was faithful its an olllelsl.
lie uiivletKii(ls the value of property
and v. tnnko an tt.welleut County
James Hubatka
Jauios H.ibalkn, a well known farm.
r business man, t.s a candidate
Jur County Commissioner in the 'Jnd
Otbtt ct, and, if elected, will give a
dollar worth of service for a dollars
vorto of money.
Ion will make no iu.t:iUo In vol
InjT fi-r Mj: Unluvi!,-,.
(ieo. I.iud.sey, candidate for lepre
senutlve, tis born in New Yoik state
and in the year lSTo, niovod to Web
ster County, where he has since resid
ed. Mr. Lindsey has made a good record
in the legislature and has always
taken the Mile of tho people against
the Hppclnl interests.
Ho opposed the salary grabs, unjust
appropriations, and every oil'ort of the
corporations to take ailviintago of
the people
lie is a ptogressive olluen, n heavy
tax p.iyer and understands well the
needs of the people of tho state and
should bn re-elected without hesitation.
John Knigge
Mr. John Knigge, Candidate for
County Commissioner of tho Hist dis
trict, Is a good sub.staiitliil citien and
tanner anil will give faithful seiviee.
A vote for him is a vote for economy.
A. B. Crabill
.Mr. A. It Crabill, candidate for
County Commissioner in the IUi Die
ti let, is a Nebraska product, and a
young man of sterling quality and
highly respected by all who know
him llo is qualified to render splen
did and impartial service and the
county needs just such a tiiait as Mr.
Crabill on the board.
Among the many names ol candi
dates on t'le Dcuioctatlc ticket, will be
found that of Prune II tiller, candi
date for sheriff. Having seticted
farming as a inean.s of livdhood, per
''ups, he has tint made his nppea-.
mice in public, to such tin extent as
other candidates following othet
lines of business, but if you will take
tho time, to inquire ,oti will find that
he bus been a tesident of this hlnte
since;i. In all hisileulings, he lias
been found to bestrlckly honest, tin I
possesses gi.od sound business jttd
nient. Si .treli whom you may, j on can
not tlud one blemish on his chiii'MctiM
lie is a tn in ii'iiong men, well quall
lled for the otllce. lie will appreciate
yottr oU and .insist nice.
Methodist Church News ,
(Chutch and Ptir.soiiHgj opposite Court
House, west. P. M. Din 11 ner. Mitiistet)
Mit BttafViili li t i-.mi i 'I'd li
tre sulci- of the ISonoto li' i'ii ,;, t
Miii.V PiIm-iIM "'(Mini i ik ii,'.
nit-in i)( r of the Civ.die Km I di-piir'nii'iit.
'l'.ieie c.nlnes li tune mi llii- tti- 1
evety limn tilld woitiaii Who i th. - nil
of flu I etiilx for fie lani ti i "
Mr. and Mto. William 1 hi , Mil
their daiighluffl lo-n nti'l Lima ini
weie lecciveil into iltr oh-nc'i b let
tor I mm Chester. Nebiasnii, at ilu-s. r
vice hist Sutiilaj; nl-n .Mrs Mi- B
MeC ilium from llladen, it I Mrs.
Miilgitlet Sehultz lriui Ash fr. !
Dr W. A. Mm f.u i r I i.iv.tsit
Pliice. who b Held si-i-- uiav i,r ,,itl
Mothi dist Hosidtal hi i urtha, will be
with us and speak at the uiiirtiiiig svr
vicPiic.t Sunday. Bvening service at
:.(, theino, "An Abutidmit BiiIimiicr'
sortnou by the pastor. Bpixorth League
The following are lite board of Stew
ards: Mrs. P. L. IHnes. P. A. Willi
biandt, It. W. Slewatt, William Pry,
itoy Sattley. .lolin Weesiier. Wert
Stevens, Mis. Bsta Mercer, Mrs. M
B Wonderly, and W. S Uee.'ey. If
any member of the church or con
gregation has not received a carton
of tho New PiuaiiL-:ai envelopes, bo
sure mid see one of the above mined
stewards some time this week and
call for a package We are sure going
to do our level best to have this plan
thoioughly established on our cnurgo.
Get on the bund wacon.
The pastor has been tu'lod to speak
on the ill y mnoudmenr at Inavalu on
Thin sday evening of this week. Keep
this on jouriulinl -'1'here nte apptox
Imatcly twentj-Hve butidred voting
precincts in Nehnt-iui. Su pn"' hii
average of only live iiihii in'eseti pie
ciuet who l,V(U' the miiw dtnetit to
alioli-h tlie hiow'iitM and .sahmiis,
full to vote in.t'i'o .ill itiiporlaiit
qnestiiiti-thtii vmII me. in .i mss of
U'.riDO mi'os nnd can easily ie-nit in
our defeat. The same ,iiit,l li tine
if illegal vote were iiiniwed to sdp
U'i1 hold this i v a'.iIi loferenec
ton religious s-t v' . esfi'i-miK- in our
vn elinteh: -Miete m,- no to-eliiiiiiiary
set vices; t In- --I mh ny f the mitheiu.
tile leililig of th- It li'e. ' lie piiji-i.
l!u olleting m-" nil iiiloiele.i us nets
if U-l-s. Hint US IU", M !lll''H-f-
ant us the &i r -to'i uii.l f"1 htms nnie
o Tlleref in-, ns ' i.ii'er t e
i"auon fur ol Ih-'k, -i em i-i ii in
be II innttel nt the llllv'-! iniii-t.s-.
if for nay iuinvii.,;,:i tvnsi-r, i -hmv
'. hn ai-e i-uiii;) 'i-i, lii emiti- in o llu-
.'il ,-'i ittM'tle ! vlvi iiiln' l.ej'im.
'.Vi it il ittsi t II i) 1 .' Msli' i-s to r -
flam fiu'ii !. i. . i-iji
'(' Mil UJ-p II .1 I- ! Hi I'M
ivoisl !; I ' :i ' '
om-se l n.i i -r i ii - .
mi'lnia e i ). j . ..
I '""Wlftg 'rT- A '"W-Stf.!ift-. r
J m 'i 1 wL1
. ' ' i" i 'V-
t e lie's
I , ,1 ,
m. f. rickardU
Jg Republican Candidate for Jg
State Representative J
f) from Webster County, Neb.
'' I il,n "sking your snpput, fooling that I am qualified lo represent
jl Webster County in tlio legislature.
'JZZ Do not be tiilsh-1 hv too iniiclt ".ouoiuy plot, wheti we a' I know
f2) taxes have been getting higher mid higher.
(0 Bxperietieo should show results if it so itnpoi that wo have a
7) man with legislative experience in the legislature.
(fi If elected , on know It is up to tne t nuke good And I promise.
JS) you that I will. What I as't is a tiiul.
vi i t'.ooll fot tlio
name. .
S9S3S9S96AG9 Q3S3S3S3S3
tmIH waitr
These candidates arc making a clean and fair campaign, and
their election will be expedient for the county, and a matter of
gratifiication to the tax-payers.
I. therefore, sincerely urge you to vote for the entire Demo
cratic Ticket of Webster County.
GEO. V. ITRINE. Chairman,
Webster Co. Demo. Cent. Com.
Ono of tho flings timt Ii .is inter
tnred most with educational progress
In this stale has Ihcii the condition of
constant change taking placo in the
te.iohing profession It Is u well
known fact that the tL.0ol.s which
have made tho best progress mid
Stolid highest in the state are those in
which able teiichers have been kept
font long torn! of s, The move
ment lu the most piogieS'dve states to
take the olllce of cuiiiit.v supei iutedeut
out ot polities by electing Hum oiliclal
on a noii-iisttisHii ballot is for the
purpose of giving the people the
greit beitellt of a continuous admini
stration of their schools. The schools
of Webster t'ountv are second to nono
In the st te of Nebraska and Miss
(iertriide Coon who has given her time
and best elVort to their improvement,
is a candidate for re-election.
She has run the olllce on SIS7 07 less
than the amount allowed mid has con
ducted tlio institutes on $'.':::. less than
the amount allowed her. Slut has
saved for the county fotriuS by insist,
ing upon the state department cor
recting 11 clerical error in the state
apportionment which occttred in form
er state administration.
S dr
,'ard of Thanks
V,e wish to thank tho kind friends,
acighbjrs mid singers for their assist
juice given us dining the sickness and
burial of our beloved brother, huslmud
and father.
Al Ilntfman.
Mrs. W. O. HolVman
and children.
A Toto against Senator Hitchcock
vote against Wood row Wilson,
"I wont you to remember that a Presi
dent without a Congress that Is heart
anui&oul for the things that horepro-oo-te
'Js alsolutoly as useless ns a
agarc head." Woodrow Wilson,
I have the cheapest rates and best
option in tho state, with several plans
to choose from. Sole agent for Tie
vott, MattisX llaker .1.11 Hui.nv
. - - -
On Whdui'sday atteruooii, J04 Salu
den, who resides in the lirst wurd,
sttlTerod a stroke of paralysis.
l,ust night at the Orpheum theater,
Hon. B. M. Pollard ami Silas Hat ton
addressed the voters of this vicinity
on the Republican issues of tlio cam,
paign. We understand that thoso
gentlemen snent the evening lu using
the hummer against the present ad-ministration.
To The Voters of
Webster County
A vacancy having oceumd on the
democratic ticket tlnough the death
ot W G. Ilotl'man candidate for Coun
ty Commissioner for tlio seond dis
trict. The County Central Committee
has tunned the undersigned its the
Democratic Candidate fur Commission,
er for Distilet No. '2
I therefoie wish to announce to the
voteis of Webster County that 1 have
decided to accept the nomination and
will appreciate their .support at the
polls on November 7th.
The time is brief and I realle that 1
am making a campaign under a great
disadvantage mid if 1 am elected It
must be largely through the support
ot my good friends throughout the
county and if oleuted 1 give iissuitiuee
that I will serve the taxpayer to the
nest or my aoiniy
Uliiden, Nebr., Oo
, :io,
RED CliOUD, NISHKA&IvA, Nov. 1, 1016.
As 1 shall 1)0 unable to meet many of you personally, 1 lake this means of speaking to you.
1 have served one le:m as County Attorney and am asking a re-election at your hands.
The office has been conducted by me without the county paying anything for outside
legal assistance.
I have investigated the facts carefully in every ease before filing a complaint in order
that injustice might not be done anyone and to save costs. 1 have filed twenty-five complaints, as
follows :
Assault, o. Bootlegging, A.
Petty Larceny, 1. Horse Stealing, 1.
Malicious Assault, 1. Forgery, 1.
Delinquency, 2. Assault and Rape, 3.
No License, 1. Drunkenness, 1.
Shooting and Prostitution, 4.
The four defendants against whom complaints for shooting and prostitution were made,
weie taken by the United States Court for white slavery. One defendant forfeited bond. The re
mainder of tlio defendants were sentenced to pay fine, jail, penitentiary or paroled. One was sent
to penitentiary for horse stealing and one for forgery, and two were paroled by District Judge on
payment of costs. Others were sentenced to jail and the remainder paid fines.
The records of County Judge and Clerk of District Court and Justices show that the total
fines and costs paid the county by these defendants total about $GG5.00. There has been $350.00 in
fines paid in in bootlegging cases alone. That judgment was rendered against the other defendants
for about $170.00 costs.
In two cases complaints were filed before I came into office. In one of these there was
no sentence or tine, as tneie was no conviction, out- uvuiy uuienuuiu against wnom i meet com
plaint wiis fined, sentenced or paroled, save the ones that the United States Court took and the one
who forfeited bond. The fines and costs collected by the county greatly exceed the costs in the case
where no conviction was had. In fact the fines paid county alone about equal costs in this case.
I also tried the case of Webster County vs. the B. & M. Railroad and won it for the county
in the District Court of Webster County.
I have tried to serve your interest and hope that I merit your support for a second term.
Truly yours,
v ,1