RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Hi 1 m &WL 'kW V H.rry S. Dungan Judge of tho Tenth Judicial District Candidate for re-election on the non partisan ticket. Look for the name, XHsv.rry S. Dvingarv Let Us Do Your Job Pnntingkd cm i ' Wolf A . 'vSHf. i legger, of the m Is! Heavy t3w i I 30 m No w 3oi ri in Sheep's Clothing Very accurately describes state-wide prohibition. Be not deceived. The claim that the proposed prohibition amendment will make Nebraska "dry" is a fraud, Those who propose a law that is to be submitted to a vote of the people are expected to file with the Secretary of State an explanation of what the law undertakes to accom plish. I u Over the signature of the Nebraska "Dry" Federation appears this explanation: "The proposed amendment does not at tempt to deal tvith the habits and appetites of our citizens." This is the naked fraud that is put before the unsuspect ing voters of Nebraska. In plain language, addressed to the drunkard, the boot to the boy and to the young man, the actual promise amendment is: "Buy a money order. 'quantity of beverage from Chicago, St. Joseph, or Kansas City. Our so-called prohibition law permits you to be as intemperate as you like so long as you purchase outside of There can be no denial of the fact that these are the conditions offered Nebraska under the fraudulent prohibition law we are to vote on. The Yoke of Prohibition; For if this amendment is adopted, it will fasten on Nebraska the demoralizing conditions now prevailing in other prohibi tion states. In Kansas this fraudulent brand of prohibition Has prevailed for thirty-five years, and has made the vile, un speakable alley-joint a fixture in nearly every community. In the past two years Kansas sent 85 murderers to prison, Nebraska, in comparison, sending only 29 in the same period. On June 30, 1916, the number of convicted felons confined in state prisons in Kansas was three times the number imprisoned in Nebraska. It cost Kansas taxpayers over $701,000 in the two years to guard and maintain her convicted felons, as against a cost of $325,000 in Nebraska. p- This is what the fraudulent prohibitory amendment is offering Nebraska, instead of a Nebraska "dry." Look these facts square in the face and decide if you want these con ditions to prevail in Nebraska. Think it over! ''r$$$f THE NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE How to Vote Against Prohibition These squares appear at the TOP of the general election ballot. An X marked in the square opposite number 301 is a vote Against Prohibition. Yes Sha'll the above and foregoing amendment to the Constitution be ad opted ?i KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DKN'KLOIMJI) 10c MAIL YOUR ORDER 10 US Stevens Bros. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS B DENTIST OYER SI ATE UANH ' Nebraska V V" "Mail-order any your own state. ' 1NAVALE HI niimi ami family ut Itlootuhiglon. spoilt .Suiiiloy Dr. N'elllo Matirer of Red C'ollll, was In town Sunday. Mis. Ciisli of Kndicott, Is hcio visit ing her mother, Mrs. 10. K Smith. .1iophlun Vnudovort of Voimr, Kansas, Is visiting at Mr. Stlcknoy'H. I, , , . . . , . . no Itectl of (.uldo lloek, spent bun. tiny with IiIn slter, Mis Kininii Smith l!oy Palmer wont to Hustings two ihi.vs last week to havchii eyes treated Oily Stlckney ami Dovvcy Kutlcilgc wont to ltostvviek on I'lhhiy or last Week. Sumo of tho Ko.vnl uclghhutMiitund oil tlio convention at Red Cloud Wed iiosil.iy M I l . Ill i. i. . . . .it. nun .11 rs. i i.. noun nun airs i:ut too lieiin wimo hi Roil Cloud. Monday, lii-. Murlk'ss preached two very ltituiiug sermons at llio .M. K. I hiiu li, Sumliiv. Mi. Piouv of Red Cloud, spont Tluu-luy night In Inavnlo with Ids son l liuulo Pierce. I .i Tnii'tiliiod mul wifo SiiMiuluy night from l!od fame up Cloud to .i' at Mr. Whitcly l'listiuv Hi'iin huulod whrat to Kod (Imi.i, Momlay, as Mr. Hunter was oum loaded with wheat. ( lilTonl l.owjoy and family npont Suutlay iifteriioou mid evening with Karl liuiwell and family. (i'unilpa Hutledgo and Nellie Hut ledgo of Red Cloud, spoilt Sttiitlny with .lohii Utitloilgo and family. Druggist Kthrlgo liutl the misfortune to burn IiIh right hand mid arm quito liadly, Saturday night, with n gasoline light. This primary school gnvo a very Interefiting prognun Tuesday after noon. Miss Dleltorbon is doing excel, lent work. Tho Christian Sunday school enjoyed ii hulloween party at Mr. Groats', Tuesday night. The Iliblo Class and Young I'eoplo's class served refresh- meuts. lloy Sattley, tindortiiltcr-auto hoarse in connection. If you want to sell or trndo your real estate cull on C. A. Sulmltz. Inde pendent phono 'J()H Tho Iimvnlo High School mid gram iiiur grades will hold 11 box supper and play, on Friday evening, Nov. Urd. at the Iimvnlo opera house. Notice of Referee's Sale of Real Estate, Notice Is lieiohy id veil that tho unik-rnlnn- eililuly nppolntfilmitlat'tliu; lltfrno In mi ai-tlou pciiilini: In the DlNtrli-t 1 ourt ot VVel- Hter loiuitj. NeliruNMi. IiiIiik ease No. ,T.)I'I wherein i:HhK:i I-.. 1 oe, ft al., are plalutlirH mul S IIII:iiii .1. Howard et al., nro ilefenil initH, havluu In eu on the II Hi. day ol (li-lolit-r lutil aiitlinrli-il mul illrtt tul by Mild court to hell I hi rial 1 state hi n In alter iliht-rlliul, ht im; tho pri iiiIms the pail I lion of which hum nuked for In said action, will 011 thulllli. day of liii'cuihi r llllil, at Dun o'clock of said day, at the Eolith door of the Court llouxulii Kid Cloud, Nebraska, In mild county, oiler at public aiii'lloii mul m-ll to tho highest hlddir lor cash the follow Iiik itcccrllitd real estate, tow It. l,otHi:iaiid II In lilnck II In (Smith A Moore's Addition to ltid Cloud, Wflwter County, Nebraska. Tlio teruiH of cald Hale will bo cash. Dated this Dint, day of tlclobij- IUHI. Crank .1. Miuulny, I'rid .Mmircr Attorney lor I'laliitlll. lUfcrin- A Few of the Reasons Why Township Organization Should Be Adopted in Webster County. Instead of tho county government being vested in a board of Ave commis sioners elected at largo, thero would bo seven supervisors nominated and olected, 0110 from each supervisor dis trict In the county. It would bring tho county govern ment more In touch with tho people, Many of the questions now passed on by tho county commissioners would, under tho township organization, bo directly decided by tho respective townships, each for itself. IJueh township would bo practically 11 law to Itself In local mutters. Kneli would hold its annual meet ing mnl ll- electors would vote on nil questions most vitul to the wolfaro of eiioh particular township. Kuch township would elect its own nfllcuis and every voter would tnke an active part In local government. Kacli township would vote Us own road tax and the money of euh would bo spent on Its own roads. Tho township would bo tho unit of government instead of the county. Kuch voter would know and feel tho effect of his own voto on all local affairs. Notice to Creditors. In llio County Court ot Wehittr County. Ni'lirnskii til tlu mutter ol the (Mate ot Ntrlltida l.uli Peccant d. rreilltor of Niild intato will take notice, Mint tlu tlnit Untiled lor iircficutatltiii and ItlltiK til cliilniH nunltist unlit titalo Is May 'Jllli. HH7. mitt lor tho imvmi'itl ot ilolitH In Octolitr M. 11)17. that I will nil at Itiiiioiintv rourt room In mild county on Iliin'JIIIi ituy ol Novetnlit r. A. It. HUM. to examine, hear anil n... ..II l.ilntu .inl, III. .1 it ll I. rit-M i. flrhl tr tiii. i tin " ,.... i ...... 0,.tind ucn upon wild estate, ami on tin- th iliiy ol Mnv, I'.il", to cmuiiImi'. Iiiar, allow uiiil adjust all claims and 0I1J1 rtloiiM ot ki iut al i'rillirri dulv Mini. Hated this 'il' I da.v of (ictolier, A. P., MM, iseal) A. D. It NM . Coiiutv .liiike. NOTICE At a iiiri'tlui; "t tin' ( oiintil In hi Oi'tniii r IN. mm: x Mmiilliy W.ll llniiillloii tliill llii' 'riiioil lion on tluisewtr IhhuI iltlrli MaKiiluiilltil tn Hie nliirNiil ltiil liiuil f'll at a Knol:U I'lfi'iioii In-lit In xnlit i It) iH-lolu-r IT, turn mul tlurriilt ot Malil ili'i-lliin lie I'literril iioll the ri't'oriti ol Mliti'lty anl nilnpiiil In the Mayor ntnl i'duui II ot until rlly. HlUll i(iil)vltloil In IIIK UK InllllWH. "Sliall the Miij or mul council ol thei'liy ! IIihI Cliiuit, Ni'lirimKa lHaiitliiirleit to lisue roiiinii linmU ot Hiidl rlly In tin niiiii ol fJU.lWI.liK lo lie itruiillllliutrtl M'Uir IhiIiiIh nt MM city ol It i'il Cloud, Nt'iuohKti, In dciiuuit natliuiH ol ''Vo.uo I'lirli, p:ynMi' to In an r ami to In 'i oiih 1 nt- Ju yearit alter the ilatu tliitrnl luil i.ivalili'iiuy time allrr lliiiniltatlou of r. yi ) at Hie option of s.iM rlly, liearlin; not to i'M I'i'il r n r cent annual luteri'sl aiul to lie ilatuit Hie ilay ot 1 lit I r iKsiianee, Interest anil irlui'li.ll imyalilo nt llio oIIH'd of (lie truiKurtrof the rttato ol .NeliraHka. Halit tioiuls to lia until at mil Iikh limit par value Willi ai'cruril IntercMt anil tlio procreiliitlirro ofiiBi'il liy tliurlty for tlm eoiiRtruetton noil CHtntilUliliiKof iinyKtein of Hiivverai;iilii ami for until city In iiccorilnncu vvltll tlio jdaun anil Kpi'i'llloatloiiH lieretotoro ndoptiM mul on llio mul at a cwt not to oxooeil IJO.oiiO.CO. Shall tlm Mayor ami Council of until city minunlly levy tlio necessnry tnx upon all tlio taxahlo property vvllhtn intil city, tu tvililltton lo all other tnxcii, to pay tlio InteroNt upon Rnhl ImuilH nH tlio miiuu liocomes duo noil to fumliili anlnklnu luiul lor tlio pnyinent ot the principal of hiiUI IxmiU. Tho result of until flection holiin-.nii follow: Total number ot vote cant ....-.'Jil Tor the wivver propoHltlun ... . -'J0H Annliint tho Reiver proposition .................... 15 Hocoiuleil by II. W. Ivoontr. Aye, ttmullton, Knlnilcn, HtoveiiR, ICoont. (Hcnl) AtttHt: 0.C.TKRI1, City Clerk. Referee's Sale of Real Estate. Notice In hereby Klven, that puraunnt to thujudmiient and order ot tlio dlHtrlct court of Welmter County, Nebraska, In mi action therein peiidliiK N- V'r' wherein Ida Thomas el al, nro plalntlllH. and .Inlin II. CriuiHi'lnl, aredelenilaiilH, for the partlllon of tbuliiiidH herein ilcscrlliul; Raid court hav- liiKatthe (iclolicr ti nil I'.UH, tllrei'tetl the faluihcrtot. The iiiuli rHlBiied, referee In said action w III 011 tlm lib day of Hi'i'cinlicr IUHI at two o'clock p. 111. al thoKoiilh door ol tlm court hiiiihtilu Ited Cloud In said county, oiler lor gain to the IiIkIumI bidder, for cash, tho fob lowliiu ilisirlbed rial estate, In WtbKlir Ciiuuty, Nebraska, low It: 'I he lots nuiiibi red I, 'J and II In block 1 ol .lackMiu'H Addltloii In Ited Cloud; 'I he lots numbered bltolH, lucluslvo In block but Kaley A Jaekhon'H Addition to ltid Cloud; The lots iiiiinbereil In block 0 of liUliiio's Addition to Hid Cloud; ThololH imiiiberid i:i, Mi Ifl. nnd 111 In block Uof I'latl'M l-'IrHl Ailtllllou to Hid Cloud, leii pircenl of tho imrchaHi! price hhilll bo paid In tlm left rco at the time ol the sale, and Hid balance on or before Ibollrslilay ot the next term of wild court. Hald Hale will remain open ono hour. Datnl November '-M'.lin.l i:.U, UAId)Vi:t.I., Hi'firee. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED E9lf"OKrirB Ovkii Ai.imioirr's Store Thu county board would bo tho servant of tho pooplo and would re spond to tholr wishes as expressed fit the town meetings. It would be more economical, so much of tho work being done by tho various town ofllcers at 82.00 per day. Tins niaxium pay of supervisors could not exceed 8100 a year, or 82,800 - 00 for all, including milengc nnd es pouses, whllo tho present commission ers are allowed $700 00 each, or $:i,M)), 00 for all. Ho 'would bo hold personally respon siblo for the kind of work done in his district. It would inspire more pride in each voter to voto on so many of tho local questions of interost to hlslncallty. It would insure hotter roads and bildgcs. It means much to each community to elect Its own roproscimtivo 011 the county hoard. It Is a matt or of concern to ovcryjtaxpoyorhow much f.ix os aro lovlod and whore and how oxpondod. Candidate For COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I am a university gtmlunto and 11 teiteher of experience hi graded M'hools and also In lust lute work I huvo taught live ycnri In the Ue.l Clnnil high school. 1 hold llfo cer tlllcutL'M from tin: htntosof Xutit itdlm and South DaUotu. I shnl! conduct the iilV.ilrsof tho olllcc In an ecouomlciil mid oHii'letit manner ami I shall vvorl faithfully to that cud. Estelle Daekef ft .4tiA Vf sfS. (1 ' .,' L ' .. .. .V. vi!'?') xmrnyi f i 1 "' J JAMES R. DEAN (Former Judge Supremo Court) .Ttulgo Dean uiailo a good record on tho Supremo Bench. Hols not 1111 experi ment. Ho Is In llfch' prime. At tho primary oat of ton candidates ho crowd ed tl.o high mini olosoly for llrst placo, VOTK l'OR HIM KOlt SUPREME JUDGE FiJRF En K m BM - - THE ALARM iHudreailful thing OF" FIRE for tho man without Insurance. Every time he eoes tho engines racing along hln heart coiuo.s up In tils inroai 11 mo nro is anyvvuero near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is sn small that It INSURANCE need hardly bo considered. Tho freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over I Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds" Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Geurber WVWWiTA'.V.VAVA'.VM COL. J. H. ELL1NGER i AUCTIONEER l Ik now ready to placo your sale dated, ? Ask any 0110 as to my qualifications, tJ for whom, 1 linvocrlrd (tales. Imlepcu 5 dent pitonoBonlU. Write wire or call J Red Cloud, Nr.iw. S AW.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor e Jlndepe Bell lie L'lident Jl2 Phones i:d 101 C. Jf. Miner Dr H, H Dcirilorf. M. D. 0. ' .MmuiKLr Veterinary In Clause. C. H. Miner Serum Co.' -i'llODL'CliltS- Anti Hog Cholera Scrum l!cd Cloud, Nebraska '! Wire or Phone at Our Expense U. S. Veterinary License No. 45 Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory) Consultation and Examination FnuKj 'Osteopathy tho Soienco of Healing by Adjustment." Olvon to the World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1874. OFFICE OYER SMITH SHOE STORE Uotii I'noNES RED CLOUD, NEBR1 rfvTCT ' t- &wirwNE flbo m.1 mutt firilt'W ?" ' X I