X v .- V AJI . V j'-Uo U.sloricnl S n I ty ;s-'';ft?r-a-----TT A Newspaper That fiUes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 91.50. VOLUME 41 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, -NOVEKMM.R '-', )!. NUMBER 15 :m-::m Institute Nov. 14-17 I Save A Dollar Now And Then! OUT IT IN A BANK WHERE IT WILL 1 BE SAFE FROM LOSS by burgulars or fire, or the temptation to spend it. You can save a dollar do it and your account will grow then in times of need you'll have it. Start a Savings Account, today, at this bank. Deposits in tins bank arc protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State ot Nebraska. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA PAI'ITM, and SI'KI'U'S 'Al .()()( ' VV WW . ".V. . v . V vvuvvvvvvvv v. V V . V " V VV , ? X Y Y I Y Y :.: :: x ryroraraggmRaraBra in ii'i'B'w iiwi mm HE 3I3E EH: 3EE ?y -hV o. 7r . v - - jj ' 1 m inni u. rrriVrV t 5 tttv i jy" i- -H-rHiivTfe -UU -1 VJ - 7 : v ' -V iM ''NX'J iOC ? s t' '$ 1052 1061 No ioj,2ll'rnmina inlfili thi Junior CO'll nf Wool Vtlour nlli ulrW cofrur miif rajjttnmmnl ulti Mohair litair. JloilyoJ coat ami tlteretan Until ntlh Ventinn lining. No lohl lunlor !'! If' fill root of 1'iineij Mtjtiiit u htrh hat tht full rtpplf ffffct. tht mttfthf qroifn upt." Ttf larijt tutlQr coltur It Jtntiitj off n tlh bitttotihuU liml loukt ilt iiyit ur ilote I For the Slighter Figure M PETITE figure and retrained lines add immensely to the dress, problem of many a woman. In this store we take no small pride in the unerring ease with which we supply a flawless fit for this type of physique a fit that sacrifices not a whit of style's newest exactions. Our Junior coat and suit models cover an extremely wide range of size and style and we have yet to find the figure too dainty for us to apparel correctly to the finest shade of fit and fashion. f. G. Turnure & Son Tho noxt big event iu Hit history of Hud Cloud will be thu Furmur's In btltute which will be held hero Nu veuiber 11th to 17th, Inclusive. The otllcers and cotntuittucb in el 1 urge are bpiirhiK neither time 1101 expunge to liuve this ninth 11 n mi til hCbblou Mirrmvi all othdtB provloubly held. The proKrams will be renderodyln tho Morhurt Opera llouse. The huihcs, cattle and liogs will be ex hiblted in the KounU Lmill. l'uiiltry iiud fiiriu produce in thu l'eteraou building und Womeii'd mid education al exhibit in the Ut.ite Hank liloclt Hall. The following speakers have been .secured for this uccaisiou: Noveinber l., Willfh K. Heed, Attorney lieueial; Xoeinboi 10. Dr. A. O 'riioiiius, State Mipenntcn.li.nt, Agriculture in I'tib lie School,'', Mincmbcr 17, 1'ioi. l.es lie hippie, Kearney Normal .School, '1 lie Tragedies and Triumphs of tho Kurul helioul." Domestic .cleiicu demonstrations and lectin es will be given by Miss Kokalir i)f the Stale L'niveisity on Thin sdtiy and Krlduy. UobeiL .Mimsul, cattle expert, will judge thu citlU and Prof, (iiantlieli of Ihe State luivelsily, will judge the hotse.s on Thursday, V. A. lluse. brook uill judge tho poultry on Wed nesday. Mu.su will lie furnished for the oc eiihion by Prof. I.eKoi'a Orchestra and the Kud Cloud Concert Dunil. The voctil iinihii! will be diiected by Miss Simmons of the public school. Plan to ho in attendance as munv dtiy.s aspos-iblo, as there will lie many ,'ood things iu btoro for you To The Dry Voters Hcforo going to the polls to cast your voto for Jtho various candidates for local, state uud national nt.lccs, it would be well for you to carefully con sider the rpiallllcallous of the respect Ivo candidates. Wo are Holectlng the candidates for senator of the 1.0th dls trlct for analysis; C. R Samuelson, on tho democratic ticket and his oppon ent .1. S. Hiitter, on the republican ticket. GoIiil' back into history you will flnl that at a meeting of the City Council of Superior, lli'ld on .lime 10, till I, us a member of the City Council llutler voted to grant Ihpior licenses in Super ior. On May 7th, 1'.1", as a mi tnber of the Council, lit1 again voted to giant three licenses These statements may be found on the records of the City of Superior. Ulltlcr will be the sumc tool of the liquor crowd iu the leglslutuio Hint ho wuh as a member of the Council ol Supei ir, for l,As a Man l.iveth, so Shall iie Hie". If you are iu favor ot piohil itinn. remeiiilier this and vnte ni,'aiust Inn . WltellC. K Samiielsoii was aiproiieli eil and uski'd for his views on the mat tor he uve the tollo ing stuti'inent "11 the Slate of Nebraska goes diy. 1 shall use my iniltieiice as a Senator from this district to pass sueli laws as neoessuiy to make such an amendment enforceable, both in fuel and In dee I. My intention and aim is to be a true repiesentative of the prople of this Twentieth Distilut. My own ideas in the mutter shall not govern my actions in case such an amendment cnriy'' Now that you haxothc facts, which man do you select for the place? A MISREPRESENTATION i To The Voters of DC BE DG Iu a local paper tlicie Iris been m-v eral luN-statemeuls made about the! way I have conduced tho county at torney's ollice Kiist: As to thu! Itense case where it was stated t hut. I lecomineiiilcd a SIOOOui) bond is I untrue. Ask the county judge. Sec ond: As to tho Ciiry case. It was a matter of common knowledge thuti the confession was ruled out. because the olllcers made him promises before I was county attorney. Thiid: As to extra mill levy In 1015. It was n mere ovut sight. I'.vcry commissioner as well as myself knew that there could not lie it It) mill levy. Nor did I so advise the board, nor is the board to blame, nor has the county paid any thing to correct same. Fourth: As to the bootlegging cases. Criticism ! is mado as to the Hue assessed. Suf- fice to suv that about S380.OO was paid the county by bootleggers, llesltles . one detiitidant sent to jail. Why have ' expensive trials at county expense? , Of the :.r complaints filed by me the j U S government took four defend ' ants and one fot felted bond and the rest were all lined, jailed, sout to the . penitentiary or puroled, and 'about ititiO.OO iu linos and costs have been , paid the county. I F J MUXDAY, j County Attorney. The funeral services of the Into W. O. IlolVumn woro hold Sunday after noon at the M. I'J. church, Uev. Hum. j mel olliclatlug. The church was not ' large enough to hold the fr'ends and , netghbois who came to pay their lubt respects to tho deceased. The funeral piocesslon was composed of about' sevetPyllve automobiles which was the largest number iu attoitdituco at any funeral iu this locality. In our last week's issue, we failed to mention that tho deceased was survived by one brother and two sisters, ' On Tuesday morning, Clarence Cox, I who has boen in poor health the last few years, passed away at the homo 'of his mother, Mrs. C. C. Cox, in this city. He was f!7 years of ago and ' leaves to mourn his demise, a wife, ' mother, five brothers and ono 8l6ter. Funeral services wero conducted this afternoon, In charge of Itov. Itowns of Covvles, Rev. Ileobe and Kev. Dm liner of this city. Interment in. Hod Cloud cemetery. Webster County 1 deeply JipprtTiiito tho nonii nation for County Treasurer jjiv imi me by my numerous friends, find by honorable and faithful work 1 hope to be elected. If elected I will k'i'o my full attention to the duties of the of fice find pledge efficient service to the public. If elected 1 will conduct the of fice on ii salary of $2,000 and will ask no extra salary for clerk or deputy hire during term of office. 1 will pay no funds to any person or corporation, except as provided by law, find will kepi) :m itemized record of all dis bursements, so tlte public may know to whom find for what such are made. If elected I will not seek to perpetuate myself in office be yond the time limit fixed by law by asking my successor for dep utyship. After 20 years in the business world and a special course in business college, I feel amply qualified to conduct the office to your entire satisfaction and will appreciate your vote. ALDEUT V. DUCKER. ffl Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. McCoy and daughter, Miss Kva. of lllue Hill, visit ed Wednesday at the homo of .1. A Coon. The Social Helpers of the First Methodist chinch of this city, cele brated Halloween on Monday even lug at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Kgo, where entertainment of tho oc casion was piovhlcd Later Iu the evening, the guests iu their ghostly appearance wore taken to tho home of Mr. and Mrs Wert Stevens where a bountiful lunch was served. The committeo iu charge were Mrs Hoy Sattley, Mrs Frank Starr, Mrs. Dia mond, Miss Fern Averlll, Mrs. I'.gc, and Mrs. Wert Steven-. Miss Gthco Davis has the honor of the beautiful decorations. Kvory one wont home feeling that they had been royally entertained, Buy thai Engagement from Us THF ONr THING THAT DELIGHTS A WOMAN MOST DURING HER WHOLE UR 1IME IS RECEIVING FROM HIM WHO IS TO BE HER LIFE COMPANION HER "ENGAGEMENT RING." THIS IS ONE TREASURE YOUR WIFE WILL ALWAYS KEEP AND CHERISH, SO LET THE DIAMOND BE AS FLAWLESS AS YOU WOULD HAVE YOUR HAPPINESS. WHEN WE SUPPLY IT, THE DIAMOND WILL BE OF THE PUREST RAY. WE MKE "OJALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowclar and Optometrist HTC. n. &. Q. Watch Inur-octor R. P. Weesner & Co, This is a Season of Beautiful but Practical Styles. 'T'HE looms have not lost their magic nor the designers their skill Despite the continued raging of war and desecrations, the fall of 1916 has been very generous in the wealth of its offerings New colors have been created, new materials woven and new styles fashioned. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats that give the greatest values Best styles. Ladies and Misses Suits Several numbers of the newest styles just received. Some Ine pensive Waists That are Very New Tub Silki, Crepe le Cliinei --white and fleth colo"-ery pretty ttylct popular prices. McCALL PATTERNS Did you know this? We carry at- moit a complete flock of McCall Palterni The lirgett pattern -lock in lliii pait of Nebraika, --THE- Store of Good Clean Merchandise On Monday night, Hon. A C. Hhttl' leubcrgor, who Is it candidate for re ! election on the Democratic ticket fort Congressman of the Klfth district, spoke in the Orpheum theater. The j gentleman told his large audience of the many gooil things which tho Demo cratic administration had accomplished during the past four yeurs, and made a very good Impression on tho voters. 1 After the speaking, we understand several of tho republicans who aro seeing the true light of democracy, plodged him their support. Tho lied Cloud baud and tho Democratic drum corps furnished appropriate music for the occasion. The theater was packed to the doow, as muuy of his friends from all over the county were present Foot ball game Filduy afternoon, lied Cloud va Esbon. Go out and see it.