RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 : I Iter October Is nunntirrnTim,Jm'wn3wrriwt.tHrn We Will Again Commence Issui ing Trading Stamps When books are filled owners will receive $3,25 in merchandise or $2-75 in Cash Which figures You Ic' in Mercluindisc M Cnll and get a book in which to keep your stamps WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD txjm.MUJJza.ixtsenMMJiuiJiKXL'itMaspxmjmjmiima B. F. PERRY I Al llei'M. the lilnelcMnlth, l now employed nt Hid Snt ton shop. Hilng in your worh to lilm Notice cf Pinal Rtpoit. Ill tl'i r.niiil;. Court lit Wi'uli-r t iiut. . v r;i-l.n. i'i tin m-nti-r of iiii t-tnte lit Xylplifi ti.ii in iti'tcnotit. Ml iiirnim Intcftted lit unlit ofllfilu lire i, , rc'.y uiiiirti.ri Hint Hid t;xp)'iitor lint tttiti 'i iln il .Hiouiit ami rr i'iit of lit uiltiilulgtrit- i hi 'ip 1 i ii,tlil'iii for tlii' tlurOnolllc-muiii nt s i!i ii r'liint mill ri'iKift. mmI turn ilu-nnuf ilil lli'i.lnn nt Hit nMiliii'iif wilil mtnto. niiil lr ilif iiKiilxiiliii'iit ul the rent Dstnte lii'tnn- ' in i il. i ri'io, itiul siill-H'liarKO Iruin IiIh trimt. , il I ill v htrll nulil niilttrti luivi' hull lot tor in iirliiK liitnri-kiiIiI I'lmrtiiu lln J'nt il:iy ol Jirinliir. r.UM. in tin hour lit 10 u'i luck. n. in.. , tthiuiiii iicroiiH luii iihil'iI iii:i iiiic:iriiiut r ) ill : tlii- inn . Iiiitnl llilt Jotli ihi.v it citiiii1irr. IMlit. i A. 1 1. IIiwm, I Mill t .llllltgl. Notice to Contractors. si:il,. lllils will In ui'i'lUil lit tin olllcc i( th i ( i'Ii rk up to IJ (i'1'loi'k Noun lit-tnlicr ' J7 I nil. tor tlit-l iiiMtrui'tlouof ii Slilc Wuik 'hi tin- iuitli sii of Lot .t iiml t In Wftt iiulot i,oH It Hint II nil In llli.i'l: 11 Itul limit. Mnry II. I'nrkir owner. Ity '.inl- liter's I.MIuriti- SJ.T0. ' I'liins iiml .siu'iltli'iitlinis mi Ilk' In city 1 ( K ri.'iiiilli'i'. iMtiil lictnlicr Int. linn. 'fill. I ii. c. i i:i:i ( It t'lerk. I Democratic Candidate for County Clerk of Webster County have been a resident of Nebraska since 1070 and have never asked for or held a public office. Have had twenty years experience in the mercantile business and consider myself perfectly capable and qualified to handle this office, in a manner satisfactory to all. I will APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE and ASSISTANCE. B. F. PERRY, Red Cloud, Nebraska Bumc KCEa.tMni'newscrjsTew ixLi-Tvr..'ucn?Kor:aren2uowcctxi2in uaEnwrracEssj SManxTiuwrsJuawacuusxariaff Winter d will I si mm '. f-ctlvo O 'tutn'r lu'i, we slmll i-u ilni .li nttt-aetive Winter TourKt fares t I 4'iilu. (iull lusons, Tonus uinl the uitli Keueinlly tiKo a plan of diveise n. Smithem tours With Southern I: nope Hosed to Winter tourists, iu mi i.lntli il-, tit thi'-i' Sniithi'iii tosorts will be in strotij; ih-nmiil It would In' well to iniiUii niir iirriiiijreiueiits earlj. TO CALIFORNIA: . an usual Winter ratio., with r.iui. months' limit. . -"I iijri.m thriiinjh sLM'vico roulos to Denver. Kutis'is elty, St. Louis, Chi. :,. form tniispi.iioiiw i tul ili-slialilu portions of dlverso-route touts of tho h s- in. an 1 e S.iutli and. A-lc lor puhlicntioiis L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent t'-iM Pariiiiiii Street, Onialiu, Xohr N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. twji iHggjinKagrTxtctaywasEtfwarwifM HmacaaaissnautasjXEraiBsra mwm TA M K S Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the beft on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE MALONE-AVERY CO. ' TALK WITH l)S ABOUT TANKS i Il dHMHK riwnmvmm mammmmm Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING IL.KDY HTTENDKNTI Calls Answered Day or Night D. ANACK ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING GSEBSBSSmb In flic District Court oT Webster bounty. Nebraska. iic-iirnc Harris. flu 111 tl II, vs. NOTICI2 Mary II. IU-iiii, nrc Mary lln-k Pnrri'Sler, mill I'lmrlei V. Penn. hur liuKlmiul; Tlio imkiiiiuii hi'lr.t, iIcvIhul-m, li'Kutici nml pursou.-it ri'iirihtntntlvis ol .lusi'pli c, iicck,'iistil, ami all other ihtmiiin IiiUtl'hU-iI In thu estate ot.liiseili I'. Ili-ck, I'criiuiil; thiMiiikiiovvn heirs. i1i'Isock, li'Kati-i'N anil in-rMiual rcpn si'iitatlves of Mary .1. Ili-ck. Iiccc-asud, ami all other ihtmhis lutrri slcil In the estate of Mary .1. Heck, DiciuhviI; the uiikiiowii helm, ilevUien, leuntceR nml pc-rsoiinl representative ol llaminli V. Heck, Hecensed, ami all other persons Intere&ted In the estate of llnunali V. Hick, Hci-easeit; the uiikiiowii helis, ilevliees, U'KatecKauil jierMiual ripreseniiilhis ol Oliver I'. Heck. Iieceasul. ami all other perHoim Interesteil In thu iHtalo of OIIer P. lU'i-k, Pei-easinl, I.ouh II. iltek, anil Maria J. Ileek. his wife, I lie unknown ht-lrs. leuatie, ileslseeaml per- soiiHluti resli'l In theeslali'Of Anna Heel: tli eascil. Kefiiiilauts. To tin alioi uauieit ilelemlaulK, I.uuls II It. el. nml Maria. I. UlcK. his Mlfi . ami .Mary H Mi an in e Mary Hi ek I'orri sti r ami C'mii le . I'iai: In r hiiHliaml, non-reslili nts ol lliesiiu ol Ni hraska. ami to the unknown li Irs. id m lis. It ualtm Mint pi iMinal rt pre. nlaili soI.liMi pli c. tuil.. Iifci asul, nml another persons IlilniMiit In thu i-Mateol loiiph c. luck, DeeiaMil: the unknown lieln. ili'seiis. Ii-natee ami pi rMiu.-il npn-si-ntatlMs ol Mary.l. Heel.. Dietascil. uinl al' ullier pi imiiis Interi ilul In tlutestate of Mary I. Hi el.. Iici:iMtl: tlie unknown IiHin, ,(.i "ie. Ii-natiisaml pi-rxmat rrpni nlulUisol llaumih V. Iliek. Im u:mi1. ami all othei perncuiH luleri stiit In Hie i-slnti- ol llaiiunh V, Meek, HeieiiM il; tin. uiikiiowii In Irs. ill i sees. Ii i!ii ties mnl i i-rsoiiiil n pn -iiitallMsot DIlM-rf. Iliek, I'li-easi'il. nml all other pi r sous lou-rc-itul in lheestatuoliiliir P Hi el. I'i n :im , l. unknown hell', itvatees. ilivhees anil pi rviiislnti resttit In the estalt of Anna lleek, di ei'au'il: You mnl each ol you will take uullee that Hi tile mil itay of .sopti Hitler. Illlll, luuim ll.ii rlscomi.iini'eil nu aetlon mjalust you In On I'lsirli't i niirt ol Weiisur Count, Ni. liraska. aualut mi ami eaeh of you, tin- oh liel ami .iiMv..f uhlelilb to quiet title to tin liit-. -Jiiaiitt .1 In tiloek !!, (iarliu'K AiUll lion in Itul ( Ii.miI Neliinskn. Nuri furllu iiDiilliil thai you mi re. lulu -l In unsuii mi ( pitltlun on nr httore tin lilh day ol Now-mlier IIIKI. or Juilniiu nt u III In iiitiriil auorilliiv to the prayi r of -ill iu I'nti-il ii ptt'iniiir ., nipt, "t H unimi. II vnni-.. I'lalnttn. Notlot; o? t'robutc In The i utility i-uml ol Wi i.stir t'ounty Nebraska, slate ol Nebraska, i . Wohsler I'miiit , I I'o all lu-rsuiis InteriMiit In tin estate ol erlliiila I. ill. PeeeasCil: I KI:no-i i:. that a petition has bun Mini piaylm.' that the lustruimiil llleil In IhlKi'iuitt on the'J.!ililay of SeptemtuT. p.l!C, purpurtliu to he thela-t will ami lislamint of s-ibl iliicaseil. tuny hi- pr.iMil ami allow eil aiut rieonli'it as tlu hiht will iiml testament ot Vi rllml i l.iil, ilt'i'iMsul; salil Instill nii'iil ln iiiluiltteil to probate, ami the ail iiiluts'iailoii ol salil islate be mautiil to 1 Itn.eiii- I V.irn as Ket-ulor ol ihl ustale. I It islii'rehy mill rcil by tlm eourt. that all I pi rsons Interestul Iu salil estate appear at i tin i oiiiily i oiirt to he helil In ami lor salil fount) mi the -J:M ilay ol iietober, ItHli, at ten o'eloek a. m., toNhuw eause. II any there In. why the prayer ol the petitioner hhoiilil 'not be iiraiitul. ami that uiitlee ol the puiil uii'V ol sahl petition ami the hearlm: tin leof in i;ien to all persiins luiire-liil In salil iiuittirbv publl-ihlnu: a eopy ol this order Iu ilu Iti-il i loud Chief, a leual weekly news papi r printed Iu said enmity tnr thrie eon si i iitixe wei ks prior to said day of heailuu. W lilies-, my hand and tin-seal of said com t Ibis 1U il.iy ol ."ii'pli'iiiber, A. Ik. Mill. I A. P. HANNKV. '-iai.1 i'uiiiii .lii.t'ji-. I BLADEN Arlle Vincoi t mi In Itltiu Hill, Mon-lay. 1 liJinnr Mtirytn 'r v.tis , Ma&tliiKs. .Momlaj-. ilones Williams w ,s iu Mastlne., 1 M. in. lay KiMcoCtUT waa vUltinp In i Sitiiiduy, ' j IMph r.hit v'lsitsd in Uoltlrejd' o ei'nuiiiiiij'. ilnhii .loiiea nml Wni. .Sidcker wuru in llu 1 L'l jittl, Stiturdiiy. t'lmiili- CiiitiR'f mnl fHinily tut'oeil to II i Cloud. .SHlimluy II. V. Kuiiibuuli was down fium hiu colli from Thursday until Monday. Ml''. I'. II. Sajlor mnl Mrs. Clms. Cowluy won' In liu.l r.oiid, Snturday. Miss Muinlo Wt'fjnmti, of IJluu Mill, visited at thu home ol Dr. WVtfiunu over Sunday. Mis nullum left lor He 1 Lan Is, Culil., .Saturday, when- she intends to .spi-nd thu winter. Mi. l.'astBily eaiiie down lioin tliainl Island, S.t in day, to look after his property liele. -Miss Corn l'liuiee, who lias been visiting at Hruliun IIoa- thu past week, came home ThuiMlay. Mr. and Mrs. i:. H. M,tou left fr M'otts tin Us, .Motiduy, wheie thev in- ii-nii to eeu a incation Harold HoiiuIhiuI, f flay (iinter was a visitor at tlm home of (J. I) niiinsell, over Siimlay. ilolin Fussier, who has I, fen visiting at lullicrtson and llird Cilv thu pitbt two weeks, returned home 'Monday. MissAlta Hootn, who has boon at tending sehdol at Vork. is here visit Witf her hintet-, Mr-. Henry Pounds.. Mrs. O C. Krfmau and Miss Tillle Gmlo left for litis, L'olotado, Friday evening, where they intend to visit relatives Mr. and .Mrs. V. Itolliar, of Fort Collins, Colorado, are visiting at the home of Mis. Collins, sister of Mrs. David Kite. Howard, Ralph, and D.irrell Hoi'ate visited at tlio home or their p-rand-parents, Mr. mid Mr,. W. V. Uuiruto, uoiii i'1-ioiij- until Aiomiiiv. Sheriff's Sale i i i. HENRY COOK, M. D. IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES k X'XH4iC4.H.4..' 1 Noun u hen by lou, that under ami hy ir. m ol an Older ot sale Ismail troni tin "ilni M dllh l McKiltfhau Clirk ot the Pistrul ( oiirt ot theTintli .liidli-lal liMrlit. .wi'.bln and tor SVebslir eounty. Nebraska up ni a deeri e In an action pemllnu. tin re In ' 1 win n in Martin It. i orner Is IMalullit and tualiiM I'raiiklln V. I'ntHftal., was liifend- ants. I Mirul oiler forsale at pillille enilue, ai'i-.irdlm; to the terms ot said ileeree, to the highest blddi r fur rash in hand, at thu south tlnnr of the court house, at Ited Cloud, In said Webster county, Nebraska, (that helm; the building wherein thu last term ot suld ( unit was holdeni on tlin'ldiiy of October A. I. HUH at I o'clock P. M.. ot said day. the follow Inu described property, towlt: Lots ni. 'jiiaml'JI liliiek :t. (tarln.ri. M'cond Addition to Ited Cloud, Nebraska. oi en under my hand this 'JU day ol Sep. tember A. I., Ill.ll. u. i iu;i),iri. Mis. Hallum, Thos. Hallani. Mrs. V. h Denny and Mr. and Mrs t!. t; Uoss were visitlnj; at itho homo of Alvuh hherinau in Ked (Moud, hiturd.iy INAVALE Mr. Dunn and family went to 13 uoui iiik'ton, Minday. Mr. Malkins, who has liecn quite sick, is lmpiovino; .Mrs (ieo. Ilistinys returiie I liouii ruesiiay lrutn Iowa. Tlie M K. Ladies Aid met Wediios l.iy at tlio I'lniivli lor imu-I:. Little I'ritieess Lundy. wlnnva. v.ry sink hist wiek. Is iiiiirivitio;. Mis. t'laieiiee Uuipe'-s spent Fi'nla n Ked (Jloud with relatives. II. 11. Iloldl-eile. who has be"li quite sink I'orsevetal days, is iinpiovliu; Mesilaiues Steve Kennedy mid Hoy I'alllH'l- wein in iiil f!l, oi,l s;., ,.,,., i ,t Mr. uinl Mrs. SMekiiev n'turnel I'ri day niiit from their visit in tlie east Clarence Hurem and fmnilv spent Sunday with .Miles I'littuan uml family, Miss Mayetta Marker is on the sn'k list this week mil linublo to attend Mr. Kib ol the fliiisllan i-.iitreh spent Saturiliiv nii'lit wni. fnvir In.-au and wife. Mi. and Mrs. .1. DoMiniim- an I i has Martin and lamily arrlied Tne-lu l"ioin the west. Mert Kislier leturned Sunday morn iiii: from H-puhliean f'lty wlieie he had been lelieviii"; a foieinau. Mrf' A Waldo was called to the Drtii Noriis liimu I'iii'mI i.v on aueonni ol the illness of her mother. Mesdamos C. K. .loyee imuI liny Marker Hi-eoiiipanied their aunt Mi. S. II. MradleV us far as Anrnt-ii'lust Tlnus- lu.V. .Mis S. II. Uradley left Thursday for Seattle, Washington, to spend the ivItltMf ii'llli 1 ,l..ii..l.t .... :l.n ...III -- --.. IIV. 1.1.1,11.1-1. .T.IU Will also visit her neiee. Mrs. it W. Thomp son, at Hillings, Montana. Annual Statement ol tho Condition oT the H. E.GriceDruf-Co., ( Im-orporateili October 1st. p.iifi. iiKsoum i:s Mock and I'ixturcson Hand. . J wi77'8 HIllH Itecilvahle I7III..U Cash ou Hand 777.-.H IU.-,7l.i 1.1 A 111 I.I't II S Capllol Slock ... Hills Payable .... Sin plus I 'mnl II. i: . 1 1 rice, President. 7700.U' 1.11.7 'JltlU' M.17I.U1 I-:. I,, tirlmes. Mcretary. Corn Ready for Selection Corn in most parts of the state is in good condition Pur seed selection, ae cording to members of the Mxtetisiou Service of the college of agriculture. Since corn is about normal this year, tluue is little cause for woiry in tho seed situation, tlio curctiil selec tion always pays dividends. The man who selects ill the crliiotteit takes tlie largest ears and usually get.s the later corn by doing this. Selection iu tlie II -ilil enables him to choose on the tni'is ,nf early maturity. Also, re liable seed permits him to plant exact ly the amount necessary to got a de sired stand, and there Is no likelihood of getting the eorn too thick or too thin bv gues'ing how much heed .will germinate. Probably the most convenient way to gather seed Is to do It while husking early feed for the hogs, a common practice, ou many farms, A box may be put on the side of the wagon, anil seed ears placed in this as they are found Immediate drying is necessary lor corn thus selected, F.arly selection and proper drying often make Hid eats test unnecessary. I'lelimlnary lests usually show such corn to be unit irmly goo'. 8 Pure Bred Poland China 1 Cholera Immune Soar Sale pi m ?mitli Mr. .i c, to Ailitrt i nth c Sons, will hold thc.r I'.'ili Annual Pure Hr i Sdle, at OrJiarJ I loini-Sioil t nr n, 2 mi!e ..outhe.vt ol A t I op C. iJanu ,-pii l) m,!r mirilisc t I Supctioi Neb., en Wcdnosday, N-JClCDCl m3 fl ''rMtnlfcrn.ii...r .t ,A .-70 BOAI7G nnd 20 GILTS Alilioii ,h tl,.- name lia bc-ii chuwe !, ,i yoj fee, the linj snlc .i!l continue in die --im,- u.iv.n. ik.uI The senior niifir,h r hvnn from the hard woikof ihs farm anj ho,; lm.mi.jj, nr, the, will on'inj" llie liji.nvs ai ujuiI. Wc have our herJs sepctat.-, earn owning nml Irs own hosj, but will icllthtm toellier, each year, with the topi cf each hctd incluJed. Tlie 40 Imim include 2 sn yearlinj and 38 well developed rpnnspigj, the topi ol each herd. Th-y are good, b g, tmooth. b bone plgi. w.lh lo'j of jlretch and nnd iinlily .md i.iclnd seirra! herd boat proipecli. Every pig hai a fine arch back and Kind coil ol hut and loikj cry pronuin?. Tiien- p'g ate tired by our 3 herd boan. Jumbo. Jr. by Nebr.i.k.i Jumbo. Anwon Uen hy I3ig Hen Amazon f nil Giant Vonder by Excellent Wonder l, A Wonder and hnie the tame blood tinei on the dam's idc a we have raurd for t-icr.d yean patl. We alio have .owe new blood for old cudom cu. The fiilli arr seliclcd from both hcrdi and will do good for the buyer. We extend to each and cety one a cordial welcome to this. a!e whether you wish to buy or not We will Kive all n iquarc deaKid treat you a good ni we know how. You will be treated by m the same as in the pasl. Remember the I IOCS ARE ALL IMMUNE, with the I Icincr Serum Company's serum. NO POSTPONEMENT on acocunt ol storm. Sale UNDERCOVER, beginning at 1:00 p m. FREE LUNCH at noon WRITE I-OR CATALOGUE. SMITH BROS., Owners! SUPERIOR, NEBR. A. W. Thonpson. W. C I lenderson, G. G. Denny, Auctioneer!. John Young. Clerk. mHSmySSmSfSSioBmsxmmmmmvMr TTITnirifirTs r I IF YOU WANT A IWade Right, Lettered Right And Erected flight SEE OVERIJIG BROS. & GO. Makers ot Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska &&MX2rnm:mm!mnn 8 9SVi&liSi0E3mm&3&&2IB!mgsm!g0 Do You Believe In Religion With Sectarian Paint? Morning Subject "The Holy Spirit Operates Only Through the Mind In Changing the Heart and Affections of Mankind" Evening Subject "The Greatest Falsehood in Religious History" SPECIAL MUSIC jThe United Church KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:". A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DKVIOLOPKD- 10c MAIL YOUR ORDER TO I'S Stevens Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber fl ftlg j Tk . a tf-- -' o- Krae j .. . ai vui I rbze a nntk ,.' 2 Pa IM 1 ra MS bt-w 1&5L E R.E.CAMP9D.C. Chiropractor Phones Iii(li'pi'ii(U-nt 2li ( Uell Kfil li.l Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED C?"OrKin: OvKit Ai.iiitiniirs Siottu WWVJVV.V.V.V.V.W.W.". : COL. J. H. ELLINGER : $ AUCTIONEER l J is now rcmly tn plnco yoursnlo ilati-s. I" J Ask nny niu ns tn my nunlltlratlons J , for whom 1 hnvorrli-il snlcs. lniliiiu J ilt-nt pnoiioSoiilii. Wrltowlronr i-nll J Ri:d Clold, Nkiir. ! V.w.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.w.v.:! THE ALARM is n dreadful thing OF FIRE for tlio man without liisiii-nnco. Kvory tiniu he see.s the engines lauitig hIoiik his hourt comes up in his tht-oitt if tho lire is nnywliei-e tieur his phice. Wlmt folly, wlint nils. tiiUen t'conoinv. THE COST OF i so small that it INSURANCE need lnirilly bf coiisiilei-ed. Tho freedom from woriy uloni) is worth it ninny times over II live us Insure you to-ihiy. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. C. 11. Mini r Hr s. s. I'lanlorf. M. I), c Muimuir VL-tirlimo luCluirvc C. il Miner Serum Co. I'KDI' Anti Hoj Cholera Serum Red Cloudy Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense V, S. Veterinary License No, 45 MM Pi I M & Iftraai n.) Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consul r.TH).v and Examination I'hi.k 'Osteopathy tho Sulonco of Ileullnicr .. by Adjiistiimut." Given to tlie'. World hy A. T. Still, A. 1). 1S7V OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE lie-in 1'hom:s URI) CLOL'I). NnBIl WmiHw" -fwwf-rrp-s, 7- wutttwim - ? &KASJ. MU.W4"