SED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, bHIEF After October 1st Mil ; in i i im mmmtn mhwhihww iimiimi iS tt trading Stamps When books arc filled owners will receive $3.25 in Merchandise or $275 in Cash Which Figures Yon Olc. in Merchandise 04 Call and get a book in which to keep your stamps WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD A I lleiT-. the liliit'ltMiiith, it now employed at tlu HuMon shop. Ilrliif in your work to lilin Notice of Final I'cnott. In tlic utility Court of We titter county. Si lirnikn. 1 In Hit muter ol tin entail' ol .jiplm Hirm t. ill i'i n(d. Ml iiirvnii liutrttliit In nlil ittnti' fire In n-iiy imtlllnl tlmt llin l.tii'ulnr IijihIIIiiI 11 lln.'il iiirmuit 11111I riiimt nl lilt iiiliiilliMrn Ion. mill upfiltluii lor the lluiilMjttlciiiiuit ol n 11 li ni'i'iiiini mid riut. mill lorn iIpcmcoi iluttlbii'loii ol tin- ritliliicnl kmIiI iwtiiti'. Mint fur mi' iilvtiiiii'lit ol thi' 11 .11 1 stiili' Iicloim 1 In ( tin n in. Mini tt illti liiirm' Irnni hit triiHt, I tul ol which Milit nrittiTH IniM' In en vt Inr I lii'itrlnv Itrfoii'Kiilil lourton tin- 'J'st ilny ol Di'lxlii r. I'lin ai tin hour olio o'l'lui U. n. in., win 11 nil piTMiiiH lull ii'sti il ma iiinm mill roiiii M tin N111111 , Ii'iliil thin 'Mill ilii ol si-iti nilicr. T'lii. a i A. I. It NM t, ' ( mint) .1 tnl ue. B F t oisssrcaiSHMnuKraaKjRKsafr PERRY Notice to Contractors. si ilt. I IIIiIh will hi'iii 1 ImiI Ml tin ollli'ii nl tli 1 lly li rl: up to Uo'cloi'k Noon ili'tobir ii run lor tlii'(.'oiHtriii'tliinof 11 SI1I0 Walk 1,11 tin South SI1I11 of Lot III mill till) Wist ! Lint nf l,oiH i:i mill II nil In Mini's 21 Kid Intnl. Miiry II. I'nrki r ow in t. i liy i.iikI- iiror l.ttiiiiiiic'H.'.TO. I'Iiih itinl pitlllr!ilIoiin on llli In Ity Ml T k Mlllll'l', 1 '.111 il (ii'tnlii r Inl. mill. mmI I . (. r. tki:i., 1 ity ( lirl.. ignmmii')iMi.nymiiiiin.Jiu mwiojiw Democratic Candidate for County Clerk of Webster County Ihavo boon a resident of Nebraska since lH7t) and have never asked for or held a public office. Have had twenty years experience in the mercantile business and consider myself perfectly capable and qualified to handle this office in a manner satisfactory to all. I will APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE and ASSISTANCE. B. F. PERRY, Red Cloud, Nebraska In I In: IHslrlcl fourt of Webster Comity. Nebraska. inoriL llarrli, l'hilntll). , n. NOTICI2 Mnr II. IH.iii. hit Mnr Ilcek t'orrtslcr, uinl I'hnrlct . Hi an. her huilrutil; ecrJHM Winter!!.1-!; ujl :'7"j.irt;'i uui iXi HBaim m BUUKTrnXISHUUn;3Hran3aaXiaCK39BSUC T i our 1st Fares I'Mcotlvo October I th. we sliall establish attractive Winter Tourist fan", to I- ornlii, Gulf iiisnriH, Ti'Mis mill tlio south Ki'iierully also :t jtlitn of riiveinu riure Soutlu'in touts With Snitliein Kuiope closed to Winter tourists, lie x)iiniliit ion-, nt these Southern 1 esorts will lie in uttoittf ileiumiil It would .v well to niiiUo your uir.tncmciits eatly. TO CALIFORNIA: Iliii usual Winter rates, with nine mouths' limit. l.nrl iifftoii tlirou'h suivleo routes to DiMiver, Kims is city, St. Louis, Chi cago form conspicuous uinl ilesitiiblo portions of iliveise-toutu tours of the his one anil attractive Smth. an 1. Aslt for ptihlleations llli L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent luOl I'ainiiin Street, Omaha, Nobr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. Jsamjmvtai:Ei5K:iaavji:muat TA M K S nnnnu IWWTWIWMIWfni Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE M ALONE-WEM CO. TALK WITH IIS ABOUT TANKS" Pianos and Musical Merchandise i UNDERTAKING LKDY KTTENDKNTl Catls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK I ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING .M ::::::' ......... ""."."." -............ I t I ? I HEHRY COOK, M. D. is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j The utikiiow ii III Irs, iluvNei s, Imali'cs and pi rsonal rrprisuiitiillves of losL'phr. Hi ck. IUochm'iI. mnl all other iierioiit Intirrsti il In the istnte ol losepli ('. Iiei'k. Iipiiasul: thi' luikiiown helm, ih' liven, leuali I'M ami prrsouat reprt si'iitatlvvM ol Mary .1. Ili-uk, Uti'iasuil. and all othrr piTHuui IntiTesti'd In the iKlale ol Mar I. Ilrek, I'm iikiiI; the imknowu heirs, iluvlsus, lci;:itCL:iuil personal rrpri'M'iitatlMs ol Hannah V. Ilrek. Heetast'd, and nil other pcrKoim lutcri Htiil In the estate of lliiunnh V. Hi ok, Iiltiiim'iI; Hid unknown hetis, ilc Isci s, li'K'itccNaml personal representative! of (Jlher 1'. Hick. Iifctaiid. and all othrr iiTH()MK luti restrd In the i stale of OIImt l. lit cK, Diiiasi'd. Louis II. Ilcek, and Maria I. IK el., his wife, I hi' mil. now u heirs. Iricati e. di l-i i:nd pir Aoiislnti'ii'htid In thi i stair of Anna lliek di i tnsL'd, I t'fi ml. mts. To thi'aliOM' naiiKil tit ftndaiith, l.ouls II Hick and Maria. I. Ilivk. his wlfn, mid Mary II I'i an. nit' Maty Ilcek I'lirrtstcr millenar ies V. I'tau lit r htishaiiil. iian-rtsliUnts ol thestateol Ntlira-.ka. audio tin iiiiknown heirs, tte Isi t h. It i;iiti is mid personal rt pre. si'iitatlMsof loM'ph r. Hick. Iifii.'isrd, and allothur pti.suus luleristtd In the t state of lost pli (. Hick. iHU'UMil; the imkuown hi Irs, di'XlM'cs. It iiittts and ptisounl n pre sentittlM'S ol M.iry.l. ItueV, Dii eisul. it ml all other pi rsoiisluteristi d In thet state ol Mai I. lliek, lni'iiiM'd: thi'iiukuowu IilIis, dul ii es, It cnti es and pirimal lepitMulatlMsol llamiah V. lliek. Iiit'iastd, and all otlu r pi isoiis luti n sti d lu tin istate of tlauuali V, lliek. liiei'.'iMd;' tin iiiikuow u lit Iin, del s'ts, lutsati is and lerMinal ripreM ntatlvtstif (HIM r I', lliek, littiasid. mid all otliLr per sons lull n itt din tin t state of I Mixer I' Hi ek Ihtcm-i il. unknown In Irs. Iialns, devhtes and pi rMMisuiteiisiiil In the t'statt of Anna Hick, dt etiisi d: You ami i nth of you will take milieu that mi tin utli il of 'ptt'iitti . I'Uii. (norue llairls eiiiiiiniiiiiil an aellnu aualust ouln the lNtilit li'iut ol Wehsttr I oiitit), Ne liraska. lualnsi , inn ami tut Ii of on, the oh Ii i I and piai r ol which M to timet title to tin Ion 'JU ami :i m hlnek :i. (larlnr's Addl tlmi lo lit '1 r loi .1. Nil raska. You Hie tin tin i i.otllliil that j mi art te. MUlii d to iihsiu'i sa d jii tllluii tin or heforu tin nth tint ol NoM'iuliii' t U 1 ii. or Judumint will lie intiiid firm: dint; to the pra.Ner ol N.ild pi tltltm. liititlhtptimiiTf). mm. i l ID (l urn. l. il i;ats. I'lalntlll. Mallei; of Proliitti;. In I l.o i nunt l ourl of t listi r Counl Nilinii-ka. sfiti ol Nehraska. i U i lister i oiiiu, i " In all piisuus luteiestid In the i stale ol Vi illnda I. lit. Iitieasid: I' M I. Mll'lt'K. that a pelltliiii has In in Hied prailim that the Instrument Hint In this eoiirl on the Ski day ol Septeiiihi r, I'lli', put imrilm; to he Hid lust will mnl tiHtaimut nl s.ild diet '1st d, nniy he pr ed and allow t tl and n toiilid as the last will mid tistameul of i rllnd i I. nl. ilive.isul; said lustru j mi lit he admlltid to prohale, and the ad i mliitsiiatlou of H'tltl estate hu itrmited to llo-eot I'tMi-iias llM'i'iitor of s.xld estate. Itlsheieli) ordi ml hy the eolirt, that all 1 pirsous luti'ii'stid In said estate appear at tin' County Court to be Ik Id In mid (or said .eiiunlj on thcrid da) ol uetoher. Itllli, at J ten ii t loek ,i, in., to show cause, II mi) tin n I he, why the prayer ol the petlllounr Kliould not he mauled, ami that mitlt'e of the pi ml ....... ... ..i. i .....i.i.... .....i ,r... i.....i.... .1.. -.,.. ,-ll ill P.ii,. il- in lull ,11111 llli' lllilllllK tin I IS ! i I hi ulwn lo all persims lutere-ted lu said matter h. puhllshlim a ropy o this ordi r lu the Kid l loud thief, a IiumI wiekly news p'lpet prlntul In said eotiuty foi three eon I sieiitle weeks pilor tosald ilay of liearlm; ' Itness iii.n ham) mid the seal ol said eourl this ZM day ol s.ipuinhu A. D.. nun. A. P. UANM.Y. leal. Count .IiuIki Sheriff's Sale Notice Is henlij ul en, that mull r mid h) litm of an Older ol sale Issued from the olllee ol I'Mlth I.. McKiluhau Clerk of the District Court of the lentil Judicial District within ami for WchMti county. Nehraska ' j up hi aiUvriu In an ai'llon pcnillni;. therilii i wnertin Marun u, lormr is ri.iiuiiu, mini mtalust Crankim V. i ass et al., w as Di feud-' ants, I shall oiler lor sale at public eiiilut nt'cordlUB to the terms of said ill cree, to the htithest hldder lor cash In baud, at the south door ol the Court house, at lied Cloud, lu said Wi'hsicr county. Ni hrnskti, (that heliiK thelmlldlmt wherein the last tt rm of K-il.l . court was holdeui on the ildiiy of uctober A. I D. 1'JIII at I o'eloek I'. M.. of said day, the follow IniMlt M-rlbtd prnpt rt, towit: I Lots Ilk at and '.'I llloek II, (iarhers Second Addition to lied Cloud, .Nebraska. (ilMU under my hamt this 'JO day ol hep temhir A. D., IIUll u. D. Ilt:i)(ii:,hherlll. BLADEN Mrs J. Dcrr was in Dewcue, Friday. Floyd Hntli was in lilue Hill, I'rldny Vein (itini.oHe left for Oliinlui, Moll-dny N O It Ittilteslraw was a pussensfer lo Oimilin, 'I nesiliiy. Ft mil! Knutlui was it jrissutior t llnstliit;s, Mnudnv. .Mis. IM Rath anil son, Fmy.l, vtio in Oiii; lust .Sumiay. .Jon Uuins, ,Ir mnl Fr.mU llntler lelt Frlilwy uvuiiiitf lor lleverlv. Mr. ami Mis. W. 1. Thome v.ire in Kearney one day last uik. I'hillip Wolfe letunieil Fihliiy lioiii his two week's outing in the West. Mr unit Mis. .1 (!. Lut wero visit. iiiK frlnds In Iloldrodue hist weelc. Mrs. V. H. Itheu. of ilol Irefje. vlsil ed Iter son, V. L. lilte.i ami family, Mouilay. Lislo .(ones left for Liiieolti, Sitttir day, to take up woilc in the College. Mrs. .losie lliilversoti has lieeit v!s'. iiiU her Mister, Mis. Chits Iluller, the past week. Mrs M. Fetirhelin, of Lansing, Iowu. is isitino; lier.lstiiik. Mis White ami ftmlly, this week. M!s Maiait't Tuin1 iinjrli left one day lust vi ijk for Alhaiiy, Nehr , w lierc .she will te.ieh this year. Mr. mid Mis. Oiluii Simiusoii, of Donaldson, Xelir.tska. are visiting ut the home of Orvll Oberjr this v.cnk. Miss Cot a Fratwe left for Hroktn ltow, .Saturday, whete she intends to umke an extended visit wUh relatives W. K. Tope ami ilauliters, Illla, Mael ami Nettie, left for Hrle, llli nois, h'attirduy, for an extended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford rc turned Thursday evenltiK from u two week's visit with relatives at Hiivenna and I'awneo City. Mrs. Jones Williams went to Hast ings Saturday for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dolphy Clark, and son, Floyd Williams. Mis Alfred Kaudiillr diMiKMUtr of II. Ilemlreti, came in Ftiday from T Watsonville, Caiifornia, for an extend ed visit with her patents. Mt. Alvah Sherman, of Red Cloud, who hasheeu visitinir her parents, Mr. and Mis (!. !. Ros. of lllmleli, ry turned to her home, Friday. Mi-. Martha Nahley. a sister of Mrs. I'j.irl l.oekharl, wliiim she has been visiting' the ptsl few weeks, returned (o her hotuu at II ''km, in, Friday. Organize Wilson Club. On Monday evening, a law numliei of Deinoerats tm-t at the court hniise mid organized a Woodrow Wilson ftu I'tesiiJeut eliih und whose purpose will he to suppoit the te election of the United States greatest president. The following olllci'is were elected: Dr. It. 1'. Ho.xsey, Fresident. Clius., Vice President. II. ( . I.otsuil, 1 leasuier. it. 1". Weesnor, Secretary. The followlii,' weie elected on the various committees: Memlmr-hip-Air MeCall. R 1 Mi Alister, .). L. Christian, R. W. L'oplen, K I Payne, Koht. Stratton, doe Crow, I' A. MeArthur and Chas. Rust. Financu -11. C. Letson. Ii. F., W. L. Weestier. .J. II. Jliailcy, T ,l.1)ia moml, R. C. Caldwell ami F. K Maur er. Program II. A. Letson, .1 L. Ueelie and .1. L. Uhrlstlan. Kx-ecutive P. M. Whitehead, F. W. Cowden. llernanl McNeny, Dr. Darner ell and F .1. Monday. This eluli will meet every Monday uiejht and every man who expects to vole for President Wilson should join. AH of those who wisli to contribute to the can palcjn fund should see the tieastircror lliianco committee. The Democratic state and national candi dates do not have the trusts or corpor atioiib to fall back upon for their caiu ltle;n expenses but are ashing the com mon people for what assistance they might gladly gWv. CATTLE SALE At Inavale Stock Yards Friday, Oct. 13 At One O'clock p. m Sharp 78 Head of Well Bred STEERS Most I v Red in Color Yearlinfts and Olds TeriflS I O months time, 1 0 B- F- MIZER Owner FRED KOLB, Autlionecr S.'R. FLORANCE, Clerk She bought one pair-then a box Trying a pair of "Burson" is pretty sure to mean you'll go back for more. But why shouldn't you? Look at the diirerence between ordinary stockings and If R SON Fashioned Hose f Cftllr.i'l1 On I fM i .11 nl n Hldt' lllnt. ..i ,'lir.t.w! r. rt It..t n... f ' .3jV.J111 U11.1.11I.V,U pi U .1,0.1 UlVi Hit .-IUIJU1.I lift lllUJl llliS knit, without seams I nm and snusJ-fittinj. yet perfectly smooth and comfortable. And the 'knit-in' shaie stays it cannot be worn nor washed out. Cotton Lisle and Mercerized 25q 35c 50c 75c, Outsiic, Tri'tik Top, Rib Top and White Foot Sole. IMrs, Barbara Pharesl JnP &&& PL rTLRICK PATTERNS mM3a8& mmi&$aE!8zmd 3m5s;&is IF YOU WANT A POTEST OR A PRPR IVlade HiQht, Lettered flight And Freeted Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska I A Day of Great Things -Sunday Morning Subject "Does The Holy Spirit Operate Directly On The Sinner's Mind?" Evening Subject "Has The Church The Moral Right To Make Creed a Test Church Fellowship?" SPECIAL MUSIC I The United Church KODAKS Better Kodak Finishinj! And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ItOId.S 1)H HI,OlMjn-10c HAIL VOIR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Grber r. " """ .0T'W-' qj. R.E.CANP,D.o Chiropractor Phones Ii"'i-'nt aw ( Uill lU'il 101 Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ISrOiTirK Oveii Ai.iiuioiitV SlOItE ingE THE ALARM is h ilrcudful think- OF FIRE for the iiuiti without insiiruiii'u. Kvery time lie sous t lie etijjliios tncitig ulotii; hN liPiirt come, up in his throat if the llro is miytvlu;ro iieitr his plitce. Wlmt folly, what mis. Uiltell eeotloiuv. THE COST OF is so suuill tlmt it INSURANCE ueeil lmrilly he eousiileti'il. The freedom from wony iilouo is worth it uiuuy times over Hiive Us Insure you to-iliiy O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. C. II. M lut r Mnmitr Dr S. s. Diuntorf, M.n. Ct Voterlimry lu t'ltarue WWUVAV.SV.V.VV.V.WWV 5 COL. J. H. ELLINGER : I AUCTIONEER " i J U now resuly to plnco your Nalu ilntes. i " Auk nuy imu us to my tiunlllU'nllonti ' , (nr wlioin I lunucrlfil siiU's, luilepiu J itt'iit imouu'Sim ID, Write Mlro or call i Kkd Cloud, Nt.nK. C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'ltonniats- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloutlr Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Veterinary License No. 45 Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory CONsl'L'l ATION ANT) EXAMINATION Fm:i: 'Osteopathy tlio Rulonco of IIealinr by Ailjustmuiit." Given to the Worl.l hy A. T. Ktill, A. D. 19" i. OFFICE OYER SMITH SHOE STORE Hum i'iiom: IlKD CLOL'I). NT. Oil ...1 .'...............a V-.--.-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV :::::-:: .-........ ,................ ...-.........;..t..;...:..-m-..-..-..-..-..:m:..:.. ."."-".".""."""." .................... :::: t .