The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1916, Image 5

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Gossard Corsets
A Style for livery l'lgure
si She for livery One
$1.50 and up
You may as well Buy the Best, for by so
doing you get
They Cost No More Than Ordinary Makes
Sold in Red Cloud by
The Miner Bros. Co.
A Mighty Safe Place To Trade
"Votes for Women" nrplieum
diiy, Aug. Stli.
Come to Ileil Clou.l and ilo your trml-
Rev. .1. H Jnrboe ot Lincoln is in tlio
city this week.
I). W. Fay of Uliiu Hill was on our
btiocts Monday.
Al Grubcii, of Hliif Hill, wns on
our btrccts, Tuesday.
Miss Cliarlottti lluui stottu spoilt
Wednesday in Umvles.
Mi-.'? Isabelle Maynard was a passun
Ker to Lincoln, Wednesday.
New Summer Dress Goods now be
luff sliown by Miner Hros. Co.
I'rot 1'. M. Whitehead returned
heme from Lincoln last ovonini,'.
Win. Kuehn's Lamb Chop are now on
sale at Yost'- Meat Market. adv
Mrs. C. T. Dirkensnii went to Blad
en, Wednesday, to visit her son, Clyde.
Mrs. J A. ISrndfoul and children re
turned home from Hastings Tuesday.
Mrs A. A. Lelloy is in Hebron this
weed; visiting with her mother and
Mr. Fied DeTour returned to (iuide
Hock, Wednesday, after visiting rela
tives here.
Mrs. N. II. Simpson leturned homo
from Codv, Saturday, whore she visit
ed her son.
Mrs. S.C. Kills and daughter, MKs
Helen, went to Lincoln, Wednesday, to
visit relatives.
Mrs. Mary Simpson and Mrs Maude
llenfro wont to Armour, Tuesday, to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trobold of
Campbell spent Sunday at the Henry
Dipderloh home.
Karl Diekorson returned to Pauline,
Tuesday, utter visiting n tow days
with friends bore.
Wallace Moranvillo of Amherst is
visiting his "landfuther, Dr. J. W.
MornuvUle, this week.
Art ntid Will Chancy of Superior
vi-tted their parents, Mr. and Mis. .1.
K. Chaney, Wednesday.
Wan i in 50 to So lbs., thrifty stoeic
hogs. Will pay premium over tnnrket
price. C. H. Miner Serum Co.
lolm Foster and dauj,'litor, Miss Kva'
spent Tuesilay evening' In Uopubllcan
City with Mr. and Mrs. Postern.
Uhas. Ludlow returned to McCook,
Tuesday, after spending several days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V
Kev. Whitaker will preach at 11 a. m.,
and J. Ilihv, .larboe at 8 p m. next
Sunday at the Church of the Dieiliicii.
Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mis. .J. H. Koblnson and
Mesdames Itubcn Schnlt. and Fred
Wlttwer went to (Initio Hock, Wednes
day, to isit relatives.
Attorney II. X. Xicholson returned
to his home at West Point, Sunday,
after spending a few days with Ids
brother, Dr. K V. Xicholson, who in
in company with Aaron Hedge accom
panied him to Hastings via the Ford.
On last Monday night, at about mid
night, lightning struck the barn of the
Amboy Mill A: Hlevator Co , on their
farm located one mile west of the mill,
and destroyed the building ami con
tents, including a jack and stallion.
The uuimals were not tied and the
doors of the barn were- open but they
failed to take advantage of tho oppor
tunity to escape. The loss totaled
about flTuO, no insurance being carried
on building or the stock.
liny your (Irocerlosof Minor Hros.Co.
V.. .1. Overing was in Cowlcs, Tues
day. (i. W. Llndsey spent Tuesday in
Miss Julia Warren is In Superior
tliis week.
Pi. W. Myers, of Xora, was in town
Hoy Itobbins rcturuotl to (initio
Hock', Friday.
Mrs. Ucsslo Cain is visiting in Den
ver this week.
A housu anil !1 lots for sale. Inquire
of John Foster
Miss Ketta McDowell .spent Tues
day in Hastings.
C. I-1. Cather was a passenger to
Supetior, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. llutVer spent
Tuesday ill Hastings.
Mrs. Morton Smith returned homo
from Xelson, Friday.
II. A. Merdrin, of Akron, Colorado,
spent Sunday In tho city.
Miss Mary dab, of Ilubbel, is visit
ing her sister, Miss Anna.
Mis Inez Fetty, of Iuavale, took
in the Chautauqua, Friday.
Mi'ss F.tta Watson of Winner, Kan
sas, was in the city, Friday.
I-M Fear ii and wife spent Sunday
in (iuide Hock with their son.
A. T. Walker and wife went to De
wit t, Sunday, to visit friends.
Miss Helen Moore, of Lincoln, is
a guest at the C. F. Cather home.
Miss Emma Hliss'of Inavale, spent
Satuiday at tho lirant Turner home.
Remember tho dates of the Xebnis
ka State Fair are September 1th to Sth.
Has your subscription expired? Seo
date on address of this week's Cliu:r.
Miss Ulancho Pope returned homo
from summer school at Lincoln, Sat
urday. Xow (jtiecn Quality Shoes Low mid
Shoes aro now being shown at Miner
Ilros. Co.
Miss I rune Pegg returned, Friday,
from Kearney, whero she attended
summer school.
Misslruia Grimes has returned to
Hastings after visiting with her broth
er, H. L tiiimes.
Mis Elsie Cather returned from
Lincoln, Saturday, whero sho visited
for several weeks.
Mis. James Mcintosh left Tuesday
for Powell, Wyoming, to visit with
Clms. Isoin ami family.
Kev. .1. M. Hates loft Saturday
morning for Denver when' he will
spend two or three weeks.
Miss Florence Kellogg returned
home from Kearney, Saturday, where
sho attended normal school.
Will (ialbraith and family returned
el home from (irand Island, Saturdny,
whero lliov visited relatives.
Mrs. J. II. Morrison ami daughter,
of Superior, spent tho weekend with
Mr. ami Mrs Walter Warren.
Misses Goldte and Louise Wilson
went to Friend, Monday, after visit,
ing at the Chri'-s Zeiss home.
F. II. Cassil returned homo Satur
day evening fio Lyons, Kansas,
where ho bail been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Holllster left
Satuiday for Lincoln after visiting a
month with their son, (ieo. V. Holl
lster. Tho Misses Marie Wolfe, Marybello
Hassingei, Maurino Caldwell and
Jennie and Margnrut Miner returned
homo Frldsy from Peru where they
had been attending the State Normal
Monday, Aug. 7
Marguerite Clark
The Paltry Munetie Star, in
"Wildf lower"
A beautiful charaetei iatioii and a
delightful tale of sweet Innoceiise ami
eternal youth A drama of the lights
and shadows of the forest ami the
depths and shallows of human life.
Regular prices
Friday, August 4
The Iron Claw, the I'athe Pictorial
and two comedy pictures
Saturday, August 5
A strong and entertaining live reel
program, consisting of the "Uroken
Promise, a three reel Knickerbocker
drama, Chicago Tribuno Xows anil a
Nest week' "Old Curosity Shop."
Miss (Jertrude L. Coon spent Satur
day in Hastings.
Cecil liarrett is homo from St.
Francis, Kansas.
Mrs. Lloyd Perry lett .Saturday for
Mini City, Kansas.
Dr. A. V. Holes returned from
Franklin. Saturday.
William Foster, of Republican City,
was in town Friday.
Miss Ruth Johnston has returned
home from Lincoln.
Miss l'.laneh Gov, of Bladen, visited
with Mrs. C. C. Cox, Fiiday.
Attorney liornard McXeny returned
homo from Alma, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii liutlor spent Sun
day in C'owles with CJ. A. Wells.
Mi. and Mrs. Curt (Jeer spent the
weekend in Franklin with relatives.
James Uyan and Chet Sheeley at
tended the cat nival at Franklin, Fri
day. IMitor Karl L. Spcuce,of the Frank
lin Xews, was in the city Sunday
Will Provost and wife arc homo
from McDonald, Kansas, where they
spent a mouth.
Oris Fearn and wife returned to
Hastings, Saturday, after a few days
visit with his patents.
Lew Fearn, of I'lainview, Texas,
arrived in the city the last of the
week to visit relatives,
Henry liiclimomi, of Omaha, was
the guest of Attorney IJernard Mc
Xeny and wife, Fiiday.
Eli Houchiu, of Wheeler, Kansas,
was visiting leiatives ami tiieutU in
this vicinity this week.
H.ul S.ilailen letiirnetl home from
Peru, Satuiday. where he attended
the Sthte Normal school,
(ieo. K, S'elS'en and Frank Leader
brandt left overland for South Da
kota the last of the week.
J. K. Yost is now dilvir.g a new
'Overland iinti mobile which he pur
chased of James Peter-on.
Miss Dortiiiiy iioni.-a returned 'o
Itluo Hill, Saturday, after .spending a
week with Miss Kriria Hanney.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe, of Uiid
City, Kansas, arc visiting rolathoi
and friends in tho city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith returned
home fioin Clayton, Kansas, Satur
day, whole they visited their sou.
in "Hetty in Search of n Thrill". A
dcliglitlul comedy.draina, at the Tepee
tonlfht ut bjtlO
iff it TTtJtJYTt 1
vV MAHGiir.wmi claim y
M.'.s r In -. ' r
vIuajiu lATii? 7
Iom Auld. of Omaha was In the .'
city the last of the wet k looking after
biislne's matters anil vWitltig frleiuN.
John MeGulro, Con Harr and Aithnr
and James Oilbcrt attended the ear
nival at Franklin, Thursday evening
Mrs Paul Storey and daughter.
M ss Vernon, loturiiod home Saturday
from Lincoln where they spent n few
Miss Hitii Lauvor. who has been
visiting her aunt. Mrs. Dave Hell, left
Saturday for her home at Kck ley, Colo
ratio. Henry Richmond ami daughter,
Harriot, returned to Otnaha, Satuiday.
after isititig at the ltornurd McXeny
Mis -. . Hill returned to her home
at Hastings. Monday, after visiting a
few days with her mother, Mi. lias
singer. Marlon Mercer was in Downs. Kan
sas, Fiiday, where he played with the
Labanon band at the anniveisary cele
bration. Mis. George Smelser returned home
Suntlay fioin Hiverton where she had
been visiting with her daughter, Mis.
Fred Taylor.
Marlon Mercer and Rev lleebo will
go to Lebanon this evening, where
Mr. Mercer will play with the hand at
their concert.
Mrs. II. X Mnrtlock.of Tulsa, Okla
homa, left lor Hcklcy, Colorado, niter
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Dave Hell,
for a few days.
Fred (tiahaiu ami sister, Miss Sarah.
of Horton, Kansas, returned to their
lionie, Sunday, after visiting with
leiatives hero.
Mr. ami Mrs. lieurgo Harris left
Tuesday via the Ford for points in
Colorado ami Wyoming where they will
enjoy an outing.
Mr. anil Mrs. K. H. Itutler, of Smith
Center spent the (list of the week In
the city with her paronts, Mr, and
Mrs R U. Lcggett.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowtlen ami
family want to Doweese, Tuesday,
whero they will enjoy an outing on
the Little ltluo river.
Will llrooks, Jack StctVeu ami Jim
F'.hciton returned homo Sunday from
Seltlon. Kansas, where they had been
working for the past month.
Some short runs of Low Shoes for
Women Hindis and Tans, in Kids,
Patents anil CaH. While they last
Your choice. SI. 1!'. Minor llios. Co
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maderon of
Mt. Clare were the guests of hor sist
ers, .Mrs. t. u. Mi-Arthur and Miss
Mildred Iieland the last of the week
The season of Lightning and Torna
does is appioaehing. Don't delay too
long for the Insurance you may need,
G. M. YtiiiCamp, General Insurance.
We nre in tin market for 100 to l'J.'t
pounds Shoats at market nrice dnl'iver-
'd at Seiuni Plant. Will pay for do-
livery to plant. -C. II. Miner Scrum
Mrs. S. M. Gail returned to In r
home at Long Island, Kansas, Satui
day morning, after visiting a mouth
witli her brother, J. A. McArthtir
Attorney F. J. Monday spent Sun
day In 1-Mison with ills hi other. Ills
wife and children, who had been isit
ing at that place, accompanied him
Mrs. Harry Stroup returned home
Thursday evening from St. Joe, whit
she lias been visiting hor son, Hvcrett,
who is employed by Xave-McCord
wholesale grocers.
Mr. Well and Mrs. Groves, of Kan
sas City, wlio woic eiirouto to Ilo
publican City to visit her father, Mr
Postern, spent Monthly in the city
with John Foster and daughter, Miss
Eva. '
Clark Stevens and daughter. Miss
Margaret, returned home 'Ihii'sdav
vcning fioin their trip to Indian. i
Mr. Stevens says that tlio crops heie'
look better than those in the Lastem
FnnSw.i: Tin o'd IM. Smi'li plaee1
of 7. 10 acres adjoining (own on winch
will bo found one in idem house, im
nam li'i'i-e, lit,' barn, eity aloi
lights, etc. Price, ssr.wi w lb any
reasonable terms liiqtino of W. II
Roseiiciaiis oi I'j G Iliihaiiau, Lincoln.
Sponges For Baby
This Is The Place To Buy
The Sponge For Baby's Bath
First, because the quality is right; sec
ond, the assortment is so extensive ilia,
you can choose a sponge that will he ex.
adly suitable to baby's needs.
Sponges of all sizes, 5c to $l,
This Hot Weather
We Arc Prepared
TO Fill Your Wants
A Full Line of Underwear
Palm Beach Suits $600 to $900
Big Line of Mens Oxfords $250
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
"I i
attached at front, side hip and back.
There is no corset particularly made for stout women
t lie t is so fashionably cut. Other corsets may reduce the
fmure, but they do not shape it into fashionable lines. Try
this model: we can fit you.
Agent Warner Corsets
Special Music Sale!
commencing jm mmtmmtA. ME! Continuing
Saturday MUgUSt O One Week
All Music Displayed TC DBr COOV
In Our Window vr
Pianos, Talking Machines-Victor, Grafanola, Vocalian
Victor and Columbia Records
I All Things Musical At The Music Shop
I Peterson Building Fourth Ave. Red Cloud
gggg Tues., Aug. 8
Your Girl and Mine
Whalebone Corsets
shape the latest figure fashion
It looks lonuf. but i( is most
(otnforlnblc. You will realize
with one day's wear, if you are
a lartfe woman, that it's the most
Comfortable Corset you have
ever worn.
The material of the corset
skirt extends soft and unboned
several inches beyond the bon
imj, which is genuine Artie
whalebone, recognized by the
fashion makers as the superior
boninjf. It has "Security"
Rubber Button Hose Supporter
Bulterick Patterns
A dramatic feature in 6 parts
Under the auspices of the National
American Woman's Suffrage Ass'n.
"Your Girl and Mine" is a big play
with a big mission, built on a big scale.
It is a whole evenings entertainment
and a very interesting evening at tlir"..
One Day
Matinee 2:30
Night 8:30