RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ! J r M m I'M mi i i Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING t-KDY RTTENDRNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK I INAVALE A. It. Mycin Hint Chiuley Hcnkcl me cutting their wheat this week. iW. H. Taber Treats Hogs At Lincoln Asylum Two head nf 1mh.s ti the hoi.) nt tin Ml),. Chailey .h-irer.v. who litis. Wen ' H4 Iiitn for tin- iiiMiic nt Lincoln died ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING New Passenger Service To Douglas and Casper. Wyoming THE ZONE OF PROSPERITY AND NEW MONDELL LANDS Wo now oponite through passenger train service from tins Bast to Domrliio and Casper, Wj-omlng via Alliance through the North Platte Valley and Wundover. We operate through slanduid sleepers between Oinnlm, Lincoln and Seotts bluff, Douglas and Casper. 21)0,000 ACUKS OK MONDKLL LANDS: This excellent body of hind in IttO ncre tracts is Hituutcil only llvo to ton miles North of Douglas, Wyoming. This aiea Is well grassed and is cpeelally adupteil for uattlemen with small herds nnd for dairy farming. These now Hurllngton through trains take you to Douglas and this kit vice has been Inaugurated to help the settlement and development of thin splendid body or Mondell lands. Write me for particulars; Houiesockcrs excursions to Douglas the first and Kiiril Tuesdays of each month. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent, Itcd Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Wakelcy, General rnssengor Agent HHM Fiirnam Street, Omaha, Nebr. ; g ViV.VAW.WAVWiW.'.VAVAV.V.V 1; Farmers Listen! 1 Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be deceived-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM' ' Give 'us a chance to show yob, that's all. we ask. Demonstrations made ftec Results GUARANTEED. W. H. TABER I tiile sk;U, Is eolisidotable better The I'uloii Choir will meet at the M i:. Chinch, r'lidiiy night at 7:1'.. Mr (Jluii.le Conley and family auto ed to Red Cloud, Saturday attention. Cliiis Hunter is .slowly Improving ai.d is able to sit up 11 shoit time each .lay Mi-s Maude Moranvillc spent a lew iln v. in I ted Cloud la-t week with her lather. Mm tieorge ThotnpMin and wife visit rd w'.th tin' Joyce family andrela t ves ill the Mil Mis. J I'.tilledge, who tetunied fiom Hustings the middle of last week, is doing nleely. Mr. and Mrs. Stk'kney wen to Hast ings. Monday, to islt their son, t)uv who is at the hopital. Supt. Marsh will hold the last Quarterly Conference at tho M. K. Church, July IS, at :i o'clock. Mrs. M. C. Hummel returned Satur day night from Kod Cloud whore she has been visiting for a few weeks. Mrs.. C. B. Joyce Is taking the help ers place at tho depot. Ho being called to McUook, Friday night. Mr. Vatidevort and family spent Sun day at Mr. S. A. Uurwell's with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Linnvell of Powell, Wyoming. Miss Elsie Thompson of Klvcrton, lelt Sunday night for Hillings, Mon tana to visit her brother, Mr. L. W. Thompson, wife and baby. Mrs. L. W. Thompson is ft daughter of II. H. Iloldredge and wife WORE LOCAL ITEfflS ami it whs fimuM cliuk'ru was I lie i'hhh. ifonry Menlcs t.f flu- Mute bniml of c'onttol, liui? expoit of tin board, (lb ro, (tiagnoset tho disease as 'woniis." lie employed . II. Taber of Inavale, lo tie it the hogs 11II1J his theory was e Mitlrmud. The hogs me' nu, doing we I Commandant Wal-h of the hotn for Mildler- at Grand , IsIhihI, leput ted oekne-s Ir. the lienl at that itisfliiil'in, Mr T,i''ev has been sunt thcie to investigate Hum in the yei, the tite hoys at Hie pi-nitHiitinry -n in ti id s'lape nil ae Count of 1 he -atiie aimieiit, but ti iiie weit" lost. Sunday Stite .loutnal Cherry Olives Do not remove s.-tus from cherries used for p'.ckllng. Wuhh the uhenies! and pack tiglity into sterile jais I'our the following mixture ovir one ijuart of cherries; I thblespoonful salt, 3 cup vinegar. Fill up the re maining space In the jar with cold water, l'lace on rubber and cover and seal. .Jars with glass covers are best to use with vinegar, since they will not corrode. Wkitk ok Piionk TO lNAVALF, Num. He will endeavor to show you that they are all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND WUV.V.V.VAV.VVV.V.VAV.V.V.V.VV-V.V.V.".V.V.V. IF YOU WANT POTEST OR A PMER Made Right Lettered Right And Treeted Right SEE: OVERING BROS. & GO. I Makers of Artistic Monumonts Red Clotid, Nebraska I isnaiHiiw . v tti iiiii nauii.inn'arTii 'raw n,w. tt't'l 111 "V1' " ill ' ' "I1" :'r,!ii".mi';' -ss HBNRY COOK, M. D. in DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES .. a 1 mj;u.iE!'mi ;;:"!, :iiiu.;.!mii,ui' . J' 1. Hllll v iiiiiiB'y O. II Miner Mnnniiir Dr. S. S. Urar.torl, M I. etiTliiary la t'liarui) C. H. Miner Serum Co. Anti -I'ltOlH'CIIItS- Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloutlr Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense II. S. Veterinary License No. 45 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud at KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS nKVBLOPBD-lOc NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED Nebraska JtirOri'icE Oven Ai.iiiohts Sioiik Mis. Farmer of Clarence, Missouri, is vlsitlntr with her aunt, Mrs. Fied Wlttwer. The Red Cloud band wilt tflvo its tlist concert tonite. I urn out and hear the boys. Don't tfet married until you have seen "The Kscape" at the Orphcuui, July 11 and l'Jtli. adv Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kldredtfe spent Tuesday In ltlue Hill. "The C'.lrl and The Came" will be shown at the Orpheum next Thursday evening instead of Wednesday, adv Attorney H. S. K06 and J. A. Brad ford were in the uoitheast part of the county today advertising. the Chautau qua. ' - Mrs. C L. Owen and Miss Rmlua Dernhard left Monday for Red Cloud, where they will spend several days visiting at the home of Dr. and Mis. C. B. CrOss.-iWednesday'!, Franklin News Mrs. . it. Hit -.h and children .uatue up from Red Cloud, Saturday even ing, remaining here over Sunday, guests of her Hlstor, Mrs J. C Mai shall, leaving on Sunday morning's No '. for Long Itcuch, Calif , on a visit with her mother, Mrs F. D Hur gess. Monday's McCook Tribune, dipt. Iltuifhii'. who had been in poor health foi sometime, passed mvij ut Ms hume in (iarlleld pieclnct on Wednesday morn lug. A wife hnd several sons and daughters are left to mourn his dentil. He was a captain in tile Coufedei.ite aimy during the Civil wr and was an old settler of tins county. The funxnil s.'rvices wore he'd at th Ore'hreu church iu Gar Held precinct tills aft-rnoon Rev. Wngi tier conducted the -ervices. Mesdtines Clara Sherer, Al Slaby and Frank Rlchaidsou, and the Misses llnssie and liertha Havel, Lela Harrett. I'aith and Mabel Koontz, Anna Rotibal, Reva and Marie Ilarwood, Ada Dayton, Anna Nelson, Luclle Stroupe and Florence .Johnston, and Messrs. Harvey RickeiHon, Aaron Hedge, Newt Delph, .Jack Masters, Fred Slaby, Clare Wolfe, Veinon els, Paul Polnicky, Lew Walters, Clarence and Gene Shadboldt and Mr and Mrs..). A. Burden attend ed the celebration at Inavale, Tuesday. The Nebraska Kxporiment Station has recently issued Itulletln lf(5, being a report of the Valentine Substation on farming practices in the Sand Hills. The Valentine Station was established In l'.MO, to study the special problems of the Sand Hills leulou. This bulle tin covers principle crops, tjpes of agriculture, types of soil, and a report of the experiments carried on at the agriculture of the region. This bulle tin will be sent tiee to residents of Nobraska upon application to Director II. A. Hurnett, htution C, Lincoln, Nebraska. - - Kansas City Market Jill tltll. Cattle finO, steady. Hogs 15500, ft to 100 higher, top 10.10, bulk 0.60 to 10 0:.. July wheat opened higher, UG'jc, tend ency higher. July corn opened higher, 7a 7 He, tendency higher, 73jc. Giving The Housewife More Than She Demands During these days of the highcostof living the shrewd housewife demands her money's worth In all the food she buys. To domiind it is one thing, but to actually receive it is another. You hare a way of detecting short measure, but how do you know you are not receiving inferior quality? In purchasing foodstufFs how do you determine w hether or not you are re ceiving jour full money's worth? Do you buy a certain brand because your mother or grandmother always used it? Science has Improved foodstuffs like everything else. If you use n certain brand because it has proven "satisfact ory to you" how can you be sure that, you are getting the best, keeping abreast witli the times, getting the latest improvements? In decidiuir upon dill'ere nt brands of foodstnirs there is only one way to prove which gives the fullest value nt any price, aud that one way is results thut which proves "Best by Test". A few manufacturers o( food pro due s gu uaiitee to refund your monoy if their brands do not prove best Such linns aud their products should be ntrgiii,e(L Among these are the mak H.rKof Culuuiat Raking Powder. SAVES MILES OF STEPS m 'iiJi?lti?'v f - j- Jijr J I J 1 rfiS hfL"-'gjtf ' CiriillB w Fomotu ttotl Doo tiOQticT Beauty Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer . ! God Farm For Sale My farm two miles'east of 'Cowles is for sale. My price is 810,000. Terms. ii4UW.oo cash and mortgage for balance iHtiC percent. Offer good for 3o days only. , J. II. Farms For Sale Three good farms in Harlan county adjoining the town of Huntley. A II C.Uii'KNTEi:, Agent Notice oT Chattel Mortftafte Sale. .Notice Is hereby nlvtn that by virtue of a chattel inortaiif, tinted on the tuth it.iy of April. I'Jl.i, aiKiilul) tiled aud recorded In tliu ofllcuot the County Clerk of Webster Coun ty. Nebraska, on the '.SHh day of April. 1915. and executed by V. It. Muoro to Henry l.'lteurciix, (and mild, assigned and net over by IhcHald Henry I.'lloureux to the Farmers State llnnk of Campbell, Nebraska, on the '28th day of April, imii) toiecure tho payment of the Hum of 100.00, and upon which there iHiiowdue thehiunof s;rifu, default having been made In tho payment of H.ild num. and no null or other proctedlm; at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part then-tit, therefore the undersigned will sell the property therein described, vl.: I Stallion aged 10 yrs (now 17 yra) tolor Iilack, named "IMrnsol", I Msn-aved Tyrs (now 8 yrs) Color Hay, named "Maude", I Horse auedo yrs (nowfi yrs) Color lllaek, named ".Seal", I -Mare lined i yrs (now :i yrs) Color lllaek. at public auction, In IN.WAI.K, WKUSl'CIt COl'NTY. M'.IIItASIiA. 011 the 7th day of .ll'I.Y. lUin. at ! o'clock V. M. of said Hay. runners State Hank of Campbell, Nebraska. AMluuecuf MorlK.iKic. Dated.luno'JIst, ISlfi. C. It, Stasenka, Attorney. .o.ivsivt-l Sfi FIRE Not Silence, but ADVERTISING. Is Golden to the Business Man. THE ALARM is a d read fill thini; OF FIRE for the man without insurance, livery time he sees the engines racing along his heatt comes up in his throat if the tire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be j considered. The freedom from worry : alone is worth ir maiiv times over Have 11s Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. OPEN AIR SERVICES Sunday Evening on the Congregational Church Lawn k wir.:- j; -Subject Matrimonial Blunders of, Women PC Vi 4 Services Sunday Morning : '&t' the Christian Church I Have Started to Handle I I F 1 DC f IOC j Loaves I DELIVERED TO 1 YOUR HOME I BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS FROM HASTINGS WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OP YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and I Jr j Boles varnisn PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds .Wil,jt ire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. GaLrber OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory CoNhUU-.mnx v Knmiin'U'iox Kiii:k 'Osteopathy tho Sconce of Healing j by Adjustment." Given to iho J World hy A. T. Still, A. D. IsTi. ncEirc aven cuim cuap - . v,a.K u.hiiii onWE OIVKC Iknn I'iionks RED CLOUD, NBBIt. THE CHIEFONE FIFTY A YEAR. 1 J t A -1 rw i k 4 V v - -L! wj-wt;" ,t iytTi4'fWtfVWt-. -TWK4 m jwrrtjwnr