? RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 5 I w )l a si Li STRONG NOTE 3ENT TO VIENNA AS RESULT OF ATTACK ON 8HIP. CALLED INSULT TO AMERICA Washington Government Demandt Punlihment of Submarine Cormnan , der and Payment of an Indemnity Refutes to Accept Excuses. VViiHhlUKlon, June.' .I0. The Btnto ilo imrtiiHMit iiiiiiIu public on UVdni'wIiiy tills piuTiuiit'iit's note to Austria-Hun-Kiiry In tin' tii"o (if tin; Sliimlunl OH timkor I'i'trolltc. That vessel wiih ill tackril liy tin Austrian HUbiimrlnu Du cumber 21. 11)15. Thu iiutu Ih thti MrmiKCHt yet (k'llv ckmI hi tin' coal nil powers. TIiIh KoMTimioiit, tlic note wij'H, re Kimls the attack iti thu lVtnilltu ns a (k'lllicrati! Insult to thu American Hun niul an Invasion of American rights. The (leinaiiilH of the United Status tiro: 1 An apology. 2 The coinmaiitler of the mihmiirlne to he punished. it That reparation ho ninth) for the Injuries sustained hy thu payment of an Indemnity. It In Indicated to Austria that she would iiiiiku Immediate and ample amends. Thu state department denies every nllcKittlon heretofore set up hy Austria In defense of the action of her subma rine commander. Thu Austrian claim that the I'ctro llte's captain voluntarily kuvu up sup plies taken from thu steamer hy the submarine commander Is llatly contra dicted, ns are the claims that warning shots were llred nemss the l'etrollte's how before It was shelled, mill that Its appearance was such as to Justify thu submarine commander In mistaking It for a cruiser. Thu attack on the I'etrollte. a Stand rd Oil tanker, occurred In the Mediter ranean on December fi. A protest sent soon afterward, on preliminary reports from the tanker's captain and crew, liroticlit the Austrian communication to which the new American note replies. 5 AUTOISTS KILLED BY TRAIN Residents of Wisconsin Lose Lives When Machine Is Struck by Pas senger Near Warren, III. Duhnipie, la., Junu IK). Five persons were Instantly killed and one fatally Injured when an automobile In which they weru rldliiK wus struck hy an Illinois Central east-bound fast pas hunger train at n crossing one mile west of Warren, III., 'M miles east of lieru on Wednesday. The dead: Patrick Deery, retired farmer, forty, Darlington, Wis.; Mrs. Patrick Deery, thirty-live; their two children, aged six mouths and six years; Petu Howe, thirty, Darlington, Wis. A. D. Capelle, music dealer nt War ren, llfty-llvu years old, was perhaps fatally Injured. The auto was stalled on the tracks when tho train rounded n curve. The crash was unavoidable and the occu pants of thu auto had no chance to es cape. LIEBKNECHT SENT TO 'JAIL Socialist Leader in Germany Sentenced to Thirty Months In Prison Dis missed From Army. Ilcrlln, via London, Juno HO. As n result of n trial on charges of high treason, gross Insubordination and re sistance to authorities, Karl Lieu knecht, thu Socialist leader, got HO mouths and dismissed from tho army. Doctor Llehknecht, whose criticisms of tho government In speeches In tho relchstag previously had led to his expulsion from tho Socialist party In that body, was arrested on May 1 during the demonstration, and since lias been held In custody, the relchs tag having on May 11 by a vote of 22li to 111 declined to order his release. lie has been licensed not only of taking part in but arranging thu demonstration at which, it Is alleged, cries of "Down with tho war" and "Down with thu kaiser" were raised by the excited demonstrators HITS CORN PRODUCTS FIRM Dissolution of Company and Allied Concerns Is Ordered by U, S. Court. New York, Junu 27. Dissolution of the Corn Products Hetlnlng company find Its nlllod concerns, as an Illegal combination In restraint of trade, was directed by Federal Judge Learned N. Hand In a decision tiled on Saturday sustaining tho complaint of the govern ment. Under tho decree thu federal trade commission will arrange the de tails for the dissolution. American Marine Is Slain. Washington, June !I0. One Ameri can Hildicr was killed and another wounded in an engagement reported hy Hear Admiral Caperton between United States marines and Santo Do mingo rebels. Iowa Girl Dies In South. Mobile, Ala., June .'10. Miss Uetilnh W. Yarger, twenty-six, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Yarger. prominent residents of Ilurllngton, la., died here. She nnd been In Mobile two months for her health. ro HE KNOWS I You're i CRAZY I I TRIED I ) I THAT J ff '. i j""1 fe.A? Ir-!V INDORSE C. E. HUGHES PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL COMMIT TEE FOLLOWS ROOSEVELT. Colonel Gives Vljws In Letter to the Body Six Members Opposed to Suggestion. Chicago, June 28. After a day of wrangling thu Progressive natloiml committee voted on Monday to Indorse Charles Kvnus Hughes for president. Thirty-two members of the commit tee supported the Indorsement resolu tion olfered hy James It. (larllcld of Ohio. Six voted against It and nine declined to vote. Thu action, which was taken In ac cordance with the wishes of Theodore Iloosevelt, as expressed In n letter to the committee, marked the demise of the Progressive party. While tho national executive coin mlttcu was instructed to co-operate in the Hughes campaign It was admitted thu full national committee never would have another meeting. The resolution us llnally adopted after seven hours of debate was us follows: "Whereas, Tho statement Issued hy this committee In January and thu platform adopted by the Progressive national convention set forth that put ting asldu all partisan considerations in view of existing world and national conditions wo would work with uny man or party who saw the nation's need and put forth n leader lit to meet It and "Whereas, Wo bellevo with Colonel Itooscvelt that In nominating Charles K. Hughes of New York tho Republic an party has put forth such a lender, we Indorse and concur In the recom mendation of Colonel Iloosevelt that we support Mr. Hughes." U-BOAT SINKS TWO WARSHIPS Italian Cruiser and French Destroyer Torpedoed by German Sub marine. Paris, June 27. The minister of ma rine announces that the Italian aux iliary cruiser Cltta dl Messina and the French torpedo-boat destroyer Fourche have been torpedoed In the Strait of Otranto. Tho Clttu dl Movcinn, which was be ing escorted hy the Fourche, was the llrst victim of the submarine. The Fourche later attacked the un derwater boat, which submerged and disappeared. Shortly afterward the Fourche itself was torpedoed. FLASHES OFF THE WIRE Vienna, June 27. The torpedoing of two Italian warships in the Strait of Otranto was announced by the admi ralty. London, Juno 27. J. Hruro Isniay, former managing director of the White Star line, has resigned his directorship In the International Mercantile Marine. Home, Junu 27. Two Austrian transports have been sunk in the har bor of Durazzo hy the Italians. The transports weru loaded with troops, arms and ammunition. More Trucks for Funston. San Antonio. Tex., June HO. Wnr department advices to Ceneral Fun ston Included nntillcntlou that '.," mo tor n ticks had been sent to him. There are already In service 010 motor trucks. Austrian Airmen Bomb Adrla. Vienna, June HO. Two Austro-llun-garlan naval aeroplanes have bom hiuded military works and factories In the Italian city of Adrla, thu war olllco announced. Adrla Is on a rail road f2 miles northeast of Bologna, Tflfclrarri Cl l TAKE ALL OF BUKOWINA RUSSIANS HAVE POSSESSION OF ENTIRE PROVINCE. Petrograd Officially Announces Cap ture of Five Towns and 2,000 More Teuton Prisoners. London, Juno 27. All Hukowlim Is In the hands of the Russians. Thu last of tho crownlaud of approximately 7,700 square miles was taken on Sun day, completing the capture In less than four weeks of campaigning. Two thousand more prisoners hnvo been added to the 17f,000 alrendy taken by the great ltusslan offensive, and n vast amount of loot has been taken. The lust of (Jenernl Pllanzer's straggling army has been driven into the Carpathians on tho south or thrown back upon their German allies along the Callclan border. The olllclal report from Petrognul announces the ltusslan occupation of the villages of Klllkhof and Toulokhof, west of Snlatyn, which with the cap ture of Klmpolung, Kuty and Vlscnltz In tho past two days completes tho oc cupation of thu territory. WILL 0RPET TAKES STAND Declares That Bottle He Had, Which Is Produced In Court, Contained Molasses and Water. Waukegan, III., Juno 28. Wllllum Orpet on Monday told his long-awaited story of tho peculiar circumstances of thu tragic death of Marlon Lambert the culmination of their "puppy love." In their rambling walk through Helm's woods on the morning of Feb ruary I) Marian talked almost exclu sively of her alleged delicate condi tion, Orpet said. He bad brought with him, he said, a largo bottle contain ing a mixture of molnsses und water. It would do her no harm and no good, except what possible solace It might be to her mental condition. Shu re fused to drink of it and he threw It away In Ids panicky Might after she died. Tho bottle was found by Ken neth II. Hawkins and II. G. Caiiln. It was produced In court by Mr. Hawk Ins. It Is the defense's reply to the state's contention that Orpet brought cyanide of potassium to Helm's woods and induced Marian to take It under the pretense that It was medicine which would relievo her. PANCH0 VILLA STILL ALIVE Washington Hears Man Responsible for Mexican Crisis Is Dicker ing With Carranza. Washington, June 28. Pnncho villa, whose laid on Columbus, N. M brought on the Mexican crisis, not only Is alive but now Is dickering with Carranza to Join his forces against the United States, according to pri vate advices reaching the state depart ment. These advices, the source of which was not divulged, stated that Villa Is at F.scalon, near Parral. llo Is de clared to have offered Carranza an army of several hundred If the llrst chief will take him hack and give him a command In his army. Russ Evacuate Turk Town. Constantinople, June 20. Thu forti fied town of Chllan, which the Itus sinus captured on their offensive drive, has b'en evacuated as a result of Turkish counter-attacks, tho wnr olllco announced. Shell German Ships. Paris, Junu 20. Threo French uero planes, armed with cannon recently provided by thu war oltlce, hurled Ki shells on German ships off the coast of Belgium Monday, thu war olllcu announced. OFFICERS 1 MANY NATIONALITIES A83EM. BLED AT CAMP MOREHEAD. NO NEED OF SPECIAL SESSION Items of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around the. State House. Western Newp;per L'nlnn News Servlc. All guardsmen look alike to tho ma jority of curious sightseers nt tho mobilization camp. Unless one Is famil iar witli military affairs he Is Ignorant of tho distinctions of rank which are scrupulous Institutions of the ramp. A colonel mnv bo Known by tho sil ver eagles worn on his shoulder, or collnr. A major's insignia Is a gold leaf worked in h!s collar. Two silver bars on tho collar or shoulders Indi cate n captain, one n second lieutenant and a soldier in olllcer's uniform, hut without such bars, Is a second lieuten ant. The chaplain's insignia is a metal cross. Commissioned officers, thnt is, lion tennnts and higher, wear leather leg rings, which to tho uninitiated niny distinguish them from non-connnhi-tioned olilcers, corporals and ser geants. A Bcrgcant wears three stripes on (he arm of his uniform, a corporal only two. A small square under the strlpo distinguishes a first lieutenant, and a triangle a quartermaster sergeant. Of course, a soldier is sensitive ns to his rank. In regimental organiza tion, thu olilcers rank ascends as fol lows: Corporal, duty sergeant, quar termaster sergeant, llrst sergeant, sec ond lieutenant, llrst lieutenant, enp tnln, major (commanding n battalion of four companies), lieutenant colonel and colonel. No Need of Special Session. Governor Morohend has no Intention whatever to call a special session of the Nebraska legislature to appropriate more money for mobilization of na tional guard troops. Neither has ho authorized any un usual measures such ns borrowing money to meet tho situation. Ho hns not even approved claims for supplies, transportation or nny other kind of expense Incurred In assembling the guard at Lincoln. As tho governor views it, these are matters for tho federal authorities to take caro of. The United Stntcs gov ernment hns called tho state troops Into Its own service, and congress has appropriated money for tho necessary expense. Therefore, contractors who furnish supplies, transportation, horses or any thing else for the present military undertaking will hnvo to look to tho United States far their pay. They will havo no trouble In getting it, as tho wnr department expects to hear the expense and is not asking tho state to use their funds. Many Nationalities Represented. noys of all nationalities are assem bling nt Camp Morohend boys whoso parents wcro born fnr from Undo Sam's domain, but who aro Just as loyal to It as they can be. In the number aro Germans and Englishmen and Frenchmen and Greeks and Swedes and Danes and Irishmen, and all the rest. In the Beatrlco company there nre forty-two Germans out of seventy men. Tho Ne braska City company hns thirty-five Germans on Ub rolls and twenty or more Danes. Tho Ord company con tains threo or four squnds of militant Irish, the Hastings company hns a number of ardent English nnd tho Blue Hill company la said to have soveral boys of French descent upon its list. Mrs, Knotts is Acting Secretary. Mrs. Minnie P. Knotts, who for a number of years hns served as li brarian of the Stnte Historical socloty, nnd who since the death of C. S. Paino has been acting secretary will contlnuo In thnt capacity until next fall. A meeting of tho board of direc tors of tho society was held Saturday afternoon but final action delayed until tho next meeting of tho board, which will be held October 10. Several ap plicants for tho position wero consid ered but with ono exception no vote was taken upon tho applications Bishop George A. Hcecher, of Hast ings, chaplain of tho Fifth regiment, Nebraska national guard, Is ono of tho striking figures on tho enmp grounds. Clad in 1i!b uniform his massivo figure looms large when he Is seen In com pany with officers of ordlnnry size. Ho Is so much over six feet that ho ap pears gigantic. He weighs about 240 pounds. Ho devoted some of his jounger days to athlotlcs and It is un derstood among his fell ow officers of tho gunrd that ho may truly bo clnssed ns n fighting chaplain, particularly in n boxing match. Tho estimated total value of all tho property of tho University of No- ( fcraskn, not Including endowment funds and lands, Is $2,700,000, of which $1,850,000 Is lauds and buildings and $850,000 is general movable equipment. The board of regents nt their last moot ing, directed that a system of control bo dovlscd so thnt the central ofllco would know nt all times whnt tho unl rersity owns, whero evory Itom Is nnd tho present vnluo of every Itom is. A. O. Johnson, tho university efficiency exjert, has Just Installed such a sys tern. QUALIFYING FOR ENLISTMENT. Physical Examination of the State National Guards. Physical examination of members of tho Nebraska national guard to test their Amass for service in the United States army was held by eighteen surgeons under direction of Captain Gcntty of the regular army, from Fort Leavenworth. As each mnn pnsses the physical tests, he is inoculated with nptl-typhold serum. The serum enn do no serious harm, but tho guardsmen Is warned not to Indulge in Btrenuous exercise for several hours nfter receiving tho treat ment. Each man is practically half an hour under thu ordeal of examination and Inoculation. General Hall, ns chief disbursing of ficer for tho federal government, re ceived word that unlimited funds are it his disposal for the preparing nnd moving of the troops. Majors Arthur Haysel and J. M. Hlikner of tho state 3fho ure to he mustered In to aid him in preparing to move the men. Acreage of Crops. Secretary Mellor, of tho stnte board of agriculture, makes tho following partial report on crop ncrengo for Ne braska this year: The llrst seven summaries of agricultural statistics re ceived by tho stato hoard of agrlcul turo wero from Adams, Colfax, Gos per, Madison, Otoe, Polk and Thayer counties. In the four principal crops of each of these counties, snld crops consisting of corn, winter whent, oats and alfalfa, nre 1,352,038 acres planted, as against 1,310,070 last year. In theso counties tho ncreago sown to winter wheat Is I00.2S4, as against 131,533 last year. Corn 013.233. against CS 1,792 In 1915. Oats 219,093, against 205,553 a year ago. Alfalfa 92, 423, against 88,201. Will Assume Active Charge. Adjutant General Hall, head of th" Nebraska state militia, whoso com mand will automatically terminate with the federalizing of the state troops, has been elected cptain of Company H, Fifth Nebraska regiment. The company Is composed largely of Fairfield men. Henry F. Kramer of Lincoln was elected first lieutenant, Isaac W. Evans of Fairfield, former captain of the company, nccepted a second lieutenancy. General Hall was notified of his election by Colonel Herbert J. Paul. Ho immediately ac cepted and will assume active charge of the company as soon as he can bo relieved from duty In Nebraska us dis bursing olllcer. Healthy Condition of State Banks. A statement issued by Secretary Royse of the stato banking board showing tho condition of stnte hanks at the close of business May 29, shows that deposits on that date aggregated $141,557, an Increase of $11,500 In threo months. The deposits In state banks when they grew steadily were boasted of, but for a year they havo been going up by leaps and bounds. Several months ago Secretary Iloyse Issued a statement calling attention to the fact that hankers in other states wero placing funds on deposit In Nebraska stato banks because they aro ahlo to got a good rate of interest and be cause of the fact that deposits In Ne braska stato bnnks aro protected In considerable measure by a depositors' guaranty fund that now amounts to over $1,000,000. Will Walt for Full Reqlment. Progress In work of mustering tho Nebraska national guardsmen Into federal servlco indicnto that no plans are being laid to send any units south from tho 'Lincoln mobilization camp until a complete regiment is ready which may be scvoral days yet. Tho fact thnt extra equipment is being sent to Lincoln for tho two regiments indi cates that they will not be rushed to tho bordor until they nro fully equipped and each mnn carefully ex amined for physical defects. Need an Army of Harvesters. A new pamphlet setting forth crop conditions and tho estimated needs for harvest hands in the different coun ties of Nebraska has been issued by Labor Commissioner Coffey ns an of ficial document of his department. It contains crop statistics of a year ago and acreage for this year, as well as n tahlo showing how many harvest hands will be required In vnrlous counties and directions about whom to commun icate with for Information on getting employment. Tho labor commissioner, reinforced by the opinion of Secretary Mellor of tho stato board of agriculture, an nounces that on account of cool, wot weather running through tho lato spring nnd early summer there will probably bo little grain cut In tho state before tho Fourth of July, or about ten days later than tho usual time of harvest. All tho food used so far at Camp Morohead has been partaken of raven ously by tho men, and well It might be, nccordlng to Mnjor Falconer, for It was tho best obtainable on the market. If tho employment of a child under 14 years of ngo is tho proximate cause of Injury to such a child, then tho em ployer Is llnblo In dnmnges for the In juries sustained. So rules the Ne braska supremo court in an opinion reversing and remanding the suit of Ora Hnokstool, by his next friend, Lillian Sheets, against tho Cudahy Packing Co. Young Hookstool, who was 13 years of ago, was struck on tho head by a descending olevntor nt tho Cudahy packing plant, his scalp torn md nil teeth knocked out LookForThis Name 9, - On Packages Olives Pickles Libby't S wett.Sour and Dill Pickles ate piquant and film. Your summer meals and picnic baskets aie not com plete without them. tmhl on Libby' $ alyout groctr'i. Libby, M'Ne'ill A Libby Chicago N m IIIIIIIU WI ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE THAT WE HAVE SAVED 50 ON A DOZEN RILLS OF LUMBER sold In the last 30 days. Can srlve names snd addresses upon request. We also sell POSTS Wo own and control more trackage and yardago than any other lumber concern here. Our shipments Into distant states aro DIRECT FROM THE MILLS We pay thefrelunt or you pay it and deduct from Invoice. You may unload and Inspect beforo sending the cash. When wrltlni: for prices cive reference as many lumbermen seek information under misleading names. We ask you to do this for your protection. FARMER'S LUMBER CO. 34 lb and lloyd OMAHA. NEB. Established 26 Yaare Our company Is organized and con ducted expressly tor the farmer. COMPLETE NEW FIREPROOF HOSPITAL 1, Mc.llcul; 3. Stirclrrtls 3, ObMetrlrall i, l.iitHirutory! H, A-Hay Dvpnrtmouts. Trnlnlnu school fnr nurses in cnonccUon. (len to nil ri'putn'jlii ptirlMniis. tor further lufurmatlon address A. A. SMITH, M. D., Sartjton Mary Laiinlru: Memorial Hospital HASTINGS, MKII. Adapted. "I think Alaska would mnke an Ideal Miminer resort." "You've lieuu reading about the cli inute?" "No; about tho price." Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN. RooniH from 11.00 up single, 75centn up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE. Byers Bros. & Go. RATIRF,AC.TORV STCRVTCR f LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM SOUTH OMAHA .Better Try Them With Your Next Business REPAIRS" FURNACES BOILERS and STOVES Please order through your noarost doalor. Quick shipments our hobby. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, OMAHA, NEB. FILMS DEVELOPED Wt bare one of tbe best equipped flntshlnc depart ments In the country and the dims you send us foi dereloplDg, printing or enlarging will be handled by experts whe will est the best possible results foi you. A trial order will convince you oi the superior Quality ol our work LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLT CO IKAStuiAU Kodak tu. 1217 0 St., Dept. K. Llacoln. Nebraska ForallStovet, Ranges, Fur. nacei. Steam and Hot Water Plants If your locl lmler will not innpty you, write us illrrct, KlvlliK till liuitin. LINCOLN STOVE REPAIR CO., Boltui Block, Liscols, Nek. THE LINDELL HOTEL EUROPEAN LINCOLN, NEB. OENTER OF THINGS ACTIVE Room $1.00 -With Balb $1.50 K. W. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager and note the increase in the size of your check. LINCOLN PURE BUTTER CO. S f.VoOilt ltMtllUinrn Wrlln fur i np H i H tt fj ivMWM r an iYi quality mark (or exception 1 Hy good table dsintict. I Out Mammilla and Quern Olivet, I plain oi stuffed, ate from the famous I olive groves in Spain, r la? tec'' 5I0VE REPAIRS ISHIP US 1 ( l bis liook or Truth nd Vaota Tu-lta. ' SsIliUMResM4C.JDei.C.NtlS,0etrkniSt.,Ctka(